近赤外線星数密度分布との比較による 銀河系中心部拡散X線の放射源の制限 長友 竣、長田 哲也(京都大)、西山 正吾(宮城教育大)、永山 貴宏(鹿児島大) 銀河系中心で観測される広がったように見えるX線の放射源は点源説と加熱された星間物質説の間で議論が続いてい Map of the Galaxy in the 6.7-keV emission line L15 る。本研究では、その鉄輝線強度分布と近赤外線観測から得た星数密度分布を比較することで放射源に制限をつけ REFERENCES た。Nishiyama+ 2013と異なる銀経8度で規格化を行ったところ、同じくFe XXV輝線強度の中心部での超過を確認した。また、 Bleach R. D., Boldt E. A., Holt S. S., Schwartz D. A., Serlemitsos P. J., 1972, ApJ, 174, L101 Cooke B. A., Griffiths R. E., Pounds K. XXVIの輝線比の増加が見られた。これらのこ A., 1970, in Gratton L., ed., Proc. 中心部でFe XXVI輝線強度の超過、鉄輝線と星数密度の分布の差異、Fe XXVとFe IAU Symp. 37, Non-Solar X- and Gamma-Ray Astronomy. Reidel, Dordrecht, p. 280 とは、放射源が加熱された星間物質であることを支持している。 Ebisawa K. et al., 2005, ApJ, 635, 214 概要 銀河系内の「広がった」X線 結果 条件: SN > 10 色指数で切り分け 減光補正後のKs等級 S230 規格化 星数密度(左軸) AC K N OW L E D G M E N T S 2 -7 [ arcmin ] 10 →星と鉄輝線の分布比較により 10 S. Yamauchi al.been supported by the DFG-SchwerpunktThis work ethas programme (SPP 1177). This 放射源に制限をつける。 2 1 0 research-1made use-2of data obtained -3 from the High Energy Astrophysics Science Archive Research Cen- 8 Fe XXV (1.17 ± 0.13) ⇥ 10 (1.09 ± 0.2) ⇥ 10 8 ) (先行研究 約3倍の超過 5.0 [Vol. 10 61, ● ● 5.00 20 Nishiyama et al. 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 H−Ks [mag] -6 10 10.0 Fe XXVI intensity The number of stars 200 -7 5.0 べきの値 0.44 100 2.0 50 1.0 20 0.5 10 0.2 5 9 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 2 ● ● ● 2.00 (1.09×10 photons s cm arcmin /arcmin ) ● ● ●● ● 1.00 ● ●● ● ● ● ● 0.50 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●● ● 0.20 エラー大 4.2. The 6.4 keV Line 2 0.10 l=8 輝線比が の 値に対して何倍か 1.5 ● ● ● ● ● 0.05 -2 ● -2 Fe XXVI 輝線強度 ● ● Fe XXV Intensity/Number of Stars -30° Fe XXVI Intensity [10^−7 erg s^−1 cm^−2 arcmin^−2] 0° -10° 10° Longitude [deg] Fe XXV Intensity/Number of Stars 30° -1 -2 (1.09×10-8 photons s cm-2 arcmin /arcmin-2) 10.00 40 Fe XXVI (3.43 ± 0.65) ⇥ 10 10 20 2.0 1 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 in a collisional ionization equilibrium (CIE) plasma (6.68 keV), 先行研究と l* (deg) ter Online Service provided by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight 10 statistical 2011 errors and the calibration uncer(deg) This paper has been typeset from a TEX/LATEbX* file prepared by the author. 1.0 先行研究には規格化する領域の Center. taking account of theUchiyama+ 一致 Yamauchi+ 2009 tainty of the energy scale (0.2% at 6 keV: Koyama et 5al. 2007a). 0.5 問題があった。 Furthermore, the flux ratios of the 6.97 keV=6.7 keV lines are 0.1 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 Yamauchi+ 2009 in good agreement with those expected from a CIE plasma with Galactic Longitude |l*| [deg] a temperature of 2–8 keV. Thus, our results support that the l=-0.17 3.5 GCXEの領域? GRXE is likely to be thermal emission from a CIE plasma, 2.5as 3 shown for GCDX by Koyama et al. (2007b) and 領域 for one of the XXVI GRXEFe fields (R8) by Ebisawa et al. (2008). 2 2.5 ] Number of Stars [/arcmin^2] 放射源は不明。 点源か?加熱された星間物質か? 2 cm Fe XXV Kα (photons/s cm2 arcmin2) -6 100of unit-stellar-mass X-ray emissivity measured in the solar value 10 neighbourhood (Sazonov et al. 2006) provides further evidence that the bulk of the GRXE is made up by faint Galactic X-ray point sources. 60 12 14 Fe XXV Ka [10^(−7) photons /(s cm^2 arcmin^2)] 2 Number of Stars (/arcmin ) Galactic Center X-ray Emission Fe XXV [erg s cm arcmin ] (GCXE) (iv) The aforementioned observational facts along with the 鉄輝線/星数密度 [erg s 2 Number of Stars (/arcmin ) Galaxy (see middle panel) Middle: near-infrared surface brightness map of the Galaxy (COBE/DIRBE 4.9-µmNishiyama+ data, corrected for 2013 reddening) Bottom: Map of the surface brightness of the inner Galaxy in the 6.7-keV emission line. The white contours are iso-brightness contours (右軸) of NIR emission. 