COMFORT SEATS MOTOR CASES SOFT BAGS ATV CASES WWW.SHAD.ES WWW. SHAD.ES LA EMPRESA NAD SL – propietario de la marca SHAD- diseña, produce y distribuye top cases y asientos para las principales marcas de la industria de la motocicleta. Nuestra evolución constante nos ha permitido colaborar con los principales fabricantes del sector, asumiendo cada día nuevos retos técnicos y de diseño que nos han llevado a liderar los segmentos de Top Cases y Asientos para la motocicleta. En NAD SL creemos firmemente que la mejora constante y la búsqueda de la excelencia es el camino a seguir para continuar creando productos únicos y de calidad, lo que en 2015 nos ha permitido ganar el premio Red Dot por el diseño de las nuevas maletas laterales SH36. THE COMPANY NAD, S.L. – owner of the SHAD brand - designs, produces and distributes top cases and seats compatible with the motorcycle industry’s most important brands. Our constant process of development has allowed us to collaborate with the sector’s main manufacturers, facing up to new technical and design challenges every day, and establishing a position as leader in the motorcycle Top Cases and Seats segments. At NAD, S.L. we firmly believe that a process of constant improvement and the relentless pursuit of excellence is the path that we have to follow in order to continue creating unique, top quality products, which in 2015 allowed us to win the Red Dot Award for the design of our new side cases SH36.. L’ENTREPRISE Le groupe NAD S.L. – propriétaire de la marque SHAD – dessine, fabrique et distribue top cases et selles pour les principales marques de motos. Notre évolution constante nous a permis d’être en contact avec les principaux fabricants de motos, qui nous aident tous les jours à assumer les défis techniques nécessaires pour être à la tête du marché du top cases et des selles. En NAD S.L., nous croyons fermement qu’amélioration constante et la recherche de l’excellence est le chemin à continuer de créer uniques produits et de qualité, ce que nous a permis gagner le 2015 le Red Dot Award pour le dessin de les nouvelles valises latérales SH36. 2 Our Facilities NUESTRAS INSTALACIONES OUR INSTALLATIONS NOS INSTALLATIONS Nuestra sede en Barcelona dispone de unas instalaciones que nos permiten controlar cada punto de nuestra cadena de valor, ello se traduce en una mejora de eficiencia y calidad en cuanto a desarrollo y producción. También se dispone de oficina técnica y centro productivo en Shanghai para dar soporte a nuestras operaciones fuera de Europa. Our Barcelona headquarters is equipped with installations that allow us to control every point on our chain-of-value, resulting in improved efficiency and quality in terms of both development and production. We also have a technical office and production centre in Shanghai that provide support for our operations outside Europe. Notre central à Barcelone dispose d’installations qui nous permettent contrôler chaque point de notre chaine de valeur, qui se traduisent par une amélioration d’efficacité et qualité en matière de développement et production. Egalement, nous avons un bureau technique et un centre de production à Shanghai pour nous donner support aux opérations hors de l’Europe. Inyección de Poliuretano Polyurethane Injection Injection de Polyréthane Oficinas Offices Bureaux Ensamblado y Tapicería Assembly and Upholstery Assemblage Selles Corte, Soldadura y Calidad Cutting, Welding and Quality Cour, soudage et qualité Accesorios Metálicos Metal Accessories Accessoires métalliques Ensamblado de Maletas Top Case Assembly Assemblage de valises Plataforma Logística y Almacén de Producto Acabado, Almacén Inteligente de 30.000 m2. Logistics Platform and Finished Product Warehouse, Intelligent Warehouse: 30,000 m2. Plate-forme logisitque, Stockage produit fini. Entrepôt intelligent de 30.000m2 3 Complete Value Chain CADENA DE VALOR COMPLETA COMPLETE VALUE CHAIN UNE COMPLETE CHAINE DE VALEUR. NAD, S.L. es capaz de ofrecer un desarrollo de producto de «Principio a Fin» así como soluciones innovadoras para dar respuesta a las necesidades de nuestros clientes. NAD, S.L. is capable of providing Product Development “from start to finish” along with innovative solutions designed to meet the needs of our customers. NAD, S.L. est capable d’offrir un développement de produit de bout en bout, ainsi que des solutions innovantes pour répondre aux besoins de nos clients. Design Development Production Logistics Distribution End User Diseño Design Logística logistique 4 Desarrollo Développement Logística distribution Producción Production Usuario Final utilisateur final Our Costumers NUESTROS CLIENTES OUR COSTUMERS NOS CLIENTS Nuestros éxitos los queremos agradecer a nuestros clientes, su satisfacción es sin duda nuestra principal motivación. We would like to thank our customers for our success; there is no doubt that keeping them happy has been our main motivation. Nous remercions nos clientes pour notre succès, leur satisfaction est sans doute notre principal motivation. 5 • Después de 20 años de la fundación de NAD, S.L., en 1992, creamos la marca SHAD, para diseñar, producir y distribuir nuestros productos en mercados internacionales. Con más de 20 años en el mercado, nuestro catálogo lo conforman Top y Side cases, sistemas de fijación, sillines confort, soft bags (línea textil) y productos para ATV. Gracias a la calidad, innovación y funcionalidad de nuestros productos, tenemos presencia en más de 70 países. • 20 years after NAD S.L was founded, in 1992, we created SHAD brand in order to design, produce and distribute our products to the international markets. After more than 20 years in the market, our catalogue includes top and side cases, mounting systems, comfort seats, soft bags and products for ATVs. Thanks to the quality, innovation and functionality of our products, we are present in more than 70 countries. • Après 20 ans d’existence de NAD, S.L., en 1992, nous avons créé la marque SHAD, pour concevoir, produire et distribuer nos produits sur les marchés internationaux. Avec plus de 20 ans d’expérience sur le marché, notre catalogue est constitué de top cases et valises, systèmes de fixation, des selles confort, bagagerie souple (ligne textile) et les produits pour ATV. Grâce à la qualité, l'innovation et la fonctionnalité de nos produits, nous avons une présence dans plus de 70 pays 6 Around The World NAD, S.L. EN EL MUNDO Desde nuestra sede en Barcelona damos cobertura a todo el mundo, nuestra red comercial se extiende a lo largo de Europa, America, Asia, Africa y Oceanía satisfaciendo cualquier demanda tanto de diseño como productiva NAD, S.L. AROUND THE WORLD From our headquarters in Barcelona we cover the whole world, with a sales network that extends throughout Europe, America, Asia, Africa and Australia, allowing us to meet all and any demands in terms of both design and productivity. NAD, S.L. DANS LE MONDE Depuis Barcelona nous couvrons tout le monde. Notre réseau commercial s’étend le long d’Europe, Amérique, Asie, Afrique et Océanie satisfaisant à toute demande tant en conception comme production. 