スライド 1

Haiku is the world's shortest form of verse consisting of 17 syllables arranged in lines
of 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively. As it is a condensed capsule of poetry,Haiku
contains explosive energy and has,therefore,the possibility of becoming symbolic
poetry which can explicate cosmic universality. Haiku is a literary art equipped with
antennas for loving messages from the whole creation on earth-plains and mountains,
rivers,lakes and oceans, and plants and animals including humankind. If people in
the entire world became Haiku-minded and nurtured Mother Nature,then it might be
possible to sustain and retain the life on our planet for the benefit of our offspring.
I cannot but feel more than happy and thank the Creator for having been born in
Japan,a country that abounds in natural beauty and ushers in the theatre of Haiku,
which was destined to come my way. Until the end of my life,I pledge myself to the
love of all living creatures having similar DNA to mine and I hail them with awe and
admiration through the medium of Haiku.
I want to say how very fortunate I feel that I met Mr. Jack C. Stamm, a copywriter
who lived long in Japan and loved Haiku very much. To him I am greatly indebted for
his translation of my poems which appeared monthly in the Haiku magazine “HOSHl”
(the Stars) which I edit and are now compiled here in this book. Without his
assistance, I could not have done this. 1n autumn,1991,the serial was brought to a
termination when he passed away. May his soul rest in peace!
Finally,I want to express my gratitude to Prof. Kazuo Satoh of Waseda University
and Mr. Shun'ichi Shibohda, the secretary-general of JAL Foundation for the advice
they gave me.
Yoshiko Yoshino
At a mountain cottage
Early autumn,1992
し生きるものの命の交流を「愛」の心でうけとめ, うたいあげる文学である。
•また,早稲田大学教授佐藤和夫氏, 日航財団事務局長柴生田俊一氏の