cv - Carol Galais

Carolina Galais González
Personal Data:
Skype: carolgalais.
Email: [email protected]
ORCID ID: 0000 - 0003 - 2726 – 2193
Ph. D. Dissertation. Graded summa cum laude. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Awarded Best Political Science Thesis by the Spanish Association of Political Science
(AECPA, 2009).
Finalist at the II price Jordi Solé Tura for the Best Thesis on Democracy (2008).
Master studies in Local Government. Universitat de Barcelona.
DEA. Master of Arts in Political Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
B.A. in Political Science. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Previous positions:
01/01/2012 - present.
Postdoctoral Fellow. Université de Montréal.
01/03/2009 - 31/12/2011
Postdoctoral Fellow. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
Visiting Professor. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
Assistant Professor. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
01/04/2007 -30/06/2007
Assistant Professor. Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
(Accepted) “Endurance at the top”, with Xavier Coller and Patrik Öhberg. Politics and Gender.
“Beyond rationalization: Voting out of Duty or Expressing Duty out of Voting? “. with André Blais.
International Political Science Review. In press. DOI: 10.1177/0192512114550372. Published online on
« The Dark Side of Proportionality: Conditional Effects of Proportional Features on Turnout », with Sergi
Pardos and Jordi Muñoz. Electoral Studies. 35: 253-264.
“Don't vote for them: The effects of the Spanish Indignant movement on attitudes about voting.” Journal
of Elections, Public Opinion & Parties. 24(3) Pp:334-350.
“Citizens and participation”. With Joan Font, Magdalena Wojcieszak and Pau Alarcón. Chapter 5 in Font,
Joan; Donatella della Porta and Yves Sintomer: Participatory mechanisms in Southern Europe: causes,
mechanisms and consequences. Rowman & Littlefield. Pp:115-150. ISBN: 978-1-78348-073-9
“A Call of Duty in Hard Times: Duty to Vote and the Spanish Economic Crisis.” With André Blais. Research
and Politics . July-September 2014 1: 2053168014540605, first published on July 8, 2014 doi:10.1177/
“Ni pasamos, ni tragamos”. La Maleta de Portbou. Revista de humanidades y economía. Nº 8. Nov-Dec.
2014. Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg. Pp: 33-37. ISSN: 2339-6768
(Forthcoming in 2015) “Complete Satisficing in Surveys: An Exploratory Investigation”. With Bo MacInnis
and Jon A. Krosnick. Book chapter in “Tthe Face-to-Face Recruited Internet Survey Platform (FFRISP)”,
funded by the National Science Foundation 0619956 to J. A.K., Principal Investigator. Stanford University
(Forthcoming in 2015) “In the line of duty. Duty to vote and the Irish 2011 election”. With Theresa Reidy
and André Blais. In Michael Marsh, David Farrell and Gail McElroy (eds) The Conservative Revolution.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.
(Forthcoming in 2015) “Motivaciones y socialización”. Chapter 2 in Coller, Xavier; Antonio Jaime, Jeff
Miley and Fabiola Mota (eds): El Poder Político en España. Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.
(Forthcoming in 2015) « Socialización política y opinión pública » in Sánchez, Rubén and Sánchez Medero,
Gema. Fundamentos de la Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Madrid, Tecnos.
(Forthcoming in 2015) “Délibération et/ou inclusion. Peut-on avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre?”.
With Joan Font. In Loïc Blondiaux and Bernard Maning (eds): Le tournant Déliberatif.
(Forthcoming in 2015) “Visibility and Sanctions: The social norm of voting in the lab”. With André Blais,
Aina Gallego, Marc Guinjoan and Jean-Michel Lavoie. Book chapter in Blais, André; Karine Van der
Straeten and Jean-François Laslier. Electoral experiments. Springer.
