2015 Conference on Transatlantic Studies Intersections of Memory and Violence in the Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian World Organizers Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández Mercedes Lopez Rodriguez Special Acknowledgments The organizers of the 2015 Conference on Transatlantic Studies wish to thank the institutions and people who have made this event possible through grants, technical assistance and administrative support. We are grateful for the support of our colleagues in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. We would also like to acknowledge the generous support of the professors, instructors, and graduate students of the Spanish Program. We are particularly grateful toward Nicholas Vazsonyi, Jorge Camacho, Lisa Martin-Stuart, David Britt, Isis Sadek, Andrew Rajca, Terri Lucas, Dee Dee Cronise, Catherine Moring, Julia Luján, Hugo Pascual Bordón, Benjamín García Egea, Jinmei Chen, Gabrielle Kuenzli, Alejandro García Lemos, Britt Hunt, Margarito Asiain, Carol Papaletsos and Dre López. 1 The 2015 Conference on Transatlantic Studies is funded by The University of South Carolina Office of the Provost Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Dean College of Arts and Sciences Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures Spanish Program Latin American Studies Program Department of Theatre and Dance and Palmetto Luna Arts 2 Special Guests Dr. Sebastiaan Faber is Professor of Hispanic Studies at Oberlin College, where he directs the Center for Languages and Cultures and chairs the Latin American Studies program. He has published some seventy articles on Spanish and Latin American literature and culture, is the author of Exile and Cultural Hegemony: Spanish Intellectuals in Mexico, 1939-1975 (Vanderbilt, 2002) and Anglo-American Hispanists and the Spanish Civil War: Hispanophilia, Commitment, and Discipline (Palgrave, 2008), and has coedited Contra el olvido. El exilio expañol en Estados Unidos (U de Alcalá, 2009). Since 2010 he serves as the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives Dr. Susana Draper is Associate Professor of Comparative Literature at Princeton University. She is the author of Ciudad posletrada y tiempos lúmpenes: crítica cultural y nihilismo en la cultura de fin de siglo (Montevideo, Amuleto 2009) and Afterlives of Confinement: Spatial Transitions in Latin America (U of Pittsburgh Press, 2012). She is currently working on two book manuscripts: Experiments in Freedom and Cognitive Democracy in 1968 Mexico and Dual power, motley societies, and the turn to the commons (René Zavaleta Mercado and Raquel Gutiérrez). Photo: Sabrina Casirolli Daniel Brittany Chávez is a two-spirit performance artist-militant intellectual and activist currently based in San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México. Daniel is a Doctoral Candidate in communication studies (performance studies) at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a Core Troupe Member of La Pocha Nostra. He has performed and taught in the United States, México, Canada, Costa Rica, Spain, The Netherlands, among others. Daniel's written work has appeared in Text and Performance Quarterly, The Feminist Wire, No More Potlucks, Calle 14: Revista de Investigación en el Campo de Arte, Liminalities: A Journal of Performance Studies, among others. For more, please visit: www.brittanydchavez.org 3 In partnership with the 2015 Transatlantic Conference Palmetto Luna Arts presents the art exhibit How did you feel about aggressions, bullying, marginalization, assault, exile, migration, rejection and prejudice? How have we coped with racial tensions, political repression, gender bias and irrational attacks? How do we survive on a daily basis the pain of living in a world filled with violence, disdain, inequality and negligence? Furthermore, what is the role of artists who have lived within a thicket of tensions, in a world that prefers to ignore this generalized violence and ostracize itself in the individual comfort of the internet, social media and reality shows? And overall, how do we remember, overcome and cope with violence? “Violenta – Memoria” constructs a multifaceted perspective in its approach to the intersection of these two issues through the lenses of three different artists, Michaela Pilar Brown, Diana Farfán, and Eliana Pérez. Some of these approaches are blunt or literal, while others make a more subtle use of metaphors and nuances. What are your memories about violence? Curated by Alejandro García Lemos. 