april 22 - april 28, 2015 • Vol. 16 • No. 16 N O RT H E R N M A N H AT TA N ’ S BILINGUAL washington Heights • Inwood • HARLEM • EAST HARLEM N E W S PA P E R E L P E R I O D I C O B I L I N G U E D E L N O R T E D E M A N H AT TA N DAY NOW EVERY WEDNES ES OL RC MIE S LO S TODO Rx for the RNS p3 Receta para las RNS p3 Homecoming p4 Appointment p2 Support p5 Member in Miranda L The artist has been named to the Theater Subdistrict Council. in is in. Local playwright and artist Lin-Manuel Miranda has been appointed by Mayor Bill de Blasio to the Theater Subdistrict Council (TSC), as announced this past Tues., Apr. 21st. Miranda was named together with Pulitzer Prize-winning producer Daryl Roth and Tony Award-winning playwright and director George C. Wolfe, who was reappointed. As TSC members, they will be responsible for administering the Theater Subdistrict Lin-Manuel Miranda in Hamilton. Fund and allocating grants with the goal of promoting the production of new theater work, developing new audiences, and work hard to support this celebrated artistic showcasing Broadway’s role in the history of center, ensuring New York City’s theater American theater. district continues to thrive and attract talented Through its grants, the TSC has supported young people from all over.” 37 theater education, audience development Miranda is a composer, lyricist, and actor and accessibility programs as well as new best known for his work on the Broadway theatrical works, providing startup funds for musical In the Heights. In the Heights new programs to enhancing or expanding received four 2008 Tony Awards (including existing programs of great impact. Best Orchestrations, Best Choreography and “New York City is home to the single Best Musical), with Miranda receiving a Tony greatest theater district in the world, steeped Award for Best Score, as well as a nomination in rich history and populated by boundless for Best Leading Actor in a Musical. In the talent. Today’s appointees not only understand Heights won a 2009 Grammy Award for its the cultural and historical significance of Original Broadway Cast Album and was Broadway theater – they helped contribute to recognized as a Finalist for the 2009 Pulitzer it,” said Mayor de Blasio. “I know they will Prize in Drama. Last year, Miranda won an Hamilton hizo su debut mundial en el Public Theater. L who also played the title role. The production will transfer to Broadway in July 2015, starting previews at the Richard Rodgers Theater. Miranda is a graduate of Wesleyan University, where he first started work on In the Heights. He also serves as a Councilmember of The Dramatists Guild and serves on the board of Young Playwrights Inc. La productora Daryl Roth también fue nombrado. Nombran a Miranda in-Manuel está dentro. Lin-Manuel Miranda, dramaturgo y artista local, ha sido nombrado por el alcalde Bill de Blasio para el Concejo del Subdistrito de Teatro (TSC por sus siglas en inglés), tal como se anunció el pasado martes 21 de abril. Miranda fue nombrado, junto con la productora ganadora del premio Pulitzer Daryl Roth y el dramaturgo y director ganador del premio Tony, George C. Wolfe, quien fue reelegido. Como miembros del TSC, ellos serán responsables de la administración del Fondo del Subdistrito de Teatro y de la asignación de partidas presupuestarias con el objetivo de promover la producción de nuevas obras de teatro, desarrollar nuevos públicos y dar a 2 Emmy Award as the lyricist of the 2013 Tony Awards opening number, “Bigger.” Recently, Miranda has received widespread attention and accolades for his latest musical Hamilton, inspired by the book Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow. Hamilton made its world debut at the Public Theater in 2015, with book, music and lyrics by Miranda, conocer el papel de Broadway en la historia del teatro estadounidense. A través de sus donaciones, el TSC ha apoyado la educación en 37 teatros, ha desarrollado públicos y programas de accesibilidad, así como nuevas obras de teatro, ha suministrado fondos startup para nuevos programas de mejora o la ampliación de los programas existentes de gran impacto. “Nueva York es el hogar del mayor distrito de teatros en el mundo, lleno de una rica historia y poblado por un talento sin límites. Ellos no sólo entienden el significado cultural e histórico de los teatros de Broadway, sino que han contribuido con él”, dijo el alcalde de Blasio. “Sé que van a trabajar duro para mantener este célebre centro artístico, asegurando que el distrito de teatros de la ciudad de Nueva York siga prosperando y atrayendo a los jóvenes con talento de todas partes del mundo”. Miranda es un compositor, letrista y actor In the Heights recibió cuatro premios Tony. mejor conocido por su trabajo en el musical de Broadway In the Heights, el cual recibió cuatro premios Tony en 2008 (incluyendo Mejor Arreglo Musical, Mejor Coreografía y Mejor Musical), con Miranda recibiendo un premio Tony por la Mejor Música, así como una nominación a Mejor Actor Principal en un musical. In the Heights ganó un premio Grammy en 2009 por su Álbum Original de Reparto de Broadway y fue reconocido como finalista del Premio Pulitzer 2009 en Arte Dramático. El año pasado, Miranda ganó un premio Emmy como letrista del número de apertura de los Premios Tony 2013, “Bigger”. Recientemente, Miranda recibió APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com atención y elogios generalizados por su último musical Hamilton, inspirado por el libro Alexander Hamilton de Ron Chernow. Hamilton hizo su debut mundial en el Public Theater en 2015, con libro, música y letra de Miranda, quien también interpretó el papel protagonista. La producción se trasladará a Broadway en julio de 2015, empezando pre visualizaciones en el Teatro Richard Rodgers. Miranda es graduado de la Universidad Wesleyan, donde comenzó a trabajar en In the Heights. También se desempeña como miembro del Gremio de Dramaturgos y es miembro del Consejo de Young Playwrights Inc. Rx for the RNS Story by Mónica Barnkow and Debralee Santos Photos by Mónica Barnkow January, NYSNA has been negotiating a collective bargaining agreement with The New York City Hospital Alliance, a multiemployer bargaining group comprised of It struck me as a Vietnam NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital, The Mount Sinai Hospital, Mount Sinai St. Luke’s, situation,” said Mark. Mount Sinai Roosevelt, and the Montefiore Five years ago, the war veteran was Medical Center. The Alliance’s negotiating team is being led rushed to the emergency room at New Yorkby Bruce McIver, President of the League of Presbyterian after suffering a heart attack. It became immediately apparent to the Voluntary Hospitals, and former City Labor Commissioner. Northern Manhattan resident An Alliance statement issued that the facility to which he’d on Thursday read, in part, just been admitted was short “The Alliance is tasked with staffed. reaching an agreement with “It was a struggle because NYSNA on certain common, there were very few nurses,” global issues, such as wages, observed Mark, who declined benefits, and management and to give his last name. union matters. Once these core This past Thurs., Apr. 16th, matters have been resolved, dozens of registered nurses each hospital will negotiate rallied at the hospital to demand separately with NYSNA’s that the institution increase local bargaining unit on its staffing levels. They were “Our voices will hospital-specific issues. All be heard,” said joined by fellow nurses – and common and hospital-specific members of the New York State Anthony Ciampa. issues must be finalized Nurses Association (NYSNA) before the contract can be fully – who staged similar day-long rallies and “informational pickets” at fourteen ratified.” “The members of the Alliance are working other facilities across the city. NYSNA, which bills itself as the state’s to reach a fair and reasonable contract that largest union and professional association honors skilled, hard-working nurses and of registered nurses, represents more than continues to provide patients with the highestquality care,” it added. 37,000 members in New York. But advocates say they have not been heard. Since the nurses’ contract expired in “ Receta para las RNS Historia por Mónica Barnkow y Debralee Santos Fotos por Mónica Barnkow “M e pareció una situación de Vietnam”, dijo Mark. Hace cinco años, el veterano de guerra fue llevado a la sala de emergencias del Presbiteriano de Nueva York después de sufrir un ataque al corazón. Al residente del norte de Manhattan le pareció evidente de inmediato que el lugar al que había sido recientemente admitió estaba corto de personal. “Fue un problema porque había muy pocas enfermeras”, observó Mark, quien prefirió no dar su apellido. El pasado jueves 16 de abril, decenas de enfermeras registradas se manifestaron en el hospital para exigir que la institución aumente su personal. Se les unieron colegas enfermeras y miembros de la Asociación de Enfermeras del estado de Nueva York (NYSNA por sus siglas en inglés), quienes organizaron manifestaciones similares ese día y “piquetes informativos” en otras catorce instalaciones en toda la ciudad. NYSNA, que se anuncia como el sindicato y la asociación profesional de enfermeras registradas más grande del estado, representa a más de 37,000 miembros en Nueva York. Desde que el contrato de las enfermeras expiró en enero, NYSNA ha estado negociando un convenio colectivo con la Alianza Hospitalaria de la ciudad de Nueva York, un grupo de negociación de varios empleadores integrado por el Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York, el Hospital Mount Sinai, St. Luke de Mount Sinai, Mount Sinai Roosevelt y el Centro Médico Montefiore. El equipo de negociación de la Alianza está siendo liderado por Bruce McIver, presidente de la Liga de Hospitales Voluntarios y ex comisionado del Trabajo de la ciudad. En un comunicado emitido el jueves por la Alianza se lee, en parte: “La Alianza tiene la tarea de llegar a un acuerdo con NYSNA sobre determinados problemas globales comunes, como salarios, beneficios y asuntos de gestión y sindicales. Una vez que estas cuestiones fundamentales se hayan resuelto cada hospital negociará por separado con la unidad de NYSNA a nivel local los temas específicos de cada hospital. Todos los problemas comunes y específicos de cada hospital deben finalizarse antes de que el contrato puede ser plenamente ratificado”. “Los miembros de la Alianza están trabajando para alcanzar un contrato justo y razonable que honre a las enfermeras trabajadoras, especializadas y que proporcionan a los pacientes una atención continua de la más alta calidad”, agregó. Pero las defensoras dicen que no han sido escuchadas. “Estamos uniéndonos por nuestros pacientes y estamos pidiendo a la administración dar prioridad al personal RN y cuidadores, quienes han demostrado que salvan vidas. Hay momentos “The lives of our community are in danger,” said NYSNA’s Political and Community Organizer Marisol Alcantara Community (far left) with fellow protestors. “We’re uniting for our patients and we’re asking management to prioritize safe RN and caregiver staffing levels that have proven to save lives. There are times when we’re caring for 9 or 10 patients – even more – and, it’s not possible to give each patient the attention that they need,” said NYSNA President Judy Sheridan-González, a registered nurse at Montefiore Medical Center. “We went into this profession to be patient advocates. That’s what this is all about.” In Northern Manhattan, they gathered on Fort Washington Avenue and 168th Street to call on management to address what they called a “staffing crisis.” They also urged community members to contact hospital administrators directly. “We are fighting today because the patients of this community deserve better,” said Yasmin Bahar. A Washington Heights resident, she has been a New York- Presbyterian nurse for the past seven years. “Almost every unit at this hospital is short on staffing,” she charged. See rx p13 Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York. en los que estamos cuidando entre 9 y 10 pacientes -o más- y no es posible darle a cada uno la atención que necesita”, dijo Judy SheridanGonzález, presidenta de NYSNA y enfermera registrada en el Centro Médico Montefiore. “Entramos en esta profesión para ser defensoras de los pacientes. De eso se trata”. Se reunieron sobre la avenida Fort Washington y la calle 168 -en el norte de Manhattan- para pedir a la administración abordar lo que llamaron APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com una “crisis de personal”. También instaron a los miembros de la comunidad a contactar directamente a los administradores del hospital. “Estamos luchando hoy porque los pacientes de esta comunidad se merecen algo mejor”, dijo Yasmin Bahar. La residente de Washington Heights ha sido enfermera en el Presbiteriano de Nueva York durante los últimos siete años. “En casi todas las unidades de este hospital falta personal”, acusó. El hospital, que ha sido calificado como el número 1 en la región metropolitana por U.S. News y World Report, también ha enfrentado Vea rx p13 3 Again on Academy Many of the residents had lived in the building for decades. Story and photos by Mónica Barnkow T urns out, you can go home again. Ask Lucia Valerio. Valerio stood before 552 Academy Street in Inwood, a building which had previously fallen into such severe disrepair it had led Valerio and fellow residents to be evacuated in 2011. This past Thurs., Apr. 16th, after $22.3 million in renovations, they returned to the building many had called home for decades. “I am home,” said Valerio, who first moved to the building in 1976. She was joined by Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) Commissioner Vicki Been, Community League of the Heights (CLOTH) Executive Director Yvonne Stennett, and Councilmember Ydanis Rodríguez to celebrate with a ribboncutting ceremony. “It is indeed a wonderful new day for this community,” said a visibly emotional Rodríguez. “These tenants are an inspiration and I am proud to have helped them achieve their long desired dream.” Rodríguez, who provided $1.5 million in funding and worked with city agencies and the tenants association, said the project had 552 Academy Street is officially reopened. been a personal labor of love. At the time of their evacuation, tenants had endured close to five years without consistent heat, hot water or gas, and the building had more than 1,000 open code violations. By 2011, more than half the apartments were already vacant, and illegal activities, such as drug-dealing and prostitution, had taken hold in some of the units. “We had sinking floors, crumbling walls, no gas, and no heat a lot of times,” recalled Iris Bertoni, the Tenants Association President, whose family had been residents for half a century. After the vacate order, tenants were temporarily relocated while the building was stabilized and rehabilitated, and a new owner was established. The Washington Heights-based community nonprofit CLOTH, together with Alembic Community Development, rehabilitated the property, while HPD’s Office of Preservation Finance aided in facilitating the financing plan through which CLOTH and Alembic were designated as the development team. “What a joyous occasion, for the longsuffering tenants who have returned to a beautiful building where they can live See ACADEMY p21 Los niños que asisten a los programas de prekínder gratuitos, de día completo y de alta calidad, aprenden a hacer preguntas, solucionar problemas y trabajar en equipo. Obtenga más información sobre prekínder para todos, ingresando a nyc.gov/prek. #OpportunityStartsNow Los niños nacidos en el 2011, pueden solicitar ingreso a un programa de prekínder gratuito, de día completo y de alta calidad. Llame al 311 4 Envíe por texto “prek” al 877-877 ?