15 June 2015, UNESCO-IBE, Geneva Roundtable and Book Launch Countering intolerance and discrimination through education: Challenges and prospects Monique Eckmann Monique Eckmann, a sociologist, is professor emerita at the, School for Social Work, University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, in Geneva. Her work focuses on identity and memory, on inter-group relations and dialogue between groups in conflict. She has developed research and intervention in the fields of education against racism, discrimination, Antisemitism and right-wing extremism, and deals with human rights education and peace work. She is advising projects in schools, memorial sites, and museums, and cooperates with various local, national, and international organizations. She is a member of the Swiss delegation to the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) and a member of the IHRA’s Education Working Group. She is currently leading the IHRA’s Education Research Project. She has published widely in these fields. Some recent publications Eckmann, Monique (2014). “Education in the Context of “Divided” Memories – How can a “Pedagogy of Conflict elaboration contribute?”. In: Oslo: The EWC Wergeland Centre Statements Series, Fourth Issue, pp. 1520. http://www.theewc.org/statement/education.in.the.context.of.divided.memories..how.can.a.pedago gy.of.conflict.elaboration.contribute/ Eckmann, M. (2014) «„Ja, aber …“ – Erinnerungsrivalitäten im Bildungsraum. Versuch einer psychopolitischen Typologie und ihrer pädagogischen Implikationen ». In: Gautschi, P.; Sommer Häller B. (Hg.): Der Beitrag von Schulen und Hochschulen zu Erinnerungskulturen. Wochenschau Verlag, p. 90110. Eckmann, Monique (2013): «History and Memory of the Other: An Experimental Encounter-Program with Israeli Jews and Palestinians from Israel». In G. Jikeli, J. Allouche-Benayoun (eds.), Perceptions of the Holocaust in Europe and Muslim Communities. Sources, Comparisons and Educational Challenges. Dordrecht; New York: Springer. P. 133-152 Eckmann, Monique (2013): „«Emotion is not enough». Zum Modul «Holocaust, Genocide and Modern Humanity» an der Kean-Universität und im Holocaust Memorial Museum in den USA“. In: Gautschi, Peter, Zülsdorf-Kersting, Meik & Ziegler, Béatrice Shoah und Schule. Lehren und Lernen im 21. Jahrhundert. Zürich: Chronos. P. 153-170 Eckmann, Monique (2012)« Menschenrechtsbildung in Verbindung mit historischer Bildung zum NSRegime », in : Politisches Lernen, 30. Jg. H. 3-4. 2012, S. 14-18. Eckmann, Monique (2012), “Gegenmittel. Bildungsstrategien gegen Antisemitismen“. In: Einsicht 08, Bulletin des Fritz Bauer Instituts, Frankfurt am Main, 4. Jahrgang, 2012. S. 44-49. http://www.fritzbauer-institut.de/fileadmin/user_upload/uploadsFBI/einsicht/Einsicht-08.pdf Eckmann, Monique et Charles Heimberg (2011) Mémoire et pédagogie. Autour de la transmission de la destruction des Juifs d’Europe. Genève : ies editions 2011. [Memory and pedagogy. The transmission of the Destruction of European Jews] « The Role of History in Education Against Discrimination » in Huhle, Rainer (dir.) Human Rights and History. A Challenge for Education. Berlin: EVZ 2010: 166-174. UNESCO International Bureau of Education
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