4 Participant Artists Michaela Pilar Brown is an image and object maker. She studied sculpture and art history at Howard University, though she has always been a maker of things. Born in Bangor, Maine and raised in Denver, Colorado, she cut her teeth in the halls of a museum where her mother worked as a security guard. As a practicing artist and curator she has been immersed in the culture of objects, their making and interpretation ever since. Her current art practice focuses on cultural hierarchies relating to beauty, and how race and history play into these caste systems. She explores issues of identity and notions of otherness as defined in American standards of beauty using a combination of performance and staged photography, and is interested in the politics of the body with respect to race and gender. www.Michaelapilarbrown.com Diana Farfán Born in Bogotá, Colombia, Diana Farfán is a full-time studio artist. She received her BFA in Bogotá at the National University of Colombia in 1999, and her MFA in Ceramics at the University of South Carolina in 2010. Diana, who now lives and works in Greenville, SC, also studied at the University of Anchorage, AK, and at the Tainan National University of the Arts in Taiwan as exchange student. Diana’s work has been shown and won numerous awards such as Best in Show at Workhouse Clay National 2014 in Lorton, VA; 2nd Prize in Flat Out Under Pressure 2014 at Metropolitan Arts Council, Greenville, SC; Artisphere’s Emerging Artist Award 2013, Greenville, SC; Outstanding Thesis Award Winner at University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC (2010); Best in Show in 52nd Annual Department of Art Student Show at University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC (2008). www.dianafarfan.com 5 Eliana Pérez is a Colombian artist based in New York City. She studied Fine Arts and Printmaking at the Universidad Nacional in Bogotá, Colombia and Bookmaking at Cooper Union in New York City. Eliana is an associated artist of the Brooklyn Artists Alliance, an artist-run collective dedicated to exhibiting, distributing and publishing innovative artist books as an art form. Her latest exhibitions include “Hunted” Institute of Fine arts, New York University, New York, N.Y. 2014, “Migration Narratives” Pelham Art Center, Pelham, N.Y. 2014, “Diamond Leaves” Houston Printing Museum, Houston, TX 2014, “Diamond Leaves” Beijing China 2013. Her drawings have been published in The NY Times, NY times Book Review, Poetry Magazine and have been selected for publication in the American Illustration anthologies. www.elianaperez.com Alejandro García-Lemos is a visual artist based between Columbia, SC and Atlanta, GA. He holds an MA in Latin American and Caribbean Studies from Florida International University in Miami, and a BA in Graphic Design from the School of Arts at the National University in Bogotá, Colombia. As an artist and curator his work has focused on social issues, mostly on aspects of immigration, sexuality, biculturalism, religion and community. Alejandro is a member of the National Association of Latino Arts and Culture (NALAC), as well as the founder of Palmetto & LUNA a nonprofit organization promoting Latino Arts and Cultures in South Carolina. Over the past 15 years, Alejandro has tangentially worked as curator for solo and group shows in alternative spaces including the Friday Cottage Art Space in Columbia, SC. www.garcialemos.com 6 Program TH THURSDAY, MARCH 26 4- 6 pm Registration. Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures. 1620 College Street. Welsh Humanities Office Building, office 706. Columbia, SC 29208 6:15 pm Opening Ceremony. (University of South Carolina. Gambrell Hall 153). -Welcome and opening remarks: Dr. Nicholas Vazsonyi, Chair of the Department Languages, Literatures, and Cultures & Dr. Jorge Camacho, Spanish Program Director. -Dr. Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández & Dr. Mercedes Lopez Rodriguez, Conference Co-chairs. 