GEPPO Buddhist Church of San Francisco 1881 Pine Street San Francisco CA 94109 415-776-3158 Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage Paid San Francisco Calif . Permit No. 6273 RETURN REQUESTED Special Dates to Remember April 5 April 8 April 11, 12 & 18 April 19 April 25 Hanamatsuri Tannisho Discussion Cherry Blossom Festive Regular Service & Cherry Blossom Parade Shotsuki Hoyo Metta Service (Please see calendar for a complete listing of services events & classes) April 2015 Buddhist Church of San Francisco April 2015 Sensei’s Message By Rev. Ronald Kobata April 2015 Come ALIVE! According to the history we follow in the BCA, the historical Buddha Sakyamuni was born in Lumbini Garden on April 8, almost twenty‐six centuries ago. The legendary accounts of his birth describe that at the moment of his birth he stood up and walked seven steps to the North, South, East and West, then raised his Qny fingers up to the sky and down towards the earth, and proclaimed, “In the heaven above and on earth below, I am the most honored one. I shall dispel the suffering that fills the world.” This proclamaQon summarizes the meaning of our religious life on the Buddhist path. This year we will celebrate Sakyamuni Buddha’s birth on April 5, with a 10:00 a.m. service in the hondo where we will set up the tradiQonal Hana‐mido (flower shrine) to perform the tradiQonal Kan‐Butsu (bathing Buddha) ritual. The Dharma message for the Hana Matsuri (Flower FesQval) service will be given by Rev. Shousei Hanayama of the Watsonville Buddhist Temple. Rev. Hanayama spent four years of his childhood in Seabrook, New Jersey, where his father Rev. Shoyu Hanayama served the Seabrook Buddhist Temple from 1964 – 1968. Shosei Sensei’s grandfather Rev. Shinsho Hanayama was the Bishop of the BCA from 1959 – 1968. Special musical presentaQons by the BCSF choir and musicians, along with a performance by Dharma School students will be included in the service program. A luncheon will be served following the service. Let’s join together to commemorate and celebrate the person who came ALIVE to the Dharma. Speaking of coming alive, during this month’s San Francisco Interfaith Council’s meeQng at St. Mark’s Lutheran Church there was a speaker, Rev. Floyd Trammell, who related his faith journey to his present posiQon as the Spiritual Care Manager with the Sojourn Chaplaincy at San Francisco General Hospital. During the talk he shared a few quotes from people who have influenced his ministry. I was especially encouraged to hear an exhortaQon afributed to Rev. Howard Thurman, who was a mentor to the Rev. Dr. MarQn Luther King, Jr. The quote was, “Don’t ask what the world needs; ask what makes you come alive, and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” Following Rev. Trammell’s talk, I went to thank him for his sharing and menQoned to him that I had been using the phrase “Come ALIVE” as an alternaQve expression for the Buddhist term enlightenment and explained the acronym I’ve created for ALIVE as: Aware / Loving / Inspired / Valued / Engaged. He appreciated this view of what it means to be alive. This is the way I appreciate the meaning of the infant’s birth and proclamaQon in Lumbini Garden twenty‐six hundred years ago that conQnues to inspire us to come alive, One with Immeasurable Life. Namo AmidaButsu We are constantly told to move our valuables from within our cars and secure them in the trunk. However, just recently, one of our members experienced a burglary from her car trunk. This member had parked her car on Austin Alley while attending the Ohigan service. A burglar broke into her car trunk and made off with some valuables, including some cash. Fortunately, her car was not damaged. Please be mindful of what you put in your car trunk. If you are unfortunate enough to be a victim of burglary, please consider filing a police report. You can file a report on‐line by going to www.sf‐ and clicking File a Police Report under Most Requested. You may not get your stolen items back but filing a police report will be beneficial during SFPD strategic planning time. One of the factors that is considered during strategic planning is the number of police reports of various crimes. The districts in SF that report more crime will get more SFPD attention. Those districts that do not have much theft or under‐report thefts are less likely to get resources during resource allocation. BCSF Safety & Security Committee Sympathy The Buddhist Church of San Francisco extends its deepest sympathy to the family & friends of the late: Mr. Takeo Kuno who passed away on 02/26/2015 Jayne Hisaye Nakamoto who passed away on 3/8/2015 Buddhist Church of San Francisco April 2015 Living Nembutsu By David PaQng Sensei April 2015 Spring