緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 TABLE CONTENTS 緑内障総論のまとめ 小動物眼科学セミナーシリーズ⑥ 緑内障の治療(前半);点眼薬 緑内障を極めるPart 2 緑内障の治療 休憩 辻田裕規, DVM, DACVO l 松山ほうじょう動物クリニック l 米国獣医眼科専門医 眼房水 -‐ 産生と排泄 緑内障の治療(後半) 内服薬 外科的治療 緑内障 GLAUCOMA 水晶体 前眼房 虹彩 毛様体上皮から後房に分泌 水 房 眼 水晶体前面を通り瞳孔縁 で前房に 櫛状靭帯 虹彩根部と角膜周辺部に 挟まれる前房隅角から流出 緑内障による眼組織への影響 1. 眼表面 Outer Layer= 線維膜 Fibrous Tunic • 角膜 / 強膜 2. 中間層 Middle Layer = 血管膜 Vascular Tunic • 虹彩, 毛様体, 脈絡膜 3. 内層Inner Layer = 神経膜 Neural Tunic • 神経網膜 / 色素上皮 眼房水の産生 毛様体突起から – 毛様体無色素上皮 1. 能動輸送 • Na-K ポンプ(ATPase) • 炭酸脱水酵素 2. 受動輸送 • 濾過/拡散 3. 自律神経支配 • 房水産生促進 – • 交感神経 α1受容体・β受容体 産生抑制 – α2受容体 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 1 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 13/02/28 ●uveal meshwork scleral spur scleral meshwork Schwalbe uveal meshwork scleral meshwork S ■眼房水の排出 S chlemm ↓ scleral meshwork 500 mℓ ? 000 mℓ Schlemm ①線維柱 帯流出路Ⅳ chlemm Ⅳ 0.04 Schlemm anterior ciliary vein 眼角 endothelial meshwork 櫛状靭帯 ■眼房水の排出 ↑ 毛様体裂 房水叢 deep scleral plexus → 眼房水の流出路 • 眼房水の排泄 episcleral vein → ②ぶどう膜 強膜流出路 ← ® 排泄:虹彩角膜角(隅角) drainage 毛様体裂の線維柱帯 r outflow eoscleral outflow r chamber angle e 毛様体筋 強膜静脈叢 上脈絡膜腔 全身循環 強膜を通過 線維柱帯 流出路 h>p://www.med.teikyo-‐u.ac.jp/より ciliary Schlemm scleral spur 房水静脈叢 PGF2α誘導体 ;ラタノプロスト 1. 炭酸脱脂酵素 formation ;トラバプロスト 阻害剤 ;ドルゾラミド 2. Β-‐ブロッカー ;チモロール ぶどう膜強膜 全身循環 流出路 iris process Schlemm r meshwork trabecular conventional outflow 10 mmHg 8 mmHg ▣ Fontana ' s space (i) spatia anguli iridocornealis ‘ ’ Schlemm uveoscleral outflow space of Fontana trabecular connective tissue meshwork canal of Schlemm sinus venosus sclerae (ii) 緑内障の分類 Duke-Elder ● gonioprism goniomirror • 急性 or 慢性? • 目的が・・・ MEDICAL IOVS, April 2012, Vol. 53, No. 4 緑内障の治療 1. Retinal ぶどう膜炎 Intrisic Optical Signals in PCG ü 前房フレア, 角膜後面沈着物, ü 虹彩色素, 水晶体表面への色素 ü 膨隆虹彩 1. 急性 ü 視覚の維持・回復? ü アグレッシブに ü 痛みの緩和?? ü QOL>アグレッシブ goniolens 3. 眼内腫瘍 ü 眼科所見 ü 全身検査 ü 超音波検査 gonio: ● slit lamp microscope www.med.teikyo-u.ac.jp/~ortho/med/ana/ana106.htm 1973 2. 原発性水晶体脱臼 ü 前房深度, 硝子体の脱出 ü 犬種, コーヌスの有無 2. 慢性 SURGICAL Koeppe u 原発性 or 続発性?? u 基礎疾患の見極め 6/7 0.8 光断層映像法(OCT) p OpQcal Coherence Tomography 5/7 神経網膜縁 生理的陥凹 慢性緑内障 牛眼(発症後>10-‐14日) 急性or慢性? v 網膜の断層化 v 10μmから v 非侵襲的 v 定量化可能 v 経過観察◎ 水晶体の脱臼 角膜浮腫/瘢痕 FIGURE 1. PERG and OCT data. (A) OCT peripapillary B-scans (Stratus; Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., Dublin, CA) show optical reflectance of specific デスメ膜の条痕 生理的陥凹の消失 =”カッピング” retinal layers in vivo. Scans of normal cat retinas show strong reflectance arising from the RNFL (red arrow). A representative scan from glaucoma 視神経萎縮 subject 1 (G1) is shown at right. Pronounced thinning of the RNFL was observed in both the left eye (LE, top) and especially the right eyes (RE, bottom). Retinal scans are magnified and aligned to RPE Retina density in (B). RNFL showed reduced density despite relatively normal retinal thickness and 網膜変性 reflectance of middle and inner layers (regions between RNFLIntrinsic and RPE). (C) PERG amplitude. N95ofcomponent Retinal Optical Signals in a CatThe Model Primary of the PERG response was plotted as a function盲目 of spatial frequency for four data sets. Normal feline PERG amplitudes (open black symbols) are significantly greater than either Congenital Glaucoma Schallek respectively). ら. InvesCgaCve OThe phthalmology & Visual Science 2012 of a normal of the recordings of LE or RE recordings of subject G1 (closed gray and black symbols, average N95 PERG responses Jesse B. Schallek,1 Gillian J. McLellan,2 Suresh Viswanathan,3 and Daniel Y. Ts’o4 cat subject to an optic nerve crush experiment are shown in blue for comparison. The error bars represent the standard error from the mean. PURPOSE. To examine the impact of reduced inner retinal function and breed on intrinsic optical signals in cats. visual stimuli to the eye evokes changes in near infrared (NIR) reflectance of the retina.1–10 The patterned NIR reflectance shows tight colocalization with the stimulated region of retina. . Retinal intrinsic optical signals were recorded from reports have focused on identifying the biophysical recovery. Four acquisitions from the same stimulus Manesthetized condition cats with were a modified fundus camera. Near infrared RESULTS Recent origins leading to these functional activations. light (NIR, 700–900 nm) was used to illuminate the retina Investigations using a variety of techniques, including in a charge-coupled device (CCD) camera captured the NIR averaged together to produce one data file stored for while offline analysis. vitro analysis in the flatmount preparation, in vivo depthreflectance of the retina. Visible stimuli (540 nm) evoked resolved analysis in the human retina, comparison to laser patterned changes in NIR retinal reflectance. NIR intrinsic Doppler flowmetry recordings, and pharmacologic blockade Imaging protocols and recording conditions were kept consistent PERG signals were compared across three subject groups: twoand OCT to selectively suppress specific retinal laminae, have revealed Siamese cats with primary congenital glaucoma (PCG), a several contributing components to the optical reflectance control Siameseno cat without glaucoma, and a control group of between recording sessions and for all cats. Cats were imaged more signals. However, debate has arisen regarding the contributions seven normally pigmented cats. Intraocular pressure (IOP), of ganglion cells to eye these intrinsic Previous work from Thetomography left and right of signals. glaucoma subject G1 showed reduced pattern electroretinogram, and optical coherence than once per week to allow sufficient recovery between imaging our group has shown that signals persist after intravitreal measurements were evaluated to confirm the inner retinal injections of agents that block inner retinal function, including deficit in PCG cats. density and thickness ofglutamate the receptor RNFL tetrodotoxin (TTX), metabotropic agonist,related to loss of ganglion sessions . Stimulus-evoked, NIR retinal reflectance signals were R 2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid (APB), and the ionotropic ETHODS 3,4,9 10 11 6 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 ESULTS glutamate receptor antagonist, cell axonsacid (Figure 1A). cis-2,3-piperidinedicarboxylic Decreased reflectance from the RNFL (PDA). Given that the functional signals remain after suppression of inner retinal activity, it was was mostpharmacologic pronounced right eye of this cat. A concluded that signals arise primarily in from thethe outer retinal layers. Data from another study, however, has shown that intravitreal injections of TTX produces a measurable reduction magnification of OCT data from the right eye of a normal C . Despite increased IOP, reduced nerve fiber layer in intrinsic signal response. This result from Hanazono et thickness and ganglion cell function, intrinsic optical signals al. suggests that inner retinal function is a major contributor and a glaucoma cat is shown in Figure 1B. The thickness and in cats affected with PCG. The mechanisms giving rise The reflectance changes are small when compared persist to background to these signals. To further tease apart the discrepancies in to intrinsic signals remain despite inner retinal damage. Signal these conflicting results, this study examined intrinsic optical strength was reduced in all Siamese cats compared to controls, of the neural retina was comparable between normal density signals in a naturally occurring cat model of glaucoma. In this illumination. To reveal the optical changes, a baseline reflectance frame suggesting that reduced intrinsic signals in PCG cats represent study, two Siamese cats with a form of primary congenital a difference between breeds rather than loss of ganglion cells. glaucoma (PCG) were imaged. andthatglaucoma cats, with the exception of decreased reflection results corroborated retinal (R) was subtracted from all subsequent frames in aThese given imagingprevious findings These animals show chronic elevation in intraocular ganglion cells are not the dominant source of intrinsic optical pressure (IOP) and consequent loss of inner retinal function, signals of the retina. (Invest Ophthalmol Sci. fromVis the RNFL glaucoma The average RNFL thickness acquisition (change in reflectance reported as dR). 