WORLD OF ENTERTAINMENT TECHNOLOGY G A T S E E H C T N E F R O E E F N M O M C A R Y G G O O PR HNOL 5 1 C 0 E 2 ET TRADE SHOW AND CONFERENCE · BERLIN · 9 – 11 JUNE 2015 ARCHITECTURE / DESIGN · STAGE · LIGHTING · SOUND · VIDEO · MEDIA · EQUIPMENT · SECURITY Berlin Exhibition Grounds · PAGE 2 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2015 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Forum 2 (Halle 4) Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Presented by: Prof. Jörg Friedrich, Architekt Hamburg 11:00-11:15 Opening of the International Symposium 10:30-11:15 LED light and colors for costume and stage designers 11:00-12:00 Zusatzqualifikation für Bühnenmaler und -plastiker 11:30-12:00 Stuttgart: study before renovation 11:30-12:15 The new boards that mean the world 12:15-12:45 ‚Staging the Stage‘ - Sechs szenografische Impulse der TU Berlin für ein TheaterMuseum 12:00-12:30 Mid term report on the project ‚Kraftwerk Mitte‘ - one Kraftwerk Mitte One year after laying the foundation stone - a year before the opening 12:30-13:15 Perspectives in play 13:00-13:45 Von innen betrachtet - Sezieren eines Elektrokettenzuges 12:30-13:00 Building theatres: How do as a user achieve my aims? 13:30-14:15 Soft goods in theatre: Choosing, comparing, tendering 14:00-14:45 Präsentation des USITT Design AWARD Gewinners Josafath Reynoso Multikulturelle Einflüsse für einen jungen Designer. 14:00-14:45 Covent Garden Opera House: renovation of the Royal Opera, new workshops involving the social community 14:30-15:15 Panel discussion on the subject future shortage of skilled workers 15:00-16:15 Interpretation der menschlichen Anatomie 15:00-15:30 Theatre Workshops in Frankfurt/Main 15:30-16:15 Engineering of stage machinery by taking relevant regulations into consideration 15:30-16:00 Standards of Quality for renovations, refurbishments and more 16:30-17:15 Stage and control technology for the main show of the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2015 Milan 16:15-17:30 Discussion Moderation: Prof. Jörg Friedrich, Architekt Hamburg 17:15-18:00 Braking resistors - a demystification 18:30-19:30 Anatomy disassemble Performative concert for voice, actor and ensemble with historic addition to instruments and electronics STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 3 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH, 2015 SoundLab (Halle 3) Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Barocktheater/Roundtable Presented by: Dieter Klein Presented by: Michaela Heinz-Kalischefski 10:30-11:30 Flexible Akustik durch den Einsatz von Textilien und aufblasbaren Membranabsorbern 10:30-11:15 Denk an mich. Dein Rücken. 11:00-13:00 Treffen der Arbeitsgruppe historische Theatertechnik (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 11:30-12:30 VIVACE - virtuelle Raumakustik und Theatereffekte von Müller BBM 11:20-11:40 Lenk- und Ruhezeiten 11:00-13:00 Treffen der IGVW AG Dekobau (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 13:30-14:30 Audio Streaming auf mobile Endgeräte: MobileConnect 11:45-12:30 Übungssimulation Erhöhung der Sicherheit bei Veranstaltungen 12:00-13:00 Der Villinger Kulissenfund - barocker Bühnenzauber aus dem Kloster (Barocktheater) 14:30-15:30 Atmosphea - Objektorientierter 3D Sound 12:45-13:30 Inszenierte Atemlosigkeit 13:30-14:30 Roundtable für Fachkräfte für Arbeitssicherheit (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 15:30-16:30 Verständlichkeit in akustisch ungünstiger Umgebung 13:45-14:30 Die Leichtigkeit des Trapezes 14:00-17:00 Treffen der Werkstattleiter (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 16:30-17:30 Messung und Auswertung von 3D-Impulsantworten mit dem Messsystem IRIS 14:40-15:10 Gefährdungsbeurteilung von szenischen Darstellungen 14:00-14:45 Theatermuseum: Entwicklung - Gegenwart und Zukunft (Barocktheater) 15:15-16:00 Brandschutzdialog 15:30-17:30 APWPT Mitgliederversammlung (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 16:05-16:20 ECA Electronic Conterweight Assistance Schwerlastzüge als mobile Installationen 18:30-19:30 Presentation of the Weltenbauer Award and tribute to the winners of the architecture competition of the OISTAT afterwards reception by the DTHG (by invitation only) PAGE 4 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH 2015 10:30-11:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) LED light and colors for costume and stage designers LED- light is a new special light. It gives us new, special possibilities. An understanding of what LED-light is helps us to add LED sources to our lighting toolbox both for general lighting and for the special advantages LEDs provide. This presentation will provide this understanding using real practical examples. Jürgen Nase (ETC) 10:30-11:15 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Remember me. Your back. Load manual handling in confined spaces Nada Göltzer (VBG) 10:30-11:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Flexible acoustics by use of textiles and inflatable membrane absorbers Over recent years the requirements relating to the