7 Quality Cases QUALITY CALIDAD QUALITÉ In order to ensure the maximum quality of our top cases, our installations are equipped with specialised work-stations at which all necessary testing can be carried out, both during the process of top case development and during production. Con el fín de asegurar la máxima calidad de nuestras maletas, nuestras instalaciones disponen de estaciones especializadas para realizar todas las pruebas pertinentes durante el desarrollo de nuestras maletas y también durante su producción. Pour garantir la meilleure fiabilité, nos installations disposent des postes de travail spécialisées pour faire toutes les preuves pertinentes dans le développement de nos valises. Design Shaker Test Waterproof test Weathering Traction Testing Packaging Tests Diseño Dessin Resistencia a la Interperie Résistance aux intempéries 8 Resistencia a Vibraciones Essai aux vibrations Test de Tracción Résistance à l’attrait Impermeabilidad Imperméabilité Prueba de Embalaje test d’emballage Quality Seats QUALITY CALIDAD QUALITÉ At NAD, S.L. we have different workstations for the specific testing of upholstered products, which are subjected to a series of rigorous quality checks that they must overcome, in order to meet the high standards demanded by each of our different customers. NAD SL dispone de diferentes estaciones de testeo específicas para productos tapizados. Estos son sometidos a una serie de rigurosos tests de calidad que deben superar con el fin de asegurar los estándares exigidos por cada uno de nuestros clientes. Nos produits sont soumis à une série rigoureuse contrôles de qualité pour garantir les standards requis pour nos clients. Foam Hardness Durability Weld Resistance Impermeability Impact Resistance on Edges Water Dureza de la Espuma Dureté de foamage Impermeabilidad Impermeabilité Durabilidad Fatigue Resistencia al Impacto en Bordes Resistance a l’impact de chants Resistencia de Soldaduras Résistance de soudures Resistencia al Agua Spray Test 9 INDEX 10 11 ICONS DESCRIPTION 1 integral helmet 1 casco integral 1 casque intégral 1 integralhelm 1 casco integrale 1 capacete integral 2 integral helmets 2 cascos integrales 2 casques intégral 2 integralhelm 2 caschi integral 2 capacete integrais 1 jet helmet 1 casco jet 1 casque jet 1 helm jet 1 casco jet 1 capacete jet 2 helmets: integral and jet 2 cascos: integral y jet 2 casques: intégral et jet 2 helme: integralhelm und jet 2 caschi: integrale e jet 2 capacetes: integral e jet Capacity 2 jet helmets Capacidad 2 cascos jet Capacité 2 casques jet Volumen für 2 helme jet Capacitá 2 caschi jet Capacidade 2 capacetes jet Gloves and integral helmet Guantes y casco integral Gants et 1 casque intégral Handschuhe und 1 integralhelm Guanti ed 1 casco integral Luvas e capacete integral Gloves and 2 jet helmets Guantes y 2 cascos jet Gants et 2 casques jet Handschuhe und 2 helme jet Guanti e 2 caschi jet Luvas e 2 capacetes jet Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Shienale Encosto SHAD change colour system Press lock system Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Smart lock system Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior 12 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Inner tray Bandeja interna Plateau Intérieur Innenfach Scompartimento Interno Bandeja interna GPS holder Sujeta GPS Porte GPS GPS ablagemöglichkeit Porta GPS Porta GPS Shoulder strap Bandolera Bandouliére Tragegurt Tracolla Bandoleira Expandable Extensible Extensible Ausdehnbar Espandibile Estensivel Magnetic Magnética Magnétique Magnet Magnético Suction cups Ventosas Ventouses Saugknöpfe Ventose Ventosa Attachment straps Correas de fijación Sangles de fixation Sicherheitsgurt Cinghie di attaco Correias de fixação Convertible in backpack Transformable en mochila Transformable en sac á dos In einen rucksack umwandelbar Transformabile in zainetto Transformável en mochila Extra elastic straps Correas elásticas extra Extra sangles élastiques Elastikgurt Cinghie elasthiche extra Correias elásticas extra Map holder Sujeta mapa Portecarte Kartenfach Portacartina Porta mapa Semi Rigid Heat protector Kit térmico Kit thermique Kit térmico Thermishcer kit Kit térmico Rain cover Bolsa impermeable Housse imperméable Regenhaube Borsa impermeable Bolsa imperméave Water resistant zip Cremallera impermeable Fermeture imperméable Wasserdichter reissverschluss Chiusura impermeabile Zíper imperméave Capacity Capacidad Capacité Volumen Capacitá Capacidade Maximum load Carga máxima Charge maximum Maximale last Carica massima Carga máxima Headphones slot Ranura auriculares Ouverture casque Kopfhörer schlitz Scanalatura auricolare Abertura fones de ouvido Reflector Reflector Réflecteur Reflektor Riflettore Refletor Universal fitting Adaptación universal Adaptation universale Universal - anpassung Adattamento universale Adaptção universal Inner pockets Bolsillos interiores Poches intérieures Innentaschen Tasche interne Bolsos interiores Waterproof Impermeable Imperméable Wasserdicht Impermeabile Impermeável Cristal film for touch screens Film transparente para pantallas táctiles Film transparent pour écran tactile Klarsichtschutzfolie für Touchscreens Pellicola trasparente per touch screen Adjustable internal shims Cuñas interiores ajustables Hausse interne adaptable Innenabstimmeinlagen Spessori interni regolabili Tablet Tablet holder Espacio Tablet Porte tablet Porta Tablet Touch screen Pantalla táctil Écran tactile Touchscreen Touch screen Handlebar bracket Soporte para manillar Support guidon Halter für Lenker Staffa di supporto per mabubrio Mirror Bracket Soporte para retrovisor Support rétroviseur Halter für Aussenspiegel Staffa di supporto per specchietti retrovisori Waterproof case and zip Estuche y cremallera impermeables Support et fermeture imperméables Tasche mit wasserdichtem Reissverschluss Custodia e zip impermeabili Maximum protection Máxima protección Protection maxime Maximaler Schutz Massima protezione Hole for battery charger Orificio para cargardor de bateria Ouverture pour chargeur batterie Öffnung für Ladekabel Foro per caricabatteria Mobile Phone Holder Soporte Teléfono Móvil Support Téléphone Mobile Mobiltelefon Halter Supporto cellulare Universal base tank Base Depósito Universal Base Universelle Reservoir Universal Tankauflage Base Universale Serbatoio Outlet for USB Charger Salida Cargador USB Sortie Charger USB Ausgang USB Ladekabel Uscita cavo USB Compression straps Cinchas de Compresión Sangles de Compression Spannbänder Cinghie di compressione Inner reinforcement Refuerzo Interior Renforcement Intérieure Innenverstärkung Rinforzo interno Helmet holder Soporte Casco Porte-Casque Helmbefestigung Supporto casco Lateral Fixation system check availability of models Foamed Protector Protector Acolchado Protecteur Matelassé Schaumschutz Imbottitura protettiva Heated Seat Asiento Calefactable Selle Chauffante Sitz beheizt Sella riscaldata 3 13 TOP CASES 14 15 TOPCASES Ref. D1B48PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Hermetic Sealing System Ref. D0RI70 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0PS00 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B50KL Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0PS00 Accessory D0B50KL 8 Smart Lock System 16 SH50 X: 46 cm Y: 60 cm Z: 32 cm Ref. D0B5000 Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E01 Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E05 Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E08 Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E09 Ref. D0B5000 + D1B50E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 17 TOPCASES Ref. D1B48PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 Hermetic Sealing System ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI60 Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto ACCESSORY: Ref. D0PS00 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B50KL Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Characteristics Page 12 Accessory D0RI60 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0PS00 Accessory D0B50KL 8 Smart Lock System 18 SH49 REF. D0B49100 X: 46 cm Y: 60 cm Z: 32 cm 19 TOPCASES Ref. D1B48PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI4800 Hermetic Sealing System Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto ACCESSORY: Ref. D0PS00 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B50KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Characteristics Page 12 Accessory D0RI4800 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0PS00 Accessory D0B50KL 8 Smart Lock System 20 SH48 INDEX The lightest in its range X: 46 cm Y: 61 cm Z: 31 cm REF. D0B48100 [NO COVER] REF. D0B48100 + D1B48E17 REF. D0B48100 + D1B48E06 Dark grey Gris oscuro Gris foncé Dunkelgrau Grigio scuro Cinza escuro Dark grey Gris oscuro Gris foncé Dunkelgrau Grigio scuro Cinza escuro Dark grey-carbon Gris oscuro-carbono Gris foncé-carbono Dunkelgrau-carbono Grigio scuro-carbonio Cinza escuro-carbono REF. D0B48100 + D1B48E21 REF. D0B48100 + D1B48E08 Black metal Negro metalizado Noir métal Schwarz metallic Nero metallo Preto metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 21 TOPCASES Ref. D1B48PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI4800 Hermetic Sealing System Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto ACCESSORY: Ref. D0PS00 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B50KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Characteristics Page 12 Accessory D0RI4800 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0PS00 Accessory D0B50KL 8 Smart Lock System 22 SH48 INDEX The lightest in its range X: 46 cm Y: 61 cm Z: 31 cm REF.: D0B48200 [NO COVER] REF.: D0B48200 + D1B48E15 EF.: D0B48200 + D1B48E06 New titanium New titanio New titane New titan New titanio New titânio New titanium New titanio New titane New titan New titanio New titânio New titanium-carbon New titanio-carbono New titane-carbono New titan-carbono New titanio-carbonio New titânio-carbono REF.: D0B48200 + D1B48E21 REF.: D0B48200 + D1B48E08 Black metal Negro metalizado Noir métal Schwarz metallic Nero metallo Preto metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 23 TOPCASES Ref. D1B40PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI50 Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto ACCESSORY: Ref. D0PS00 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Upper rack Parrilla superior Support porte-bagage Gepäckgitter Griglia portapacchi Platina superior X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Characteristics Page 12 24 Accessory D0RI50 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0PS00 Accessory D0B40KL ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz SH46 X: 42 cm Y: 58 cm Z: 31 cm Ref. D0B46100 Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E01 Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E05 Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E08 Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E09 Ref. D0B46100 + D1B46E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 25 TOPCASES ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI60 Ref. D1B40PA Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 X: 50 cm ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Y: 21 cm Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Z: 35 cm Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Characteristics Page 12 26 Accessory D0RI60 Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0B40KL SH45 X: 41 cm Y: 56,4 cm Z: 31,4 cm Ref. D0B45100 Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E01 Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E05 Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E08 Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E09 Ref. D0B45100 + D1B45E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 27 TOPCASES ACCESSORY: Ref. D1RIES Ref. D1B40PA Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 X: 50 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 35 cm Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Characteristics Page 12 6 28 Accessory D1RIES Accessory X0IB00 Accessory D0B40KL ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Top & sidecases SH42 X: 40 cm Y: 55cm Z: 28 cm REF. D0BN00 REF. D0BS00 29 TOPCASES Ref. D1B40PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI60 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 4 30 Accessory D0RI60 Accessory D0B40KL SH40 X: 42,5 cm Y: 49,2 cm Z: 29,6 cm Ref. D0B40100 Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E01 Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E05 Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E08 Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E09 Ref. D0B40100 + D1B40E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 31 TOPCASES Ref. D1B40PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI60 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 4 32 Elastic Cord Pulpo Elástico Sandow Gummiband Elastico Elástico Accessory D0RI60 Accessory D0B40KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz SH40 cargo REF. D0B40199 X: 42,5 cm Y: 49,2 cm Z: 32,5 cm 33 TOPCASES Ref. D1B40PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI3900 ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B40KL Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 4 34 Accessory D0RI3900 Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Accessory D0B40KL NEW SH39 X: 43 cm Y: 51 cm Z: 32 cm Ref. D0B39100 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Ref. D0B39100+D1B39E06 Carbon Carbono Carbono Carbono Carbonio Carbono Ref. D0B39100+D1B39E08 White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco Ref. D0B39100+D1B39E15 New titanium New titanio New titane New titan New titanio New titânio Ref. D0B39100+D1B39E21 Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado 35 TOPCASES Ref. D1B37PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B29KL ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI60 Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 3 36 Accessory D0RI60 Accessory D0B29KL SH37 X: 40 cm Y: 49 cm Z: 31 cm Ref. D0B37100 Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E01 Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E05 Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E08 Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E09 Ref. D0B37100 + D1B37E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 37 TOPCASES Ref. D1B29PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B29KL ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI40 Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 3 38 Accessory D0RI60 Accessory D0B29KL SH33 X: 42 cm Y: 43 cm Z: 31 cm Ref. D0B33100 Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E01 Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E05 Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E08 Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E09 Ref. D0B33100 + D1B33E21 White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado 39 TOPCASES Ref. D1B29PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B29KL ACCESSORY: Ref. D0RI40 Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Characteristics Page 12 3 40 Accessory D0RI40 Accessory D0B29KL SH29 X: 38 cm Y: 40 cm Z: 30 cm Ref. D0B29100 Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E01 Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E05 Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E07 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E08 Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E09 Ref. D0B29100 + D1B29E21 Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco 41 TOPCASES ACCESSORY: Ref. D0B29KL Ref. D1B29PA Standard Plate Platina Estándar Platine Standard Standard-Adapterplatte Piastra Standard Platina Standard Characteristics Page 12 3 42 Accessory D0B29KL Light Luz Feux Licht Luce Luz SH26 REF. D0B26100 X: 40,5 cm Y: 40 cm Z: 28,2 cm 43 SIDE CASES 44 45 SIDE CASES Patent Pending ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB36 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna X: 21 cm Y: 31 cm Z: 28 cm Characteristics Page 12 10 46 Accessory X0IB36 ACCESSORY: Ref. D1B36CAR Red reflector Reflector rojo Réflecteur rouge Rot reflektor Ratarifrangente rosso Refletor vermelho NEW SH36 The lightest in its range X: 38 cm Y: 49 cm Z: 33 cm Ref. D0B36100 Ref. D0B36100+D1B36E21 Ref. D0B36100+D1B36E08 Ref. D0B36100+D1B36E15 Carbon Carbono Carbono Carbono Carbonio Carbono Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco New titanium New titanio New titane New titan New titanio New titânio Ref. D0B36100+D1B36E17 Dark grey-carbon Gris oscuro-carbono Gris foncé-carbono Dunkelgrau-carbono Grigio scuro-carbonio Cinza escuro-carbono Modular Helmet XXL Retractile Handle Elastic strap Structural frame Inner tray 47 Reflector Sidecase SIDE CASES SH43 RED Great capacity Retractile Handle Elastic strap Inner tray ACCESSORY: Ref. X0IB00 Inner bag Bolsa interna Sacoche interne Innentasche Borsa interna Bolsa interna Characteristics Page 12 5 48 Accessory X0IB00 Reflector Sidecase SH43 WHITE X: 55 cm Y: 28 cm Z: 40 cm Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E00 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E01 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E05 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E07 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E08 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E00 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E01 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E05 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E07 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E08 Black Negro Noir Schwarz Nero Preto Blue Azul Bleu Blau Blu Azul Silver Plata Argent Silber Argento Prateado Titanium Titanio Titane Titan Titanio Titânio White Blanco Blanc Weib Bianco Branco Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E17 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E09 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310 + D1B43E15 Ref. RED REFLECTOR D0B4310+D1B43E21 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E17 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E09 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100 + D1B43E15 Ref. WHITE REFLECTOR D0B43100+D1B43E21 Dark Grey Gris Oscuro Gris Foncé Dunkelgrau Grigio Scuro Cinza Escuro Red Rojo Rouge Rot Rosso Vermelho New Titanium New Titanio New Titane New Titan New Titanio New Titânio Black Metal Negro Metalizado Noir Métal Schwarz Metallic Nero Metallo Preto Metalizado 49 FITTING KITS 50 Attachment • One of SHAD’s most important innovations. The new 3P System side kit has been specifically created for this occasion, and while developing it, not only aesthetics were in mind. The key point to be considered was safety. Integrated design: The side mounting is better integrated with the bike. Lightness: reducing the overall weight thanks to the reduction of iron needed, improving security. Easy to assemble. Patent Pending • Una de las innovaciones más importantes de SHAD. El nuevo sistema de fijación lateral 3P System ha sido creado por SHAD para esta ocasión. En su desarrollo no sólo se ha primado la estética, sino que se ha tenido muy en cuenta la seguridad. • Une des innovations les plus importantes de SHAD. Le nouveau système de fixation latérale 3P a été créé par SHAD pour cette occasion. Et en le développant, non seulement l'esthétique étaient à l'esprit. Le point clé a toujours été la sécurité. Diseño integrado: la fijación lateral queda mejor integrada en la moto. Ligereza: gracias a la reducción de material necesario, lo que mejora la seguridad. Fácil de montar. Patente pendiente. Design intégré: la fixation latérale est mieux intégré à la moto. Légèreté: la réduction du poids grâce à la réduction du fer nécessaire, améliorant la sécurité. Facile à assembler. Patente à confirmer. 51 New SPORT RACK Attachment SUPPORTS Top master Tubular 1 Top case 52 TOP & SIDE MASTER Side Master 2 Side Cases Top master Tubular Side Master 1 Top case + Side Cases New Fitting for SOFT BAGS Sissybars & CHROMED RACKS SISSYBARS CHROMED RACKS FOR SH26 TO SH46, EXCEPT SH37 53 FITTING KITS BRAND & MODEL TOP MASTER 3P SYSTEM SIDEMASTER BRAND & MODEL TOP MASTER B0TR18SF FORESIGHT 250 (98 - 08) FORZA 250 ( 05 - 07) FORZA 250 (08-15) FORZA 300 (13-15) SH300i (09-15) SILVERWING 400 ( 05 - 09) SILVERWING GT 400 (10-15) SW-T 400 (10 -15) CB500 / CB500 S ( 94 - 05 ) CBF500 ( 06 - 08) CB 500 F (13-14) / CBR 500 R (13-15) CB 500 F (13-14) / CBR 500 R (13-15) CB 500 X (13-15) CB 500 X (13-15) SILVERWING 600 ( 01 - 13) SILVERWING GT 600 (10-13) TRANSALP XL600V ( 91 - 99 ) CBR600F ( 99 - 00 ) CBR 600F ( 01 - 08) CBR 600F (2011-13) HORNET 600 S ( 01 - 02 ) HORNET 600 ( 03 - 06 ) HORNET CB600F ( 07-10) HORNET CB 600 F (11-14) CBF600 S/N ( 04 - 12) CB650 F / CBR650R (14 -15) TRANSALP XL650V (00 - 07) DOMINATOR NX650 ( 91 - 03 ) FMX650 ( 05 - 08) REVERE 'NTV 650 ( 89 - 01 ) NTV650 ( 89 - 99 ) DEAUVILLE NT650V ( 98- 05 ) SLR 650 ( 97 - 03 ) CTX 700-N (2014 -15 DEAUVILLE 700 ( 05 - 14) TRANSALP 700 (07-12) INTEGRA 700 (12-13) / INTEGRA 750 (2014 -15) INTEGRA 700 (12-13) / INTEGRA 750 (2014 -15) NC700 X/S (12-13) / NC 750X/S (2014 -15) NC700 X/S (12-13) / NC 750X/S (2014 -15) AFRICA TWIN 750 ( 91 -03 ) CB750 ( 92 - 03 ) CROSS RUNNER 800 (11-14) VFR800 FI ( 99 - 01 ) VFR800 VTEC ( 02 - 04 ) VFR 800 ( 05 - 13) VFR800F (2014 -15 HORNET 900 ( 02 - 08) CBR1000 F ( 94- 01 ) CBF 1000 ( 05 - 09) CBF 1000 F( 10-13 VARADERO XL1000V (99 - 06) VARADERO XL 1000V (07-13) CBR1100 XX ( 97 - 07) PANEUROPEAN ST1100 ( 96 - 01 ) CB1100 (2013) VFR 1200F (10-14 -15 VFR 1200X CROSSTOURER (12-15) PANEUROPEAN ST1300 ( 02 - 09) CB1300 F / S ( 03 - 09 ) H0F28T H0FR26ST H0FR29ST H0FR33ST H0SH30ST H0S61T H0S61T H0S61T H0C54T H0CB64ST *H0CB53ST H0CF54ST *H0CX53ST H0CX54ST H0S61T H0S61T H0T66T *H0C69T H0CB61ST H0HN61ST H0HR61ST H0HR63ST H0HR67ST H0HN61ST H0CB64ST H0CF64ST H0V19T H0T66T H0FM65ST H0N64T H0N64T H0N68T H0T66T