THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 8 MARCH 2015 TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA Saint Ignatius of Loyola Church 322 North Avenue 6 1 Los Angeles, CA 90042 website: phone: 3 2 3 . 2 5 6 . 3 0 4 1 email: [email protected] Lent 2015 Make your hearts firm. Cuaresma 2015: Fortalezcan sus corazones. Welcome Bienvenido “To Love and to Serve”/“Amar y Servir” Rev. EDWIN C. DUYSHART, pastor/párroco Deacon LUIS SAHAGUN Sunday Liturgies / Liturgias Dominicales Sat./Sab. 5:00pm Sun./Dom. 7:00am (en español) 9:00am 11:00am [w/ Children’s Lit. of the Word] 1:00pm [esp., con la Lit. de la Palabra para Niños] Ms. TERI MEZA ROSENAU, business manager/administradora Sisters Eucharistic Evangelizers of the Poor Hnas. Evangelizadoras Eucarísticas de los Pobres Sr. Graciela Silva, EEP (Superior / Superiora) 6121 Aldama Street — 323.255.6846 PARISH SCHOOL/ESCUELA PARROQUIAL 6025 Monte Vista St. 323.255.6456 Principal: Ms. Jane McFarren RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/EDUCACIÓN RELIGIOSA Sr. Gemma de la Trinidad, EFMS 323.254.9073 R.E. Hours/Horario de E.R.: MON-TUES-WED/LUN-MAR-MIER 2:30PM-7:30PM FRIDAY/VIERNES 9:30-11:30AM, 2:30-5PM SATURDAY/SÁBADO 8AM-2:30PM PARISH OFFICE HOURS/HORARIO DE LA OFICINA PARROQUIAL MON-FRI/LUN-VIER: 9AM-12:30PM, 1:30-9PM SAT/SAB: 9AM-12:30PM, 1:30-5PM SUN/DOM: 10AM-2:30PM Mabuhay 5:00pm (bilingual/bilingüe) Daily Liturgy/Liturgia Diaria Mon-Fri/Lun-Vier: 7:00am (en español) 8am (Wed: 8:15am w/sch.) 5:30pm (Fridays/viernes) Sat/Sab: 7:00am (en español) 8:00am Reconciliation/Reconciliación Sat/Sab: 3:30pm Baptism/Bautismo Normally the third Saturday of each month, except Lent. Make appointment to make arrangements. Normalmente el cuarto sábado de cada mes, excluyendo la Cuaresma. Haga una cita para hacer arreglos. Marriage/Matrimonio Make appointment with priest at least six months prior to desired date. Haga una cita con el sacerdote de menos seis meses antes de la fecha preferida. Sick Calls/Visitas a los Enfermos Call parish office to make arrangement. Llame a la oficina para solicitar una visita. Quinceañeras Haga una cita con el padre de menos 5 meses antes. Las jóvenes deben estar confirmadas o estar participando en el programa de confirmación. THINKING ABOUT A VOCATION TO THE PRIESTHOOD? Check out this website: VS. SUGGESTIONS MANDAMIENTOS V. SUGERENCIAS Exodus 20:1-17 1 Corinthians 1:22-25 John 2:13-25 COMMANDMENTS Can you recite the Ten Commandments by heart? If you can, great. Even if you don’t have them down exactly the more important question is, “Are you living the Ten Commandments?” Are these special embodiments of the law of love (love of God and love of neighbor) the code by which you live your life? If we truly want to live as God’s people we must. The commandments are basic laws for life, not a smorgasbord of suggestions. It’s too easy for too many people (including those who claim to be Catholic!) to disregard the teachings of the Commandments because they can be inconvenient and they disrupt our “lifestyle” [e.g. “I have more important things to do on Sunday than go to Mass”, “I don’t have the patience to be respectful”, “My needs are more important than others” …]. Jesus today cleanses the Temple of those who are desecrating its holiness. What doesn’t belong in the Temple is chased out. What does Jesus need to cleanse from your life? What attitudes need to be swept away? How do you, a temple of God, need to find new life so that you may be a dwelling where God and neighbor are loved, honored and respected? Let us cleanse our minds and hearts. Perhaps it’s time to start preparing ourselves for our Lenten confession. -Fr. Edwin COLLECTION FOR WEEK OF 1 MARCH COLECTA DE LA SEMANA del 1 marzo Offertory Envelopes / Ofrenda en sobres $6,201. 