Mater Ecclesiae - St. Anne`s Catholic Church

St. Anne’s Catholic Church
Rejoicing in Over 100 years
215 W. Walnut St., Lodi, CA 95240
P.O. Box 480, Lodi, CA 95241
Phone: (209) 369-1907 Fax: (209) 369-1971
E-Mail: [email protected]
Visit our Parish Website:
Parish Clergy
Fr. Brandon Ware, Pastor
Fr. Hung Joseph Nguyen, Parochial Vicar
Fr. Jorge Arboleda, Parochial Vicar
Deacon Porfi Cisneros
Deacon Karl Welsbacher
Tom Orlando, Seminarian
Second Sunday of Easter
April 12th , 2015
Parish Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm
Closed everyday from 11:45am - 1:00pm
for Prayer and Lunch
Weekend Masses
Saturday: 5:30pm English, 7:30pm Spanish
Sunday: 7:00am & 12:30pm Spanish
8:30am, 10:30am, & 6:00pm English
(6:00pm Life Teen Mass)
Can you help us reach
our 2015 BMA Goal?
2015 BMA Goal $112,947 +
$12,000 to support St. Anne’s Place
There are pledge envelopes in
the back of the church. You can
also find more information and
the forms on our Parish Website.
Saturday 4:00pm - 5:00pm
(Other times available by appointment.)
Monday - Friday: 8:00am in the Church
& 5:30pm in the Chapel
Saturday 8:00am Church
As of
April 1st
Monday - Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
1st , 2nd & 3rd Saturday in Spanish. 4th Saturday in English.
By appointment only. Baptismal classes required.
Please call Parish Office to register.
A six-month advance notice is required.
By appointment only. Ceremony times available
Saturdays 11:30am & 2:00pm
St. Anne’s Catholic School
Kindergarten - 8th Grade
200 S. Pleasant Ave., Lodi, CA 95240
Principal: Mrs. Sarah Smith-Gillum
Phone: (209) 333-7580
Mater Ecclesiae Catholic Church
26500 Sacramento Blvd., Thornton, CA
Church Hours:
Monday – Friday: 12:30pm - 5:00pm
Sunday Masses:
9:30am Spanish
| 11:00am English
Confessions: On Request
¿Nos puede ayudar
llegar a nuestra meta
de Solicitud del 2015?
Hay sobres de promesa
en las bancas y a la
entrada de la Iglesia.
Puede encontrar mas
informacion, y formas,
en el sitio web de
la Parroquia.
St. Anne’s Weekly Calendar
Mass Intentions & Readings
Mon 4/13 Acts 4:23-31; Ps 2:1-3, 4-9; Jn 3:1-8
8:00 am Lisa Uhlich; Steve Gori+; Danilo Garcia+;
Jacob Yeager
5:30 pm Debra Harbin+; Fr. Thomas P. Hayes+; Juan Jose
Tue 4/14 Acts 4:32-37; Ps 93:1-2, 5; Jn 3:7b-15
8:00 am Alicia Panama Guerra+; Charles Giuffra
5:30 pm Clarice Dumlao; Jim Baca
Wed 4/15 Acts 5:17-26; Ps 34:2-9; Jn 3:16-21
8:00 am Isabella Ward; Steve Gori+
9:00 am Living & Deceased Benefactors of St. Anne’s School
5:30 pm Jose Luis Cedeno
Thu 4/16 Acts 5:27-33; Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20; Jn 3:31-36
8:00 pm Del Petzold
5:30 pm Tommy Rauh+; Lorenzo Ramirez+
Fri 4/17 Acts 5:34-42; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Jn 6:1-15
8:00 pm Sylvia Milsuda+; Elizabeth Germinario+
5:30 pm Evelyn Bettencourt+; Rafael Valdivia
Sat 4/18 Acts 6:1-7; Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19; Jn 6:16-21
8:00 pm Janice Navone+
5:30 pm Steve Gori+; Evelyn Bettencourt+; Brian Young
7:30 pm Intención Especial
Sun 4/19 Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; Ps 4:2, 4, 7-9; 1 Jn 2:1-5a;
Lk 24:35-48
7:00 am Feligreses;
