April 5, 2015 | Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord 300 East Ta Avenue • Orange, CA 92865 Telephone: (714) 637-4360 • Fax: (714) 637-4311 www.stnorbertchurch.org CLERGY SCHEDULE OF MASSES Rev. Patrick Rudolph, Pastor Rev. Agus n Escobar, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Duy Nguyen, Parochial Vicar Rev. Antonio Zapata, In Residence Deacon Dave Blake Deacon Joseph Esparza Deacon Juan Espinoza Sunday: 7:30 a.m., 9 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 12 noon, 2 p.m. (Spanish), 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m. (Spanish) Monday - Friday: 6:15 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. Wednesday: 7 p.m. (Spanish) Saturday: 8:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. (Sunday Vigil) Holy Days of Obliga on: as announced MINISTRY CENTER STAFF Al Agus n, Chris an Service Irene Ahedo, Office Manager Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal, St. Norbert Catholic School Charlene Dumitru, Adult Faith Forma on John Erhard, Music Ministry Carmen Estrada, Hispanic Ministry Janine Kilgore, Liturgical Ministries Kirsten King, Youth Faith Forma on & Confirma on Maria Mar nez, Business Manager Robin Mayes, School of Religious Educa on CONFESSIONS Saturday: 3:30 to 4:45 p.m. First Friday of each month: 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. MINISTRY CENTER HOURS Monday - Friday: 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Saturday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION First Friday of each month beginning at 9 a.m. and concluding at 8 a.m. on Saturday with Benedic on. BAPTISMS Please call the Parish Office for informa on and to schedule Bap sm Prepara on. Programs are available in English or in Spanish. MARRIAGES Please call the Parish Office for informa on. Six months advance no ce is required. Marriage Prepara on is available in English or in Spanish. A NOINTING OF THE S ICK , C OMMUNION FOR THE S ICK & H OMEBOUND Kindly call the Parish Office to make arrangements. FUNERALS At the me of death, kindly call the Parish Office for assistance in making arrangements. St. Norbert Parish is a dynamic community of disciples of Jesus Christ striving to continue His ministries of prayer, love and service. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 2 Stewardship Reflecting on God’s Word Easter Sunday My friend the storyteller Bob Wilhelm shared an "ar ul" varia on on the story of the choice of Ma hias. Both Ma hias and Barsabbas were ar sts, so St. Peter decided on a contest. He divided the upper room where the community gathered for worship with a curtain, giving half to each man to decorate as he saw fit. The community would declare the winner and Judas' successor. Barsabbas, a painter, sent for his brushes and a rich assortment of paints. All week long he painted lovely scenes of Jesus preaching, teaching, healing, cas ng out demons. His brush captured the parables, illumina ng them. Ma hias, a stonecu er and polisher, also toiled all week behind his curtain. People could hear only his humming and so singing. The day came and the people entered Barsabbas' half of the church. They broke into applause at his ar stry. The uses of color were magnificent. They found themselves depicted in his pain ngs. They were delighted. Peter became worried. How could Ma hias' work possibly compete with this? But he went over to the curtain and turned it back. Silence filled the room as people turned to see what Ma hias had done. His work had been to polish the stone walls of the chapel's other half, allowing people to see themselves as never before. The walls shone like mirrors and every person was given a sense of the beauty of Christ shining within them, a glimpse of the divine spark each one carried within. And so Ma hias was chosen to replace Judas. He had revealed Christ by revealing Christ's followers to themselves. —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Copyright (c) 2014, World Library Publica ons. All rights reserved. I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord; whoever believes in me will never die. We rejoice in the victory of Jesus Christ over death: by rising from the tomb to new life he gives us new hope and promise. It is Christ who enlightens our hearts and homes with his love. It is Christ, risen from the dead, who is our source of hope, joy and comfort. May our Risen Lord fill your home with light and love. Fr. Pat Rudolph Fr. Agus n Escobar Fr. John D. Nguyen Fr. Antonio Zapata Deacons Joe Esparza, Juan Espinoza and Dave Blake The St. Norbert Parish Staff Support Catholic Education at the Taste of St. Norbert! Mark your calendars for the Taste of St. Norbert—our annual auc on fundraiser that features an extensive silent auc on, exci ng live auc on and opportunity drawings. The event will be held on the school campus and in the Family & Youth Center Gym on Saturday, May 2. Dinner and beverages will be provided by a host of vendors, all of whom are part of the St. Norbert family! We'll enjoy tas ngs from Wise Guys Pizzeria, Jay's Catering, Colleary's Bistro & Bakery and Valiant Brewing. We can't wait to celebrate at the Taste of St. Norbert! Tickets are at $60 per person before April 17, or $70 per person a er April 17. If you have ques ons, please contact Pa y Bornhop at (714) 637-6822 x204. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ April Christian Service Food Collection This month we’re collec ng cans of Progresso soups with meat (vegetable beef, chicken noodle, etc.). Kindly leave your donations in the Ministry Center any time during the month. Thank you for your continued assistance in helping us feed those who are hungry. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weekly Parish Offering Thank you for your con nuing support of St. Norbert Parish. For the fiscal year July 1, 2014, to June 30, 2015, our parish budget calls for $27,900 to be donated weekly at the Sunday collec on. The collec on for Sunday, March 22, was $26,500.66. The collec on for Sunday, March 29, will be reported next week. These collec ons are not only for opera ng expenses each week, but also for any ongoing repair work, upgrades, etc. to our parish facility. Your regular dona ons are needed for the good of St. Norbert Parish and the spread of the Gospel. 