80 $2,017.71 Loose Collection / Colecta en Efectivo Second Collections $1,110.79 Thank You for your generosity ! Gracias por su generosidad ! MISION CUARESMAL 2015 Parroquia San Ignacio de Loyola Marzo 16 -20 Guiada por el Padre Eduardo Mena, S.S.P. De 7:OO - 9:00 PM En la Iglesia HABRÁ Confesiones y Predicación sobre los Ejercicios de San Ignacio de Loyola. 322 N. Avenue 61 Los Angeles, CA 90042 (323) 256-3041. ¡VEN Y LO VERAS! ¿Puede recitar los Diez Mandamientos? Si puede, ¡qué bueno! Y si no, la pregunta más importante es ¿está viviendo según los Diez Mandamientos? ¿Son estas encarnaciones especiales de la ley del amor (amor de Dios y amor del prójimo) el código por el cual vive su vida? Si verdaderamente queremos vivir como pueblo de Dios, es un deber. Los mandamientos son leyes básicas para la vida no sugerencias. Es muy fácil para muchas personas (incluyendo los que se dicen católicos) ignorar las enseñanzas de los mandamientos porque pueden ser inconvenientes e interrumpen su "estilo de vida" [como, "tengo cosas más importantes que hacer los domingos como para ir a misa", "no tengo la paciencia para ser respetuoso", "mis necesidades son más importantes que la de los demás"...]. Jesús hoy limpia el Templo de aquellos que están profanando su santidad. Lo que no pertenece en el Templo es sacado fuera. ¿Qué necesita sacar Jesús de su vida? ¿Qué actitudes necesitan ser sacudidas? ¿Cómo necesita usted, un templo de Dios, una vida nueva para poder ser morada donde Dios y prójimo son amados, honrados y respetados? Limpiemos nuestras mentes y corazones. Tal vez es tiempo de prepararnos para nuestra confesión cuaresmal. -P.Edwin HOLY WATER Where is it? During Lent we empty the Baptism Font and the Holy Water Fonts at all of the doors because there is rich symbolism during this time. No baptisms take place during Lent. The water is, in a very real sense, dried up. The forty days of Jesus stay in the desert are mirrored in our lives through our forty days of Lent. The new water is blessed at the Easter Vigil and the Catechumens (now called the Elect) are baptized on that Night of Easter (Vigil). If we miss the water; we should. If we long for the return to the water; we should. That is the reason it is gone; so that when it returns in the great Feast of Easter/ Resurrection – we will actually experience blessing and new life! ESTUDIO BIBLICO Te invitamos al estudio bíblico. Nos reunimos todos los lunes, en el Salón Grande de 7 a 9pm Tenemos oración, alabanzas, lectura y estudio de las Escrituras. Es una gran manera de crecer en la FE LENTEN EVENING OF REFLECTIONS This Wednesday, 11 March, at 7:15 in the church we will have a special presentation, “The Joy of the Gospel”. Kay Harter, from the San Fernando Region’s Office of Evangelization, will lead us in an evening of reflection on this important Christian quality based on the wisdom and insights of Pope Francis. Come to the church this Wednesday evening, bring a friend, and let this evening be a way to enlighten your Lent. Other upcoming evenings of reflections are a Lenten evening of reflection just for men (Wed, 25 March) and a Holy Week evening of reflection just for women (Monday, 30 March). ¿Estás enfermo? ¿Conoces alguien que no puede asistir a misa? ¿Te gustaría que reciban la comunión? Los Ministros Extraordinarios de la Sagrada Comunión pueden llevarte la comunión a casa. Favor de llamar a Betty López al CALIFORNIANS AGAINST ASSISTED SUICIDE. California lawmakers are being asked to create a right to die in new legislation recently proposed. SB 128, by Senators Monning (D-Monterey) and Wolk (D-Napa), attempts to legalize doctor-prescribed suicide in the Golden State. CALIFORNIANS AGAINST ASSISTED SUICIDE (CAAS) is a coalition whose members include disability rights advocates, medical professionals, religious organizations and various individuals. The California Catholic Conference is part of this broad coalition that opposes this bill. The coalition points out that government safeguards are inadequate, record keeping in states where assisted suicide is legal are wanting, people