Map of Arabic language

Map of the
Arabic Language
Introduction to Nahw (Grammar)
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
The Science of Arabic Grammar
Arranging words to make meaningful
Mapping the language
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Map of the Arabic Language
‫غري مفيد‬
)‫مفيد (مجلة‬
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Subject Matter
Subject/Predicate relationship
English parts of speech
Noun, pronoun, adjective etc.
The subject matter of grammar
Link two or more words in a way upon which
silence is appropriate.
Words, phrases, sentences
Part of Logic
How to make definitions
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Parts of speech
nouns, pronouns, adjectives and adverbs
corresponds exactly to verb
everything else: prepositions, conjunctions, articles,
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Precise Definitions
Parts of Speech:
‫ إسم‬:
indicates on a meaning within itself and is not linked to
‫ فعل‬:
indicates on a meaning within itself and is also linked to
‫ حرف‬:
does not indicate on a meaning within itself
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
The 3 Classifications of an ‫إسم‬
Based on being derived or not being derived:
‫ – جامد‬A frozen word not derived from anything and nothing
derived from it
‫ – مصدر‬The source word for all verbs and derived nouns.
Not derived from anything, but many words derived from it
e.g. ‫( الرجل‬man), ‫( الشجرة‬tree)
e.g. ‫(الضرب‬to hit) ‫( النصر‬to help)
‫ – مشتق‬Those few nouns and adjectives which are constructed
from the ‫مصدر‬
e.g. ‫( كاتب‬writer) ‫( مكتب‬desk).
*Their methods of construction are discussed in the science of ‫صرف‬
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Classification of the ‫فعل‬
‫ماضي‬, the past tense verb
‫مضارع‬, the present and future tense verb
ُ ‫َين‬
e.g. ‫ص َُر‬
‫أمر‬, imperative or command verb
e.g. ‫ب‬
ََ ‫( َك َت‬wrote).
e.g. َ‫إشرب‬
ِ (Drink!)
‫نهي‬, negative command or prohibition
e.g. َ‫شرب‬
ِ ‫( الَ َت‬Don’t drink)
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009
Classification of the ‫حرف‬
‫ – حرفَعامل‬Governing agent
‫ – حرفَغيرَعامل‬Non-governing agent
Shariah Program - © 2003-2009