本当にマスターしたい人が知っておくべき 技術と度胸の ミニワークショップ InfoQで英語学習 MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE He had a very special quality. Something that we all need to find in ourselves. He had 5 tools that made him successful. http://minwa.fujipan.co.jp/hagukumu/minwa/tyubu_hokuriku/tyh_009/ Scene 1 : Listening to a presentation シーン1 プレゼンを聞く MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 問題 1. Problem 1 英語プレゼンが全然 聞き取れません! I can’t understand an English presentation at all. MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 1. 聞き取り練習 Needle Tool 1. How to improve your listening 1. 英語個別の音練習 2. 音読 3. プレゼンを真似る 1. Practice English Phonics 2. Practice reading out loud 3. Listen to and shadow native speakers MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 英語個別の発音練習 英語耳[改訂・新CD版] 発音ができると リスニングができる 松澤喜好 リスニングの段階 Divide and conquer イントネーション 単一の音が 単語単位で アクセント 聞いて意味が 聞き取れる 聞き取れる 考えずにわかる 音が全て 聞き取れる リダクション 音声変化が 聞き取れる ぼそぼそ声や 違う地域の英語が 聞き取れる InfoQで英語学習 Needle Pin point your listening skills So they are as sharp as Issun’s needle. Scene 2 : Q&A Session シーン2 Q&Aセッション MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 問題 2. Problem 2 何を言っているかわから ない。だから、解ったふ りしています。 I don’t understand what is being said, but I just pretend to understand it. MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 2. 本当に理解する Bowl Tool 2. Understand it actually. 1. 聞き返しフレーズ Tips. ネイティヴにとっては、知ったふりは失礼! 「聞き返す」ことで尊敬される 1. Useful phrases to take control the situation Tips. As an native speaker, it is frustrating when you pretend you understand. They really respect you when you communicate your level of understanding. MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 2. 本当に理解する Bowl Tool 2. Understand it actually. コツはわかってるふりをやめること Could you slow down a little, please? I don’t follow you. I don’t understand. What does xxx mean? Could you speak up, please? Could you repeat that, please? Could you summrize it, please? Do you mean xxx? Try not to present to understand it MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE Bowl Put these phrases in your bowl to use when you need to! Scene 3 : Interview with a native speaker シーン3 インタビュー MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 問題 3. Problem 3 ネイティブスピーカと 会話するときの鍵は? What are the key elements to communicating with native speakers. MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 3. 気になること Straw Tool 3. Knowledge : Do any of these matters? Impolite expressions Collocations Intonation Grammar Pronunciation Poor vocabulary Self confidence Knowledge of Culture MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE Straw Just like straw is to the needle, focussing on these key areas will Complement your listening skills. Scene 4 : Terrible Greeting シーン4 残念なご挨拶 MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 問題 4. Problem 4 初対面のネイティヴといい 関係を築くためには? How can Japanese people deliver a successful greeting? MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 4. 良い握手 chopstick Tool 4. Good hand shake 握手の強さは信用と誠実さ の証。しっかりと握ろう。 A firm handshake symbolises trust + integrity. MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE Greeting chopstick A : Hi, I’m Tsuyoshi pleasure to meet you. B : Hi, Tsuyoshi, I’m Christiane. Pleasure to meet you, too. + Initiate! イニシアチブをとって! MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE Chopstick Just like chopsticks sit together to do their job, So do your hands in a handshake. Scene 5 : An awkward small talk シーン5 微妙な会話 MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE 問題 5. Problem 5 スモールトークを うまくするには? How can you make small talk? MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 5. 程よい返答 Princess Tool 5. Decent reply 質問されたら、回答だけで はなく何かを付け加えよう Tips. 会話はギブアンドテイクなの で質問も忘れないようにしよう Reply to questions and then add some information. Tips. Conversation is ‘give and take’ don’t forget to ask questions too! MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 5. 程よい返答 Princess Tool 5. Decent reply Do you live in Japan? Yes. Yes. I was born in Osaka and now live in Kanagawa … MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE ツール 5. 程よい返答 Princess Tool 5. Decent reply Who, Where, What, Which Why, How? Question Answer : Question Answer MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE Princess The princess made issun bigger and so He was able to return to defeat the Oni. Practicing small talk with all your tools will increase your confidence and ultimately defeat the Oni. Now you’ve got 5 tools 聞き取り練習 Needle How to improve your listening 聞き返しフレーズ Bowl Useful phrases to take control the situation ネイティヴの知識 Straw What to focus on 握手の技術 Chopstick Firm shake hand and initiation スモールトーク Princess Small talk tips Bring out the Samurai in yourself. English conversation is not about being correct or avoiding mistakes, it’s about confidence with communication. Just trying to communicate something will get you more results than saying nothing. Christiane Brew Thank you very much! [email protected] / @sandayuu [email protected] /LinkedIn: Christiane Brew MPP ROYAL PLAY HOUSE
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