8:30 am Bill Wick+; Consuelo “Sally” Blanco;
Living Members of the Daughters of Isabella
10:30 am Parishioners; Mr. & Mrs. William Robertson+;
The Aparicio Family;
12:30 pm Trinidad Campos & Jesus Barcenas+
6:00 pm Joan Cahill; Angelo Giuffra+
Mater Ecclesiae
9:30 am Theador Hernandez+
11:00 am An Tran
Holy Thursday: St. Anne’s Place
St. Anne’s :
Mater Ecclesiae:
Good Friday: Holy Land Collection
St. Anne’s :
Mater Ecclesiae:
Religious Education Classes
10:00 am
St. Anne’s Seniors Officers Meeting
- Dining Room
10:00 am
“The Bible Timeline” -Youth Room
1:30 pm
Legion of Mary - Dining Room
5:15 pm Bereavement Support Group
- St. Anne’s Place
7:00 pm
Grupo de Oración - Church
Wednesday, April 15
Religious Education Classes
10:00 am
Catholic Charities Bilingual Nutrition
Class - Dining Room
Thursday, April 16
10:00 am Group Prayer - Youth Room
1:30 pm
Ministry Team Meeting - Dining Room
“Bought with a Price” Men’s Workshop
6:30 pm
– Chapel
Friday, April 17
Religious Education Classes
8:45 am Dust Angels - Church
9:00 am
Dust Angels Meeting - Dining Room
6:30 pm
“The Bible Timeline” - Youth Room
6:30 pm
Bingo - St. Anne’s Hall
Saturday, April 18
Religious Education Classes
Name – Tag Sunday ~ Domingo de Conocernos
St. Anne’s School Dinner & Dance Fundraiser
9:00 am
Baptisms (English) - Church
Sunday, April 19
Name – Tag Sunday ~ Domingo de Conocernos
7:15 pm
Easter Sunday Collection
St. Anne’s :
Mater Ecclesiae:
Monday, April 13
6:00 pm Estudios Bíblicos - Dining Room
7:00 pm Young Adult Ministry - Skillin Building
Tuesday, April 14
CommUNITY Youth Night
- Dominican Hall
*Stewardship Report*
March 28th & 29th, 2015
St. Anne’s :
Mater Ecclesiae:
St. Vincent de Paul Collection
St. Anne’s :
Mater Ecclesiae:
Next Week’s Second Collection:
St. Anne’s School
Easter Flowers Flores de Pascua
In Honor of / En Honor de:
David Barry, Sr., From Nannette Singer
Rachel Cerda, From Irene D. Beasom
Mondo Family, From Rosemary Mondo
St. Anne's Staff, From Dan Mayo
Cliff Nordhaus, From Garry & Pati McKinstry
St. Anne's Volunteers, From Dan Mayo
Paul W. Beasom, From Irene D. Beasom
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Sasso, From Rosemary Mondo
In Memory of / En Memoria de:
Ann Angelo, From Dan Mayo
Earl Casazza, From Sunnye Stoehr
Abigail Cerda, From Irene D. Beasom
Bernardino Cerda, From Irene D. Beasom
Faustino M. Dela Cruz, From Rebecca Dela Cruz
Manuel Dias, From Henry & Diane Dias
Eldora Dias, From Henry & Diane Dias
Eddie Dillon, From Anonymous
Joe Donati, From Ann Donati
Eula Dorsey, From Nannette Singer
Nella Johnson, From Gale Gibson
Jeanne Manley, From Ann Donati
Linda Martin, From Harry T. Martin
Harold Martin, From Harry T. Martin
Joann Mayo, From Dan Mayo
Domenick Mondo, From Rosemary Mondo
Michael Mondo, From Rosemary Mondo
Candace Mondo, From Rosemary Mondo
Hilda Nordhaus, From Garry & Pati McKinstry
Wilbur Solari, From Rick & Vicki Wright
Marian Solari, From Rick & Vicki Wright
Juanita Sommer, From Cindi Foreman
Thank you for the donations made
for our Easter flowers In Memory
or In Honor of a loved one.
Gracias por sus donaciones
realizadas atraves de nuestros
Flores de Pascua En Memoria o
En Honor de su ser querido.