@ /nycschools APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com Brakes on de Blasio N ot so fast. The Transit Workers Union (TWU) has filed suit against Mayor Bill de Blasio and the City of New York, claiming that Vision Zero is unconstitutionally vague. The suit specifically references Local Law 29, which allows police officers to arrest drivers – including MTA bus operators – for failing to exercise “due care” in a crash that injures or kills a pedestrian in the crosswalk. Vision Zero is a key policy initiative of the de Blasio administration that has focused on ending traffic deaths and injuries. It has included the addition of speed cameras, the lowering of the speed limit and changes made to intersections across the city. In January, de Blasio and Department of Transportation Commissioner Polly Trottenberg announced that 2014 had been the safest year for city pedestrians in more than a century. “134 pedestrian deaths in 2014, down from 180 in 2013,” he announced. But, according to TWU, the law does not actually define what constitutes proper driver behavior. Instead, it is “so vague that it does not give a person of ordinary intelligence a reasonable TWU President John Samuelsen and members with local elected officials, including Congressman Charles Rangel, Assemblymember Keith Wright and Councilmember Inez Dickens, all of whom have voiced support for bus operators. opportunity to know what is prohibited,” charges the union, which represents 38,000 active members, in the 24-page suit which was filed this past Mon., Apr. 20th in Brooklyn Federal Court. Moreover, the suit cites numerous precedents which argue against the law, including the lack of a “mens rea” requirement, which would indicate that the operator would have an intent to act recklessly or violate a law. The union has been vocal in its opposition to the “failure-to-yield” law since it was enacted by the City Council last summer. In December, an MTA bus operator Freno a de Blasio driving 3 mph, was arrested in Brooklyn on a misdemeanor after a collision in a crosswalk that killed an elderly man. “We support the goals of Vision Zero, that being safer streets,” TWU Local 100 President John Samuelsen said. “But bus operation must not be criminalized.” “Subjecting bus operators to undeserved arrests does not solve the issue of dangerous hit-and-run driving.” Operadores de autobuses han sido arrestados. N o tan rápido. El Sindicato de Trabajadores de Tránsito (TWU por sus siglas en inglés) ha presentado una demanda contra el alcalde Bill de Blasio y la ciudad de Nueva York, alegando que Vision Zero es inconstitucionalmente vaga. La demanda hace referencia específicamente a la Ley Local 29, que permite a los agentes de policía arrestar a los conductores -incluyendo a los operadores de autobuses de MTA- por no ejercer “debido cuidado” en un accidente que hiera o mate a un peatón en el cruce de peatones. Vision Zero es una iniciativa política clave de la administración de Blasio que se ha centrado en poner fin a las muertes y lesiones de tráfico. Incluyó incorporar radares, reducir el límite de velocidad y realizar cambios en algunas intersecciones de la ciudad. En enero, de Blasio y Polly Trottenberg, comisionada del Departamento de Transporte, anunciaron que 2014 fue el año más seguro para los peatones de la ciudad en más de un siglo. En enero, de Blasio y Polly Trottenberg, comisionada del Departamento de Transporte, anunciaron que 2014 fue el año más seguro para los peatones de la ciudad en más de un siglo. “134 muertes de peatones en 2014, frente a 180 en 2013”, anunció de Blasio. Pero, de acuerdo con TWU, la ley no define realmente lo que constituye el comportamiento adecuado de un conductor. En cambio, es “tan vaga que no da a una persona de inteligencia ordinaria una oportunidad razonable para saber lo que está prohibido”, acusa el sindicato que representa a 38,000 miembros activos, en la demanda de 24 páginas que fue presentada el pasado lunes 20 de abril en la Corte Federal de Brooklyn. Por otra parte, la demanda cita numerosos precedentes que argumentan en contra de la ley, como la falta de un requisito de “intención criminal”, lo que indicaría que el operador tiene la intención de actuar imprudentemente o de violar una ley. El sindicato ha sido vocal en su oposición a la “insuficiencia para ceder” de la ley desde que fue promulgada por el Ayuntamiento el verano pasado. En diciembre, un operador de autobuses de MTA manejando a 3 mph fue arrestado en Brooklyn por un delito menor, después de una colisión en un paso de peatones que mató a un hombre de edad avanzada. “Apoyamos los objetivos de Vision Zero de tener calles más seguras”, dijo el presidente de TWU Local 100, John Samuelsen. “Pero la operación del autobús no debe ser criminalizada”. “Someter a los operadores de autobuses a detenciones inmerecidas no resuelve el problema de los conductores que provocan accidentes y se dan a la fuga”. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com El alcalde Bill de Blasio. 5 T Health conference returns to Harlem Conferencia de Salud regresa he Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce will explore issues concerning healthcare in urban communities, as it hosts its fifth annual National Urban Health Conference, from April 23 through April 26 at various Harlem locations. Es el quinto año de la conferencia. The event is part of the Chamber’s Healthy Eating/Healthy Living initiative, which was created to help Harlem residents experience healthier Patricia Ricketts is Vice President and more productive lives. of Programs for the Greater “Even though we’re a business trade Harlem Chamber of Commerce. organization, we use the tagline ‘Our Health is Our Wealth,” sponsor a said Patricia Ricketts, Vice Community Health Open President of Programs House at its Neighborhood for the Greater Harlem Care Center at 215 West Chamber of Commerce. 125th Street from 10 “If your community isn’t a.m. – 3:00 p.m. that features health healthy, your businesses screenings, and healthy food and exercise can’t thrive, so we thought it was important to bring health issues to the demonstrations. Also that day, a seminar will offer forefront.” This year’s conference kicks off on senior citizens advice on how to safely use Thurs., Apr. 23rd with a group of seminars prescription drugs. The seminar will be at the Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State held at the Adam Clayton Powell Jr. State Office Building at 12 p.m. Office Building. “We target the senior The sessions include: “Demystifying the population, because they Health Exchange” from 8:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.; “How the Affordable Health Care Act need details that are easy to Works for You” from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.; understand, and to talk to and “Women Making Informed Financial people one-on-one,” said and Health Decisions” from 3:30 p.m. to Ricketts. On Sat., May 2, 5 p.m. the annual Harlem “We’ve brought in speakers to talk about the latest issues, and give attendees the Celebration of World Tai chance to interact and ask questions and Chi & Qigong Day will be get the information they need,” Ricketts held at St. Nicholas Park, located at West 135th Street said. Ricketts explained that there is a great and St. Nicholas Avenue. Also on May 2, the NY Black demand in the community, from consumers and businesses alike, for information on Nurses Association will host a health and wellness fair at the Salvation Army the Affordable Care Act. “In addition to the public needing info, Center, 540 Malcolm X Blvd beginning at businesses have obligations under the 10:00 a.m. The National Urban Health Conference Affordable Care Act that they need to be in will take place from Thursday, April 23 compliance with,” she commented. All events of the National Urban Heath through Sunday, April 26 at various sites Conference are free and open to the public. around Harlem. For a full schedule or to register, visit Advance registration is recommended. www.harlemdiscover.com/urbanhealth/ On Fri., April 24, EmblemHealth will L a Cámara de Comercio del Gran Harlem explorará las cuestiones relativas a la atención médica en las comunidades urbanas, mientras lleva a cabo su quinta edición anual de la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Urbana, del 23 de abril al 26 de abril, en distintos lugares de Harlem. El evento es parte de la iniciativa Comida Saludable/Vida Saludable de la Cámara, que fue creada para ayudar a los residentes de Harlem a experimentar vidas más saludables y productivas. “Aunque somos una organización de comercio de negocios, usamos el lema Nuestra salud es nuestra riqueza”, dijo Patricia Ricketts, vicepresidenta de Programas de la Cámara de Comercio de Harlem. “Si la comunidad no es saludable, los negocios no pueden prosperar, por lo que pensamos que es importante llevar los problemas de salud a la vanguardia”. La conferencia de este año comienza el jueves 23 de abril con un grupo de seminarios en el edificio de oficinas estatales Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. Las sesiones incluyen: “Desmitificando los intercambios de salud” de 8:30 am a 11 am; “¿Cómo trabaja para usted la ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud?” de 2 pm a 3:30 pm; y “Mujeres tomando decisiones informadas sobre finanzas y salud”, de 3:30 pm a 5:00 pm. “Hemos traído a los oradores para hablar sobre los temas más recientes y dar a los asistentes la oportunidad de interactuar, hacer preguntas y obtener la información que necesitan”, dijo Ricketts. Ricketts explicó que existe una gran demanda [email protected] FOUNDERS/ PUBLISHERS Roberto Ramírez Sr. Luís A. Miranda Jr. David Keisman 6 EDITOR Debralee Santos ASSISTANT EDITOR Erik Cuello EDITORIAL STAFF Mónica Barnkow PRODUCTION Ramon Peralta Erik Febrillet OFFICE MANAGER Jennifer Saldaña TRANSLATORS Yamilla Miranda Verónica Cruz DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Landa M. Towns APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com en la comunidad, tanto de consumidores como de empresas, para obtener información sobre la ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud. “Además de la información de necesidad pública, las empresas tienen obligaciones en virtud de la ley de Cuidado Asequible de la Salud que necesitan cumplir”, comentó. Todos los eventos de la Conferencia Nacional de Salud Urbana son gratuitos y abiertos al público. Se recomienda inscribirse previamente. El viernes 24 de abril, EmblemHealth patrocinará una jornada de casa abierta de salud comunitaria en su Centro de Atención al Vecindario en el 215 de la calle 125 oeste, de 10 am a 3:00 pm y ofrecerá exámenes de salud y demostraciones de comida y de actividad física. También ese día habrá un seminario de consejos para las personas mayores sobre cómo utilizar de forma segura los medicamentos recetados. Se llevará a cabo en el edificio de oficinas estatales Adam Clayton Powell Jr. a las 12 pm “Nos dirigimos a la población de adultos mayores ya que necesitan detalles que sean fáciles de entender y hablar con la gente uno a uno”, dijo Ricketts. El sábado 2 de mayo, la celebración anual de Harlem del día Mundial de Tai Chi y Qigong se llevará a cabo en el parque St. Nicholas, ubicado en la calle 135 oeste y la avenida St. Nicholas. También el 2 de mayo, la Asociación de Enfermeras Negras de NY acogerá una feria de salud y bienestar en el Centro del Ejército de Salvación, ubicado en el 540 del bulevar Malcolm X, comenzando a las 10:00 am. La Conferencia Nacional de Salud Urbana se realizará del jueves 23 hasta el domingo 26 de abril en varios sitios alrededor de Harlem. Para el horario completo o para inscribirse, visite www. harlemdiscover.com/urbanhealth/ www.manhattantimesnews.com 5030 