H0CT74ST H0NT76ST H0TR78ST H0NT73ST H0NT74ST H0NT73ST H0NT74ST H0T66T H0C74T H0CR81ST H0V89T H0VF82ST H0VF82ST H0VF84ST H0HR92ST H0C14T H0CB64ST H0CB10ST H0V19T H0VR17ST *H0CB11ST H0P15T H0CB12ST H0VF10ST H0CR12ST H0PN12ST H0CB13ST AEON ELITE 125 / 350i (2013-14) URBAN 125 / 350i (2013-14) APRILIA RALLY 50LC (97 - 02) SR50 Nettscaper / www (97 - 04) ATLANTIC / ARRECIFE 125/200 (03 - 06) (without backrest) ATLANTIC / ARRECIFE 400 (07-08) (without backrest) SCARABEO 125/200 (08-12) SCARABEO 200GT / 250 / 250GT / 300 / 500 (13 -14) SPORT CITY 125 / 200 (05 - 08) SPORT CITY ONE 125 (09 -14) SPORT CITY ONE 4T/125 (10-14) SPORT CITY CUBE 125/300 (10-14) SR MOTARD 50/125 (11-14) Sr MAX 125/300 (12-14) ATLANTIC 125-250-300 (07-14) ARRECIFE 500 SPRINT (06 - 10) (without backrest) PEGASO STRADA 650 (08-09) SHIVER 750 / 750 GT +ABS (09-14) MANA 850 (08-14) SRV 850 (12-14) DORSODURO 1200 (11-14) BAJAJ Pulsar NS 200 (12-14) BENELLI TREK 1130 (08-11) CAFFENERO 125 (2012) ZENCERO 125/350 (12-14) BMW C600 SPORT (12-14) C650 GT (12-15) F650GS / DAKAR (97 - 03 ) F650GS / DAKAR (04 - 07) F650GS / DAKAR (04 - 07) F650GS/F800GS / F700GS ( 08-15) G650GS (11-12) G650GS (11-12) F800ST (09-15) F800S-R (09-14 ) F800GT (2013-14 ) R850R/R1100R (96 -01 ) R850R/R1150R (02 - 07) R110RT (06) R1150RS (96) / K1100LT / R1150RT (96 - 05) K1200RS/GT (03 - 05) R1200GS (03-15) R1200GS ADVENTURE (04-15) R1200GS (13 -14) R1200R (09-13) R1200RT (09-13) / K1600GT (2013) / K1200GS (2007) CAN AM CAN AM SPIDER 990 FULL( 09) DAELIM ROADWIN 125R/250R (06-12) ROADWIN 125FI/250RI (06-14) S1 125 (13-14) S-2 125 / 250 (05) S-2 125 / 250 (06 -14) S3 125i/125 Fi/250I (10-14) DERBI ATLANTIS 50 ( 99 - 05 ) ATLANTIS 125 ( 05 - 09) BOULEVARD 125/150 ( 02 - 07) BOULERVARD 125/250 2T (10-14) VARIANT SPORT 125 4T/ 50 2T (12-14) DUCATI MULTISTRADA 1200 (10-15) GENERIC WORX 125 (2014) CODE 125 (2014) GILERA RUNNER 50/125/150/200 ( 06 - 08) RUNNER 50SP VX 125/150/200 ( 03 -14) RUNNER 50/125/150/200 BLACK SOUL (11-14) RUNNER 50/125/180 ( 97 - 02 ) NEXUS 125 (07-14) VX125 ( 03 - 04 ) VXR180/200 (03-04) NEXUS 250 / 500 ( 06 - 14 / NEXUS 300 (13 -14) FUOCO 500 (07--14) GP 800 (08-14) HONDA SFX50 ( 94 - 01 ) LEAD 100 ( 03 -07) / LEAD 125 (08) LEAD 110 (08-13) SH125 / SH150 ( 02 - 04 ) SH125 / SH150 /Pasion / ( 05 - 08) SH125/ SH150 ( 09-15) HONDA VISION / NSC50/110/125 (11-15) HONDA PS 125i/150i PASSION (09-15) DYLAN / SES 125 / 150 ( 02 - 08) H0NDA @ / NES 125 ( 00 - 07) / 150 ( 05 -08) FORESIGHT-PANTHEON 125/150 ( 98 - 02 ) FORESIGHT 250 ( 98 - 02 ) PANTHEON 125/150 ( 03 - 08) SH MODE 125 (14 -15) PCX 125 (10-15) SILVERWING 125 (07- 10) CBR 125/150/250 ( 04 - 10) CBR 125 R (11-14) CG125 ( 98 ) ( 02 - 03 ) CG125 ( 04 - 08) VARADERO 125 ( 01 -13) INNOVA 125 ( 03 - 06 ) INNOVA 125 ( 07-13) CBF 125 (08-14) CBF 250 ( 04 - 08) CRF 250 (12-15 CB250 ( 92 - 04 ) CBR 250 R (11-14) VTR 250 (09- 12) 54 B0ZN33ST B0ZN33ST A0R57T A0W57T A0TL13ST A0TL13ST A0SC18ST *A0SC53ST A0SP15ST A0SP19ST A0SP19ST A0SP10ST A0SP19ST G0NX56ST A0TL13ST A0TL13ST A0PS67ST A0SH71ST *A0MN88ST A0SR82ST A0DR11ST P0NS24ST B0TR18ST B0CF12ST B0ZN33ST P0NS24IF W0CS62ST W0CG62ST W0R60T W0FG64ST W0GS61ST W0FG68ST W0FG64ST W0GS61ST W0FS89ST W0FR89ST W0GT83ST W0R86T W0RR82ST W0R16T W0R16T W0KG12ST W0GS18ST FITS DIRECTLY W0GS13ST W0RR19ST W0RT19ST C0SP99ST D0RD16ST D0RD16ST D0S113ST D0S215ST D0S216ST D0S310ST N0A59T *N0AT15ST N0BL12ST V0FL15ST A0SP19ST D0ML10ST K0RS11ST K0RS11ST G0RN56ST G0RN56ST G0RN56ST G0R57T G0NX56ST G0RN53ST G0RN53ST G0NX56ST G0FC58ST G0GP88ST *H0S54T FITS DIRECTLY FITS DIRECTLY *H0SH11ST H0SH15ST H0SH10ST H0VS12ST H0SH30ST H0DL12ST *H0A10T H0F28T H0F28T *H0PN13ST H0MS13ST H0PC10ST H0SW17ST H0CB14ST H0CR11ST *H0G17T H0CG14ST H0V19T H0NN13ST H0NN17ST H0CB19ST H0CB24ST H0CR22ST H0C24T H0CR11ST H0VT29ST C0SP99SF HYOSUNG NH 50 (13-149 COMET 125/250 (06 - 09) COMET GT125/125R/250i/650i/650Ri (09-11) MS3 125/250 (08 -14) KAWASAKI J 300 (13-15) ER5 500 ( 02 - 07 ) GPZ 500 S ( 94 - 04 ) ZEPHYR 550 ( 94 - 02 ) ZZR 600 ( 91 - 92 ) ZZR 600 ( 93 - 05 ) ER6 N-F ( 06 - 08) ER6 N-F (09-11) ER6 N-f (12-14) Z750-S ( 05 - 06) Z750/R ( 07-12) VERSYS 650 (07-09) VERSYS 600/650 (10-14) VERSYS 650 (2015) ZEPHYR 750 ( 91 - 02 ) ZR-7 ( 99 - 00 ) ZR-7/S ( 01 - 05 ) Z 800 (12-14) KLV1000 ( 05 - 07) Z1000 (07 -09) Z1000 (10-12) Z1000 SX (11-14) VERSYS 1000 (12-14) VERSYS 1000 (2015) ZZR1200 ( 02 - 05 ) ZRX 1200 ( 01 - 08) GTR 1400 (07 - 14) KEEWAY F-ACT 20 (12-14) LOGIK 125 (11-14) RKS 125/150/200/200S (11-14) RKV 125/150/200S/200S FACTORY (11-14) SILVER BLADE 125/150(12-14) KTM LC8 950 (04-10) DUKE 125 /200/390 (14 -15) 950 SUPER MOTO (05) ADVENTURE 1190 (14 -15) KYMCO PEOPLE 50/125/150 ( 05 - 06) PEOPLE 50 (08-12) / PEOPLE S 50 (13-14) SENTO 50/100 (08-14) AGILITY 50/125 RS (10-14) VITALITY 2T 50 (09 -14) PEOPLE 125 i (10-14) AGILITY SPORT CITY 125 (08-13) AGILITY 16 + 50 /125i/200i 2T/4T (2014) DINK -SPACER 50/125/150 ( 97 - 06) B&W 50/125/150/250 ( 02 - 10) GRAND DINK 50/125/150/250 ( 00 -14) G - DINK 125i / 150i/300 (12-14) YAGER-DINK 50/125 (08-14) 3P SYSTEM SIDEMASTER H0CB64SF H0CF54IF H0CX54IF H0HR61SF H0CF67IF H0CF64IF H0CT74IF H0NT74IF H0NT74IF H0CB64SF H0TR65SF H0TR78SF H0NT72SF H0NT72SF H0CR81SF H0VF82IF H0VF82IF H0VF84IF H0VF82SF H0VF82SF H0CB16SF H0CB10SF H0VR61SF H0VR17SF H0VF10SF H0CR12SF H0NH53ST H0CM15ST H0CM29ST *H0MS18ST K0J334ST K0ER57ST K0G54T K0Z54T K0Z61T K0Z64T K0ER65ST K0ER69ST K0ER62ST K0Z775ST K0Z778ST K0VR67ST K0VR60ST K0VR65ST K0Z54T K0ZR79ST K0ZR71ST K0Z883ST S0VS12ST K0Z778ST K0Z111ST K0ZS11ST K0GT18ST K0GT18ST K0ZZ12ST K0ZR11ST K0GT18ST K0FC52ST *K0TL11ST K0RS11ST K0RK11ST K0SL12ST K0LC94ST K0DK34ST K0SP95ST K0DV14ST K0PP15ST K0PP58ST *K0SN58ST K0GL51ST K0VT53ST K0PP10ST K0GL18ST K0GL14ST K0S17T K0B11T K0GD20ST K0GD12ST K0YG58ST K0ER62IF K0VR60IF K0VR65IF K0ER69SF K0ER62SF *K0VR67SF K0VR60SF *K0ZR79SF S0VS12SF K0VR12SF *K0ZZ12SF BRAND & MODEL TOP MASTER LIKE 125 (09-14) SUPER DINK/STREET-DOWNTOWN 125 /300 (09-14) SUPER DINK/STREET-DOWNTOWN 125 /300 (09-14) MOVIE XL 125 (07-11) G5 125 (09-11) PULSAR 125(11-14) XCITING 250/500 ( 05 - 11) K-XCT 125/ 300i (2013) XCTING 400 (13-14) XCITING 500 ABS (05-12) /500i R (10-14) MY ROAD 700i (12-14) *K0LK19ST K0SP19ST K0SP19KT (1) K0MV19ST K0G519ST FITS DIRECTLY K0XC55ST K0XC32ST K0XC42ST K0XC55ST K0MY72ST LAMBRETTA LAMBRETTA 125 (12-14) MALAGUTTI MADISON 3 125 / 250 (07-09) MADISON 3 125ie / 250ie (11-14) MADISON 125-150-180-250-400 ( 99 - 06) SPIDERMAX GT 500 (07-14) PEUGEOT LUDDIX 50 ( 04 -12 / LUDDIX ONE 50 (10) KISBEE RS 50(2013- 14 / KYSBEE 100 (2014) SPEEDFIGHT ( 97- 03 ) SV50-SV80-SV125 ( 95 - 03 ) VIVACITY 50 / 100 ( 99 - 07) ELYSEO 50/100 ( 98 - 02 ) ELYSTAR 50/125/150 ( 02 - 12) CITYSTAR 125/200 i (2012-14 / CITYSTAR 50 (13-14) ELYSEO 125/150 ( 98 - 04 ) SATELLIS 125/200/400/500 (10 -14) Fit original fitting kit TWEET 50/ 125 (10-14) SV250 ( 03 - 04 ) PIAGGIO ENERGY / EXTREME 50 ( 99 - 04 ) ENERGY NRG 50 ( 05 -14 ) LX 50/125 ( 05 - 08) TYPHOON 50 ( 99 - 03 ) TYPHOON 50/125 (11-14) ZIP 50 (09-14) CARNABY 125 (08-10) / CARNABY 200/250 (09- 14 LIBERTY 50/125/200 ( 05 - 08) LIBERTY 50/125 (09-14) LIBERTY S 50/125/200 (07-09) SKYPPER 125/300 (03 -04) BEVERLY TOURER 125/250/400 (08 - 14) BEVERLY 125ie / 300 ie TOURER/tourer sport 330(13) (11-14) FLY 50/125/150 (05 - 12) FLY 50/125/150 (2013 -14) X7 125/250/300 (08-14) X7 125/250/300 EVO (10-14) X8 125/250-500 7 / XEVO 125/250 ( 04 - 08) "Abatable" X9 125/180/250/500 (00 - 09) X10 (12-14 BEVERLY 125/200/500 ( 02 - 08) MP3 125RL/300/400/500 LT-SPORT-HYBRID 125/300 LT (07-14) MP3 125/500 SPORT BUSINESS (14-15) MP3 125/300 YOURBAN (11-14) MP3 YOURBAN LT300 ie (11-14) BEVERLY CRUISER 500 (07-14) QUADRO 3D 350 (2012-14) 3D 350 S (13-14) SUZUKI 3P SYSTEM SIDEMASTER S0BN61SF S0BN67SF *S0BN11SF(01/04) S0GS16SF (05/07) X MOTION 125-250i-300i/ X LARGE 125i (09-14) BELLAVISTA 300 efi (12-14) TRIUMPH STREET TRIPLE 675 (09-13) TIGER 800 / 800 XC '(11-15) SPRINT GT 1050 (11-13) TIGER 1050 (09-13) TIGER SPORT 1050 (13-15) TIGER EXPLORER 1200 (12-15) TROPHY 1300 (13-15) YAMAHA V0E59T V0NR55ST V0LX55ST V0T59T V0TH11ST V0ZP59ST V0CR18ST V0LB15ST V0LB19ST V0LB17ST *V0SK12ST V0TR18ST V0TR18ST V0FL15ST V0FL13ST V0X718ST V0X718ST V0X814ST V0X20T V0X112ST V0BV22ST V0MP10ST V0MP54ST V0YR11ST V0YR11ST *V0BV57ST Q03D32ST Q03S34ST S0BN69ST S0BN69ST S0BN69ST S0BN69ST S0BR62ST S0BR62ST *S0F67T FITS DIRECTLY S0VS12ST S0VS62ST S0VS62ST S0SV69ST S0SV13ST S0BN69ST S0GL69ST S0GS71ST S0S74T S0GS74ST S0B64T S0G78T S0I78T S0VS12ST S0VS14ST S0SV13ST S0I78T S0B64T S0BN60ST S0BN69ST SIDEMASTER S0BN61IF S0BN61IF TGB P0LD54ST P0KS53ST P0P57T P0V55T P0V59T P0E18T P0LS52ST P0CT12ST P0E58T P0ST10ST P0TW10ST H0F28T BANDIT 650 N/S GSX650 ( 05-15) BANDIT GSX 650 F (08-15) BANDIT 650 S ABS (11-15) BANDIT GSX650 F (11-14) BURGMAN 650 ( 02 -14) BURGMAN 650 EXECUTIVE (04 -15) FREEWIND XF650 ( 97 - 03 ) DR650RSE (91 - 96) V-STROM DL 650 ( 04 - 11) V-STROM 650 ABS (12-14) V-STROM 650 XT (2015) SV650 ( 99 - 02 ) SV650 S ( 03 - 11) GSX 650 F (2011) GLADIUS 650 (09-14) GSR 750 (11-14) GSX750FS ( 91 - 98 ) GSX 600/750 F ( 03 - 07) BANDIT 750 ( 96 - 97 ) GSX 750 F ( 98 - 02 ) INAZUMA GSX750 ( 98 - 03 ) V-STROM DL 1000 ( 02 - 13) V-STROM DL 1000 ( 2014) SV1000 S (03 - 08) INAZUMA GSX1200 ( 99 - 03 ) BANDIT 1200 N/S ( 96 - 00 ) BANDIT 1200 / N/S ( 01 - 04) BANDIT GSF 1200 /S ( 05 - 14) 3P SYSTEM S0BN69ST S0BN69ST S0BN11ST S0BN11ST FIDDLE II 50 / 125 (2011-14) ALLO 125 (11-14) CITY COM 125i / 300i (11-14) JOYRIDE 125/200 EVO (10- 14) WOLF SB 125i /250i (2012-13) GTS 125 / 250 ( 06 - 11) GTS 125 / 250/ 300 EVO - EVO Fi (10 -14) JOYMAX GTS 125/ 125i /250i /300i/ Evo (13-14) EVO VS 125 (08) MAXSYM 400 (11-14) MAXSYM 600 (2014) M0MD17ST M0MD17ST M0M19T M0SP57ST S0A54T S0DR18ST S0K57T S0SX18ST *S0SX18ST S0BR12ST S0BR17ST S0BR17ST S0NZ23ST S0S28T S0S21T S0S28T S0S21T S0BR45ST S0BR46ST S0BR46ST S0BR46ST S0BR46ST S0I78T S0G54T S0GS51ST S0GS66ST S0G78T S0B64T S0BN60ST S0BN69ST TOP MASTER BANDIT GSX1250 N/FA (11-15) BANDIT GSF 1250 / ( 07 - 09) GSX 1400 ( 01 - 07) GSX 1400 ( 01 - 07) SYM L0LM12ST ADRESS 50R ( 94 - 04 ) ADRESS 125 ( 07-10) KATANA 50LC ( 97 - 04 ) SIXTEEN 125 ('08 10 ) SIXTEEN 150 (10- 14) BURGMAN 125/150 ( 02 - 06) BURGMAN UH 125/ 200 125 R (07-13) BURGMAN 125/200 (2014-15) INAZUMA 250 (2013-15) BURGMAN 250 ( 98 - 00 ) BURGMAN 250/BUSINESS ( 01 - 09) BURGMAN 400 ( 98 - 00 ) BURGMAN 400 ( 01 - 06 ) BURGMAN 400 X Tipe S ( 05 - 06) BURGMAN 400 K7 (06) BURGMAN 400 (07-09) BURGMAN 400 Z (07) Remove original backrest BURGMAN 400 ABS (10-13) INAZUMA GSX 400F ( 00 ) GS500 E ( 89 - 00 ) GS 500 / GS 500 F ( 01 - 11) GSR-600 ( 05 - 11) GSX600F ( 98 - 04 ) BANDIT GSF600 N ( 94 - 99 ) BANDIT GSF600 ( 00 - 04 ) BANDIT 650 N/S GSX650 ( 05-15) BRAND & MODEL *S0GS51SF S0GS66SF S0BN61IF S0BN61IF S0BN61IF S0BN61IF S0BN61IF *S0BN60SF S0BN65SF (05-06 ET 2009 ) S0BN67SF (07-10) S0BN67SF S0BN61SF S0BN61SF S0VS62IF S0VS64SF S0VS62SF S0VS62SF S0BN61IF S0GS61SF S0VS14IF S0BN61IF S0VS12SF S0BN21SF S0BN65SF NEO'S 50 / 100 ( 97 - 07) NEO'S 50/ 125 / 4 TEMPI (08-15) AEROX 50/100 ( 97 - 08) AEROX 50 (13-15) WHY 50 (08-13) JOG II 50 (02 - 15) BW´S 125 (10-15) CYGNUS X 125 ( 04 - 06) CYGNUS X 125 ( 07-15) DELIGHT 125 (13-15) X CENTER 125 (12-15) TRICITY 125 (14 -15) X - CITY 250 ( 07-08) X-CITY 50/125/250 (09-15) SR125 ( 96 - 04 ) TDR125 ( 97 - 05 ) XT125 R/X ( 05 -10) YBR125 ( 05 - 07) YBR 125 i / CLASSIC SP (10-15) FZ16 / FZ16S (13-15) MAJESTY 125 ( 98 - 00 ) MAJESTY 125/150/180 ( 01 - 06) MAJESTY 125 (07-10) MAJESTY S 125 (14-15) MAJESTY 250 ( 96 - 99 ) MAJESTY 250 ( 00 - 09) SR 250 Esp. ( 91 - 95 ) SR250 CLASSIC ( 96 - 03 ) X-MAX 125 -250 ( 05 - 09) X-MAX 125-250 (10-13) X-MAX 125/250/400 i (14 -15) YBR 250 (08-12) VERSITY 300 ( 03 - 07 ) MAJESTY 400 ( 04 - 06 ) MAJESTY YP400 (10-13) X-MAX125- 400i (14 -15) T- MAX XP500 (01-07) T-MAX XP500 /ABS (08 -12) T-MAX 530 (12-15) DIVERSION XJ 600 SN ( 93 - 95 ) DIVERSION XJ600 S/SN ( 96 - 05 ) DIVERSION XJ 600 N/S/F ABS(09 -15) XT 600 E ( 91 - 94 ) XT 600E ( 95 - 04 ) XT 660 X/R ( 04 - 15) TENERE XT 660Z (08-15) FAZER 600 ( 98 - 00 ) FAZER 600 ( 01 - 03 ) FAZER FZ6 N/S 600 ( 04 - 06) FAZER FZ6 N/S 600 ( 07-12) MT 07 (14 -15) FAZER FZ8 800 (10-15) FAZER FZ8 800 (10-15) TDM 850 ( 91 - 95 ) TDM 850 ( 96 - 01 ) TDM 900 ( 02 - 13) DIVERSION XJ 900 SN ( 94 - 03 ) MT 09 / STREET RALLY (13-15) MT 09 TRACER (2015) FAZER 1000 ( 01 - 05 ) FAZER 1000 - FZ1 ( 06 -15) BULLDOG 1100 ( 02 - 08) XT 1200 Z SUPER TENERE 1200 (10-13) FJR 1300 ( 01 - 05 ) FJR 1300 (06 -15) XJR 1300 ( 98 - 03 ) XJR 1300 ( 04 - 06) XJR 1300 ( 07-15) S0FD11ST S0LL51ST S0CT31ST S0JR11ST S0WL12ST S0GT25ST S0GT25ST S0JM13ST *S0VS18ST S0MX41ST S0MX41ST T0XM19ST T0BL32ST T0ST69ST T0TG81ST T0SP10ST T0TG19ST T0TG13ST FITS DIRECTLY T0TR13ST Y0N10T Y0NS58ST Y0A57T Y0RX53ST FITS DIRECTLY Y0JG52ST Y0BW10ST Y0CY14ST Y0CY17ST Y0DL53ST Y0XN13ST Y0TR14ST Y0XC27ST Y0XC19ST Y0S16T Y0T17T Y0XT15ST Y0YB15ST FITS DIRECTLY Y0FZ13ST Y0M18T Y0M11T Y0MJ17ST Y0MJ14ST Y0M26T Y0M20T Y0S24T *Y0C27T Y0XM25ST Y0XM20ST Y0XM43ST Y0YB28ST *Y0VR33ST Y0MJ44ST Y0MJ44ST Y0XM43ST Y0T51T Y0TM59ST Y0TM52ST Y0X64T Y0XJ66ST Y0XJ69ST Y0X61T Y0X65T Y0XT64ST Y0XT68ST Y0F68T Y0FZ61ST Y0FZ64ST Y0FZ64ST Y0MT74ST Y0FZ80ST Y0FZ84ST Y0T84T Y0T86T Y0TD92ST Y0XJ94ST Y0MT93ST Y0MT95ST Y0FZ11ST Y0FZ16ST Y0BL12ST Y0XT10ST Y0FJ31ST Y0FJ16ST Y0XJ11ST Y0XJ11ST Y0XJ17ST T0TG81IF T0XP12SF Y0XJ69IF *Y0XJ66SF Y0XJ69SF Y0XT68SF Y0MT74IF Y0FZ61SF Y0FZ64SF Y0FZ67SF Y0FZ80IF Y0MT93IF *Y0TD92SF *Y0XJ94SF *Y0FZ11SF Y0FJ31SF Y0XJ11SF Y0XJ14SF Y0XJ17SF Consulte la lista actualizada en nuestra web: Check the updated list at our website: Consultez la liste actualisée sur notre site: 55 COMFORT SEATS POLYESTHER FOAM Espuma de poliéster. Mousse de polyester. 3D MESH 56 SKAY Best Materials Resistant to HEATING SYSTEM POLYURETHANE CUSHION Cojín de poliuretano. Coussin en polyuréthanne. PLASTIC BASE Base en plástico. Base en plastique. 