SAINT THOMAS AQUINAS CATHEDRAL 310 WEST 2ND STREET, RENO, NV 89503 Most Rev Randolph R. Calvo JCD DD, Bishop of Reno March 22 2015 Fr Jacob Carazo, OFM Conv Rector Fr Paul Fazio, O F M C o n v Parochial Vicar Fr Tom Hamilton, O F M C o n v Franciscan community Robert Dangel, Joseph Bell, Deacons Parish Office Hours Monday: 1:30—4:00 PM Tuesday, Wednesday & Thurs: 8:30-Noon & 1:30-4:00 PM Friday: 8:30-Noon S Rocío Grady Parish Secretary Deacon Richard Ramm Administrator for Temporalities Jack Hallsted Bookstore Manager Diane-107, Mary Ann-108 Bookkeeping P O E: [email protected] G S H Monday-Friday: 11:00-2:00PM Saturday: 3:00-5:00PM Sunday:8:00AM-:100PM & 5:00-7:00PM 775/329-2571 Web: Join the Cathedral’s Spanish-Speaking Community for a Live presentation of the Stations of the Cross on Good Friday at 5:00PM. 775/329-2824 775/329-3011 for Homilies, Bible study & catechetics. Budget News Date 1st Collec on 2nd Collec on 2nd Collec on To Benefit March 1 March 8 March 15 March 22 March 29 $7,432 $7,659 $6,524 $ $ Payment to Loan No 2nd collec on Church in Eastern Europe Easter Flower Offering No 2nd collec on $2,491 $1,904 $ - STEWARDSHIP PRAYER Son, give alms in propor on to what you own. If you have great wealth, give alms out of your abundance; if you have but a li le, distribute even some of that. But do not hesitate to give alms; you will be storing up a goodly treasure for yourself against the day of adversity. Tobit 4:8-9 FRIARS’ PANTRY—Next Distribution Dates: April 17, 18, & 25 Everyone associated with the Friar’s Pantry want to express our THANK YOU for the dona ons received for our Easter distribu on. Your generosity is overwhelming. The Pantry is in need of Cereal, can or box milk, mustard, catsup, mayo, soups, Hamburger and Tuna helper, jam/jelly, and personal care items (toothbrushes, toothpaste, travel size shampoo and condi oner, lo on,) and the list goes on. Please bring in your nonperishable dona ons any day to the Sacristy, or Gi Shop or to the Pantry on Thursdays between 9AM–noon, or call Gail-359-4330 to make arrangements. Thank you for your generosity. WORLD WIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER Marriage Encounter Weekend gives you that me together to rekindle the romance you experienced at the beginning of your marriage & to deepen your communica on with each other. Upcoming Weekends: April 17-19 in Sparks & June 5-7 in Sacramento. Ques ons? Visit: or contact Terry & Janet at applica [email protected]. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Come join us to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday at Immaculate Concep on Church in Sparks on Sunday, April 12 at 2:30PM. For more informa on, please contact Maria Hernandez at 229-0368. THE LIVING STATIONS OF THE CROSS The University Catholic Community Our Lady of Wisdom Newman Students presents: The Living Sta ons of the Cross, a moving interpreta on of the Sta ons of the Cross. Our Lady of the Snows – Reno Good Friday, April 3rd at 7:00PM. LIVING THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL WOMEN’S WEEKEND RETREAT Come, rest and experience the graces of a weekend retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center, Citrus Heights, CA. The beau ful grounds will help you experience peace & tranquility as you leave your worries behind so you can truly encounter the Lord. Reno women will be at the Retreat Center April 10-12 & April 17-19, 2015. Call Jil Lehr at (775) 971-4413 or the Retreat Center at (916) 725-4720 for details and reserva ons. CATHOLIC PROFESSIONALS Breakfast—Thursday, April 9, at 7:00AM at the Silver Legacy. Join us to welcome Deacon Chuck Lanham as he asks “What’s God got to do with it? Who are you working for: God or the devil?” For addi onal informa on/reserva ons visit SENIOR MINISTRY The Senior Ministry con nues to evolve in our efforts to be