Publications Matthias Kalkuhl

Matthias Kalkuhl
April 2015
Discussion papers
Algieri, B., M. Kalkuhl and N. Koch (2015). A Tale for Two Tails: Explaining Extreme Events in
Financialized Agricultural markets. Conference Paper for the Australian Agricultural and
Resource Economics Society, February 10-13, 2015, Rotorua, New Zealand
Kozicka, M., Kalkuhl, M., Saini, S., and Brockhaus, J. (2015). Modelling Indian Wheat and Rice
Sector Policies. ZEF Discussion Paper on Development Policy No. 197
Algieri, B. and M. Kalkuhl (2014). Back to the futures: An assessment of commodity futures
market efficiency and forecast error drivers. Available as ZEF Discussion Paper No. 195.
Kalkuhl, M. (2014) How strong do global commodity prices influence domestic food prices in
developing countries? A global price transmission and vulnerability mapping analysis. ZEF
Discussion Paper 191.
Academic articles (peer-reviewed)
Matz, J., M. Kalkuhl, and G. A. Abegaz. The short-term impact of price shocks on food
security – evidence from urban and rural Ethiopia. Forthcoming in Food Security
Haile, M.G., M. Kalkuhl, and J. von Braun. Worldwide acreage and yield response to
international price change and volatility: A dynamic panel data analysis for wheat, rice, maize
and soybean. Forthcoming in American Journal of Agricultural Economics (doi:
Kalkuhl, M., O. Edenhofer and K. Lessmann (2015). The role of carbon capture and
sequestration policies for climate change mitigation. Environmental and Resource Economics
60(1), 55-80.
Haile, M.G. , M. Kalkuhl and J. von Braun (2014). Inter- and intra-seasonal crop acreage
response to international food prices and implications of volatility. Agricultural Economics
45(6), 693-710.
Tadesse, G. G., B. Algieri, M. Kalkuhl and J. von Braun (2014). Drivers and triggers of
international food price spikes and volatility. Food Policy, 47(8), 117-128.
von Braun, J., B. Algieri and M. Kalkuhl (2014). World food system disruptions in the early
2000s: Causes, impacts and cures. World Food Policy, 1(1), 1-22.
Kalkuhl, M. and O. Edenhofer (2014). Managing the climate rent: How can regulators
implement intertemporally efficient mitigation policies? Natural Resource Modeling, 27(1),
Kornher, L. and M. Kalkuhl (2013). Food price volatility in developing countries and its
determinants. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 52(4), 277-308.
Kalkuhl, M. and R. Brecha (2013). The carbon rent economics of climate policy. Energy
Economics, 39, 89-99.
Publications – Matthias Kalkuhl
10. Kalkuhl, M., O. Edenhofer and K. Lessmann (2013). Renewable energy subsidies: Second-best
policy or fatal aberration for mitigation? Resource and Energy Economics, 35(3), 217-234.
11. Kalkuhl, M., O. Edenhofer and K. Lessmann (2012). Learning or lock-in: optimal technology
policies to support mitigation. Resource and Energy Economics, 34(1), 1-23.
12. Eisenack, K., O. Edenhofer and M. Kalkuhl (2012). Resource rents: The effects of energy taxes
and quantity instruments for climate protection. Energy Policy, 48(9), 59-166.
13. Edenhofer, O. and M. Kalkuhl (2011). When do increasing carbon taxes accelerate
global warming? A note on the Green Paradox. Energy Policy, 39(4), 2208-2212.
14. Steckel, J.C., M. Kalkuhl, and R. Marschinski (2010). Should carbon-exporting countries strive
for consumption-based accounting in a global cap-and-trade regime? Climatic Change
Letters, 100 (3), 779 – 786.
Book chapters (peer-reviewed)
Kalkuhl, M. (2015). "Spekulation mit Nahrungsmitteln, Regulierung und Selbstregulierung."
in Aufderheide, D. and Dabrowski, M. (Hrsg.): Markt und Verantwortung Wirtschaftsethische und moralökonomische Perspektiven. Volkswirtschaftliche Schriften.
Duncker & Humblot, Band 567.
Mitchell, C. et al. (2012). Policy, Financing and Implementation. In: IPCC Working Group III
(eds.): IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation.
Cambridge University Press, Chapter 11.
Edenhofer, O., R. Pietzcker, M. Kalkuhl, E. Kriegler (2010). Taxation Instruments for Reducing
Greenhouse Gas Emissions, and Comparison with Quantity Instrument. In: The Economics of
Climate Change in China. Towards a Low Carbon Economy. Earthscan.