57 Yamaha XMAX Model and year X MAX 125/250 (10-15) SKYCRUISER 125/250 (10-15) REF. SHY0X2000 Colours. Black, with dark grey seams REF. SHY0X2010 Colours. Black, with red seams REF. SHY0X2006 Colours. Black-Grey with grey seams Yamaha TMAX Model and year T-MAX 500 (08-13) T-MAX 530 (14-15) 58 REF. SHY0T5010 Colours. Black, with red seams REF. SHY0T5320 REF. SHY0T5320H Colours.Black, with white seams REF. SHY0T5329 REF. SHY0T5329H Colours. Black-red, with, grey seams Yamaha FAZER FZ6 Model and year FAZER FZ6 600 (04-10) REF. SHY0F7000 Colours. Black, with grey seams Yamaha FAZER FZ8 Model and year FAZER FZ8 (13-15) REF. SHY0F810C Colours. Black, with blue seams REF. SHY0F811C Colours. Black, with grey seams REF. SHY0F812C Colours. Black, with white seams 59 Yamaha X J6 Model and year XJ6 (09-15) REF.SHY0X6100 Colours. Black,with dark, grey seams Yamaha MT- 09 Model and year MT-09 (13-15) 60 REF. SHY0M9300 REF. SHY0M9300H Colours, Black-Grey, with Grey Seams Kawasaki Z 750/1000 Model and year Z750 (07-13)/ Z1000 (07-09) REF. SHK0Z1000C Colours.Black, with dark, grey seams REF. SHK0Z1020C Colours.Black, with red seams REF. SHK0Z8307C Colours. Black-green, green seams REF. SHK0Z8309C Colours.Black-red, with red seams Kawasaki Z800 Model and year Z800 (13-15) REF. SHK0Z8300C REF. SHK0Z8300CH Colours.Black, with dark grey seams 61 Kawasaki ER6 Model and year ER-6 (12-15) REF. SHK0E6300C Colours.Black-grey, with grey seams Kawasaki ER6 Model and year ER6 (09-11) 62 REF. SHK0E6000 Colours.Black, with grey seams REF. SHK0E6107 Colours.Black, with green seams Suzuki BANDIT Model and year SUZUKI BANDIT 650 / 1250 N ( 08-12) REF. SHS0B610C Colours.Black, with grey seams Kawasaki Suzuki Z800 GLADIUS Model and year GLADIUS (09-15) REF. SHS0G6000 Colours. Black, with dark grey seams REF. SHS0G6010 Colours. Black-grey, with red seams REF. SHS0G6020 Colours.Black-white, with white seams 63 Suzuki GSR750 Model and year GSR750 (11-15) REF. SHS0G720C Colours. Black, with dark grey seams REF. SHS0G721C Colours.Black, with red seams Suzuki VSTROM1000 Suzuki V-Strom 1000 (2014) 64 REF. SHS0V1400 REF. SHS0V1400H Colours. Black, Red seams REF. SSHS0V1409 REF. SSHS0V1409H Colours. Black, White Seams Honda CBF Model and year HONDA CBF600 (09-12) CBF1000 (2012) REF. SHH0C111C REF. SHH0C111CH Colours.Black, with grey seams Honda HORNET Model and year HONDA HORNET CB600F (11-12) REF. SHH0H6100 Colours.Black, with grey seams REF. SHH0H6115 Colours.Black, with golden seams 65 Honda NC750/700X Model and year NC700X (2012-13) NC750X (2014-15) No logo REF. SHH0N710C REF. SHH0N710CH Colours. Black-grey, red seams REF. SHH0N720C REF. SHH0N720CH Colours.Black-grey, grey seams REF. SHH0N710CN REF. SHH0N710CNH Colours.Black-grey, red seams, without logo REF. SHH0N720CN REF. SHH0N720CNH Colours.Black-grey, grey seams, without logo Logo Honda NC750/700S Model and year NC700S (2012-13) NC750S (2014-15) No logo 66 REF. SHH0NS700C REF. SHH0NS700CH Colours.Black-grey, grey seams REF. SHH0NS709C REF. SHH0NS709CH Colours. Black-grey, red seams REF. SHH0NS700CN REF. SHH0NS700CNH Colours.Black-grey, grey seams, without logo REF. SHH0NS709CN REF. SHH0NS709CNH Colours.Black-grey, red seams, without logo Logo Honda CBR600 Model and year HONDA CBR600F (11-12) REF. SHH0B6200 Colours. Black, with grey seams REF. SHH0B6209 Colours. Black, with red seams REF. SHH0B6201 Colours.Black, with blue seams Honda INTEGRA750 Model and year INTEGRA 750(2014-15) REF. SHH0I740C REF. SHH0I740CH Colours. Black, white seams 67 Honda INTEGRA700 Model and year INTEGRA 700(2012-13) REF. SHH0I720C Colours. Black, white seams Piaggio MP3 Model and year MP3 RL (07-12) MP3 RST 125-250-100 (09-12) MP3 LT 250-400 (09-13) MP3 500 SPORT/BUSINESS (11-13) 68 REF.SHV0M2329 REF.SHV0M2329H Colours. Black-grey, grey-red seams REF. SHV0M2320 Colours. Black-white, grey-blue seams REF. SHV0M2110 REF. SHV0M2120 Colours.Black, red seams Colours.Black, grey seams SEAT DISPLAY 69 BACKRESTS NEW 1. Choose your favorite color . Selecciona tu color preferido . Choisissez votre couleur préférée 2. Look for your motorcycle model . Busca tu modelo de moto. Rechercher votre modèle de moto REF. D0RP00 70 REF. D0RP08 REF. D0RP05 BRAND YAMAHA X-MAX 125/250 (10-12) REFERENCE X-MAX 400 Y0XM43RN/15 PIAGGIO X-10 (12-13) V0X112RN/7 Y0XM20RN/15 COLOUR Black, with golden seams Black, with golden seams Brown, with golden seams 71 100% Water proof adventure bags 72 73 100% Waterproof Bags Waterproof Huge Travel Bag SW138 REF. W0SB138 X: 35 cm Y: 85 cm Z: 40 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 138L Waterproof Big Travel Bag X: 35 cm Y: 35 cm Z: 70 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 85L 74 SW90 Waterproof Travel Bag SW55 REF. W0SB55 X: 26 cm Y: 40 cm Z: 60cm Characteristics Page 12-13 55L Waterproof Saddle Bags X: 15 cm SW42 REF. W0SB42 Y: 40 cm Z: 34cm Characteristics Page 12-13 18L 75 100% Waterproof Bags Waterproof Rear Tube SW40 REF. W0SB40 X: 20 cm Y: 62 cm Z: 0 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 20L Waterproof Rear Duffle Bag REF. W0SB38 X: Ø 30 cm Y: 55 cm Z: NA Ref. WOSB38K Ref. WOSB38 Characteristics Page 12-13 38L 76 SW38 Ref. WOSB38W Waterproof Rear Backpack SW35 REF. W0SB35 X: 17 cm Y: 26 cm Z: 42 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 35L Waterproof Rear Bag X: 28 cm SW28 REF. W0SB28 Y: 28 cm Z: 36 cm Removable inside foamed compartment for laptop or camera protection. Foam dividers Characteristics Page 12-13 30L 77 100% Waterproof Bags Waterproof Rear Backpack SW25 REF. W0SB25 X: 13 cm Y: 22 cm Z: 46 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 25L Waterproof Magnet Tankbag + Backpack X: 17 cm SW22 REF. W0SB22M Y: 26 cm Z: 42 cm Inner bag included to guarantee 100% waterproofness. Characteristics Page 12-13 18L 78 Waterproof Laptop Bag SW18 REF. W0SB18 X: 22 cm Y: 40 cm Z: 40 cm Shock - proof inner compartment, foamed and removable, special for laptops or electronic devices. Characteristics Page 12-13 18L Waterproof Rear Bag SW05 REF. W0SB05 X: 13 cm Y: 15 cm Z: 20 cm Shock-proof inner removable compartment for cameras or electronic devices. Ref. WOSB05K Ref. WOSB05 Ref. WOSB05W Characteristics Page 12-13 5L 79 NEW 80 SEMI RIGID BAGS 81 SEMIRIGID BAGS Saddle Bag E-48 REF. X0SE48 X: 45 cm Y: 23 cm Z: 27 cm *See the fitting system in page 53 Characteristics Page 12-13 40 L 52 L Backpack REF. X0SE83 X: 29 cm Y: 21 cm Z: 47 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 17 L 82 E-83 Small tank Bag E-04 REF. X0SE04 X: 29 cm Y: 26 cm Z: 10 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 3L E-22 Tank Bag REF. X0SE22 X: 42 cm Y: 30 cm Z: 22 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 16 L 22 L 83 SOFT BAGS Gear Bag Special for Pilots SB110 REF. X0SB110 X: 42 cm Y: 82 cm Z: 45 cm Easy to carry TROLLEY Retractable Handle Helmets pocket in a velvet style fabric Big main compartment Shoes pocket in PE Bottom pocket in PE for riders leather suits Padded body to protect the goods Characteristics Page 12-13 155 L Rear Bag SB70 REF. X0SB70 X: 31 cm Y: 53 cm Z: 30cm Greatest Capacity Velcro pockets Characteristics Page 12-13 50 L 84 Saddle Bag SB50 REF. X0SB50 X: 20 cm 2 Side Bags Y: 47 cm Z: 29 cm External pocket with zipper Accessory Heat protector Raincover REF. X1SB97 Characteristics Page 12-13 54 L 62 L Sport Side Bag SB44 REF. X0SB44 X: 20 cm Y: 47 cm Z: 29 cm 2 Side Bags Main compartment Water bottle pocket External pocket with zipper Raincover Characteristics Page 12-13 22 L 25 L 85 SOFT BAGS X: 14 cm Y: 50 cm Z: 29cm 2 Side Bags External pocket with zipper Saddle Bag SB60 REF. X0SB60 Accessory Heat protector REF. X1SB97 Raincover Characteristics Page 12-13 20 L 29 L Trolley transport system 86 Big Tank Bag SB35 REF. X0SB35 Touch screen X: 30 cm Y: 37 cm External pocket with zipper Z: 22 cm Super expandable Net pocket Convertible in Back Pack Base Tank REF. X1SB90 Characteristics Page 12-13 x2 24 L 40 L Tank Bag SB25 REF. X0SB25 X: 24 cm Touch screen Y: 40 cm Z: 21 cm External pocket with zipper 2 Systems INCLUDED: • 3 fixation straps • 2 suction cups + 1 strap Accessory Magnets REF. X1SB11 Accessory 2 extra suction cups REF. X1SB10 Characteristics Page 12-13 20 L 27 L optional 27 L 87 SOFT BAGS X: 29 cm Enduro Bag SB23 REF. X0SB23 GPS protector pocket Y: 30 cm Internal pocket with zipper Z: 17 cm Convertible in Back Pack Base Tank REF. X1SB90 Characteristics Page 12-13 15 L 5L 24 L Tank Bag SB22 REF. X0SB22 X: 24 cm Touch screen Y: 40 cm Z: 21 cm 2 Systems INCLUDED: • 3 fixation straps • 2 suction cups + 1 strap Accessory Magnets REF. X1SB11 Accessory 2 extra suction cups REF. X1SB10 20 L 27 L 88 optional Characteristics Page 12-13 GPS Tank Bag SB15 REF. X0SB15 X: 33 cm External pocket with zipper Y: 17 cm Z: 19 cm GPS Pocket 2 Systems INCLUDED: • 3 fixation straps • 2 suction cups + 1 strap Accessory Magnets REF. X1SB11 Accessory 2 extra suction cups REF. X1SB10 optional Characteristics Page 12-13 10 L Back Pack SB90 REF. X0SB90 *Available until stock lasts X: 12 cm Y: 30 cm Z: 44 cm Ligh weight External pocket with zipper Urban Style Characteristics Page 12-13 16 L 89 SOFT BAGS Scooter Bag SC30 REF. X0SC30 X: 26 cm Y: 30 cm Z: 40 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 31 5 LL Scooter Bag SC20 REF. X0SC20 X: 28 cm Y: 30 cm Z: 32 cm External pocket with zipper Characteristics Page 12-13 27 L 90 Tank Pouch Magnet Tank Pouch Suction SB12 REF. X0SB12M REF. X0SB12S X: 30 cm Y: 17 cm Z: 06 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 Mobile Protector Multiple compartments REF: SB12M REF: SB12S 3L Back Pack SB11 REF. X0SB11 X: 9 cm Y: 23 cm Z: 16 cm Small and functional Inner Pockets Velcro compartments Zipper compartments Characteristics Page 12-13 3L 91 SOFT BAGS X: 07 cm Y: 22cm Z: 15 cm Holster Bag SB05 REF. X0SB05 External pocket with zipper Multiple compartments Belt strap Included Characteristics Page 12-13 2,5 L Holster Bag SB04 REF. X0SB04 X: 02 cm Y: 24cm Z: 12 cm Net pocket Internal compartments Belt strap Included Characteristics Page 12-13 0,5 L 92 Toll Pass Pouch SBT4 REF. X0SB05 X: 4 cm Toll Pass/ Teletac Y: 7 cm Z: 10 cm Characteristics Page 12-13 0,2L Waist Bag SBT5 REF. X0SBT5 X: 09 cm Y: 23cm Z: 16 cm External pocket with zipper Velcro compartments Zipper compartments Characteristics Page 12-13 3L 93 SOFT BAGS X: 8 cm Tool Bag SBT2 REF. X0SB05 Elastic holders Y: 31 cm Z: 16 cm Net pocket with zipper Belt strap Included Characteristics Page 12-13 4L Tool Bag SBT1 REF. X0SB05 X: 1,5 cm Y: 30 cm Z: 15 cm Inner Pockets Keep your tools organized Tools pocket 94 ACCESSORIES INNER BAGS X: 50 cm Y: 21cm Z: 35 cm INNER BAG FOR TOP CASES REF. X0IB00 X: 21 cm Y: 31 cm Z: 28 cm INNER BAG FOR SIDE CASES SH36 REF. X0IB36 95 Bluetooth communication system HAND FREE INTERCOM 96 97 BRACKET FOR GPS GPS Handlebar bracket Soporte para manillar Support guidon SIZE HANDLEBAR BRACKET MIRROR BRACKET SOPORTE PARA MANILLAR. SUPPORT GUIDON SOPORTE RETROVISOR. SUPPORT RÉTROVISEUR 3,5” 8,5 x 12,5 cm Ref. X0SG50H Ref. X0SG50M 4,3” 9 x 14 cm Ref. X0SG40H Ref. X0SG40M Characteristics Page 12-13 98 GPS Mirror bracket Soporte para retrovisor Support rétroviseur BRACKET FOR SMARTPHONE GPS Handlebar bracket Soporte para manillar Support guidon SIZE GPS Mirror bracket Soporte para retrovisor Support rétroviseur HANDLEBAR BRACKET MIRROR BRACKET SOPORTE PARA MANILLAR. SUPPORT GUIDON SOPORTE RETROVISOR. SUPPORT RÉTROVISEUR 3,5” 7 x 12 cm Ref. X0SG20H Ref. X0SG20M 4,3” 8 x 14 cm Ref. X0SG10H Ref. X0SG10M 5,5” 9 x 16 cm Ref. X0SG60H Ref. X0SG60M Characteristics Page 12-13 99 ATV CASES 100 101 ATV CASES Safety lock & Reflector Cierre de alta seguridad & Catadióptrico Fermeture de securité & Réflechissant Sicherverschlusssystem & Reflektor Chiusura di alta securitá & Catarifrangente Fachadura de alta segurança & Refletor Fitting Fijación Fixation Befetigung Atacco Fixação Characteristics Page 12 - 13 15 102 x3 Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto ATV110 REF. D0Q1100 X: 58,5 cm Y: 93 cm Z: 34 cm Maximum load 103 ATV CASES Characteristics Page 12 15 104 Fitting Fijación Fixation Befetigung Atacco Fixação Backrest Respaldo Dosseret Rückenpolster Schienale Encosto Reflector Catadióptrico Réflechissant Reflektor Catarifrangente Refletor Safety lock Cierre de alta seguridad Fermeture de securité Sicherverschlusssystem Chiusura di alta securitá Fachadura de alta segurança ATV80 REF. S0Q800 X: 55 cm Y: 90 cm Z: 26 cm 105 ATV CASES Reinforced finishes Acabados reforzados Finitions renforcées Verstärkte ausführung Rinforzi nelle finiture Acabamentos Reforçados Fitting Fijación Fixation Befetigung Atacco Fixação Characteristics Page 12-13 5 106 Locking Cierre Fermeture Verschluss Chiusura Fecho ATV40 REF. D0Q200 X: 37 cm Y: 74 cm Z: 19 cm 107 ATV CASES X: 47 cm Y: 87 cm Z: 20 cm Cool Bag Characteristics Page 12-13 77 L 108 ATVBAG100 REF. XOATVS100 ATVBAG55 REF. X0ATV55 X: 27 cm Y: 70 cm Z: 27 cm Inner pocket Inner divider Inner Compartment in PE Reflector Characteristics Page 12-13 51 L 109 SPARE PARTS SH50 SH49 110 SH48 SH46 111 SPARE PARTS SH45 SH40 SH39 SH37 112 SH33 SH29 SH26 113 SPARE PARTS SH43 SH42 SH36 Ref. 200784R Ref. D1B36CAR (Red) Ref. D1B5TIR 114 Ref. D1B361CAR (White) ATV110 ATV80 ATV40 115 DISPLAY REF. 1 D0EX03 + 2 D0EX02 + 1 D0EX10 9 Top Cases REF. D0EX40 Seat Display 116 REF. D0EX13 1 Top case + 2 Side cases REF. D0EX20 SH36 display REF. D0EX02 REF. D0EX22 3 Top Cases For All Top Cases. With Floor Stand REF. D0EX10 Big top cases SH50-SH49-SH48 SHAD CORNER 1.20 mt 2.20 mt 117 Línea para ESPAÑA Teléfono: +34 935 795 870 Línea para ESPAÑA Ligne pour Teléfono: +34 935la 795FRANCE 870 Téléphone: +34 935 795 868 Ligne pour la FRANCE Téléphone: SHAD +34 935 795 868 Octave Lecante, 2-6 Pol. Ind. Can Magarola SHAD 08100 Mollet del Vallès · Barcelona · Spain Octave Lecante, 2-6 Tel.: +34 935 795 860 Pol. Ind. Can Magarola Fax: +34 935 796 945 08100 Mollet del Vallès · Barcelona · Spain Tel.: +34 935 795 860 Fax: +34 935 796 945 Shad ASIA Room 11P14,16No.2299 YAN AN Road (West) Changning District · Shanghai · China Shad ASIA Tel.: +86 21 62365730 Room 11P14,16No.2299 YAN AN Road (West) Fax: +86 21 62365730 Changning District · Shanghai · China Tel.: +86 21 62365730 Fax: +86 21 62365730 NADSL reserves the right to amend its model’s specifications without prior notice. NADSL reserves the right to amend NADSLits semodel’s reservaspecifications el derecho de without prior modificar las notice. especificaciones de sus modelos sin previo aviso. NADSL se reserva el derecho de modificarselas especificaciones NADSL réserve le droit sus modelos sin previo aviso. de modifier ses modelès sans préavis. NADSL se réserve le droit de modifier sessich modelès NADSL behält das Recht vor, die sans préavis. Merkmale seiner Modëlle ohne Ankündigung zu ändern. NADSL behält sich das Recht vor, die Merkmale Modëlle la NADSL siseiner riserva il dirittoohne di modificare ändern. iAnkündigung propri modellizu e le loro applicazioni senza preavviso. la NADSL si riserva il diritto di modificare i propri modelli e le loro applicazioni NADSL reserva-se o direito de senza preavviso. modificar as especificações dos seus modelos sem prévio aviso. NADSL reserva-se o direito de modificar as especificações dos seus modelos sem prévio aviso. [email protected] [email protected]
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