Fever* This winter has been extra‐ordinarily dry. We are in fourth year of no rainfall—a drought. Looking east, the Sierra hills are topless of snow. Their nakedness sounds the alarm of coming summer: no snow, no water. Without water, many things (including us) will struggle, as will fish, trees and farmers. Save up now because your water bill is go up up! Yet, as we are nearing the corner of winter and spring, not quite aware of the coming calamity ahead, I see glimmers of hope as young sprouts spring in my yard from barren soil. From dirt arise seeds; from seeds come tendrils of grass; from green grass grow worms; from worms comes earthy richness teaming with life. My yard is a glorious explosion of acQvity, colors, sounds and smells. I get spring fever whenever I see pale shades of lavender, bright petals of speckled white, spofed ladybugs flufering, spiders stalking, earwigs scafering—good eaQng for the slender salamander who is close at hand. I am even visited by a red‐breasted robin‐‐ where are you migraQng? To what do I owe your early springQme company? Just then, I feel a jolt and a quake. California has many such quakes. “Not unusual,” I think. However this one is different, larger and more intense in acQvity and color. It opens the land and splits the earth wide open. And there, in my yard, “from out of this crevice there appear incalculable thousands of myriads of ko2s of bodhisafva mahasafvas. All have golden bodies endowed with the thirty‐two marks and radiaQng immeasurable rays of light. They had all previously been living in the space under the earth of the saha world. Having heard the sound of [nature’s] calling, all of these bodhisafvas emerge from below. “* Oh, Bodhisafva’s, where have you come from? Why are you in my yard of spring flowers? Thereupon the many bodhisafvas sat cross‐legged upon lion seats made from mushrooms shaded by cherry blossoms, each afended by a great many wonderful marvelous insect creatures said, “The Tathagata now wants to reveal the wisdom of the buddhas. Come closer. Do not have any doubts, for the wisdom of buddhas is difficult to comprehend! You should now awaken to the power of faith…you will be able to hear what you may never have heard before...have no doubts or fear!” “Having afained highest, complete enlightenment in this saha world, bodhisafvas restrained their thoughts and…abiding in this world, [they] always culQvate [virtuous] pracQces… constantly pracQcing teaching with vigor, day and night… the path is awakened in them in as they live in the space under the earth of this saha world…leading and inspiring all to the truth.” Am I feverish? Am I hearing things? Here in my yard, among bugs and bushes—bodhisafvas springing forth speaking to me? And yet we are taught: Daily, myriads of buddhas and bodhisafvas arise from the earth to lead us to the truth. We just need to hear, see and realize them! Please listen carefully as we celebrate the joyous days of this year’s very brief Spring—Buddha calls to us! Namo Amida Butsu. * Based upon the Lotus Sutra (Chapter 15), “Bodhisafvas Emerging from the Earth.” Buddhist Church of San Francisco Board of Directors MeeBng Oct 9, 2014 6:00P.M. in BCSF Social Hall Board Members present: James Basore, Doug Dorn, Befy Fujimoto, Yumi Hafa, Pres. David Kamita, Dean Hedani, Rev. Ron Kobata, Treas. Jeff Matsuoka, Richard Okiuye, David PaQng, Dr.Y. Shimazu, Giles Tarquin, Akemi Yoshimoto. 1) MeeQng was called to order by Pres. David Kamita at 6 p.m. Rev. Kobata led opening meditaQon and Gasho 2) Solar Power‐‐ Jesse Quay of Sun Light and Power presented a proposal from his company and answered quesQons about installing solar panels on BCSF roof and about solar power in general. Next month, we will host another solar panel provider. 3) AppreciaQons ‐Rev. Kobata expressed his graQtude to the BCSF Board of Directors for the wedding giu to his daughter Trina and new son‐in‐law Chris; to the 80 guests at the Buddhist Hunger Walk on Oct. 13. and to Sangha for lunch, and for temple tour; to Sandy Yamakishi, “C.J “ Jones, Maf SQmson helped distribute some of the many oil painQngs that were donated to the church; to Camille PaQng and others who afended the Dharma School Teachers Conference; and to BCSF Office Mngr. Mary Brown who conQnues a gentle Yoga class at BCSF.‐‐Millicent Ishimaru thanked Misuzu and Hiro Hayama for their Terrarium Workshop on 10/7. ‐‐ GraQtude was extended to all the volunteers who parQcipated in the Annual Fall Clean‐Up and to those ladies who came in on Saturday before the clean‐up and did necessary tasks. However, befer co‐ordinaQon is needed. The backdrop curtain and upper‐border curtain on gym stage was put in place during the clean‐up.