Martha Ubert, From Yolanda Ramos
Gilbert Ubert, From Yolanda Ramos
Ruth Wright, From Rick & Vicki Wright
Anthony & Pete, From Petra Nichols
Grandparents, From Petra Nichols
Reading about the faith of the early Christian believers can be a real inspiration
to those of us who have been Christians for a long time, as well as for those who
are newly baptized. Can you imagine people of this world being “of one heart and
mind” as was the first community of believers? Today’s First Letter of John seems
to hold the key to how this can be accomplished. Keeping God’s commandments
and loving all of God’s children seems to be the start of being “of one heart and
mind.” We live in a world that stresses differences- differences among
religions, among races, between genders, and among economic classes.
Today we are summoned to focus on what we all share in
common on this fragile planet of ours. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Maria Fernanda Aceves, Debbie Azalde,
Julia Barros, Jackie Best, Suzanne Bruns, Lucy Butler,
Sal Castellon, Christopher Cisneros, Michael Dell,
Domenico Della Maggiora, Annabelle Elazegui,
Gloria Escalante, Kerrie Farlow, Donna Farlow,
Leona Figone, Ramon Fuentes, Flora Garrison,
Luis Garza, Jr.+, Cirilo Gauna, Imelda Gaytan, Marina Gaytan,
Ruben Gomez, Jessie Gonzalez, Balbina Guzman,
Julie Hanks Krader, Debra Harbin, Guadalupe Hernandez,
Ann Ioppini, Randy James, Bill Kearns, Jim Keller,
Frances Kraft, Norma Lagorio, Ken Lane, Barbara Leong,
Kyle Lesley, Glenn Lewis, Margaret Lobo, Cindy Louie,
Linda Martin, Juan R. Mendez, Daniel Musch,
Rosita Naeg, Kate Nunes, Vilma Pelletti, Giuseppe Puccinelli,
Ethan Ray, Colby Rees, Andrae Sanchez, Angie Schatz,
Frances Silva, Jean Thalken, Mary Ann Thevenot,
Rich Thomas, Sonya Thomas, Leonardo Torres,
Marc Ulricksen, Perry Westbrook, Kristen Wilson,
Martha Wilson, Amy Ybarra-Rojas,
and all sick members of St. Anne’s Church.
Al leer sobre la fe de las primeras comunidades de creyentes
puede ser fuente de gran inspiración para los que han sido
cristianos por largo tiempo, como también para los que acaban
de ser bautizados. ¿Te puedes imaginar a gente de hoy que
“tiene un solo corazón y una sola alma” igual que la primera
comunidad de creyentes? La primera carta de san Juan que
leemos hoy es la clave que nos dice cómo podemos lograrlo.
Guardando los mandamientos de Dios y amando a todos
los hijos de Dios parece ser la base de poder tener un “un solo
corazón y una sola alma”. Vivimos en un mundo que recalca
las diferencias – ya sean entre religiones, razas, géneros y
clases. Hoy se nos pide que nos enfoquemos en lo que
tenemos en común en este frágil planeta que
ocupamos. Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.
Catholic Fellowship
Faith Formation
The Mexican-American Catholic Federation
Bible Study will resume
on Tuesday, April 14th and
Friday, April 17th. These
will be the final 8 weeks!
College Scholarships
MACF college scholarships
available for any Lodi Unified
School District Senior of
Hispanic descent or a High
School Senior who attends St. Anne's
Church. Must have GPA of 3.0, or
higher and will be attending
Community College or a four year University in the Fall of
2015. Please call Saul Molina at 663-9534 to request an
application form. Deadline is Friday, April 24th, 2015.
will be held on
Tuesday, April 28th
at 11:00am at the Lodi Moose
Lodge on Woodbridge Road.
The menu will be Meat Loaf,
Mashed Potatoes and String Beans. The cost is $12.00
per person. If you are not on the call list, please contact
Marianna at 368-7640 to make your reservations by
Friday, April 24th. Please call before bringing a guest.
Don’t forget to bring your plastic or paper bags for the Lodi
Service Center. They are very much appreciated.
Dick Ling also recycles small batteries.
Youth & Young Adults
Evening of Praise & Adoration
Monday, April 27th
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
St. Anne’s Church
Worship Music, Adoration of the
Blessed Sacrament, Confession
& Prayer in Community.