2012;53:1971–1981) The difference hallmarks thatin are characteristic of many cats. forms of human DOI:10.1167/iovs.11.8299 glaucoma. Here, spatially-evoked intrinsic signal properties in these cats were compared the response measured in a of normalcontrol cats was 40to lm; the average RNFL thickness of the frames (dR) were divided by the baseline reflectance frame to provide group of healthy, normally pigmented cats and a third n emerging field in functional retinal imaging has been the Siamese cat with normal IOP. In this report, data were A investigation of intrinsic optical reflectance signals in the right eye of G1 was 20 lm, whereas the fractional change in reflectance (dR/R). Images presented in this compared regarding the spectral, spatial, and temporalthe left eye was 8 lm. This Intrinsic Optical Signal Analysis 2 observed in PCG cats despite severe degeneration of the nerve fiber layer and inner retinal function. The time course, spectral dependence, and spatial profile of signals imaged in PCG cats were similar to signals measured from normal and Siamese control cats. 6 ONCLUSIONS 11 11 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 緑内障治療 • 目標 Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 眼圧減少;<20 mmHg 予防 視覚維持・回復 不快症状の軽減 方法 Methods 1. 眼房水産生を抑える 2. 流出量を増加させる 内科+外科 Where and how… CAIs 緑内障薬 眼房水産生の抑制 • Beta blockers • CAI点眼 眼房水排泄の増加 • PG類似薬 • 副交感神経(コリン)作 動薬 緊急眼圧降下治療 • 急性原発性緑内障 • マンニトール • 前房穿刺 • 外科的介入 点眼薬(炭酸脱水酵素阻害剤-‐CAI) 炭酸脱水酵素 : 7種類存在 房水産生;毛様体上皮-‐Ⅱ型↑ 内服CAI;全てのCAを阻害 点眼CAI;Ⅱ型CAを選択阻害 毛様体のCAが完全抑制 • 房水産生は40%抑制される 効果;犬>猫 • 色素の親和性 • 猫での分布は不明 炭酸脱水酵素阻害剤;眼房水産生抑制 点眼 • ドルゾラミド 1%(日本), 2%(米国) • ブリンゾラミド1% 経口 • アセタゾラミド • dogs: 4-‐10 mg/kg BID-‐TID • メタゾラミド • dogs: 2.2 -‐ 4.4 mg/kg PO q8-‐12 h • cats: 1-‐2 mg/kg PO q8-‐12h 点眼+経口のコンボ治療;効果の相乗なし 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 点眼薬(炭酸脱水酵素阻害剤-‐CAI) • ドルゾラミド – トルソプト – 刺激性あり – 日本;1.0%と0.5%の2種類 – 米国; 2%あり • ブリンゾラミド – エイゾプト: – 刺激性↓ (PH7.4) – 1日2回点眼 – 懸濁液なので霞む 3 緑内障part 2 炭酸脱水酵素阻害薬;副作用 2013/12/17 Where and how… β-‐blockers 経口 • 代謝性アシドーシス • 肝障害 • Blood dyscrasiis • 胃腸障害 点眼 • 刺激性 • 羞明 β-‐ブロッカー点眼薬 • Beta-‐blockers – 眼房水産生の抑制 • マレイン酸チモロール 0.25%, 0.5% • ベタキソロール 0.5% • 1 drop BID〜TID β-‐ブロッカー点眼薬 毛様体無色素上皮に作用 • アドレナリン作動性β受容体に作用 • NonselecQve β-‐adrenergic receptor antagonist 縮瞳効果 • 瞳孔括約筋に抑制的に働くβア ドレナ リ ン作動線維を 抑制 • 点眼30分後に31.4%の縮瞳率 (Wilkie DA et al , 1991) 副作用 • 徐脈 • 縮瞳 CAI + β-‐ブロッカー点眼薬 CAI + β-‐ブロッカー点眼薬 • Cosopt – 0.5%チモロール +ドルゾラミド (米国 2%, 日本 1%) – 点眼本数・回数の減少 – 刺激性あり ⇔0.5%チモプトール単独治療 ;さらに20%(5mmHg)眼圧降下(米) 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 眼圧・心拍数・瞳孔径への影響 点眼薬 0.5%チモロール 2%ドルゾラミド 0.5%チモロール + 2%ドルゾラミド 眼圧 Day 1 2.83mmHg 6.47mmHg 6.56mmHg 眼圧 Day 4 3.75mmHg 7.50mmHg 8.42mmHg 心拍数 -‐11.9 bpm コントロール群と -‐8.6 bpm 瞳孔径 -‐1.42 mm -‐1.3 mm 有意差なし コントロール群と 有意差なし 4 77 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 4. Yablonski ME, Novack GD, Burke PJ et al. The effect of levoA potential limitation of this study was that the effects of bunolol on aqueous humor dynamics. Experimental Eye Research general anesthesia on EVP were not specifically evaluated. 1987; 44: 49–54. 77 Others have previously reported that there are no significant 5. Kanno M, Araie M, Koibuchi H et al. Effects of topical nipradidifferences in EVP recordings using a variety of general lol, a betaME, blocking agent with alphaPJblocking andeffect nitroglycerin4. Yablonski Novack GD, Burke et al. The of levoA potential limitation of this study was that the 2 effects of anesthesia regimens in normotensive beagles. However, bunolol on aqueous humor dynamics. Experimental Research like activities, on intraocular pressure and aqueous Eye dynamics in general anesthesia on EVP were not specifically evaluated. 1987; 44: 49–54. there have been no studies directly comparing EVP humans. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 84: 293–299. Others have previously reported that there are no significant 5. Kanno M, Araie M, Koibuchi H et al. Effects of topical nipradimeasurements with recordings and withoutusing general anesthesia as EVP 6. Sponsel WE, Mensah J, Kiel JW et al. Effects of latanoprost and differences in EVP a variety of general lol, a beta blocking agent with alpha blocking and nitroglycerin2 However, anesthesia regimens in normotensive timolol-XE onon hydrodynamics in the normal eye. American Jourmeasurements in animals require a beagles. general anesthesia. like activities, intraocular pressure and aqueous dynamics in there have been no studies directly comparing EVP nal of Ophthalmology 2000; 130: 151–159.2000; 84: 293–299. humans. British Journal of Ophthalmology Nevertheless, if general anesthesia has an effect on EVP, it measurements with and without general anesthesia as EVP 6. Sponsel WE, Mensah J, Kiel JW et al. Effects of latanoprost and 7. Blondeau P, Tetrault JP, Papamarkakis C. Diurnal variation of would have theinsame effectsrequire on the absolute EVP values in timolol-XE on hydrodynamics in the normal eye. American Jourmeasurements animals a general anesthesia. episcleral venous pressure in healthy patients: a pilot study. Journal of Ophthalmology 2000; 130: 151–159. both the dosed and nondosed eyes with latanoprost. Asita Nevertheless, if general anesthesia has an effect on EVP, nal of Glaucoma 2001; 10: 7. Blondeau P, Tetrault JP, 18–24. Papamarkakis C. Diurnal variation of would samedifferences effects on in theEVP absolute EVP the values in result,have the the relative between dosed 8. episcleral Crowstonvenous JG, Aihara M, in Lindsey JDpatients: et al. Effect of study. latanoprost pressure healthy a pilot Jourboth dosed eyes and nondosed As a and the nondosed should beeyes the with samelatanoprost. with or without nal Glaucoma 2001;in10: on ofoutflow facility the18–24. mouse. Investigative Ophthalmology and result, the relative differences in EVP between the dosed 8. Crowston JG,2004; Aihara Lindsey JD et al. Effect of latanoprost general anesthesia, and the conclusions of the paper would Visual Science 45:M, 2240–2245. and nondosed eyes should be the same with or without on outflow facility in the mouse. Investigative Ophthalmology and 9. Visual GabeltScience BT, 2004; Kaufman PL. Aqueous humor hydrodynamics. In: remain anesthesia, unchanged.and the conclusions of the paper would general 45: 2240–2245. ■線維柱帯流出路 Adler’s Physiology of the PL. Eye, Aqueous 10th edn.humor (eds Kaufman PL, Alm In: A) 9. Gabelt BT, Kaufman hydrodynamics. To conclude, remain unchanged.unlike what has been previously demonAdler’s Physiology of the Eye, 10th edn. (eds Kaufman PL, Alm A) Mosby, St. Louis, 2003; 237–289. To conclude, unlike what has been previously demonstrated in humans and the mouse, the topical ana• PGF2a (主流出路) St. Louis, 2003; 237–289. 