6:30 pm Inaugural Plenary Talk. -Professor Sebastiaan Faber (Oberlin College). “From ¿Por qué no te callas? to ¡Claro que podemos!: Transatlantic Relations in a Post-post-Franco Spain” 8:00 pm Opening Reception. -“Violenta/Memoria.” Friday Cottage Henderson St. Columbia, SC, 29201 Art Space 1830 TH FRIDAY, MARCH 27 All events for the day will be hosted at Inn at USC Wyndham Garden 1619 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201 8:30 – 10: 15am Panel 1. Retablos transatlánticos de la memoria Moderator: Jorge Camacho Carolina Room A -Katrina M. Heil, East Tennessee State University. “Treating PTSD with Tragic Catharsis: Historical Memory in Usigli’s Corona de sombra and Buero Vallejo’s El sueño de la razón” 7 -Kelliann Flores, Suffolk County Community College. “The Performance of Local Memory: Castro Pacheco’s Hall of History Murals” -Maidelin Rodríguez, University of Miami. “Restaurar es volver a vivir: revisión y transformación del yo a través de la memoria en El pájaro de la felicidad” -Isabel Gómez Sobrino, East Tennessee State University. “Memoria, poesía y canción: los autorretratos de Antonio Machado y José Martí en las voces de Pablo Milanés y Joan Manuel Serrat” Panel 2. Dominación y represión en planteamientos narrativos, teatrales y visuales en torno a las dictaduras argentina, chilena y española Moderator: Andrew Rajca Carolina Room B -Stephanie Orozco, University of South Carolina. “La violencia estatal en el Teatro Abierto argentino” -Hugo Pascual Bordón, University of South Carolina. “Representaciones de la violencia antes, durante y después de la dictadura chilena en Roberto Bolaño, Pedro Lemebel y Pablo Larraín” -Benjamín García Egea, University of South Carolina. “La hegemonía masculina como memoria del franquismo en las novelas de Petra Delicado” -Benjamín Rodríguez, University of South Carolina “Pasado olvidado y futuro ambivalente: Arte carnavalesco y posmodernismo en Estrella distante de Roberto Bolaño" 10: 30am - 12: 15pm Panel 3. Raza, discurso colonial y memoria Moderator: Jorge Camacho Carolina Room A 8 -Cristina Díaz, Maestría en Letras Portuguesas UNAM. “A Mercy y Casa Grande & Senzala: perspectivas éticas y estéticas sobre el esclavismo” -Jorge Camacho, University of South Carolina. “La memoria de Haití: el miedo como concepto originario de la nación” -Jennifer Slobodian, University of South Carolina. “A Female Take on the Colonizing Gaze: Representing the Other on Film in Brava gente brasileira and También la lluvia” -Olga Ríos, St. Joseph’s College-Patchogue, NY. “Con la hebilla en la mano: Defying Colonial Discourse in What Killed Marcelo Lucero? by playwright Margarita Espada” -Patricia Arroyo Calderón, Ohio State University. “Crónicas de la Conquista, testimonio ocular y violencia epistémica: un martirologio americano y el problema de la agencia en la Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias” Panel 4. Exilios y retornos Moderator: Diego Mattos Vazualdo Carolina Room B -David A. Messenger, University of Wyoming. “Exile, Rights and Democracy: Making Memory in Contemporary Catalonia” -Kyle Lawton, Tulane University. “Dialogues in Exile: Representations of Spanish Identity from Mexico, France and the Peninsula” -Seth Roberts, The University of Alabama. “To Return is to Awaken from a Long Dream: Exile and Repatriation in Gaspar Pedro González’s El retorno de los mayas” LUNCH 12:15- 2: 00pm 2:00- 3:45pm Panel 5. Repensando dictadura y post dictadura en Suramérica: memoria, derechos humanos y representación Moderator: Isis Sadek 9 Carolina Room A -Andrew C. Rajca, University of South Carolina. “Undoing the Ethical Fusion of Memory and Human Rights in Postdictatorial Culture” -Rocío Zalba, Columbia College. “La deshumanización y la memoria en la Argentina del siglo XXI” -William R. Benner, Tulane University. “Betrayal and Redemption in the Film Los rubios (2003) by Albertina Carri” -Andrés Alberto Masi, Universidad Católica de Cuyo, Argentina. “Transiciones hacia regímenes democráticos. La influencia política de las fuerzas armadas sobre el liderazgo presidencial de Raúl Alfonsín (1983-1989)” Panel 6. Memorias rotas: Trauma, dolor y exilio de la Guerra Civil Española Moderator: Francisco J. Sánchez Carolina Room B -Adina Pascalau, The University of Alabama. “Unidos en el dolor: pasos hacia la reconciliación nacional en El lápiz del carpintero” -Shelly Hines-Brooks, The University of Alabama. “Selección de recuerdos desde el exilio: Una memoria exiliada en El corazón helado” -Betsy Brooks Poole, Lee University. “Forever Marked: Scars and the Human Body as Problematic Archives of Memory in Felipe Matarranz’s Manuscrito de un superviviente” -Ana Corbalán, The University of Alabama. “Ética y estética de la memoria femenina desde el exilio” 4:00-5:45pm Panel 7. Intersecciones entre visualidades y textualidades en la construcción de la memoria Moderator: Paul Malovrh Carolina Room A 10 -Anna Shilova, SUNY, Stony Brook. “Textually Embodied Violence in P. Almodóvar and A. G. Iñárritu” -María Mabrey, University of South Carolina. “La tiranía del poder, sujeción femenina y la posguerra española en Agustí Villaronga, Pa negre” -Matthew Fehskens, East Tennessee State University. “The Looking Glass of the Atlantic: The Poetic Self-Portrait on Both Coasts of Hispanic Modernism” -Raquel