eurex rundschreiben 079/15

e u r e x rundschreiben 079/15
8. Mai 2015
Alle Handelsteilnehmer der Eurex Deutschland und Eurex Zürich sowie Vendoren
Autorisiert von:
Michael Peters
Änderungen der Zuordnung von technischen Benutzerkennungen (User IDs)
Kontakt: Clearing Data Control, T +49-69-211-1 24 53, [email protected]
Handling of access codes for the assignment of technical
Alle Abteilungen
user IDs (nur in Englisch)
Die Geschäftsführung der Eurex Deutschland und die Geschäftsleitung der Eurex Zürich AG haben mit
Wirkung zum 16. Mai 2015 beschlossen, Änderungen der Zuordnung von technischen Benutzerkennungen
(User IDs) einzuführen.
Technische User IDs, die einem bestimmten Eurex-Händler zugewiesen sind, können anderen, bereits
zugelassenen Eurex-Händlern für einen spezifizierten Zeitraum zugeordnet werden, wenn die entsprechenden Eurex-Teilnehmer die Zuordnung im elektronischen Zulassungsservice eXAS dokumentieren. Das
eXAS-Tool ist in der Member Section der Eurex-Website verfügbar.
Technische User IDs sind Benutzerkennungen mit einem technischen Hintergrund wie Quote Machines,
Electronic Eye, Algorithmic Trading Engine, Trade Engine und Order-Routing-Systeme.
Mitarbeiter der betroffenen Eurex-Teilnehmer, die berechtigt sind, Einträge in das eXAS-Tool zu machen
(Zulassungsverwalter), können die Zuordnung einer Person zu einer technischen User ID ändern. Dies wird
direkt in den internen Systemen der Eurex Exchange berücksichtigt.
Das eXAS-Tool ermöglicht für eine bestehende technische User ID nicht nur die Änderung der zugeordneten
Person in Echtzeit, sondern auch die zeitliche Begrenzung der Zuordnung durch Auswahl bestimmter
Stunden des Tages oder in Form eines Kalenders, d. h. für einen Schichtplan. Auf diese Weise kann ein
Händler durch einen anderen bereits zugelassenen Händler ersetzt werden. Im Anhang erhalten Sie eine
Beschreibung des Verfahrens.
Eurex Deutschland
Börsenplatz 4
60313 Frankfurt/Main
60485 Frankfurt/Main
T +49-69-211-1 17 00
F +49-69-211-1 17 01
Dr. Thomas Book, Mehtap Dinc,
Michael Peters, Andreas Preuß
ARBN: 101 013 361
Attachment to Eurex circular 079/15
Handling of access codes for the assignment of technical user IDs
Current functionality
Currently a User ID is always registered for one person who acts as an owner for the specific User ID. The
person registered (owner) can only be replaced when sending a “Change of Owner” request via eXAS within the
Member Section on the Eurex website (direct link to the login screen of the Eurex
Member Section: This can either happen during the
day with immediate effect or at a later point in time (if a specific date is entered). For every change of owner for a
specific User ID, a new request has to be submitted.
Future functionality
As of 16 May 2015, changes of the assignment of technical User IDs will come into effect.
For every technical User ID in Eurex Exchange’s T7 trading system, another already admitted trader can be
assigned for a specified time frame during the day. A User ID may have up to three further traders (deputies) in
place, but only one trader at a time can be assigned to a predefined time frame.
Example: User ID ABC001 is registered for Trader 1 and he will be absent for some time in the future. In this
situation, two additional admitted traders will be assigned to this User ID: Trader 2 from 08:00 until 17:00 CET
and Trader 3 after 17:00 until 22:00 CET.
Maintenance of additional traders (deputies) for a User ID is carried out in the Member Section (eXAS User ID
Maintenance) on the Eurex website. Any changes/settings are mirrored simultaneously in Eurex Exchange´s
internal systems.
User ID overview
Figure A below displays the User ID overview from menu “eXAS – Person Admission & User IDs” in the Member
Section of the Eurex website (see link under I.).
An additional column “Deputy” (see last column on the right in figure A below) was added to the User ID overview
list. Through a tick box, this new column indicates that a deputy for the technical User ID is available.
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Figure A
The user ID overview shows a list of all available users. At the bottom on the right side, the buttons “Download
All”/“Download” appear. By clicking on one of these buttons, an Excel sheet is generated. This Excel file can be
saved locally. In addition to the already existing user details, this Excel file also contains the deputies of a User ID
and the corresponding time frame.
As shown in figures B and C below, three additional columns “Deputy 1”, “Deputy 2” and “Deputy 3” (if available)
were added to the Excel sheet and display the deputies, where available.
Figure B
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Figure C
Labels for the additional columns in German: „Stellvertreter 1“, „Stellvertreter 2“, „Stellvertreter 3“.