Broadway, Suite 801 New York, NY 10034 T: 212-569-5800 F: 212-544-9545 MEMBER: Chamber of Commerce of Washington Heights and Inwood Ecomundo members are largely immigrants from Latin America. Winning for workers T Story by Gregg McQueen hey are cleaning up. An uptown company is sprucing up local homes and businesses, while helping its workers excel with reliable wages and steady employment with room to grow. What sets Ecomundo Cleaning apart is that the individuals doing the scrubbing and polishing are also owners. Ecomundo Cleaning is a worker-owned cooperative, assisted by Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation (NMIC) and launched in 2012 as a means to provide living-wage jobs and good work conditions for low-income immigrants. All of the members have an ownership stake in the coop and are able to contribute to business decisions. Jennifer Welles, Housing and Worker Coop Developer at NMIC, devised the plan for Ecomundo, which originally involved clients of NMIC’s other community-based programs in Washington Heights. “When we started, we weren’t sure how All are able to contribute to business decisions. successful it would be,” Welles said. “But we modeled ourselves after similar businesses that worked.” As Ecomundo marks its third anniversary, the business now handles about 350 clients and is approaching $500,000 in sales revenue. The coop has recently been able to double its monthly revenue, said Welles, and has taken on larger clients. As the coop’s business grows, members are able to reap the benefits. Welles said that Ecomundo members currently earn an average of $20 to $25 per hour. Ecomundo marca su tercer aniversario. Ganancia para los trabajadores Historia por Gregg McQueen U na compañía de limpieza del Alto Manhattan está arreglando casas y comercios locales, mientras ayuda a sus empleados con confiables sueldos y empleo seguro con espacio para crecer. Lo que coloca a Ecomundo Cleaning aparte es que los individuos haciendo la limpieza y el pulido son también dueños. Ecomundo Cleaning es una cooperativa propiedad de los empleados, asistida por la Corporación de Mejoramiento del Norte de Manhattan (NMIC, por sus siglas en inglés) y lanzada en el 2012 como manera de proveer empleos con salarios viables y buenas condiciones de trabajo para inmigrantes de bajos ingresos. Todos los miembros tienen acciones en la cooperativa y pueden contribuir a las decisiones del negocio. Jennifer Welles, Desarrolladora de Vivienda y La Portavoz Melissa Mark-Viverito de visita . Empleados de Coop de NMIC, ideo el plan para Ecomundo, el cual originalmente envolvía a clientes de otros programas de NMIC en Washington Heights. “Cuando comenzamos, no estábamos seguros de cuan exitoso podría ser”, dijo Welles. “Pero nos moldeamos por negocios similares que funcionaron”. Mientras que Ecomundo marca su tercer aniversario, el negocio ahora maneja cerca de 350 clientes y se está acercando a una ganancia en venta de $500,000. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com “It gives us the opportunity to earn much more than we could at another job,” remarked Ecomundo member Claudia Chávez. “In the past, wages for most of us were very low.” “Many members have been able to quit other, lesser-paying jobs that they had, due to the success of the coop,” said Welles. “This allows them to make a better living.” Members must pay back 5 percent to the coop to support business costs, but as the coop’s revenues increase, they now keep See Winning p20 Recientemente la cooperativa pudo duplicar su ganancia mensual, dijo Welles, y ha tomado clientes más grandes. Según crece el negocio, los miembros pueden disfrutar de los beneficios. Welles dijo que los miembros de Ecomundo actualmente ganan un promedio de $20 a $25 la hora. “Nos brinda la oportunidad de ganar mucho más de lo que podríamos ganar en otro empleo”, señaló Claudia Chavez. “En el pasado, los salarios para la mayoría de nosotros era bien poco”. “Muchos miembros han podido renunciar a otros empleos de menos paga que tenían, debido al éxito de la cooperativa”, dijo Welles. “Esto les permite tener una vida mejor”. Los miembros deben pagar de vuelta un 5 por ciento a la cooperativa para ayudar con los costos del negocio, pero según las ganancias de la cooperativa aumentan, ahora retienen la mayor parte de sus ganancias, dijo Welles. Ecomundo provee una amplia variedad de servicios de limpieza para las casas, oficinas y negocios, principalmente en el Alto Manhattan. Las citas de clientes pueden ser reservadas siete días a la semana. Los miembros completan el trabajo por un precio acordado, sin importar cuanto tiempo tome, en lugar de facturar por hora. Ecomundo, el cual se enfoca en utilizar productos de limpiezas no tóxicos, actualmente tiene 10 miembros y recientemente reclutó siete nuevos. Vea GANANCIAS p20 7 COMMUNITY NEWS The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Center presents “The Day After MLK”. story unfolds, the audience sees the fantasies of Christopher Sly, who wishes he was wealthy and loved. The Inwood Library is located at 4790 Broadway. For more information, please call 212.942.2445. El Centro Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz presenta “The Day After MLK”. The Day After MLK The Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Educational Center will present “The Day After MLK,” a live performance art event, which will run from Apr. 24th through May 2nd. The performance focuses on the tumultuous and momentous times in American history that include the assassination of Malcolm X, the civil rights movement, and the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The production will also feature a live interactive art exhibition. The Malcolm X & Betty Shabazz Educational Center is located at 3940 Broadway. For tickets and additional information, please visit http://bit.ly/1yDUo2U. El día después de MLK El Centro Educativo Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz presentará “The Day After MLK”, un evento de arte en vivo que tendrá lugar del 24 de abril al 2 de mayo. El espectáculo se centra en los tiempos tumultuosos y trascendentales de la historia de Estados Unidos, que incluyen el asesinato de Malcolm X, el movimiento de derechos civiles y el asesinato del Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. La producción también contará con una exposición interactiva de arte en vivo. El Centro Educativo Malcolm X & Betty Shabazz está situado en el 3940 de Broadway. Para obtener boletos e información adicional, por favor visite http://bit. ly/1yDUo2U. Lens Vivant Creator and Director Erika Harrsch creates a multilevel artistic expression, an interdisciplinary collage for stage with video, sounds, sculptural elements and costumes, lights, actors, music and performance with The Taming of the Shrew Todos los residentes están invitados a la Biblioteca Inwood este sábado 25 de abril a la 1 pm, para una representación del clásico de William Shakespeare The Taming of the See COMMUNITY p17 Lens Vivant, now at El Museo del Barrio. This visual and sound narrative conveys contemporary Mexican and universal themes throughout. Born in Mexico City, Erika Harrsch has lived and worked in Mexico, Italy, Germany, Brazil and since 2001 in New York. Her multidisciplinary art practice employs resources that include drawing, painting, photography, video, animation and installations as a scenario building based on elements in both artificial and natural environments. For more information, please visit www. elmuseo.org. Lens Vivant La creadora y directora Erika Harrsch logra una expresión artística de varios niveles, un collage interdisciplinario para el escenario con video, sonidos, elementos escultóricos y vestuario, luces, actores, música y actuación con Lens Vivant, ahora en El Museo del Barrio. Esta narrativa visual y sonora transmite temas mexicanos y universales contemporáneos. Nacida en la ciudad de México, Erika Harrsch ha vivido y trabajado en México, Italia, Alemania, Brasil y desde 2001 en Nueva York. Su práctica artística multidisciplinaria emplea recursos que incluyen dibujo, pintura, fotografía, video, animación e instalaciones, como la construcción de escenarios a partir de elementos tanto de entornos naturales como artificiales. Para mayor información, por favor visite www.elmuseo.org. The performance will be hosted at the Inwood Library. The Taming of the Shrew All residents are invited to the Inwood Library this Sat., Apr. 25th at 1 p.m., for a performance of the William Shakespeare’s classic The Taming of the Shrew. This unique take on the classic story features a new and exciting staged reading that’s directed as if it were all a dream. As the Lens Vivant will be presented at El Museo. Lens Vivant se presentará en El Museo. 8 Shrew. Esta mirada única a la historia de la obra clásica ofrece una nueva y emocionante lectura dramatizada que está dirigida como si fuera un sueño. A medida que la historia se desarrolla, el público ve las fantasías de Christopher Sly, quien desearía ser rico y amado. La Biblioteca Inwood Library está ubicada en el 4790 de Broadway. Para mayor información, por favor llame al 212.942.2445. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com La actuación tendrá lugar en la Biblioteca Inwood. Pedestrian Beauty The tunnel will be transformed. Queen Andrea. Queen Andrea Andrea von Bujdoss (AKA graffiti nickname “Queen Andrea”) is a New York City-based fine artist, typographer, graffiti artist and graphic designer. Raised in Soho, Queen Andrea has been deeply inspired by the vibrant urban landscape from an early age. She has spent 20 years perfecting her graffiti and typography skillset and she is consistently evolving her innovative graphic style and pushing T he New York City Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Art Program has announced the selection of four individual artists and one artist team from a pool of 158 applicants to beautify a ninehundred foot pedestrian tunnel at 191st Street and Broadway in Washington Heights. All but one artist team lives and works in New York City and the greater New York area. Each artist or artist team will be assigned two wall segments, each measuring 200 feet in length by 8 feet in height, to transform with dynamic, colorful murals over the course of a one week period starting the week of May 11th. A project-specific committee of outside arts professionals selected local Washington Heights artist Andrea von Bujdoss (Queen Andrea); Bronx-born and raised artist Fernando Carlo, Jr. (COPE 2) who currently resides in Hopewell Junction, New York; Queens-based artist Nick Kuszyk; Brooklyn-based artist Nelson Rivas Cekis; and Maryland-based artist team Jessie Unterhalter and Katey Truhn. The installation of the five murals will coincide with a previously scheduled MTA weekend tunnel closure at the 191st Street 1 train station. Artists will be granted access to the tunnel over the course of a one week period, with a partial closure for prep work occurring a few days in advance of painting. The tunnel will remain accessible to the public during the partial closure. “It may be surprising to some that a tunnel that connects Broadway to the subway is actually a street. NYCDOT recognized the need to improve this dark space so we installed lights and painted over the walls filled with tags. But the agency did not stop there. We wanted to make the long walk not only safe but attractive to the people who use the space every day,” said DOT Assistant Commissioner of Design + Art + Wayfinding, Wendy Feuer. “We are thrilled with the prospect of new murals by renowned local and citywide artists at the 191st Street tunnel. Their creative work will bring the beauty and enjoyment that our community has been asking for throughout the past few years. We can’t wait to see and celebrate the murals and the artists! Bravo!,” said Sandra A. GarcíaBetancourt, Executive Director and CEO of the Northern Manhattan Arts Alliance (NoMAA). Although the tunnel connects to the MTA Subway System, it is mapped as a street and is thus owned and maintained by NYCDOT. The tunnel has undergone several renovations since its construction with the most recent renovation completed by NYCDOT in 2014. The agency continues to revitalize the tunnel with the addition of these temporary murals in the coming weeks. her own creative boundaries. She is one of the most skilled and notable female graffiti artists in the world, possessing a highly creative and advanced style, and has also developed a reputation for her oversized typography message murals. Queen Andrea has been featured in major art shows, solo shows, magazines, books, brand collaborations and has curated and exhibited in numerous art shows around the world. Cope 2. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com COPE 2 Born in 1968 as Fernando Carlo, Jr. in New York City, Cope 2’s paintings have been exhibited in solo and group exhibitions in galleries and museums throughout the United States and internationally. He is a self-taught artist who is a celebrated legend contributing over 30 years to the graffiti street art culture. One of the city’s most prolific graffiti artists, he began tagging his name in the South Bronx in 1978. He developed his style in the subways and Bronx streets creating graffiti productions throughout the 1980’s and 1990’s. He achieved international recognition for his distinctive style. In recent years, Cope2 has been commissioned by Time Magazine, Converse, Adidas among others. See Pedestrian p23 9 La Via Paradiso Story by Gregg McQueen S he may be blind, but there is nothing she can’t envision. Valeria Paradiso is currently excelling as a student at Hunter College of the City University of New York. She absolutely devours books, though she is unable to see them with her own eyes. The young woman is completely blind. Around age nine, Paradiso began losing her sight and was diagnosed with cancer of the retina. By the time she was a teenager, her vision was gone entirely. “I always loved to read, and was devastated that I wouldn’t be able to look at books any longer,” said Paradiso. As she struggled to gain independence after losing her sight, Paradiso discovered audiobooks from Learning Ally, a nonprofit that provides support for those with learning disabilities, blindness or vision impairment. Paradiso found that she could still enjoy literature by listening to the audiobooks. “Even though I couldn’t really leave my house, the audiobooks allowed me to travel all over the world,” said Paradiso. Now, the New York native is a college senior with a double major in psychology and honors studies. Her goal is to someday become a teacher of the blind and visually impaired. She said she was surprised at how many college textbooks were available in audiobook form, and credited Learning Ally with helping her succeed in school. “Most of the books I needed in college were available,” Paradiso said. “And they were very detailed.” Mary Alexander, Director of National Initiatives for Learning Ally, said that the organization’s audiobook library is the only one that mirrors educational textbooks to the extent where all of the charts and graphs are described. “A lot of times a blind student is just as intelligent and motivated as someone with sight, and they deserve to have the same opportunities and resources to help them,” stated Alexander. On Apr. 18th, Paradiso was one of six U.S. students to receive Learning Ally’s National Achievement Award at a gala in Washington, D.C. The awards are given annually to exceptional students who are blind or visually impaired, and feature a $6,000 cash prize. “It’s very, very exciting,” said Paradiso of her award. “I always loved to read,” says Valeria Paradiso. As part of the D.C. trip, Learning Ally took students to meet with members of Congress to discuss issues concerning the vision impaired. “It gave our students the chance to talk about their successes and make known some of the issues affecting them, to hopefully affect legislation,” said Alexander. Founded in 1948, Learning Ally was initially established to help blinded soldiers returning from World War II go to school and reenter society. Since then, the organization has expanded its mission to help people with a wide range of reading disabilities, such as blindness and dyslexia, and currently has more than 85,000 audiobook titles available in its online library. “We’re adding a few thousand titles every See PARADISO p16 La vía Paradiso Historia por Gregg McQueen E lla puede ser ciega, pero no hay nada que no pueda imaginarse. Valeria Paradiso es una estudiante sobresaliente del Hunter College de City University de Nueva York. Ella devora libros a pesar de que es incapaz de ver con sus propios ojos. La joven es completamente ciega. Alrededor de los nueve años de edad, Paradiso comenzó a perder la vista y se le diagnosticó cáncer de retina. Para el momento en que era una adolescente, su visión había desaparecido por completo. “Siempre me gustó leer y quedé devastada por no poder mirar libros nunca más”, dijo Paradiso. Mientras luchaba por independizarse después de perder su vista, Paradiso descubrió los audiolibros de Learning Ally, una organización no lucrativa que proporciona apoyo a las personas con problemas de aprendizaje, ceguera o deficiencia visual. Paradiso descubrió que todavía podía disfrutar de la literatura escuchando los audiolibros. “Aunque realmente no podía salir de mi casa, los audio libros me permitieron viajar por todo el mundo”, explicó. Ahora, la nativa de Nueva York es una estudiante universitaria de último año con una doble licenciatura en estudios de psicología y honores. Su meta es llegar a ser algún día maestra de ciegos y deficientes visuales. 10 APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com Mary Alexander, directora de Iniciativas Nacionales de Learning Ally, (derecha) con Paradiso. Dijo estar sorprendida de cuántos libros de texto universitarios encontró disponibles en forma de audiolibro, y acredita a Learning Ally por ayudarla a tener éxito en la escuela. “La mayoría de los libros que necesitaba en la universidad estaban disponibles”, dijo Paradiso. “Y eran muy detallados”. Vea PARADISO p16 Riverstone’s Milestone Story by Gregg McQueen Riverstone, formerly known as the Fort Washington Houses Services for the Elderly, will be feting several people considered ark it in stone. integral to the organization’s rise: Steve Simon, currently the Manhattan Chief of Staff Riverstone Senior Life Services, which for the Department of Parks and Recreation; provides social services to adults age 60 and Julio A. Batista, Director for Community up, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this Relations at New York-Presbyterian Hospital; and Molly Michels, community year. “Our mission then was the same as now, activist and wife of the late, longtime City which is to help older adults remain healthy, Councilmember Stanley Michels. “It’s a chance to honor some of the people active and living at home,” said Riverstone’s who were essential in making Riverstone what Executive Director Ilana Dunner. To mark the occasion, Riverstone is hosting it is,” said Nancy DeNatale, Development an anniversary celebration on Thurs., Apr. Specialist at Riverstone Senior Life Services. 30th at the Wintergarden plaza at New York- “They had that vision, and realized the Presbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s importance of supporting elders.” Honorees will by introduced by Manhattan Hospital. Borough President Gale A. Brewer, District Leader Maria “We’re a reflection of the neighborhood we Luna and former New York serve,” says Executive Director Ilana Dunner. State Assemblymember Edward Lehner. Peter Walsh, co-owner of Coogan’s Restaurant, will serve as the evening’s emcee, and historian Robert Snyder will be a guest speaker. That evening, Riverstone will also pay tribute to the late Renee Mancino of Carrot Top Bakery. “She used to come regularly and visit one of the seniors here,” said Dunner of Mancino. “She was a wonderful person.” Riverstone Senior Life Services M El hito de Riverstone Riverstone Senior Life Services is celebrating its 30th anniversary. is housed at the former Delafield Hospital building on Fort Washington Avenue. Owned by NYCHA, the building was renovated in 1983 to produce 226 apartments for the elderly and handicapped. Prior to that, the building had been abandoned in 1975. It was Simon and Councilman Michels who saw the potential to turn the neglected site into one that provided housing and services for seniors. Though Riverstone serves clients who reside in the building, most come from the surrounding community, said Dunner. All programs are offered in both English and Spanish. “We’re really a reflection of the neighborhood we serve,” said Dunner. “I’ve been to Riverstone many times, and what I notice most is the wonderful relationship between the staff and the seniors,” said Borough President Brewer. “Their many activities and programs, from bilingual support groups to activities to help prevent memory loss, and their annual Family See RIVERSTONE p15 Todos los programas se ofrecen en inglés y español. Historia por Gregg McQueen M árquenlo en piedra. Servicios de Vida Riverstone para Adultos Mayores, que ofrece servicios sociales a los adultos de 60 años en adelante, está celebrando su 30 aniversario. “Nuestra misión entonces era la misma que ahora: ayudar a los adultos mayores a mantenerse saludables, activos y viviendo en casa”, dijo la directora ejecutiva de Riverstone, Ilana Dunner. Para conmemorar la ocasión, Riverstone está organizando una celebración de aniversario el jueves 30 de abril en la plaza Wintergarden del Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York/Hospital Infantil Morgan Stanley. Riverstone, anteriormente conocido como Servicios de Vivienda Fort Washington para Personas Mayores, estará festejando a varias personas consideradas como parte integral del crecimiento de la organización: Steve Simon, actual jefe de personal del Departamento de Parques y Recreación de Manhattan; Julio A. Batista, director de Relaciones con la Comunidad del Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York; y Molly Michels, activista comunitaria y esposa del fallecido concejal de la ciudad por muchos años, Stanley Michels. “Es una oportunidad para honrar a algunas de Peter Walsh, copropietario del Restaurante Coogan, servirá como maestro de ceremonias de la noche. El historiador Robert Snyder será el orador invitado. las personas que fueron esenciales para hacer de Riverstone lo que es,” dijo Nancy DeNatale, especialista de desarrollo en Servicios de Vida Riverstone para Adultos Mayores. “Tuvieron esa visión y se dieron cuenta de la importancia de apoyar a las personas mayores”. Los homenajeados serán presentados por la presidenta del condado de Manhattan, Gale A. Brewer; la líder del distrito, María Luna y el ex asambleísta del estado de Nueva York, Edward Lehner. Peter Walsh, copropietario del Restaurante Coogan, servirá como maestro de ceremonias de la noche y el historiador Robert Snyder será el orador invitado. Esa noche, Riverstone también rendirá homenaje a la fallecida Renee Mancino de la pastelería Carrot Top. “Ella solía venir regularmente y visitar a una de las personas mayores”, dijo Dunner sobre Mancino. “Era una persona maravillosa”. Servicios de Vida Riverstone para Personas Mayores está alojado en el antiguo edificio del Hospital Delafield, sobre la avenida Fort Washington. Propiedad de NYCHA, el edificio fue renovado en 1983 para producir 226 apartamentos para personas mayores y discapacitados. Antes de eso, el edificio fue abandonado en 1975. Fueron Simon y el concejal Michels quienes vieron el potencial de convertir el descuidado lugar en uno que proporcionara viviendas y servicios para las personas mayores. Aunque Riverstone presta servicios a clientes que residen en el edificio, la mayoría proviene de la comunidad circundante, dijo Dunner. Todos los programas se ofrecen en inglés y español. “Somos realmente un reflejo del barrio al que servimos”, explicó Dunner. “He estado en Riverstone muchas veces y lo que más noto es la maravillosa relación entre el APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com personal y los adultos mayores”, dijo la presidenta del condado Brewer. “Sus muchas actividades y programas, desde los grupos bilingües de apoyo hasta las actividades para ayudar a prevenir la pérdida de memoria, y su día anual de la familia, demuestran el cuidado y la sensibilidad con la que llevan a cabo su labor”. Riverstone alberga una gran variedad de programas educativos y sociales, asistencia en casos y comidas calientes para las personas mayores. “Además de los servicios que ofrecemos, nuestros adultos mayores pueden socializar, lo cual es muy importante”, comentó DeNatale. “En realidad se trata de crear un sentido de comunidad”, añadió Dunner. “A menudo es difícil para las personas mayores y jubiladas el mantener una red de amigos y personas con las cuales relacionarse”. Vea RIVERSTONE p15 11 2015 YEAR OF THE TENANTS rd Thursday, April 23 A pm Report of 6:00 pm – 8:00 A Community Meeting At: 99 Ft. Washington Ave Tenant (entrance by Ft. Washington & 163 rd Street) Repo RENT LAWS AND RENT FREEZE Experiences Opportunity for open mike, Questions and Answers. Join the Mirabal Sisters Cultural and Community Center & Urban Justice Center rt of in the Bronx Invited: State Senator Adriano Espaillat, Chair of The Housing Committee Campaign for a Rent Freeze and Housing Laws Renewal in 2015! • Let’s make it happen! Housing Court Tena Contact: Luis Tejada at (212)234-3002 nt 12 APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com rx from p3 The hospital, which has been rated as No. 1 in the metropolitan region by U.S. News and World Report, has also faced criticism from elected officials and community leaders. In a scathing report issued in January 2015, State Senator Adriano Espaillat and City Councilmember Ydanis Rodríguez charged that though it was rated as a worldclass facility where bold-faced names such as Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Jorge Posada flock for care, local residents too often received less than stellar care, particularly in the ER. Among other determinations, the report found that the average wait time for service at the ER was 729 minutes, which is more than double the national average. Espaillat called it “a tale of two hospitals.” On Thursday, the protestors chanted and waved placards. “We are here for healthcare justice,” said rally organizer Anthony Ciampa. He compared nurses to jugglers, too often forced to manage more than one critical assignment at a time. The union has said that staffing levels at “Almost every unit at this hospital is the 14 hospitals fall far short of those set in short on staffing,” said Yasmin Bahar. professional peer-reviewed medical studies on safe RN staffing. “There are not enough nurses to do the NYSNA Communication Director Carl job,” said Ginsberg. “E.R. nurses are taking Ginsberg explained that standard practice care of 10 or 12 patients, which is way beyond indicated nurses are responsible for the care the standards.” of up to six patients. When nurses feel they are handling an But, too frequently, he insisted, nurses excessive number of patients at a given time, are overloaded with cases, and can end up they can file a “Protest of Assignment,” caring for twice as many patients. explained Ginsberg. El enfermero Thomas Clarke. rx de p3 críticas por parte de funcionarios electos y líderes comunitarios. En un mordaz informe emitido en enero de 2015, el senador estatal Adriano Espaillat y el concejal Ydanis