5. Control-flow design representations 制御の流れの設計表現 The structure chart(構造図) The Jackson Structure Diagram(Jackson構造図) The flowchart(フローチャート ) The Nassi-Shneiderman diagram( NassiShneiderman図) The Production Rule Notation (PRN)(生産規則 記号) The Java-based pseudocode(Javaの擬似コード) 5.1 The structure chart(構造図) The structure chart is a tree-like structure diagram that supports the top-down design. The structure chart uses the following three components:(構造図は、木のような形で、 top-down 設計を支え る。構造図は、次の三つの分品を使う) The box is used to represent a function or procedure.(箱は機能 又は操作を表す) The arc between a high level procedure and a low level procedure denotes a procedure invocation.(弧は操作の呼び出すを表す) The side-arrows represent data flows in terms of parameterpassing. The side-arrows are optional to use, depending on how detailed information about the system needs to be shown on the chart.(側面の矢印はデータの流れを現す) The graphical representation A a6 a1 a4 B C a3 a2 B1 B2 D a5 a8 C1 a7 D1 D2 Procedure A invokes B, C, and D(操作Aは操作B,C,Dを呼び出す); procedure B invokes B1 and B2;procedure C invokes C1; and procedure D invokes D1 and D2. Example of a structure chart without side-arrows (側面の矢印を持っていない構造図) Personal Expenses Management System Take Input Command Input Item Data Register Items Display Single Item Register Item Output Confirmation Message Display All Items Obtain All Items Data Calculate Total Make Item Table Example of a structure chart with side-arrows (側面の矢印を持っている構造図) Personal Expenses Management System total-amount command Take Input Command Input Item Data Register Items Display Single Item Register Item Output Confirmation Message Display All Items Calculate Total items-table all-items-list Obtain All Items Data Make Item Table Important points about the structure chart(構造図についての重要点) The structure chart usually supports top-down design, but it does not necessarily mean it cannot support bottom-up design.(構造図 は一般にtop-down設計を支えるが、 bottom-up設計を支えない訳 ない) The decomposition of a high level procedure is a collection of lower level procedures that are invoked by the high level process during its execution.(高いレベルの操作を分解した結果は、呼び 出される低いレベルの操作の集合である) There is no indication of the order of invoking low level procedures by a high level procedure.(構造図は低いレベルの操作を呼び出 す順番を示していない) It is usually difficult to draw many side-arrows, and therefore very inconvenient in modeling complex invocations of low level procedures. (側面の矢印が多くと、構造図は複雑になってしまう。 そのため、複雑な設計には、側面の矢印を持つ構造図の構築は 難しい) 5.2 The Jackson Structure Diagram(Jackson構造図) The Jackson Structure Diagram is a notation used in JSP (Jackson Structured Programming), which was invented by Michael Jackson. (Jackson構造 図は、Michael Jacksonに発明され、JSPに使わ れる表現である) This diagram is similar to the structure chart, but has additional expressive power: it also describes the sequence, selection, and iteration of procedure invocations. (Jackson構造図は、構造図に似ている が、もっとアルゴリズムらしい表現である) The basic forms of Jackson Structure Diagram: (基本表現:) Task1 Task2 Task3 Task4 Sequence This diagram denotes that Task1 is implemented by the sequence construct written in Structured English: Task2; Task3; Task4; (この図は、Task1の機能が、Task2、Task3,Task4の順次的な実行と して定義することを表す) Task1 Task2 Task3 Selection This diagram represents that Task1 is implemented by the choice construct given in Structured English: if C /*C is added during the translation */ then Task2 else Task3 end-if (この図は、Task1の機能が、Task2とTask3から構成された選択構造 として定義することを表す) Task1 Task2 * Iteration This diagram describes that Task1 is implemented by the iteration construct in Structured English: while C do /*C is added during the translation*/ Task2; Update control variable; end-while (この図は、Task1がTask2から構成された反復構造として定義するこ とを表す。) Example Register Items Register One Item Register Item Name Register As Food Register Item Price Register As Others * Register Item Shop Register Item Date 5.3 The Flowchart ( The flowchart is a graphical notation that describes control flows among functions, possibly under certain conditions. The flowchart is more suitable for detailed design, since rather detailed information of an algorithm is usually provided, such as conditions and the order of executions of functions. However, the Hierarchical Flowchart can also be used for abstract design. The basic components of the flowchart condition (a) Diamond Task (b) Rectangle (c) arrow Diamond denotes a condition; rectangle denotes a function; and arrow represents a control flow. The basic forms of the flowchart yes task1 task2 Sequence no yes C task1 task2 Choice no C task1 Iteration C v1 Task1 v2 v8 Task2 Task8 Multiple selection Example total = 0; foodTotal = 0; clothTotal = 0; othersTotal = 0; no End of expenses-file? Output foodTotal; Output clothTotal; Output othersTotal; Output total Read item yes no is-Food(item)? foodTotal += item.price yes yes is-Cloth(item)? clothTotal += item.price Make the next item ready no othersTotal += item.price Hierarchical flowcharts Hierarchical flowcharts are built by decomposing high level functions into lower level flowcharts. Let us first look at an abstract description of a hierarchical flowcharts, and then look at a specific example. yes c1 no 1 no c2 yes 2 3 (a) the top level flowchart 1.1 3.1 no c3 yes c4 no yes 3.2 1.2 3.3 1 Obtain all items purchased at the given shop from the expenses-file 2 Calculate the total cost of these items (a) the top level flowchart End of expenses-file? yes yes no no 1.1 Get the next item item.shop = the given shop? End of the item list? 2.1 Get next item from the list no 2.2 total += item.price yes 1.2 Put the item on the item list (c) the decomposition of task 2 (b) the decomposition of task 1 5.4 The Nassi-Shneiderman diagram (N-S diagram) (N-S図) The N-S diagram is similar to the flowchart, but doesn’t use arrows. ( NS図は、フローチャートに似ているが、制御の流れを表現する矢印を 使わない) The motivations of inventing N-S diagram:(N-S図を開発した 動機) Enforce the use of only single-entry and single-exit constructs to ensure that designed programs are all structured programs.(一つの入 り口と出口を持つプログラム構造のみを使わせることにより、構造 化プログラムを作成することを保証する) Use graphical notation with less space than the flowchart. (少ない紙 面を占める図を使うことにより、設計の紙面を節約する) 5.4.1 The basic components of the N-S diagram if condition Task1 if condition T F Task2 Task1 No task T F Task1 Task2 Task3 Sequence case of value1 e value2 Task1 if-then choice Task2 if-then-else choice while condition value3 Task3 Mulitiple selection Task1 Iteration (while-do) Example(事例) total = 0; foodTotal = 0; clothTotal = 0; othersTotal = 0; while not end of expenses-file Read item is-Food(item) T F is-Cloth(item) T foodTotal += item.price F clothTotal += item.price othersTotal += item.price Make the next item ready Output total; Output foodTotal; Output clothTotal; Output othersTotal 5.5 The Production Rule Notation (PRN) (生産規則記号PRN) PRN is a textual notation for program design, with the following features:(PRNは、次の特徴を持つテキスト言語である) It offers an effective mechanism for defining operations in a topdown manner. (トップドン設計を支え、操作を定義する有効な仕組 みを提供している) It is suitable for both abstract and detailed design.(PRNは、抽象設 計と詳細設計に使用できる) It uses much less space than the graphical notations, such as the Structure chart, Jackson Structure Diagram, Flowchart, and N-S Diagram.(図の言語と比べて、設計紙面を大幅に節約する) It can be easily transformed into code (program written in a specific programming language).(コードへ変換しやすい) 5.5.1 The representation of an operation(操作の表現) The fundamental concept in PRN is operation. An operation has the following possible forms:(PRNの基本要 素は、「操作」という。操作は次の四つの形式を取れる) <OP> /*operation without input and output(入力とし出力がな い操作)*/ [I1, I2, …, In]<OP> /*input-only operation (入力のみを持つ操 作)*/ <OP>[O1, O2, …, Om] /*output-only operation(出力のみを持つ 操作)*/ [I1, I2, …, In]<OP>[O1, O2, …, Om] /*operation with both input and output(入力と出力を持つ操 作*/ Example(事例) (1) <Check Errors> (2) [item-name]<Find All Items>[items-list] (3) [book-title, price]<Input> (4) <Display Totals>[foodTotal, clothTotal, othersTotal> 5.5.2 The definition of operation (操作の定義) An operation OP is defined in the form:(操作を次の形で定 義する) OP ---> Statement end-op The Statement has two types: basic and compound statements(二つの種類のStatementがある。基本 と複合Statementである) The basic statements (基本Statements) Operation /*this means to call or invoke an operation (操作の呼び出し)*/ Example: [item-name]<Find All Items>[items-list] <V := E> /*assignment statement(代入文)*/ <Read>[O1, O2, …, Om] /*read from outside the program system. (プログラムインタ フェースから読み込む)*/ [I1, I2, …, In]<Write> /*Write to the output device (出力デバイスへ書き込む)*/ The compound statements(複合文) S1 ; S2 /*Sequence of statements*/ S1 |C /* if-then statement: if condition C is true, statement S1 is executed. Otherwise, S1 is not executed.*/ S1 |C S2 /* if-then-else statement: if C is true, S1 is executed; otherwise, S2 is executed. */ case expression of v1: S1; v2: S2; … vn: Sn end-case {S1}C /*while-do statement: while C is true, S1 is repeatedly executed until C becomes false. */ begin S1 end /*block statement: equivalent to the compound statement S1. */ Example of operation definition (操作の定義の事例) [expenses-file, shop-name]<Calculate the total cost of all items purchased at the given shop>[total] ---> [expenses-file, shop-name]<Obtain all items purchased at the given shop from the expenses-file>[items-list]; [items-list]<Calculate the total cost>[total] [expenses-file, shop-name]<Obtain all items purchased at the given shop from the expenses-file>[items-list] ---> {[expenses-file]<Get the next item>[item]; [item]<Put the item on items-list>[items-list] |item.shop = shop-name }not end of expenses-file [items-list]<Calculate the total cost>[total] ---> { [items-list]<Get next item from the list>[item]; [item]<total := total + item.price>[total] }not end of items-list Advantages of PRN (PRNのいいところ) The name of an operation can be as long as necessary. Thus, one can choose freely the name that describes the function of the operation best. (長い操作名を使える) The order of defining operations is consistent with the way of developing design ideas.