Effort Estimation Software Effort Estimation Effort Estimation Estimating The process of forecasting or approximating the time and cost of completing project deliverables. The task of balancing the expectations of stakeholders and the need for control while the project is implemented Types of Estimates Top-down (macro) estimates: analogy, group consensus, or mathematical relationships Bottom-up (micro) estimates: estimates of elements of the work breakdown structure Which view is correct? Rough order of magnitude is good enough. Spending time on detailed estimating wastes money Time is everything; our survival depends on getting there first! Time and cost accuracy is not an issue. The project is internal. We don’t need to worry about cost. The uncertainty is so great, spending time and money on estimates is a waste. The project is so small, we don’t need to bother with estimates. Just do it. They used an internal estimate “for strategic decisions” and then we had to live with it. We were burned once. I want a detailed estimate of every task by the people responsible. Macro versus Micro Estimating Conditions for Preferring Top-Down or Bottom-up Time and Cost Estimates Condition Strategic decision making Cost and time important High uncertainty Internal, small project Fixed-price contract Customer wants details Unstable scope Macro Estimates X Micro Estimates X X X X X X Estimating Projects: Preferred Approach Make rough top-down estimates. Develop the WBS/OBS. Make bottom-up estimates. Develop schedules and budgets. Reconcile differences between top-down and bottom-up estimates Estimating Guidelines for Times, Costs, and Resources 1. Have people familiar with the tasks make the estimate. 2. Use several people to make estimates. 3. Base estimates on normal conditions, efficient methods, and a normal level of resources. 4. Use consistent time units in estimating task times. 5. Treat each task as independent, don’t aggregate. 6. Don’t make allowances for contingencies. 7. Adding a risk assessment helps avoid surprises to stakeholders. Refining Estimates Reasons for Adjusting Estimates Interaction costs are hidden in estimates. Normal conditions do not apply. Things go wrong on projects. Changes in project scope and plans. Adjusting Estimates Time and cost estimates of specific activities are adjusted as the risks, resources, and situation particulars become more clearly defined. Refining Estimates (cont’d) Contingency Funds and Time Buffers Are created independently to offset uncertainty. Reduce the likelihood of cost and completion time overruns for a project. Can be added to the overall project or to specific activities or work packages. Can be determined from previous similar projects. Changing Baseline Schedule and Budget Unforeseen events may dictate a reformulation of the budget and schedule. Why Refine an Estimate? Methods for Estimating Project Times and Costs Macro (Top-down) Approaches Consensus methods Ratio methods Apportion method Function point methods for software and system projects Learning curves Project Estimate Times Costs Apportion Method of Allocating Project Costs Using the Work Breakdown Structure Methods for Estimating Project Times and Costs (cont’d) Micro (Bottom-up) Approaches Template method Parametric Procedures Applied to Specific Tasks Detailed Estimates for the WBS Work Packages Phase Estimating: A Hybrid Duration vs. Effort vs. Productive Time Duration is the elapsed time in business working days Work effort is the labor required to complete an activity. Work effort is typically the amount of focused and uninterrupted labor time required to complete an activity. Productive time considers the percentage of the work day that can be devoted to project activity work. Estimates in IT range from 6675%, recent estimates of about 50-65% (same client base). This doesn’t include unexpected interruptions! Elapsed time vs. work time Software Cost Estimation •What is the Problem? •100 - 200% cost overruns are not uncommon •15%of large projects never deliver anything •31% of new IS projects cancelled before completion ($81 billion) •What are the consequences? •Economic •Technical •Managerial •What is gained through effective software cost-estimation? •schedule/staffing estimates •better understanding of a particular project Why are we bad at software estimation? •Complexity •Infrequency •Uniqueness •Underestimation bias •Goals not estimates Basic Steps in Software Estimation Identify project objectives and requirements Plan the activities