1 2 2 抽出したデータ B: 3041個 A: 3029個 Fe XXV Kα (photons/s cm2 arcmin2) →放射源は激変星 (CV)や コロナの活発な星 (ASB)Journal The Astrophysical Letters, 769:L28 1 band 3– Figure 4. Top: time-averaged map (5pp), of the inner2013 Galaxy June in the energy 20 keV obtained with RXTE/PCA. The domination of bright point sources is などの点源。 evident. The contours are iso-brightness contours of the NIR emission of the 80 10 Fe XXVI Ka [10^(−7) photons /(s cm^2 arcmin^2)] / X線強度 近赤外線面輝度分布 100 8 Ks [mag] 50° Number of Stars [/arcmin^2] Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission Revnivtsev+ 2006 (GRXE) 20° Hands A. D. P., Warwick R. S., Watson M. G., Helfand D. J., 2004, MNRAS, 351, 31 Indebetouw R. et al., 2005, ApJ, 619, 931 Jahoda K., Markwardt C. B., Radeva Y., Rots A. H., Stark M. J., Swank J. H., Strohmayer T. 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A., Swank H., 1982, ApJ, 255,20.0 TheJ.number of stars 111 Yamauchi 100S., Koyama K., 1993, ApJ, 404, 620 10.0 Yamauchi S., Kaneda H., Koyama K., Makishima K., Matsuzaki K., Sonobe T., Tanaka Y., Yamasaki N., 1996, PASJ, 48, L15 50 Galactic Longitude |l*| [deg] |l| 0 .7 |l| > 0 .7 1.26 ± 0.25 1.04 ± 0.13 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 abs(Galactic Longitude) [deg] 星数密度分布の取得方法 C 考察 C -8 →銀経8度で規格化を行う 0.1 -1 addition 0°.5 to the 6.72°.0 keV and10°.0 6.97 keV lines, the 6.4 keV 0°.1 1.5In emission line was found 1 Longitude [deg]in various galactic plane regions, 1 which suggests omnipresence of the 6.4 keV line in the galactic plane regions. The EW of the 6.4 keV line from GRXE 0.5is 0.5 ! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 RAS, MNRAS 373, L11–L15 < 400 eV. The GC region has been known to exhibit a strong 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 0.5 0 -0.5 -1 6.4 keV line; in particular, a strong enhancement of the 6.4 keV1 Fig. 3. (a) 6.4 keV, (b) 6.7 keV, and (c) 6.97 keV line fluxes as l* (deg) a function of the galactic longitude. The unit of the line flux is b* (deg) line flux at the Sgr B2 cloud was found with ASCA (Koyama ! 10"8 count s"1 cm"2 arcmin"2 . The error shows the 90% confidence et al. 1996). The Sgr B2 X-ray spectrum exhibited a strong level. 仮定: X線放射点源 Figure 3.比較的低質量の星 Top: longitudinal (left) and (right) profiles density after a completeness correction (red crosses). Overplotted are the 6.7 keV 6.4latitudinal keV emission line with of an the EWstellar of >number 1 keV and an absorpWainscoatetmodel emission profiles (blue “×”; Koyama al. 2007; 2011). region outside the NB, 1.◦ 5 ! | l∗ | !2.◦ 8, is used to scale the 6.7 keV emission profile tionetedge of theUchiyama neutral iron al. at 7.1 keV,The which is well explained (Wainscoat+ 1992) ・輝線強度の超過 to have the same value as the stellar number density. The number density is calculated in the same rectangles as those used・輝線比の増加 in Uchiyama et al. (2011), with a size of by the reflection of X-rays from an external bright X-ray source 低質量の星の分布を知る 1.0 ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ 0. 1(l) × 0. 2(b) for the longitudinal profile,Reflection and 0. 2(l) ×Nebula, 0. 1(b) atXRN), the position l = A* −0.is 17 presumfor the latitudinal profile. The same scaling factor is used for the latitudinal 8.5kpcに (X-ray whereofSgr ・分布のべきの違い (*はNishiyama+ 2013より) ためには測光された星の profile. Bottom: longitudinal (left)ably and latitudinal (right) profiles of the ratios the 6.7 keV emission the irradiating source (Sunyaev et al. of 1993; Koyama et al. to the stellar number density, scaled to be unity at the position l=8 deg 集中 for normalization, 1.◦ 5 ! | l0.8∗ | ! 2.◦ 8. These profiles represent All Stars a contribution of point sources, traced by our NIR observations, to the GCDX in the assumption that Fe XXVI� Fe XXV *� 星数密度 * 1996). Recently, similar M III XRN objects have been found in リストから、以下を満たす the contribution of truly diffuse hot plasma is negligible at the K III position for normalization (i.e., the Galactic ridge region). the GC region with ASCA, Chandra, and Suzaku (Murakami 0.44 ± 0.03� 0.44 ± 0.02� 0.30 ± 0.03� 星の抽出が必要。 (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) et al. 2000, 2001a, 2001b; Park et al. 2004; Koyama et al. 0.6 観測できる 2007c, 2008; Nobukawa et al. 2008). On the other hand, the • 低質量星の分布を M型巨星 further from the GC, and これらの説明を考えてみる。 thus the same The NB and NSC have a different formation history from values at 1.◦ 5 < | l∗0.4 | <GRXE 2.◦ 8, fields i.e., are in much a region outside of XRN scenario as that in the GC region cannot be expected. トレース モデルの theemission Galactic bulge (GB), and have formed stars over their entire the NB (l∗ and b∗ denote Therefore, the angular distance from Sgr A* another scenario to produce the 6.4 keV • 十分遠くでも観測できる lifetime, indicating more bright stars in the NB and NSC. Here, along the Galactic longitude and latitude, respectively, 星分布 line is required. Interactions between and the interstellar medium 0.2 ◦ ◦ sources and the GRXE 77 ASBのプラズマ変化 use Low-L the Xsynthetic CMD computation以下のようなプラズマがあ (Aparicio & Gallart 046)). and high-energy electrons or X-ray photons in we the galactic 8.5 kpc遠方(l∗ , b∗ ) = (l + 0. 056, b + 0.観測できる the spectral assumptions underlying the calculations. Clearly, these ◦ plane fields can range produce the 6.4 keV lines. Assuming 2004) totheestimate the fraction of the total number of stars Fitting the longitudinal K型巨星 profile in the assumptions need to be −0. justified. 7 ! l∗ ! れば説明できる。 Warwick 2014 0.0 We first consider the X-ray spectra of CVs. In magnetic CVs, ◦ −α originan accretion of Valinia et toal.high(2000) proposed formedthat in the computation, Nall , to the number of stars with −0. 1 with a power law of ∝diffuse θ , where θ isGRXE, angular offset shock heats accreting material from temperature を抽出したい (kT > 15 keV). The resulting highly ionized plasma cools in the interactions between the interstellar medium and cosmic-ray 10 15 20 . ,0represents .7 に存在 K < 10.5, NK<10.5 . This ratio, R ≡ Nall /N|l| Sgr A*, gives αstar = 0.300 ± 0.035 for the stellar number post-shock flow and eventually settles ondensity. to the white dwarf surface K<10.5 electronsDistance areviaresponsible for the 6.4 keV line. In this case, an theaccretion sun [kpc]column. The resulting X-ray spectrum comprises Fig. 4. Flux ratios of 6.4 keV=6.7 keV (upper) and 6.97 keV=6.7 the ratio of the theoretically expected total number of stars to This is different bothkeVfrom 0.44 ± 0.02from 6.7produced keVatline in densities afor blend ofthe aprofile range temperatures, the distribution of components the intensity isinexpected to be and optical depths 6.4 with akeV ‘characteristic’ temperature typically 中心ほど高密度 (lower) lines as a function of the galactic longitude. The error shows +0.02 3.01998; Cropper (Wainscoat model) = 8−0.03 range 10–20 keV (e.g. Hellier, Mukai & Osborne the number the same range, and from l0.60 forthe the integrated 色—等級図で切り分け spatially correlated with that ofemission the molecular cloud, which of stars detected in our observations. The SFHs the 90% confidence level. et al. 1999; Ezuka & Ishida 1999; Yuasa et al. 2010). Our (albeit sample of CVs is in fact comprised of both used here are: a burst star formation from 10領域内で等温 to 13 Gyr ago for of Fe 6.7 and 6.9 keV lines may (Heard & Warwick be observable insmall) the2013). future. magnetic and non-magnetic systems in roughly2.5 equal measure. →前景星を除去 30 which −1 the majorityfaint of the local CV If GRXE isNon-magnetic composed ofcomprise X-ray sources, the GB the (i.e., outside the NB; Zoccali et al. 2003), a constant The majority of faint X-ray (L < 10CVs, erg snumerous ) sources 2−10 keV population, are