日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 JP15-0343 (2015 年 5 月 26 日付) ソフトウェアの営業活動終了およびサポート終了: 一部の IBM Endpoint Management ファミリーのプログラム番号およびメディア・ パックのパーツ番号 目次 1 8 終了するプログラム 後継プログラム情報 14 AP ディストリビューション 終了するプログラム Effective on the dates listed below, IBM(R) will withdraw support for the following program's version/release licensed under the IBM International Program License Agreement: Passport Advantage(R) (PPA) products Program number Program release name Support withdrawal date 5608-TPM IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager V7.x September 30, 2016 5724-T40 IBM License Metric Tool V7.2.x September 30, 2016 5724-T40 IBM License Metric Tool V7.5.x April 30, 2017 5725-C68 IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed V7.5.x April 30, 2017 (R) • V = All versions • V#.x means all releases of the version number • V#.#.x means all models of the version release number listed Effective on the dates shown, IBM will withdraw from marketing and end of service media pack part numbers from the following programs licensed under the IBM International Program License Agreement: Program number Media pack part number Media pack part number description Withdrawal from marketing date End of service date 5608-TPM BJ156ML IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager V7.2.2 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack September 23, 2016 September 30, 2016 Program number Media pack part number Media pack part number description Withdrawal from marketing date End of service date 5724-T40 BJ0Z8ML IBM License Metric Tool for Multiplatforms V7.5.0 Multilingual Media Pack April 21, 2017 April 30, 2017 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 1 Program number Media pack part number Media pack part number description Withdrawal from marketing date End of service date 5725-C68 BN00HML IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed for Multiplatforms V7.5.0 Media Pack April 21, 2017 April 30, 2017 Effective on August 28, 2015, IBM will withdraw from marketing licensed and media pack part numbers from the following programs. 5725-C46 IBM Endpoint Manager for Power(R) Management Part number Part number description D0HT8LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Client Device Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0HSVLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Client Device License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0HSWLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Client Device SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D11UYLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management FTL Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D11UZLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management FTL for zEnterprise(R) BladeCenter Extension and LinuxTM on System z(R) Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D0N78LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D11U1LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11U2LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0HT7LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0HSTLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0HSULL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D11U3LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11U4LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0N25LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 2 Part number Part number description D0N26LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D18VALL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Client Device Monthly License D18VELL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18VBLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18VCLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18VDLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Monthly License BJ025ML IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management V9.1.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack BJ01BML IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management for Version 9.0.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack 5725-H27 IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Part number Part number description D0T2SLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Client Device License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0T2TLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Client Device SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D0UWQLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation FTL Client Device Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D11UNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation FTL Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D0UWHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation FTL Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0UWILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation FTL for zBx and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D11UPLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D11TKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11TLLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0T2LLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0T2MLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D0T2QLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation for zBx and Linux on System z Resource 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 3 Part number Part number description Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0T2RLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation for zBx and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D11TMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11TNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D18YILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Client Device Monthly License D18YMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18YKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18YJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18YLLL IBM Endpoint Manger for Server Automation for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Monthly License BJ02CML IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation V9.1.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack BJ01JML IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation Version 9.0.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack 5725-C44 IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance (Starter Kit only) Part number Part number description D1114LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Client Device Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D110LLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Client Device License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D110MLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Client Device SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D11UWLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance FTL Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D11UXLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Initl FT Lic+S&S 12 Mo D11UFLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11UGLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D110WLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 4 Part number Part number description D110HLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D110ILL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D11UHLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D11UILL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D1113LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Initial Fixed Term License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D110JLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D110KLL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D18V0LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Client Device Monthly License D18V4LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18V1LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18V3LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18V2LL - IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18V2LL IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License BJ01NML IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance V9.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack BJ023ML IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance V9.1.0 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack 5725-Q67 IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters The complete product withdrawal will have two effective withdrawal from marketing dates for the following: • All "D" type part numbers is August 28, 2015 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 5 • All "E" type part numbers is January 8, 2016 Part number Part number description D14CJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D14CBLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CCLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D14CDLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value from Tivoli Provisioning Manager Resource Value Unit Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CLLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D14CGLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D14CILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value from Tivoli Provisioning Manager for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CRLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo D14CNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo D14CSLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo D14CQLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo D18ZILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18ZJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Monthly License D18ZGLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Monthly License D18ZHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License E0JCKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 6 Part number Part number description E0JCILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0JCLLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0JCJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0JCPLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL Managed Virtual Server SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo E0JCNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL Resource Value Unit SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo E0JCQLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 E0JCMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo Note: Not all of these part numbers may have been available. On or after that date, you can no longer obtain these part numbers directly from IBM. You can obtain these part numbers on an as-available basis through IBM Remarketers. 