Available deputies for a User ID are sorted chronologically (from morning to evening) and are displayed in the
corresponding cells as follows:
Trader 1 (8 am – 3pm, daily)
trader 1 (8 Uhr – 15 Uhr, täglich)
Trader 1 (8 am – 3pm, 02/12/2014 -
Trader 1 (8 Uhr – 15 Uhr, 02.12.2014 –
Create User ID
In in the lower part of figure D below, a new area called “Deputy Data (Optional)” is shown.
In case a new technical User ID is requested, information about the deputy is maintainable and visible via this
additional area. The area "Deputy Data (Optional)" is initially collapsed and can be seen at its full extent by
clicking the "Expand/Collapse” icon at the top right.
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Figure D
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A maximum of three persons can act as deputy for one User ID during predefined timeframes.
With the “Search” button in the “Deputy Data (Optional)” area (figure D), users with a valid admission as traders
are selectable in a separate pop-up window. The button "Clear" located next to the “Search” button enables
removal of the selected person. This does not apply for improved outsourcing.
Selection of the time period can be done via the drop-down fields provided in this area. The time format displayed
here depends on the selected portal language. The 12 hour format is used when using English and the 24 hour
format for German. Therefore the hours 0-23 (German) and 0-12 am/pm (English) are selectable. The values 0,
15, 30, 45 are available for setting the minutes.
Below the “Deputy Data (Optional)” area, where the time frames are selected, the user has to select if the
entered time frame is valid every day (radio button “Daily”) or for a specific period (radio button “Calendar”). In
case of a specific period, “From/To Date” fields and a date picker are displayed. Manual entry of the date is also
Before submitting the new User ID request, the time frames of all entered deputies are validated since only one
trader can be assigned to a specific time frame. Overlapping time frames for the deputies are not possible.
Overlapping generates the error message “Time periods of deputies are overlapping. Please change”. The
process cannot be continued before the time frames are changed. Error message displayed in German:
“Zuständigkeitszeiträume der Stellvertreter überschneiden sich. Bitte anpassen.”
Change deputy
Figure E shows the access page of the eXAS “User ID Maintenance” section. Within this section, it is possible for
existing technical User IDs to add information about several traders during the day. Therefore an additional menu
item “Change Deputy” is added to the navigation bar on the left-hand side as displayed in figure E.
Figure E
Additional menu item in German: “Stellvertreter ändern”.
The entire view of the “Change Deputy” feature can be seen in figure F below.
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Figure F
On the upper left side of the “Change Deputy” screen, the respective trading system – in this case Eurex – can
be selected via a tab.
Assuming that a company has more than one Member ID for the selected system, a Member ID selection is
provided. The list of available users contains all technical User IDs that are registered for the selected Member
ID. Manual User IDs are not listed here.
By selecting a User ID, deputies can be maintained as in the "Create User ID" process explained above. By
pressing the button "Submit", an eXAS ticket containing the desired changes is created and simultaneously
mirrored in Eurex Exchange’s internal systems.
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Delete User ID
For the "Delete User ID" process, the sequence of the process steps is changed and an additional step is
introduced as shown in figure G.
Figure G
The new sequence showing all five steps is as follows:
Changes required?
Delete User ID
No, step functionality itself remains unchanged.
Termination of admission
No, step functionality itself remains unchanged.
Multiple IDs of selected person
Yes, step functionality will be enhanced.
Deputy for User IDs
Yes, new step. It is described in detail separately
in this chapter.
No, step functionality itself remains unchanged.
Step 1 – Delete User ID:
The first step of the deletion process of a User ID remains unchanged.
Step 2 – Termination of admission:
The second step also remains unchanged.
Step 3 – Multiple IDs of selected person:
In general, this process step remains unchanged, but all shown User IDs are initially flagged, in case the
"Termination of admission" flag has been selected previously. Otherwise, only the initial selected User ID is
Step 4 – Deputy for User IDs:
This new step "Deputy for User IDs" (see figure H below) is added as step number 4. It gives an overview of all
User IDs the person is registered for as an additional trader/deputy and it also provides the option to tick/un-tick a
User ID where the person is also removed as an additional trader/deputy.
In case a User ID is deleted and the trader admission is terminated simultaneously, the “Deputy” role will be also
Attachment to Eurex circular 079/15
Figure H
The following text is added to this new step 4:
Step Name
Deputy for User IDs
Vertretung für User IDs
Step Description
Selected person is still registered as
Ausgewählte Person ist als
substitute for several User IDs. To
Stellvertreter für verschiedene User
remove person as a deputy, please
IDs registriert. Für die Löschung
select the User IDs.
wählen Sie die entsprechenden User
The columns listed below are added to the new table:
Column (English)
Column (German)
User ID
User ID
Time From
Uhrzeit von
Time To
Uhrzeit bis
Visualized with a tick box
Date From
Datum von
Date To
Datum bis
Step 5 – End:
The final step remains unchanged.