tffi{ i ott't-226ss21,s22 Tef ephone 6m/Fax: z 07 7 qr+sfuo qRs*, serq a-d Commercial Complex, lst Floor l-2263921,922 {. €-+cqrq BqEIFI Trrr, Pt. D.D. U. Nagar GOVERNMENT OF INDIA o77l.2263s23 futcr riTmq, tet-1, MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS cm+d orqiilq. rrugr @.rr.) lszoro Sector-4, Raipur C.G. PASSPORT OFFICE oqio.fn ffi/w+g{ /zot+/t ffio $ P 2014. frfiq qrsdC orqtdq, {rug-r 619r fffto, 20-12-2014 ({rFrqr) of g+a 9.30 ild t 'trsfrd td[" or endqq qrgfC +fl dq, gqm wTclT, fifiu ca, {s #s d smi, ffi, rrqg-{ t fuqr rrqr t {fl ftq Hrrrrar vrsvtCTgdFFlqur qqdC (Fresh/Normal & Reissue/Normal) d ftt-S sTrifr fuqr aTT sDrIT t I sTfffi a) Eqrt Me w ffiq srfffr ori d qrE g.qR. t F q{d (Application reference Number Receipt) lo ffil gqr#i-c ernr *.n aen wft srnq{|-o rflrNI a1 Tf, sft G vfl+1 Erqrqfr d qrq srer t {s f{q d ftd \qr$€tc H-n 1s-12-2ol+ (gqqx ) o} ge-e 11.00 {S t srfrtr Me qs sqcrer e}'n r gs f+q il@rd, den +G rtatr qr6 {q s{ s'ft oil-ffit 6t ffrr sfur ffi ffi *"o q€[ notq-w{ qtfl qqr ovi d qrqn \.cnR.F r*o frs d qd t cil-{ drf,{ oTdqq cnqs{6 TtrrNI o1 qd qfr slh Erqrqfr d qpr sqfurd *i t I qrstrd td{r fr qrf,offr d ftd sil-n{6 {$Trq ;rtn orrl-2283s20 t ffitrd rI erq qt o771-2263s22 qr Hqd or sot t t qh, Tiqr(.F, tfu6 qfwt/Tnil-rtr /qBoI/fot *gZER'tfr /rt gFlg{, E.T. gE tt gfuqr I tg sq-tff frTq-qq a} sTqi rrrilEnq qt d r5q d eneTn q{ roTR[f, ovi or oq t A ^ erqr w{trf, qTerfuoilr o,rd rrq$ (u..T.) |frsf{ : o77 1-2263s21,s22 Telephone : 07 7 l-2263921.922 fw,ztr'ax: TIRd *IT?DIT ot7 1.226gs23 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA fufgr riTrdq. MINISTRY OF EXTERNAL AFFAIRS qr+sfoo qfts-r, c,?rq ild. Commercial Complex, lst Floor ri. +fiqrd \rt11t4rq rrg. Pt. D.D. U. Nagar tet-1, w+gr (u.rr) aszoro Sector-4, Raipur C.G. crscld o.rqfdq, PASSPORT OFFICE No: - Press Release/Ra ipur/2014/4 Dt.18.12.2074 Press Release Regional Passport office, Raiour s'1"'l?|#rt;Idfff.#Jill'u' will conduct ,,passport Mela, on 20/12/2014 F-noo', ;n*".; hza, iirro,rt oipanori bus stand, All applicants who intend to apply for Fresh/r.{ormal & Reissue/Normal can apply on this date' The appticant should comi'with printout or a \-sheet after registering in the . il''il,Tl""'Pandwithul|d;."i"i.i."origina|oo.i..nt.andits -ffi it -,# Applicants ff Lt:1."1?j",":o-0." sgfr e.o_u r9o uppoi ni, ;; ;; 20/12/2014. :1"111, :? T^ : ";;' ;ilt; at 11:00 Hrs. this date i.e. Walk-in will be allowed to Lrusrrrr aruflg wttn l)notocopv. query/Assistance regarding the Mela, applicants may contact over telephone For any nos 0771_ 2263920 and 07 7 1 -2263922: To The Editor, Hitavada/Chronicle/Times of India Raipur, CG; The above release may please be-printed in your Newspaper on priorify at suitable main space for the benefit orpeopre.""king ro. pur.po.i in chhattisgarh. Reg cer Raipur, CG.
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