CLERGY Administrator Rev. Joe Kim, OFM Conv. Associate Rev. Carlos Morales OFM Conv. Deacon Rev. Mr. Scott Palmer Friars in Residence Our Lady of Guadalupe Church Rev. Peter Mallin, OFM Conv. Rev. Allen Ramirez, OFM Conv. PARISH INFORMATION 244 Prospect Avenue Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7077 Fax: (310) 798-4051 Offices Located on the Corner of Prospect Ave. and Massey St. Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:00am—4:00pm Saturday 9am—1pm Sunday: 9am— 1pm SCHOOL INFORMATION Principal April Beuder 320 Massey Street Hermosa Beach, CA 90254 Phone: (310) 372-7486 PARISH CONTACTS Coordinator of Religious Ed Ext 224 Theresa Avila Confirmation/Director Religious Ed Ext 226 Tom Baumann Hispanic Ministry Ext.222 Fr. Carlos Morales Spanish Baptisms (310) 349-9609 Bookkeeper Ext.227 Robin Bosmajian Ext.221 Parish Secretary Jodi Scully Music Director Ext.223 Bobbi Lynn Lambert [email protected] OLG Webmaster Raciel Diaz Lectors & Eucharistic Ministers [email protected] Mass Schedule Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:00AM (Spanish), 9:45AM, 11:30AM, 6:30PM Saturday Vigil: 5:00PM Weekdays: 8:00AM ~ Eucharistic Adoration Tuesday 4:00PM—7:00PM Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday: 9:00AM—10:00AM Sacrament of Baptism ~ Baptisms are celebrated in English and Spanish. Must be registered in the church for at least 3 months Please call the Parish Office for more Information Sacrament of Marriage Contact the Parish office for information six months prior to the ceremony Anointing of the Sick Please call the Parish Office early in the case of a serious illness or before OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH Easter Novena There is still time left to enroll your loved one in this year’s Easter Novena. This is a special way to remember our loved ones who we once shared the joy of Easter with. This year, your donation to enroll your faithful departed loved ones will be used for Easter flowers for the church. In the past we have had parishioners donate Easter lilies in memory of people who could not celebrate Easter with us. This Novena will last for nine days and the flowers will be a visual for us for all the Easter season. Envelopes are available at the back of the church today, or at the parish office. RCIA If anyone declare publicly that they belong to me, I will do the same for them before my Father in Heaven… (Matthew 10:32) This coming Saturday night we celebrate the Easter Vigil. It is at this liturgy that some of these candidates will receive the Sacraments of Baptism, First Communion and Confirmation, while others will receive First Communion and Confirmation We ask that you continue to pray for them as they preapre for this glorious moment. These people has spent many days, weeks, and months, studying, discerning, and praying in answer to God’s call. Marvin Lopez, Ariasma Lopez, April Watts, Claudia Rosales, Sabrina Parenti, Mary Arnold, Judy Doukakis, Matthew Hill, Francesca Brooks and Tanya Gonzales, PLEASE JOIN US IN THE PARISH HALL TODAY AFTER ALL THE MASSES FOR THE MINISTRY FAIR. IT’S TIME TO LOOK INTO YOUR HEARTS AND CONSIDER BECOMING INVOLVED IN ONE OF THE MANY IMPORTANT MINISTRIES HERE AT OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE CHURCH HERMOSA BEACH, CALIFORNIA God’s Today Word Our Lenten journey of conversion today reaches the holy city of Jerusalem. “My God, my God, why have you forsake n m e ? ” Throughout Lent we have been journeying with the Lord to Jerusalem. Today he enters the holy city amid cries of joy and gladness. Those cries of joy turn quickly to cries of pain and anguish, which culminate in the words of abandonment that Jesus utters from the cross. Imagine the despair the Lord experienced when he felt abandoned by all, especially his own Father. As we prepare to listen to God’s word, let us remember the pain and anguish that the Lord Jesus suffered on our behalf. Divine Mercy Sunday Divine Mercy Sunday is on April 12, 2015. It is the first Sunday after Easter Sunday. The Divine Mercy Novena starts on Good Friday, April 3. The Novena leaflets will be on the table near the church entrance TODAY Holy Week Liturgies Please sign up for Lector, Eucharistic Minister Ushers and Altar Server in the sacristy for the liturgies of Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter. These are the holiest liturgies of the year so we seek to offer our Lord our best service. DOMINGO DE RAMOS PAGE 2 MARZO 29, 