‐‐Richard thanked Jiten Daiko youth group who performed at Gay Men’s Chorus fundraiser and to all who afended. The kids Taiko group was a major hit at this show w/numerous compliments from all sides. 4) Minutes of 9/11/14 approved w/correcQons to final ediQon (MSC Dean/Befy 13/0/0) 5) Minister's Report 6) Treasurer's Report Approved (MSC Richard/Doug 13/0/0) 7) Youth AthleQc Assoc. (YAO) Scholarship Fund‐‐ BCSF awards $150 to YAO Scholarship Fund (MSC Kamita/ Dorn 9/3/0) 8) New Business– A.Japanese Cemetery‐‐Dean has researched BCSF's ownership of plots at Japaneser Cemetery in Colma (BCSF bought 10, sold three, and currently owns seven, all purchased for $1,500 ea. and now worth as much as $5k ea. He also visits the Colma facility and has located BCSF's plots) B. Acupuncture‐‐Giles noted the success of Cindy Chang’s acupuncture and his massage programs at Ginza Bazaar, and asked about conQnuing his massage program on a regular basis. David K. noted that there might be City and County of San Francisco regulaQons to be considered. In closing‐‐Rev. Kobata noted the passing of Mrs. Masako Iwase, and group unanimously dedicated the evening's meeQng in her memory. Minutes respeczully submifed by Doug Dorn Buddhist Church of San Francisco Board of Directors MeeBng JANUARY 8, 2015 6:00 P.M. in BCSF Social Hall Board Members present: James Basore, Frank Del Gaizo, Doug Dorn, Befy Fujimoto, Pres. David Kamita, Yumi Hafa‐Wong, ,Dean Hedani, Rev. Ron Kobata, Jeff Matsuoka, David PaQng, Dr. Y. Shimazu, Giles Tarquin, and Calvin Yee, and Akemi Yoshimoto. 1.MeeQng called to order by Pres. David Kamita at 6:40 pm. Gasho lead by Rev. Kobata. 2. Welcome and IntroducQons new board member Frank Del Gaizo introduced himself (originally from New Jersey, now works at SF InternaQonal Airport), followed by a round of board member introducQons. 3. AppreciaQons extended to Mrs. Yasuko Fukuda for Japanese Shotsuki list; to Befy Fujimoto for the evening's toban, to all conQnuing board members, to all who helped at Joya‐E service; to all "Best of Grateful Crane" show help. 4. Approval of Minutes from Dec. 11, 2014 w/ correcQons (MSC Doug/Jeff/Unanimous) 5. ExecuQve Board ElecQons following slate of officers nominated and approved by unanimous vote (MSC Rudy/Befy/Unanimous)‐‐President David Kamita Co‐Vice Presidents: David PaQng and Yumi Hafa‐Wong (w/understanding that acceptance of this posiQon is not a precedent for board president). Treasurer: Jeff Matsuoka Secretary: Douglas Dorn 6. Presidents Report David reported on successful Helpers AppreciaQon luncheon at Gourmet Carousel Restaurant in December for the numerous people at BCSF who give their Qme and experQse to keeping this temple going‐‐to those who trek down to the Flower Mart to secure flowers for the Onaijin, to those who arrange the altar flowers, to those who secure the weekly array of pastry and refreshments that always appear on Sunday Morning in the Social Hall, to all the people whose Dana of Qme and knowledge keep BCSF happening. 7. Ministers Report (See Rev Kobata's wrifen report) 8. Treasurers Report Accepted (MSC David P/James 14/0/0 ) A. Income & Expense Report for 2014 showing BCSF's income exceeded expenditures (123.46% !). Event Total Gross Total Expense Total Net Grateful Crane * $ 20,126.83 $ 5,087.16 $ 15,039.67 Ginza Bazaar $ 57,899.91 $ 30,454.27 $ 27,445.58 Chicken Bento $ 16,022.30 $ 4,498.73 $ 11,523.57 Aloha Chicken $ 8,051.00 $ 1,879.19 $ 6,711.80 *earmarked for bldg. fund Discussion of future of Ginza Bazaar followed. Ginza Bazaar Commifee will seek guidance from BOD. B. Orei for Ministers Assistants‐‐Monetary appreciaQons to assistant ministers of up to $500 honorariums approved(MSC Rudy/Befy /13/0/1 abstenQon by D. PaQng). 9. General Announcements A. Ho‐On‐Ko Service. BCA Annual MeeQng‐‐Feb. 25‐March 1 in San Diego. B. BCSF CommuniQes MeeQng‐‐Feb 12. C. Gym ConstrucQon‐‐Bldg. Commifee to construct addiQons/ repairs in gym. D. Safety/Security‐Pres. Kamita noted need for everyone to stay security‐conscious. MeeQng adjourned at 9.15 p.m. w/ closing Gasho by Rev. Kobata. Next MeeQng Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 6 p.m. BCSF CommuniQes MeeQng at 7 p.m. Buddhist Church of San Francisco Board of Directors MeeBng February 12, 2015 6:00P.M. in BCSF Social Hall Members Afending: Frank Del Gaizo, Doug Dorn, Befy Fujimoto, Julie Yumi Hafa‐Wong, Dean Hedani, Pres. David Kamita, Rev. Ron Kobata, Treas. Jeff Matsuoka, Richard Okiuye, Dr. Y. Shimazu, Gills Tarquin, Akemi Yoshimoto. 1) MeeQng called to order by Pres. Kamita at 6:15 p.m. Rev. Kobata lead opening Gasho. 2) Minutes of Jan 8, 2015 tabled. 3) Elevator monitoring‐‐ Rev. Kobata said some members have expressed concerns to him about access to the Hondo via BCA elevator and the chairliu. Henceforth, we will announce at Sunday Service that volunteer(s) are needed at specific Qmes. Yumi offered to coordinate the effort. 