Rodríguez denunciaron que pensaban que estaba clasificado como una instalación de clase mundial donde los nombres en negritas como Hillary Clinton, Henry Kissinger y Jorge Posada acuden para recibir atención, sin embargo los residentes locales a menudo reciben menos atención estelar, sobre todo en la sala de emergencias. Entre otras determinaciones, el informe encontró que el tiempo promedio de espera para el servicio en la sala de emergencias es de 729 minutos, que es más del doble de la media nacional. Espaillat la llamó “una historia de dos hospitales”. El jueves, los manifestantes gritaban y agitaban pancartas. “Estamos aquí por la justicia en la atención médica”, dijo el organizador del manifestación Anthony Ciampa. Comparó a las enfermeras con los malabaristas, pues muy a menudo están obligadas a manejar más de una tarea crítica a la vez. El sindicato ha dicho que los niveles de personal en los 14 hospitales están muy por debajo de los establecidos en los estudios médicos revisados por expertos profesionales en personal seguro de RN. Carl Ginsberg, director de Comunicación de NYSNA, explicó que la práctica estándar indica que las enfermeras son responsables del cuidado de hasta seis pacientes. Pero, con demasiada frecuencia, insistió, las enfermeras están sobrecargadas y pueden terminar cuidando hasta el doble de pacientes. “No hay suficientes enfermeras para hacer el trabajo”, dijo Ginsberg. “Las enfermeras de la sala de emergencias cuidan a 10 o 12 pacientes, lo que está más allá de los estándares”. Cuando las enfermeras sienten que están manejando un número excesivo de pacientes en un momento dado, pueden presentar una “protesta de asignación”, explicó Ginsberg. Sen. Espaillat issued a critical report. In 2014, nurses signed more than 25,000 formal Registered Nurse complaints related to staffing shortages, and in January alone, 2,000 “Protests of Assignments” were filed. But protestors said that their concerns have fallen on deaf ears. “Management is not listening to us,” lamented Ciampa. In its statement, however, the Alliance denies that its member hospitals are suffering from staff shortages and that any care has been compromised. “NYSNA’s insistence on rigid staffing ratios is not the way to improve patient care. Nor is there a shortage of nurses currently as the hospitals that make up the Alliance have collectively hired 1,000 additional nurses since the last contract was signed. In a changing healthcare landscape that requires flexibility and a team-based approach, staffing levels and assignments must remain the responsibility of hospital management.” But advocates argue that the staffing issues have indeed placed patients’ lives at risk and have threatened to compromise patient care. “The lives of our community are in danger,” said NYSNA’s Political and Community Organizer Marisol Alcantara, who referenced overcrowded emergency rooms. “Sometimes a patient has to wait 12 or 13 hours in the emergency room.” In addition, under current situations, said the nurses, quality treatment was under threat. “What we want to do is to provide safe, quality patient care,” said Ciampa. Recently, management met the union’s demand for mediation, with a time frame set and a mediator – Allison Beck, the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service – selected. Mediation is scheduled to continue through May 31. The union’s stated goal is to reach a full agreement by the end of May. Protestors said they are hopeful that hospitals’ administration would prove responsive – and promised they would continue to speak out. “Our voices will be heard,” said Ciampa. “We will not be ignored.” En 2014, las enfermeras firmaron más de 25,000 quejas formales de enfermera registradas relacionadas con la escasez de personal, y en enero solamente, 2,000 “protestas de asignación” se presentaron. Pero los manifestantes dijeron que sus preocupaciones han caído en oídos sordos. “La administración no nos escucha”, se lamentó Ciampa. En su declaración, sin embargo, la Alianza niega que sus hospitales miembro sufran de escasez de personal y que ningún tipo de atención se haya visto comprometido. “La insistencia de NYSNA en las proporciones rígidas del personal no es la manera de mejorar la atención al paciente. Tampoco hay una escasez de enfermeras en la actualidad dado que los hospitales que conforman la Alianza contrataron colectivamente a 1,000 enfermeras adicionales desde que se firmó el último contrato. Pensándolo bien. En un panorama de salud cambiante que requiere flexibilidad y un enfoque basado en el equipo, los niveles de personal y las asignaciones atención segura y de calidad al paciente”, dijo Ciampa. deben seguir siendo responsabilidad de la Recientemente, la administración cubrió la administración hospitalaria”. demanda del sindicato de mediación con un Pero los defensores argumentan que los marco de tiempo establecido y una mediadora problemas de personal han puesto la vida de seleccionada -Allison Beck, directora del los pacientes en riesgo y han amenazado con Servicio de Mediación y Conciliación Federal. comprometer la atención al paciente. La mediación está prevista que continúe hasta “Las vidas de nuestra comunidad están en el 31 de mayo. peligro”, dijo Marisol Alcántara, organizadora El objetivo declarado del sindicato es llegar a comunitaria y política de NYSNA quien un acuerdo completo para finales de mayo. hizo referencia a las salas de emergencias Los manifestantes dijeron que tienen sobrepobladas. “A veces el paciente tiene que la esperanza de que la administración de esperar 12 o 13 horas para recibir atención”. los hospitales demuestre ser receptiva, y Además, en virtud de las situaciones actuales, prometieron que continuarán hablando. dijeron las enfermeras, la calidad del tratamiento “Nuestras voces serán escuchadas”, dijo está bajo amenaza. Ciampa. “No vamos a ser ignorados”. “Lo que queremos es proporcionar una APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 13 Wellness on wheels Story and photos by Gregg McQueen T he tinkling bell echoes every Wednesday. It is rung by a spirited woman pushing a food cart at the Isabella Geriatric Center in Washington Heights. Staff members and visitors hear the bell and gather to purchase her wares, but she is not peddling ice cream or another indulgent treat. Instead, Bobbie Gamble presents a cart full of fresh fruit and vegetables. An enthusiastic, 67-year-old volunteer, Gamble runs a roving cart as part of the nursing home and rehabilitation center’s YUM fresh food program, which also features a weekly on-site produce market. Each Wednesday, Gamble uses her cart to sell bananas, mangos, blueberries, carrots, mushrooms, kale and more to Isabella staff and residents, as well as others in the community. “Folks in this neighborhood don’t always have easy access to fresh and affordable produce,” said Gamble. “I’m bringing it right to them.” Using food acquired from the Bronx’s Hunts Point Market, the YUM program was launched by Isabella to help combat disease in the Washington Heights area by offering more healthy eating options. “I’m always finding out something interesting,” said Certified Nursing Assistant Blossom Graham. “I feel like I’m doing something good,” says YUM volunteer Bobbie Gamble. Around Isabella, people perk up when they hear Gamble’s ringing bell. For the site’s elderly residents who purchase from her cart, Gamble’s weekly visit is as much social engagement as a shopping spree. “They enjoy me coming around,” said Gamble. “It gives them something to look forward to, as many of them are not able to Bienestar en ruedas Historia y fotos por Gregg McQueen T odos los miércoles, el tintineo de la campana hace eco a través de los pasillos. Es dirigido por una espiritual mujer empujando un carrito de comida en el Centro Geriátrico Isabella en Washington Heights. Los empleados y visitantes escuchan la campana y se reúnen para comprar su mercancía, pero la mujer no estaba vendiendo helado o cualquier otro dulce – Bobbie Gamble tenía un carrito lleno de frutas frescas y vegetales. Una entusiasmada voluntaria de 67 años, Gamble maneja un carrito como parte del programa de alimentos frescos del hogar de cuidado y centro de rehabilitación YUM, el cual también presenta un mercado de productos semanal. Cada miércoles, Gamble utiliza su carrito para vender guineos, mangos, arándanos, zanahorias, setas, col rizada y más a los empleados y residentes de Isabella, como también a otros en la comunidad. “Personas en el vecindario no siempre tienen acceso a productos frescos y económicos”, dijo Gamble. “Yo se los llevo directo”. Utilizando alimentos adquiridos del Mercado de Hunts Point en el Bronx, el programa de YUM fue lanzado por Isabella para ayudar a 14 combatir enfermedades en el área de Washington Heights ofreciendo opciones de alimentos más saludables. Alrededor de Isabella, la gente se reúne cuando escuchan el sonido de la campana de Gamble. Para los residentes del lugar que compran de su carro, la visita semanal de Gamble es una tanto social como de compras. “Ellos disfrutan que yo venga”, dijo Gamble. “Les da algo para esperar, ya que muchos de ellos no pueden salir mucho”. Gamble dijo que encuentra gratificante el ayudar a conectar a las personas con alimentos más saludables. “Yo soy apasionada acerca de la salud humana y la gente cuidando sus cuerpos”, dijo Gamble. “Si Vea Bienestar p22 go out much.” Gamble said she finds it rewarding to help connect people with healthier food. “I’m passionate about human health and people taking care of their bodies,” said Gamble. “If you eat better, you’ll live longer. I feel like I’m doing something good for people.” “Everyone adores Bobbie’s infectious spirit,” said Carol Ban, YUM Program Director. “Her enthusiasm rubs off on everybody.” Gamble’s routine customers also benefit from her personalized service — she’ll ask clients which items they like, and YUM’s produce buyer will acquire them. “One guy was asking me for papayas and okra, so I made sure he got them,” she said. “I know what all my customers want.” When clients make special requests, Gamble will return the following week with a personal bag for them. She also shares recipes with customers and offers handy tips on everything from fruit ripening to nutritional content. See wellness p22 April 13 – April 18 My good friend, A.J. Sidransky, is a prolific writer. In the last few years, he has had two of his novels published with another one on the way later this year. He has also written a series of well-received short stories. The latest, Mother Knows Best, graced our site this past week. The story revolves around Detectives Kurchenko and Gonzalvez, two of the colorful characters from A.J.’s first novel, Forgiving Maximo Rothman. So, here is the game plan. Go to our site, read the story and then head over to Word Up Books (2113 Amsterdam Ave) and support this local writer by purchasing both of his novels. Need I remind you of our motto? Spread Love, It’s The Uptown Way! Skate All Cities is a skateboarding and graffiti crew based out of the Los Angeles, California area that has evolved into a fullfledged brand. Skate All Cities strolled through Uptown recently and headed over to the Washington Heights Skatepark for a late night rendezvous featuring Danny Castaneda, Mark Dunning, Nelson Shin & RICKS. We also published a new poem from Frankie Medina entitled She’s Gone. The she that Frankie is referring to is the hiphop music of his youth that he fell in love with. Uptown is buzzing about the Up Theater Company’s latest play, Epic Poetry. Epic Poetry tells the story of a teenage girl and her quest to find her father, a hero from a legendary APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com war. The play will run from April 29th through May 16th at The Hebrew Tabernacle (551 Ft Washington Ave @ 185th St). Our Throwback Thursdays post takes us back to the turn of the 20th century and the strange case of Walter Francis Burns. Cole Thompson of My Inwood paints a vivid picture of the wealthy Mr. Burns who had a premonition of his young son’s death. The 50th anniversary of the assassination of Malcolm X will be commemorated at the Malcolm X & Dr. Betty Shabazz Memorial & Education Center with the live performance art exhibit “The Day After MLK” on April 24th and May 1st. The Day After MLK is a fictional story based on true events, beginning with the assassination of Malcolm X and continuing through the Civil Rights movement until the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Keep checking us out at www.uptowncollective.com. Led Black Editor-in-Chief The Uptown Collective The UC’s mission is to become “the” definitive, transformative and community-based force impacting the arts, culture, business and New York City’s overall perception of Upper Manhattan. Its objective is to reset, reboot and positively redefine Uptown’s artistic, political, cultural and business spheres via the online space as well the collective’s initiatives and functions. Carrot Top owner Renee Mancino will be honored posthumously. RIVERSTONE from p11 Day, demonstrate the care and sensitivity with which they conduct their work.” Riverstone offers an array of educational and social programs, casework assistance and hot lunches for seniors. “In addition to the services we provide, our seniors get to experience socialization, which is very important,” commented DeNatale. “It’s really about creating a sense of community,” added Dunner. “It’s often difficult for elderly and retired people to maintain a network of friends and people to associate with.” Social workers are available to help members apply for Medicare and Medicaid, connect people with healthcare and assist with landlord issues. “Our social workers are experts in preventing eviction, and we win many cases,” said Dunner. The site’s Open Door day program lets