10. Mosby, Sit AJ, Nau CB, McLaren JW et al. Circadian variation of aquestrated in humans and the mouse, the topical PGF2a analogue 0.005% latanoprost increases EVP in dogs. This 10. Sit AJ, Nau CB, McLaren JW et al. Circadian variation of aquelogue 0.005% latanoprost increases EVP in dogs. This dogs ous dynamics in young healthy adults. Investigative Ophthalmology – 85% ous dynamics in young healthy adults. Investigative Ophthalmology responsemay maybe beunique uniqueto todogs dogsand andsuggests suggeststhat thatdogs dogs may response may and Visual Visual Science Science 2008; 2008; 49: 49: 1473–1479. 1473–1479. and notfully fullymimic mimichuman humanaqueous aqueoushumor humordynamics dynamicswith with topinot topiStuder ME, ME, Martin Martin CL, CL, Stiles Stiles J. J. Effects Effects of of 0.005% 0.005% latanoprost latanoprost – 92~97% c11.ats 11. Studer cal solution cal0.005% 0.005%latanoprost. latanoprost.Shunting Shuntingof ofblood bloodfrom fromthe thearterioarteriosolution on on intraocular intraocular pressure pressure in in healthy healthy dogs dogs and and cats. cats. AmeriAmerican Journal of Veterinary Research 2000; 61: 1220–1224. lar present ■ぶどう膜強膜流出路 can Journal of Veterinary Research 2000; 61: 1220–1224. lartotovenule venuleside, side,regulated regulated through through the the AVA’s AVA’s present in in 12. Woodward DF, Krauss AH, Chen J et al. The pharmacology of bithe episcleral outflow system, may be occurring so as to 12. matoprost Woodward(Lumigan). DF, KraussSurvey AH, Chen J et al. The pharmacology of bithe episcleral outflow system, may be occurring so asthe to of Ophthalmology 2001; 45(Suppl 4): • (副流出路) compensate for a lowering of IOP that occurs following matoprost (Lumigan). Survey of Ophthalmology 2001; 45(Suppl 4): S337–S345. compensate of for atopical lowering0.005% of IOP that occurs following the instillation latanoprost. Although 13. Chen J, Dinh T, Woodward DF et al. Bimatoprost: mechanism S337–S345. – not 15% frequently in human studies, EVP should be dogs of ocular surface hyperemia associated with topical therapy. instillationperformed of topical 0.005% latanoprost. Although 13. Chen J, Dinh T, Woodward DF et al. Bimatoprost: mechanism regarded to performed be a constant value in aqueous humor dynamic Drug Reviews 2005; 23: 231–246. frequently in human studies, EVP should not be cats Cardiovascular of ocular surface hyperemia associated with topical therapy. – 3~8% studies in the normal beagle dog. 14. Johnstone McLean NS, Ward DA, Hendrix DV. The effect of a regarded to be a constant value in aqueous humor dynamic Cardiovascular Reviews 2005; 23: 眼房水の流体力学 231–246. single dose of Drug topical 0.005% latanoprost and 2% dorzolamide/ studies in the normal beagle dog. 14. 0.5% Johnstone McLean NS, Ward DA,blood-aqueous Hendrix DV. barrier The effect of a timolol combination on the in dogs: Where and how… プロスタグランジン製剤 プロスタグランジン製剤 眼房水の排泄 FINANCIAL DISCLOSURES The following co-authors were full-time employees of F I N A N CInc. I A Lat D the I S C time LOSU R Estudy S Allergan, this was conducted: Susan プロスタグランジン製剤 • Prostaglandin analogues Tsai, Alexandra Almazan, James A. Burke, Patrick M. The following co-authors were full-time of Hughes, Huajiang Li, Paul Conforti, Susan employees S. Lee, and Allergan, at the time this study was conducted: Susan Michael R.Inc. Robinson. The study was performed at Covance Laboratories Inc. Almazan, with funding from Inc., and Tsai, Alexandra James A. Allergan, Burke, Patrick M. Craig Struble and Susan Howard are full-time Hughes, Huajiang Li, Paul Conforti, Susan S.employees Lee, and of Covance. Paul E. Miller is a member of the University of Michael R. Robinson. The study was performed at Covance Wisconsin Comparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratory Laboratories Inc. with funding Allergan, Inc., and and received funding for this studyfrom through Covance. Susan Tsai is now at Colorado State University and is a consultant Craig Struble and Susan Howard are full-time employees for of Allergan, Covance. Inc. Paul E. Miller is a member of the University of asingle pilotdose study. Veterinary 11: 158– of topical 0.005% Ophthalmology latanoprost and2008; 2% dorzolamide/ 161. 0.5% timolol combination on the blood-aqueous barrier in dogs: 15. Smith LN, Miller PE, Felchle LM. Effects of topical administraa pilot study. 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Bito LZ, Camras CB, Gum GG et al. The ocular hypotensive ment of theside normal range. Archives of Ophthalmology 101: effects and effects of prostaglandins on the eyes 1983; of experi1447–1449. mental animals. In: The Ocular Effects of Prostaglandins and Other Eichosanoids. (eds Bito LZ, Stjernschantz J) Alan R. Liss, Inc, New 17. Littell RC, Milliken GA, Stroup WW et al. SAS for Mixed Models. York, 1989; 349–368. SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC, USA, 2006. 19. Gum GG, Kingsbury S, Whitley RD et al. Effect of topical prosta18. glandin Bito LZ, Camras CB,isopropyl Gum GG et al. ocular hypotensive PGA2, PGA2 ester, andThe PGF2 alpha isopropyl effectsonand side effects of prostaglandins on the of experiester intraocular pressure in normotensive andeyes glaucomatous canine eyes. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology 1991; 7: 107–116. mental animals. In: The Ocular Effects of Prostaglandins and Other 20. Toris CB, Gabelt BT,LZ, Kaufman PL. Update Eichosanoids. (eds Bito Stjernschantz J) Alanon R.the Liss,mechanism Inc, New of action of topical prostaglandins for intraocular pressure reducYork, 1989; 349–368. tion. Survey of Ophthalmology 2008; 53(Suppl 1): S107–S120. 図2 ラタノプロストの受容体親和性 (概略図) 19. Ward Gum GG, Kingsbury S, Whitley RD et al. Effect of topical prosta21. D. Effects of latanoprost on aqueous humor flow 115, rate 野村俊治 他:日薬理誌, 280,in 2000より作成 normal Proceedings, 36th Annual of thealpha American Colglandindogs. PGA2, PGA2 isopropyl ester,Meeting and PGF2 isopropyl Pizziraniら(2001) lege Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Nashville, TN,and 2005. esterof on intraocular pressure in normotensive glaucomatous タフルプロストの特徴 プロスタグランジン製剤 ラタノプロスト FP 受容体作動薬 Wisconsin Comparative Ophthalmic Research Laboratory – ぶどう膜強膜流出路, 線維柱帯流出路か Rand EFE RENCE S received funding for this study through Covance.毛様体筋束と筋間の間を緩める Susan らの流出増加 1. Kaufman Crawford State K. Aqueous humor dynamics: how Tsai is now PL, at Colorado University and is a consultant – 犬 3) PGF2a lowers intraocular pressure. In: The Ocular Effects• of細胞外マトリックスの変化(↑MMP1, Profor Allergan, Inc. staglandins and Other Eichosanoids. (eds Bito LZ, Stjernschantz J) • 0.12%イソプロピルウノプロストン(レス • ぶどう膜強膜路からの房水の流出アップ Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1989; 387–416. キュラ);1994 2. Gelatt KN, Gum GG, Merideth RE et al. Episcleral venous presR Esure FER NCES inEnormotensive and glaucomatous beagles. Investigative Oph縮瞳 • 0.005% ラタノプロスト (Xalatan);1999 thalmology and Visual Science 1982; 23: 131–135. Kaufman Crawford K. Aqueous humor effects dynamics: how • 8.6mm→3.6 mm;24時間 3.1.Berson FG, PL, Epstein DL. Separate and combined of timo• 0.004% トラバプロスト (トラバタンズ); lol maleate and intraocular acetazolamide in open-angle glaucoma. American PGF2a lowers pressure. In: The Ocular Effects Pro- 投与後3時間 • of最高; 2007 Journal of Ophthalmology 1981; 92: 788–791. staglandins and Other Eichosanoids. (eds Bito LZ, Stjernschantz J) canine eyes. Journal of Ocular Pharmacology 1991; 7: 107–116. • 0.0015%タフルプロスト(タプロス);2008 タフルプロストは PG の作用発現に必須と考 Alan R. Liss, Inc., New York, 1989; 387–416. 