”A Comparative Study of Citizenship in Three Autonomous Communities” with Enric Martínez and
Francesc Pallarés, in Ailsa Henderson, Charlie Jeffery and Daniel Wincott (eds.) Citizenship After the
Nation State. Basingstok :Palgrave Macmillan. Pp: 52-79. ISBN: 978-1-78348-073-9
“La participation électorale” with André Blais and François Gélineau. In Éric Belanger and Fréderick
Bastien “Les élections québécoises de 2012 : les partis, les médias et les citoyens en campagne”.
Montréal : Les presses de l’Université de Montréal. Pp :179-190. ISBN 978276063227
“La calidad de los procesos participativos locales: indicadores y factores explicativos contextuales. El caso
de Andalucía”. With Clemente J. Navarro and Paloma Fontcuberta. Revista Española de Ciencia Política.
Nº23: 65-87
“The socialization effects of digital media on personal autonomy values. A comparative study” in
Abendschön, Simone (ed): Growing into politics. Contexts and Timing of Political Socialisation ,
Colchester: ECPR Press. Pp: 161-182. ISBN:978-1-907301-42-1
Galais, Carolina: “Edad, cohortes o período. Separando las causas del (des)interés por la política en
españa.” Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas núm. 139 :85-110.
Galais, Carolina: “¿Cada vez más apáticos? El desinterés político juvenil en España en perspectiva
comparada”. Revista Internacional de Sociología. Vol 70. Nº1: 107-127.
Galais, Carolina: “Distopies, civisme i republicanisme”. Revista Mirmanda núm.6. Pp: 96-102
Colombo, Clelia; Carolina Galais and Aina Gallego “Uso de Internet y actitudes políticas. Evidencias
cuantitativas y cualitativas”. In Arbor. Ciencia, Pensamiento y Cultura.” Practicas políticas y nuevas
tecnologías: un acercamiento a la idea de democracia digital”. Vol 188, Nº 756: 751-766.
Clelia Colombo, Carolina Galais, Aina Gallego “Internet use and political attitudes in Europe”. In Eva
Anduiza, Laia Jorba, Mike Jensen (eds.) Comparing digital politics. New York: Cambridge University Press.:
102-117. Isbn: 1107668492
Galais, Carolina, Joan Font, Pau Alarcón and Dolores Sema: “Methodological challenges for the large N
study of local participatory experiences: combining methods and databases”. Revista Internacional de
Sociología . Vol. 70, extra 2, 65-87.
Font, Joan & Galais, Carolina: “The Qualities of Local Participation: The Explanatory Role of Ideology,
External Support and Civil Society as Organizer” International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 35:
1468-2427. Feb.2011.
Galais, Carolina & Jorba, Laia: “Les associations d’immigrants comme instrument d’intégration politique
en Catalogne. Causes de leur degré d’implication politique.” Migrations, société. Vol 23, nº 134-135. Pp:
Galais, Carolina: “Despite everything, an engaged socialization. Childhood and adulthood processes
leading to politically engaged citizens in Spain “ in Politics, Culture and Socialization. Vol.2 2011, Nº1.
Pp :77-96.
Font, Joan; Ganuza, Ernesto; Galais, Carolina; Navarro, Clemente; Hernández, David; Fontcuberta,
Paloma: Las experiencias participativas en los municipios andaluces. FCEA. Córdoba. ISBn: 978-84-6940070-8
Galais, Carolina: “Citizenship Policies: Hollow Words (where we are going)”. Metrópolis. Nº 77. 51-56
Galais, Carolina: “Criteria for the evaluation of local participatory policies”. Fundació Carles Pi I Sunyer.
Galais, Carolina: “L’apatia política juvenil a Espanya en perspectiva comparada. És realment tan greu?”
Nous Horitzons, 199: 44-50.