individuals with developmental disabilities participate in senior activities, and Riverstone’s Memory Center is designed to engage those with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia. This July, Saturday hours will be added for the Memory Center. “If caregivers need a respite, they can drop seniors off at the Memory Center for the day,” said Dunner. “It’s important that we also support family members and other providers of care.” Dunner said that there is often a lack of services in Northern Manhattan to assist the elderly and their families. “When you get older and need services, most people don’t know where to turn,” she said. “It’s not something people tend to even think about until they need those services. We’re here to help.” The 30th anniversary celebration for Riverstone Senior Life Services will be held on Thurs., Apr. 30th, at New YorkPresbyterian/Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital. Tickets are $125 per person. For information, please call 212.927.5600. To learn more about Riverstone, or to make a donation, go to www.riverstonenyc. org. Riverstone alberga una gran variedad de programas educativos y sociales. Directora Ejecutiva Ilana Dunner. RIVERSTONE de p11 Los trabajadores sociales están disponibles para ayudar a los miembros a inscribirse a Medicare y Medicaid, conectarlos con la asistencia de salud y ayudarlos en caso de que tengan problemas con su arrendador. “Nuestros trabajadores sociales son expertos en prevención de desalojo y ganamos muchos casos”, dijo Dunner. El programa de puertas abiertas del lugar permite a las personas con discapacidad del desarrollo participar en las actividades para las personas mayores y en el Centro de Memoria de Riverstone, el cual está diseñado para atraer a aquellos con la enfermedad del Alzheimer o demencia. El mes de julio se añadirán horas sabatinas al Centro de Memoria. “Si los cuidadores necesitan un descanso, pueden dejar a las personas mayores en el Centro de Memoria durante el día”, dijo Dunner. “Es importante que también apoyemos a los miembros de la familia y a otros proveedores de cuidado”. Dunner dijo que a menudo faltan servicios para servir a las personas mayores y a sus familias en el norte de Manhattan. “Cuando te haces mayor y necesitas servicios, la mayoría no sabe a dónde acudir”, explicó “No es algo sobre lo que la gente piensa hasta que necesitan esos servicios. Estamos aquí para ayudar”. La celebración del 30 aniversario de Servicios de Vida Riverstone para Adultos Mayores tendrá lugar el jueves 30 de abril en el Hospital Presbiteriano de Nueva York/Hospital Infantil Morgan Stanley. Los boletos cuestan $125 dólares por persona. Para obtener más información, por favor llame al 212.927.5600. Para conocer más sobre Riverstone, o para hacer una donación, visite www.riverstonenyc. org. DINING ABOUT TOWN Try one of these eateries for your next meal or party. IndIan Road Café Eclectic American 600 W. 218th St. at Indian Rd. 212-942-7451 www.indianroadcafe.com Mon-Thu: 7am-10pm Fri-Sat: 7am-11pm Sun: 8am-9:30pm LOCAL OWNERS, LOCAL EMPLOYEES, LOCAL FOOD With curated coffee, wine, & cocktail lists with the largest craft beer selection in Northern Manhattan. Locally sourced eclectic American comfort food. Call Today Llame Hoy Manolo tapas Cuisine from Spain 4165 Broadway (between 176th &177th Streets) by La Rosa Fine Foods 212-923-9100 www.manolotapas.net Mon-Thu: 12pm - 1am Fri-Sun: 12pm -2am Flamenco LIVE! on Wednesdays Dominican Steakhouse 4139 Broadway at W. 175th St. 212-781-3231 The grill is front and center at El Conde so you know you will get your steak cooked to perfection. Families also flock here for seafood, specialty pastas and salads. Ask about drink specials from the fully stocked bar. e iD gu thern Manhattan The Dining 2015 of nor El CondE REstauRant saggIo CaRRot top BakERy CafE 829 W. 181st St. near Pinehurst Ave. 212-795-3080 Authentic Sicilian cuisine featuring daily handmade pastas, slow-cooked ragus, fresh seafood, and a great selection of Italian wine and beer in a warm atmosphere. Half-price happy hour Monday through Friday from 4-7pm. Weekend brunch from 10am to 3:30pm. Private party or catering event 3931 Broadway near W. 165th St. 212 927-4800 Mon-Sat: 6am to 9pm Sun: 7am to 6pm 5025 Broadway (located at 214th St. and Broadway) 212 569-1532 Mon-Fri: 7am to 8pm Sat: 7am to 7pm Sun: 9am to 6pm www.carrottoppastries.com We Cater Italian American TEL: 212-569-5800 [email protected] APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 15 PARADISO de p10 “My blindness has made me work that much harder,” says Paradiso. PARADISO from p10 year,” said Alexander. “We have numerous studios across the country to record volunteers reading the books.” Educational resources are available for students, parents and teachers, with materials aimed at children as young as kindergarten. “Many things are available in an app these days, right on your phone,” said Paradiso. The nonprofit has also launched a mentoring program for blind college students, which Paradiso is a part of. “It’s an online program — Valeria is in 16 New York City but is mentoring students in Texas,” said Alexander. Paradiso said that she wants to be an inspiration to other blind students, since she has lived through the same experiences they have. “Instead of slowing me down, my blindness has made me work that much harder,” she said. “I want to show other students that they can do it too.” For more information on Learning Ally, go to www.learningally.org. Mary Alexander, directora de Iniciativas Nacionales de Learning Ally, dijo que la biblioteca de audio libros de la organización es la única que refleja los libros de texto, al grado de que se describen todas las tablas y gráficos. “Muchas veces un estudiante ciego es tan inteligente y está tan motivado como alguien con vista, y merece tener las mismas oportunidades y recursos”, dijo Alexander. El 18 de abril, Paradiso fue una de seis estudiantes de Estados Unidos en recibir el Premio Nacional Learning Ally al Logro, en una gala en Washington, D.C. Los premios se entregan anualmente a los estudiantes excepcionales que son ciegos o deficientes visuales y ofrecen un premio en efectivo de $6,000 dólares. “Es muy, muy emocionante”, dijo Paradiso de su premio. Como parte del viaje a Washington D.C., Learning Ally llevó a los estudiantes a reunirse con los miembros del Congreso para discutir asuntos relacionados con las dificultades de visión. “Nuestros estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de hablar de sus éxitos y dar a conocer algunos de los temas que les afectan, lo cual con suerte modificará la legislación”, dijo Alexander. Fundada en 1948, Learning Ally fue establecida inicialmente para ayudar a los soldados ciegos que regresaban de la Segunda Guerra Mundial ir a la escuela y reinsertarse en la sociedad. Desde entonces, la organización ha ampliado su misión de ayudar a las personas con una amplia gama de discapacidades de lectura, APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com como ceguera y dislexia, y actualmente cuenta con más de 85,000 títulos de audio libros disponibles en su biblioteca en línea. “Estamos añadiendo unos pocos miles de títulos cada año”, dijo Alexander. “Tenemos numerosos estudios en todo el país para grabar a los voluntarios que leen los libros”. Hay recursos educativos disponibles para estudiantes, padres y maestros, con materiales para niños desde el jardín de infantes. “Hay muchas cosas que están disponibles en una aplicación en estos días, directamente en tu teléfono”, dijo Paradiso. La organización no lucrativa también ha puesto en marcha un programa de mentores para los estudiantes universitarios ciegos, del cual Paradiso forma parte. “Es un programa en línea, Valeria se encuentra en la ciudad de Nueva York pero es mentora de estudiantes en Texas”, dijo Alexander. Paradiso dijo que quiere ser una inspiración para otros estudiantes ciegos, ya que ha vivido las mismas experiencias que ellos. “En lugar de limitarme, mi ceguera me ha hecho trabajar mucho más”, explicó. “Quiero mostrarles a otros estudiantes que pueden hacerlo también”. Para más información sobre Learning Ally, visite www.learningally. org. COMMUNITY from p8 Help beautify Fort Tryon Park in celebration of Earth Day. Ayude a embellecer Fort Tryon Park en la celebración del Día de la Tierra. Earth Day at Fort Tryon Park Celebrate Earth Day at Fort Tryon Park. The Friends Committee of the Fort Tryon Park Trust and NYC Parks is look for those who wish to serve as park stewards for the celebration of Beautification Day on Sun., Apr. 26th, from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Help Fort Tryon Park flourish by installing lots of new plants on the Fort Washington Terrace slope. Plants, tools, and gloves will be provided. Wear long pants and sturdy shoes. For more information, please visit www. forttryonparktrust.org. Día de la Tierra en Fort Tryon Park Celebre el Día de la Tierra en Fort Tryon Park. El Comité de Amigos del Patronato del Parque Fort Tryon y Parques NYC están buscando a personas que deseen participar como guardianes del parque para la celebración del día de su embellecimiento, el domingo 26 de abril de 10 a.m. a 2 p.m. Ayude a Fort Tryon Park a florecer plantando muchas flores nuevas en la ladera Fort Washington Terrace. Se proporcionarán plantas, herramientas y guantes. Use pantalones largos y zapatos resistentes. Para mayor información, por favor visite www.forttryonparktrust.org. MischelandtheMarshmallowTest Free Public Lecture on the Mind and Brain On May 5, at 6:30 p.m., Dr. Walter Mischel, the ColumbiaUniversitypsychologistknownforpioneering “theMarshmallowTest,”willspeakabouthowthe mindandbrainallowustoovercometemptationand exercise willpower. Dr.Mischel’sresearchonhowpreschoolersmanage towaittoeattwomarshmallows,ratherthaneating justoneimmediately,hastakenthemysteryout ofwillpower.Hisstudieshaveshowncorrelations betweenachild’sabilitytodelaygratificationand subsequentacademicsuccess,aswellasbetter tolerationoffrustration,greaterdetermination, healthierbodyweight,andlesssubstanceabuse.His Dr. Walter Mischel. researchalsoshowsthatself-controlskillscanbe taught and enhanced with specific strategies. Inhislecture,entitled“HowMindandBrainEnableSelf-Control:TheMarshmallow TestandBeyond,”Dr.Mischelwillexaminethepersonalandpublicpolicy implications of his ground-breaking research. ThistalkispartoftheStavrosNiarchosFoundationBrainInsightLectureseries, offeredfreetothepublictoenhanceunderstandingofthebiologyofthemindand thecomplexityofhumanbehavior.ThelecturesarehostedbyTheMortimerB. ZuckermanMindBrainBehaviorInstituteatColumbiaUniversityandsupportedby the Stavros Niarchos Foundation. WHEN: Tuesday, May 5, 2015, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. WHERE: Langston Hughes Auditorium Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 515 Malcolm X Boulevard, New York, NY TICKETS: Freeandopentothepublic,butpre-registrationishighlyrecommended Seating is first-come, first-served. For more information or to register, please call 212-851-2977 or email [email protected]. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 17 CLASSIFIEDS ADOPTION HELP WANTED LAND FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE LAND FOR SALE VACATION RENTALS ADOPTION: Unplanned Pregnancy? Caring licensed adoption agency provides financial and emotional support. Choose from loving pre-approved families. 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Call AIM for free information 866-296-7093 Metro New York and Western New York UPSTATE NY WATERFRONT! 7 acres-$59,900 400 feet of pristine frontage on bass lake! All woods, town rd, utils, gorgeous setting! EZ terms. 888-479-3394 newyorklandandlakes. com x % Ta 100 tible uc Ded Call: (917) 336-1254 Call 212-569-5800 APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com Hunter College and the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College are thrilled to present the multilayered exhibition “Anchor.” The exhibition features original, never-before-seen photographs by Hiram Maristany, and six contemporary artists – Nicole Cohen, Selena Kimball, Miguel Luciano, Steven Pérez, Saul Williams, and Caroline Woolard – who have selected photographs from Maristany’s personal collection, and are using them to create unique new works that will be exhibited in the gallery and in various locations throughout the East Harlem neighborhood over the exhibition’s duration. By simultaneously engaging and enticing artistic production anchored in historical consciousness and grounded in the East Harlem neighborhood, the exhibition seeks to trigger a broader dialogue on the past, present, and future identity of the community. The exhibition features approximately thirty-five photographs that span Maristany’s prolific career documenting the street life of East Harlem from the 1960’s to the 1980’s. In addition the invited contemporary artists will display their selection from Maristany’s personal collection in the gallery, combined with elements of new works they have produced specifically for the exhibition. The commissioned public projects will take viewers into the East Harlem community, amongst churches, local businesses, and revered landmarks - intended as part walking tour, part personal journey, and part historical investigation. Rounding out the program, Maristany will photographically document each artist’s project and produce custom postcards for the catalogue that reflects the exhibition’s durational spirit. Maristany has been taking photos of his native East Harlem neighborhood for the past forty years. He began his photography career documenting the street life of East Harlem, eventually becoming the official photographer of the radical group The Young Lords. Part photojournalism and part portraiture, Maristany’s photographs transport the viewer to a time and place where the medium’s vitality and presence can be understood through a socially conscious lens. By using Maristany’s photographs as a focal point – an anchor that simultaneously grounds and provokes a contemporary investigation – the exhibition becomes part of a conversation about present-day community in East Harlem and Harlem. For more information and to RSVP, please visit http://conta.cc/1BRzdtx. The opening reception will be held on March 25, from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m. New projects unveiling through June 13. Hunter’s East Harlem Art Gallery The Lois V. and Samuel J. Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College 2180 3rd Avenue (at 119th Street) New York, NY 10035 212.396.7819 Anchor has been made possible through generous support provided by The Office of the President at Hunter College and Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College. Additional leadership support of the Hunter College Art Galleries and this exhibition has been provided by Agnes Gund, Carol Goldberg, and an anonymous donor. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 19 Winning from p7 The group meeting in March. more of their earnings, said Welles. Ecomundo provides a full array of cleaning services for homes, offices and businesses, primarily in upper Manhattan. Client appointments can be booked seven days a week. Members complete a job for a set price, regardless of how long it takes, instead of billing by the hour. Ecomundo, which focuses on using nontoxic cleaning products, currently has 10 members overall, and recently recruited seven new ones. All members receive extensive training from NMIC, both on cleaning practices and how to run a business, and are able to help determine their own work schedule. Chávez, one of the new members, had 11 months of on-the-job training. “We had several cooperative workshops to learn about the business and how to work together,” she said. “It’s interesting because the members all bring different opinions to the table and we all have a say in the coop. We’re always striving to do better.” Chávez now serves as Ecomundo’s customer service representative, booking client appointments to handle the increasing volume of business. “We’ve done plenty of social media, and Yelp reviews have helped us a lot,” said Welles of the surge in appointments. “But we’ve found that word of mouth recommendations have been the most effective way of growing our customer base.” All Ecomundo members are immigrants from Latin America, mostly from the Dominican Republic and Mexico. To improve their ability to communicate with clients, NMIC is piloting a language program dubbed English for Housekeepers. shop uptown p sho PET CARE uptown shop uptown shop uptown Inwood Animal Clinic We treat your pets like family. Dogs, Cats, and Exotics All Medical and Surgical Services • Vaccines • Dentistries • Exotics • Emergencies • Spay / Neuter • Prescription Food • X-Rays • Grooming 4846 Broadway 212-304-VETS (8387) www.inwoodanimalclinic.com Call today to List your Business or Service Llame hoy para anunciar su Negocio o Servicio TEL: 212-569-5800 [email protected] 20 Welles said that the coop also provides members with a more secure working environment. “Sometimes in the cleaning industry, there can be wage theft, and people can be taken advantage of,” she explained. Ecomundo is part of a growing movement within New York City to expand worker cooperatives. On March 18, Mayor Bill de Blasio passed a bill that requires government agencies to report on the amount of assistance and contracts that worker-owned coops are GANANCIAS de p7 Todos los miembros reciben un extenso entrenamiento de NMIC, tanto en prácticas de limpieza como en como manejar un negocio, y pueden ayudar a determinar su propio itinerario de trabajo. Chavez, una de las nuevas, tuvo 11 meses de entrenamiento. “Tuvimos varios talleres de cooperativa para aprender acerca del negocio y como trabajar juntos”, dijo ella. “Es interesante porque los miembros todos traen diferentes opiniones a la mesa y todos tenemos una voz en la cooperativa. Siempre estamos buscando el hacerlo mejor”. Chavez ahora sirve como representante de servicio al cliente de Ecomundo, reservando citas para manejar el aumento de volumen del negocio. “Hemos hecho mucho en medios sociales y los comentarios de ‘Yelp’ nos han ayudado mucho”, dijo Welles de la oleada de citas. “Pero hemos encontrado que las recomendaciones de boca a boca han sido la manera más efectiva de crecer nuestra base de clientes”. Todos los miembros de Ecomundo son inmigrantes de América Latina, mayormente de la República Dominicana y México. Para mejorar su habilidad para comunicarse con los clientes, NMIC está experimentando un programa denominado Inglés para las Amas de Casa. Welles dijo que la cooperativa también provee a sus miembros con un ambiente laboral más seguro. “Algunas veces en la industria de la limpieza, puede haber robo salarial, y las personas pueden estar tomando ventaje de eso”, explicó. Ecomundo es parte de un movimiento en crecimiento dentro de la ciudad de Nueva York para expandir las cooperativas de empleados. El 18 de marzo, el alcalde Bill de Blasio aprobó una ley que requiere que las agencias APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com receiving from the city. “Worker cooperatives historically treat their employees with respect and ensure that all people who work in the firm are able to benefit from their hard work, something we do not see enough of in this country,” said de Blasio. “Worker cooperatives are inherently important allies in the effort to fight growing income inequality, so this bill is near and dear to my heart,” he stated. In 2014, New York City approved $1.2 million in funding to support worker coop development, which has led to an increase in worker-owned businesses popping up throughout the city. “There’s a lot of momentum about this now,” commented Welles. “Not only is there more funding to go around, but the more coops there are, the more opportunity there is to network and provide support to each other,” she added. Chávez said that working with the cooperative has provided her with meaningful employment that she didn’t think was possible for herself. “There are so many advantages to working here — better wages, flexible schedule, and an ownership stake in the business,” she said. “I love my job.” To learn more about the coop, view rates or book cleaning appointments, please visit www.ecomundo.coop. For more information on Northern Manhattan Improvement Corporation, please visit www.nmic.org. gubernamentales reporten la cantidad de asistencia y contratos que las cooperativas propiedad de empleados están recibiendo de la ciudad. “Históricamente los trabajadores de cooperativas tratan a sus empleados con respeto y se asegura que todas las personas que trabajan en la firma puedan beneficiarse de su arduo trabajo, algo que no vemos lo suficiente en este país”, dijo De Blasio. “Las cooperativas son intrínsicamente importantes aliados en el esfuerzo para combatir la creciente desigualdad de ingresos, por eso este proyecto está cerca y es querido por mi corazón”, señaló. En el 2014, la ciudad de Nueva York aprobó $1.2 millones en fondos para apoyar el desarrollo de cooperativas de empleados, lo cual ha llevado a un aumento por toda la ciudad de los negocios propiedad de los empleados”. “Hay mucho impulso acerca de esto ahora”, comentó Welles. “No solo hay may fondos para ir por ahí, sino que mientras más cooperativas, más oportunidades hay para proveer apoyo a cada uno”, añadió. Chavez dijo que el trabajar para la cooperativa le ha suministrado un empleo significativo que no pensaba fuera posible para ella. “Hay tantas ventajas de trabajar aquí – mejores salarios, itinerario flexible y acciones en el negocio”, dijo ella. “Me encanta mi trabajo”. Visite www.ecomundo.coop para saber más acerca de la cooperativa, ver los precios o pautar una cita de limpieza. Para más información acerca de la Corporación de Mejoramiento del Alto Manhattan visite www.nmic.org. De regreso a casa en Academy ACADEMY from p4 safely, securely and affordably, and for this community and its residents,” exulted CLOTH Executive Director, Yvonne Stennett. Through HPD’s 7A program, in which housing organizations assume ownership of neglected and abandoned buildings, CLOTH will serve as the building’s landlord. Present also were representatives of financing partners Enterprise Community The structure has undergone a $22.3 million renovation. Investment, Inc., Capital One Bank and JP Morgan Chase. “It was one of the most difficult projects,” Thirty of the original 32 evacuated families agreed Mark Reed, Alembic Principal, who were able to return to the building. The noted that, even after the initial demolition, remaining 42 were assigned through an HPD the building was revealed to be even more affordable housing lottery, fragile and unstable. which drew over 50,000 But the work had applications. paid off, he said. “Keeping families in their “We were proud homes, and safeguarding to join once again affordability is central with our longtime to HPD’s mission of partner CLOTH in creating strong and vibrant this challenging and neighborhoods,” said critically important HPD Commissioner Been, effort,” he said. “It was praising the tenants for their a challenging project, perseverance. but, as we see today, a Returning residents, in rewarding one as well.” turn, marveled at their new In addition to CLOTH Executive Director homes. renovations to all 72 Yvonne Stennett with “The kitchen is beautiful. units, new amenities, Tenants Association It has nice cabinets,” said including an elevator, President Iris Bertoni. Valerio. a laundry room, and Andrea García, a resident a rooftop garden, were of 40 years, said she too was added. impressed. The latter is slated to be completed in the “I lived here all my life,” said García. “[Now] upcoming months. everything is wonderful.” The Hebrew Tabernacle’s Armin and Estelle Gold Wing May and June, 2015 Jan Johnson American Painter (1918 – 2014) - Two Worlds - Known for her impressionist style of soft floral and still life oil paintings, portraits and landscapes, Jan Johnson also became accomplished in traditional Chinese watercolor paintings of blossoms, birds and landscapes on rice paper Jan Johnson and while in Taiwan her daughter, Maggie Clarke for two years. She settled in St. Petersburg, Florida, where many considered her the city’s most beloved still life teacher and painter. A graduate of the Pratt Voodoo Priestess Institute and New York University, her art has been exhibited widely. She earned a living creating hand-drawn advertising art on Madison Avenue, directing advertising for Miami newspapers and in her own business – Jan Platt Advertising -during the 1950’s and 60’s. The works in this exhibit, many of which are for sale, were chosen by her daughter, Maggie Chinese Peony Clarke. The exhibit runs through June. Artist’s Opening Reception, Monday, May 4, 6:30 – 7:30 pm The Armin and Estelle Gold Wing in the Hebrew Tabernacle 551 Fort Washington Avenue at 185 St., NYC 10033 – Free Admission – call 212-568-8304 for viewing hours or HebrewTabernacle.org Directions: “A” train to 181 St. – use elevator at 184 St. exit up to Ft. Washington Avenue. Buses – M 4, M 98 Historia y fotos por Mónica Barnkow R esulta que puedes ir a casa otra vez. Pregúntale a Lucía Valerio. Valerio se paró frente al 552 de la calle Academy en Inwood, un edificio que cayó en tan mal estado que llevó a Valerio y a otros residentes a ser evacuados en 2011. El pasado jueves 16 de abril, después de 22.3 millones dólares en Los residentes del 552 de la calle renovaciones, regresaron al edificio Academy celebraron su regreso. aquellos que lo llamaron hogar durante décadas. “Estoy en casa”, dijo Valerio, quien se mudó al la directora ejecutiva de CLOTH, Yvonne Stennett. edificio en 1976. A través del programa 7A del HPD, en Se le unieron Vicki Been, comisionada del el cual organizaciones de vivienda asumen Departamento de Preservación y Desarrollo la propiedad de edificios descuidados de Vivienda (HPD por sus siglas en inglés); y abandonados, CLOTH actuará como Yvonne Stennett, directora ejecutiva de la Liga arrendadora del edificio. Comunitaria de the Heights (CLOTH por sus También estuvieron presentes siglas en inglés) y el concejal Ydanis Rodríguez, representantes de los socios financieros para celebrar con una ceremonia de corte de Enterprise Community Investment, Inc., Capital cinta. One Bank y JP Morgan Chase. “De hecho, es un maravilloso nuevo día “Fue uno de los proyectos más difíciles”, para esta comunidad”, dijo un visiblemente coincidió Mark Reed, director de Alembic, quien emocionado Rodríguez. “Estos inquilinos son señaló que, incluso después de una inspiración y estoy orgulloso de la demolición inicial, el edificio haberles ayudado a lograr su sueño demostró ser aún más frágil e largamente deseado”. inestable. Rodríguez, quien proporcionó Pero el trabajo valió la pena, $1.5 millones de dólares en fondos y dijo. trabajó con agencias de la ciudad y “Nos sentimos orgullosos de la Asociación de Inquilinos, dijo que unirnos una vez más con nuestro el proyecto fue una labor personal socio de largo plazo CLOTH “Estoy en casa”, dijo de amor. en este esfuerzo difícil y muy Al momento de su evacuación, los Lucía Valerio, quien importante”, explicó. “Fue un se mudó en 1976. inquilinos habían soportado cerca proyecto desafiante, pero como lo de cinco años sin calefacción, agua vemos hoy en día, uno gratificante caliente o gas constante, y el edificio también”. tenía más de 1,000 violaciones Además de las renovaciones abiertas de código. de las 72 unidades, se añadieron Para el año 2011, más de la mitad nuevos servicios que incluyen un de los apartamentos