Chile Chapter Scientific Meeting

Chile Chapter
Scientific Meeting
June 4–5, 2015
Club Manquehue
Santiago de Chile
Internal Medicine from the North to South of the country
Meeting Highlights
• Cardiology
• Diabetes
• Hospital Medicine
• Communicational Skills
• Infectious Diseases
• High Value Care
• Differential Diagnosis
Dear Colleague,
I invite you to join me and your colleagues in internal medicine at the next scientific
meeting of the Chile Chapter of the American College of Physicians, being held
June 4–5, at the Club Manquehue Vitacura 5841, Santiago, Chile.
This meeting is not just for ACP members. I particularly want to invite nonmembers
to join us for this important clinical update and to learn about the benefits of
membership at the same time.
By attending this meeting you will:
• Gain insight into recent medical advances.
• Discuss local and national issues affecting the practice and teaching of internal medicine.
• Greet old friends, meet new friends, and develop a network of colleagues in your area.
Between scientific sessions, please visit the College table. You will find information on new ACP
programs, products, and services. There’s always something new at the College table—stop by
and see for yourself.
To ensure your place at this invaluable meeting, complete the registration form at the back of this
brochure and send it in today. The opportunities available at this meeting will help you meet not
only your needs as a physician, but also the needs of the patients you serve.
I look forward to seeing you in Santiago de Chile.
Guillermo Conte Lanza, MD, FACP
ACP Governor, Chile Chapter
Schedule at a Glance
Fostering Excellence in Internal Medicine
Thursday, June 4, 2015
Auditorio Donau
Sesión 1
Actualización en Infectología
Preside: Dr.Guillermo Acuña, FACP
Auditorio Donau
Sesión 2
Actualización en Cardiología
Preside Dr. Rodrigo Cornejo, FACP
Auditorio Mosel
Medicina Del Viajero: Conceptos que debe manejar
el internista.
Dr. Luis Thompson
Auditorio Donau
Manejo actual de la insuficiencia cardiaca Crónica.
Dr. Marcelo Llancaqueo
Audiorio Mosel
Infecciones emergentes con riesgo global
Dr. Carlos Perez, FACP
Auditorio Donau
Utilidad Diagnóstica de la Ecoscopía torácica en
situaciones de Emergencia
Dr. Alfredo Umaña
Auditorio Mosel
Sesión 3
Desafíos del infectólogo en el paciente hospitalizado
Preside: Dra. María Eugenia Pinto, FACP
Auditorio Donau
Sesión 4
Factores de riesgo cardiovascular
Preside: Dra. Helia Morales, FACP
Auditorio Mosel
Infecciones en el Inmunosuprimido: Enfoque inicial
por el internista
Dra. Roxana Benitez
Auditorio Donau
Prevención de factores de riesgo cardiovascular. ¿Que
nos aportan las nuevas guías? Pro-Con
Dr. Gonzalo Ruíz Esquide ACP Member–
Dra. Carmen Gloria Aylwin
Auditorio Mosel
Resistencia Antimicrobiana: “Una amenaza para el
paciente hospitalizado”
Dr. Jaime Labarca, FACP
Auditorio Donau
“Nuevos” Hipoglicemiantes orales. ¿Un aporte en el
control del riesgo cardiovascular?
Dr. Verner Codoceo, FACP
Auditorio Mosel
Schedule at a Glance
EPOC Exacerbado-Claves para un manejo Oportuno y Eficaz
Preside: Dr. Fernando Descalzi
Dra. Karen Czischke
Salon Plenario
Sesión Plenaria
¿Cómo lograr una medicina de calidad a un costo razonable?