Galais, Carolina: Les politiques de civisme a Espanya. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, Xarxa de
Colombo, Clelia; Galais, Carolina & Gallego, Aina “L’ús d’Internet i les actituds politiquees: dades
qualitatives i quantitatives d’Espanya” in Anduiza, Eva (coord.) Internet, Participació, mobilització: la
implicación política de la ciutadania en un entorn comunicatiu. Barcelona: Generalitat de Catalunya.
Departament de Relacions Institucionals i Participació.
Font, Joan & Galais, Carolina Experiències de democràcia participativa local a Catalunya : un mapa
analític. Barcelona: Direcció General de Participació Ciudadana.
Galais, Carolina (review) «The Dinamics of Referendum Campaigns. An International Perspective»
Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas 128 : 146-151.
Galais, Carolina “Civismo activo y pasivo: Politicas locales de civismo en España”. Democracia y Gobierno
Local 0:. 4-11.
Galais, Carolina “Un modelo estructural de socialización política activa” in VV.AA. Ciudadanía,
democracia y participación. Almería: Universidad de Almería.: 559-569. Isbn: 978-84-691-0398-2
Galais, Carolina Les polítiques locals de civisme a Europa. Exemples de convivència i d’implicació
ciutadana. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, Xarxa de Municipis.
Galais, Carolina & Ventura, Josep Adam “El rock politic a l’Estat Espanyol de finals dels ’70 i principis dels
‘80”. L’Espurna 5: 37-42.
Pallarés, Francesc; Lago, Ignacio; Galais, Carolina “Los apoyos electorales: pautas, incentivos y factores
en contextos multinivel” in Pallarés, Francesc (ed.) Elecciones autonómicas y locales 2007. Madrid:
Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas. 79-132. Isbn: 9788474764567
Ferrer, Mariona; Galais, Carolina & Pallarés, Francesc “La abstención en las elecciones autonómicas de
2007: características territoriales y bases individuales en perspectiva autonómica comparada” in Pallarés,
Francesc (ed.) Elecciones autonómicas y locales 2007. Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas.:3978
Galais, Carolina. “La percepció de la immigració com a problema i els mitjans de comunicació”. L’Espurna.
3: 16-18.
Galais, Carolina. “Les politiques de civisme actiu i passiu a Europa”. DB. Diputació de Barcelona. Nº
Galais, Carolina “El imperio del miedo”. Review of Benjamin Barber’s book. Foro Interno, 5. 137-140.
“¿Mejor cuanto más participativas? Los efectos de la participación en la calidad de las políticas públicas.”
With Fabiola Mota and Pau Alarcón. Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. San
Sebastián. España. 13/07/2015.
“From Participatory Policy Proposals to Local Policies: Explaining Diverse Trajectories” with Joan Font,
Graham Smith, Pau Alarcón. Congreso de la Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. San Sebastián.
España. 13/07/2015.
“Do People Feel More of a Duty to Vote in Some Elections?”. With André Blais. Paper presented at the
Making Electoral Democracy Work project annual meeting. Paris, 22 May 2015.
“How to measure the duty to vote”. American Political Science Association. San Francisco. US. September
“The measure of the duty to vote”. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Chicago. US.
“The socialization basis of the duty to vote” Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs. CIQSS. Concordia University.
Montréal. Québec. Canada. 13/03/2015
“Beyond the call of Duty: measurement and causes of the civic ‘duty to vote’”. Invited to the Speaker
Series of the Centre for the Study of Democratic Citizenship. Department of Political Science, McGill
University. Room 406, Thompson house. Montréal, Canada. November 21.
“The wheat from the chaff: from citizen proposals to local policies” with Joan Font, Graham Smith and
Pau Alarcón. Toluca, Mexico. September 11.
“Absolute and relative interest in politics” with André Blais. APSA Anual Meeting. Washington D.C.
(United States), August 30.
“Public Policies with and without Citizen Participation: Are there Differences?” with Pau Alarcón and
Fabiola Mota. IPSA 23rd World Congres of Political Science. Montréal, July 23.