estaban vacíos ascensor, una lavandería y un y las actividades ilegales, como el jardín en la azotea. tráfico de drogas y la prostitución, se Este último está programado habían apoderado de algunas de las para ser completado en los Fred Basik se mudó unidades. próximos meses. al edificio en 1955. “Teníamos pisos hundiéndose y Treinta de las 32 familias muros derruidos, y muchas veces no evacuadas originalmente pudieron había gas ni calefacción”, recordó Iris Bertoni, regresar al edificio. Las restantes 42 unidades presidenta de la Asociación de Inquilinos, cuya fueron asignadas a través de una lotería de familia había sido residente durante medio siglo. vivienda asequible de HPD, que atrajo más de Después de la orden de desalojo, los 50,000 solicitudes. inquilinos fueron reubicados temporalmente “Mantener a las familias en sus hogares y mientras el edificio era estabilizado y salvaguardar la asequibilidad es fundamental rehabilitado, y se estableció un nuevo dueño. para la misión de HPD de crear vecindarios CLOTH, la organización sin fines de lucro fuertes y vibrantes”, dijo la comisionada Been, de Washington Heights, junto con Desarrollo alabando a los inquilinos por su perseverancia. Comunitario Alembic, rehabilitó la propiedad, Los residentes que regresaron, a su vez, mientras que la Oficina de Preservación de quedaron maravillados ante sus nuevos Finanzas de HPD ayudó a facilitar el plan de hogares. financiamiento a través del cual CLOTH y “La cocina es bella. Tiene bonitos gabinetes”, Alembic fueron designados como el equipo de dijo Valerio. desarrollo. Andrea García, una residente de 40 años, “Qué motivo de alegría para los inquilinos el regresar a un hermoso edificio en el que puedan dijo que también estaba impresionada. “He vivido aquí toda mi vida”, dijo García. vivir sin peligro, de forma segura y asequible, y “[Ahora] todo es maravilloso”. para esta comunidad y sus residentes”, destacó APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 21 wellness from p14 “I trade recipes with her all the time,” said Blossom Graham, a certified nursing assistant at Isabella. “I’m always finding out something interesting from her.” Gamble said that bananas are by far her most popular item, as well as kale. “Everybody’s juicing these days,” she said with a laugh. Both the YUM market and cart have proven a hit with Isabella staffers. “People can purchase stuff on their lunch hour, and then they don’t need to worry about shopping after work,” explained Gamble. “It’s really convenient,” said Isabella worker Gina Monzon. “Everything here is fresh and reasonably priced.” The YUM market was established five years ago to provide fresh produce to seniors and other community members in the neighborhood surrounding Isabella’s campus. “This area can seem like a food desert,” remarked Ban. “We witnessed many seniors taking a city bus to another neighborhood just to pick up fresh fruit and vegetables.” Though the market served a purpose in its early days, Ban said a new model was needed. “At first, we handed out pre-packaged bundles of fresh food,” described Ban. “It was sometimes too much food for people to eat, and they also preferred to make their own choices.” That’s when the market was transformed into a self-serve experience similar to supermarkets and bodegas. All produce for YUM is acquired fresh each Wednesday morning from Hunts Points Market. Representatives of City Harvest frequently perform healthy cooking demonstrations onsite, said Ban. The YUM market was established five years ago. A year ago, Gamble suggested adding a mobile cart to reach more customers at the large Isabella complex — both employees who couldn’t tear themselves away from their work to visit the market, as well as elderly residents who were unable to come downstairs. “It was essentially like taking YUM on the road,” remarked Ban. “It was a great success.” Unlike many local fruit stands, which are only open in the warmer months, Isabella’s YUM market and cart operate year-round. Both are open to anyone in the community. Neighborhood resident Joanne Hamilton is a regular customer of the market. “I come here just about every week,” said Hamilton, who resides on Hillside Avenue. “The fruit is much better quality than what you get on the street.” Made possible through an initial grant from Atlantic Philanthropies and New York Community Trust, the YUM market is run by a group of volunteers from the community. Gamble, who has volunteered at Isabella for the past five years, spends several hours wheeling her cart around the site every Wednesday. She stays to catch staff members reporting for second shift, and even sells to teachers from nearby George Washington High School and P.S. 189. Bienestar de p14 comes mejor, vivirás más tiempo. Siento que estoy haciendo algo bueno para las personas”. “Todo el mundo adora el infeccioso espíritu de Bobbie”, dijo Carol Ban, directora del programa en YUM. “Su entusiasmo se lo contagia a todo el mundo”. Los clientes rutinarios de Gamble también se benefician de su servicio personalizado - le pregunta a los clientes que artículos les gusta, y el comprador de productos de YUM los adquiere. “Un chico me estaba pidiendo papaya y okra, así es que me aseguré de que las tuviera”, dijo ella. “Yo se lo que quieren todos mis clientes”. Cuando los clientes hacen pedidos especiales, Gamble regresa la próxima semana con una funda personal para ellos. También comparte recetas con clientes y ofrece buenos concejos en todo desde la maduración de la fruta hasta el contenido nutritivo. “Yo intercambio recetas con ella todo el tiempo”, dijo Blossom Graham, une asistente de enfermera certificada en Isabella. “Siempre encuentro algo interesante en ella”. Gamble dijo que sin duda los guineos son el artículo más popular, como también la col rizada. “Todo el mundo está haciendo jugos en estos días”, dijo con una risa. Tanto el mercado de YUM como el carrito han probado ser buenos para los empleados de Isabella. “La gente puede comprar cosas en su hora de almuerzo, y no tienen que preocuparse acerca de comprar luego del trabajo”, explicó Gamble. “Es realmente conveniente”, dijo Gina 22 “Yo vengo aquí casi todas las semanas”, dijo Joanne Hamilton. Monzon empleada de Isabella. “Todo aquí es fresco y económico”. El mercado YUM fue establecido hace cinco años atrás para proveer productos frescos a los envejecientes y otros miembros de la comunidad en el vecindario que rodea el recinto de Isabella. “Esta área puede parecer como un desierto de alimentos”, señaló Ban. “Hemos presenciado muchos envejecientes tomar un autobús hacia otro vecindario solo para conseguir fruta y vegetales frescos”. Aunque el mercado sirvió a un propósito comenzando, Ban dijo que se necesitaba un nuevo modelo. “Al principio, entregábamos paquetes preempacados de alimento fresco”, describió Ban. “Algunas veces era demasiada comida para comer, y ellos también les gusta tomar sus Gamble suena su campana. propias decisiones”. Fue entonces cuando el mercado fue transformado en una experiencia de autoservicio similar a los supermercados y bodegas. Todo el producto de YUM es adquirido fresco cada miércoles en la mañana del Mercado de Hunts Point. Representantes de ‘City Harvest’ frecuentemente presentan demostraciones de cocina saludable en el lugar, dijo Ban. Un año atrás, Gamble sugirió añadir un carrito móvil para llegar a más clientes en el gran complejo de Isabella – tanto para los empleados que no podían salir de sus trabajos para visitar el mercado, como también los residentes más ancianos que no podían bajar. “Era esencialmente como hacer de YUM uno móvil”, señaló Ban. “Fue un gran éxito”. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com “It’s really convenient,” said Isabella worker Gina Monzon. “Word of mouth got out, and now people keep coming,” she said. “But I don’t leave until I sell the last berry.” The YUM Food Market operates every Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Isabella, 515 Audubon Avenue, New York, NY. The market is open to the community. Payment is accepted in the form of cash, checks and EBT SNAP benefits. For more information about YUM or to become a market volunteer, contact Carol Ban at 212.342.9364. A diferencia de muchos puestos de frutas, los cuales solo están abiertos en los meses calientes, el mercado YUM de Isabella y el carrito operan durante todo el año. Ambos están abiertos para cualquiera en la comunidad. Joanne Hamilton, residente del vecindario, es una cliente regular del mercado. “Yo vengo aquí casi todas las semanas”, dijo Hamilton, quien reside en la Avenida Hillside. “La fruta es de mucha mejor calidad que la que compras en la calle”. Es hecho posible a través de una subvención inicial de ‘Atlantic Philanthropies’ y ‘New York Community Trust’, el mercado YUM es dirigido por un grupo de voluntarios de la comunidad. Gamble, quien ha sido voluntaria de Isabella por los pasados cinco años, pasa varias horas paseando su carrito por los alrededores del lugar todos los miércoles. Se queda para coger al segundo turno, y hasta le vende a maestros de la cercana Escuela Superior George Washington y P.S. 189. “La gente lo dice, y ahora las personas siguen viniendo”, dijo ella. “Pero no me voy hasta que vendo la última baya”. El Mercado de Alimentos YUM opera todos los miércoles de 11 a.m. a 4 p.m. en Isabella, 515 Avenida Audubon, New York, NY. El mercado está abierto a la comunidad. Los pagos son aceptados en la forma de efectivo, cheques y beneficios EBT SNAP. Para más información acerca de YUM o para convertirse en voluntario/a, comuníquese con Carol Ban al 212.342.9364. Pedestrian from p9 UNTERHALTER AND TRUHN Jessie Unterhalter and Katey Truhn are a Baltimore-based artist team striving to transform public spaces into playful and vibrant experiences. They have been collaborating on large-scale murals since 2012. The all-inclusive and socially engaging nature of creating art for the public is a driving force in their art making. Their work explores themes of movement and symmetry. Inspired by bold color combinations, woven textiles, and the architectural surfaces of each environment, their dynamic paintings often curve around corners and spill onto the ground. For more information about the DOT Art Program, visit www.nyc.dot.gov/dotart. Nick Kuszyk. NICK KUSZYK Since 1999, Nick Kuszyk has been creating context informed performative interventions combining multiple disciplines including: sculpture, painting, public works, costume design, performative physical actions, behavioral studies, etc. In 2000, Kuszyk dedicated himself entirely to the “anti-commercial” brand known as the “RRobots” amassing roughly 7,000 paintings, 50 murals, a children’s book, and dozens of zines. With the RRobots’ highly refined and rapidly evolving language, Kuszyk implemented, amalgamated, referenced, criticized, distorted, appropriated, and celebrated countless formal and narrative aspects of painting, society, and human experience/existence. In more recent years, Kuszyk has expanded the scope of his studio practices through avenues that range from geometric abstract painting, narrative representational painting, and interactive sound and sculptural installations. He has painted dozens of murals around the world. Jessie Unterhalter and Katey Truhn. CEKIS Nelson Rivas, or “Cekis,” is a self-taught painter who was born in Santiago, Chile in 1976. He became one of a handful of young artists whose work was able to transcend local communities and ignite a massive street art and graffiti culture movement in Chile in the mid 90’s. Since his early days painting murals in high school, Cekis’ work has been inspired by politics, Cekis. social ideas and people. He moved to New York City in the summer of 2004. He has artistically collaborated with the Bronx Museum, Brooklyn Arts Council, The Point CCC, BRIC’s Rotunda Gallery, BOPA in Baltimore and more. APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com 23 YO CAMINO... I WALK... JOIN US! Please join the Acacia Team #7429 on May 17, 2015 at the 30th Annual AIDS Walk in Central Park. All community residents are welcome to join and walk together with members of the Acacia team. Those interested in walking, sponsoring or making a donation are invited to visit www.aidswalk.net/newyork. Or stop by the Casa Promesa Security Desk, located at 308 East 175th Street, and pick up a registration form. Registration forms are also available throughout all Acacia Network sites. Please note that in-house registration will end Friday, May 15th, 2015. All participants will meet on May 17th, 2015 at 9:30 a.m. at 59th Street and Fifth Avenue at the AIDS WALK entrance. For more information, please contact Emily Hart, Director of Community Health at 718.893.6555. We look forward to walking with you! ¡ÚNASE! Únase al equipo Acacia #7429 el 17 de mayo de 2015 en la 30a Caminata Anual del SIDA en Central Park. Todos son bienvenidos para unirse y caminar junto con los miembros del equipo Acacia. Aquellos interesados en caminar, ser patrocinador o hacer una donación, son invitados a visitar www.aidswalk.net/newyork. También pueden pasar por el mostrador de seguridad de Casa Promesa, ubicado en el 308 de la calle 175 este, y recoger un formulario de inscripción, los cuales también están disponibles en todos los sitios de la Red Acacia. Tenga en cuenta que las inscripciones internas finalizarán el viernes 15 de mayo de 2015. Todos los participantes se encontrarán el 17 de mayo de 2015 a las 9:30 a.m. en la calle 59 y la Quinta avenida, en la entrada de la Caminata Anual del SIDA. Para mayor información, por favor contacte a Emily Hart, directora de Salud Comunitaria en el teléfono 718.893.6555. ¡Esperamos caminar con usted! www.acacianetwork.org 24 APRIL 22, 2015 • Manhattan Times • www.manhattantimesnews.com
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