3 A PRIL 5 2015 | EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Parish Life Learn About St. Norbert Catholic School Are you interested in learning more about our parish school? Each Thursday through the end of the school year, our principal Mr. Joe Ciccoianni will be available from 3:15 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. to show you around the school campus and answer ques ons about enrolling your child(ren). We hope to see many new faces and look forward to mee ng our future SNCS families! For more informa on about our school, visit www.saintnorbertschool.org or call us at (714) 637-6822. Please note: We will not be open for visits on May 28. _______________________________________________________________________ Vacation Bible School 2015 Vacation Bible School will be held June 2226 here at St. Norbert. Registration and volunteer sign-ups will begin at our Kickoff Weekend which will be held April 18-19. Be sure to stop by the Ministry Center after any Mass that weekend to learn more about this exciting week of faith & fun for the whole family! Please contact Amy Glenane at (714) 974-8781 or [email protected] for more information. You can also "like" us on Facebook to receive updates, reminders and other important info: www.facebook.com/snvbs _______________________________________________________________________ Sewing Circle Ministry Do you like to sew, quilt, knit or crochet? We would love to have you join our Sewing Circle. Come share your ideas and skills, or learn a new technique at our meeting this Wednesday, April 8, at 7 p.m. in the Ministry Center. Our loving hands craft unique, handmade items for Christian Service Ministry boutiques and parties. For more information please call Ellen Riopel at (714) 750-9039. _______________________________________________________________________ Assisted Suicide Legislation Let your voice be heard! SB 128, the “assisted suicide” bill, is currently under consideration by California lawmakers. Doctorprescribed suicide endangers the disabled, seniors and other vulnerable groups. Tell your elected officials to vote “NO” on SB 128. Go to the California Catholic Conference website: www.cacatholic.org Click on the Take Ac on! bu on under Urge a “No” Vote on Assisted Suicide, fill in the informa on requested, click Submit, review the e-mail (you can make simple addi ons), and then confirm Submit. While you are on the California Catholic Conference website, consider joining the Catholic Legisla ve Network. This is a very good way to stay informed about legisla on pertaining to Catholic teaching. Thank you for your dedica on to taking ac on suppor ng Catholic teaching of the sanc ty of life from concep on to natural death. Divine Mercy Novena & Divine Mercy Sunday In prepara on for the Feast of Divine Mercy, we will be praying the Novena and Chaplet for nine consecu ve days, beginning on Good Friday, April 3 through April 11. The Novena and Chaplet will be said privately on Easter Sunday. Please join us in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel each day a er the 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer or Mass for this beau ful devo on. Let us ask God for guidance and mercy as we walk through these difficult mes together. We will celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at the 12 noon Mass on April 12. There will be an opportunity for venera on of the Divine Mercy image and a first class relic of St. Faus na during the singing of the Divine Mercy Chaplet or a er Mass. Saint Pope John Paul II granted a plenary indulgence to the faithful, under the usual condi ons, with par cipa on in the Feast of Divine Mercy. _______________________________________________________________________ Theft & Vandalism Church parking lots are an easy target for thieves. Please be especially careful this Easter Sunday. We ask that you observe these simple precau ons: Lock your vehicle. Do not leave anything in plain sight that you would not want taken or would tempt a thief to break a window to gain entry (such as money, GPS systems, cell phones, packages, purses, etc.). Keep an eye out for suspicious activity and contact the parish office. Watch out for one another. _______________________________________________________________________ Support Group for Divorced & Separated St. Norbert Church will host a 13-week program to support our brothers and sisters through the emo onal pain of divorce and separa on. Key challenges and unique family dynamics as a result of this unexpected journey will be addressed in a safe environment to share concerns and reconnect with understanding and a new hope. Open yourself up to experience healing and allow Jesus to restore your faith and renew your journey. We will meet on Friday evenings beginning April 10, from 7 to 8:30 pm. In the Family & youth Center Youth Room (upstairs). Dona on is $35 to register at any me Call Kelly Klaus for addi onal informa on or registra on at (949) 292-7281, or you may register of the first day of the group. The Ministry Center Office will be closed on Easter Monday, April 6. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 4 Youth & Teen Ministries School of Religious Education Youth Ministry & Confirmation He is risen indeed Alleluia!!! Easter Blessings to you all, rejoice in the Lord. Serving Junior High through College-Age Young Adults Easter Break Our final C1 event will be on Monday, April 13, from 6-8 at church. It will be a potluck BBQ celebra on so keep an eye out in the mail for what to bring! There will be no SRE Classes this week for Spring Break. Classes will resume on Sunday, April 12, Monday, April 13, and Tuesday, April 14. The SRE Pre-K and Kindergarten children will sing at the 9 a.m. Mass next Sunday, April 12. ________________________________________________________________________ First Communion There will be a MANDATORY First Eucharist Rehearsal for the SRE children in the church on Thursday, April 16, at 6 p.m. sharp. At least one parent must be in a endance. This is for SRE families only. The First Communion Mass for the SRE students will take place on Saturday, April 25, at 12 noon. Please contact Robin Mayes in the SRE office at (714) 998-1070 with any ques ons. ________________________________________________________________________ Catechists Needed Catechists are always needed for the SRE English Faith Forma on classes. Consider saying “yes” to the call and sharing your Faith story with our children for classes beginning in the fall. Can you give one hour of your me one day a week for approximately six months? You do not need to be a professional teacher. Training will be offered over the summer. You simply need to love Jesus and help the children on their faith forma on journey. Together in Jesus we can make a difference! Please call Robin Mayes at (714) 998-1070 for more informa on. St. Norbert Catholic School Can You Help Us? We are s ll in need of fabulous items for the May 2 Taste of St. Norbert silent auc on. Popular items donated in the past include a trip to Las Vegas, landscaping services, beach getaway, Coach bags, diamond jewelry. Ask your favorite vendors for a dona on— it’s tax deduc ble! Ques ons? Call Pa y Bornhop at (714) 6376822 x204. Confirmation 1 ________________________________________________________________________ Confirmation 2 C2 Teen/Sponsor Confirma on Rehearsal: Sunday, April 12, at 3 p.m. in the church. Please