“Half the loaf isn’t better than no bred: the Spanish Great Recession and political protest” with Jasmine
Lorenzini. IPSA 23rd World Congres of Political Science. Montréal, July 21.
““You cheated on me!” Causes and consequences of cheating in online surveys. Visions in Methodology
(VIM) 2014- Faculty of Social Science, McMaster University. Hamilton, ON, CANADA. May 20-22, 2014
“The role of Socialization and family support in female MPs' political ambition. Evidence from Sweden
and Spain” with Patrick Öhberg. . Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago
(USA). 3 April 2014.
“Absolute and relative interest in politics”. With André Blais and Shaun Bowler. Midwest Political
Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago (USA). 5 April 2014.
“Unintended information exposure and political knowledge in Spain”. ECPR joint sessions. Salamanca,
Spain. 16 april 2014.
“You cheated on me. Causes and consequences of failing to answer correctly trap questions in online
surveys.” VI Congreso de Metodología de Encuestas, RECSM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra,12-14 December
“La participation électorale des jeunes”. Mégaphone. Forum Jeunesse Montérégie Est. Invited guest. 25
October, Montréal.
“Hating the oppressed, loving the oppressors? Conflictive framings, emotions and attitudes related to
the Spanish Indignant movement " in Division 38, panel: "The Content and Impact of News: Primary
Campaigns, Social Protests, and Media Scandals". American Political Science Association. Chicago. 31
August-1 September 2013.
"A call of duty in hard times. The Civic Duty to vote over time and the Spanish Economic Crisis " Division
36, panel: "Economic Voting and Civic Duty" . American Political Science Association. Chicago. 31 August1 September 2013.
“Políticas públicas con o sin participación ciudadana, ¿hay diferencias?” (with Pau Alarcón and Fabiola
Mota). IX Congreso Español de Ciencia Política y Administración. GT 5.2 Los límites de la participación:
por qué se hace, cómo se desarrolla y qué impacto tiene sobre el sistema político. Sevilla. September 1820 2013.
“Le mouvement des Indignés à l’Espagne”. École d’Été La Démocratie à un point tournant. Centre
d’Études et des Recherches Internationales (CÉRIUM). Université de Montréal. 12 July 2013.
“Conflict, emotions and attitudes towards the Spanish Indignant movement”. European Political Science
Association annual conference. Barcelona. 20-22 June 2013.
``The social norm of voting in the lab'. With Aina Gallego, André Blais, Marc Guinjoan and Jean-Michel
Lavoie. European Political Science Association annual conference. Barcelona. 20-22 June 2013.
“Duty to vote over time and the Spanish Economic Crisis”. Canadian Political Science Association. Victoria
(BC). June 6 2013.
“Délibération et/ou inclusion. Peut-on avoir le beurre et l’argent du beurre?” ACFAS. Colloque sur la
participation des citoyens. Institut du nouveau monde. Québec. May 9 2013.
“Loving the oppresors, hating the oppressed. The effects of conflictive framings on opinions about a
social movement through negative emotions and extraversion”. Midwest Political Science Association
Annual Conference. Chicago (USA). 13 April 2013.
“The Civic duty to vote and the Spanish economic crisis”. With André Blais. Midwest Political Science
Association Annual Conference. Chicago (USA). 11 April 2013.
“La participation électorale” with André Blais and François Gélineau. Colloque sur les élections
quebecoises de 2012. Quebec. January 18.
“The effects of the 15M movement on the duty to vote in Spain”. Chaire de recherche du Canada en
études électorales/ Canada Research Chair in Electoral Studies weekly seminar. 1 August 2012.
“Civic Duty: Motivation or Rationalization?” (with André Blais) Conference “Change in Political Attitudes:
Panels and Experiments”, Barcelona, 8 June 2012.
“Spanish Indignant Movement Effects on the Perception of Voting.” Democracy, elections and citizenship
Seminar. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 20 June 2012.