also well-established sources of X-ray emission 2.0 exhibited Figure 4 shows the flux ratios of have the 6.4 keV=6.7 composite spectra exhibit a similar to formation that of at the lowermust endto of the range GCDX of X-ray luminosity by star rate for 13 Gyr for the NSD (Figer et al. 2004), which not been keV resolved but contribute the arespectrum magnetic systems. In the current X-ray selected sample, the non減光補正後のKs等級で選別 超新星爆発 and 6.97 keV=6.7 keV lines. The 6.4 likely keV=6.7 ratios for systems GRXE, particularly the narrow Fe ofemission atthe enermagnetic systems on average, roughly aUsing factor 10 times less lines and history derived by Pfuhl et al. 加熱源 (2011) for the NSC. most tokeV be old binary (Sazonov etare,three al. 2006). Figure 14. The EW of the 6.9 keV H-like Fe Kα line plotted versus the EW 1.5 In most nonluminous than the confirmed magnetic systems. GCDX are significantly larger than those for GRXE and the Nishiyama+ gies of 6.4, X-ray 6.7, and 6.97 keV. Cataclysmic variables (CVs) of the 6.7 keV He-like Fe Kα line. The measurement (black point plus error magnetic CVs, the X-ray flux is produced as thermal emission from Sgr A*のフレア When we scale the ratio to be unity for the GB, we obtain 2006 the synthetic CMD computation (Aparicio & Gallart 2004), and bars)GCXEの等価幅 is from Suzaku (Ebisawa et al. 2008). The grid (red lines)R indicates →8.5kpc先の the boundarystars layer where the accretionsuch flow slows down to match 6.97 keV=6.7 keV ratios also show a similar tendency. and active binary (ABs), as RS CVn-type stars, the EWs expected for a 3:1 mix of ASB and CV spectra on the basis of the rotation of the white dwarf surface (Patterson &1.0 1985). assumptions for the ASB The grid 10.5 history Rdifferent : Rtemperatures : Rspectra. ≈points11 keVcorrespond :20eV 0.8to : 0.6. This result means that the a constant star formation (SFH) during 13 Gyr for Raymond the GB NSD NSC Theto X-raybe emission will againcandidate be comprised of a blend of compoare proposed prime populations ofFe GRXE 磁 気リコネクション coronal plasma ranging from510 3 to 7 keV in± steps with M型巨星を抽出 XXV nents with temperatures ranging from the shock temperature at the iron abundances ranging from 0.2 to 0.5 Z# in 0.1 Z# steps (as labelled). densities NSD (Figer et al. 2004), we(Revnivtsev have confirmed that about 4. Discussion et The spectrum of CVs exhibitsof the old stellar population in the NSD and NSC are outeral. edge2006). of the boundary layerX-ray to the75% temperature of the white 0.5of +20 dwarf photosphere. Observationally, the characteristic temperature thermal with the 6.4, 6.7, and keV overpredicted stars. Taking into account this ratio, 240bright the stars with KS,0 < 10.5a are olderemission Gyr. Sofrom the NIRCVs Felines XXVI by the プラズマの拘束→磁場? ofthan the X-ray 1 continuum emanating non-magnetic is typ-6.97 10 eV 4.1. The 6.7 and 6.97 keV Lines ically in the range 5–20 keV (Patterson & Raymond 1985; Baskill, Given the above properties of stellar coronae, our assumed spec(e.g.,trace Hellier et al. 1998; Ezuka & Ishida 1999; Ishida et al. we have found that the contributions of the old stellar population Nishiyama+ 2013 map and profiles shown here the distribution of the old Wheatley & Osborne 2005; Rana et al. 2006; Byckling et al. 2010; tral model for the ASBs, namely a T = 35 MK (kT = 3 keV) apec は典型的なASBでは Reis et al. 2013). with a metal abundance Z = 0.4 Z# , would again seem to Thanks to the excellent energy resolution of the 2007; Mukai etIn1.5this al. 2007), while that ofkeV ABs exhibits athe thermal 0.