are urged to commit suicide for economic, cultural and other reasons and that most doctors oppose the measure for being contrary to their ethical code. Please write your representatives in Sacramento to state your opposition to SB 128. The text of the bill and more resources on the dangers of the practice can be found on CAAS’s website. Assembly member Jimmy Gómez (district 51) State Capitol P.O. Box 942849 Sacramento, CA 94249-0051 / Tel: 916.319.2051 State Senator Kevin León (district 24) State Capitol Room 205 Sacramento, CA 95814 Tel: 916.651.4024 323.258.6535o a la Oficina Parroquial 323.256.3041 Next week, we will take up La próxima semana realizaremos the Collection for the la Colecta para la Iglesia en Church in Latin America. América Latina. Su generosidad en Your generosity to the Collection for the Church in la Colecta para la Iglesia en América Latina es inestimable para el Latin America is invaluable to the future of the faith in futuro de la fe en esta región. Sus donativos financiarán this region. Your donations will fund catechesis, programas de catequesis, matrimonio y vida familiar y la marriage and family life programs, and seminarian formación de seminaristas. Por favor, contribuyan con un corazón formation. Please give with a joyful and generous generoso y lleno de gozo. Por favor, apoyen a programas como heart. Please support programs like these and give éstos y contribuyan generosamente en la colecta de la próxima generously in next week’s collection. semana. A Prayer for Pope Francis (March 13th is the second anniversary of the Pope’s election O God, Source of eternal life and truth, give to Pope Francis a spirit of courage and right judgment, a spirit of knowledge and love. By governing with fidelity those entrusted to his care may he build your Church into a sacrament of unity, love and peace for all the world. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen. el 13 de marzo es el segundo aniversario de la elección del Papa) O Dios, pastor eterno de los fieles, concede a tu siervo Papa Francisco tu espíritu de consejo y fortaleza, de sabiduría y de piedad, para que, fiel a su misión pastoral, edifique tu Iglesia, a un sacramento de unidad, de amor y de paz en el mundo. Por Cristo, nuestro Señor. Amén. SPECIAL INTENTIONS INTENCIONES ESPECIAL ESPECIALES ES SATURDAY, MARCH 7 5:00pm— +Sarah & +Nelly Díaz SUNDAY, MARCH 8 7:00am— +Camerina Castro, +Adalberto Mejía +Irma Delia del Valle 9:00am— +Damian Lopez, +Jose Montañez +Juanita Padilla, +Gerry Gregorio (anniv) , †Alfredo Torres †Concepcion, †Francisco Torres 11:00am— FOR OUR PARISHIONERS 1:00pm— Arisnalda Nájera (cumpleaños) Agustín Rivera (cumpleaños) +Fausto Ramírez, +María Ramírez, +Felipe Ramírez 5:00pm— For the parishioners MONDAY, MARCH 9, ST. FRANCES OF ROME 7:00am— +Antonia Soriano, +Hemelindo & †Karina Cortez 8:00am— For the Children Celebrating their 1st reconciliation TUESDAY, MARCH 10 7:00am— Por los niños celebrando su 1ra confesión 8:00am— +Margo Cloud (death anniv.) WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11 7:00am— Daniel Juarez 8:00am— Rebecca Mactal (birthday), +Aurora Eclavca +Belen M. Montañez (anniv.), +Manuel Tagamolila +Casiana Tagamolila (1st anniv.) THURSDAY, MARCH 12 7:00am-— Por los enfermos 8:00am— +Alicia Hodsfelt FRIDAY , MARCH 13, POPE FRANCIS 2ND ANNIVERSARY 7:00am— Papa Francisco (2º aniv de elección) 8:00am— Pope Francis (2nd anniv of election) 5:30pm— Daniel Juarez SATURDAY, MARCH 14 7:00am—†Antonio Rangel , Juana Espinoza †Jorge Mendoza 8:00am— Ofelia & Francis Benedicto, Lolita Quiogue YOU are invited to join our First Trip of the year to Stateline Saturday - March 21 Leaving St. Ignatius at 6:00am Donation: $35.00 Call early Maria Garcia 323.445.7750 or 323.217.6328 Cell Rectory 256.3041 & ES GAM OF L O TS FUN Burr i Drin to and k on bus the buff and a et a t the casi no Don’t forget to bring some friends! Thank you for your support. All proceeds will benefit our Parish CLASES DE SALUD MENTAL LA IGLESIA DE SAN IGNACIO, LOS DIAS MARTES DE 7PM-9PM FECHAS/TEMAS DE LAS CLASES: 3/24/15 Violencia Domestica. 