“They Don’t Represent Us: Spanish Indignant Movement Effects on the Perception of Voting.” Midwest
Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago (USA). 13 April 2012
“Methodological Challenges for the Study of Local Participatory Experiences: Mixing Methods and
Databases”. With Joan Font. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago (USA). 13
April 2012
“Methodological Challenges for the Study of Local Participatory Experiences: Mixing Methods and
Databases”. With Joan Font. Chaire de recherche du Canada en études électorales/ Canada Research
Chair in Electoral Studies weekly seminar. 4 April 2012
“They Don’t Represent Us: Spanish Indignant Movement Effects on the duty to vote ». Colloque étudiant
du Centre pour l'Étude de la Citoyenneté Démocratique. Québec Ville. 30 March 2012.
““Methodological Challenges for the Study of Local Participatory Experiences “Colloquium
Methodological Challenges in Participation Research. IESA. Córdoba. 4-5 november
“Edad, cohortes o período. Separando las causas del (des)interés por la política en España.” Congreso de
la Asociación Española de Ciencia Política y de la Administración. Murcia (Spain). September 9.
“The contextual conditionings of digital media effects on civic attitudes”. With Eva Anduiza. European
Consortium for Political Research General Conference. Reykjavik (Iceland). August 25.
“Complete satisficing in surveys, an explanatory investigation”. With Jon A. Krosnick and Bo Macinnis.
AAPOR annual conference. Phoenix, Arizona (United States). May 11.
“Why do they attend? The explanatory factors of mobilization success in Spanish local participation
experiences” with Joan Font. ECPR Joint Sessions. St Gallen (Switzerland) 12-17 April.
“The Closer the Merrier: Concentration of Power as a Mediator of Political Dissatisfaction and Turnout”.
With Sergi Pardós & Jordi Muñoz. Midwest Political Science Association Annual Conference. Chicago
(USA). 31 March-3 April 2011.
“Internet y participación política en Aragón”. II Jornada Aragón Participa. Zaragoza, 17 March.
“Edat, generacions I compromís politic”. Nous Horitzons. Edifici del Rellotge. Barcelona, February 1.
“Institutional design, deliberative capacities and participation in Spanish municipalities” at the
International meeting "Tournant deliberatif". With Joan Font. École des hautes études en Sciences
Sociales . Paris, 16-17 June 2011.
“Dissatisfied voters. Party system, satisfaction with democracy and turnout”. HumVIB workshop,
University of Hamburg. Hamburg, 16-17 December.
“Internet use and engaged citizenship in comparative perspective”. Internet, Politics, Policy 2010: An
impact Assessment. Oxford, 17-09-2010.
“Medir y explicar la calidad de la participación municipal.” With Clemente Navarro, Joan Font and
Paloma Fontcuberta . Congreso de la Federación española de Sociología. Grupo de Trabajo de Sociología
Política. Pamplona. 1, 2, 3 July 2010.
“Internet and political attitudes”. with Clèlia Colombo & Aina Gallego. Conference: The Dynamics of
Citizenship in the Post-Political World”. Stockholm. 28-05-2010.
“Criterios de calidad y factores explicativos de los procesos participativos en los municipios andaluces”.
Presented at the International Congress: “Profundizando la democracia como forma de vida”, Rosario
(Argentina), 13-05- 2010. Con Clemente Navarro, Joan Font, Paloma Fontcuberta y Ernesto Ganuza.
“An integrated political socialization model. Childhood and adult processes that lead to politically
engaged citizens”. Paper presented at the 38th ECPR Joint sessions. Münster. 22-03-2010.
“La implicación política de los españoles, ¿una cuestión de madurez o de cohorte?” Paper presented at
the IX Congress of the Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. Málaga, 23-09-2009.
“Internet use, actitudinal change and political participation”. Paper presented at IX Congress of the
Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. Málaga, 23-09-2009.