acoustics in theatres, opera houses, multipurpose halls and community centers have changed dramatically. Not only the „typical“ applications like theatre, opera or symphonic concerts are being required, but an increasingly amount of Pop- and Rock concerts with a †need for electroacoustical enhancement. The use of fabrics and inflatable membrane absorbers can be an efficient solution for a flexible and adjustable room acoustics in all frequency bands. The presentation deals with the acoustic requirements as well as the technical solution of a flexible room acoustics via fabrics and membrane absorbers. Jonas Schira (Gerriets) 11:00-11:15 Forums 1 (Halle 4) Opening of the International Symposium Keynote Brigitte Zypries, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry of Economy and Energy 11:00-12:00 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Additional qualification for scene painters and sculptors The Louis Lepoix school in Baden Baden offers an additional qualification for scene painters and sculptors. The lecture mainly focuses on the human anatomy, combining this with seldomly used working technologies such as transparent painting. 11:20-11:40 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Driving time and resting periods Road safety and rules of freight transport Falco Zanini 11:30-12:00 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Stuttgart: study before renovation Consider not only technical theater renovation Now that renovation work on the Schauspielhaus has begun a further expertise has been conducted which takes a comprehensive look at the overall complex of Württembergische Staatstheater. In what way must these venues adapt and how must they position themselves on the market over the next 20 years? Karl-Heinz Mittelstädt (BW-Staatstheater Stuttgart), Tilman Häcker (VB BW) 11:30-12:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) The new boards that mean the world The stage floor from the perspective of planners and operators Kai-Uwe Patz (Bühnenbau Wertheim) 11:30-12:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) VIVACE - an electronic system for room acoustics and effects Gunter Engel (Müller-BBM) 11:45-12:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Simulation Exercise - Increasing the safety of events The exercise and simulation of critical situations is already taken for granted in many areas and lived practice. These considerations are slow input in the event industry and are presented as examples. Bastian Solke, Tobias Zweckerl 12:00-12:30 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Halftime in the project Kraftwerk Mitte - One year after laying the foundation stone - a year before the opening Former power station in the Mitte district of Dresden: State operetta and Theater of the young generation under one roof - chance or compromise? Mario Radicke (Staatsoperette Dresden), Lutz Hofmann (Theater der Jungen Generation) STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 5 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH 2015 12:00-13:00 Barocktheater (Halle 4) The Villingen scenery finding ? The city museums of Villingen-Schwenningen under the direction of Dr. Michael Hütt present in collaboration with the art historian Dr. Anne Schaich and the exhibition creator Grit Wendicke in the hall 4.2 baroque theatrical splendour. 12:15-12:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Staging the Stage - Six scenographic impulses by the TU Berlin for a Theatre Museum Capture the allure of the theatre many facets through an exhibition with an atmospheric setting that creates a sensual experience. In conjunction with their Masterís theses six students from TU Berlin Bühnenbild_Szenischer Raum took on this challenge under Charlotte Tamschicks tutelage and now offer first insights into the design process. Charlotte Tamschick, Franziska Ritter, Vasiliki Christopoulou, Julia-Maria Gahlow, Sandra Hanschitz, Christine Hartwig, Afra Nohabar, Raimund Schucht 12:30-13:00 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Building theaters: How do as a user achieve my golas? The user‘s role at the expansion and refurbishment of Staatstheater Karlsruhe as an example Ivica Fulir (Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe) 12:30-13:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Perspectives in play Text, stage and the eye of the beholder Steffi Wurster 12:45-13:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Staged breathlessness The game of fear in scenic representations Jens Becker (State Ballet School Berlin and School for artistics with the support of the Beuth Acadamy for technology Berlin) 13:00-13:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Examined from the inside - Dissection of an electric chain hoist The structure of an electric chain hoist a interesting and entertaining explanation, with insights into the functionality of the individual components Torsten Simsch (CAST) 13:30-14:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Soft goods in theatre: Choosing, comparing, tendering Soft goods in theatre are the