人間情報科学特論期末レポート Human Information Science Term

Human Information Science Term Report
Spring Semester, 2011
©Yuichiro Anzai
Human Information Science Spring Semester, 2011
Term Report
• Select one (or more) of the three items shown in
the following pages.
• Submit a term report for it by email or to Dept. of
Information anc Computer Science secretary
(Building 25, 1st Floor).
• The deadline is August 26 (Fri.), 2011.
• The report must be written in English, with no
limit for the number of pages.
• Please do not forget to give your ID on the first
©Yuichiro Anzai
1. Models of Learning
for Pattern Information Processing Systems
a. Select whether a simple three-layer perceptron, or a
simple any-layer* backpropagation network, for simulating
learning patterns. (* Fine with just three-layer.)
b. Write a program for executing learning sets.
c. Execute sample programs, preferably those that simulate
simple human information processing processes.
d. Include in the report a summary of the above, hopefully
with lists of programs and sample outputs, and your
comments and thoughts.
e. Add any of your messages and general thoughts on
cognitive science.
©Yuichiro Anzai
2. Models of Learning
for Symbolic Information Processing
a. Consider any simple adaptive production system, and
define its grammar.
b. Write an interpreter for executing programs of the system.
c. Execute sample programs by the interpreter, preferably
those that simulate simple human information processing
d. Include in the report a summary of the above, hopefully
with lists of programs and sample outputs, and your
comments and thoughts.
e. Add any of your messages and general thoughts on
cognitive science.
©Yuichiro Anzai
3. Write up your thoughts on some specific agenda in
cognitive science
a. Select any stimulating topic in cognitive science research.
b. Choose a research article, or an academic book, related to
the topic, read it with critical thinking.
c. Write an extended summary with your extensive analysis
and thought.
d. Also write your general thought on cognitive science.
e. Add any of your messages for cognitive science and its
possible applications.
©Yuichiro Anzai