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 7 後継プログラム情報 IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager (5608-TPM) Withdrawn media pack part number Part number description Replacement program names Program number BJ156ML IBM Tivoli Provisioning Manager V7.2.2 Multiplatform Multilingual Media Pack1 IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management V9.2.0 5725-C43 IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation V9.2.0 5725-H27 1 Entitlement for the withdrawn media pack is IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management V9.2.0 and IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation V9.2.0. Both of these programs are electronic download only, physical media packs are not available. For additional information for the replacement programs, refer to Software Announcement JP14-0524. IBM License Metric Tool (5724-T40) Withdrawn media pack part number Part number description Replacement program name Program number BJ0Z8ML IBM License Metric Tool for Multiplatforms Version 7.5.0 Multilingual Media Pack IBM Licens Metric Tool V9.2.0 (electronic only media) 5724-T40 For additional information for the replacement program, refer to Software Announcement JP15-0099. IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed (5725-C68) Withdrawn media pack part number Part number description Replacement program name Program number BN00HML IBM Tivoli Asset Discovery for Distributed for Multiplatforms Version 7.5.0 Multilingual Media Pack None None For additional information for the replacement program, refer to Software Announcement JP14-0524. IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters (5725-Q67) The replacement program for IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters is IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management and IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance. The below table shows the withdrawn part numbers and the replacement part numbers. Withdrawn part number Part number description Replacement part number Part number description D14CJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11VULL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11U9LL IBM Endpoint Manager for 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 8 Withdrawn part number Part number description Replacement part number Part number description Security & Compliance Managed Virtual SErver Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D11VVLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D11UALL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D14CBLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D0HSGLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D0HSXLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D14CCLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0HSHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D0HSYLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D14CDLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value from Tivoli Provisioning Manager Resource Value Unit Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo None None D14CLLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D11VWLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 9 Withdrawn part number Part number description Replacement part number Part number description D11UBLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D14CMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D11VXLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D11UCLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SW S&S Reinstate 12 D14CGLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo D0M1ZLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit License + SW D0N2BLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit License + SW Subscription & Support 12 Months D14CHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit S&S Reinstate 12 Mo D0M20LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D02N2CLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 10 Withdrawn part number Part number description Replacement part number Part number description zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SW Subscription & Support Reinstatement 12 Months D14CILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value from Tivoli Provisioning Manager for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Trade Up Lic + SW S&S 12 Mo None None D14CRLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None D14CNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None D14CSLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None D14CQLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Initial FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None D18ZILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Monthly License None None D18ZJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value None None 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 11 Withdrawn part number Part number description Unit Monthly License Replacement part number Part number description D18ZGLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Monthly License None None D18ZHLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Monthly License None None E0JCKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0IKZLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0IJYLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0JCILL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters Resource Value Unit Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0BDCLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management Resource Value Unit Annual SW Subscription & Support Renewal E0BDKLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance Resource Value Unit Annual SW Subscription & Support Renewal E0JCLLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0IL0LL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl E01JZLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server Annual SW S&S Rnwl 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 12 Withdrawn part number Part number description Replacement part number Part number description E0JCJLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Annual SW S&S Rnwl E0D6FLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Annual SW Subscription & Support Renewal E0D7DLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit Annual SW Subscription & Support Renewal E0JCPLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL Managed Virtual Server SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None E0JCNLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL Resource Value Unit SubSq FTL Lic +S&S 12 Mo None None E0JCQLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Managed Virtual Server SubSq FTL Lic+S&S 12 Mo None None E0JCMLL IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters FTL for zEnterprise BladeCenter Extension and Linux on System z Resource Value Unit SubSq FTL Lic +S&S 12 Mo None None Withdrawal of electronic download media Withdrawn eAssembly Replacement eAssembly IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters V9.1.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly IBM Endpoint Manager for Lifecycle Management V9.2.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly IBM Endpoint Manager for Datacenters V9.2.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly IBM Endpoint Manager for Security & Compliance V9.2.0 Multiplatform Multilingual eAssembly There are no replacements for the following programs: • IBM Endpoint Manager for Power Management (5725-C46) 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 13 • IBM Endpoint Manager for Server Automation (5725-H27) • IBM Endpoint Manager Starter Kit for Security & Compliance (5725-C44) Note: Not all of these part numbers may have been available. 技術サポート 製品サポート情報については、ソフトウェア・サポートの Web サイトを参照してください。 http://www.ibm.com/software/support/ 技術サポートは引き続きご利用いただけます。これら製品のサポートの終了は、終了の 12 カ 月前までに発表されます。 AP ディストリビューション Country/Region Announced AP IOT ASEAN * Yes India/South Asia ** Yes Australia Yes Hong Kong Yes Macao Yes New Zealand Yes People's Republic of China Yes South Korea Yes Taiwan Yes Japan IOT Japan Yes *ブルネイ・ダルサラーム、カンボジア、インドネシア、ラオス人民民主共和国、マレーシア、 フィリピン、シンガポール、タイ、東ティモール、およびベトナム **バングラデシュ、ブータン、インド、モルジブ、ネパール、およびスリランカ 商標 IBM、Passport Advantage、Tivoli、Power、zEnterprise、System z および Lotus は、世界の 多くの国で登録された International Business Machines Corporation の商標です。 Linux は、Linus Torvalds の米国およびその他の国における商標です。 他の会社名、製品名およびサービス名等はそれぞれ各社の商標です。 ご利用条件 お客様の国で発表されて入手可能な IBM の製品およびサービスは、その時点で有効で適用可能 な標準契約書、条項、条件、および料金に基づいて発注できます。 IBM は、本発表の内容を予 告なしにいつでも変更または撤回できるものとします。この発表はお客様の参照用としてのみ 提供されています。追加のご利用条件については、次の Web サイトでご確認ください。 ご利用条件 この製品発表レターは、IBM Corporation が発表した時点での製品発表レターの抄訳です。 IBM 製品に関する最新情報については、 IBM 担当員または販売店にお問い合わせいただくか、 IBM Worldwide Contacts ページをご覧ください。 http://www.ibm.com/planetwide/jp/ 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 14 IBM JapanWithdrawal Announcement JP15-03432015 年 5 月 26 日目次資料オプション連絡 先オプションお問い合わせ先印刷用先頭へ戻る注:日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表JP15-0343 (2015 年 5 月 26 日付)IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標 です。 日本 IBM の営業活動終了の発表 IBM は、International Business Machines Corporation の登録商標です。 15
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