20. Toris CB, Gabelt BT, Kaufman PL. Update on the mechanism 血液房水関門の破壊 えられてきた ! "位の水酸基を変換し, ! "位に 2. Gelatt KN, Gum GG, Merideth RE et al. Episcleral venous pres• 0.03% ビマトプロスト (ルミガン);2009 of action of topical prostaglandins for intraocular pressure reduc! 2012 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 15, 71–78 • 房水の産生自体も減少 #つのフッ素を含有する新規な PGF 誘導体で sure in normotensive and glaucomatous beagles. Investigative Ophtion. Survey of Ophthalmology 2008; 53(Suppl 1): S107–S120. – 禁忌;ContraindicaQon ある (図 $ )。 thalmology and Visual Science 1982; 23: 131–135. • 炎症 21. Ward D. Effects of latanoprost on aqueous humor flow rate in • ぶどう膜炎 3. Berson FG, Epstein DL. Separate and combined effects of timonormal dogs. Proceedings, 36th Annual Meeting of the American Collol maleate and acetazolamide in open-angle glaucoma. American • 瞳孔ブロック (水晶体, 硝子体) lege of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Nashville, TN, 2005. # α Journal of Ophthalmology 1981; 92: 788–791. ! 2012 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Ophthalmology, 15, 71–78 また, 正常眼圧サ ルプロストは濃度依 し, タフルプロスト ト& .& & " %と同程度の (図 ")。 図5 単回点眼による Taka 正常眼圧サルに ! 時, タフルプロスト 同様 $日目および "日 効果の減弱はなかっ の眼圧は, ラタノプ スラインに戻ったが 目および "日目の点 間後に相当) および 図3 タフルプロストの構造 剤に比べ有意な眼圧 + ロストンの眼圧下降作用に関しては、主経路からの流 ■ウノプロストンの作用点はMaxi-K チャネル 復点眼により持続性 進の報告があるなど、プロスト系とは異なる面があると 相原 プロストン系薬剤のウノプロストンは、細胞膜表面に タフルプロストは, ラタノプロストに比べて れた (図 ')。 + + られます。ですから、PG関連薬の中でもプロストン系 存在するカリウムイオン (K )チャネルの1種であるMaxi-K 約! #倍高い FP 受容体親和性を示した (図 %)。 剤とプロスト系の薬剤を分けて考えるとわかりやすい (BK)チャネルに作用することが報告されています(図3) 。 プロスタグランジン製剤 このMaxi-K+チャネルは大容量カルシウム (Ca2+)依存性の ラタノプロスト その他のPGF2α誘導体点眼薬 います。 K+チャネルで、細胞内Ca2+濃度の上昇を感知して開口し、 細胞外へK+を流出させます。Maxi-K+チャネル開口薬には 血管平滑筋細胞の弛緩作用、神経細胞保護作用、 さらに線 維柱帯細胞の弛緩作用などがあるといわれています。 血液房水関門の破壊 • 房水の産生自体も減少 • 炎症 • 血液房水関門の破壊 in Normal canine eye • フルオレ造影剤の眼内浸透; • 49%;ラタノプロスト • 10%; 無治療眼 Veterinary Ophthalmology (2008) 11, 3, 158–161 Blackwell Publishing Inc The effect of a single dose of topical 0.005% latanoprost and 2% dorzolamide/0.5% timolol combination on the blood-aqueous barrier in dogs: a pilot study Nancy S. Johnstone McLean, Daniel A. Ward and Diane V. H. Hendrix Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences, University of Tennessee College of Veterinary Medicine, Knoxville, TN 37996, USA トラバプロスト (®トラバタンズ) プロスト系の薬剤は、主にぶどう膜強膜流出路の流出促 進によって眼圧を下げると考えられています。一方、ウノプ • イソプロピルエステル; PGF2α前駆物質(ラタノプロストと同じ) 図2 PG • EP1 (ラタノプロスト) + EP3(ウサギでも◎?) / 関連薬のプロスタノイド受容体親和性 防腐剤なし Latanoprost acid タフルプロスト (®タプロス) TP • ⇔ラタノプロスト(®キサラタン) • FP受容体への親和性・選択性が高い • エチルアミド;17-‐phenyl-‐PGF2αの前駆物質 • 室温保存が可能 • より網膜の血流を増加 ビマトプロスト:(®ルミガン) • Travoprost acid FP 図4 プロスタノイド10FPFP 受容体に対する親和性(in vitro) 10-10 EP1 10-7 TP 10-4 10-1 IP EP2 ! " DP -10 10-1 大阪府薬雑誌 EP3 EP1 10-7 Daniel Ward Tel.: +865 974 8387 Fax: +865 974 5554 e-mail: [email protected] Abstract Objective To determine the effects of 0.005% latanoprost and 2% dorzolamide/0.5% timolol on the blood-aqueous barrier (BAB) in normal dogs. Animals studied Eight mixed-breed and pure-breed dogs. Procedures Baseline anterior chamber fluorophotometry was performed on eight normal dogs. Sodium fluorescein was injected and the dogs were scanned 60–90 min post-injection. Seventy-two hours following the baseline scan, one eye received one drop of latanoprost. Fluorophotometry was repeated 4 h after drug administration. Following a washout period, the identical procedure was performed 4 h after the administration of dorzolamide/timolol. The degree of BAB breakdown was determined by comparing the concentrations of fluorescein within the anterior chamber before and after drug administration. BAB breakdown was expressed as a percentage increase in the post-treatment fluorescein concentration over the baseline concentration: %INC [Fl] = {([Fl]post – [Fl]baseline)/[Fl]baseline} × 100. The percentage increase in fluorescein concentration in the treated eye was compared to that in the nontreated eye using a paired t-test with significance set at P ≤ 0.05. Results Following administration of latanoprost, the fluorescein in the treated eyes increased 49% (± 58%) from baseline compared to 10% (± 31%) in the untreated eyes (P = 0.016). Following administration of dorzolamide/timolol, the fluorescein concentration increased 38% (± 54%) compared to baseline vs. 24% (± 38%) in the untreated eyes (P = 0.22). Conclusions The results of this study show that topical latanoprost may cause BAB disruption in normal dogs while topical dorzolamide/timolol may have no effect on the BAB in normal dogs. 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 Taka EP2 !"# $ ! " %&"$ # "($ " " % ) DP EP3 EP4 EP4 Unoprostone acid TP FP 10-10 10-7 EP1 プロストン系 10-4 10-1 IP DP EP2 Hellberg. M.R. et al.: J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. 17(5): 433, 2001. Sharif. N.A. et al.: J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. 19(6): 501, 2003. Nomura. S. et al.: Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 115(5): 280, 2000. EP3 EP4 昼間の眼圧下降効果:他剤と比べてやや強い h>p://rescula.jp/glaucoma/symposium/ upload_docs/pamp_05.pdfより引用 図3 ウノプロストンの作用機序 イソプロピルウノプロストン(®レスキュラ) (眼外からのルート) 眼底血管平滑筋 ウノプロストン (眼外からのルート) 網膜神経節 線維柱帯 Ca2+依存性Maxi-K+チャネルの開口 Address communications to: 図6 1日1回反復点眼に Takagi10-4Y et al, Expプロス Eye ト系 Res 78: 768(2004) IP Thieme. H. et al.: IOVS 42(13), 2001. Cuppoletti. J. et al.: BBA 1768(5), 2007. 血管平滑筋細胞内 神経節細胞内 線維柱帯細胞内 Ca の上昇抑制 Ca の上昇抑制 Ca の上昇抑制 2+ 血管拡張 2+ 神経細胞の アポトーシスを抑制 Marcheselli. V. et al.: IOVS 42(S750), 2001. Lafuente. M.P. et al.: IOVS 41(S15), 2000. 血流増加 杉山、吉冨、木村、 その他多数 視神経保護 Melamed. S.: Drugs. Exptl. Clin. Res. 63, 2002. 2+ 房水流出抵抗の減少 主経路からの房水流出の促進 眼圧下降 Thieme. H. et al.: IOVS 42(13), 2001. 志村ほか: 第108回日本眼科学会総会, 2004. 視野維持 5 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 ■ウノプロストンの作用点はMaxi-K+チャネル ロストンの眼圧下降作用に関しては、主経路からの流 進の報告があるなど、プロスト系とは異なる面があると 相原 プロストン系薬剤のウノプロストンは、細胞膜表面に Veterinary Ophthalmology (2012) 15, Supplement 1, 31–35 犬 VS PG製剤 DOI:10.1111/j.1463-5224.2011.00934.x Dose response for travoprost! in the glaucomatous beagle Edward O. MacKay,* Marsha McLaughlin,† Caryn E. Plummer,* Anna Ben-Shlomo* and Kirk N. Gelatt* * Department of Small Animal Clinical Sciences and Gwathmey-Adams Laboratory for Vision Research, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Florida, Veterinary Ophthalmology (2006) 9, 2, 121–125 PO Box 100126, Gainesville, FL 32610-0126, USA; and †In Vivo Pharmacology, Alcon Research Ltd, Ft Worth, TX, USA Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. Abstract0.004% compared with latanoprost 0.005% on Effects of travoprost Objective To evaluate the changes in intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil size in 12 the intraocular pressure of normal dogs Beagles with inherited glaucoma after instillations of 0.033, 0.0033, 0.001, 0.00033, Morning Evening 1日2回 dogs. After 7 days, the vehicle or concentration was repeated in the contralateral eye of the same animals. Results Concentrations of 0.00033, 0.001, and 0.0033% travoprost significantly Abstract lowered IOP PD, but 0.0001% concentration limited IOP changes, Purpose Toand compare thethe effects of travoprost 0.004%provided and latanoprost 0.005% on the although PD changes still This suggests travoprost is effective in the intraocular pressurewere (IOP) of significant. normal dogs. Tel.: 0055 16 32092626 dogMethods to lowerTwenty IOP and reduce pupil at randomized concentrations starting between 0.0001was andused mixed breed dogssize were to two groups: latanoprost Fax: 0055 16 32024275 0.00033%. e-mail: [email protected] in group A and travoprost in group B. The drugs were instilled in the right eye of the Conclusions The dose response for travoprost in the glaucomatous Beagle indicates this dogs, whereas the left eye received placebo. Both drugs were instilled once a day at 8 Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e is highly to this groupwere of drugs, at, concentrations as Veterinárias – FCAV/UNESP,model during 5 days.sensitive IOP measurements made even at 8 10 , 2 andas8low during the Departamento de Clínica e Cirurgia0.00033% (1/12 the commercially available concentration). 