Figurative Language Review ALLITERATION 1. Repetition of the first sound in words ASSONANCE 2. Repetition of a vowel sound IN words SIMILE 3. A comparison using the words like or as HYPERBOLE 4. An exaggeration, not a comparison ONOMATOPOEIA 5. When the word sounds like its meaning OXYMORON 6. A pairing of words with opposite meanings CONSONANCE 7. Repetition of a consonant sound in words METAPHOR 8. A comparison without using the words like or as Imagery 9. When the author paints a picture using words that appeal to the senses. IDIOM 10. A word or phrase that has a different meaning, a connotative meaning, not a denotative or dictionary meaning ANAPHORA 11. Repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of lines of poetry PARADOX 12. A pairing of words with opposite meanings but both are true JARGON 13. A word or phrase whose meaning is related to a certain group of people Forced rhyme 14. When you have to force the pronunciation of a word a bit in order for a rhyme to occur. PERSONIFICATION 15. Giving something the characteristics of a person Rhyme 16. When words end with the same sound in poetry Internal Rhyme 17. When words within a line of poetry end with the same sound Rhythm 18. The beat of the poem due to accented and unaccented syllables Sight rhyme 19. When the words LOOK like they would rhyme HOW DID YOU DO? Do you need to study your notes?
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