4) Discussion of Cemetery plots ‐‐Resolved: BCSF accepts wrifen offers from two BCSF members to purchase two cemetery plots for $1,500. each w/addiQonal donaQon of $4k ea. to BCSF and $1k ea. to Japanese Benevolent Society. (Dean/Richard 11‐0‐0). 5) Pride Parade on June 28, 2015 Discussion (discussion was interrupted by scheduled 7 p.m. arrival of Affiliates, but enQre mafer is included here for sake of conQnuity). Resolved: BCSF will parQcipate in 2015 San Francisco Pride Parade and allocates $2,223.50 for entry fees and 'Trolley' rental. (Yumi/Jeff 10/0/1). 6) Affiliates MeeQng Pres. Kamita introduced the session by noQng that this is the first of three or four meeQngs a year w/Affiliates and BOD, that BCSF has a full season of upcoming events, where we need to coordinate calendars, that we always look for ways to inter‐connect BCSF's various communiQes, starQng with Feb. 22 Chicken Bento followed by Church Clean‐Up on March 22 with other events following. (see for complete calendar). RepresentaQves of Affiliated OrganizaQons afended the first of quarterly get‐togethers including Galen Rogers of Jiten Daiko Taiko, Jeff Masuda of Youth AthleQc OrganizaQon (YAO) and Assistant Cub Master Elson Seiki from Boy Scouts (Troop 29), Greg Serra of Junior Young Buddhist Assoc. (Jr. YBA), Dr. Shimazu of Soko Gakuen, Girls Scout/ Brownies parent rep David Kamita, and Yumi Hafa‐Wong (speaking for BWA) all met w/BOD to exchange calendars and to build community. Summing up, David and Rev. Kobata noted that these regular Affiliates MeeQng will replace the Family Council, will occur every 3 months or so, and the next one will be in June in preparaQon for Ginza Bazaar. 7) New Business A. Hanamatsuri Luncheon‐‐Yumi announced BWA is relinquishing preparaQon and serving of Hanamatsuri lunch on April 5. Discussion followed on how to do it, and board appointed Yumi and Frank as co‐chairs for the event. B. Annual MeeQng will be March 8. C. Orei‐ Resolved: BCSF sends $150 orei to Senshin Buddhist Church in Los Angeles for oil painQng portraits/landscapes they donated, and to BCA for use of their garage for storage. (MSC Jeff/Dean Unanimous). D. Massage Therapy‐‐ Mafer referred to ExecuQve Commifee for further acQon. E. Ginza Bazaar (July 25/26)‐‐ Following up on last year's organizaQonal advances, Board members will need to become shiu leaders and coordinators throughout the weekend. F. Spring Clean Up (March 22 9a.m.‐Noon, w/lunch served)‐ 8) MeeQng adjourned w/closing Gasho by Rev. Kobata Next BCSF Board MeeQng March 8, 2015 at 6.00 p.m. Respeczully submifed, Doug Dorn, Secretary Buddhist Church of San Francisco ~ DONATIONS NEEDED ~ April 2015 Now accepting donations for Silent Auction, Bingo, Raf8le, Boutique and other areas for the 77th GINZA BAZAAR! If you know of a shop, museum, restaurant, person or service provider that has an item or gift certi8icate that they might donate to bene8it BCSF’s annual bazaar, please reach out to them. BCSF is a 501(c) tax‐exempt religious organization and many donations can be tax deductible. All donors will be gratefully acknowledged and their names publicized during the bazaar. Help make this year’s Bazaar an amazing and fun event! Founded 1898 Buddhist Church of San Francisco 1881 Pine Street San Francisco, CA 94109 415-776-3158 * FAX 415-776-0264 [email protected] DonaQon Form – 77th Ginza Bazaar – July 25‐26, 2015 OrganizaQon/Donor _______________________________________________________ Contact Person _______________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________ _______________________email____________________________ Phone Number DescripQon of DonaQon(s) & Monetary Amount _______________________________________________________ Goods or Services _______________________________________________________ Giu CerQficates _______________________________________________________ Other _______________________________________________________ Please contact us if you want your donaQon to be picked up. Otherwise, please return this form with your donaQon to: Buddhist Church of San Francisco 1881 Pine Street, San Francisco, CA 94109 [email protected] FAX: 415‐776‐0264 Thank you for your generous donaQon! An acknowledgement lefer will be sent upon receipt of your donaQon by the office. Please contact us if you have any quesQons or need addiQonal informaQon. The Buddhist Church of San Francisco is a 501(c) tax‐exempt religious organizaQon. ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐For BCSF OFFICE USE ONLY ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Date: Rec’d by: GBDonor‐1(rev 4/15) Buddhist Church of San Francisco April 2015 Thank you to the flower volunteers in April: TANNISHO DISCUSSION Wednesday April 8th 7:30P.M. Served by the Cub Scouts Chapter 9: Worldly Suffering led by Sensei David Pating Friday April 10th 7:30PM Shinran’s Tannisho is considered BCSF Social Hall one of the world’s great religious ~ testaments inspiring i millions. Pick up: 4/3 Rev. Kobata; 4/9 Suzanne & Min Yamamada; 4/17 Cindy Okazaki; 4/23 Marcie Sada Ar rangers: 4/3 Akiko Arikawa & Susie Sato; 4/10 Mrs. N. Takikawa, Mrs. T. Nakamura & Mrs. Y. Noda; 4/17 Befy Tsugawa & Akiko Arikawa; 4/24 Sylvia Corrigan & Junko Low ヨガを始めませんか? 無料です。 Wear loose clothing Bring a yoga mat and towel Please Register for class by calling: 415‐776‐3158 毎月曜日、午後1時半から2時半まで ヨガマットとタオルを持参のこと。 ゆったりとした服装でおいてください。 サインアップ(登録)は415‐776‐3158 迄 Sunday, April 5th at 10:00 A.M. Hana-matsuri Service and Flower Display in the Hondo with Guest Speaker, Rev. Shousei Hanayama from Watsonville. Please join us for Lasagna Lunch following the service! Join us in celebration of the birth of our spiritual life that appeared in human history in the person of Siddhartha Gautama, who upon Awakening to the Dharma became known as Shakyamuni Buddha. Buddhist Church of San Francisco April 2015 2015 BCSF Annual General MeeBng: Sunday, March 8, 2015 11am in the Social Hall The 2015 Annual MeeQng was held at 11:00 A.M. in the social hall on Sunday, March 8, 2015. Afendees heard an overview of church affairs including fundraisers and building improvement projects. BCSF decided to present the report in a way that would help BCSF use less paper, using the big screen in the social hall, afached to a lap top. Printed copies are available in the office upon request. 2015 Horibe Award Nominations Accepted Now Have any young members of our Sangha impressed you with their interest in Buddhism or their spirit of Dana? Please consider nominating them for the Horibe Religious Award. The Horibe Award was established through the generosity of Mrs. Suye Horibe, in memory of Sutekichi and Tasuke Horibe. It is bestowed upon a young member of BCSF who lives life in accordance with the Dharma while supporting and strengthening the Sangha. Any child of a dues-paying member of BCSF between 16 and 22 years of age may be nominated. The recipient will be presented with the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100) and a framed Certificate of Recognition at the Graduation Service on Friday, June 5th at 7:00 pm. Nominations must be received by the o!ce by May4 to be eligible for consideration for the 2015 award. The Award Committee will confirm the qualifications of any nominee, so please feel free to enter the name of your favorite young member without worry. If you have questions, please contact Tara Mochizuki the BCSF O!ce 415-776-3158 or [email protected] Buddhist Church of San Francisco Bodhisattva Corner April 2015 by Elaine Donlin Sensei We live busy stress‐filled lives. Taking a moment or two here and there and recollec2ng the kindness of others, moves our heart. Feelings of gra2tude more easily arise. Gra2tude buffers us against cynicism and sarcasm. It opens our heart and brings us closer to others. Friends become closer and more numerous. Feelings of worthiness, wellness, and joy start filling our heart. ~ Barry Kerzin I am constantly dependent on the kindness of others. Regardless of the mood I’m in or whether I even acknowledge the kindness or not, I am constantly the recipient of others’ generosity and kindness. And I receive it in so many ways. From the Qme I wake up to the Qme I fall asleep, I have benefited from others’ efforts. I ouen need to take a moment to pay afenQon or else the kindness goes unnoQced. This could include someone’s kind words, or afenQveness, or honesty – all of which serves to open my heart to the boundless compassion supporQng me…. At the end of January, our Office Manager, Mary, took a much deserved vacaQon. During the two weeks of her absence, the BCSF office was staffed through the kindness and generosity of our members. Deep graQtude is extended to: Yoshi, Dean, Harumi, Suzanne, Gregg, Teresa, Sandy, Akemi, Eiko, Junko and Maf P. for keeping the ship afloat! Yes, our BCSF Girl Scouts rock! Last month I thanked the Cadefes (and their families) for helping BWA in pu€ng up the annual Hinamatsuri Doll display. This month, our Seniors, Ambassadors, and 1 Daisy helped take it all down, carefully wrapping each figurine for storage. Big thanks to Glynis Nakahara (set up) and Nanayo Silver (take down) for coordinaQng each shiu! In addiQon to having Rev. Tetsuo Unno come to BCSF, Ohigan Sunday began with homemade ohagi! Thank you to Marcie, Stephanie and the gang for preparing ohagi for the enQre sangha! I also look forward to Ohigan because of the film