BRIEFING/Informe: Education Support and Cultural Workers Network Red de Personales Auxiliares de la Educación y la Cultura April 20, 2015 IAMRECON Mexico City Attendance: The meeting was very well attended with approximately 35 participants, 21 of whom signed the registration list. The participants represented the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Colombia, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and the United States. Agenda: the agenda was adopted (see below) and the meeting was opened by Agustín Rodriguez Fuentes, General Secretary of STUNAM (Mexico) and President of CONTUA. Presentations: 1. Marcelo Di Stefano, Secretary of International Affairs for ABUPA (Argentina), presented an historical narrative of the work to establish the “Network.” The presentation included a detailed report of the founding meeting of the Network in Buenos Aires, Argentina in November of 2014. 2. Ruby Newbold, President of the Detroit Association of Educational Office Employees and Vice-President of the American Federation of Teachers (USA), presented on the importance of recognizing educational support workers and the need to promote the importance of these workers both within PSI and around the world. Ruby noted the pressing need to develop an 1 effective communication system both witin the Network and throughout PSI, and that such a communications system could play a vital role in growing the Network and sharing experiences across affiliates and regions. The presentation served to frame a discussion on the challenges each affiliate faces in calling attention to the plight of the educational support workers and the need to achieve both union recognition and a broader socio-political recognition. This discussion confirmed a deeply held consensus that the Network’s principal focus and priority is the work to call attention to the importance of educational support workers and gain positive recognition. 3. Ruby Newbold (AFT) and Martiza Espinales from the Nicaraguan Federation of University Workers chaired an open discussion on affiliate priorities and challenges, and how they might serve as a framework for developing the Network. This discussion included interventions confirming that concerns and challenges such as: recognition, labor rights issues, poor working conditions and precarious contractual relations, low pay and benefits, and privatization. Moreover, the discussion also focused on the immediate need to develop a Network communications strategy capable of informing the PSI community of the Network’s purpose and activities, as well as a broader communications campaign to inform the global community, allies and partners of the formation of the Network and its ongoing activities. 4. Danny Bertossa, PSI Global Governance and Policy Officer, presented a well-received report on the Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) negotiations and its possible impacts on the education sector. The presentation was very information and led to a discussion on the need to develop more research focused on trade agreements and trade in educational services, including transportion, food and health services related to public educational institutions as well as the notable increase in privately delivered educational services. Plan of Action: PSI staff presented the Plan of Action (see below) drafted at the founding meeting of the Network in Buenos Aires and faciliated a discussion of its relationship to the PSI Inter-American Regional Plan of Action. This discussion identified several top priorities for immediate work and action, including: 1. The immediate need to develop a strong internal communications process/structure to communicate within the Network and throughout the PSI community, especially as it relates to strengthing the Network and its growth among PSI affiliates. 2. The need to develop communications tools, including audio-visual presentations, to fully inform the global community, the international labor movement, global civil society, and PSI allies (including Education International) and partners of the establishment and work of the Network. 3. The need to develop a strong framework for coordinating direct solidarity actions to support the ongoing recognition, collective bargaining and broader labor rights struggles of PSI affiliate-members of the Network. Several countries were highlighted as “targets” for Network solidarity action, including Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. 