Estimate product size and complexity Estimate effort, cost and resources Develop projected schedule Compare and iterate estimates Follow up Software Cost-Estimation Methods algorithmic expert judgement similar, completed projects equate to available resources Price-to-win Top-down (global estimate) Bottom-up (each component separately estimated) Algorithmic Models COCOMO ESTIMACS ESTIPLAN FAST FUNCTION POINTS MAINSTAY PRICE SLIM SOFTCOST-R SPQR TRW (Boehm) Computer Associates (Rubin) AGS Management Systems Freiman Parametric Systems (Freiman) IBM (Albrecht) Mainstay Software Corporation RCA QSM (Putnam) Reifer Consultants (Tausworthe) Software Productivity Research (Jones) Basic Algorithmic Form Effort = constant + coefficient*(size metric) + coefficient*(cost driver 1) + coefficient*(cost driver 2) + coefficient*(cost driver 3) + ….. size metric lines of code ‘new’ versus ‘old’ lines of code function points SLOC as an Estimation Tool Why used? early systems emphasis on coding Criticisms cross-language inconsistencies within language counting variations change in program structure can affect count stimulates programmers to write lots of code system-oriented, not user-oriented How many Lines of Code in this program? #define LOWER 0 /* lower limit of table */ #define UPPER 300 /* upper limit */ #define STEP 20 /* step size */ main () /* print a Fahrenheit-Celsius conversion table */ { int fahr; for (fahr=LOWER; fahr <= UPPER; fahr=fahr+STEP) printf(“%4d %6.1f\n”, fahr, (5.0/9.0)*(fahr-32)); } COCOMO Cost Drivers Required software reliability data base size product complexity computer execution time constraint computer storage constraint computer turnaround time analyst capability programmer capability application experience hardware/software experience programming language experience use of modern programming practices use of software tools required development schedule Algorithmic Model Conclusions Algorithmic Models can do a good job in estimating required effort • Good project data must be collected and analyzed in order to derive useful algorithms • Calibration is essential as the specific environment is critically important Effort estimates do have other uses Productivity evaluation of project teams or software development technologies Objective negotiating tool with users in changes in scope and impact on budget/schedule Function Count Systems View: Functionality Types Interface Files Inputs Internal Files Queries Outputs Function Points History Non-code oriented size measure Developed by IBM (A. Albrecht) in 1979, 1983 Now in use by more than 500 organizations world-wide What are they? 5 weighted functionality types 14 complexity factors Functionality Types EXTERNAL USER input type output type inquiry type Internal Logical File External Interface File input type output type inquiry type Application Boundary Other Applications Processing Complexity Adjustment 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) data communications distributed functions performance heavily used configuration transaction rate on-line data entry end user efficiency on-line update complex processing reusability installation ease operational ease multiple sites facilitates change Each rated on scales equivalent to the following: Not present Incidental Influence Moderate Influence Average Influence Significant Influence Strong Influence =0 =1 =2 =3 =4 =5 Function Point Calculation Function Counts = Function Points = where xi wj ck 5 3 FC x i w j i 1 j 1 14 FP FC.65 .01 ck k1 = function i = weight j = complexity factor k Need to track employees and their work - Add, change, delete, queries, and reports - Two types of employees, salaried and hourly Employees can have more than one job assignment Standard job descriptions are retained by system Employees can have more than one location and locations can have more than one employee - Another system stores the location data Detailed Function Point Counting Rules (1) Internal Logical Files (ILFs) Rules: Each major logical group of user data or control information Data is generated, used and maintained by the application In Practice: Count at logical (external design) level In DB environment generally a relational table = a logical file (before extensive normalization) Ignore multiple views Detailed Function Point Counting Rules (2) External Interface Files (EIFs) Rules: Files passed or shared between applications Reference data only (not transactions) In Practice: Look for “read only” usage Count special database extracts Example - ILFs and EIFs Employee - entity type - Employee name - SSN - Number of dependents - Type (salary or hourly) - Location name (foreign key) Salaried employee - entity subtype - Supervisory level Hourly employee - entity subtype - Standard Hourly rate - Collective Bargaining Unit Number Example - ILFs and EIFs Job - entity type - Job Assignment - entity type - Job name Job number Pay grade Effective Date Salary Performance Rating Job Number (foreign key) Employee SSN (foreign key) Job Description - Job Number (foreign key) Line number (not known to users) Description line Example - ILFs and EIFs Location - entity --maintained in another system - Location Name - Address Employee SSN (foreign key) COUNTING STEPS: - Count number of ILFs and EIFs - Assign them a complexity weighting Counting ILFs and EIFs Three ILFs: - Employee - Job - Job Assignment - not Job Description (logically part of Job) - not Location (an EIF) - not Salaried Employee (a Record Element Type) - not Hourly Employee (a Record Element Type) One EIF: - Location Counting ILFs/EIFs - Complexity Record Element Record Types Element (RETs) Types Data Element Data Types (DETs) Element Types 1-19 (DETs) 20-50 51+ (RETs) 51+ <2 1-19Low 20-50 Low Average <2 Low Low Average 2-5 Low Average High 2-5 Low Average High >5 Average Average High High High >5 High Three ILFs: •Employee - 8 DETs and 2 RETs •Job - 4 DETs and 1 RET •Job Assignment - 5 DETs and 1 RET One EIF: Location - 3 DETs and 1 RET ILF and EIF Unadjusted FPs External Input External Output Logical Internal File External Interface File External Inquiry Low x3 x4 Average x4 High x6 x5 x7 3 x7 x10 x15 1 x5 x7 x10 x3 x4 x6 Detailed Function Point Counting Rules (3) External Inputs (EIs) Rules: Each unique user data/control type that enters application Adds/Changes/Deletes data in Internal logical file Each transaction type is an external input In Practice: Not necessarily equal to screens Don’t confuse with inquiries (no change to data) Counting EIs - Raw Data Employee Maintenance Add, change, delete Employee Employee Inquiry; Employee Report Job Maintenance Add, change, delete Job Job Inquiry; Job Report Job Assignment Maintenance Assign Employee to Job Job Assignment Inquiry; Job Assignment Report Transfer Employee Evaluate Employee Delete Assignment Location Reporting Location Inquiry; Location Report Counting EIs - Complexity File Types File Types Referenced Referenced (FTRs) (FTRs) <2 <2 2 2 >2 >2 DataTypes (DETs) Data Element Element Types 1-4 5-15 +15 (DETs) Low Average 1-4Low 5-15 15+ Low Average High Low Low Average Average Average High High Low High Average High High Example EIs (3 of 10): • Create Employee- 10 DETs, 2FTRs (Employee and Location) => Average • Delete Employee- 3 DETs and 1 FTR=> Low • Assign Employee to Job - 6 DETs and 3 FTRs (Employee, Job and Job Assignment)=> High External Input (EI) Unadjusted FPs External Input External Output Logical Internal File External Interface File External Inquiry Low 6 x3 Average High 2 x4 2 x6 x4 x5 x7 x7 x10 x15 x5 x7 x10 x3 x4 x6 Detailed Function Point Counting Rules (4) External Outputs (EOs) Rules: Each unique user data/control type that exits application Unique means different format or processing logic Can be sent directly to users as reports/messages, or to other applications as a file In Practice: Processing must be involved (don’t count output response to an inquiry) Detail and summary outputs count separately Counting EOs - Raw Data Employee Maintenance Add, change, delete Employee Employee Inquiry; Employee Report - 6-19 DETs Job Maintenance Add, change, delete Job Job Inquiry; Job Report- 5 DETs Job Assignment Maintenance Assign Employee to Job Job Assignment Inquiry; Job Assignment Report Transfer Employee Evaluate Employee Delete Assignment Location Reporting Location Inquiry; Location Report- 6-19DETs Counting EOs - Complexity File Types Data File Types Referenced Element Referenced Delta Element Types (DETs) File Types (FTRs) TypesData (FTRs) Referenced 1-5 (DETs) Element 20+ 6-19 (FTRs) TypesAverage 1-5 Low 6-19 20+ <2 Low (DETs) <2 2-3 LowLow Low Average Average High 1-4 5-15 15+ 2-3 >3 Low High AverageAverage High High >3 <2 AverageLow High Low HighAverage 2 Low Average High >2 Average High High Example EOs : • Employee Report- 6-19 DETs, 2FTRs (Employee and Location) => Average • Job Report-5 DETs and 1 FTR=> Low • Job Assignment Report - 6-19 DETs, 3 FTRs (Employee, Job and Job Assignment)=> Average External Output Unadjusted FPs External Input External Output Logical