and lunch that follows! This year was no excepQon. Many thanks to Sandy Yamakishi for coordinaQng the delicious lunch, as well as, the BCSF volunteers that served as Sandy’s crew; to Rev. Kobata for securing the movie, A LeRer to Momo; and to Calvin and Doug for their tech support with the film! What iniQally brought me to BCSF many years ago was a memorial. What drew me back (the very next day!) was the Dharma. And I am so very grateful that we have teachers here at BCSF who conQnue to offer their Qme and effort to share their appreciaQon of the Dharma with us. Leo Joslin has diligently led the weekly Wednesday Mindfulness meditaQon for some Qme now. His commifed and gentle kindness has not gone unnoQced and is truly appreciated by many. Likewise, David PaQng Sensei’s monthly Tannisho Discussion group conQnues to deepen our understanding of Shinran’s teachings. Thank you David and Leo for filling our hearts with joy! BCSF is a great place to open our hearts, allowing the feelings of graQtude to arise… Namo Amida Butsu Buddhist Church of San Francisco Sustaining Members April 2015 BCSF completely depends on the generosity of its members to help spread the Dharma. – Thank you! Aoki, Eiko Arakawa, Janet Brown, Mary Dairiki, Jack Dorn, Douglas Durst, Thomas & Diane Fukuda, Yasuko Furuya, Emiko Galant, Milton Galant, Serelle Hagio, Stephanie Hamada, Miles & Loraine Harada, Chiyeko Hafa, Yumi & Francis Wong Hedani, Dean Higashi, Sakaye Hirota, Yoshikazu Ichimoto, Setsuko Ikuma Masahiko, & Kazuye Ina, Michael & Vickie Inouye Alice Ishii, Hatsumi Ishisaki, Mary Ito, Yuriye Joslin, Leo Kashiwagi, Hiroshi & Sadako Katsuyama, Setsuko Kazama, Miyako Kimata, Arlene & Gary Kitahata Kishida, Russell & Harumi Kitazumi, Befy & Calvert Kobara, Kazuko Kotabe, Sharon Kunihara, Daniel & Janet Kurata ,Joseph Lee, Ibuki Low, Junko Maeyama, Jun & Kay Masada, Miyuki Matoi, Helen Matsuoka, Jeff & Akemi Mizono, Gary & Lisa Mizota, Asaye Mochizuki, Tara & Jeffrey Chu Mori, Jeff & Sandy Nagai, Brian & Robert Daroff Nakamoto, Haruko Nakamura, Harry Nakano, Diane Nakao, May Nerio, Tokie Nishimoto, Ed & Ayako Noguchi, John & Diane Noguchi, Nell Ochi, Alice Miyoko Ochi, Mickie Oka, Yoshihiro Oka, Yukiko Okamoto, Kumi Okamura, Ricky & Glenda Okawachi, Kimio & Hiroko Okazaki, Cindy & Tim Didion Okiuye, Richard Saiki, Kinko Sakuma, Susan & Wilfred Lim Sasaki, David & Cindi Sato, Hideo & Fumiye Shigio, Randall Sumida, Yoko Suyeyasu, Marumi M. Suzuki, Lorraine Tanaka, Isago Isao Tanaka, Setsuko J. Tanaka, Violet Tashiro, Michiko Toriumi, Ruth Tsugawa, Befy Yamagishi, Akiko Yamamoto, Dick & Elaine Yamasaki, Joyce Yamasaki, Kiyoko Yao, Shinji & Yoshi Yao, Yutaka Yasumoto, John & Chitose Yonemoto, Lois Yoshikawa, Ben & Miyeko Yoshimoto, Akemi O‐HIGAN Service and Seminar March 14th & 15th On Saturday, March 14th & Sunday, March 15th, Rev. Tetsuo Unno and his wife were in San Francisco speaking at BCSF’s O‐Higan Weekend. From 1:00‐4:00P.M. on Saturday, March 14th Rev. Unno led a seminar to 40 people on the topic of “O‐Higan”. The seminar was held in the social hall and was open to everyone. On Sunday, March 15th Rev. Unno gave a very enjoyable Dharma Talk in honor of O‐higan. Jack Dairiki, Sumie Unno, Rev. Tetsuo Unno, Rev. Kobata Buddhist Church of San Francisco April 2015 Acknowledgments for February 2015 The Buddhist Church of San Francisco thanks our members & friends for your thoughzul and generous donaQons during the month of February. This list covers contribuQons recorded as of February 24, 2015. SHOTSUKI HOYO IN MEMORY OF Akashi, Mitsuru 50 Arakawa, Atlas & Janet 100 Fukunaga, Jean 25 Furuya, Emiko 30 Furuya, Emiko 30 Harada, Kazue 50 Hashimoto, Hideo & Michiko 100 Kagami, Hisashi & Akiko 50 Kami, Yoshiaki 25 Kashiwagi, Hiroshi & Sadako 20 Katsuyama, Setsuko 100 Kennedy, Shelley & Christopher 50 Kishida, Russell & Harumi 200 Kobata, Rev Ronald & Sayoko 100 Kojimoto, Keith & Priscilla 100 Matsuba, Takumi & Keiko 30 Michida, Donald 25 Murakami, Yukiye 40 Murata, Yukio & Florence 20 Nakao, Henry 100 Nishimoto, Edward & Ayako 50 Nonaka, Takeo & Daisy 50 Nosaka Family 40 Okamura, Ricky & Glenda 50 Okazaki, Cynthia & Dana 100 Sato, Dennis & Susie 100 Sato, Kenneth & Helen 50 Sato, Kenneth & Helen 100 Shimamoto, Hiko & Susan 25 Shintaku, Yone 100 Suzuki, Hisa 20 Takenaka, Yoshinori & Kyoko 30 Tanaka, Violet 100 Tohei, Joanne Kiyoko 20 Toriumi, Ruth 20 Yamamoto, Leina 50 Yamasaki, Kiyoko 25 Yao, Shinji & Yoshi 50 Yao, Yutaka 25 Okabe, Mitsufumi & Rumi Okabe, Nozomi Okabe, Okabe, Kitazumi, Befy & Calvert Kitazumi, Befy & Calvert Naito, Kiyoshi & Yasuko Fukuda Akashi, Mitsuru Dyson, Kaji Ina, Michael & Vickie Murakami, Shirley imo Janet Sato imo Toshihito Kodama imo mother's 13th year imo Toshikazu Akashi imo Ana Yurika