St. Anthony’s Parish 38 Oakes Street, Everett, MA 02149 Staffed by the Missionaries of Saint Charles (Scalabrinians) Multicultural Parish: English, Italian, Spanish, and Portuguese May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Church 46 Oakes Street............... Tel. 617-387-0310 Rectory 38 Oakes Street .............. Tel. 617-387-0310 Fax. 617-387-1229 617-389-2448 School 54 Oakes Street Fax. 617-389-3769 Rev. Armando Gomez, C.S., Administrator 617-387-0310 617-387-0310 Rev. Jairo Alfonso, C.S., Vicar 617-387-0310 Rev. Thomas Marchant, Deacon Mrs. Maria Giggie, School Principal Mrs. Ersilia Matarazzo, Secretary Mrs. Maria Sentance, R.E. Coordinator (English) Ms. Doris DiTullio, R.E. Advisor (English) Mrs. Maybell Montano, R.E. Coordinator (Spanish) Mrs. Eleniuza Silveira, R.E. Coordinator (Portuguese) Mrs. Kathleen Hersey, Music Director and Organist Office Hours: .................... Mon. to Fri. 9:00am to 5:00pm Saturday and Sunday: .................................... Closed Sick Calls: ..................................................... Anytime Sunday Masses Saturday ................................................ 4:00 pm .............................................................. 7:00 pm Sunday ................................................. 7:30 am .............................................................. 9:15 am ............................................................ 10:30 am ............................................................ 12:30 pm .............................................................. 7:00 pm Weekday Masses Monday to Friday ................................. 7:30 am Tuesday ................................................. 7:00 pm Thursday .............................................. 7:00 pm Friday .................................................... 7:00 pm (Eng) (Spa) (Por) (Eng) (Ita) (Spa) (Por) (Eng) (Ita) (Spa) (Por) Holy Days .............................................As Announced Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament: Every Friday from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm Saint Anthony Novena: Tuesday at 7:30am (Eng) Tuesday at 7:00pm (Ita) Thursday at 7:00pm(Spa) Scripture Workshop: Mon. at 2:30 pm: (Deacon T. Marchant) Bible Study Group (Italian): On Thur sday at 7:00 pm Confessions Saturday: .......... 3:00 pm - 3:45 pm 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Friday: ................................. 7:30 pm and upon request Baptisms (Previous Registration and Instruction Required) 1st Sunday (Portuguese at 6:00 pm) 2nd Saturday (English at 2:00 pm) 4th Sunday (Spanish at 1:45 pm) Marriages Engaged couples should make an appointment at least six months before the wedding date. Religious Education: Grades 1 to 10: ................................. Sunday at 9:15 am Spanish Classes: ............................ Saturday at 5:30 pm Portuguese Classes: ..........................Sunday at 5:00 pm Centro Comunitario: Brasileiros & Hispanos: 63 Oakes Street - Monday to Friday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm Sister Elisete: (617-387-1393) Secretaria/Oficina: 63 Oakes Street (617-387-1393) Monday to Friday: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm (Vanusa Silva) Reuniao do Conselho Pastoral: Terceira 3a Feira: 7:30 Reunion del Consejo Pastoral:1er Lunes del mes: 7:00 St. Anthony of Padua Everett, MA PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Saturday, May 9-Easter Weekday 4:00pm George & Elena Gates by family 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Families May 10-Sixth Sunday of Easter 7:30am Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos 9:15am Emilia & Pasquale Lamberti; Fernando Lamberti by family 10:30amCir iaco & Nicolina DiPierr o; Car mine & Angela DeMaria by family 12:30pm Por las benditas Almas del Purgatorio 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos Monday, May 11- Easter Weekday 7:30am Lucia Lombardo Freddura by family Tuesday, May 12- Sts. Nereus, Achilleus & Pancras 7:30am For our Parishioners 7:00pm Domenico, Maria Eusilia, Gianni & Antonina Rosa by family Wednesday, May 13- Our Lady of Fatima 7:30am In honor of St. Padre Pio by Maria Trodella Thursday, May 14 –The Ascension of the Lord 7:30am Louis Caiazzo by family 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Families Friday, May 15-St. Isidore 7:30am Antonio Iocco by wife Yolanda 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos Saturday, May 16-Easter Weekday 4:00pm Rose Radosta by Charles Radosta & family 7:00pm Por Todos los Fallecidos de Nuestras Families May 17-Seventh Sunday of Easter 7:30am Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos 9:15am Frank Cammarata by wife & children 10:30am Community Mass; see box next column 12:30pm Por las benditas Almas del Purgatorio 7:00pm Pelo Descanso Eterno de Nossos Entes Queridos Happy Mother’s Day May God’s many blessings be yours forever more And may you know you’re valued and loved by the Lord Especially on this day that we have set aside To show our appreciation to the Mothers in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day! Roses for Life