Internal File External Interface File External Inquiry Low x3 Average High x4 x6 1 x4 3 x5 x7 x7 x10 x15 x5 x7 x10 x3 x4 x6 Detailed Function Point Counting Rules (5) External Inquiry (EQ) Rules: Each unique input/output combination where an input causes and generates an immediate output Unique means different format or processing logic In Practice: No processing involved. If result is calculated or derived field, then it is an input and an output Help systems typically counted as external inquiry Rate complexity as the higher of the input/output value Counting EQs - “Medium Cooked” Data Employee Maintenance Employee Inquiry- 2 FTRs and 9 DETs (output) Job Maintenance Job Inquiry - 1 FTR and 4 DETs (output) Job Assignment Maintenance Job Assignment Inquiry- 1 FTR and 5 DETs (output) Location Reporting Location Inquiry - 2 FTRs and 5 DETs (output) RESULT - Use EI and EO matrices => 3 low complexity and 1 average (employee) EQ Unadjusted FPs External Input External Output Logical Internal File External Interface File External Inquiry Low x3 Average High x4 x6 x4 x5 x7 x7 x10 x15 x5 x7 x10 3 x3 1 x4 x6 Total Unadjusted Function Points External Input External Output Logical Internal File External Interface File External Inquiry Low 6 x3 1 x4 3 x7 Average High 2 x6 2 x4 3 x5 x7 x10 x15 1 x5 x7 x10 x3 1 x4 3 x6 Total = 96 Unadjusted FPs Are Function Points a “Silver Bullet”? “The function-point metric, like LOC, is relatively controversial...Opponents claim that the method requires some ‘sleight of hand’ in that computation is based on subjective, rather than objective, data...” R. Pressman Software Engineering p. 94 "Variants in FP counting methodologies can result in variances of up to +/- 50%." Capers Jones Selecting a FP Counting Method “Within organizations the variation in function point counts about the mean appears to be within 30%...” G. Low and D.R. Jeffery IEEE TSE Jan. 1990 Software Estimating Rules of Thumb Rule 1: One function point = 100 logical source code statements (procedural languages) 300 for assembly languages, < 20 for some OO languages Rule 2: Raising the number of function points to the 1.15 power predicts the approximate page counts for paper documents associated with software projects Rule 3: Creeping user requirements will grow at an average rate of 1% per months over the development schedule For a 2 year project, functionality at delivery will be 24% larger then when requirements were collected. Software Estimating Rules of Thumb (continued) Rule 4: Raising the number of function points to 1.2 power predicts the approximate number of test cases created. Assume each test case will be executed about 4 times Rule 5: Raising the number of function points to the 1.25 power predicts the approximate defect potential for new software projects Defect potential is sum of bugs (errors) in requirements, design, coding, user-documentation + bad fixes or secondary errors introduced fixes prior errors. For enhancements: raise to 1.27 power Software Estimating Rules of Thumb (continued) Rule 6: Each software review, inspection, or test step will find and remove 30% of the bugs that are present Implies 6-12 consecutive defect-removal operations to achieve high-quality software Rule 7: Raising the number of function points to the .4 power predicts the approximate development schedule in calendar months. Longer for military projects; for enhancements applies to size of enhancement (not base product) Software Estimating Rules of Thumb (continued) Rule 8: Dividing the number of function points by 150 predicts the approximate number of personnel for the application Includes software developers, QA, testers, technical writers, DBAs, project managers Rule 9: Dividing the number of function points by 500 predicts the approximate number of maintenance personnel Raising function point to .25 power predicts approximate number of years the application will stay in use Software Estimating Rules of Thumb (continued) Rule 10: Multiply software development schedules by number of personnel to predict the approximate number of staff months of effort. 1000 function points raised to .4 = 16 calendar months 1000 function points / 150 = 6.6 full time staff 16 * 6.6 = 106 staff months to build project Software Estimating Rules of Thumb (continued) Staff month: 22 working days with 6 productive work hours each day 132 work hours per month Capers-Jones IEEE Computer March 1996: notes limitations of these types of heuristics
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