make sure you let your sponsor know they need to a end with you! C2 Reconcilia on Evening: Tuesday, April 14, at 7 p.m. in the church. All C2 teens must a end our Reconcilia on Service. ________________________________________________________________________ Junior High Ministry We’re off for a few weeks…enjoy your Easter Break! ________________________________________________________________________ Service Opportunities All teen volunteers must sign-up in advance with Helen via e-mail at [email protected] Chris an Service Food Distribu on: Saturdays Shi s are available from 8 to 11 a.m. OR 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Join us to help our Chris an Service Ministry serve our community. Please e-mail Helen to sign up for April Chris an Service Opportuni es. New Hope Crisis Counseling Center Telephone Hotline & Online Counseling A faith-based response—24 Hours a day/ 7 Days a Week Trained crisis workers provide peer counseling to people who are struggling to cope with day-to-day life. (714) New Hope (Hotline) / www.newhopenow.org (Online) Our services are free and open to all. 5 APRIL 5 2015 | EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Faith Formation & Enrichment R.C.I.A. Words of Faith Congratula ons to our Neophytes who were Bap zed, Confirmed and received Holy Communion at the Easter Vigil, and to those who were received into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. We welcome you as new members of our faith family. One more message from our Neophytes. Mony Sambeth was bap zed Saturday evening at the Easter Vigil. This is what he was thinking just before that event. RCIA sessions resume on Thursday, April 16. Our newly bap zed will be talking about the Resurrec on of Jesus and what that means to them. The following week they will be reviewing the parts of the Mass with Pete Moriarty. Our growing group of Inquirers will con nue reflec ng on their own faith stories, and learning about the weekly Scripture readings. Anyone desiring to become a Catholic is welcome to begin the Inquiry Process on Thursday evenings at 7:30. In order to be received into the Catholic Church by Easter 2016, it is necessary to begin the process during the Easter Season this year. ________________________________________________________________________ Two New Bible Studies after Easter On this Monday morning, April 13, we will begin an 8-part series on the Biblical texts regarding Mary. This study is accompanied by a DVD with beau ful photography of the places in the Holy Land associated with the life of the Virgin Mary. In this outstanding presenta on, walk with Mary through the Easter season visi ng those places dear to her heart and to her Son. We will meet in the Ministry Center Library from 9:15 to 11 a.m. For more informa on contact Mary Prather at (714) 709-3768. A workbook will be available to par cipants for a suggested dona on of $25.00. On Wednesday evenings, beginning April 29, we will offer an 8part series on the Gospel of John. This study will be presented by Charlene Dumitru, with periodic supplements of 30 minute DVD presenta ons by scripture scholar and professor, Luke Timothy Johnson. The Gospel of John is proclaimed liturgically during the most important holy days of the Christmas and Easter Seasons, and is quite different from the Synop c Gospels: Ma hew, Mark and Luke. John emphasizes the Glory of God present in Jesus his Eternal Son. We will meet in the Ministry Center Library from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Please read John, Chapter 1 prior to the first mee ng. _______________________________________________________________________ Prayer & Meditation with Scripture Praying with Scripture will NOT meet on Tuesday, April 7. We welcome you to join us on Tuesday evening, April 14, when we will resume our weekly reflection the Sunday Scriptures in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel at 7:30 p.m. This weekly hour of prayer time utilizes varying prayer forms each week, including Lectio Divina, centering prayer, prayer of remembrance, Taizé prayer and Ignatian meditation. It is a time to meet with others in quiet and peace away from the busyness and noise of the world. “I and [my] Father are one.” (John 10:30) I believe that there is one God in the form of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. God the father is the creator; the Son Jesus Christ lived a perfect life; the Holy Spirit is alive through the church. It is through my faith and prayers that will offer me salva on on the day of my judgment. I’ve walked through the valley of darkness for 35 years, being bap zed Easter 2015 will bring me to the light and I will be a new man. It has been a blessing for the last year to be in RCIA as I’ve strengthen my beliefs in my church, I find myself praying more o en and as o en as I can, and that there is more meaning when I am at church. I trust that God will con nue to walk with me and protect me from the immorality of our world; it will be up to me to choose correctly and make the right decisions that conform to my Chris an principles. No path in life is without obstacles; the path of Chris anity nowadays is one that is hard as we are judged more o en and cri cally. I will remain open-minded with the changing society but will be vigilant in holding onto the Catholic Church doctrines. I have convic on that the church will always be there for all us and provide the helping hand that one needs from me to me. I am a sinner and not perfect, I will make every effort to repentance 3-4 mes a year and receive my Communion each Sunday. Mony A li le background about Mony. He was born into a culturally Buddhist, but non-prac cing family who did not place much emphasis on religion. Reaching adulthood, Mony varied between atheist and agnos c, but did not spend much me really thinking about religious issues. He married a beau ful Catholic bride, agreed to a Church wedding, and never interfered with her faith but felt it was not something he needed for himself. That all changed when the couple’s first baby was born. He shared with our RCIA community that standing in the delivery room, looking down on his first-born child, he was filled with a certainty of God’s existence, and of deep gra tude for this gi of new life. As the Scriptures say “and a li le child will lead them.” (Isaiah 11:6) Congratula ons to all our Neophytes: Mike, Mony, Drew, Monserat, Nicholas, Daniel, Emily, Cinthia, Nathan, Chris an, Leslie, Carlos, Anabella, Ismael, and Sherlyn. Those who were bap zed will be wearing their white Bap smal robes to Sunday Masses during the Easter season. Please take the me to say hello to them when you see them. LA IGLESIA CATÓLICA DE SAN NORBERTO | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 6 Ministerio Hispano Reflexionemos sobre la Palabra de Dios Yo soy la Resurrección