“Internet use and Political attitudes: Qualitative and Quantitative Evidence from Spain”. Paper presented
at the ECPR General Conference. Postdam, 10-09-2009.
“A structural model of active political socialization”. Paper presented at the XI international congress of
Education. Almería, 06-11-2007.
“Los eventos politicos como catalizadores de la socialización política”. Paper presented at the VIII
Congress of the Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. Valencia, 18-09-2007.
“Political engagement at the autonomous level”. Paper presented at the VII Congress of the Asociación
Española de Ciencia Política. Madrid, 21-09-2005.
Seminary: “Spanish Political Culture and Immigration”, Fundació Pere Arcadia, 01-03-2005.
Seminary: “The Political Culture of the Spanish Transition through Spanish 70’s Rock bands”. 1h class of
the course "Political Development in Contemporary Spain". Saint Louis University, Madrid. 25-04.05
“Time banks: social capital generators”: Investigacció symposium activist research. December 2003January 2004.
“Participation and Social Movements” in Fòrum Social Europeu- Barcelona Symposium. May 2003.
Participation in relevant research projects:
The Duty to vote. P.I. André Blais and Carol Galais. Grant of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research
Council of Canada. CAD$152,490
Cherrypicking. P.I. Joan Font. Ministerio de Economía y competitividad. Plan nacional de I+D+i 2008·2011
Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental. Dirección general de investigación y gestión
del plan nacional subdirección general de proyectos de investigación SPI0201200X0318501VO
Making Electoral Democracy Work. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. P.I.:
André Blais.
La Gobernanza de las Agencias de la Unión Europea. Fundamental Research Project. Ministerio de Ciencia
e Innovación. CSO2009-08157. P.i.: Nuria Font.
MECPALO. Mecanismos de Participación Local en Perspectiva Comparada: Causas y Consecuencias. P.I.:
Joan Font. CSO2012-31832
POLAT: Stability and change in political attitudes. P.I: Eva Anduiza. CSO2010-18534
VTAC-HUM VIB, Eurocores, ESF. P.I: Eva Anduiza. CSO2008-03332-E The institutional context of electoral
participation. Variations and consequences.
Localmultidem. Migrants’ political attitudes, participation and representation. P.I: Eva Anduiza, Laura
Political elites in the autonomous communities in Spain. P.I. Juan Linz & Xavier Coller.
CANS, Citizens after the Nation State. P.I. Charlie Jeffery and Alisa Henderson. European Science
Foundation .
Causes and consequences of citizens’ political knowledge.P.I. Marta Fraile. Ministerio de Ciencia e
Experiences of local democracy in Andalusia in comparative perspective: How much, How and For what.
P.I. Joan Font. Centro de Estudios Andaluces .
POLNET, Political participation and the Internet. P.I. Eva Anduiza. Ministerio de Innovación y Ciencia .
Experiences of Participatory Democracy in Catalonia. P.I. Joan Font Fàbregas. Direcció General de
Participació Ciutadana
Espacios de competición en gobiernos multinivel. P.I: Francesc Pallarès.
Participacion Politica y Social en España: un analisis Comparado . P.I: José Ramón Montero and Joan Font.
Participació política i capital social a Catalunya P.I: Francesc Pallarès.
Xarxa temàtica: Eleccions, comunicació política i opinió pública. PI: Francesc Pallarès .
Stablished Research Groups.
2009.-present. Member of Research group Democracy, Elections and Citizenship. Political science and public law
department, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain.
Research Group in political Behavior. Pol. Sci. department. Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain.
Specialized training:
Physiological response equipment workshop // Formation sur l¹étude des données physiologiques. Dr.
Stuart Soroka. McGill University. January 30.
How to deal with non-anymized data. Statistiques Canada/ QICSS. UQAM. Montréal, Canada. October.
Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis: Applications in Business. Dr. Andrew F. Hayes.
Concordia University. March 21.
