European Trade Union Committee for Education
EI European Region
Education International
Internationale de l'Education
Internacional de la Educación
TO: F.E.CC.OO and FETE-UGT, ETUCE Members in Spain
Brussels, 23 March 2015
Christine BLOWER
Andreas KELLER
5, Bd du Roi Albert II, 9th
1210 Brussels, Belgium
Tel +32 2 224 06 91/92
Fax +32 2 224 06 94
[email protected]
European Director
Martin RØMER
Ref.: MR/AKR/9786
Subject: Solidarity with the ETUCE member organisation F.E.CC.OO and FETE-UGT
Dear colleagues,
ETUCE, the EI European Region, expresses strong solidarity with its member organisations in Spain,
F.E.CC.OO and FETE-UGT, for their participation in today’s strike action. You have joined the
"Plataforma Estatal por la Escuela Pública", an alliance of organisations who have committed
themselves to protect the public education system in Spain. The Plataforma called for this protest
action to send a clear sign to the government and the public that quality education is at stake.
Participating in the action, you warn strongly about the deteriorating situation in Spain’s higher
education system. According to you, the government passed recent reforms with concern for the
higher education sector without any involvement of the social partners but using the power of
three royal decrees instead. Apparently, these reforms could seriously affect Spain’s university
system with regards to the provision of funds as well as to the employment situation at
universities. Furthermore, this development leads to a situation where private universities would
again be advantaged over public universities. The reforms have apparently also brought new
regulations impacting on the teaching certification system which could threaten the quality of
education even more. For the people protesting today it is about time to protect their sector.
This is why the teacher unions and other education stakeholders do jointly take this drastic step
today which shall draw the public’s attention to the threat posed to education at public
universities. ETUCE hopes that the government will then make a more responsible step with regard
to the imminent threats to quality in education. Strengthening the sector rather than ignoring the
trade unions’ views on sectoral issues are important to Spain’s educational and economic future.
ETUCE supports your demands which include the involvement of the university community in any
possible future reform concerning the university system. You rightly turn against deregulation and
flexibility in the establishment of schools and universities, against the facilitation of accreditations
and against changes which affect the funding of public universities. With this action, you express
your opposition against the threats to public education, democracy and education quality.
ETUCE hopes for a reversal from this unsustainable situation and urges the Spanish government to
co-operate with the teacher trade unions to guarantee best quality education for all students.
ETUCE will keep supporting you in your efforts to fight for the quality of the public higher
education. Please, feel free to use this message with government officials or the media.
In solidarity,
Martin Rømer
European Director
The European Trade Union Committee for Education (ETUCE) is the European Region of Education International, the global
umbrella organisation of teacher unions. It represents 129 teacher unions in Europe, i.e. more than 11 million teachers from
all levels of the education sector (pre-primary, primary, secondary & higher education, vocational education & training) in all
countries of Europe. ETUCE is a social partner in education at EU level and a trade union federation of the ETUC, the
European Trade Union Confederation.