y la Vida, dice el Señor todo el que crea en mi nunca morirá. Domingo de Pascua Nos regocijamos en la victoria de Jesucristo sobre la muerte: por haber resucitado de la tumba a la vida nueva nos da nueva esperanza y promesa. Es Cristo, el que, con su amor, ilumina nuestros corazones y nuestros hogares. Es Cristo, resucitado de entre los muertos, que es nuestra fuente de esperanza, alegría y consuelo. Que nuestro Señor Resucitado llene sus hogares de luz y de amor. ¿Podemos “entender” un misterio? Dada la imposibilidad de llegar jamás a entender del todo la Resurrección, lo más acertado es imaginarnos que extendemos nuestros brazos y abrazamos este gran misterio, o mejor aún, imaginarnos a Cristo resucitado abrazándonos y así acercarnos más a este misterio. Esto nos lleva a Tomás, que fue la primera persona que trató de entender a Cristo resucitado, insis endo que si sus amigos que estaban reunidos en esa casa querían que creyera en lo que él sólo podía concebir como una sandez, tenía que tocar las heridas del Señor resucitado. Tal parece que a Jesús eso no le pareció un problema. Nunca hemos sabido si Tomás llegó a tocar las heridas de Jesús, pero en cada Segundo Domingo de Pascua se nos relata esta historia acerca de Tomás y el Señor resucitado, que nos da ánimo para valorar más el misterio de nuestra fe y aprender a profundizarlo al confesar que Jesús es Señor y Dios, y que esto que creemos se refleje en todas nuestras ac vidades diarias sobre todo en nuestro trato con los demás. Padre Pat Rudolph Padre Agus n Escobar Padre John D. Nguyen Padres Antonio Zapata Diáconos Joe Esparza, Juan Espinoza y Dave Blake El personal de la parroquia de San Norberto Conozca más Acerca de la Escuela Católica de San Norberto ¿Está interesado en conocer más acerca de nuestra escuela parroquial? Cada jueves, hasta finalizar el año escolar, nuestro director, el señor Joe Ciccoianni, estará disponible de 3:15 a 4:15 p.m., para mostrarle los alrededores de la escuela y contestar preguntas sobre cómo inscribir a su/sus hijo/os. ¡Esperamos ver muchos rostros nuevos y poder satisfacer las necesidades de nuestras futuras familias de la Escuela Católica de San Norberto! Para más información puede visitar la página de Internet www.saintnorbertschool.org Favor de tomar nota que nuestras oficinas no estarán abiertas el 28 de mayo. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ¿No crees que cuando Tomás salió de esa casa aquel día sabía que la Resurrección era algo que él no podía callar, y también que todo su ser se llenó de ardor y luz absorto por haber estado en la presencia del Señor resucitado? ¿Será posible que esto mismo nos suceda a nosotros? Esperanza y Sanación después de un Aborto —James A. Wallace, C.Ss.R. Derechos de autor © 2014, World Library Publica ons. Todos los derechos reservados. También conocido como Proyecto Raquel Si usted, o alguien que conoce, han sido afectados a causa de un aborto, por favor acepte esta invitación a conversar con un ministro especialmente capacitado en esta área de ministerio tan sensible. Todas las llamadas son confidenciales. Por favor llame a nuestra línea de ayuda al (800) 722-4356. Nuestra Iglesia se preocupa por usted y estamos aquí para ayudarle. _________________________________________________________________________________________________ Ofrenda Semanal Parroquial . Agradecemos su apoyo continuo a San Norberto para el año fiscal de julio 1, 2014 a junio 30, 2015. Sus donaciones dominicales aportan al presupuesto que nuestra parroquia necesita para cubrir los gastos de cada semana, el cual es de $27,900. La colecta del domingo 22 de marzo, fue $26,500.66. La colecta del domingo pasado 29 de marzo, se publicará el próximo fin de semana. Se necesita de su donación semanal para el bienestar de nuestra parroquia y para la promoción del Evangelio. La parroquia de San Norberto es una comunidad dinámica de discípulos de Jesucristo que se esfuerza por continuar sus ministerios de oración, amor y servicio. 7 5 DE ABRIL DE 2015 | DOMINGO DE PASCUA DE LA RESURRECCIÓN DEL SEÑOR Ministerio Hispano Bautizos ¡Aviso importante! A todas las personas que registraron a sus niños para bautizar el 2 de mayo, se les informa que las fechas de preparación pre-bautismal se han cambiado. Las fechas que originalmente eran el 14 y 28 de abril, se movieron al último viernes del mes, las nuevas fechas son el 24 de abril y 1 de mayo. El horario es el mismo, de 6:30 p.m. a 8:30 p.m., en el salón Madre Teresa. Para más información pueden comunicarse al Centro de Ministerios (714) 637-4360 x105 o 106 con Carmen o Shyntia. Noche de Información para todos los Padres de Familia de Primera Comunión Sábado 25 de abril Se invita a todos los padres de familia a la noche de información de sus niños que se están preparando para recibir a Jesús Sacramentado. La reunión dará inicio a las 6 p.m. en el gimnasio, hablaremos sobre la ves menta de los niños/as, fotos, ensayos y horarios de las ac vidades que tendremos el 9 de mayo. Contamos con su asistencia, ustedes son importantes para nosotros y también para sus niños, ¡no falten! _______________________________________________________________________ Padres de Familia y Padrinos de Primera Comunión El día 11 de abril a las 6 p.m. en el gimnasio, se llevará a cabo una reunión sólo para hombres en donde par ciparán papás y padrinos de los niños que harán su primera comunión en el mes de mayo. Recuerden que todos estamos caminando en esta jornada de fe, y necesitamos estar listos para el gran día de la celebración de la Primera Comunión. _______________________________________________________________________ Madres de Familia y Madrinas El día 18 de abril a las 6 p.m. en el gimnasio, habrá una reunión sólo para mujeres, será una tarde de compar miento, aprendizaje y de ac vidades en preparación para la celebración del día tan esperado para sus niños/as. Favor de traer aguja e hilo y, de ser posible, traer (las que tengan)pistola de silicón para ayudarnos a terminar una ac vidad. Recuerden que no podemos tener niños porque no contamos con personas para el cuidado de los niños o bebés. _______________________________________________________________________ Divina Misericordia El próximo domingo 12 de abril, se invita a toda la comunidad a rezar la Coronilla al Señor de la Divina Misericordia después de la Misa de las 2 p.m. Ese domingo se celebra el día de la Misericordia y estará expuesta una reliquia de Santa Faus na; enseguida habrá una recepción en el Centro de Ministerios, le esperamos junto con su familia. Para más información favor de comunicarse con la Sra. María Ramos al (657) 221-0886. _______________________________________________________________________ Inscripciones para Formación en la Fe 2015-2016 Las fechas de inscripción para las clases de Formación en la Fe 2015-2016 serán el sábado 16 de