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.5 3.0 toplasma GCDX stars, and they are Suzaku clearly different from those the 6.7spectra paper, we haveof modelled the X-ray of the CVs (both be representative of this object are class. (1/1.5) × 0.8 ∼ 0.5 and (1/3) × 0.6 ∼ 0.2 magnetic as a 10but keV thermal bremsstrahlung Although have demonstrated that the integrated emission of XIS, the Fe line complex was clearly resolved into three emission with the 6.7non-magnetic) keV line, without the strong 6.4wekeV H−Ks [mag]and 説明できない。 for the NSD and NSC, in the assumption that the emission. continuum, which given the above would seem to be representative unresolved ASBs and CVs may well produce the bulkrespectively, of the GRXE narrow emission lines at # 6.4, # 6.7, and # 6.97 keV, and line (e.g., G¨udel 1999). Consequently, the Fe line features of this et classal. of object. intensity in both the broad 2–10 keV band and the more restricted 6– We next consider theto X-ray spectra of GCDX the ASBs. In active stars, 10 keV range, a further consideration is whether a mix of ASB X-ray luminosity function is and universal, and that the contribution contribution discrete sources the6.4 their spatial distribution along the Agalactic plane wasfrom mani-faint of GRXE, omnipresence of the keV line in addition the distribution of emission measure with temperature often shows CV spectrato can the explain the observed Fe-line features in the GRXE a double peak, with the hotter extending up to 30– spectrum. Ebisawa et al. (2008) measure equivalent is 100%. The contribution at the of連星形成率の増加 point sources to emission-line the GRXE hasfound been claimed (Wang 6.7 et keV al. and 2002; Muno etcomponent al. often2004; fested. The 6.7 keV line is clearly in all of the galactic 6.97 keV lines, implies that CVs are the major 40 MK, if not higher (G¨udel 2004). Stellar X-ray surveys have also widths (EWs) for the He-like Fe Kα line at 6.67 keV and the H-like that there is tight correlation between the charFe Kα line of 350 ± 40 and 70 ± 30 eV, respectively. NSC isat 6.96 inkeVgood agreement with ∼1/6 derived by Koyama et al. et al.hot2007). investigate the contribution the ridge and GC regions, indicatingRevnivtsev that a thin thermal plasma Tocontributor toshown the flux ofa relatively GRXE, if itofhas a point-source origin. acteristic coronal temperature (as determined from low-resolution An Fe K輝線比の増加が説明 fluorescent line arising in neutral atoms or lightly ionized spectralpopulation data) of the ‘hotter’ component and the normalized coronal ions was also observed near 6.4 keV with an EW of 80 ± 20 eV. is located along the galactic plane. equivalent widthsof the old stellar (2009). point The sources, especially detectable IRSF/SIRIUS H・Ksバンド 4.3. Fe Lines fromL /LCVs (e.g. G¨udel, Guinan & Skinner 1997; Schmitt luminosity For CVs, the line EWs are found to be, typically, ∼170 eV for the (EWs) of the 6.7 keV and 6.97 keV # 300–980 eVwe and construct longitudinal 1997). This correlationand also appears to extend into the regime of 6.7 A keVできない。 line and ∼100 eV for the two other Fe lines, although with larger X-ray emissivity per unit stellar mass for the GCDX in lines our are observations, latitudinal stellar flares, in the sense that the larger flares are generally hota very considerable source-to-source scatter (Hellier et al. 1998; # 20–240 eV, = respectively. The observed center energies the CVs (polars andAschwanden, a subclass (l, b) A (8 .04, 0 .05), B ratio (8of.44, ter (e.g. Telleschi et al. 2005; Stern & G¨udelpolars), 2008). Ezuka & Ishida 1999; Hellier & Mukai 2004; Bernardini et al. than the GRXE has been claimed to explain the different profiles for the of the 0Magnetic 6.7.05) keVの2領域 emission to intermediate the stellar Large flares have durations typically ranging from hours to days 点源説での説明は厳しい。 2012; Warwick et al. 2014). In the case of the ASBs, the assumed 6.7 keV line are consistent with the theoretical value of Fe XXV of CVs, arewithefficient X-ray emitters with luminosities of total X-ray luminosities and temperatures reaching up to 10 3 keV spectral model implies an He-like 6.7 keV Fe Kα line with |l| . 