of assistance to our senior community. And as part of this process, we told you of our associa on with the Senior Outreach Services, a division of the Sanford Center of Aging at UNR. This has proven to be very helpful to those who have a ended the lecture series. This year the scope of services offered by SOS has expanded greatly and includes a resource pla orm for most any assistance or service a senior may need. Hence, as this service provides many of the goals of our month Lunch and Learn, we are suspending them effec ve immediately. In turn we will be u lizing the funds budgeted for new programs. These addi ons to our agenda will not impact our ongoing/established services. Remember, we are always looking for volunteers for the Thri shop and our other ac vi es. If your schedule permits you to contribute a few hours a week/month, we would love to hear from you, please call Stephanie at 775-338-5557 for addi onal informa on. NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING There is a healthy, natural and effec ve way to plan your family! Please consider today’s Fer lity Awareness. It is 99% Effec ve and 100% Natural. Classes begin in April. For more informa on, see and call Mark and Gail in Carson City at (775) 841-4631. MONTHLY MEMORIAL MASS At Our Mother of Sorrows Catholic Cemetery will be celebrated on Wednesday, April 1, 2015 at 11:00 AM. The celebrant will be Rev. Richard DeMolen. All are cordially invited to a end. THE DELEGATES FROM THE CATHEDRAL FOR THE II SYNOD OF THE DIOCESE OF RENO ARE: Ana Farfan, Baldemar Barajas, Brian Saeman, Desiree Davis, Gonzalo Castellanos, Gwen Linde, Jeremy McNeil, Jesús Díaz, Laura Aguirre, Ray Gurries, Rocio Grady, Sharon Parker Jannuzzi, Tim Summers. Please keep them in your prayers. Prayer for our Diocesan Synod God, our Father, You have called us by baptism to be faithful members of your Church. Send the Holy Spirit to guide the work of the Second Synod of the Diocese of Reno. Inspire us to bring new life to the mission of your Church here in northern NV. Through the work of our Synod, may we follow where the Holy Spirit leads, to become instrumentals of hope for the world In spreading the Good news to people far and wide. With the example and help of Mary our Mother who gathered with the disciples in the upper room, may we listen to the promptings of the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and kindle in them the fire of your love. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 28 7:30 5:00 Gilbert † Fabian Anthony Cedeno Sunday, March 29—Palm Sunday 7:30 9:30 11:30A 5:00 7:00 Parishioners Special inten on † † Mike & Gloria Garcia † Donald Warren Baldwin † Antonio Mar n Monday, March 30—Monday of Holy Week 7:00 12:10 Mr. Myles & Paula Vrooman Raymond Gurries—Birthday Tuesday, March 31—Tuesday of Holy Week 7:00 12:10 † Renee Topol Uncle Ben Abeleda Wednesday, April 1—Wednesday of Holy Week 7:00 12:10 † Patricia Hudson Fr. Paul Fazio OFM Conv Thursday, April 2—Holy Thursday 7:00 Judith Mendoza Friday, April 3—Good Friday 12:00 1:00 5:00 7:00 Sta ons of the Cross Passion of the Lord Via Crucis Viviente Pasion del Señor Saturday, April 4—Holy Saturday 8:00 † Frank Caraccappa MARCH Tuesday, March 24 5:15 PM Confirma on & Con nuing Ed Classes 6:30 PM RCIA Wednesday, March 25 6:30 PM Grupo de Oración Carismá co Thursday, March 26 12:10 PM Chrism Mass 3:00 PM Divine Chaplet of Mercy 3:30 PM Exposi on of the Blessed Sacrament 5:30 PM Vespers / Confessions APRIL Holy Thursday, April 2 7:00 PM Mass of the Lord’s Supper Good Friday, April 3 12:00 PM Sta ons of the Cross 1:00 PM Passion of the Lord 5:00 PM Live Sta ons of the Cross-Spanish 7:00PM Pasión del Señor Holy Saturday, April 4 8:00 PM Easter Vigil April 5 Easter Sunday Masses 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM (English) & 7:00PM (Spanish) NO Coffee & Donuts or Blood Pressure Check Readings for the Week Mon: Is 42:1-7; Ps 27:1-3, 13-14; Jn 12:1-11 Tues: Is 49:1-6; Ps 71:1-6, 15, 17; Jn 13:21-33, 36-38 Wed: Is 50:4-9a; Ps 69:8-10, 21-22, 31, 33-34; Mt 26:14-25 Thurs: Ex 12:1-8, 11-14; Ps 116:12-13, 15-16bc, 17-18; 1 Cor 11:23-26; Jn 13:1-15 Fri: Is 52:13 -- 53:12; Ps 31:2, 6, 12-13, 15-17, 25; Heb 4:14-16; 5:7-9; Jn 18:1 -- 19:42 Sat: a) Gn 1:1 -- 2:2 [1:1, 26-31a]; Ps 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 13-14, 24, 35; or Ps 33:4-7, 12-13, 20-22; b) Gn 22:1-18 [1-2, 9a, 10-13, 15-18]; Ps 16: 5, 8-11; c) Ex 14:15 -- 15:1; Ex 15:1-6, 17-18; d) Is 54:5-14; Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13; e) Is 55:1-11; Is 12:2-6; f) Bar 3:9-15, 32 -- 4:4; Ps 19:8-11; g) Ez 36:16-17a, 18-28; Ps 42:3, 5; 43:3-4 Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6; Ps 51:12-15, 18-19; h) Rom 6:3-11; i) Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Mk 16:1-7 Sun: Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Ps 118:1-2, 16-17, 22-23; Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b-8; Jn 20:1-9 Mk 16:1-7 Lk 24:13-35 FROM THE DESK OF DEACON RICHARD PARISHIONER RECOGNITION BANQUET April 17th at Harrah’s Convention Center Everyone is invited to the Banquet. We are honoring Tammie Sheely & Octavio Campos. Tickets can be purchased in the parish office for $39 per person. We have purchased two extra tables, if you plan to attend please contact Diane or Mary Ann as soon as possible. SPRING CLEANING & PLANTING Knights of Columbus Korner Saint Thomas Aquinas Cathedral Founding Principles: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, & Patriotism The 1st Principle: Charity (Faith Inspired Charity) Charitable Donations: $158+ million last year Over $1.4 Billion past Decade Volunteer Hours: Over 70 Million last year Charitable Relief: Healing Haiti’s Children Initiative. Partnership with Special Olympics. Gave Thousands Wheelchairs (Africa, Holy Land, Haiti, Philippines and Vietnam). Contributed over $400 Million to Special Olympics plus volunteered over 300,000 hours last year. Partnership with Project Medi-Share in Haiti (Prosthetics, Artificial limbs, Rehabilitation Center for over 1000 children. Quote of the Day: “The Church’s charitable activity at all levels must avoid the risk of becoming just another form of organized social assistance but should show special concern for individuals in need”. (Pope Benedict XVI, Columbia, May 2013) Men of Faith ….Make a Difference JOIN THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Oscar cleaning up garden area by the old shed. We’re going to need some flowering plants for that area. If you would like to donate some plants to be planted there, please see Oscar. We also need some 4ft high thorn type of bushes for around the fence area on 1st Street so our local artists will not have the ability to help us paint our buildings. El Grupo de Oración de la Catedral La Sagrada Familia les hace la cordial invitación todos los Miércoles de las 6:30-8:30PM. También estamos el la radio, Radio Lazer 107.7, el último Domingo de cada mes de 9:00-10:00AM. ~~~~~~~~~ UNCION PROFETICA La solemnidad de las lecturas de hoy nos invita a una contemplación silenciosa del misterio de nuestra redención. Hay tantas maneras de comprender los sucesos de la Pasión. La mujer que unge a Jesús se comporta profé camente y de un modo que los otros discípulos aún no comprenden. La unción es para los sacerdotes, los profetas y los reyes, y también para la preparación de los muertos. Es para la sanación y la san dad. Su acción reconoce los sucesos de la pasión y la muerte del Señor que se avecinan, y señala hacia la resurrección y el triunfo sobre el mal y la muerte. Jesús es sacerdote y víc ma, profeta y Dios, Rey y Señor. Todas estas cosas se hacen explícitas en su unción profé ca. Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE El Domingo de Ramos o Domingo de Ramos es una solemnidad extraña en el calendario cris ano. Al conmemorar la entrada triunfal de Jesús en Jerusalén, la Iglesia nos recuerda lo fácil que es darle la espalda a Jesús. Las misas de este domingo, cuando se celebran de acuerdo a las normas, comienzan en la calle, fuera del templo, en el mundo. Allí se proclama el Evangelio de la entrada a Jerusalén, se bendicen los ramos o palmas, luego, con cantos alegres y llenos de hosannas los fieles entran al templo para con nuar con la celebración de la misa, en la cual, la lectura de la Pasión ene un lugar prominente. La lectura de la Pasión está dividida entre el narrador, Jesús, los personajes de la Pasión y el pueblo. De nuevo, si la misa se celebra propiamente, desde sus bancas, los fieles proclaman las palabras del pueblo, gritando: "¡Cruci quenlo!" Los dos evangelios de este domingo nos recuerdan lo fácil que es abandonar al Señor. Los mismos cris anos que afuera del Templo le cantaban hosanna piden su muerte dentro del Templo. Los mismos que en la calle le celebraban con ramos, lo coronan con espinas en el santuario. --Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. S M W C M B M A D B F ’ P L T M S Saturday 5:00PM, Sunday 7:30AM, 9:30AM, 11:30AM, 5:00PM 7:00PM (Misa en español) 7:00AM & 12:10PM (Monday-Friday); 7:30AM (Saturday) Saturday 3:00PM; & Thursday 5:45PM Contact Parish Office. Contact Parish Office. Parents must be ac ve, registered parishioners for at least three months prior to se ng date. Contact Parish Office Thursday 3:00PM Thursday 6:30PM Located at 434 Washington Street, Suite D, Reno. 329-2571 Ext. 111. Distribu on on: 3rd Friday and 3rd & 4th Saturday of the month from 11:00AM-1:00PM. Non perishable dona ons may be delivered to the Gi Shop or Sacristy. Located at 94 E Glendale in Sparks, next to Juicy’s at McCarran Blvd. Open: Thursday, Friday & Saturday from 10:00AM—4:00PM Oración por nuestro Sínodo Diocesano Padre nuestro, Tú nos has llamado por nuestro bautismo a ser fieles miembros de tu Iglesia. Envía el Espíritu Santo a guiar nuestro trabajo del Segundo Sínodo de la Diócesis de Reno. Inspíranos a traer nueva vida a la misión de tu Iglesia aquí en el norte de Nevada. Por medio del trabajo de nuestro Sínodo ayúdanos a ir a donde el Espíritu Santo nos conduzca, que podamos ser instrumentos de esperanza para el mundo anunciando la Buena Nueva a toda la gente. Con el ejemplo y ayuda de María nuestra Madre quien se reunió con los discípulos en el Cenáculo, ayúdanos a escuchar la llamada del Espíritu Santo. Ven, Espíritu Santo llena los corazones de tus fieles y enciende en ellos el fuego de tu amor. Te lo pedimos por Jesucristo nuestro Señor. Amen Let us pray for…/Oremos por… US servicemen & women, Beverly Gibson, Bob Chavez, Thomas Walker; Dawn& Carl Harris, Shannan Fraser, Anthony Hansen, Andres Davila-Vasquez, Cassidy Robbins, Nicholas Azarm, Frederick, Billie Batek, Linda Gill, Margie Herndon, Kathryn Gasper, Debbie Griffith, Caruso Family, Eric Knight, Jovita Mendoza, Chris Janoski, Tovi Hilbish, Cindy Volk, Gregoria & Armando Zumaya, Mary Beaubriand, Joe Miner, Mina Dibitonto, Martin Chagolla, Margarita Aguirre, Douglas Todd, Janet Fleming, Blanca Gonzalez, James Czeck, Ann Dvorak, Mike Edmond, Antonia Ibarra, Dennis Gribbin, Sayra Gutierrez, Louie & Vangie Elordieta, Nikos Theologitis, Margaret Marshall, Steven Vogel, Shari Ann Burton, Martin Brandtner, Aaron Spangenthal, Anna Buchanan, Dawn Hanson, Rick Slaughter, Carl Came, Ryan McGrail, Barbara Crose, Kenneth Dean, Heidi Gibson, Harlyne & Bob Caruso, Steve Tucker, Tim Bauer, Jack Crawford, Linda & Lyle Kelley, Lawrence Reeder, Sarah & Clare & Monica Munns, Kristen Monibi, Ma ureen Flynn, Fr Chris Dietz OFM Conv. † Amelia Calderon
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