April 18th,
Spiritual Retreat for Couples
The Charismatic
Renewal of
the Stockton
Diocese will be
having a spiritual
retreat for Married
Couples, led by Father José Domingo.
Saturday, April 18th & Sunday, April 19th
8:00am - 6:00pm
In the Community Center of Ripon
(334 W. Fourth St. Ripon, CA 95366)
For more information, contact Cecilia
at 216-7179 or María Durán at 581-319.
*Please Note: Event is in Spanish only.*
St. Anne’s School
SCHOOL St. Anne’s Catholic School
is currently accepting applications for
our Teachers during the 2015 - 2016
year. Interested candidates should
possess a Bachelor’s degree or higher
and a California Teaching Credential.
For more information, or to apply,
please contact Mrs. Gillum at the School at 333-7580,
by email at [email protected], or submit your
application through
Time: Sundown (5:00pm—10:00pm)
Location: St. Joachim’s Catholic Church Hall, Lockeford
Cost: Tickets are $60 per person.
Great food, drink, dancing, and people.
Live and Silent Auctions
Come join the fun—don’t miss out!
Information or questions, call Julie Parton 603-5329 or [email protected]
Casual Attire
Boots and hats are
welcome but not necessary.
Compañerismo Católico
La Federación Católica México-Americana
Becas Universitarias
La Federación ofrece becas para
estudiantes Hispanos de último
año de la secundaria en el Distrito
Escolar de Lodi o un estudiante
de último año de la secundaria que asiste a
la Iglesia Santa Ana. Debe tener un
promedio de por lo menos 3.0, y estará
asistiendo una Universidad Comunitaria o
una Universidad de cuatro años en el Otoño del año 2015. Para
obtener una aplicación , favor de llamar a Saul Molina al
663-9534. La fecha de entrega: Viernes, 24 de Abril, 2015.
SANTA ANA se llevará acabo
el Martes, 28 de Abril
a las 11:00am en el Lodi Moose
Lodge por la carretera
Woodbridge Rd. El menú será
Pastel de Carne, Puree de Papas
y Habichuelas. El costo es $12.00 por persona. Si usted no
está en la lista para llamar, Por favor llame a Marianna al
368-7640 para hacer su reservación antes del Viernes,
24 de Abril. Favor de llamar antes de traer un
compañero. No se le olvide traer bolsas de plástico o de
papel para donar al Lodi Service Center. Dick Ling recicla
baterías chicas. *Nota: Esta actividad es en Ingles.*
Youth & Young Adults
Noche de Alabanza y Adoración
Lunes, 27 de Abril
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
La Iglesia Santa Ana
Música de Alabanza, Adoración
al Santísimo, Confesión
y Oración en Comunidad.
18 de Abril,
Formación de Fe
Este estudio de la Biblia, en Ingles,
resume el Martes 14 de Abril
y el Viernes 17 de Abril. ¡Éstas
serán las ultimas 8 semanas!
Gran Encuentro de Parejas
La Renovación
Carismática de la
Diócesis de Stockton
tendrá un Encuentro
Espiritual, para
Parejas Casadas,
dirigido por el Padre José Domingo.
el Sábado, 18 de Abril
y el Domingo, 19 de Abril
8:00am - 6:00pm
En el Centro Comunitario de Ripon
(334 W. Fourth St. Ripon, CA 95366)
Para más información, póngase
en contacto con Cecilia al 216-7179
o con María Durán al 581-3191.
St. Anne’s School
SANTA ANA: La Escuela Católica de
Santa Ana está aceptando aplicaciones
de maestros para el año 2015-2016.
Candidatos interesados deben poseer
una licenciatura y una credencial de
enseñanza de California. Para obtener
más información, o para aplicar, por favor póngase en
contacto con la Sra. Gillum en la Escuela al 333-7580
o por email a [email protected], o enviar
su solicitud a través de
Hora: 5:00pm—10:00pm
Locación: St. Joachim’s Catholic Church Hall, Lockeford
Costo: Boletos a $60 por persona.
Buena comida, bebida, baile y gente.
Subastas vivos y silenciosas
Venga y unase a la diversión, no te pierdas!
Información o preguntas, llame a Julie Parton 603-5329 o [email protected]
Atuendo Casual
Botas y sombreros son bienvenidos
pero no son necesario.