2 4. The need to develop a Network strategy to combat privatization and the related issues of precarious work and contracting in the education sector. All of these priorities were framed by the conviction that the Network represent a critical force in support of free, universal education at all levels and the achievement of the highest quality public education through greater public investments. Also, it was recognized that many of the Network’s priorities overlap with PSI global priorities, so attention should be directed at coordinating Network actions in concert with PSI work in such areas as Gender Equality, Migration, Pensions, and Trade and Privatization. Meeting Conclusion: Franciso “Paco” Díaz, General Secretary of SUTUdeG (Guadalajara, Mexico), presented his personal retrospective on the evolution of efforts to establish CONTUA and later the Network by noting the increasing collaborations between PSI affiliates throughout the Americas. He noted the importance of the Network within a broader struggle for social justice in which public education plays a central role. He concluded the meeting with a call to action to continue our collaborations and seek ways to work together to build a strong regional and global network. Marcelo Di Stefano (Argentina) also provided an inspiring intervention about the historic nature of the work leading up to the founding of the Network and the need to continue to express solidarity as the cornerstone of the important work in building the Network. Lastly, Alberto (SUTNAM) expressed his delight in hosting and supporting the meeting, welcoming everyone to appreciate the unique struggles of Mexico and to work together to build the Network so that we can make the difference in Mexico and throughout the region. Agenda Time/Hora Topic/Tema April 20th 9:00-9:30 Welcome and Introductions 9:30-10:45 10:45-11:00 11-11:30 Bienvenidos y introducciones Report Back from the Buenos Aires Founding Meeting Informe del Encuentro Fundador de Buenos Aires Coffee Break Café Recognition and Promotion of the Educational Support Worker Reconocimiento y Promoción del Trabajador Facilitator Presidente da Mesa Agustín Rodriguez Fuentes, General Secretary of STUNAM and Presidente of CONTUA Marcelo Di Stefano, Secretary of International Affairs, APUBA Ruby Newbold, President of the Detroit Association of Educational Office Employees and VicePresident of AFT 3 11:30-12:30 12:30 13:00-14:00 Prioritization of Issues Labor Rights Recognition of our contributions Partime-i-zation Bullying/Workplace violence Prioridades de Assuntos y Derechos Laborales Lunch Almuerzo “The Impact of TISA on the Privatization of Educational Services” “Impacto de TISA y la Privatización de la Educación” 14-14:30hrs Plan of Action Plan de Acción 14:30-15:30hrs Open Discussion Discusión Abierta 15:30hrs Essential Points for the IAMRECON 16:00hrs Ruby Newbold Marcelo Di Stefano Daniel Bertossa, PSI Global Governance and Policy Officer and Mark Langevin, PSI Subregional Secretary for North America José Olvera, STUNAM and Mark Langevin, PSI Francisco “Paco” Díaz Secretario General SUTUdeG Francisco “Paco” Díaz & Ruby Newbold Puntos Importantes para la IAMRECON Conclusion Terminar la Reunión Education Support and Cultural Workers Network Red de Personales Auxiliares de la Educación y la Cultura Work Plan/Plan de Acción 2015-2016 Work Plan Plan de Acción Introduction: a. PSI’s Education Support and Cultural Workers Network (ESCW) was founded at the Buenos Aires meeting during November, 2014 in accord with Resolution #33 approved at the PSI World Congress in Durban, December 2012 as well as related decisions approved by the global PSI Executive Board. Introducción: a. La Red de Trabajadores Auxiliares de la Educación de la ISP - RTAE - quedó constituida en la reunión realizada en Buenos Aires durante el mes de noviembre de 2014, en cumplimiento con la Resolución N° 33 del Congreso Mundial de Durban 2012, y de las decisiones complementarias adoptadas por el Consejo Ejecutivo Mundial de la organización. 4 b. The founding meeting approved the document entitled, “Buenos Aires Declaration, that establishes the principales, mission and functions of the network and its institutional relationship with PSI. c. Moreover, the ESCW approved the composition of a “coordinating committee” in order to develop plans for actions and activities to carry out the charter and agreements reached in Buenos Aires as well as establish organizational priorities and union development work to advance the mission of the network. e. Given the discussions and agreements of the Buenos Aires meeting, the following serves to memorialize points of agreement on network functions and the ESCW network work plan for 2015-2016. b. La reunión constitutiva aprobó el documento denominado “Carta de Buenos Aires”, el cual establece el ámbito de actuación de la Red, su relación estatutaria con la ISP, y los principales objetivos que persigue la RTAE. c. Además, la RTAE aprobó la conformación de un “Comité de Coordinación de la Red” a los efectos de desarrollar las políticas que permitan cumplir con los acuerdos alcanzados, y se establecieron una serie de prioridades organizativas y de trabajo sindical para poder poner en marcha la Red. e. En función de los debates