This week end - Roses for Life Campaign,. the suggested donation is $1.00 to support MCFL (Mass Citizens for Life) in their efforts to oppose abortion and Physician assisted suicide. We count on your generosity. Coming Events • The month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Mother. It is recommended to recite the rosary daily. The Universal Church needs our prayers. • May 16, 2015 - SAT - 11:00am - Spanish First Communion. • May 17, 2015 - SUN - 3:00 pm - Brazilian First Communion • Weekend of May 16 & 17– There will be a second collection for the Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC). The CCC is a program that operates at the national level as well at the local level. It’s focused on the development of media programming that promotes gospel values. • May 24, 2015 - SUN - 10:00 am - Mass in honor St. P. Pio (in Italian) . Annunci Parrocchiali Un Pensiero per le Mamme Cara Mamma: “ Tu sei la gioia e il sorriso di Dio nell’universo”. Grazie per avermi dato la vita. Auguri a tutte le mamme! Santo Padre Pio Domenica 24 maggio, la Santa Messa Comunitaria delle 10:30 am sarà celebrata in onore di San Padre Pio da Pietrelcina. Dopo la messa tutti i partecipanti sono invitati in sala parrocchiale per un rinfresco. SUN May 20, 10:30 am Community Mass Emanuela & Gabriele Fiorentino; Rosaria & Pasquale DeSimone; Mario Ferola; Michele Buonopani; Raffaela, Rosina, Erminia, & Pasquale Perone; Angelina, Pasquale, & Gennero Fiorentino; Angelo Cucuzza; Angela Zaino; Laura Surdo; Maria Moschitto; Salvatore & Giuseppina Pitruzzello; Salvatore Rizzo; Francesco, Paolo, & Vito Liuzza; Michele, Clelia, & Rosina LaVecchia; Michelina Musto; Roberto & Antonietta Andrea; Carolina DiRico; Angela DiPierro; Angelo DiPierro; Gerardo DeMaria; Caterina Ricca; Rosa Marzullo; Angelina Repucci; Mario Scenna; Peter Rossi; Antonio Lupoli. May 10, 2015 Sixth Sunday of Easter Ref lection on the Gospel By Fr. Mark Escobar, C.S. Jesus’ Commandment to Love One Another “Love one another as I love you. No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends. You are my friends if you do what I command you.” I remember as a young student when our school calendar has only days in a row before we mark the summer recess. It was a great deal of thumbing through the heart of our annual sojourn in the countryside; full of learning and growth especially in relationships. Good works and kindnesses of my loved ones, playmates, and family relations were considered of legendary proportions. Of course there were some hurdles, twists and turns, trials and tribulations that came along the way but, those experiences shaped my perspective in life, along with that language about friendship as I took my journey with many steps. If we come to think of friendship as Jesus shows in today’s gospel, there is a fundamental connection with love. In the New Testament (NT) a “friend” is immediately understood as “one who loves.” We know Jesus gave everything to his friends. He told them about the reign of God and his knowledge of God, his own life and his vision for humanity. He loved without counting the cost and he made it possible for us to live a life of friendship that would transform us to holiness; to a life of discipleship. Perhaps our concept of friendship is associated within the secular aspect of our lives. But the key passage in John’s gospel is very important to keep in mind how the theology of friendship gets its prominence in relationship with God and one another. Jesus, the model of friendship, calls his disciples to love as he has loved. This is his commandment, his last will and testament. Friendship in the Greek and Roman cultures was a great deal of studies as this had taken shape the life of the early Church and the NT writings. Classical philosophers embarked on that context combining love and friendship as inextricably linked to one another. It was like a very important subject and at the same time the language widely spoken with a sense of sacrifice; with many deeds of blood and battles and deaths for the sake of friends as described by Lucian, a Hellenistic philosopher and storyteller; with a gift of one’s life for one’s friends and the use of frank and open speech. Viewed in this light, we have seen some key passages from John’s gospel how Jesus depicted himself in an act of friendship ‘who lays down his life for the sheep (10:11).’ He focused himself in a metaphorical allusion as the Good Shepherd (10:11-18), the gate (10:1-2) and then on the sheepfold (10:3-5). He talked about himself, about the love that is the flesh and blood of friendship. He said, “For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down on my own accord” (Jn 10:17-18a). AVISOS PARROQUIALES ASAMBLEA DE ORACIÓN: los esper amos todos los domingos desde las 4:00 p.m. hasta las 5:30 p.m. Venga, participe y alabe al Señor. BAUTISMOS: Los Bautismos son el último domingo de cada mes, después de la misa de las 12:30 del día. El curso para padres y padrinos es el jueves anterior al día del bautismo en el “Basement” de la casa parroquial 38 Oakes St, Los padres y padrinos deben participar en la misa de las 7:00 p.m. y acto seguido en el curso. Es indispensable inscribirse previamente en el despacho parroquial en horas de oficina. Se debe traer una copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño. NO ESTÁ PERMITIDO INSCRIBIR A LOS NIÑOS EN LA MISMA NOCHE DEL CURSO. Los padrinos de bautismos deben ser católicos y mayores de 16 años. PARQUEADERO: les pedimos un gr ande favor de no parquear en los lugares prohibidos o en las salidas porque este tipo de cosas nos están ocasionando muchos problemas. Nosotros como cristianos tenemos que ser los primeros en respetar y en ser ejemplo para los demás. Sabemos que no tenemos espacio suficiente pero nos toca adaptarnos a lo que tenemos. Les agradecemos de corazón su colaboración. Muchas gracias! Feliz Dia de las Madres: Ser Madr e es una bendición de Dios. Las mujeres que han llevado en su vientre ese don del Señor y se han entregado por entero al cuidado de sus hijos, merecen todo nuestro respeto, consideración y amor. Por su entrega, por su pasión y por su Amor sin fin, hoy le damos gracias a todas las mamas y les deseamos muchas bendiciones y que Dios y la Virgen las siga llenando de amor y paz. Feliz Día! ~~~~~~~~~ ANUNCIOS COMUNITÁRIOS COMUNIDADE BRASILEIRA DE EVERETT BATISMO: O batismo acontece todo pr imeir o domingo de cada mês. O curso de preparação para o batismo é sempre no sábado que antecede o domingo do batismo, é obrigatório que pais e padrinhos façam o curso de preparação para o batismo. É necessário a certidão de nascimento e o preenchimento do formulário de batismo que poderá ser feito no Centro Scalabrini de Segunda a Sexta, no horário de 5pm as 8pm ou na casa paroquial de 2pm as 5pm Festa Junina 2015 – A nossa já tradicional festa junina acontecerá no dia 06 de Junho e mais uma vez gostaríamos de contar com a colaboração de cada um de vocês. Na entrada da igreja tem uma caixinha com uns papeizinhos com o que vocês podem doar. As doações podem ser entregues na igreja aos Domingos ou no escritório de segunda a sexta de 5 as 8 da noite. Desde já agradecemos a sua colaboração. Mãe:”Declaração do amor de Deus para o mundo” Um Feliz e Abençoado Dia das Mães a todas as mães da nossa comunidade. Messinger Insurance Messinger Insurance Agency, Agency, Inc. Inc. erica’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper - SINCE 1921 America’s Catholic Newspaper ~ SINCE Oldest 1921 ~ 617 387 2700 CARR * Subscribe: HENDERSON 617-779-3792 331 Main St, Everett 617-387-4180 Advertise: 617-779-3788 bscribe to 1215 Main Street, Unit 122 Tewksbury, MA 01876 617-387-2700 Advertise: 617-779-3788 Hablamos Español - Falamos Portugués White’s Auto Body Foreign - Domestic 617-387-7609 (978) 851-9103 Español/Portugués he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. 24 Hour Service of wisdom from Pope Francis cal coverage“Handmade of news and events throughout from the Flowers the archdiocese 617-387-6285 nal and International Church-related of your Loved One”news 620 Broadway . Everret, MA is relating the teachings of the Church to current events elated articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese Rosaries from Flowers At the corner of revere Beach Parkway and Vine in everett. mA reg #1805 Subscribe to & Scibelli, llc Get theBarrett Catholic Perspective and be fullySponsors informed. Advertising Certified Public Accountants B & S of wisdom from Pope Francis ■ Words make this bulletin possible Accounting and Tax Services Full local Filomena coverage of news and events throughout the archdiocese Scibelli, CPA ■ National and#International Church-related 8 Winchester Place, 201 Fnews o r In fo r m a t i o n C a l l Winchester, MArelating 01890 the teachings 781-570-2273 ■ Analysis of the Church to current events ■ Faith related articles by locally and nationally acclaimed authors Authorized Sales Representative ■ Stories about the Faith and Good Works of the archdiocese ■ Jim DeSantis Subscribe: 617-779-3792 To make a gift in honor of our priests, visit bscribe to 617-387-1110 475 Broadway • Everett, MA 02149 475 Broadway • Everett, MA Subscribe:Member617-779-3792 FDIC/Member STF NMLS #443050 Clergy Health and Retirement Trust he Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Caring for the Well-Being of our Boston Priests Subscribe: 617-779-3792 617-407-0940 [email protected] Subscribe to Get the Catholic Perspective and be fully informed. Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Rachel mourns her children; She refuses to be consoled, because her children are no more. Thus says the Lord: “Cease from your cries of mourning. Wipe the tears from your eyes…There is hope for your future.” Jeremiah 31:15-17 Project Rachel is a confidential Catholic outreach ministry offering hope and healing to women and men hurting from past abortions. Trust in the tender embrace of God’s merciful love. [email protected] Evangelization Focus We Have Space Available For You! ™ Archdiocese of Boston “Evangelization must be the first focus of our Church. Then, the corporal and spiritual works of mercy, which result from living and sharing the Gospel, will transform the culture around us. 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