4/14/15 Técnicas de Padres. 4/21/15 Depresión y Ansiedad. 5/05/15 Abuso de Sustancias. 5/19/15 Abuso Sexual. 6/09/15 Tendencias Suicidas 6/23/15 Pandillas/Graduación PRAY FOR THE SICK † OREN POR LOS ENFERMOS Virginia Almeria Godofredo Aquino Ann Alarcon Rodrico Aqiuno Ernesto Arguello Tom Armenta Maria Armenta Pedro Avina Anthony Bykowski John Calderon Caroline Calderon Efren Calderon Larry Cervantes Billy Christian Michael Chung Kenneth Chung Barbara Coppola Angelina Domini Henri Daniel Delgadillo Ray Engel Rodolfo Esquivel Virginia Evangelista Ma Soledad B. Estrada Martha Fabian Martha G. Figueroa Jose Flores Silvia Free Mrs. Galdamez Mario Guemo Rose Solomon Jimenez, Rafaella B. de Laguna Mari Lara Edith Lapeña Betty Ling Richard Lopez Arcelia Lopez Lolita Quioque Betty Mc Crillis Rowena Manuel Marilyn Mara Maria Medina Severino Mendoza Januaria Nepomuceno Gilbert Miranda Manuel M. Ornedo Betty Owens Michael Owens Juliana Pasia Clara Piñeda Mary Provencio Teresa Ramirez Jackie Ramirez Josephine Rosiles Tania Sokolow Mary V. Valenzuela Armando Velasquez Miguel Navarro Paredes JUEVES SANTO 2 DE ABRIL 2015 A LAS 6:00 P.M. EN EL SALÓN PARROQUIAL CONTINUAREMOS CON LA PROCESIÓN DEL “ VÍA CRUCIS” EL VIERNES SANTO, 3 DE ABRIL A LAS 12:00 P.M. COMENZANDO EN EL TEMPLO DE SAN IGNACIO DE LOYOLA 322 N. AVENUE 61 LOS ANGELES, CA. 90042 (323) 256-3041 ACOMPAÑANOS! GOOD THURSDAY 2 OF APRIL 2015 AT 6:00 P.M. CHURCH LARGE HALL WE WILL CONTINUE WITH THE PROCESSION OF “WAY OF THE CROSS” BREAKFAST AND MINI GOODS SALE March 8, 2015 PLEASE COME AND SUPPORT US. Sponsored by the St. Vincent de Paul ON GOOD FRIDAY 3 18 OF APRIL 2015 AT 12:00 P.M. COMENCING AT THE CHURCH OF ST. IGNATIOUS OF LOYOLA 322 N. AVE 61 St. Ignatius of Loyola Church Will be hosting a Family Night Out Date: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 Time: 4:00pm – 9:00pm Location : The Capri Italian Restaurant 4604 Eagle Rock Blvd Los Angeles CA 90041 323.257.3225 Present this flyer from 4:00pm to 9:00pm 15 -20% of your purchase will be donated to : St. Ignatius of Loyola Church We look forward to your support on March 22 for our next sale… 2015 Parish Walk a thon Committee STATIONS OF THE CROSS /VIA CRUCIS On the Fridays of Lent we will celebrate the Stations of the Cross at 6:30pm in English and at 7:30pm in Spanish. You are all invited to participate in the traditional Lenten observance. Los viernes de Cuaresma celebraremos el Vía Crucis a las 6:30pm en inglés y a las 7:30pm en español. Todos están invitados a participar en estas prácticas tradiciones de la St. Ignatius of Loyola School OPEN REGISTRATION! St. Ignatius of Loyola School, our Parish school, is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 school year. There are still openings available in TK-8th grades. St. Ignatius of Loyola School teaches the whole child in a secure, loving environment while encouraging the child to be a lifelong learner. Call the school office, 323-255-6456, to arrange a personal tour and see what an amazing education awaits your child! Tuition Assistance available for qualifying families St. Ignatius Students Participate in the Archdiocesan Academic Decathlon ! Congratulations to the 2014-2015 St. Ignatius of Loyola Academic Decathlon Team! We are so proud of each and everyone of you who participated yesterday in the event at the Sports Arena. 5th Annual Parish Walk-A-Thon April 11,2015 Rose Bowl, meet at lot K @ 9:00am Register for this event on Sunday after all masses Your pets are welcome to come! Cuarta Caminata Anual de la parroquia 11 de abril del 2015 En el Rose Bowl, reuniéndonos en el estacionamiento K a las 9:00am Inscríbase para este evento el domingo después de las misas. Sus mascotas están invitadas a participar.
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