least known products to theatre architects, theatre advisors and technical directors. Although they represent only a small part of the theatres budget, theatrical drapes and drops make a big part of the overall look of a venue. There is not much contemporary literature about this subject that is up to date. This presentation wants to give a comprehensive overview of the different possibilities and differences in materials, finishings, flame retardant standards and so on. It will also focus on local and international differences and ecological, acoustic and light absorbance standards in an effort to enable easier comparisons between different materials and possibilities. Ivo Kersmaekers (Showtex) 13:30-14:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Audio streaming to mobile devices: MobileConnect Sennheiser MobileConnect provides live audio streaming to mobile devices for the first time. The WLAN-based, low-latency, multi-channel audio transmission system can be used for any audio-streaming applications. It is particularly impressive in the way it supports assistive listening for people with impaired hearing yet equally effective for transmitting audio descriptions and translations. With MobileConnect, your visitors use their own mobile devices and headphones, eliminating additional costs for personnel and maintenance. The free app was developed with optimum usability for all users in mind. With MobileConnect, Sennheiser makes a significant contribution to true inclusion. Norbert Ibrom (Sennheiser), Wolfgang Guse (Sennheiser) 13:45-14:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) The ease of the trapezoid Real load measurement in the trapezoid Stephan Rolfes und Jochen Hilbrand (Beuth Hochschule) 14:00-14:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Presentation of the USITT AWARD Winner The Mexican Stage designer Josafath Reynoso is the winner of the Young USITT Designer Awards 2015. He will present his work and the influence of two cultures on his aesthetic understanding. PAGE 6 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH 2015 14:00-14:45 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Covent Garden Opera House: Renovation of the Royal Opera, new workshops involving the social community Matt Lane (Royal Opera House) 14:30-15:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Panel discussion on the subject future shortage of skilled workers? Rolf Bolwin (Deutscher Bühnenverein), Walter Maecken (SWR), Ralph Hillbrand (Beuth Hochschule) 14:30-15:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Atmosphea - object-orientated 3D sound Atmosphea is a patented, modular solution creating high-class surround sound. Atmosphea was created by the Shure Distribution GmbH in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Digital Media Technology Institute (IDMT). Due to a perfect combination of high-end Shure and QSC audio components, Atmosphea is in a position to create an impressive one-of-a-kind sound experience. It is based on wave field synthesis algorithms while requiring only a significantly reduced number of loudspeakers. Clemens Clausen (Shure Distribution GmbH) 14:40-15:10 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Risk assessment of scenic representations How is a risk assessment of scenic views carried out and what differences arise in theory and reality in terms of artistic performances. Olaf Jastrob (Jastrob Ltd. Co KG) 15:00-15:30 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Theatre Workshops in Frankfurt / Main Just in time for season 2014/15 the conversion and extension of the workshops of the Municipal Theatre Frankfurt was completed. The spatial boundaries of the building plot required a special solution. Rainer Münz (Städtische Bühnen Frankfurt) 15:00-16:15 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Interpretation of the human anatomy Makeup artist of the 2nd practical training year of the Louis Lepoix School under the direction of Sibylle Ostertag 15:15-16:00 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Fire Protection Dialog The fire resistance of building material. An event always takes various building materials and these must correspond to different material classes. When does which material class apply and is there one who still understands this? Does a personal standardisation help? Jörg Krüseke (German Protect & Defense GmbH), Ivo Kersmaekers (Showtex), Harald Scherer (4events.Direktkommunikation), Karl-Heinz Mittelstädt (BW Staatstheater Stuttgart) 15:30-16:00 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Standards of Quality for Renovations, Refurbishments and more Doris Gruber, BDA 15:30-16:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Engineering of stage machinery by taking into consideration relevant regulations Engineering of stage machinery is defined by many regulations as law, directives and standards but as well by other requirements from specifications and risk analysis. Andreas Bickel (Bosch Rexroth) 15:30-16:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Intelligibility in acoustically unfavorable