Crash course on R. QICSS. Prof. Marina Doucerain. Montréal, Canada. February.
Advanced topics in Structural Equation Modeling. QICSS. Prof. Rex B. Kline. Montréal, Canada. 16-18
Panel analysis. QICSS. Prof. Jorgen Hansen. Montréal, Canada. 3-6 July
Experiments in political Sciences. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. July.
Confirmatory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modelling. ECPR Summer School in Methods and
Techniques. Ljubljana, Slovenia. August.
Multilevel analysis. EMAS. Universidad de Salamanca. July.
Growth Modelling with latent Variables Using Mplus. IDEC. UPF. Barcelona. June
Multiple imputation with STATA & missing data. UAB. Barcelona. December.
Course on Design, evaluation and analysis of questionnaires for survey research given at the Research
and Expertise Centre for Survey Methodology at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona by Prof. Willem
Saris 10-11 December.
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. University of Essex, Wivenhoe. Scale Analysis, Logit
& Probit Regression. Mathematics for Social Scientists.
Essex Summer School in Social Science Data Analysis. University of Essex, Wivenhoe. Multivariate
Analysis. Mathematics for Social Scientists.
Awards and Grants:
APSA Annual Meeting Travel Grant program. Award covering travel related expenses for participating in
the 2014 Annual Meeting.
Inclusion of a survey module in the Norwegian citizen (U. Bergen). January 2014.
Asociación Andaluza de Sociología award to the best article for “The Qualities of Local Participation: The
Explanatory Role of Ideology, External Support and Civil Society as Organizer” (2011), with Joan Font,
IJURR 35:932-948.
Inclusion of a survey module in the LORE Swedish panel (U. Göteborg). September 2013.
Beques per a estades de recerca fora de catalunya (BE-DGR).
Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Fellowship related to a research project. PI: Francesc Pallarès.
Grant for a PhD. Thesis project. Fundació Jaume Bofill.
ICPS grant for the study of the ICPS/Diputació de Barcelona/UB master on Local Government.
Beques per a estades de recerca fora de catalunya (BE-DGR)
Generalitat de Catalunya FI-FIAP Fellowship for researchers’ formation
Universitat Pompeu Fabra Fellowship for Ph.D studies.
1997- 2001. Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia. Fellowship for Degree studies in Political Science (19972001).
Teaching Experience:
Lecture on Political Socialization (3h). Séminaire de synthèse:“Forces et comportements politiques. (prof.
André Blais). March 21 and October 8.
Teacher assistant for “Introduction à l'analyse quantitative” (Prof. Patrick Fournier). Fall 2014 (200 h.).
Summer course (3h). Presentation: “les Indignés de l’Espagne”. Course: La Démocratie à un point
tournant. July 2013
Lecture on Political Socialization (3h). Séminaire de synthèse:“Forces et comportements politiques. (prof.
André Blais). March 21.
Teacher assistant for “Introduction à l'analyse quantitative” (Prof. Patrick Fournier). Fall 2013 (200 h.).
Crash course on SPSS (2h). Seminars on statistical software packages. Center for the Study of
Democratic CitizenshipMcGill University. March 9.
Teacher assistant for “Introduction à l'analyse quantitative” (Prof. Patrick Fournier). Fall 2012 (200 h.).
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Department of Political Science and Public Law . Courses taught:
Political Science I, Political Behaviour, Political Science I.
Universitat de Barcelona. Department of Political Science. Summer Course: Local policies on Civility.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Department of Social and Political Science . (as a Ph.D student, an assistant
professor and a visiting professor). Courses taught: Spanish Politics I, Research Techniques and
methodology II, Comparative Politics I, Spanish and Catalan Political System, Political Science II, Collective
Action Theory. Summer Course: Spanish Politics and its Rock.
IBEI (Instituto Barcelona de Estudios Internacionales). Course: Comparative Political Analysis
Fundació Pere Ardiaca: Seminar on Immigration and Public opinion (2005-2010).