mayo, de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m., en el pa o de la escuela, recuerden que solamente tenemos 20 niños por salón y 10 niños para la catequesis del Buen Pastor. Las clases son los sábados de 9:30 a.m. a 11:15 a.m., y 11:30 a.m. a 1:15 p.m. Para más información pueden comunicarse a las oficinas del Centro de Ministerios (714) 637-4360 x105 o106. Parish Calendar April 5, 2015 ~ April 11, 2015 Sunday, April 5 Easter Sunday Special Mass Schedule Monday, April 6 Easter Monday / Ministry Center Closed 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena Tuesday, April 7 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 7:00 p.m. Reunión Mensual de Ministros de Eucaristía 7:00 p.m. RICA Wednesday, April 8 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 6:45 p.m. Men’s Basketball 7:00 p.m. Sewing Circle 7:45 p.m. Jóvenes Para Cristo Thursday, April 9 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 7:00 p.m. Grupo de Oración Friday, April 10 Adora on Day 7:00 a.m. Men’s Group of Faith 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 7:00 p.m. Journey of Hope Support Group (Divorced & Separated) 7:00 p.m. Jóvenes Para Cristo 7:00 p.m. Estudio Bíblico para Niños 7:00 p.m. Adolescentes Saturday, April 11 9:00 a.m. Divine Mercy Novena 10:00 a.m. Inglés como Segundo Idioma (ESL) 10:00 am. Preparación para la Ciudadanía 12:00 p.m. Chris an Service Food Distribu on 3:30 p.m. Confessions 6:00 p.m. Grupo de Hombres ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 8 Community Life & Groups Men’s Group of Faith Join us on Friday, April 10, from 7 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., for support, fellowship, and meaningful discussion about challenges men face today. We meet in the Mother Teresa/Dorothy Day Room upstairs in the Ministry Center. For more information, please feel free to contact Gary McKimmey at (714) 224-6160 or [email protected] or Matt Terrones at (714) 904-5822 or [email protected] _______________________________________________________________________ St. Norbert Mothers Group Come connect with other Catholic moms! We are a diverse group of women gathering together for mutual support, fellowship, service and love. We welcome you to join in our upcoming events and become a part of this great group of moms. Contact Barbara Brule at (714) 287-9780 or [email protected] for more information. Pray for the sick . . . Char Avram Josephine Barrera Be y Bick Julie Booth Jeane e Boy The Burke Family Giovanni Camponovo Martha Centellas Olga Centellas Jorge Cortés Lawrence Cruz Marie Donaldson Edward Felix Patricia Gandsey Jenny Gil Lorena Gil Faraj Joubran Guillermo Lefranc Segura Gladys Leon Susan McCloskey Pamela McSherry Meza Abigail Nguyen David Peterson Chris ne Stevens Peggy Wicker Sheila Utrup Elsy Maidel Urru a-Aguilar Irma Abigail Urru a-Aguilar Fred Watson Richard Williams . . . and for those who have died. Jeane e Ebert Sr. Frances O’Leary _______________________________________________________________________ Get on the Bus Get on the Bus is a program that rallies communities throughout the state to provide children of incarcerated parents with a visit to see their mothers and fathers. Several buses will be leaving Orange County for prisons beginning on May 2, May 8, May 30 and June 8. We are in need of financial help to make these visits possible. Money is used for bus rentals, food, coloring books, games, snacks, etc. Checks can be made out to Get on the Bus and mailed to Sister Eymard Flood, Diocese of Orange Pastoral Center, 13280 Chapman Avenue, Garden Grove, CA 92840, or call (714) 282-3114. September 24-28, 2015 Call for more informa on (714) 282-3021 or visit orangecatholicfounda on.org ________________________________________________________________________ Mass Intentions Saturday, April 4, 2015 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil Sunday, April 5, 2015 6:00 a.m. Easter Sunrise Mass 8:00 a.m. Mass in Church & FYC 10:00 a.m. Mass in Church & FYC 12:00 p.m. Easter Sunday Mass 2:00 p.m. Domingo de Pascua 7:00 p.m. Domingo de Pascua Monday, April 6, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Jovita Ricafort 8:30 a.m. + Soledad Suarez Tuesday, April 7, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Lujie De Monte Verde 8:30 a.m. + Isamu Sugiura Wednesday, April 8, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Dorothy McCauley 8:30 a.m. + Pete Mehta 7:00 p.m. + Baltazar Ruiz Thursday, April 9, 2015 6:15 a.m. + Robert & Inez Lamb 8:30 a.m. + Art Poirier Friday, April 10, 2015 6:15 a.m. Familia Loza Ramos 8:30 a.m. + Bob Carey Saturday, April 11, 2015 8:30 a.m. + Mary O’ Hara 9 APRIL 5 2015 | EASTER SUNDAY OF THE RESURRECTION OF THE LORD Our Parish & Beyond Sacred Heart Women’s Retreat Women’s Retreat Remain in My Love St. Martin de Porres (and friends) Women's Retreat is scheduled for Friday evening, April 24, from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, April 25, from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. The retreat will be held in the new Parish Hall at St. Martin's. There will be NO overnight facility available. Conducted by the Sacred Heart Sisters at the Sacred Heart Retreat Camp, Big Bear Lake: May 1-3. The retreat will include communal and private prayer. Celebra ons of the Eucharist and Reconcilia on will highlight the retreat experience. Come and be refreshed by the love and company of our Lord Jesus Christ. Dona on: $100. For more informa on, call (909) 866-5696. _______________________________________________________________________ Wine & Cheese Tasting Party Catholic Charities Auxiliary Chapter VII invites you to a Wine & Cheese Tasting Party on Thursday, April 30, from 7 to 9 p.m. at the OC Wine Mart in Yorba Linda, 4925 Yorba Ranch Road (Yorba Linda Boulevard & Yorba Ranch Road). Tickets are $30 per person. Wine Tasting will be paired with a variety of cheeses and a selection of gourmet desserts. Acoustic guitar musicians will delight us for the evening. Opportunity drawings will also add to the fun. A portion of the ticket price and 10% of all purchases that evening will be donated to Catholic Charities. This event will sell out QUICKLY! Mail your check today, payable to Catholic Charities Auxiliary, Chapter VII, to: Gerry Stacy, 4475 Avenida de Los Arboles, Yorba Linda, CA 92886. Questions?? Email or call Gerry at [email protected] or (714) 970-5057. _______________________________________________________________________ Dig Deeper About Climate Change Thursday, April 9, at 6:30 p.m. St. Joseph Center Mother Louis Room Presented by Alexandra Nagy, the Southern California Organizer at the Los Angeles branch of Food & Water Watch. Alexandra works in the Los Angeles and greater Southern California region to advocate for consumer health issues. View the flyer at: h p://csjorange.org/jus ce-office/filmseries/ The Sisters of St. Joseph of Orange present films/presenta ons that raise awareness and encourage conversa on about the dynamic, ever-changing, systemic and cri cal needs of our world. Through a variety of tles and topics, a endees explore what it means to live a life in rela onship with each other, our neighbors and the whole community of life. The evening includes refreshments, dialogue and possible opportuni es for ac on. There will be a light supper served on Friday evening along with three meals on Saturday. The 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass will be included in our retreat followed by dinner and the evening presenta ons. We will have exci ng presenters including the wives of Deacons Nick Sherg, Denis Zaun and Doug Cook. There will be me for reflec on, reconcilia on and adora on. Please invite your prayer partners, sisters, aunts and adult daughters. The cost is $80.00. No registrations will be accepted after Sunday, April 12. For more information or applications please contact Lynn Clark at (714) 970-7452 or Jeanne Rathswohl at (714) 470-1309. ________________________________________________________________________ 13th annual Conference on Business & Ethics A Forum for Responsible Leaders Friday, April 17, from 7:30 to 11:30 a.m. The 2015 conference program will feature keynote presenta ons by Dr. Carolyn Woo and John L. Allen Jr. Dr. Carolyn Y. Woo is President & CEO of Catholic Relief Services, the official interna onal humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. Dr. Woo was named one of the "500 Most Powerful people on the planet." John L. Allen, Jr., is Associate Editor of Crux, specializing in coverage of the Va can and the Catholic Church. John is also an Associate Editor of The Boston Globe, which carries his Sunday column, "All Things Catholic." He is the author of nine books on the Va can and Catholic affairs including best seller, Against the Tide: The Radical Leadership of Pope Francis. Your sponsorship is an investment in our children as they develop into the future business and civic leaders in our community. All net proceeds support Catholic elementary schools in the Diocese Orange. The Conference will take place at the Hilton, Costa Mesa. To register, please visit www.occatholicfounda on.org ________________________________________________________________________ Hope & Healing after Abortion aka Project Rachel If you, or someone you know, have been hurt by the act of abor on, please accept this invita on to conversa on with a minister especially trained in this very sensi ve area of ministry. All calls are confiden al. Please call our help line at (800) 7224356. Our Church cares about you and we are here to help. ST. NORBERT CATHOLIC CHURCH | WWW.STNORBERTCHURCH.ORG 12 Parish Ministries & Organizations Adult Faith Forma on Charlene Dumitru, Director (714) 637-4360 x114 Altar Care Denise Bi el ................................ (714) 633-2444 Altar Servers/Monaguillos [English] Karen Purpura .............. (714) 974-6507 [Español] Paula Guerrero ............ (714) 786-7540 Bap smal Prepara on/Pre-Bau smales [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114 [Español] Carmen Estrada .. (714) 637-4360 x106 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829 Bereavement Denise Bi el ....................... (714) 637-4360 x130 Bible Studies Monday AM - Mary Prather ........ (714) 709-3768 Evening - Charlene Dumitru.. (714) 637-4360 x114 Eucharis c Ministers/Ministros Extraordinarios de Eucharís a [English] Fran Needham ............. (714) 743-5169 [Español] Alma Arzaga ................ (714) 630-8678 [Español] Luis Acervantes ........... (951) 505-9087 Eucharis c Ministry to the Sick & Homebound/Enfermos [Kaiser] Toby Tobin ..................... (714) 998-2584 [Home Route] Janine Kilgore(714) 637-4360 x110 [Español] María Ruiz ................... (714) 633-7829 Filipino Ministry Lucille Jus niani .......................... (714) 974-4399 Grupo de Oración Javier Solis .................................. (657) 200-0505 Irma Chamú ................................ (714) 319-4599 Music/Coro John Erhard, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x126 Contemporary Ensemble, English Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110 Coro de Niños Ana Muñoz .................................. (714) 402-2789 Domingos, español Floribeth y Cristal Flores ............. (714) 279-9149 Jóvenes Para Cristo Coro María Ramos ............................... (714) 417-3064 Miércoles, español Miguel Lugo ................................ (714) 538-2497 Tradi onal Choir, English John Erhard ........................ (714) 637-4360 x126 Natural Family Planning Alyson del Hierro......................... (714) 872-3740 Guadalupanos Carmen Carbajal ......................... (714) 974-5251 Nurse for Seniors, Order of Malta Ann Bilash, RN .................... (714) 637-4360 x120 Hospitality/Hospitalidad [Español] Alberto Ocampo ......... (714) 597-2428 [Español] Bertha Toribio ............. (714) 998-5210 Orange Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Mary Vitchus ............................... (714) 771-0984 Inquiry Classes Charlene Dumitru ............... (714) 637-4360 x114 Calendar Secretary Lola Reynoso ............................... (714) 637-4360 Praying with Scripture Sr. Breda Christopher .................. (714) 283-2496 Italian Catholic Federa on Joe & Rose Digrado..................... (714) 974-1978 Charlas Prematrimoniales Juan Diego Noreña ...................... (714) 932-6350 Arnulfo Francis Soto.................... (714) 478-3026 Quinceañeras Rosalba Hernández ..................... (714) 597-3953 Jóvenes Para Cristo Alfredo Rodríguez ....................... (714) 788-7175 Gloria Chávez.............................. (714) 805-0257 Childcare Co-Op Michelle Navarro ........................ (949) 322-4073 RCIA/RICA [English] Charlene Dumitru (714) 637-4360 x114 [Español] Tenorio ........................ (714) 597-1318 Kirkwood Eucharis c Ministers Peter Ricks .................................. (714) 633-0731 Children’s Liturgy of the Word Michele Desbiens ........................ (714) 999-2710 Respect Life Bernie Vitchus ............................. (714) 771-0984 Knights of Columbus Council #15733 Tom Dodge .................................. (714) 633-6859 Chris an Service Al Agus n ........................... (714) 637-4360 x113 Returning Catholics Fellowship Charlene Dumitru............... (714) 637-4360 x114 Lady Knights Carolyn Ohrbrecht ...................... (714) 402-2576 Coffee & Donut Coordinator Janet Llewellyn............................ (714) 998-3104 St. Norber est Mike Adray ......................... (714) 637-4360 x116 Lectors/Lectores [English] Cameron LaFont ........... (714) 974-3786 [Español] Acacio Mar nez .......... (714) 404-5240 St. Norbert Catholic School Joseph Ciccoianni, Principal ........ (714) 637-6822 Bodas Sonia Jiménez ............................. (714) 203-1187 Bulle n Editor Joan Doyle .................................. (714) 282-1082 stnorbertbulle [email protected] Confirma on Prepara on Kirsten King ........................ (714) 637-4360 x210 Library Kathleen Rapport ....................... (714) 538-8117 School of Religious Educa on/Catequistas [English] Robin Mayes ................ (714) 998-1070 [Español] Carmen Estrada . (714) 637-4360 x106 Cursillo Ron Accornero ............................ (714) 396-7295 Líders de Comité Hispano Blandina Rosas ........................... (714) 403-4666 Rita Mejia ................................... (714) 392-6694 Sewing Circle Ellen Riopel ................................. (714) 488-3207 Diacono Juan Espinoza .............................. (714) 202-5828 Liturgy Janine Kilgore ..................... (714) 637-4360 x110 Divine Mercy Prayer Group/La Divina Misericordia [English] Helen Amposta ............. (714) 279-9441 [Español] María Ramos ............... (657) 221-0886 Men’s Group of Faith Gary McKimmey ......................... (714) 224-6160 Ma Terrones............................. (714) 904-5822 Elizabeth Ministry Amy Glenane .............................. (714) 974-8781 Ministerio Hispano Carmen Estrada .................. (714) 637-4360 x106 Shyn a Ospino, Secretary... (714) 637-4360 x105 Cub Scout Pack #863 Joe Beckman ............................... (714) 222-2895 ESL (inglés como segundo idioma) George Dore [English only] ........ (714) 280-2801. Hablas español ............................ (714) 637-4360 Eucharis c Adora on Commi ee Ed Majcher .................................. (714) 998-1574 Mothers Group Barbara Brule ............................. (714) 287-9780 Southwest Community Kitchen Outreach Marie Baumann .......................... (714) 997-9254 Ushers Joe Costanza ............................... (714) 532-5494 Young at Heart Pat Vega ...................................... (714) 637-2014 Young Adult Ministry Adrian Chavez ............................. (714) 225-4261 Youth Ministry/Adolescentes La nos Kirsten King, Director ......... (714) 637-4360 x210 April Cur n, Junior High ..... (714) 637-4360 x212 Helen Baehner, Secretary .. (714) 637-4360 x215 [Español] Shyn a Ospino ... (714) 637-4360 x105 Thanks to all who are suppor ng the Family & Youth Center through the Pastoral Services Appeal or gi s directed to the Building Fund. PSA 2015 Donors as of March 18, 2015 Gracias a todos los que han apoyado al Centro Familiar y Juvenil, a través de la Campaña para los Servicios Pastorales, o mediante donaciones directas a la cuenta del inmueble. Irene Abarca Corazon Abitan Ronald & Deborah Accornero Marlene Acevedo Barry & Jane Acton Fernando & Magdalena Aguero Antonio Aguilar & Maclovia Garcia Claudio & Margaret Aguilar Javier Aguirre Paul & Claire Alarcon William & Maria Albright Jose Alcala Mary Ale Gregory & Corrine Allen Mar n Almazan & María Jimenez Connie Alvarez Dolores Alvarez Judith Amezquita Roberto & Ruth Anaya Hazel Anderson Anonymous Victor Araujo Joseph Archival Zenaida Arcos Eduardo & Reyna Arellano Mary Armstrong Robert & Carolyn Arnold Rene Avalos Rene & Emma Avalos Rod & Le cia Ayala Anthony Azzopardi Charles & Judith Azzopardi Greg & Carmeleene Baguio Roy & Jodi Bahner Gary & Kathleen Barbee Michael & Cindy Barne Gilberto & María de la Luz Barron Terrance & Elizabeth Barry Robert & Carmen Bartle Nicola & Gloria Bartoloni Wilbert & Marie Baumann Len Beckman David & Devi Bellows Alfredo & Maria Beltran Ellen Benefield Robert & Violet Berg Luciano & Alexandra Bermudez Jaymy Bernardo Edwin & Be y Bick Bre & Denise Bi el John & Ann-Eda Blache Marc & Deanna Bolton Jose & Rachel Bonilla James & Carol Booth Rodney & Mary Bornhop Edward & Flory Boykin Ricardo & Erika Brambila Tom & Sara Brand James & Rosalie Bray Helen Breitenbach James Brennan David & Donna Brooks John & Jean Broussard Chris & Shannon Brown Emily Bucago Cheryl Bugg Steve & Sheena Bui Thuan & Pauline Bui Bill & Jeanne Bullington Reynaldo & Eileen Cabero Juan José & María de Jesús Calderon Peter & Joyce Camacho James & Karrin Cameron William & Mary Campbell Larina Canaya Eulalia Candela Miguel & Carmen Carbajal Timothy & Mary Carey Chris an Carrera Eusebio & Imelda Carrera Raymond & Colleen Casciari Anthony & Yvonne Castellana Robert & Carol Cebula Raymond & Adelina Ceja Noe Cervantes & Martha Jaimes Michael & Kathleen Chauvin Andres & Chris na Chavez Arturo & Sofia Chavez Javier Chávez & Clara Gu érrez Juan & Aurora Chávez Geraldine Cibellis Guadalupe Cisneros Deborah Clapp Lee Cleary Terence & Gloria Clingan Sean & Kellie Colbert Shawn & Debra Cole Fidencio Conde Walter & Mary Constant Juan Contreras Arthur & Lina Cooper Patrick & Michelle Corcoran Barbara & Robert Corrothers Juan & María Guadalupe Cortéz Peter & Lois Cor Joseph Costanza Joel Cos llo Roger & Maureen Co on Michael & Mary Jo Cretney Ana Cruz Carmen Cruz Larry & Linda Cucovatz Monte & Yolanda D'Asta Paul Daly Joseph & Mariana Darlington Lorena Davila Alejandro de la Cruz Erlinda De La Cruz Flor De Rosas Irma De Rosas Sally Debevec Eduardo & Cecilia Deduyo Rosabel Delgadillo Mark & Eileen DeLuca Thomas & Rita Dembrosky James & Susan Dempsey William & Colleen Derham Gary & Mary Des Rochers Bruce & Patricia De erich Alicia Diaz Apolinaria Diaz Demetrio Diaz John & Joan Dieball Robert Diederich Apolinaria Diza Thomas & Lisa Dobyns Michael & Joan Doyle Nhon & Elli Vu Duong James & Charmaine Duquesnel Alejandro Duran Seth & Cecy Easley, Jr. Sudie Easley Tom & Pa Eccles Yolanda Egidi Joan Eichinger Angelo & Jan Emanuele Joan Emge Domingo & Vinluan Empalmado Stephen & Grace Engler John & Marian Erhard Fr. Agus n Escobar Juan & María Espinoza Alberto Estrada Jaime & Carmen Estrada Jean Ewing Jorge Farias Edward & Kathleen Felix Irma Fernández Pablo & Alicia Fernández Sabino Fernández Vanessa Fernández José & Marilu Ferreyra William & Maureen Fe er Cala na Figueroa Filipino Community Elizabeth Finamore James & Jane Fitz Kenneth & Joan Fitz Juan Manuel & Salud Forstall Donald & Barbara Foss Teodoro & Cristy Francisco Joseph & Chris ne Franco Terry & Constance Frederick Casiano & Jovita Frez Ernes na Frias Michael & Marcia Fris Juan Garcia María Garcia Sophia Garcia Janet Gardner Michael & Anita Gaston Elizabeth Gates Felix & Emeline Gaw Michael Giannini Thomas & Bonnie Gilmore Joseph & Joann Glasman Peter & Amy Glenane Daphne González Gustavo González Hortencia González Irma González María Guadalupe González Victor & Lucina González Eileen Grabowski Luis & Denise Gracia Patrick & Bridget Greaney Gerald & Dorothy Grimaldi Irma Guerrero José Guerrero Yane Guerrero Abel & María Urbina Guevara Silvia Gu érrez Carmen Guzmán Emerio & Rosa Guzmán Robert & Patricia Hamilton Terry Hanna Virginia Harris Steven & Patricia Hauerwaas Elvie Hawk Philip & Greason Haworth