High Value Care
Preside: Dr. JA Rodriguez Portales, MACP
Dr. Robert E Jackson, FACP
Salon Plenario
Simposio-Almuerzo: Laboratorio Pfizer
Salon Plenario
Sesión Interactiva I: Complicaciones del Paciente Diabético
Drs. Verner Codoceo, FACP, Dr. Gonzalo Díaz ACP Member,
Dra. Natalia García-ACP Member
Salon Plenario
Marihuana Basada en la Evidencia. Pro-Con
Introducción: Dr. Sergio Canals
Pro: Dra. Alejandra Palma
Con: Dra. Laura Tupper
Salon Plenario
Simposio Laboratorio Grunenthal
Salon Plenario
Friday, June 5, 2015
Sesión interactiva II: “Llamando al Residente en medicina;
Paciente Embarazada Complicada”
Dr. Juan Cristóbal Celis ACP Member, Dr. Carlos Rojas
ACP Member, Dr. J. Astudillo
Salon Plenario
Noticias del ACP y Awards 2015 (Chapter Centennial Legacy
Awards, Compromiso, Innovacion, Mision Destacada y Fellows)
Dr. Robert E Jackson, FACP
Dr. Guillermo Conte, FACP
Salon Plenario
Sesión de Poster
Coordinadora: Dra. Sylvia Echávarri, FACP
Auditorio Elbe
Utilizando la tecnología en la Práctica Clínica Diaria
Preside: Dr. J.A. Rodriguez Portales, FACP
Dr. Robert E. Jackson, FACP
Salon Plenario
Actividad Física: “Realización de actividad física en personas
con patología medica prevalente”
Preside: Dr. Fernando Yañez
Dr. Luís Vergara ACP Member
Auditorio Mosel
Sesión 5
Schedule at a Glance
Sesión 6
Taller Habilidades comunicacionales
Decisiones Compartidas: Avanzando desde la empatía
hacia la autonomía del paciente” (Cupos Limitados)
Preside: Dra. Helia Morales, FACP
Dr. Antonio Vukusic FACP, Dra. Flavia Garbin,
Dr. Ivan Solís, FACP
Auditorio DONAU
Sesión Interactiva III
Preside Dr. Dr. Jorge Vega, FACP
Drs. Luis Rojas ACP Member, Dr. Gonzalo Eymin ACP Member
Sesión Interactiva IV Controversias en el Manejo Perioperatorio:
“Desde el pabellon hasta el alta”
Salon Plenario
Diagnóstico Diferencial
Simposio: Laboratorio Sanofi
Sesión 7
Diagnóstico diferencial: La mirada del Experto
• Poliartritis
• Sudoracion nocturna
• Pancitopenia
Preside: Dr. Jaime Labarca, FACP
Moderador: Dr. J.C. Celis ACP Member
Dr. Claudio Canals, FACP, Dr. Fernando Figueroa, FACP,
Dr. Guillermo Conte, FACP
Auditorio MOSEL
Simposio–Almuerzo: Laboratorio Roche
Sesión 8
Analisis de fluídos por el internista
Preside Dra. María Eugenia Pinto, FACP
Salon Plenario
Sesión 9
Uso de anticuerpos monoclonales en medicina interna
Preside Dr. Héctor Gatica
Salon Plenario
Interpretación del líquido pleural
Dra. Maite Oyonarte
Salon Plenario
Anticuerpos monoclonales en reumatología
Dr. Juan Pablo Riedemann, FACP
Salon Plenario
¿Cómo detectamos patógenos que no se cultivan?
Dr. Francisco Silva
Salon Plenario
Anticuerpos monoclonales en oncología
Dr. Bruno Nervi
Salon Plenario
Ceremonia de Premiación y Clausura
Meeting Information
Gobernador Capítulo Chileno ACP:
Dr. Guillermo Conte, FACP
Past Gobernadora Capítulo Chileno ACP:
Dra. María Eugenia Pinto, FACP
Presidente Sociedad Médica de Santiago-Sociedad
Chilena de Medicina Interna:
Dr. Jorge Vega, FACP
Astudillo Julio, MD
Aylwin Carmen Gloria, MD
Benitez Roxana, MD
Canals Claudio, MD, FACP
Canals Sergio, MD
Célis Juan Cristóbal, MD–ACP Member
Codoceo Verner, MD, FACP
Conte Guillermo, MD, FACP–Chile Chapter Governor
Czischke Karen, MD
Descalzi Fernando, MD
Díaz Gonzalo, MD–ACP Member
Echavarri Silvia, MD, FACP
Eymin Gonzalo–ACP Member
Figueroa Fernando, MD, FACP
Garbin Flavia, MD
Garcia Natalia, MD - ACP Member
Gatica Hector, MD
Gazitua Raimundo, MD–ACP Member
Jackson Robert E, MD, FACP–Texas Chapter Governor
Labarca Jaime, MD, FACP
Llancaqueo Marcelo, MD
Morales Helia, MD, FACP
Nervi Bruno, MD
Oyonarte Maite, MD
Palma Alejandra, MD
Perez Carlos, MD, FACP
Pinto Maria Eugenia, MD, FACP
Riedemann Juan Pablo, MD, FACP
Rodríguez José Adolfo, MD, MACP
Rojas Carlos, MD - ACP Member
Rojas Luis MD - ACP Member
Ruiz Esquide Gonzalo, MD–ACP Member
Silva Francisco MD
Solis Iván, MD, FACP
Thompson Luis, MD