2015 LA CRUZ REDENTORA Y SALVADORA. Un alto en el camino. El siervo humilde y obediente nos habla. “El Señor me abrió el oído”, dice Isaías. Todos los días, pero particularmente en estos de celebración pascual, es preciso tener los oídos abiertos, para escuchar la voz de Dios que nos habla en medio de los acontecimientos de nuestro mundo convulsionado. La Semana Santa es como un alto en el camino para recordar y actualizar el acontecimiento central de nuestra fe: la muerte y la resurrección de Jesús. Ese fue el primer anuncio: Jesús vive. El mismo que mataron, Dios lo resucitó. Empezamos hoy con el recuerdo de la entrada profética de Jesús a Jerusalén en un asno. De una manera sencilla y no con la prepotencia de los reyes que imponían su ley, sino como la humildad de un provinciano que llega a la gran ciudad. Como escribió Pablo a los Filipenses, sin hacer alarde de alguna categoría divina, sino como el más humilde de todos y obediente al Padre hasta el final. Con la humildad de un hombre de pueblo, pero con la certeza absoluta de que su causa era la misma Causa de Dios y, por lo tanto, estaba avalada por Él. Estaban los discípulos en una casa, con las puertas cerradas por miedo a los judíos. Se habían reunido, sin duda, para protegerse y animarse, para fortalecer su fe y su esperanza, mediante la oración comunitaria. Cuando Jesús se presenta entre ellos, se ven inundados de golpe de una profunda paz y alegría. El Señor les infunde su Espíritu. Este es el ambiente que debe respirarse en nuestras asambleas cristianas, llenas siempre de la paz y la alegría que infunde la presencia y el espíritu del Resucitado. Esta era la paz y la alegría que le faltaba a Tomás, el Mellizo, porque “no estaba con ellos cuando vino Jesús”. Le resultaba difícil creer todo lo que le decían y le contaban los otros discípulos. Deseaba con toda su alma que fuera verdad lo que le decían, pero era tan extraordinario y tan maravilloso lo que le decían, que le parecía imposible. Hasta que el mismo Jesús se presentó de nuevo y se dirigió a él personalmente. ¡Señor mío y Dios mío! Ahora también Tomás se sintió lleno de paz y alegría, porque, también él, se vio inundado y habitado por el espíritu del Resucitado. En este domingo segundo de Pascua, vamos a pedirle todos nosotros al Señor Resucitado que nos llene de su Espíritu, para que desaparezcan de nuestra alma todas las tinieblas de duda, de tristeza y de desesperanza que, a veces, nos cercan. FELICES PASCUAS DE RESURRECCION Novenario de Pascua El día de la Fiesta Parroquial se acerca, asi que los preparativos han comenzado. Le invitamos a participar en la Rifa Anual—el premio mayor es de $ 5,000.00!!!! Por sólo $50 usted tiene la oportunidad de ganar $5,000. Oferta especial: Compre 5 boletos y obtenga 1 gratis o compre 10 boletos y obtendra 3 boletos gratis. Para obtener más información sobre la rifa, por favor llame a oficina al (310) 372-7077. Fiesta Parroquial 17, 18 y 19 de abril, 2015 Si usted desea ofrecer un novenario para la Pascua y asi recordar a nuestros seres queridos ya sea fallecidos o personas que no pueden celebrar con nostros la Pascua, en la parte de atras de la Iglesia podra obtener un sobre. Su donativo será para la decoración de la Iglesia (flores de Pascua), durante la Pascua. El novenario comienza al día despues de la Pascua. Las flores serán un recordatorio para todos nosotros. Pedimos su Colaboración Una vez más le recordamos que habra muchas personas que estaran visitandonos durante las proximas dos semanas. Le sera a usted de mucha ventaja venir un poco más temprano de lo que acostumbra. Y si alguien se encuentra ya sentado en el lugar en donde usted acostumbra sentarse, bueno esta es una oportunidad para agradecerle a Dios el que una personas más vino a compartir la Mesa del Señor. PALM SUNDAY PAGE 3 Fiesta Presale Tickets Save money by purchasing Fiesta Food & Game Tickets prior to the Event. All tickets have a .50 cent value. The more you purchase the more you save! Presale Food & Games Tickets At Fiesta $10 24 tickets $5 10 tickets $20 48 tickets $10 22 tickets $20 46 tickets Presale Ride tickets save you up to $8 over the cost of the ride tickets purchased at the Fiesta! A 40% savings!! Each ride requires 3-5 tickets. You can purchase your presale tickets online, at the back of the church or at the parish office Presale Ride Tickets $12 20 tickets At Fiesta $18 20 tickets EASTER PARISH OFFICE HOURS THURSDAY, APRIL 2 8AM-4PM FRIDAY, APRIL 3 8AM—NOON SATURDAY, APRIL 