John & Susan Hayes Stephen & Juliane Hayward Donald & Rosemary Heilbrun John & Teresa Heim Lawrence Heim Mark Hendrickson Robert & Lucille Hengstebeck Michael & Alisandra Herman Ana Hernández Juan & Rosalba Hernández Rafael Hernández Arturo & Le cia Herrera Jorge Herrera Thomas & Helen Hill Maurice Hoffmann Sco & Kathleen Hogate Clark & Marilyn Hollingsworth Kirk & Sandra Hollingsworth Catherine Hollis Lawrence & Jeanne Honikel Therese Houston Dale & Diane Hovinga Glen & Kathleen Howard Donald & Catherine Hunsberger Greg & Mary Hunter James & Laura Hunter Kathy Hyland Jack & Theresa Ibbeson Maureen Jamir Michael & Michele Jerry Berta Jiménez Laura Jiménez & Kevin Breen Duane & Mary Jorth Romeo & Maria Theresa Joson Lucille Jus niani Victoria Keany Patricia & Patricia Kelly Craig Kelsey Zachary & Kirsten King Richard & Victoria Kisow Thomas & Dorothy Kleinbauer Linda Kodis Albert & Norma Koob Tom & Jane Kornely John Kupfer & Marie Todd Fe y Kuswanto Pauline Landeros Leonardo & Cynthia Lanza Gaspare & Josephine LaRosa Maria Lawmaster Les Le Rodrigo León & Adriana Valencia Edward & Joanne Leukanech Gerald & Ami Lim Russell & Mary Lou Lindenmuth Jeane e Lisak-Phillips Ricardo & Cris na Lobato Jorge López María López Miguel López Raúl & Ana Zamora López Richard & Yolanda López Mario & Alice Losi Terrence & Debbie Loughran Juan Macias Ken & Phuong Ninh MacKay Sidney & Laurel Mackin Chloe Maestrejuan Veronica Magdaleno Edward Majcher Mary Malk Brian & Staci Manson John & Lynda Maresca LaVerne Maresh Michael & Mary Markus Roberto & Isabel Márquez Rosauro Marroquin Robert & Lisa Marrujo Sean & Shana Mar n A lia Mar nez Evelyn Mar nez Gerardo Mar nez Jerónimo Mar nez Ma hew & Michelle Mar nez Ramón Mar nez Samuel & Dianne Mar nez Ruth Marusin Lope & Cynthia Mayola Robert & Susan McCormick Jimmy & Patricia McDaniel Cecil & Margarita McFarland, Jr. Gary & Patricia McKimmey Marion McLaughlin Michael & Marilyn McNulty Pat & Tommie McSherry Maria Mehegan Rigoberto & Rita Mejia Rolando Méndez George & Chevon Mendoza, Jr. Pedro Mendoza Raymond & Cecilia Mendoza Raymond & Rosemary Mendrella James & Nell Meng Arturo Mier Glenn & Mary Beth Miller Jaime Miranda & Juana Boz Ronald & Judy Mitchell Merle Mitra Carolyn Mojica Chester & Regina Mojica Chris na Mojica Kahe Mojica Pablo & Evangeline Mojica Paul Mojica Gerald Monnig Sergio Montejano Ofelia Montes John & Luella Montesanto Carol Montgomery Brendon & Leyda Moore Margarita Morales David & Theresa Moran Raymundo & María Morante Michael & Jeanne e Morcos Juan Gabriel & Fidencia Moreno David & Rosa Mo s Lindsay Mouzakis Shaun Kevin Mouzakis Shaun Mouzakis Carlos & Ana María Muñoz Juan & Laura Muñoz Laura Muñoz Sarai Muñoz Robert & Janine Murdock John & Peggy Musico Alberto & Erika Navarro Jorge & Estela Navarro Fran & Sharon Kay Needham John & Renee Neglia Joseph & Maureen Neglia Patrick Neild & Monica Fernández-Neild Irma Nery Margaret Nevarez Timothy & Bich Chris na Ngo Andrew & Elizabeth Nguyen Ann Nguyen Hai Anh Nguyen Hai & Naomi Nguyen Thanh Nguyen Vinh & Diana Nguyen Hans & Elizabeth Niederberger Michael & Tara Nielsen William & Jean O'Connell Daniel & Karen O'Keefe Aida Ocampo Guillermo & Emma Ocampo Anneliese Odeh Thomas Ohta Thomas & Delores Oldham Gabriela Onofre Michael & Kathleen Packer Teofilo & Remedios Pagaduan Madeleine Pahl Min Ung & Hwa Sook Pak Marvin Palacios & Yoana Cisneros Michael & Rosa Pallas Dixie Palomo Anthony & Kathleen Pauks s Ricardo & Dolores Penaloza Stephen & Elena Pereira Isaias & Claudia Perez Jeane e Pérez Providencia Pérez Sergio & Araceli Pérez Robert & Alice Pernell Thuan & Chi Pham Fernando & Sandra Po Thomas & Kathy Polson Carolyn Polston Manuel & Elizabeth Porto Mark & Mary Prather Presenta on Sisters Anthony & Mary Provost Louis & Therese Purpura Richard & Karen Purpura Gustavo & Sonia Quezada Victor & Pamela Quiros Kevin & Patricia Rafferty Eric & Rachel Ragadio Ernest & Sharon Rahm Armando & Lourdes Ramírez Osvaldo & Margarita Ramírez Ronald & Elizabeth Rangel Vince Rangle Jay & Kathleen Rapport Francisco & Theresa Nelin Raymundo, Jr. Arlyne Reccia Gladys Rennebu Nemesia Reyes Vicente & María Araceli Reyes Carmen Reyna Estefanee Rhodes Peter & Valerie Ricks Armando & Elizabeth Ricohermoso John Rink & A. Pezina Francisco & Carla Rivas Carlos & Mary Ellen Rivera Dan & Sahra Roberts José Rocha Liliana Rodríguez Hortencia Rodríquez Joseph & Mary Jean Ropel Ronald Rotunda Robert & Victoria Rubino Fr. Patrick Rudolph William & Mary Ruegger F.C. & Remy Ruiz Francisco Ruiz José & María Ruiz Linda Ruth Martha Saavedra Corey & Maureen Saenz Don & Carol Safarik Gus & Anita Sagen William Sagey José & Isabel Salcedo Helen Salmond Baltazar & Manuela Sánchez Carmel Sánchez George & Tomasa Sánchez Ofelia Sánchez Roberto Sandoval Mar n & Lori San llana Rebekah Schloeder Margaret Scholz Thomas & Mary Schulte Donald & Joyce Seleska Terry & Gail Senizaiz Agus n Serrano Mireya Serrano Guadalupe Serrato Gregory & Rose Se en Ron & Elizabeth Severin Edward & Joyce Seyler Aus n & Brenda Sharp Robert & Susan Sheppard Lawrence & Mary Ellen Signaigo, Jr. Joaquin & Ruth Siles Allen & Cassandra Silva Reyna Silverio Jamie Skipton Helmut & Carmen Skubacz Edward & Jean Smet Bill & Nancy Smith Richard & Lynne e Smith Anita Solis Chris ne Solis Jorge & Yolanda Solis Jorge Solo Gregson & Anna Somes Rafael Sosa Jorge & Evelin Soto Donald & Anne e Southwell Andre & Nora Spencer Steven & Joy Stanowicz Aline Stapp Anthony & Carol Stashik Theodore & Doris State Kathleen Stayberg Neil & Nancy Stenton Grant & Kathleen Stephens David & Cynthia Stuetzel Norma Stuetzel Robert & Cheryl Suda Roger & Jerri Sullivan Dorothy Svoboda Michael & Catherine Svoboda Kenneth & Vale a Tait Thomas & Janet Tanner Cuahutemoc & Dora Yvonne Tapia Familia Tenorio Ruben & Gilma Tenorio George Tobin Lawrence & Margaret Toner Yvonne Torrence Jose & Guadalupe Torres Joe & Yve e Tovar Kevin & Stephanie Trefzger Richard & Lesta Trollinger Carol Ann Trujillo Roselyn Tuerffs Mark & Margarita Turner Clyde & Susan Ujiki Robert & Rowena Uy Gian Paolo Valderrama Gaby Valencia Victor & Diane Valenzuela Jose Alfonso & Sonia Vega Juan & Alicia Velazquez Patricia Vera Albert & Yvonne Verkuylen Paula Verkuylen Robert & Joan Vicario Herberto Victorino Laura Villa Ted & Ofelia Villaroman Bernard & Mary Vitchus Jill Volkman Glenda Vowels Carole Waddell Donald & Cathy Ward Jackie Warner Donald & Mary Watson James Watson Richard & Lorrie Weiland Juvenal & Guadalupe Wences Joyce Whitaker Michael & Jessica Whitehouse Stephen & Catherine Whitehouse William & Gillian Wilkinson Katherine Wilmes Monty & Belen Wilson Robert & Ka e Wilson Steven & Patricia Wright Robert & Sharon Writer Gabriela Yanez Gianpier Yanez Julio & Joy Yanez Judy Yarnovich Paulita Yu Roginelli Yu Vicenta Zamora Sergio & Maria Zarazua Norma Zimmerman PSA 2015
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