Anido, Clemson University. “Música y literatura: El caso de Carmen Martín Gaite” 6:00- 7:30 PM Plenary Session: Uncomfortable Voices, Improper Places: Towards the Future of Memory Studies... Dr. Susana Draper (Princeton University) Carolina Room SATURDAY, MARCH 28TH All events for the day will be hosted at Inn at USC Wyndham Garden 1619 Pendleton Street Columbia, SC 29201 9: 00- 10:45am Panel 8. Otra maldita ponencia sobre memoria histórica Moderator: Francisco J. Sánchez Carolina Room A -Nuño Castellanos Díez, University of Georgia, Athens. “Los españoles que liberaron París. Los surcos del azar de Paco Roca. Memoria histórica y arte secuencial” -Manuel Pinto Barragán, University of Georgia, Athens. “El poeta y el recuerdo: recuperación de la memoria histórica a través de la poesía” 11 -David Martínez, University of “Multiperspectivismo en El vano ayer” Georgia, Athens. -Jaume Antuñano San Luis, University of Georgia, Athens. “La represión del tardofranquismo en Salvador de Manuel Huerga” Panel 9. Memorias entre el horror y la transgresión Moderator: Patricia Arroyo Calderón Carolina Room B -Adrianne Woods, University of South Carolina. “Fairy Tales and Testimonies: Jorge Volpi’s Oscuro bosque oscuro” -Andrea Lemire, Dutch Fork High School. “Family violence and horror highlights PTSD in post-war Spain in El secreto de Elisa by Adelaida García Morales” -Antonio Bentivegna, Ohio State University. “Memorias, trasgresión y censura en La familia de Pascual Duarte de Camilo José Cela” -Ángela Martín Pérez, University of Connecticut. “Dos caras de la bohemia madrileña” 11:00am- 12: 45pm Panel 10. Géneros de enunciación de la memoria: novela negra, novela gráfica y ciencia ficción Moderator: José Eduardo Cornelio Carolina Room A -Elena Adell, University of North Carolina, Asheville. “Novela negra y novela histórica: la imaginación dialógica de Leonardo Padura” -Diego Espiña Barros, University of St. Francis. “El día que mi padre comenzó a hablar. La representación de la memoria traumática de la Guerra Civil Española en Un largo silencio de Miguel Gallardo” -Juan David Cruz, University of South Carolina. “Cold War Paranoia and Terror of the Alien in The Americas: Watchmen and El Eternauta” 12 -Héctor Fernández L'Hoeste, Georgia State University. “The Lash! Race, Revisionism, and Nostalgia in Brazilian History” LUNCH 12:45- 2-30pm 3:00- 5:00pm Panel 11. Las imágenes de la memoria Moderator: Raúl Diego Rivera Hernández Carolina Room A -Betina Kaplan, University of Georgia. “Memorias interactivas y transformaciones fotográficas: del ensayo fotográfico al esténcil en Argentina” -Cristiane Lira, University of Georgia. “O intervalo transformador e o caso da memória (in)domesticada em Que bom te ver viva” -Leda Carolina Lozier, University of Georgia. “Hacia una interpretación visual del testimonio sobre la tortura en Nunca estuve sola de Nidia Díaz” -Marcela Reales Visbal, University of Georgia. “Animación 2D y stop-motion: Estrategias de enunciación en Los rubios (2003) y El edificio de los chilenos (2010)” Panel 12. Del archivo a los muros: la inscripción pública de la memoria Moderator: Mercedes Lopez Rodriguez Carolina Room B -Jeremy Patterson, University of South Carolina. “El género de la crónica y la violencia del narcotráfico en México” -José Eduardo Cornelio, Georgetown University. “Ficciones inefables: Violencia, archivo y poéticas de lo indecible en tres novelas latinoamericanas contemporáneas” -Mercedes Lopez Rodriguez, University of South Carolina. “Entrando al archivo por la puerta de atrás: el archivo judicial como estrategia de ladinización en El Material Humano de Rodrigo Rey Rosa” 13 -Diego Mattos Vazualdo, Saint Michael’s College. “Proyectos de imaginario en la línea de fuego: la nación boliviana en tres diarios de campaña” -Whitney Anne Waites, University of Arizona. “Anti-FIFA Graffiti of São Paulo: Protest or Perpetuation?” 6:15pm Gathering in the lobby of the Hotel USC Wyndham Garden 6:30pm Shuttles to the Lab Theatre depart 7pm Performance at The Lab Theatre De eso no se habla Remix by Daniel Brittany Chavez. Booker T. Washington Building, 1400 Wheat St. Columbia, SC,29208 "De Eso No Se Habla Remix" is a performance/action art piece that contends with feminicide and transicide violence in an era of state terror in México. Using the body, sound, space, and materials, and movement, the performance asks, "how can we make the lives of those murdered present through politicizing what we see as 'the' body?" This performance includes adult content such as nudity and symbolic violence. 14
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