mantenidos, a continuación se detallan los acuerdos alcanzados y las tareas propuestas, las cuales constituyen en los hechos el Plan de Trabajo 2015-2016 de la RTAE. 1. Composition of the ESCW network Coordinating Committee Agreement: the founding meeting in Buenos Aires agreed that the PSI Secretary General would nominate members to compose the coordinating committee before the Global Executive Board meeting scheduled at the end of May 2015, including member-designates from the American Federation of Teachers (USA) and APUBA (Argentina). Task: The PSI SG should propose members representing the distinct regions, including the Inter-American, Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Europe to meet in parallel with the EB meeting in May of 2015. 1. Conformación del Comité de Coordinación de la Red: Acuerdo: En Buenos Aires se acordó tener la reunión constitutiva de este Comité a mediados de 2015 proponiéndole a la Secretaria General la organización de la misma el día previo a la reunión del Comité Ejecutivo Mundial prevista para fines de mayo de 2015, incluyendo miembros de AFT (EEUU) y APUBA (Argentina). Tarea: En tal sentido, la Secretaría General de ISP debería proponer la representación provisoria de las distintas regiones América (ya tiene acordada la representación), África, Asia Pacífico y Europa y convocar a la reunión. 2. Regional Recognition and Information Campaigns Agreement: It was agreed that the ESCW develop a campaign to identify all PSI affiliates with educational support and cultural workers and sensitize these affiliates to the importance of participating in the network. Task: Incorporate ESCW meetings/workshops into the regional conferences, IAMRECON and IAFRECON, with the participation of the most active affiliates-those participating in the coordinating committee. Present a briefing of the results of the founding meeting in Buenos Aires at the IAMRECON and the PSI-EB meeting in May of 2015. 2. Campaña de sensibilización e información en las distintas regiones: Acuerdo: Se acordó generar una campaña para identificar a las afiliadas a la ISP que nuclean trabajadores/as auxiliares de la educación y sensibilizar acerca de la importancia de la RTAE en todas las regiones. Tarea: Incorporar talleres sobre la RTAE en las dos reuniones regionales previstas para 2015 IAMRECON y IAFRECON – con participación de las afiliadas más activas que integran el Comité de Coordinación de la Red. Presentar un informe de los resultados de la Reunión de Buenos Aires y del IAMRECON en el Comité Ejecutivo Mundial de fines de mayo de 2015. 5 3. Political Priorities of the ESCW Network Agreement: The network was founded with the following expressed priorities: 1) the struggle against privatization and outsourcing; 2) the defense of labor rights; 3) the defense of decent work and wages while combatting precarious working conditions; 4) the protection of social security and pensions; 5) alignment with the PSI global gender equality, migrant rights, tax justice, fair trade with respect to union rights and the fight against corruption. Task: The network coordinating committee, working with the SG and the EB, should discuss and organize the network functions and tasks that align with the global priorities of PSI. Towards this end, the network should distribute tasks to develop diagnostic analyses and campaigns with associated materials. This work should reflect several of priorities and objectives for the period, 2015-2016. 3. Prioridades políticas de la RTAE: Acuerdo: Se establecieron como prioridades de la Red las siguientes: a) Lucha contra las privatizaciones y tercerizaciones; b) defensa de los derechos sindicales, la organización sindical, la negociación colectiva y el derecho a la huelga; c) Defensa de las condiciones de trabajo y salarios dignos combatiendo la precarización laboral; e) Defensa de la protección, seguridad social y pensiones dignas; f) Adhesión plena a las políticas globales de la ISP en materia de igualdad de género, derechos de los trabajadores/as migrantes, justicia fiscal, comercio justo con respeto a los derechos laborales y lucha contra la corrupción. Tarea: El Comité deberá organizar las tareas entre sus miembros para determinar cuál es el aporte que la RTAE realiza en cada uno de estos planos. En tal sentido, se distribuirán responsabilidades entre los miembros para realizar documentos de diagnóstico y campañas de la Red en las distintas materias. En esta primera etapa se priorizarán algunos de los objetivos para el periodo 2015 – 2016. 