Venue Guide map 心で感じ、人々が交わる新しい旅のスタイ 人々が交わる新しい旅のスタイル ル Special Light Up until 10PM Approx time required 2hours Former Ito Residence Honmaru & Kita-no-kuruwa, Botanical Garden charge Admission Former Umeda Residence P P Admission Charged Dates and Hours 1 April to 23 November 9AM to 5PM Between 23 April - 5 May Honmaru & Kita-no-kuruwa 7AM - 9PM Botanical Garden 9AM - 6PM Free Entry on the last Sunday of May Performance stage 桜 WC の ン ●Civic Gymnasium Entrance C ネ ル E Stalls シャトルバス (予約制) df 平成2 6 年 4 月 4 日(金) aeeeeeeesdf ∼1 0 月3 1 日(金) ※金・土・日、祝日運行 (さくら・ねぷたまつり期間は、毎日運行) 片道 2 ,5 0 0 円 (往復4 ,0 0 0 円) 弘南バス T E L 0 1 7 2 -3 8 -1 2 1 2 Wheelchair Assistance Volunteered Guides ❷East Entrance Botanical Garden North information Prunus leveilleana Kasumizakura(1715) Temp. Police Box First Aid Botanical Garden WC Highlights in BG Approx. 40 kinds of cherry blossoms (Oyamazakura) Buna Forest in Early Spring Weeds (Katakuri & Kikuzaki ichirinsou) Oishibugaku style garden Volunteered Guides AED 自動体外式 除細動器 (Automated External Defibrillator) 設置場所 WC Festival Headquarters WC Stalls Botanical Garden South Information Wheelchair Center Assistance AED Tsugaru Tamenobu Bronze Satue W C center Botanical Garden Entrance Civic Hall Hirosaki Cultural center Higashi-mon Gate Sugi-no-Ohashi Tatsumi Turret Bridge Museum AED P Around the Park 弘前 弘前・ ・十和田湖間 十和田湖間 Ukon (Yellow cherry) NHK WC Inner South Gate Designed by Maekawa Kunio Designed by Maekawa Kunio Garden Center ハ Lesuire sheet Rental Gejo WC bashi South Entrance Bridge Ticket Office A The Caslte Tower and the Gejo-bashi Temp. AED Ticket Office Bridge Temp. Post office Ninomaru Hitsujisaru Turret 2015 Fire Work Grand Prix Competition 30th Tsugaru Major 5 Folk song National Competition Hirosaki is conducting 'take your litter home' campaign. Please take your litter home. Thank you. Hirosaki Yukiakari (Yaezakura) WC Inner East Gate WC 2015 34th Tsugaru Jamisen World Competition Starts from 10AM 5 May Venue/ Hirosaki Civic Hall Admission charge / 1000yen Jonkara/Yosare/Ohara/Aiya/ Sansagari ニ Otakizakura Hirosaki Technical High School Enter in 9:00AM 3,4 May Venue/ Hirosaki Civic Hall Admission Charge/ Daily Pass 2000yen 2 day pass 3500yen Temp. Ticket Office Temporary Ticket Office (for groups) ❸Chuo High School Entrance Hirosaki Chuo high school In the Park ❼Tech. High School Entrance Gardening information AED center Looking up the castle you can Ushitora San-nosee the swirling petals of cherry Turret maru blossom ロ Japan's oldest Somei Yoshino cherry blossom tree (1882) WC WC Literally Cherry blossom tunnel! Enjoy Cherry blossom flurry! イ Green tea service (fee charged) Nishi-noKuruwa ❾Cherry Blossom Tunnel Entrance Japan's thickest Somei Yoshino Wheelchair Assistance Stalls ホ Castle tower (Castle museum) (Return) JR Hirosaki station ↔ City Office Designed by Maekawa Kunio WC Honmaru (Outward) 100yen Loop Bus D Yaebeni shidare ト A fine view of Mt.Iwaki JR Hirosaki station ↔ Apple Park 西 濠 West Gate Ticket Office Tamenobu Area patrolled by police Yon-no-maru Information AED WC ・Konan shuttle bus Spooky house and other entertaining facillities Local products Kita-noshop Kuruwa Butokuden ・Lounge ・Local products East Enrance Ticket Office AED B 10 P Bus stop Stalls ❻Shunyo-Bashi Entrance Enjoy Cherry blossom scenery that looks just like Potomac River in Washington D.C WC Neputa Village WC Kamenoko-mon gate WC ※A group should be more than 10 people. Kawasaki Dye Works Yon-no-maru ❺Ichiyo-Bashi Entrance Adult 5 1 0 y e n (group 4 6 0 yen) Child 1 6 0 y e n (group 1 3 0 yen) AED ED Ishiba Residence F Gokoku Shrine P Honmaru& Kita-no-kuruwa, Botanical Garden and Fujita Memorial Garden (1day per facility) Civic Gymnasium ❹ North Entrance Wheelchair Assistance Tsugaru Folk songs Tsugaru-jamisen Teodori dance and etc Traditional performing arts Honmaru&Kitanokuruwa Botanical Garden Admission Adult 3 1 0 y e n (Group 2 5 0 yen) Child 1 0 0 y e n (Group 8 0 yen) Ticket for Three Facilities Mt.Iwaki is reflected on the surface of the moat here Nakacho Historical Residence Preserved Former Area Sasamori Residence Yonnomaru info center Green info center Fes Headquarters Butokuden Civic Hall Culture Center Municipal Tourism Hall City Office Civic Gymnasium City waterworks P Otemon Gate ❽Civic Hall Entrance Fujita Memorial Garden Western style building Cafe WC To-o News Mutsu ・Municipal News Tourist Center P ・Otemon Square ・City Library AED ❶ Main Entrance City Office Designed by Maekawa Kunio Aompori Bank Memorial Building ・Former City Library ・Former To-o Gijuku Missionary Residence ・Miniature building Garden AED AED 津軽エリアの列車やバスが2日間乗り放題! 津軽の名所・温泉・観光施設をグルッ と回って楽しもう。 おとな 立寄地:小坂町康楽 小坂町康楽館 館 こども 2 ,0 6 0 円 1 ,0 3 0 円 ●h ttp ://w w w .ts u g a ru n a v /fre e p a s s / Q R コ ードか らアクセスす ると詳しい情 報をご覧いた だけます。
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