(操作定 義の順番が重要でない) PRN has a good readability, due to both the clear syntax and the way to define operations.(PRN設 計書は読みやすい) PRN can be easily translated into a programming language, e.g., C, Java.(PRN 設計からプログラムへの変換を行いやす い) PRN takes less space than the graphical notations, such as the Structure chart, Jackson Structure Diagram, Flowchart, and N-S Diagram.(PRN設計書は、図言語より 小さい紙面を占める) 5.6 Java-based pseudocode (Java擬似コード) Pseudocode is similar to a program code, but allows the use of natural language (e.g., English) for abstraction of functions. These functions are usually complex at the time and they need further decomposition, to be performed at later stage.(擬似コードは、プロ グラムコードに似ているが、ある部分を自然言語で表現する) Java-based pseudocode is similar to program code written in Java; that is, the pseudocode structure is similar to that of a Java program, but natural language descriptions are allowed to abstract complex functions.(Java擬似コードとは、Java言語の構文に基くある部分 の機能を自然言語で表現したプログラムのようなものである) Pseudocode is suitable for detailed design.(擬似コードは詳細な設計 に適切である) The difference between Structured English and Pseudocode (構造化英語と擬似コードの違い) In Structured English we emphasize the use of English, but expect to improve its structure by using programming language constructs, such as sequence, choice, and iteration. While in pseudocode we emphasize the use of programming language, but to expect to improve its readability by using proper English for abstract description of functions. Example(擬似コードの事例) A pseudocode for computing the average of 10 integers: int a[] = new int[10]; int total = 0, count = 0; double average = 0; Input 10 integers to array a; Obtain the total of the integers in array a; average = (double) total / a.length; Decomposition(分解) Obtain the total of the integers in array a: while (count < a.length) { total += a[count]; count++; } Advantages of pseudocode (擬似コードの長所 ) It is easy to learn, if one knows the specific programming language well.(勉強しやすい) It is natural and effective for detailed designs.(詳細な設 計に対して、有効及び自然的な表現である) It is easy to be translated into program code.(プログラム コードへの変換をしやすい) Disadvantage of pseudocode (擬似コードの短所) Pseudocode is usually language-specific, therefore, it is not suitable for high level design.(擬似コード は、一般にプログラミング言語に依存するので、抽 象設計には、適切でない。 Exercise 5 1. Use Structured English to describe the following Jackson Structure Diagram.(次のJackson Structure DiagramをStructured Englishで表現しなさい) Register Items Register One Item Register Item Name Register As Food Register Item Price Register As Others * Register Item Shop Register Item Date 2. Give a flowchart describing the following Jackson Structure Diagram. (フローチャートで次のJackson Structure 図を表現しなさい) Register Items Register One Item Register Item Name Register As Food Register Item Price Register As Others * Register Item Shop Register Item Date 3. Give a N-S diagram for the flowchart resulted from problem 2.(課題2で作成されたフロー チャートをN-S図で表現しなさい) 4. Give a Java-based pseudocode for the following PRN operation definitions:(次のPRN設計書を Java擬似コードで表現しなさい) [expenses-file, shop-name]<Calculate the total cost of all items purchased at the given shop>[total] ---> [expenses-file, shop-name]<Obtain all items purchased at the given shop from the expenses-file>[items-list]; [items-list]<Calculate the total cost>[total] [expenses-file, shop-name]<Obtain all items purchased at the given shop from the expenses-file>[items-list] ---> {[expenses-file]<Get the next item>[item]; [item]<Put the item on items-list>[items-list] |item.shop = shop-name }not end of expenses-file [items-list]<Calculate the total cost>[total] ---> { [items-list]<Get next item from the list>[item]; [item]<total := total + item.price>[total] }end of items-list 5. Give a Jackson Structure Diagram describing the following PRN operation definitions:(次のPRN操作の定 義をJackson Structure図で表現しなさい) [x1, x2]<A>[y1, y2, y3] ---> [x1]<B1>[z1]; [z1]<B2>[y1]; [x2]<B3>[y2] | x2 > 0 [x2]<B4>[y3] [x1]<B1>[z1] ---> <z1 := x1 + 5> [z1]<B2>[y1] ---> <y1 := 0>; {<y1 := y1 + z1>; <z1 := z1 – 1>}z1 > 0 Hint: there is no need to consider the detailed conditions in the generated Jackson Structured Diagram.
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