0 .7 での Normalized number density / 点源説 加熱された星間物質説 5 0 →M型巨星 10 Ks [mag] Downloaded from http://mnras.oxfordjournals.org/ at Kyoto University Library on October 7, 2014 15 The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 769:L28 (5pp), 2013 June 1 観測 X bol Nishiyama et al. distributions of stars and 6.7 keV emission (Revnivtsev et al. number density (Figure 3, bottom panels). When the profiles erg s and 100 MK, respectively (e.g. Pan et al. 1997; Tsuboi et al. 800 eV EW. However at this plasma temperature, there is negligible & Schmitt 1999; Pandey & Singh 2008; Pandey & H-like 6.9 keV Fe-line photon flux. In order to enhance the H-like 2007; Heard & Warwick 2013). To change the emissivity, at are scaled to be unity at 1.◦ 5 < | l∗ | <1998; 2.◦Favata 8, the Singh 2012). Clearly, ratios the occurrenceare of giant∼1.5 flares in very active line, the temperature needs to rise by roughly a factor of 2; for systems, for example RS CVn binaries, will enhance the detection example for a Z = 0.4 Z# plasma with kT in the range 5–7 keV, least of Feinitial mass function (IMF), binary fraction (BF), and ∼3 in the NSD and NSC, respectively. rate of such sources in hard-band selected X-ray samples (e.g. Pye the EW ofone the 6.9 keV line is between 90 and 140 eV. The 33 Figure 4. Polarimetry results covering 3.◦ 0 × 2.◦ 0 in the Galactic coordinate, together with an intensity map of 6.7 keV line emission (Nobukawa et al. 2012). The cyan vectors show the inferred magnetic field direction, and the lengths are proportional to polarization percentage. The vectors are averaged in a circle of 2.# 4 radius with a 3.# 0 grid, and plotted with thick bars (detected with more than 3σ ) and thin bars (detected with 2σ –3σ ). (A color version of this figure is available in the online journal.) & McHardy 1983; Matsuoka et al. 2012). The fraction of the time that active systems spend in a flaring state is also relatively high. For example, Pandey & Singh (2012) quote a flare occurrence rate of ∼20 per cent for RS CVn binaries, whereas Pandey & Singh (2008) obtain a similar rate for flares on G-K dwarf stars. Finally, we note that recent high-resolution X-ray grating spectroscopy has revealed that highly active stars show the presence of an inverse ‘first ionization potential’ effect, namely stellar spectra with de- 3 impact of such a temperature enhancement is illustrated in Fig. 14, which shows the 6.7 and 6.9 keV Fe-line EWs expected for a 3:1 mix of ASB and CV components, as the temperature characterizing the ASB spectrum varies from 3 keV up to 7 keV. It would seem entirely plausible that the ASBs present in our XSS sample are in flare states characterized by this range of temperature. Although a suitable blend of hard X-ray emission from flaring ASBs together with a more modest contribution from CVs has the or SFH is required to be different in the NB from the GB. In the preceding paragraphs, we have shown that different SFHs cannot explain the different spatial distributions of the stellar number density and 6.7 keV emission. Considering a universal IMF (Bastian et al. 2010) and a possible top-heavy IMF in the GC (Figer et al. 1999), the number of old, low-mass stars (i.e., CVs and ABs) per unit stellar mass never increases, it only decreases. Also, a higher stellar density tends to destroy binaries rather than to form them via a capture process, which seems to play a small role in binary formation (Tohline 2002). These imply a smaller X-ray emissivity per unit stellar mass by 120 100 ber of Fields −1 80 60 all o |b|< 0.4 o | b | > 0.4
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