Nationally, more than 2
million reports of abuse
or neglect of minors are
made each year. Only a
small percentage of child
abuse is ever reported.
Learn how to spot
suspected abuse or
neglect, and how to
report it to the proper authorities. For more information,
please contact Linda Dillen, Benefits Manager &
Diocesan Safe Environment Training Coordinator,
Diocese of Stockton, 466-0636.
The Diocese of Stockton treats all complaints of sexual abuse
seriously and deals with such allegations in a confidential,
prompt, and thorough manner with compassion and consideration
for all those involved. To make a complaint of sexual abuse
against anyone acting in the name of the Catholic Church, you
may do so in writing or by telephone. Whether the abuse was
recent or occurred many years in the past, contact the Victim
Assistance Coordinator at (209) 466-0636, extension 604,
or in writing to 212 N San Joaquin Street, Stockton, California,
95202, marked “confidential” and directed to the
attention of the Victim Assistance Coordinator.
Experience the healing…
Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat
April 24th - 26th, 2015
Rachel’s Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild
and redeem hearts broken by abortion. The weekend
offers a supportive, and non-judgmental environment
to transform the pain of the past into love and hope.
Women, men and couples are encouraged to attend.
Space is limited. Sign up soon.
All inquiries are completely confidential.
For retreat details contact Kim Fuentes
465-5433 or email: [email protected]
or visit
A refrigerator is needed for Mater
Ecclesiae Church in Thornton to
keep perishable food items. If you
would like to donate a new or used
refrigerator, please contact Sister
Mary Magdalen at 369-1907.
Se necesita un refrigerador en la Iglesia Mater Ecclesiae
en Thornton para mantener los alimentos perecederos.
Si le gustaría donar un refrigerador nuevo o usado,
póngase en contacto con la Hermana María
Magdalena al 369-1907.
Más de 2 millones de abusos o negligencias a menores
se reportan nacionalmente cada año. Solo un pequeño
porcentaje de estos abusos es reportado. Para aprender
más sobre este tema o de como reportarlo a las
autoridades se puede contactar a la coordinación
de entrenamiento de la diócesis.
La Diócesis de Stockton toma todas las quejas de abuso sexual
seriamente y trata dichas alegaciones con confiabilidad y
prontitud de una manera compasiva y considerada hacia todos
los que están involucrados. Para hacer una queja de abuso
sexual contra cualquier persona que actué en nombre de la
Iglesia Católica, lo puede hacer mediante una carta o hablando
por teléfono. Sin importar si el abuso es reciente o haya
ocurrido hace años, contacte al Coordinador de Asistencia para
Victimas al 466-0636, extensión 604, o escriba a:
212 N San Joaquin Street, Stockton, CA 95202,
escriba la palabra “Confidencial” y diríjala al Coordinador.
Join St. Michael’s Parish in Celebrating 50 years
St. Michael’s Golden Jubilee
Saturday, April 18th
5:15pm: Mass with Bishop Blaire
Dinner & Dance until 11:00pm
Activities Include:
Dinner after Mass at The Father Meyer Center,
(Provided by the Knight’s of Columbus)
Singing & Dancing by the Tongan Community,
Music by the Linden High School Jazz Band.
$20 Adults
$5 Children
(5-12 years)
A workshop for men focusing on every
man’s duty to protect himself and his
family from a pornographic culture.
Workshop #1:
Thursday, April 16th
In the Chapel
Workshop #2:
Thursday, April 23rd
In the Skillin Building
Workshop # 3:
Thursday, April 30th
In the Chapel
Un taller para hombres enfocando en el deber
de cada hombre de proteger a su familia a sí
mismo y de una cultura pornográfica.
Taller #1:
Led by Seminarian Tom Orlando
6:30pm - 8:00pm
For more information, contact the Parish Office
at 369–1907 or visit
Jueves, 16 de Abril
En la Capilla
Taller #2:
Jueves, 23 de Abril
En el Edificio Skillin
Taller # 3:
Jueves 30 de Abril
En la Capilla
Dirigido por el Seminarista Tom Orlando
6:30pm - 8:00pm
(*Esta actividad es en Ingles pero hay libros disponibles en Español. *)
Para más información, contacte la Oficina Parroquial al 369-1907 o visite