5 days of treatment, the 3 days that preceded treatment, and 3 days following treatment. Veterinárias, Via de Acesso Prof. Presence blepharospasm, miosis, anterior chamber flare, and conjunctival hyperemia Paulo Donato Castellane, s/n°,Key Words:ofanalogue, glaucoma, ophthalmology, pharmacology, prostaglandin, CEP: 14884-900, Jaboticabal, São were evaluated during the study. travoprost Paulo, Brazil Results Mean IOP was significantly reduced in the eyes treated with both latanoprost and travoprost, when compared with the eyes treated with placebo (P < 0.05). There was no statistically significant difference between the mean IOPs of eyes treated with latanoprost and travoprost at all time intervals during baseline, treatment, and recovery (P > 0.05). On the fifth day of treatment and on the first day of the recovery period, a severe ocular ! hypotension was noted with both drugs, resulting imprecise readings Latanoprost (0.005%inXALATAN ; Pfizer,with Newthe York, INTRODUCTION tonometer. Miosis and conjunctival hyperemia were observed the evaluated treated eyes of both NY, USA) ophthalmic solution hasin been in norgroups, whereas flare in was noticed in one Topical prostaglandin-analogs, which produce changes mal cats and latanoprost-treated dogs (once daily foreye. 8 days),2 or dogs only intraocular pressure (IOP) and pupil diameterTravoprost (PD) in the0.004% (twice daily for reduces 5 days)3 the as well Conclusion significantly IOPas in glaucomatous normal dogs. Beagles The 4 dog, have been reported for 20 years. Topical prostaglandins (multiple dose for 5 days). IOP and PD decreased in nor-with hypotensive effect obtained with travoprost 0.004% is comparable to that obtained mal dogs; IOP was reduced about 3–4 mmHg. In cats, can produce considerable reductions in IOP as well as intense latanoprost 0.005%. miosis, which have made these agents front-line therapeutic latanoprost did not significantly lower IOP but did cause 2 Key Words: dogs, intraocular pressure, prostaglandin, travoprost agents for the treatment of the canine glaucomas. miosis. Withlatanoprost, 5-day dosing schedules of once in the Gum, et al.1 first reported the evaluation of selected promorning or once in the evening, or twice daily, 0.005% staglandins, i.e., prostaglandin PGA2, prostaglandin PGA2 latanoprost lowered IOP significantly in glaucomatous isopropyl ester, and prostaglandin PGF2" isopropyl ester in Beagles.4 The reductions in IOP after only evening instilnormal and glaucomatous Beagles. All concentrations of lations resulted in less daily fluctuations than when the PGA2 (1.0, 10, and 20 lg/50 lL) failed to lower IOP in nordrug was instilled only in the morning. Twice daily 4–6 Latanoprost a prostaother prostaglandin mal and glaucomatous Beagles. PGA2 isopropyl ester lowinstillations of 0.005% receptors. latanoprost produced the islargest INTRODUCTION glandin analog FP daily receptor agonist but thatlonger acts as an ered IOP in normal and glaucomatous Beagles; the declines decline in IOP withand thean least fluctuations Elevated intraocular the major risk factor duration ocularmiosis. hypotensive agent. Latanoprost increases uveoscleral were significant at 30–60pressure min and(IOP) lastedisabout 5 h. All confor the development ofand glaucoma. Although outflow, without prostaglandin-analogs affecting aqueous production oravailable conventional centrations (0.5, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0 lg/50 lL) ofimprovement prostaglan- on Later, additional became 7–9 dincyclodestructive PGF2" isopropyl esterand significantly loweredenhancement IOP in anddrainage. their effects evaluated in the eyes an of domestic animals. Latanoprost is also ester prodrug and is surgery aqueous outflow ! normal and glaucomatous Beagles. IOP was significantly ; cornea, Allergan,when Irvine, CA, (0.03% LUMIGAN hydrolyzed by esterases in the it becomes procedures has given veterinary ophthalmologists better results Bimatoprost decreased within 1 h of drug instillation and persisted was also evaluated at different schedules latanoprost biologically active dosing acid. The acid (once is more on the treatment this disease, medical therapyalong remains USA) with longerstrategy than 24toh. glaucoma control.1 Prostaglandin in the morning,and or once in thereleased evening, or twice daily) in hydrophilic is slowly from the cornea to the anmiosis important analogs represent a class of ocular hypotensive agents that aqueous humor for approximately 24 h.8,10,11 Human and # 2012 American of effectively Veterinary Ophthalmologists canine ocular tissues have been shown to hydrolyze PGF2α reduce IOP atCollege least as as nonselective β-adrenergic antagonists, and act by increasing uveoscleral outflow.2,3 prodrugs in a similar manner.12 It has been suggested that Travoprost is an isopropyl ester prodrug that is rapidly latanoprost can modify the extracellular matrix in the cillary hydrolyzed by esterases in the cornea, resulting in travoprost body by stimulating the activity of metalloproteinases.13 Netland et al. (2001) compared the effects of travoprost and free acid, its biologic active form. In the nanomolar range, latanoprost on the IOP of patients with open-angle glaucoma the acid has demonstrated preferential affinity and full agonist or ocular hypertension. Eight hundred one patients were activity for the FP receptor, with no meaningful affinity for ↓↓ ↓ Address communications to: J. L. Laus ↓↓↓ 61% 2.75-‐7.45mmHg (40.3%) ラタノプロスト(正常犬) ビモプロスト 0.03% (緑内障犬) 25-‐39% 25-‐39% 25-‐39% トラバプロスト 0.004% (緑内障犬) 59% 58% 75% (27-‐28mmHg↓) 2.95-‐7.85mmHg (44.6%) トラバプロスト(正常犬) 50% ウノプロスト(緑内障犬) 25% (20→15mmHg) ウノプロスト(正常犬) 剤とプロスト系の薬剤を分けて考えるとわかりやすい います。 PG製剤の組み合わせ K+チャネルで、細胞内Ca2+濃度の上昇を感知して開口し、 細胞外へK+を流出させます。Maxi-K+チャネル開口薬には 血管平滑筋細胞の弛緩作用、神経細胞保護作用、 さらに線 Address communications to: ラタノプロスト0.005% (緑内障犬) られます。ですから、PG関連薬の中でもプロストン系 (BK)チャネルに作用することが報告されています(図3) 。 このMaxi-K+チャネルは大容量カルシウム (Ca2+)依存性の 維柱帯細胞の弛緩作用などがあるといわれています。 Edward O. MacKay Tel.: 352-294-4089 and 0.0001% travoprost (Travatan!-Alcon Laboratories, Inc., Ft Worth, TX, USA) Fax:Alex 352-392-6125 B. Carvalho,* José L. Laus,† Vital P. Costa,‡ Paulo S. M. Barros* and Patrícia R. Silveira§ e-mail: [email protected] in multiple single-dose studies. *Department of Surgery, University of São Paulo, College of Veterinary Medicine, Brazil; †São Paulo State University, Campus of Jaboticabal, College of Procedures Intraocular pressure and pupil diameter (PD) measurements were obtained Agricultural and Veterinarian Sciences, Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, Brazil; ‡Department of Ophthalmology, University of São Paulo Medical 9 AM, 12 PM , 3 PM,ofand 9 AMMedical the following day (24 h) in two University groups of six glaucoma School, Brazil; and the Department ofatOphthalmology, University Campinas School, Brazil; §Veterinary Hospital, of Marília, Brazil 存在するカリウムイオン (K+)チャネルの1種であるMaxi-K+ ト系の薬剤は、 主にぶどう膜強膜流出路の流出促 JOURNAL OF OCULAR PHARMACOLOGY プロス AND THERAPEUTICS 2009 進によって眼圧を下げると考えられています。