Emergent Language in 3

Emergent Language in
3-5 Year Olds
Sandra Doran, Ed.D.
Associate Superintendent of Education
Florida Conference of SDA
A child speaking is an esthetic event.
Through learning to talk, children learn how
to do well in society. And as they learn, they
create beauty.
--Robert Hopper and Rita Narremore, Children’s Speech:
A Practical Introduction to Communication Development.
Pre-school children
are beginning to attend to the sounds
of the language.
Pre-school children enjoy using language
to develop their imaginations.
Preschool children use language to
figure out their world.
Fostering language development
in young children
 Phonology:
The Sounds of our Language
 Language-Rich
of words.
Environment: The beauty
How do children learn a language?
Phonemic Awareness in Young Children
Marilyn Jager Adams
Sounds Abound
Hugh Catts, Tina Vartiainen
Environmental Sounds
Once there was an elephant,
Who tried to use the telephant—
No! No! I mean an elephone
Who tried to use the telephone—
(Dear me! I am not certain quite
That even now I’ve got it right.)
Howe’er it was, he got his trunk
Entangled in the telephunk;
The more he tried to get it free,
The louder buzzed the telephee—
I fear I’d better drop the song
Of elephop and telephong!
Word Parts
Categorization Tasks
Blending Tasks
Syllable splitting task
Types of Language in the Classroom
#1. Talking to control behavior.
 Both
teacher and child know that they
already know the answers.
 The teacher is steering the child through a
match game, checking to see if she knows
the answers.
#2. Talking to manipulate towards a
pedagogical end.
 Any
kind of classroom talk that is
unnatural, that is directed toward
pedagogical ends and not toward
communication with children, is dishonest.
 “Teacher Talk.”
 “Pedagogical Register.” Higher pitch,
exaggerated enunciation and intonational
#3. Talking out of genuine interest.
 The
language is not contrived by the
teacher to make her point.
 It is allowed to range, as natural
conversation often does, from topic to
topic as attention shifts focus.
 Functionally rich talk.
 Children interact with each other as well
as the teacher.
Promote a language-rich
 Show
children their talk is valued.
 Give children things to talk about.
 Give children opportunities to talk in a
variety of ways.
 Give children many times during the day to
 Give children words to use in their talk.
Listen to kids! They have a lot to teach us.