Tupper Laura, MD
Umaña Alfredo MD
Vega Jorge, MD, FACP
Vergara Luis, MD–ACP Member
Vukusic Antonio, MD, FACP
Yañez Fernando, MD
Scientific Program Committee
Director del Curso: Dr. Raimundo Gazitúa, ACP Member
Dra. M. Eugenia Pinto, FACP
Dra. Luz M. Letelier, FACP
Dr. Guillermo Conte, FACP
Dra. Helia Morales, FACP
Dr. Guillermo Acuña, FACP
Dr. Verner Codoceo, FACP
Dr. Luis Miguel Noriega, FACP
Dra. Sylvia Echavarri, FACP
Dr. Antonio Vukusic FACP
Dr. Luís Toro, ACP Member
Meeting Information
Resident/Fellow Members’ Activities
Winners will receive US $2,000 and be eligible for entrance
into the national competition held during Internal Medicine
2016. Contact Silvia Echavarri, MD, at [email protected]
and Joan Murdoch at [email protected] for information
about entering the Resident/Fellow Members’ Competition.
Deadline for submissions is May 8, 2016.
Learning Objectives
At the conclusion of this activity, the participant will be able to:
• Apply updated knowledge of internal medicine to
clinical practice.
• Apply updated knowledge of hospital medicine, infectious
diseases, diabetes, and cardiology to clinical practice.
• Improve clinical practice by incorporating major new
developments in subspecialty medicine.
• Improve clinical practice by incorporating major new
developments in monoclonal antibodies, molecular
diagnosis, bedside ultrasound, and treatment of diabetes.
• Understand recent advances in internal medicine.
Chapter Awards
It is with distinct pleasure that the Chile Chapter
presents the ACP Chile Chapter Centennial Award to
Enrique Lopez–Caffarena, MD.
Who should attend
• General internists
• Subspecialty internists
• Family practitioners
• Fellows in subspecialty training
• Hospitalists
• Allied health practitioners
• Residents
• Medical students interested in internal medicine
Additional Information
• If you have questions about the chapter, the meeting
program, or have a disability or any special dietary needs,
please contact Joan Murdoch at [email protected].
• To register for the meeting, complete the attached
registration form and return it with your fee made
payable to: ACP Chile Chapter.
Satisfaction Guarantee
The College offers a satisfaction guarantee for all of its
courses. If meeting attendees are not satisfied with their
experience at a chapter meeting, they may write and
request a refund of their registration fee.
Contact Us
(Credit Card only)
Visit us on the Web
Make check or money order
payable to ACP.
American College of Physicians
190 N. Independence Mall West
Philadelphia, PA 19106-1572
(Credit Cards only)
Call 800-523-1546, ext. 2600,
or 215-351-2600
(M–F, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. ET)
Chile Chapter Registration Form
Santiago, Chile ● June 4–5, 2015
ACP # (found on mailing label)
Daytime Phone
□ Please exclude me from receiving mailings from
the meeting exhibitors.
Registration Fees
□ Check here if you are disabled and require assistance.
Please notify the Chile Chapter in writing before your
course. We’ll be glad to help.
Check one category that best applies.
□ ACP Member and Fellow SMS (Sociedad Medica de Santiago)
□ ACP Resident/Fellow Member
□ ACP Medical Student Member
□ Nonmember Physician
□ Nonmember Resident*
□ Nonmember Medical Student
□ Other (guest/spouse)–if applicable (Master of ACP)
USD 50
USD 15
USD 120
USD 45
USD 45
No charge
*Nonmember Residents must register by contacting the chapter staff at 562-753-5501 in order to get the correct registration rate.
Llenar el formulario de inscripción online o adjunto y pague con un cheque cruzado y nominativo a nombre de
la Sociedad Médica de Santiago o pago online según instrucciones:
Transferencia electrónica Sociedad Médica de Santiago-Rut 81.677.200-1 cuenta corriente 0012564400
Banco de Chile
Joan Murdoch
Sociedad Médica de Santiago
Bernarda Morin 488
Santiago, Chile