一方、ウノプ Sudharshan Hariharan et al. • ラタノプロスト+ビマトプロスト 図2 – トラバプロスト単独より眼圧 降下作用強い • ビマトプロスト VS ラタノプロスト – ラタノプロストに無反応な犬 の緑内障にビマトプロストが 反応 • 結合するレセプター(FP vs EP) • またはFPレセプターへの結合力 の違いによる 図3 PG関連薬のプロスタノイド受容体親和性 Latanoprost acid Travoprost acid FP 10-10 TP EP1 10-7 TP FP 10-10 EP1 10-7 10-4 IP DP プロスト系 10-4 10-1 EP2 10-1 IP EP3 DP EP2 EP3 EP4 EP4 Unoprostone acid TP FP 10-10 10-7 EP1 プロストン系 10-4 10-1 IP DP EP2 Hellberg. M.R. et al.: J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. 17(5): 433, 2001. Sharif. N.A. et al.: J. Ocul. Pharmacol. Ther. 19(6): 501, 2003. Nomura. S. et al.: Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi 115(5): 280, 2000. EP3 EP4 h>p://rescula.jp/glaucoma/symposium/ upload_docs/pamp_05.pdf より引用 ウノプロストンの作用機序 ウノプロストン (眼外からのルート) 眼底血管平滑筋 (眼外からのルート) 網膜神経節 線維柱帯 Ca2+依存性Maxi-K+チャネルの開口 血管平滑筋細胞内 神経節細胞内 Ca2+の上昇抑制 Ca2+の上昇抑制 血管拡張 神経細胞の アポトーシスを抑制 Thieme. H. et al.: IOVS 42(13), 2001. Cuppoletti. J. et al.: BBA 1768(5), 2007. 線維柱帯細胞内 Ca2+の上昇抑制 © 2006 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists Marcheselli. V. et al.: IOVS 42(S750), 2001. Lafuente. M.P. et al.: IOVS 41(S15), 2000. 血流増加 杉山、吉冨、木村、 その他多数 視神経保護 Melamed. S.: Drugs. Exptl. Clin. Res. 63, 2002. 房水流出抵抗の減少 主経路からの房水流出の促進 眼圧下降 Thieme. H. et al.: IOVS 42(13), 2001. 志村ほか: 第108回日本眼科学会総会, 2004. その他の点眼薬;自律神経系 視野維持 チモロール+ラタノプロスト アドレナリン受容体関連薬 0.5%チモプトール+ラタノプロスト配合点眼液 • 眼圧降下作用 – 配合剤とラタノプロスト単独で有意差なし – 配合剤/ラタノプロスト>>チモロール(0.5%) • 心拍数 – 💀配合剤とチモロール単独で減少。程度に有意差なし 配合剤とチモロール単独で減少。程度に有意差なし • 縮瞳 – 配合剤とラタノプロスト単独で減少。程度に有意差なし Effects of topical administration of latanoprost, timolol, or a combination of latanoprost and timolol on intraocular pressure, pupil size, and heart rate in clinically normal dogs • α2-‐ 作動薬 • アプラクロニジン0.5-‐1% • ブリモニジン0.1% • 選択的β1-‐ 遮断薬 • 塩酸ベタキソロール • 猫では効き目弱い Smithら。AJVR (2010) Lynsey N. Smith, DVM; Paul E. Miller, DVM; Lisa M. Felchle, DVM Objective—To determine effects after topical administration of latanoprost, timolol, or a commercially available latanoprost-timolol combination twice daily on intraocular pressure (IOP), pupil size (PS), and heart rate (HR) in clinically normal dogs. Animals—17 clinically normal dogs. Procedures—A randomized controlled clinical trial was performed with a treatment (n = 9) and saline (0.9% NaCl) solution group (8). Each dog in the treatment group received 3 treatments (latanoprost, timolol, and the latanoprost-timolol combination), with a 14-day washout period between treatments. Baseline values were established on day 1 of each treatment period. On days 2 through 5, drugs were administered topically every 12 hours to 1 eye of each dog in the treatment group. In both groups, IOP, PS, and HR were measured at 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, and 9 hours on days 2 and 5. Results—Eyes treated with latanoprost or the latanoprost-timolol combination had a significant decrease in IOP and a significantly smaller PS, compared with results for dogs receiving only timolol or dogs in the saline solution group. Timolol and the latanoprost-timolol combination both significantly lowered HR, compared with HR following administration of latanoprost and the saline solution. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—Topical administration of latanoprost alone was as effective at lowering IOP as was administration of the latanoprost-timolol combination when both were given every 12 hours to clinically normal dogs. Timolol, either alone or in combination with latanoprost, appeared to have little or no effect on IOP in clinically normal dogs but was associated with a reduction in HR. (Am J Vet Res 2010;71:1055–1061) その他の点眼薬;自律神経系 0.25%ニプラジロール;α1β遮断薬 G • β受容体遮断作用による房水の産生抑制 • α1受容体遮断作用による房水の流出促進 laucoma comprises a group of diseases that are unified by the common theme of progressive death of the retinal ganglion cells and their axons, which results in vision loss.1 An increase in IOP is the principal risk factor for glaucoma, and the primary goal of treatment is to reduce the IOP to values that will halt the death of retinal ganglion cells.1,2 Although clinicians have numerous medical and surgical options at their disposal, vision loss and decreased quality of life are frequent sequelae to glaucoma in domestic animals. Ideally, topical application of a single ocular hypotensive agent is the preferred treatment for patients HR IOP PS ABBREVIATIONS Heart rate Intraocular pressure Pupil size 3 Received July 20, 2009. Accepted July 29, 2009. From Eye Care for Animals, 17395 Tomball Pkwy, Ste 3-H, Houston, TX 77064 (Smith); Department of Surgical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706 (Miller); and Eye Care for Animals, 86 W Juniper Ave, Gilbert, AZ 85233 (Felchle). Presented in part as an oral presentation at the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmology Conference, Chicago, November 2009. The authors thank Dr. Richard Madsen for assistance with the statistical analyses. Address correspondence to Dr. Smith (lsmith@eyecareforanimals. com). 副交感神経作動薬 with glaucoma; however, treatment with a single agent alone often does not achieve the desired degree of IOP Effects of topical nipradilol and Cmolol maleate on intraocular pressure, facility of reduction, and treatment with a combination of 2 or more antiglaucoma drugs is required. However, topical treatment withpmultiple or >in 2 dosing intervals/ ou^low, arterial blood pressure and ulse drugs rate dogs d is associated with significantly reduced compliance in human patients with glaucoma. This reduced S. Maeharaら。Veterinary Ophthalmology (2004) compliance is not a trivial issue because 1 large study 4 in humans with glaucoma revealed that approximately 45% of patients using an electronic monitoring device who knew they were being monitored and were provided free medication used the medications < 75% of the time.4 Products that combine 2 antiglaucoma drugs in the same bottle have been introduced. Examples of such combination treatments include dorzolamidetimolol and brimonidine-timolol. Timolol maleate is a B-adrenergic receptor antagonist that reduces IOP by decreasing production of ⇔0.5%チモロール単独との比較 • 眼圧降下作用;両剤で有意に減少+両剤間で有意差なし →α1受容体遮断作用による房水の流出促進が眼圧↓補助 AJVR, Vol 71, No. 9, September 2010 1055 • 血圧・心拍数の減少;ニプラジロールでは認められず v 演者;チモロールで徐脈が顕著な症例に使用 09-07-0264r.indd 1055 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 • ピロカルピン, 臭化デメカリウム • 縮瞳作用 • 線維柱帯からの房水排泄促進 • 副作用>眼圧降下作用 • 結膜炎, 眼 痛(PH4.5-‐5) • 胃腸障害 8/23/2010 12:28:49 PM 6 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 緑内障内服薬 眼圧降下内服薬 (ACVO 2010でのアップデート) イソソルビド:正常犬 • 1.5 g/kg, po • 効果-‐ 90分 • Na↓; 投与2時間後 • K,Cl;変化なし グリセリン (Glycerol):正常犬 Break・・・・ 緑内障内服薬 Glaucoma NeuroprotecQon 緑内障=網膜神経節細胞の障害 (機序) ◯細胞内のグルタミンの枯渇⇄細胞外グルタミン↑ →神経内カルシウムの流入↑ / グルタミン酸興奮毒性 ※NMDA, カイニン酸, AMPA, 代謝調節型受容体を介して →フリーラジカル↑, 一酸化窒素合成↑ アムロジピン • カルシウムチャンネルBlockers • 神経保護 塩酸メマンチン MemanQne(Namenda®) • NMDA受容体の非競合的拮抗薬 • Ca2+ 透過性を減弱 • 視神経保護 Where and how… 高浸透圧薬 • 1.4g/kg, po BID~TID • 毒性なし • グルコース↑(糖尿病禁忌) • 効果MAX発現; 60分、効果持続 120 分 両薬剤とも優位な眼圧降下作用なし 緑内障内服薬 Glaucoma NeuroprotecQon アムロジピン • カルシウムチャンネルBlockers • 神経保護 • 犬: : 0.1-‐0.4mg/kg SID-‐BID • 猫: 5 kg以下 -‐ 0.625 mg SID, 5 kg以上;1.25 mg SID 塩酸メマンチン MemanQne(Namenda®) • 0.15-‐0.30mg/kg SID or 20mg/頭/週に2回 • NMDA受容体の非競合的拮抗薬 • Ca2+ 透過性を減弱 • 視神経保護 • 副作用(少ない) • ヒト;幻覚、精神障害、昏睡 急性緑内障の緊急治療;静脈注射 高浸透圧製剤 マンニトール ◯ • 硝子体の脱水 • 1-‐1.5 g/kg IV over 15 min • 1時間以内に効果 • 6時間効果持続 • 4-‐6時間の飲水制限 • ぶどう膜炎では禁忌 Veterinary Ophthalmology (2006) Sabine Volopichら 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 ヘタスターチ △ • マンニトールとほぼ同様の眼 圧効果作用 • 効果時間短い(〜2時間) • リバウンド効果・・2時間後に コントロール群より眼圧上昇 傾向 7 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 急性原発性緑内障の緊急治療 急性原発性緑内障の緊急治療 GOAL = IOP < 20 mmHg Emergency Therapy • ラタノプロスト 0.005% • 前房穿刺 Aqueocentesis/ AC paracentesis ü 点眼後15分以降で効果 ü 必要により複数回点眼(30分おき + ステロイド点眼) • +/-‐ マンニトール Choroid ü 1 to 1.5 g/kg IV 15分以上かけて • ドルゾライマイド or ブリンゾラマイド ü 点眼;維持 TID • チモロール0.5% Iris ü 点眼;維持 BID~TID Ciliary body • 前房穿刺 急性原発性緑内障の緊急治療 -‐ 前房穿刺 -‐ • 副作用 p ブドウ膜炎 • -‐ 25 G >> 30G> 27G ■原発性緑内障の予防 • 反対側眼への発症率 ・W/ 0.25%チモロール点眼→18.7ヵ月 ・W/O:抗緑内障点眼→平均7.7ヵ月 緑内障の外科的治療 経強膜毛様体光凝固術 • 急性緑内障 -‐ 視覚回復が見込まれる眼への 治療 TransScleral CycloPhotocoagulaQon (TSCP) • 1.