4 ~ —MONDAY, APRIL 6 CLOSED MARCH 29 2015 Guadalupe Fiesta 2015 We really need all of Our Lady of Guadalupe to participate in this fund raiser to make it successful. You do not have to be a parent of the school to volunteer to help. The dates for the Fiesta are April 17th, 18th and 19th. There are many ways to help. If you cannot volunteer physically to work at the Fiesta, perhaps you can help support the Fiesta through a Silent Auction donation. Some ideas are: Help create a travel weekend with credit card or frequent flier miles toward a resort hotel or airline tickets, access to a family cabin, condo or timeshare, sports car rental for the weekend, limo ride and dinner at a five-star restaurant, ski tickets, hotel stays. Or how about autographed sports stuff, wine or liquor baskets, handmade items or services, gas cards, theme park passes, spa gift certificates. The list is endless, and of course no donation is too small and we would appreciate any donation you can make. Please take a moment and see how you can contribute. If you cannot help with the Silent Auction there is always FIESTA RAFFLE TICKETS, WHICH ARE NOW AVAILABLE!!! For only $50 you have a chance to win $5000. Special offer: Purchase 5 tickets and get 1 free or buy 10 tickets and get 3 free. For more information on the raffle, please call the parish office. If you would like to volunteer to help at the Fiesta, please call the parish office and we will get you in touch with the correct person or you can sign up online. Just go to our webpage: / calendar/fiesta scroll down to volunteer Al- so if you are purchasing raffle tickets using PayPal raffle tickets are under the heading of FIESTA CLUB TICKETS As one community of Our Lady of Guadalupe, lets make Fiesta 2015 a memorable one!!! And re- member, the Fiesta benefits the entire parish!!! PALM SUNDAY PAGE 4 Parish Pay (Automated Giving) We invite you and your family to include our parish in your monthly budget and to help in managing the fiscal responsibilities of our faith community through your enrollment in the ParishPay program. What is Parish Pay? It is an alternative means of support for Our Lady of Guadalupe. In lieu of weekly collections, the ParishPay program can collect monthly contributions from your checking, savings, or credit card account. There is NO cost to you . How do I sign up? z Sign up directly on the ParishPay website at z Sign up via the ParishPay link on the OLG website at (the Pay and eContributions links are on the left menu bar); or Call 1-866-PARISH-1 Which payment methods are accepted? Automated transfers from your checking or savings accounts or major credit cards (American Express, Visa, Mastercard, and Discover) may be used to Preschool enrollment for 2015-2016. Our Lady of Guadalupe preschool is now accepting application for 20152016. There is space available in the 4 year old classroom and a space in the 3 year old classroom. Classes start on Aug 26th. For more information or to get a registration packet please call Yvonne Wilcox, the preschool director at (310) 372-7486. Parking at Easter Once again, we would like to remind you of the many visitors that will be at our parish next weekend. It would be to your advantage to come early. If your usual space is taken this can be an opportunity to thank God for one more person that came to enjoy our parish family’s hospitality. MARCH 29 2015 Almsgiving At Our Lady of Guadalupe Church If you picked up a Lenten Folder for your Lenten Almsgiving, please remember to turn them in to the parish office or in the collection basket before Holy Week, so we can send your donations to the Missions by Easter. Thank you for your generosity to those less fortunate!! The Good Friday Pontifical Collection Every year, each parish in the United States takes up a collection on good Friday, as designated by the Holy Father. This collection helps support the work of the Franciscans in the Holy Land. The money is used to care for the people and places of the Holy Land. This collection keep Christianity alive in this area made holy by the life, suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord, Jesus Christ If you are not already an active member of this community, consider sharing in what we have to offer. Our parish is here to assist all who wish to know God more deeply. We serve the community through outreach, education, social activities, sacramental preparation, and comfort of the sick and those who mourn. Feel free to call on us if we may be of service to you in any way. PALM SUNDAY PAGE 5 Fast& Abstinence Guidelines Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59 are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. In addition, all Catholics 14 years old and older must abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday and all the Fridays of Lent. Fasting as explained by the U.S. bishops means partaking of only one full meal. Some food (not equaling another full meal) is permitted at breakfast and around midday or in the evening—depending on when a person chooses to eat the main or full meal. Abstinence forbids the use of meat, but not of eggs, milk products or condiments made of animal fat. Abstinence does not include meat juices and liquid foods made from meat. Thus, such foods as chicken broth, soups cooked or flavored with meat, meat gravies or sauces, as well as seasonings or condiments made from animal fat are not forbidden. So it is permissible to use margarine and lard. Even bacon drippings which contain little bits of meat may be poured over lettuce as seasoning. No one should be scrupulous in this regard; failure to observe individual days of penance is not considered serious. Moral theologians remind us that some people are excused from fasting and/or abstinence because of sickness or other reasons. The Code of Canon Law and our bishops remind us of other works and means of doing penance; prayer, acts of self-denial, almsgiving and works of personal charity. Attending Mass daily or several times a week, praying the rosary, making the way of the cross, attending the parish evening of prayer service, teaching the illiterate to read, reading to the blind, helping at a soup kitchen, visiting the sick and shut-in and living an overworked mother a break by babysitting—all of these can be even more meaningful and demanding than simply abstaining from meat on Friday MARCH 29 2015 WEEKLY MASS INTENTIONS SATURDAY, March 28 2015 Int of the Brenens Family 5:00PM SUNDAY, March 29, 2015 7:00AM Karl P. Bretney (Family) 8:00AM =Jonathan Villatoro (Family) 9:45AM Int Of Our Parishoners 11:30AM Int. of Ronnie Pastel & Family 6:30PM Int of Jose Luis Cardenas (Guerra Family) MONDAY, March 30 2015 8:00AM TUESDAY, March 31, 2015 8:00AM WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2015 8:00AM THURSDAY, April 2, 2015 7:30PM =Luis Sobalvarro (Family) SATURDAY, March 28 2015 8:00OPM Int of Candidates and Cathechumens and their families PLEASE PRAY FOR THOSE WHO CANNOT BE AT OUR CELEBRATIONS WITH US Carmen Santiyan, Vickie Lopez, Maria Enriquez, Dolores Molina, Marianne Kainz, Lorraine Kennedy, Ruby Bejarano, Jimmy Arena, Phillip Hameson, Vanessa Quinteros, Julian Zawlocki, Christian Nagasugi, Don Dosman, Arianna Carrione, Pat Kidwell, Ramon Ortiz, Kenneth Hahn, Matt West, Tony De Castro, Dolores Mansanto, Bobby Burt,, Anne Harris, Odilia Alvizures, Yvonne Dahle, George Anderson, Barbara Malina, Marie Hoơman-Demarse, Christopher Cruz, Gail Romero, Jerry Fox, Steven Gonzales, Ruth & Hector Minera, Joe D’Agostino, Shirley Erickson, Madeline Arnold, Hank Arnold, Donna English, Angie Hegedus, Martha Zavala, Blaine Price, John Gannon, Carlotta Carrillo, Andre Farias, Rosario Ruiz, Del & Christine Orozco, George Tumanjon, Bob Park Sr., Phyllis Spearman, Mary Ann Hayden, Mary Cueto, Bernardo Rosero, Carlos Huante, Cathy Omatsu, Miguel Salazar, Cal & Nieves Gonzales, Francis Fernando, Armando Byrne, Paige Garnica, Jenny Garnica, Elvira Orellana, Vicky Dunigan, Bill Hallett, Michael Villatoro, Juanita Wilmarth, Rose Reyes,Victor Tsuha For those who have died: =Justin Toyosato, Denise Girard Holy Week Schedule HOLY THURSDAY, JUEVES SANTO APRIL 2, 2015 Liturgy of the Last Supper/Liturgia de la Última Cena 7:30PM Adoration in the hall GOOD FRIDAY, VIERNES SANTO APRIL 3, 2015 Liturgy of Good Friday Liturgia del Viernes Santo 3:00PM Live Stations in the Church by our Youth( Estacionesde la Cruz en vivo con el Grupo de Jóvenes ) 4:30PM Liturgy of Good Friday Liturgia del Viernes Santo 7:30PM Passion Play/el drama de la pasión HOLY SATURDAY, SÁB BADO SANTO APRIL 4 2015 Easter Vigil/Vigilia Pascual 8:00PM EASTER SUNDAY, DOMINGO DE PASCUA APRIL 5, 2015 6:00AM Beach Sunrise Liturgy (English) Bishop Alexander Salazar Celebrant 11th Street and Strand in Hermosa Beach Please bring your own chair 7:00AM 8:00AM (Spanish) 9:45AM 11:30AM PLEASE NOTE THERE WILL NOT BE A 6:30PM MASS ON EASTER SUNDAY
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