Edenhofer, O., R. Pietzcker, M. Kalkuhl, E. Kriegler (2010). Price and Quantity Regulation for
Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In: Global Sustainability – A Nobel Cause. Cambridge
University Press.
Edenhofer, O. and M. Kalkuhl (2009). Das grüne Paradoxon - Menetekel oder Prognose. In:
Beckenbach et al. (Eds.) Jahrbuch Ökologische Ökonomik 6. Metropolis-Verlag.
Policy papers
von Braun, J. and M. Kalkuhl (2012). Einfluss der Spekulation auf den Finanz- und
Kapitalmärkten auf die Nahrungsmittelpreise. Stellungnahme für eine Anhörung vor dem
Ausschuss für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit des deutschen Bundestages, 27.6.2012.
Edenhofer, O., Knopf, B., Kalkuhl, M. (2009): CCS - CO2 Sequestrierung: Ein wirksamer
Beitrag zum Klimaschutz? ifo Schnelldienst, 3/2009.
Kalkuhl, M. (2012): The Calculus of Climate Policy: Carbon Pricing and Technology Policies for
Climate Change Mitigation. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, Saarbrücken,
Germany. ISBN: 978-3-8381-3399-7
Publications – Matthias Kalkuhl
Kalkuhl, M. (2012): The Calculus of Climate Policy: Carbon Pricing and Technology Policies for
Climate Change Mitigation. Dissertation. TU Berlin. urn:nbn:de:kobv:83-opus-35349
Discussion papers, reports and other publications (partly peer-reviewed)
Kalkuhl, M., M. Haile, L. Kornher, M. Kozicka (2014). Cost-benefit framework for policy action
to navigate food price spikes. FOODSECURE working paper (forthcoming)
Haile, M. and M. Kalkuhl (2014). Price expectation formation of smallholder farmers in
Ethiopia: The role of information. Conference paper for the Ethiopian Economics
Association/African Econometric Society (EEA/AES) joint conference in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
on 16-19 July 2014.
Kozicka, M., M. Kalkuhl, S. Saini, and J. Brockhaus (2014). Modeling Indian Wheat and Rice
Sector Policies. Conference paper for the AAEA’s Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, July 2729, 2014, forthcoming as ZEF-ICRIER Discussion Paper.
Mujahid, I., M. Kalkuhl (2014). Do Trade Agreements Increase Food Trade? AAEA’s Annual
Meeting Conference Paper, Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014.
Brockhaus, J., M. Kalkuhl (2014). Can the Agricultural Market Information System (AMIS)
Help to Reduce Food Price Volatility? AAEA’s Annual Meeting Conference Paper,
Minneapolis, MN, July 27-29, 2014.
Haile, M., Brockhaus, J., Kalkuhl, M. and J. von Braun (2014). A Short-term Forecasting Model
of Acreage Allocation for Major Producer Countries. Final Report of the Research
Cooperation Project between Bayer CropScience AG and Center for Development Research,
University of Bonn.
Kalkuhl, M. (2014) Speculation, Responsible Investment and (Self-)Regulation in Agricultural
Commodity Markets in: Kirschke, Bokelmann, Hagedorn, Hüttel (Eds): Wie viel Markt und wie
viel Regulierung braucht eine nachhaltige Agrarentwicklung? Schriften der Gesellschaft für
Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e. V.; Band 49.
Von Braun, J. and M. Kalkuhl. (2014). Spekulation und Finanzialisierung internationaler
Agrarmärkte: Implikationen für Preisbildung und Ernährungssicherung in
Entwicklungsländern. In: Loy, J. (2014). Marktwirtschaftliche Koordination: Möglichkeiten und
Grenzen ; Symposium anlässlich des 75. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich
Koester. Halle (Saale) : IAMO, p. 67-88
Haile, M.G. , M. Kalkuhl and J. von Braun (2013). Short-term global crop acreage response to
international food prices and implications of volatility. ZEF Discussion Paper No. 175
10. Kalkuhl, M., L. Kornher, M. Kozicka, P. Boulanger and M. Torero (2013). Conceptual
framework on price volatility and its impact on food and nutrition security in the short term.