4. Coordinating International Solidarity Agreement: The participating affiliates agreed as a fundamental priority the basic principle and need to elaborate and coordinate solidarity among all affiliates. This priority establishes the need to coordinate direct actions to support those affiliates struggling for basic labor rights and recognition and suffering from unfavorable political and judicial conditions. Tasks: The network and its coordinating committee should determine which affiliates should be the focus of direct solidarity actions during the period, 2015-2016, as well as emergency action alerts as required. Solidarity actions should be developed and coordinating, including letters, protests, and global solidarity campaigns that actively engage the responsable or allied organizations and governing authorities. 4. Ejercicio de la solidaridad activa: Acuerdo: Las afiliadas definieron como una de sus prioridades de acción, y motivo principal de su constitución como espacio sindical, la solidaridad activa entre ellas focalizada a la acción concreta de apoyo para con los sindicatos que sufren peores condiciones políticas y jurídicas para poder desarrollar su tarea. Tarea: La coordinación debe resolver cuales son los sindicatos que requieren de mayor apoyo para el período 2015-2016, más allá de las emergencias que surjan, y diseñar junto a ellos campañas mundiales de apoyo y actos de solidaridad activa (cartas de solidaridad, apoyo y participación en protestas locales, protestas y campañas solidarias globales, involucramiento en el problema de las organizaciones sociales y los gobiernos que puedan apoyar la lucha. 5. The Incorporation and Engagement of the Network in PSI’s Global Agenda with the Institutions of Global Governance Agreement: The ESCW network will represent PSI in those international organizations that treat those issues related to education and culture, including UNESCO and its regional and 5. Incorporación de la RTAE en la agenda global de la ISP ante los organismos internacionales y multilaterales: Acuerdo: La Red representará a la ISP ante los organismos internacionales que atienden las cuestiones relativas a la educación como la UNESCO y sus distintos organismos regionales y 6 local subsidiary organizations. The network will also work, in coordination with PSI, other organizations that represent workers in this sector as well as international and regional labor union confederations and other civil society organizations related to this sector. Towards this end, the network will work to initiate and advance its political agenda within the OECD’s Education and Workforce Development Committee as well as within the International Financial Institutions and other regional cooperation organizations. Tasks: The network coordinating committee, in concert with PSI’s General Secretary, will define the most important priorities in this area for 2015-2016 and develop strategy and lines of action among participating network affiliates. The coordinating committee should develop appropropriate contacts within such organizations to advance the network and deepen its representation in this sector. subregionales, articulará desde la ISP con otras organizaciones que representan trabajadores del sector de la educación y con las políticas en la materia que desarrollan las centrales sindicales internacionales y regionales, así como con las organizaciones de la sociedad civil que participan del sector. Asimismo, impulsará la generación de una agenda política en el marco del Comité sobre Educación y Formación de la OCDE, los espacios educativos de la IFIS, y los organismos regionales de Cooperación Internacional. Tarea: El Comité, en conjunto con la Secretaría General de la ISP deberá definir cuáles son los escenarios prioritarios donde la RTAE deberá participar en el período 2015-2016, asignar responsabilidades entre las afiliadas, y fijar la agenda y la estrategia. Se deberán generar contactos para garantizar la participación de la Red y darle continuidad a la representación. 6. Public and Political Communications and Visibility Agreement: The participating network affiliates recognize the importance of developing methods and activities to advance the public and political visibility of PSI and the ESCW network. Task: The network Coordinating Committee should establish a framework for the coordination of a communications strategy, in concert with PSI, that includes communication contacts for each participating affiliate and in such a way as to incorporate and exchange specific information through the PSI website, social media, and information exchanges and campaigns. 6. Visibilización pública y política de comunicación: Acuerdo: Las afiliadas entienden que es prioritario para el éxito de sus tareas desarrollar plataformas de comunicación y difusión articuladas con las políticas propias de la ISP en la materia. Tarea: El Comité deberá establecer una coordinación de comunicación en articulación con la ISP y los responsables de comunicación de los sindicatos que lideran la Red de tal modo que se pueda incorporar información específica en las páginas de ISP, Redes Sociales, organizar campañas y compartir información. 7
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