Dyson imo Ayako Mizono imo Kiyoshi Ichiyasu 100 100 100 100 300 200 200 100 50 IN MEMORY OF Yoshitomi Fukushima Nanya, Kazuo & Rosalyn Beltran, Frank & Alicia Sasaki, George & Doris Sparks, Taylor Corrigan, William & Sylvia Eijima, Warren Fukuda, Yasuko Hayashida, Joel & Susan Lew Kawamoto, Kaye Kawashiri, Melva Kumi Kawashiri, Sakae & Mitsuko Matsumoto, Daphne Fusa Nakao, May Osumi, Jerry & Eleanor Sugawara, Michael & Cynthia Uyemura, Naoaki & Nancy 50 50 25 25 30 20 30 50 150 100 300 100 25 30 200 50 IN MEMORY OF Minoru Katsuyama Katsuyama, Howard Matsumoto, Jane Katsuyama, Setsuko IN MEMORY OF George Nakano Okamoto, Kumi Nakano, Diane 100 150 SPECIAL CONTRIBUTIONS Dere, William & Sue Jodo Shinshu class donaQon Hayashida, Joel & Susan Lew Kashiwagi, Hiroshi & Sadako donaQon for dharma school programs Anonymous Annual donaQon 200 25 250 500 100 100 500 THANK YOU FOR YOUR KIND DONATIONS OF EMPTY MILK CARTONS FOR OUR FUNDRAISERS! Please Make Sure to Rinse them before dropping them off at BCSF. Mold makes them unusable. Thank you. Sunday May 17th Gotan-e in Celebration of Shinran Shonin’s Birth Shinran Shonin was born in Hino Village (near Kyoto) on May 21, 1173 to Lord and Lady Arinori Hino. Auer losing both his parents before the age of nine, he was taken by his uncle to enter the priesthood and ordained at Shoren‐in Temple in the Higashiyama area of Kyoto. At the age of 29, becoming disillusioned with his spiritual path in the cloistered monasQc life on Mt. Hiei, he joined a reformist movement led by Honen Shonin. Honen was introducing a new school of Buddhist thought based on Pure Land Sutras. We will gather on Sunday May 17, 2015 starBng at 10:00a.m. for Shuso Gotan‐e to celebrate the birth of Shinran Shoni, the founder of The True Pure Land Sect of Buddhism. 宗祖降誕会法要ご案内 サンフランシスコ仏教会のメンバーの皆様へ 緑輝く五月は、親鸞聖人の降誕会法要をお祝いする月です。 当仏教会では、来る5月17日(日)午前 10時に 日英両語で法要をお勤めいたします。 同時に初参りも行います。 どうぞ、ご家族、ご法友 お誘いの上、お参りください。 合掌 サンフランシスコ仏教会 Hatsumairi (Infant PresentaQon) 2015 Fax to: 415‐776‐0264 or mail to: BCSF 1881 Pine Street SF CA 94109 Our annual Hatsumairi (Infant PresentaQon) will take place during the Gotan‐e Service on Sunday May 17 2015. This is a wonderful way to introduce your young family members to the Sangha! Let your relaQves & friends know about this special service. Please fill out the form below & return it to the Buddhist Church of San Francisco by Monday May 11th 2015 so that we can make the necessary preparaQons. HATSUMAIRI REGISTRATION FORM ........................................................................................................................................................................... Last Name First Name Sex(M/F) Age Date of Birth ........................................................................................................................................................................... Address City State Zip Telephone ........................................................................................................................................................................... Name(s) of Parent(s) or Guardian(s) .................................. Date ................................................................................................................ Signature Buddhist Church of San Francisco April Shotsuki Hoyo APRIL 2015 The memorial for your loved ones who passed away in April will be held on Sunday April 12th at 10:00A.M. in English and at 1:00P.M. in Japanese. You are most welcome to afend. Harukichi Abe Mitsue Abe Eitaro Antoku Ayako Arishita James Arishita Hidetoshi Asaoka Eikichi Kimball Asato Shizue Atsumi Yasuko Chishaki Tsune Dairiki Masaki Dowke Yuki Enomoto Kimiyo Evans Nobuo Fujimoto Joji Fujimoto Unoe Fujisaki Masao Fujitaka Masue Fujiwara Tomiko Fujiwara Mitsuko Fukushima June Hatsuko Gyotoku Gary T. Hamada H.J. Belton Hamilton Jitsuhiko Hara June Harada Hatsuno Haruyama Tomiko Hayakawa Tokuji Hedani Kinjiro Hedani Jitsuo Higashi Jane Akiko Hiramatsu Herbert Masakatsu Hiroshige Chensee Hom Harumi Horii Tasuke Horibe Kimiko Ikeno Kumae Inagaki Isae Inoue Takeshi Inouye George Saburo Iseri Kenzaburo Ishihara Motomu Ishii Chisano Itatani Jiro Iwai Shigetoshi Iwasaki Larry Kenji Iwase Yuriko Tsuji Jordan Takiko Kabumoto Ichiro Kachu Tamiji Kanegawa Yuri Kapaona Eijiro Kato Rinbei Kato Shingo Kato Hisao Kawabata Mansuke Kawahara Katsuyuki Kawakami Sakutaro Kawakami Moto Kazama Chiyo Kenmotsu Tora Kinoshita Masuko Kishi Sakuzo Kitamura Katashi Kodama Yoshiko Komada Shinsaku Koyanagi Yukiye Kudo Yoshiko Kunitake Kiyoko Futatsuki Kuroda Nao Kurotori Nancy Kurui Hikojiro Masuda Akira Matsumoto Chiyoko Matsuno Yaroku Matsuno Jenny Tayeko Matsuo Bunzaburo Mayeda Kataro Mayeda Toshiaki Minamoto Yahachiro Miyahara