Research Leaves abroad:
January 2012- present. Postdoctoral fellowship. Canadian Research Chair in Electoral Studies, UdeM (Québec, QC,
Canada). Supervisor: André Blais.
April – July 2011. Communication Department. Stanford university (California,US). Supervisor: Jon Krosnick.
June- July 2005. Political Science Department. Essex University (Wivenhoe, UK).
Spanish: Mother language.
Catalan: fluently (spoken, reading, writing). Level “C”.
English: fluently (reading, spoken, writing).
French: fluently (spoken, reading), good knowledge (writing). Father language.
Organisation of scientific meetings
2015. Coordinator of the panel “The effects of participatory processes: public policy and the relations between the
Administration and citizenry”. XII AECPA congress. 13-15 July. Donosti, Spain.
2015. Co-organizer of the conference: Satire, liberté d'expression et démocratie. Quels enjeux après l'attentat contre
Charlie Hebdo. Department de Science Politique, Université de Montréal.
2014.Co-chair of the Political Socialization of Children panel (RC21.199) at the IPSA 23rd World Congress.
2012-2015. Organizer of the weekly research seminars of the Canadian Research Chair in Electoral Studies. More than 70
talks hosted so far.
2011.Co-organizer of a Workshop , X Congress of the Asociación Española de Ciencia Política
2009.Co-organizer of the International Workshop Citizen Politics: Are the new media changing political engagement? 2628 May, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Spain
Institutional responsibilities
2012-2014. Coordinator of the Canadian Research Chair in Electoral Studies. Université de Montréal. Canada.
2014. Member of the scientific committee evaluating national competitive research projects. Agencia Nacional de
Evaluación y Prospectiva (ANEP)/ Spain.
Referee for international academic journals
2015-present. Referee for Acta Política.
2014-present. Referee for the American Political Science Review. US.
Referee for the European Journal of Political Research
2013-present. Referee for South European Society and Politics.
Referee for Canadian Journal of Political Research. Canada.
2008-present. Referee for Revista Española de Investigaciones Sociológicas. Spain.
2012-present. Referee for Political Behavior.U.S.
2011-present. Referee for Revista de Estudios Políticos. Spain.
Referee for Papers, Revista de Sociología. Spain
Memberships of scientific societies and professional associations
2012- present.
Member, International Political Science Association.
Member, American Political science Association. US;
Member. Assotiation Francophone pour le savoir. Canada.;
Member, Midwest Political Science Association. US.
Member, European Consortium for Political Research.
Member, European Political Science Association.
Member, Asociación Española de Ciencia Política. Spain .
Member, Col·legi de Politòlegs i Sociòlegs de Catalunya. Spain.
Other Information:
Accredited as Assistant Professor, temporary lecturer and private university lecturer by the ANECA (Feb. 2015)
Director/ Tutor of the Master Student C.J. Martínez. Research title: “The impact of Facebook on Political participation”.
Final Grade: A+. 2011.
Supervisor of Master visiting student Fernando Feitosa (summer 2013) and PhD visiting student Pau Alarcón (summerautumn 2014).
Since 2014, referee for national research projects. Council of Economy. 2014. ANEP
Since 2013, blogger for; (Agenda Pública).
Since fall 2014, member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Agenda Pública (
Since 2012, Organizer of the Canada Research Chair in Electoral Studies weekly seminars. Université de Montréal. More
than 80 seminars organized so far.
Since January 2012.
Since 2013, Radio hostess and contributor to the weekly radio show “Periferias”, in Radio Centre Ville
(, 103.FM) in Montréal.
Board member of the CIEM (Colectivo de Inmigrantes ESpañoles en Montréal) and organizer of Quebec Public Interest
Research Group CIEM workshops.
Since 2004, political cartoonist for the bi-monthly satirical magazine TMEO