FOODSECURE working paper no. 15
11. Eisenack, K., M. Kalkuhl, O. Edenhofer (2010): Energy Taxes, Resource Taxes and Quantity
Rationing for Climate Protection. PIK Report No. 120
12. Kalkuhl, M. (2008): Modeling Climate Policy Instruments in a Stackelberg Game with
Endogenous Technological Change and Market Imperfections. Diploma Thesis; supervised by
O. Edenhofer and K. Eisenack.
Publications – Matthias Kalkuhl
Conference presentations
1. How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices? A Global Price
Transmission Analysis. Agricultural & Applied Economics Association’s 2014 Annual Meeting,
Minneapolis, Minnesota, July 27-29, 2014.
2. How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices? A Global Price
Transmission Analysis. Global Food Symposium. 25-26 April 2014. Göttingen.
3. Inter- and intra-annual global crop acreage response to prices and price risk. First
International Global Food Security Conference. 29 September - 2 October 2013,
Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands.
4. Inter-and intra-annual global crop acreage response to prices and price risk. Agricultural &
Applied Economics Association’s 2013 AAEA & CAES Joint Annual Meeting, Washington, DC,
August 4-6, 2013.
5. Food price volatility in developing countries and its determinants. GEWISOLA 53rd Annual
Conference, Berlin, Germany, 25-27 September 2013.
6. Volatility in the international food markets: implications for global agricultural supply and for
market and price policy GEWISOLA 53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, 25-27
September 2013.
7. Speculation, Responsible Investment and (Self-)Regulation in Agricultural Commodity
GEWISOLA 53rd Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany, 25-27 September 2013.
8. Renewable energy subsidies: Second-best policy or fatal aberration for mitigation? 18th
Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists
(EAERE) in Rome, June 29 to July 2, 2011.
9. Learning or lock-in: Optimal technology policies to support mitigation. 18th Annual
Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE)
in Rome, June 29 to July 2, 2011.
10. Prices vs quantity instruments and the green paradox. 4th World Congress of Environmental
and Resource Economists (WCERE) in Montreal, June 28 to July 2, 2010.
11. Prices vs quantity: The intertemporal dynamics of the climate rent. Conference on
Sustainable Resource Use and Economic Dynamics (SURED) in Ascona, June 7 to June 10,
12. Optimal climate policy instruments in a dynamic Stackelberg game with market
imperfections. 13th International Symposium on Dynamic Games and Applications in
Wroclaw, June 30 to July 3, 2008.
Selected talks
1. Modeling global and national food supply in the short-run. Chinese Academy of Sciences,
Center for Chinese Agricultural Policy, Beijing, 10 Oct 2014
2. Panel discussion on the launch of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) GIEWS
Food Price Warning Tool, 24 Sep 24 2014.
3. Price transmission, vulnerability mapping and early warning systems. Presentation at the
ZEF-IFPRI International Workshop on Food Price Volatility, Bonn, 8 Jul 2014.
4. A Short-term Forecasting Model of Acreage Allocation for Major Producer Countries. Bayer
Crop Science AG, 24 Apr 2014.
Publications – Matthias Kalkuhl
5. How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices? A Global Price
Transmission Analysis. Presentation at the Indian Council for Research on International
Economic Relations (ICRIER), New Delhi, 3 Mar 2014.
6. Modeling food supply: Combining short-term and long-term models. FoodSecure Workshop.
Prague. 25 Feb 2014.
7. How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices? A Global Price
Transmission Analysis. Presentation at the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Rome. 12 Feb 2014.
8. How Strong Do Global Commodity Prices Influence Domestic Food Prices? A Global Price
Transmission Analysis. Presentation at the UN World Food Programme (WFP). Rome. 11 Feb
9. Spekulation mit Nahrungsmitteln, Regulierung und verantwortungsvolles Investment.
Vortrag auf der Tagung „Markt und Verantwortung. Wirtschaftsethische und
moralökonomische Perspektiven“, Franz Hitze Haus, Münster. 6 Dec 2013.
10. Impacts of volatility on food and nutrition security in the short term. Presentation at the
FOODSECURE International Meeting. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 8 Oct 2013.
11. Spekulation mit Nahrungsmitteln und Ernährungssicherheit in Entwicklungsländern. Vortrag
auf dem Expertengespräch des Wittenberg Zentrum für Globale Ethik „Handel mit
Agrarrohstoffen“. Wittenberg. 7 Feb 2013.
12. How Does Food Price Volatility Affect Food and Nutrition Security? Presentation at the ZEFIFPRI International Workshop on Food Price Volatility, Bonn, 1 Feb 2013.
13. Beeinflusst Spekulation die Nahrungsmittelpreise? Diskussionsbeitrag zur Veranstaltung
„Brot für die Börse“, Frankfurt/Main, 14 Nov 2012.
Publications – Matthias Kalkuhl