WORKSHOP THE FUTURE of MINING in AUSTRALIA Technology. Innovation. Sustainability. Finance. 25th & 26th March 2015 in Berlin The German Federation of international Mining and Mineral Resources (FAB), the Australian Trade Commission in Germany, the German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (AHK Australia) and the Australian Embassy cordially invite you to a workshop on ‘Future of Mining and bilateral Potentials and Cooperation Opportunities’ Top guest speakers from the Australian and German mining industry as well as guests from federal state ministries, members of industry related associations, interested companies and members of the organising parties will meet for two days of active discussion and exchange on Productivity, R & D partnerships, Technology transfer, Environmental and sustainability solutions, Mineral processing and Financing. Venue: Australian Embassy, Wallstraße 76-79, Berlin, Germany Dress Code: Business attire Costs: The attendance of the workshop & excursion is free, but requires registration until 16 March 2015. Program: The workshop runs over two half days and includes an evening reception on the first day: 25 March 2015: 2.30 pm till 9.00 pm 26 March 2015: 9.00 am till 2.00 pm followed by excursion 2.00 pm till approx. 7.00 pm site-tour visit of Siemens’ “2km long eHighway demonstration track” The following key note speakers will be presenting during the workshop. David C Campbell, Consul General and Senior Trade & Investment Commissioner, Australian Trade Commission / Australian Consulate General Dr. Joachim Pfeiffer, MdB, Wirtschafts- und energiepolitischer Sprecher der CDU/CSUBundestagsfraktion Peter Sargent, Head of Global Loans and Transaction Banking, Europe, ANZ Bank Benjamin Kuenstle, Deputy Division Manager Mining, Herrenknecht Dr. Urban Mäder, Chief Technology Officer, Leica Geosystems Mining Exploration Down Under – all doom and gloom? by Frau Dr. Kärner, Bundesanstalt für Geowissenschaften und Rohstoffe (BGR) Innovative Transport Systems for the Mining Industry by Dr. Roland Grafe & Sven Hagenbuck, Siemens AG Thiess-RWE Joint Venture – A sustainable Australian-German Partnership by Jan Wolff, New Business Manager, RWE Power AG Cat® Plough Systems - Effective Extraction of Low Coal Seams by Dr. Michael Myszkowski, Product Manager Plow Systems, Caterpillar Global Mining Europe GmbH Mining after mining: New Heavy Metal XRF-CPT Probe as Efficient In-Situ HighResolution Mine-Tailings Characterization Tool by Axel Oppermann, Head of Special Services Division, Fugro Consult R&D Collaboration for Digital Productivity by Peter Leihn, Director Security and Environment Business Team & Eric Nettleton, Manager Resources Sector, NICTA (National ICT Australia) In situ Recovery (ISR) technologies for critical technology metal extraction, specifically REE and Cu extraction from secondary streams by Dr. Michael Haschke, Head of R&D, Consulting and Bio-Mining Technologies, G.U.B. Ingenieur AG YANGIBANA – An Australian low cost neodymium/praseodymium producer? by Malcolm Mason, Technical Director, Hastings Rare Metals Limited Overview Competence Centre for Mining & Mineral Resources by Dr. Bernd Länger, Manager Competence Centre, German-Australian Chamber of Industry and Commerce Safety, operator assistanceand automation in resources technology by unique and robust radar technology by Dr.-Ing. Reik Winkel, MBA, Executive Director, indurad GmbH UFK-Garantien by Johannes Schmidt, Senior Consultant, PWC The next level of Surface Mining by Hermann Volk, Product Manager Australia & Dr. Erik Zimmermann, Product Manager Mining, Wirtgen GmbH Intelligente Strebsysteme für den internationalen Steinkohlenbergbau mit Anbindung an nachhaltige Wartentechniksysteme by RAG Mining Solutions GmbH Electrified heavy duty road transport for mining by Patrik Akerman, Siemens AG Doing Business DownUnder – the legal aspects by Dr. Wolfgang Babeck, Buse Heberer Fromm Vision Zero - The New Global Prevention Strategy of ISSA Mining for Mine Safety by Matthias Stenzel, Berufsgenossenschaft Rohstoffe und chemische Industrie Please note that this program is preliminary and subject to change. Further speakers are invited. Presentations will be in English and German language. Excursion sponsored by Siemens AG: In conjunction to the workshop there is also the opportunity of a site tour of the Siemens’ 2 km long eHighway demonstration track and see electrified road freight in action. The site is approx. 90 minutes outside of Berlin. The on-site visit will take approx. 90-120 minutes. Transportation to and from the site will be provided. There are no costs involved for participation, but registration is required. For a short introduction, please take a moment to view these video clips from the test track. We would like to thank Siemens AG for hosting this excursion. Directions: U-Bahn: Linie U2 exit Märkisches Museum Parking: street parking at Wallstraße and Breite Strasse near Embassy available Hotels (in walking distance to the Embassy): Special rates for accommodation using the Booking Code FAB are available at the following two hotels. The special rate is only available until 27.02.2015. After that normal rates apply: Derag Livinghotel Grosser Kurfürst Neue Roßstraße 11-12, Berlin Telefon: +49(0)30-246 00 843 / Fax: +49(0)30-2 4600-300 e-mail: [email protected] / Price per night incl. breakfast, internet, mini bar, access to sauna and fitness centre: EUR 104,00 Booking of cancellation possible up to 24 hours prior arrival. Art’otel berlin mitte by Park Plaza Wallstraße 70-73, Berlin Telefon: +49 30 400 557 700 / Fax: +49 30 400 557 777 email: [email protected] / Price per night incl. internet: EUR 100,00 / Breakfast charge per person is EUR 9,00 per day. Booking of cancellation possible up to 3 days prior arrival. Registration form for workshop at the Australian Embassy & excursion: I would like to take part at the workshop and register therefore (please tick accordingly): 25.03.2015 Workshop Day 1 Evening Reception □ yes □ yes □ no □ no □ yes □ yes □ yes □ no □ no □ no 26.03.2015 Workshop Day 2 Lunch & Networking Site Tour visit Siemens Name Position Company Address Date Signature Please fax to + 49 (0)30 31 51 82 35 or email the filled in form to [email protected]. Deadline for registration is 16 March 2015 Contact for further enquiries: Brigitte Mönkemeyer Management Office / Fachvereinigung Auslandsbergbau und internationale Rohstoffaktivitäten in der Vereinigung Rohstoffe und Bergbau e.V. Am Schillertheater 4, 10625 Berlin T: + 49 (0)30 31 51 82 42 / F: + 49 (0)30 31 51 82 35 Email: [email protected] / Web:
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