Damage survey of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake Kathmandu City

Damage survey of the 2015 Nepal Earthquake
Kathmandu City
Takashi KIYOTA
Geo-disaster Mitigation Engineering
Durbar Square and its surrounding area
The historical buildings in Durbar Square were severely damaged. However, although there are many old structures
in its surrounding area, the damage to them was limited. No serious damage to RC frame structures.
ダルバール地区の多くの歴史的構造物が壊滅的な被害を受けた。Photo 1は王宮の被害の様子である。一方、周辺市街
地の構造物被害率は高くない。Photo 3は組石造アパートの崩壊現場である。RCフレーム構造の被害は限定的であった。
Photo.1 Damage to Kathmandu Tower
Photo.2 Undamaged buildings
Photo.3 Four masonry buildings
were collapsed. No damage to
RC frame structures.
Damage to highway
A number of fissures and settlements were found around the highway. Since this area is a small valley which is
linked with loose/soft ground condition, the settlement/slope failure of filled/natural deposit may have occurred.
しくはすべり破壊によるものと考えられる。Photo 6は道路盛土であるが、
Photo.4 Road settlement
Photo.5 Settlement (1.2m)
Photo.6 Settlement of conventional embankment.
Minor damage to reinforced RW.
Relationship between damage and microtopography
Severe damaged buildings in the investigated area are shown in Fig. 1. Many collapsed
houses and buildings were found in the alluvial deposit area near Bishunumati River.
壊や傾斜が多く確認された。Fig. 1は調査を行ったエリア(赤線)で確認された倒壊構造物の分
Photo. 7 Collapsed buildings located within an alluvial soft deposit area
Fig. 1 Location of damaged
buildings and microtopography
KIYOTA Lab., Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo