© Regensburg Tourismus GmbH Steg WC HBF w straße Sedan- ße urgstra erst raße bels ber g Ga tr. Gumppenberg- straße straße Diepenbrock- DIVERSITY Grefling Dr. Held-Str. erstraße . str Placidiuss Gemeinerstr. Weiß enb tärz enb ach Villastraße g. Kapuzinerg . Prinzenweg Am S ld-Schrem s-Str. Stobäusplatz str. traße straße Nibelungen brücke terh afen Win Inselstr. Am Zoller- Galg e nb Universitätsstraße B16 HEGEMONIES Dr.-Theoba Arcaden European Studies q Graduate School for East and SoutheastRegensburg Friedenstraße / Regensburg main station w Regensburg Hauptbahnhof B16 Furtmayrstraße e Altstadthotel Arch: Haidplatz 2–4, 0941 58660 Fußgängerzone I r pedestrian area Hof: Tändlergasse Altstadtbereich Town UNESCO-Welterbezone I UNESCO World Heritage area Münchner 9, 0941I Old 58440 t Hotel Weidenhof: Maximilianstr. 23, 0941 53031 y Hotel Zum fröhlichen Türken: Fröhliche-Türken-Straße 11, 0941 53651 3 3 IN SPACES OF Maye rhofe r-Str. ergstr. Galgenbergbrücke Bahnhofstraße traße B8 CULTURAL hsstr aße Richard-WagnerStraße Straße berg RVV Reic Seda nstra ße q B8 B15 B16 öhrdstr. derw Bru er-Str aße Luitpo ldstra Albertstr. Paracelsusstr. Kumpfmühler Brücke tte n ho fer Hall e Ostenallee Landshuter Ado lf ntor -Schme tz Oste ße ße Fend-S Silbernagelg . Fahrbeckg. Bauergässe l Ernst-ReuterPlatz Unterer Wöhrd Villapark traße der-Tann-S auers Fritz- asse Kirschg. Str. Von- ße D.-Martin-Luther-Str. Dr.-Wunderle- WC Hem 93 Sch a rg. Eiserne Brücke Trothe Heiliggeistg Minoritenweg Blumenstr. 7–94 MAY 2015 REGENSBURG B15 3 Second Annual Conference of the Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies Graduate School for East and Southeast European Studies Landshuter Straße 4, 93047 Regensburg Phone: +49 (0)941/ 943-5332, email: [email protected] www.gs-oses.de www.gs-oses.de Maffeistr. Proskestraße Trun zerg . Klost may ererg. Gich tlg. ngasse Erhardig. A.-Kolping-Str. Kal münzerg. Hackeng. Speicherg. t sse Stern nstra nga 2 WC Dona ulände Sternberg arete nselm-Allee st-A Albertstraße Für Oste Roritzerst r. Marg str. e Helenenstraße Donaumarkt Dachauplatz Am Königshof Fuchsengang ße Drei-Kronen-G. Maximilianstra Grasg as s y S t . - P e te r s - W e g Kapelleng. - Werftstra Ufer Alter Korn- Pflug g. Schwanenmarkt platz Bertoldstraße Am Brix ener Hof Salzburger-G. . Jesuitenplatz Königs straße HunnenSt.- Platz GeorgenPlatz en Luzeng. äffn erstr. rgas se erg ad Sim rstr aße Weißb räuhausg. WC hw.-Bären-Str. St.-Kassians- Sc Platz ünste Obermünsterplatz Niedermünsterg. Residenzstr. Pfauengasse Am Frauenbergl ergasse Viereim e nstraß W.-Lilie gasse Pfarrer -G. Oberm Lindnerg. Br ückstr . Tauben g. WeißeHahnen G. Bl.-Lilien-G. Tändlerg asse DreiHelm-G. Sch A.d. Hülling R.-Stern DOM Domplatz Fröhliche-T ürken-Str. ler Straße Kumpfmüh Hoppestraße Wahlenstraße Untere Bachga sse S piegelgasse Obere Bachgasse . r Marc-Aure l- Unter den Schwibbög Krauterermarkt Neupfarrplatz AugustinerPlatz Steckg. Auerg. Deischg. Alte Mangg ergasse Waffn str. Wilhelm- Posthorng. Baum- Weingasse gasse Ortnerg. G. -G. Emmerams- ienÄgid ng ga Schmerbühl Fischgässel Metgeber-G. St. - Alba ns-G. Am Römling re bs Grünes Hopp estra ße B.-Stern R.-Lilien-W platz . z. Eck chink ls Vau str. Watmarkt Kramgasse Male Steg Eiserner Am Ölberg sch-G. . Wöhrd tr. This conference is interested in the production and erosion of cultural hegemony. Conference contributions discuss the relationship between cultural hegemony, social organization, institutional order, and political practice. One of the major goals of the conference is to elucidate the relationship between cultural hegemony and political change in Eastern and Southeastern Europe. This includes the discussion of transnational transfers of dominant ideologies and of their local implementation and appropriation. Glocken g. Str. Drei-M ohren- Silberne-Fi Thundorferstr WC rS 100 Gutenbergplatz Marschallstraße Ladehofst 0 e K Goliath- Kohlenmarkt Haidplatz Vor der WC Grieb -H ahn Hinter d. en Grieb Dänzerg. Ägidienplatz fang G N.-Waag- Predigerg . Adlerg. Am Wied Rathausplatz . Gesandtenstraße Beraiterweg eg g. hackerg. Wöhrdstr. Besucherzentrum Welterbe Fisch- Gold.-Bä ren-Str. W.markt Lamm-G. Sc Fuchsg. Ludwigsstr. Weinlän de traße Jahninsel ute dsh Lan Eastern and Southeastern Europe as a region is raße characterized by substantial ruptures in the 19th and 20th centuries. Nowhere else in Europe have so many new states emerged, and existing ones disappeared, in the 20th century. At the same time, the region is a space of great cultural, linguistic, confessional, socio-political, and regional eierstraße diversity; this situation creates particularKirchm challenges for those who strive to achieve cultural 400 300 500 m © Regensburg Tourismus GmbH 200 hegemony. Engelburgergass e Rote-Löwen-Str. Zu Winkler gasse Schottenstraße Taxisstraße Dec hbe tte ne rS tr. rw ei e sm Wie ße erstra lsbach tr. -Eckert-S Ludwig. Bismarckplatz Keplers -G. e Jakobstraß Jakobstor DONAU te Platz der Einheit Witte ße r Schö. Ge leg. Re Weißg hg. erberg raben st en Kreuzgasse t Ro er Str. lmstra Fidelgasse Haaggasse Portne rg. Dalbergstr. a Arnulfsplatz e ing Prüfen Wilhe ge rg. Am Beschläch u he ng wi hlz Schillers tr. in Weint asse RamwoldPlatz traß Stadtpark r. hst rlic Ge Musterstraße Musterstraße eg Brunnrergass leite e Woll wirkerg ein More than eighty years93 ago, Antonio Gramsci developed the concept of cultural hegemony in his enstr. Mathild Prison Notebooks. For him, cultural hegemony was tr. ner S a way to understand the relationship between culette b h c De ture and power under capitalism and, in particular, to reveal and deconstruct the production of con. sent by the dominant Str “fundamental group”. The er en Liskir ett cher hb hegemony has become concept of cultural hugely c Str. De influential, aiding scholars to understand how le- Augustenstr aße Thurmayerstr. gitimacy is not only produced but also undermined by anti-hegemonic practices. Uhlandstr. Musterstraße pla tz erw ier -S WC 3 gässel Platz nen S ta Synopsis T e Weitold straß St.-Leone hards- -M ann Joh .Dr . Lede ergass N on r-Str estraße Spatzeng. Gerb Prebrunnstr. Hochweg rne .-Kö Holzländ Herrenplatz Steinerne Brü cke keh r Rühl- Schenkendorfstr. Herzogspark Am Jud Wü r t r. Dollin e rs m achs-Straße Herrich Landshuter Str. 4 Room 319 (3rd floor) Programme THURSDAY, MAY 7 18.00 OPENING Ulf Brunnbauer (Regensburg) and Martin Schulze Wessel (Munich) 18.30 –20.00 EYNOTE 1: DEFYING THE HEGEMONY OF CULTURAL K NATIONALISM: HISTORY AS OVERLAPPING DIASPORAS Irina Prokhorova (Moscow) 14.00–16.00 CREATING SOCIALIST CULTURE Chair: Irina Morozova (Regensburg) 14.00–16.00 16.30–18.30 CRISIS, POLITICAL CHANGE AND IDEOLOGY Johanna Bockman (Washington D.C.) Chair: Martin Schulze Wessel (Munich) 10.30–13.00 Chair: Björn Hansen (Regensburg) LUNCH YOUTH AND SUBVERSION Maxim Alyukov (St. Petersburg) Hegemony and Heterogeneity in the 2013–2014 Crisis in Ukraine: between National and Local Identity Zornitza Draganova (Sofia) Competition and Detachment: A Case Study of Two Active Youth Groups in Sofia Marko Ilic’ (London) ’What is the Alternative?’ Ljubljana’s ŠKUC (Student Culture & Art Centre) Chair: Peter Bugge (Aarhus) 16.30–17.30 CONCLUDING DISCUSSION PERFORMING COUNTER-HEGEMONY IN THE ARTS Rüstem Ertu˘g Altınay (New York) Kemalism’s Dark Pleasures. BDSM as Anti-Hegemonic Practice in Turkey Maria-Alina Asavei (Prague) Resisting the Hegemonic Regimes of Representation: Critical Art by Roma Artists from Eastern Europe Louisa Avgita (Thessaloniki) Activist Art and Over-Identification Artistic Strategies in Southeastern Europe: A Critical View Wiebke Gronemeyer (Hamburg) Curatorial Practice as Counter-Hegemonic Commitment Chair: Ada Raev (Bamberg) 13.00–14.00 Andrew Hodges (Zagreb) Contesting Linguistic Hegemonies in the Classroom? Teaching in Croatian in Subotica / Serbia Antonina V. Berezovenko (Kiev) Rise and Fall of the Soviet Hegemony in the Linguistic Realm 13.00–14.00 EYNOTE 2: THE SOCIALIST WORLDS OF 1989: GALAXIES K AGAINST HEGEMONIES 9.00–10.15 LANGUAGE POLICIES Andru Chiorean (Birmingham) A Culture of Censorship? Cultural Construction and Practices of Censorship in Post-War Communist Romania Albert Doja / Enika Abazi (Lille) From the Communist Point of View: Cultural Hegemony and People’s Cultural Manipulation in Albanian Studies under Socialism Adela Hincu (Budapest) The Sociology of Mass Culture in Socialist Romania, 1970s–1980s Vassilios Bogiatzis (Athens) Struggling for Cultural Hegemony in the Shadow of the Catastrophe: the Quest for New Beginnings during the Greek Interwar Period Andrea Talabér (Florence) National Days in Changing Regimes: Czechoslovakia and Hungary in the 20th Century Clemena Antonova (Vienna) Bolshevik Cultural Policy on Religion: A Model of Cultural Hegemony under a Dictatorship of Proletariat FRIDAY, MAY 8 11.30–13.00 LUNCH SATURDAY, MAY 9 9.00–11.00 CULTURAL POLICIES AND STATE DOMINATION Ivan Sablin (Heidelberg / St. Petersburg) Printing Modernities: Book Culture in Late Tsarist and Early Soviet Siberia Maria Hadjiathanasiou (Limassol) Cultural Propaganda Agencies in Colonial Cyprus and their Policies, 1946–1960 Jaromír Mrnˇka (Prague) (Trans-)Formation of Hegemonic Discourses and Post-War Czech Society between Nationalism and Socialism, 1945–1960 Chair: Peter Zusi (London) Please register until April 27 [email protected]
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