毛様体光凝固術 =眼房水産生の減少効果 ☠ブドウ膜炎, 前房出血, 白内障, 網膜剥離 • 2.隅角インプラント Gonioimplant =眼房水流出の増加 ☠ 低眼圧, 網膜剥離, 線維化, 感染 • 3. 1+2= レーザーとインプラントの併用 -‐ 50%の症例で一年後も視覚の維持 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 8 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 ■毛様体光凝固術 条件 (イヌ) CLITICAL TIPS 角膜輪部より3-4mm後方から 重度の色素部位は避ける 3時ならびに9時部位以外の経強膜 角膜輪部から毛様体突起中央部までの距離 1000mW×5000mS;20~30発の照射 Diode laser 780– 850 nm 術直後に前房穿刺(27G) Nd:YAG laser: 1064 nm ポップ音 Diode laser • メラニン含有組織への吸収>Nd:YAG laser 経強膜;破壊術>凝固 緑内障の外科的治療 Surgical Therapy • 毛様体は隅角より1.5~2mm後方 • 背側>外側, 腹側>内側(背側の約半分の距離) • Ichihara ら。J. Vet. Med. Sci 2006 (ビーグル犬) • 急性緑内障 For visual eye: =視覚回復が見込まれる眼への治療 u 隅角インプラント Gonioimplant =眼房水流出の増加 ☠ 低眼圧, 網膜剥離, 線維化, 感染 TSCPとGIの併用 メリット • GI; 即効性かつ短期 ⇔ TSCP; 遅効性かつ長期 • 組織が100℃に達した時に聞こえる細胞内外液の蒸発音(ショック 波) • 20-‐33%で聞こえるのがベスト ■前房シャント/隅角インプラント術 -‐GONIOIMPLANT (GI)-‐ ■前房シャント/隅角インプラント術 -‐GONIOIMPLANT(GI)-‐ 術後合併症 ü GI周囲の線維化 ü 血餅・フィブリン ü MMCによる壊死 デメリット • より重度のインプラント周囲の線維化・眼内炎症 • GIの閉塞を起こすリスク↑ • マイトマイシン / 5 –FU / TPA / ステロイド点眼 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 9 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 エンドレーザー毛様体光凝固術 Endoscopic CyclophotocoagulaQon 目標 Goals 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 • 急性緑内障 • =視覚回復が見込ま れる眼への治療 formation • 急性緑内障 • =視覚回復が見込ま れる眼への治療 エンドレーザー 毛様体光凝固術 エンドレーザー 毛様体光凝固術 ■成績;TSCP/隅角インプラント(GI) • Bras, Sapienza, Wilkieら。ACO 2013 – 犬257頭/309眼 – 200-‐850mW X 9000ms;原発緑内障:324mW > 続発-‐:293mW • 続発性緑内障;大部分が白内障手術後または水晶体脱臼オペ後 – 4-‐6個の毛様体を画面に可視 眼圧維持(%) 1年後 2年後 3年後 4年後 • 原発性緑内障 91 85 81 90 • 続発性緑内障 93 96 91 100 視覚維持(%) 1年後 2年後 3年後 4年後 • 原発性緑内障 68 58 51 48 • 続発性緑内障 67 56 54 53 手術1年後の視覚維持率 〜2011年 1. TSCP単独;50-53% 2. TSCP+GI; 約50% 3. GI単独; 3 - 42% Cookら。 Diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulaCon for the treatment of glaucoma in dogs: results of six and twelve month follow-‐up. Vet Comp Ophthalmol 1997 Hardmanら。Diode laser transscleral cyclophotocoagulaCon for the treatment of primary glaucoma in 18 dogs: a Vet Ophthalmol 2001. TSCP GI TSCP + GI 眼圧維持(%) 67 - 92 74 – 76 視覚維持(%) <50 22-100 41-58 期間(ヶ月) 1-21ヶ月 9-22ヶ月 12ヶ月 術後合併症;% (続発性緑内障) ①なし; 37 (62)> ②眼内フィブリン析出; 36 (31)> ③角膜潰瘍; 29 (38)> ④前房出血; 10 (9) 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 目標 Goals 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 • 盲目眼; p 眼球内容除去術 -‐義眼挿入術 p GM硝子体注入術 p 眼球摘出術 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 目標 Goals 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 ゲンタマイシン硝子体注入術 ü 毛様体破壊術+全ての眼内組織 ü 一般に15〜25mgのゲンタマイシン投与量 ü 標準全身投与量;6~8 mg/kg/day以下 ü +デキサメタゾン1〜2mg ü 65-80% 眼圧降下成功率(1回の注入) ü 短時間麻酔(10分) ü 効果発現に2週間〜 合併症 ü 10% で眼球癆 ü 眼内出血 ü 重度のぶどう膜炎 ü 外傷性眼内肉腫(猫) ü 全身毒性;腎不全,中毒性難聴 10 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 ゲンタマイシン硝子体注入術 目標 Goals GM硝子体注入の副作用の最新知見 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 • 硝子体注入後の血清中GM濃度 – Lanuza et al. Kansan State Univ. ACVO 2011 • 18頭の犬 ; 体重;8〜49 kg • 成功率(眼圧< 25mmHg); 82% • 硝子体注入量; ü GM + Dexamethasone用意 ü 20G針+5mlシリンジ+三方活栓 ü ベノキシールを染込ませた綿棒 を角膜輪部-‐12時方向から8mm 後方に数秒あてる ü 同部位に挿針 ü まず硝子体を1ml吸引 ü 次にGM+Dexaを側管より注入 ü 挿針部位より出血が見られる場 合は2.5%フエニレフリンもしくは 1/10000エピネフリンを滴下 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 シドフォビル硝子体注入術 – 25~40mg/GM & 1mg/ Dexa • 血清中のGM濃度; 30min, 1hr, 2hrs, 4 hrs – 2 hrs でMAX; 9.71 μg/ml ⇔ IM inj; 54,5 μg/ml 目標 Goals 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 MC Low et al. USA. ACVO 2011 ü 202 dogs (222 eyes) ü 525 or 750 μg シドフォビル硝子体注入 ü シドフォビル; 注射液濃度75mg/ml ü 0.05ml; シドフォビル + 0.95ml注射用水=3.75 mg/ml ü 角膜輪部より5mm後方 w/ 30 G ü + 1mgトリアムシノロン 結膜下注射 合併症; Ø 17%の眼球勞のみ Ø 眼圧;投与前; 平均46mmHg ⇔ 投与後; 平均10mmHg Ø >500μgの注入で効果あり Ø GM注入より眼内炎症, 白内障形成の副作用低い 経強膜義眼挿入術 眼球内容除去+眼内シリコンボール 適応 1. 慢性緑内障 2. 眼疼痛緩和 3. 美観的理由 4. 経済的理由(内科的 VS 義眼) 義眼挿入術で用いる器具 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 経強膜義眼挿入術 眼球内容除去+眼内シリコンボール 術式 1. 背側リンバスから5-‐8mmの結膜を120-‐150°切開 2. 続いてリンバスから4-‐6mmの強膜を切開 3. 正常眼の角膜横径より1mm大きいシリコンボール 4. 縫合糸は6-‐0Vicryl 5. 義眼のサイズにフィットしてくるのは3~6週間後 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 • • • • • • テノトミー剪刀(曲) ドベーキー鑷子 ビショップハーモン鑷子 毛様体分離スパーテル 義眼挿入器 義眼シリコンボール 11 緑内障part 2 2013/12/17 義眼後の合併症 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 経強膜義眼挿入術 • 義眼の不適応症例!! • 眼内腫瘍 • 眼内感染 • 角膜疾患 • 角膜潰瘍 • KCS 緑内障の外科的治療 目標 Goals 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 経強膜義眼挿入術 150 義眼後の合併症の発生率 NARANJOら, Wisconsin univ, ACVO, 2008 1. 義眼挿入犬全体の9-‐16% 2. 8 %のイヌ;眼球外に転移 3. 義眼後、眼摘になった症例 ;4.5 -‐ 8 % Linら, J.Vet. Med.sci., 2007 KCS・・・10%(2/20) ET AL. • 角膜の知覚減少 – 関連因子 • 術前の牛眼の程度 • 術中の強膜切開の長さ – シルマーティアーの減少 • STT-‐1, STT-‐2とも減少 • 術後2週間〜 – 術後のドライアイ, 上皮びらん Figure 1. Plot of nylon filament length means and standard errors vs. time for control and surgery eyes. Corneal sensitivity was significantly lower in surgery eyes than in control eyes both preoperatively (week 0) and at all times postoperatively (weeks 2, 7, 14, 28), but there was no significant difference between preoperative and postoperative corneal sensitivity when the two groups were evaluated separately. 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 眼球摘出術 目標 Goals 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 適応; ü 視覚回復の見込みのない慢性緑内障 ü 眼内腫瘍症による続発性緑内障 ü 眼内感染症例 ü 痛みの緩和 SMALL ANIMALS 6/23/2006 9:57 AM Page 220 2- and 14-week postoperative mean STT II in the control eye (Fig. 2b). Additionally, there was a significant difference between preoperative and 28-week postoperative STT IIvalues in the surgery eye (Fig. 2b). There was a statistically insignificant trend toward decreased Development of a retrobulbar injection technique corneal sensitivity with increased degree of buphthalmos for ocular surgery and analgesia in dogs (Fig. 3). Likewise, there was a statistically insignificant trend toward decreased corneal sensitivity with increased scleral Peter J. Accola, DVM; Ellison Bentley, DVM, DACVO; Lesley J. Smith, DVM, DACVA ; length (Fig. 4). incision Lisa J. Forrest, VMD, DACVR; Cheryl A. Baumel; Christopher J. Murphy, DVM, PhD, DACVO 眼球摘出術 Objective—To develop and compare 3 techniques for retrobulbar injection of local anesthetic agents for ocular surgery and analgesia in dogs. Design—Prospective study. Animals—17 dogs (including 9 cadavers). Procedure—Inferior-temporal palpebral (ITP), perimandibular, and combined superior-inferior peribulbar injection techniques were compared by assessing the distribution of latex after injection into the orbits of 5 canine cadavers; magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation of the distribution of contrast agent after injection in the retrobulbar space of 4 canine cadavers; and assessment of the efficacy and MRI evaluation of the anatomic distribution of injections of a lidocainecontrast agent mixture in 4 anesthetized, nonrecovery dogs. By use of the preferred technique (ITP), the ocular effects of lidocaine anesthesia were evaluated in 4 dogs; during a 2-week period after treatment, dogs underwent ophthalmic examination, Schirmer tear testing (STT), intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement, and Cochet–Bonnet esthesiometry. Results—Of the 3 techniques, the ITP technique was the preferred method for retrobulbar administration of anesthetic agent in dogs because it was efficacious (pupil dilation and central rotation of the globe achieved in all eyes), easiest to perform, and provided thorough coverage of the intraconal retrobulbar space without complication. During the 2-week follow-up period, the ITP injection did not significantly affect STT, IOP, or Cochet-Bonnet esthesiometry values in dogs. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance—In dogs, retrobulbar administration of anesthetic agents via the ITP technique is a potential alternative to systemic administration of neuromuscular blocking agents for ophthalmic surgery and provides the additional benefit of local ocular analgesia. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2006;229:220–225) • • • • CN III, IV, V, and VI ü 外眼筋の不動化 ü 眼球の位置が中央に 毛様体神経節 ü 散瞳 局所鎮痛 注意すべき合併症 ü 眼球の穿孔 ü 血管・神経内への注入 ü 球後出血 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 Figure 2. (a) Schirmer tear test I-means and st control and surgery eyes at preoperative week 0 weeks 2, 7, 14 and 28. A significant reduction fr was noted in the surgery eye at week 2. A reduc value was noted in the surgery eye at week 28 b of statistical significance (P = 0.05) A significan control and surgery eye was noted at week 28. ( test II-values and standard errors for control an preoperative week 0 and postoperative weeks 2 significant difference from preoperative value w eye at postoperative week 28. capnometry or arterial blood gas measurement to ensure 23 decreases with age. Diurnal fluctuations in corneal sensithat adequate ventilation is achieved. Without the ability to appropriately monitor the effects of NBAs dogs,24 Numerous pathologic conditions of the tivity also in occur. which is common in many practice settings, hypoventilaeye have respiratory been shown to increase the corneal touch threshold tion will lead to hypercapnia and considerable acidosis, with potential cardiovascular, neurologic, and in humans including scleritis,25 keratoconjunctivitis sicca,26 metabolic consequences.2 Additionally, respiratory acidoviral keratitis,27 corneal edema,28,29 and glauOur study revealed a statistically sign sis induces an increase in choroidalherpes blood flow, resulting 30,31 in increased IOP and anterior vitreal displacement, both coma. Additionally, systemic diseases that can affect the preoperative corneal sensitivity betwee of which can increase the potential for surgical complicaperipheral nerves, such as diabetes mellitus, myasthenia eyes that undergo an evisceration with tion.3,4 Therefore, there are considerable advantages in gravis, andwithout leprosy, can also lead to an increase in corneal sis, which was characterized by a signifi preferentially paralyzing the extraocular muscles impairment of patient ventilation. touch threshold.14,32–36 sensitivity in eyes undergoing surger Retrobulbar anesthesia provides excellent extraocular muscle akinesis and has the added benefit of providing local analgesia that could reduce the need for peri© 2007 American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists, Veterinary Oph operative systemic administration of analgesics such as opioids or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Also, without the specific need for a mechanical ventilator and additional monitoring equipment with associated personnel, the overall operative cost may be reduced. A thorough understanding of the relevant canine ophthalmic and orbital anatomic features as well as consideration of ocular axial length, orbital depth, and orbital axis is required to accurately administer retrobulbar injections. Targets of retrobulbar anesthesia include cranial nerves III, IV, V, and VI and the ciliary ganglion. Options for induction of retrobulbar anesthesia include placing the anesthetic agent internal or external to the retrobulbar muscular cone. In general, injection of an anesthetic agent into the intraconal space will result in the most rapid and consistent effect with the least volume required. In comparison, extraconal injection of an anesthetic agent, although perhaps safer because the needle is not as close to the globe, can have a longer onset of action and typically requires a higher drug volume; moreover, multiple injections are often required, each having its own associated potential complications. Possible complications of retrobulbar anesthesia include retrobulbar hemorrhage, IV injection of the anesthetic, globe perforation, optic nerve damage or other neuropathy, extraocular muscle myopathy, and 犬: リドカイン 8mg (2%; 0.4ml); <8 mg/kg ブピバカイン 8mg (0.5%; 1.6ml) <2mg/kg 猫 リドカイン 5mg (2%; 0.25ml);<2mg/kg ブピバカイン 5mg (0.5%; 1 ml) <2mg/kg ondepolarizing neuromuscular-blocking agents0are +/-‐ エピネフリン(1:1000) .02 ml (0.01mg) N commonly used in veterinary ophthalmologic prac- 目標 Goals Scientific Reports: Original Study JAVMA, Vol 229, No. 2, July 15, 2006 眼球摘出術で用いる器具 1. 視覚維持・回復 2. 不快症状の軽減 21,22 2. わずかな”ポップ音”; =眼窩筋膜を通る音 220 眼球摘出術 球後麻酔注射法 muscle paralysis, and thus patients require specific moni20 toring such as train-of-4 peripheral nerve stimulation to In another study, brachycephalic cats were shown accurately determine the duration of effect. The use of to have a higher intermittent positive-pressure ventilation is necessary and corneal touch threshold and thus a lower 1. 約20°に針中央部を曲げる) requires the use of specialized anesthetic equipment and than DSH cats. Corneal sensitivity corneal sensitivity From the Veterinary Emergency Service, 1612 N High Point Rd, Ste 100, Middleton, WI 53562 (Accola); and the Department of Surgical Sciences, School of Veterinary Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI 53706-1102 (Bentley, Smith, Forrest, Baumel, Murphy). The authors thank Drs. Richard Dubielzig and Laura Goodman for image acquisition. Address correspondence to Dr. Bentley. NBA IOP ITP MR 1. 22ゲージ スパイナル針-‐ 1.5 inch sensitive. tice because they are easy to administer systemically in animals and provide the necessary extraocular muscle paralysis for intraocular and corneal surgery. Unfortunately, with NBA administration, it is not possible to adequately eliminate extraocular muscle activity for surgery without inducing major respiratory compromise.1 Systemic administrations of NBAs induce respiratory 緑内障の外科的治療 慢性緑内障 DISCUSSION ABBREVIATIONS Nondepolarizing neuromuscular-blocking agent Intraocular pressure Inferior-temporal palpebral Magnetic resonance 球後麻酔注射法 Normal variations in corneal sensitivity exist among differing species and corneal regions. A study comparing canine skull types revealed that corneas of dolicocephalic dogs were most sensitive and those of brachycephalic dogs were least • • • • • • テノトミー剪刀 ビショップハーモン鑷子 滅菌綿棒 マッスルフック 眼球摘出剪刀 血管鉗子/曲モスキート 眼球摘出剪刀 12 緑内障part 2 眼球摘出術 2013/12/17 QuesQons?? • メッシュワーク縫合 – 術後の眼球陥没の防止 • シリコン挿入 – 眼窩内△ – 合併症 • 犬;4% • 猫;40% 松山ほうじょうクリニック眼科 13
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