Sumiko Miyamoto Takeo Miyamoto Yone Miyata Fuyutaro Miyazaki Saichi Mizono Yukio Mizota Hanpachi Mizuiri Jerry Ichiro Mizuiri Masami Mizuiri Takehichi Mizuiri Toshiko Mizuiri Takino Mizutani Takako Mori Haluto Moriguchi Teruo Henry Morishita George Masaru Murakami Ryu Naganuma Misano Nakagawa Sakae Nakagawa Chiyoko Nakai Hideo Nakai Tome Nakai Kohei Nakamura Lawrence Tomomi Nakamura Baby Nakano Sanichi Nakao Tosaku Nakao Tsuru Nakashima Shizuye Nakatani Misue Nakayama Ikuye Nara Komazo Narahara Tatsue Narahara Baron Chiharu Nishihara Kaoru Carol Noda Nobuaki Noguchi Saisuke Noguchi Kimiko Noma Jinko Noma Eddie Masayoshi Nonaka Mary Hatsune Nosaka Masano Nozawa William Goro Obata Mitsu Odom Umematsu Oishi Nobuichi Okada Hatsuko Okamoto Sueichi Okamura Kinu Oki Ralph Okumura Teiichi Ono Toraichi Onoda Katsutaro Oshima Sam Sakao Oshita Eiji Oshita Kay Setsuko Oshita Sam Sakao Oshita Riu Ouye Yoshio Ozaki Tsunako Saiguchi Kitaichi Sakai Fuji Sakata Kanezo Sato Tow Sato Yasu Shibuta Matao Maf Shigio Katsusaburo Shikuma Guy Shikuma Katsumi Shimoda Ritsuko Shimosaka Hana Shimotsu Uichiro Shimotsu Sachiko Shiroma Toshi Suenaga Roy Mamoru Sugaya Shisho Susukida Chizue Jean Suyehiro Yoshinori Taguchi Hide Tahara Isuke Takada Mabel Shizuko Takahashi Shigeno Takahashi Roy Hitoshi Tamai Anna Tamura Kiku Tanabe Shuichi Tanabe Tomoyuki Tom Tanaka Grace Saye Tekawa Herbert Hisashi Terada Chonen Terakawa Taeko Tomonaga Yuriko Tsuji Katsue Tsujimoto Tsuneko Tsumura Chiyo Ueda Torae Ueda Chika Urashi Yoshihiko Ushijima Teruo Uyemoto Masatoshi Watanabe Ko Yamamoto George Kazuo Yamaoka Hitoshi Yamasaki Yamate Sasato Joe Jyoichi Yamauchi Hideo Yano Shizuye Yokoro Yosaku Yoshioka Jack G. Young ‰Š‹1ßvŒü•Ž[•ŸŽ•‘•’Š“”••–“—Ö˜f˜Gb™! Ãךê›n5qˆvÃŒœ˜G×üvµC35G†•ž×œ-H˜™! ! !"#$! •—" ™! ‚wäå! 2aÏÚ! -XZ°+! !"%&! •š1›j1œ+! ‚wæS0! 2a3C–! [Â\0! '()*+! •ažœ+! ‚çèé0! 4aæ#" 5j*O! @ÙÄ×! ,-./0! ••" Ÿ! êlëœ+! wlÔ©*p" 6! ]z" ^*j3! êlì*+! wÿWƒ! _l`a! ! ,-12345! z¡H[! 6789! ¢•}+! íKîƒ! wÿ7Œ! lÿ9b! ':)$! ¢YŠmqŠ! ïaäð+! wÂ80! lacd! ;<=>! ¢£ž}" ¤¥n! ïK5oh! wÂI•0! ]leŒ! !?@0! 1›j¦O" §¨nh! ïK™`! w¯ú9! ]f=0" (jgp! ABCD! 1©”ªO" H«0! ïlÖñ! w:v;" (nj! ]fhw! EFGHI! ¬K-0! ïYò*+! w<GH[! Í•iÄ×" *j3! JKLI! ®¯°+! óô_°! Ñ=¼+! lËjO¶! 3MNOPQRS! |y±²! ólõ$! µ>4" •.! lkI1! TKUV! ³´µ¶" ¨n! ólö€! A•?‚! lklA! TKWX! ·T)}+! ÷øùð! 7lW°! l¯mô! TYZ[\! ·T¸¹º! ÷ø°+" 12nj! 7Ë@A! nliH×! T]^_`! ·T»¼! ÷øúœ! 7Kv0! nyop! TaGb\! ·TLI! ÷ø™û! BˤpC! mÙq0! cd%0! y½¾X! ÷züI[! ÑwlD°! §K³C–! cde0! ya¿Œ! ý" þ0! Ad‡*+! ry"–" s+j5! f(gCh" 1ijO! y—‡f! ýÿ#!! AwE°! XËt0! klmjn! y—À*+! Ë—1›j1" •"p! A-)}! uK3³–! gopqO" rpqO! ÁÂÃÄ! ý-#X! A-)`" "4! —l¡Ö! a" st! ÅƉÇ! Ù$" %! A-F0G3! —lÄv\! al1ijO! ?-q¤! ¯yo"&! A—ni¥! wRæx! #uvw! 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The popular two-year, computer-based program continues to offer online instruction in the origins and development of Buddhism, Shinran Shonin’s life and teaching, sutras & masters of the Pure Land tradition, and history of Jodo Shinshu. For more information, please visit the course website at: Applications may be submitted online through the course website from May 1. Limited enrollment - first come, first served. Course starts September 1. Questions may be directed to: Jodo Shinshu Correspondence Course Office, 2140 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA Tel: 510-809-1441, email: [email protected] !"# $%&' ()*+,+-.) !,/)*0,1 23 #.)*+4 (at the Jodo Shinshu Center unless noted otherwise.) !"#$% &' !"#"$%&% '%()$"*+ ,%-. /%$*0 12"(& 3 ,%-. 14)$5*) 6(") !"#$% () * (+' 789: ;%&< 3 ="&< /5$>?"$@) A-%*&%"& B*5#">"C <)5$ =DEF"$>% G;=/AB=H IF"*("<F5$J K#( C L #( ,-. /(' M5<"$C%+ 1 N%O%P*"<)5$ 5Q 'F)$*"$ 'F5$)$R& S)*<F2"0 0123 /4' TMSUV N5((W$)<0 3 'F)$ SW22F)&( '%()$"* ! 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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Sat 2 3 4 9 10 11 . 7:30-9pm: Taiji 5 6 7 8 10am: Hanamatsuri 8am: SFIC 1:30pm: Gentle Yoga 12Noon: Lunch 12 7:30-9pm: Taiji 13 7:30-9pm: 6:30-8pm: Mindful 7pm: Board of Meditation Directors 7:30pm: Tannisho Meeting Discussion 14 15 16 Ice Cream Social Cub Scouts Cherry Blossom Festival Begins 17 18 9:30 am: Meditation 1:30pm: Gentle Yoga 10am: Shotsuki Hoyo Service WE HOPE (Ministers’ Seminar @ JSC--------------------------! 12pm BWA Mtg. 1pm: Japanese Language Service 6:30-8pm: Mindful Meditation 7:30-9pm: Taiji 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 9:30 am: Meditation 10am: Regular Service 1:30pm: Gentle Yoga 1pm: Cherry Blossom Parade 26 27 28 29 1pm: Japanese Language Service 30 ! ! 9:30 am: Meditation 10am: Regular Service 5pm: Metta Service 6:30-8pm: Mindful Meditation 7:30-9pm: Taiji 1:30pm: Gentle Yoga 7:30-9pm: Taiji 6:30-8pm: Mindful Meditation !
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