environments Using different radiating speakers with an identical transfer function (magnitude + phase) shows how the course varies with the coverage and the acoustic environment. Dieter Klein (KS Audio) 16:05-16:20 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) ECA Electronic Conterweight Assistance Wouter Peasen (Trekwerk) 16:15-17:30 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Discussion Moderation: Prof. Jörg Friedrich, Architekt Hamburg STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 7 TUESDAY, JUNE 9TH 2015 16:30-17:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Stage and control technology for the main show of the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2015 Milan For the main show of the German Pavilion at the EXPO 2015 Milan twofold airframe was provided on the part of the creative design, with which two objects („bee eyes“ - projection with high-performance projector) should be moved scenic above the audience. Ulrich Kunkel (e3 Engineering) 16:30-17:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Measurement and analysis of 3D room impulse responses with the IRIS measurement system IRIS is a powerful and user-friendly measurement system for capturing and analysing room impulse responses in 3D. Besides measuring standard room acoustic parameters (ISO 3382), IRIS allows to analyse room reflections, their direction and their intensity. The 3D plot (ìIgelî) can be imported into a 3D model, drawn in the 3D design software SketchUp for further analyses. By exporting the model to a simulation Software like Odeon or CATT/ TUCT it is also possible to design and evaluate room acoustic treatments on the same platform. IRIS consists of an ambisonic microphone, a calibrated multi-channel hardware and a PC-Software. Besides demonstrating the functions of IRIS, live measurements will be performed Peter Rahe (Akustikbüro Rahe-Kraft GmbH Berlin) 17:15-18:00 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Demystifying Braking Resistors Calculating braking resistor requirements in entertainment automation effects can be a daunting challenge for control system designers. This event will present the current research findings on the topic of braking resistor calculations for the entertainment industry. Support for this research was jointly provided by the University of Wisconsin - Madison Graduate School with funding from the Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation and the United States Institute for Theatre Technology. Daniel Lisowski (USITT) PAGE 8 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 Forum 1 (Halle 1) Forum 2 (Halle 4) Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) 10:30-12:00 Panel discussion: Planning security for wireless microphone 10:15-10:45 Buchpräsentation der neue Ausgabe (2015) von „Bühnentechnik“ von Bruno Grösel Presented by: Dr. Gabriele Högg 10:30-11:15 Russia - China - old and new cultural buildings in two empires 11:00-11:45 Produktion im geschlossenen Kreislauf - das Cradle-to-Cradle-Konzept im Theater 11:30-12:15 Planning and design of the new opera house in Dubai, UAE 12:30-13:15 The contemporary soundscape trough acoustics and technology 12:30-13:15 The design of new media presentations with LED technology and displays in combination with kinetic elements 12:00-12:45 Beispiele für nachhaltiges Arbeiten im Bereich Theaterplastik 13:30-14:15 3D sound in the theater - Possibilities and limitations 13:30-14:15 Efficiency and sustainability through integral automation 13:00-13:45 Von innen betrachtet - Sezieren eines Elektrokettenzuges 14:30-15:15 Stavanger Concert House a multifunctional building 14:30-15:15 Project report and outlook: Energy efficiency in hessian theaters 14:00-14:45 Projektorientierte Ausbildung in der Bühnenmalerei und Bühnenplastik an der Wilhelm-Ostwald-Schule Berlin 15:30-16:15 International cooperations with theatrical productions, advantages and disadvantages 15:30-16:15 Changes in the European procurement law 15:00-16:00 Aktzeichnen für Anfänger und Fortgeschrittene 16:30-17:15 The change of museums to interactive experience centres 16:30-17:15 Photobiological safety of stage light at the theaters 17:00-18:00 Cirque de freak für Maskenbildner 17:30-19:00 DTHG-Mitgliederversammlung STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 9 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1OTH 2015 SoundLab (Halle 3) Safety in Action Stage Moderation: Dieter Klein Moderation: Michaela Heinz-Kalischefski 10:30-11:30 Flexible Akustik durch den Einsatz von Textilien und aufblasbaren Membranabsorbern 10:30-11:15 Eine Kultur der Verantwortung 10:00-13:00 Meeting der Architekturkommission der OISTAT (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 11:20-11:40 Sind wir schon (zu) voll? 10:30-13:00 Treffen der Inspizienten (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 11:45-12:30 Sicherheitsdurchsagen für Evakuierungen und Notfallmanagement 11:00-11:45 Das Bourla Theater in Antwerpen: Renovierung versus Restaurierung (Barocktheater) 12:45-13:30 Sanitätswachdienst bei Veranstaltungen 13:15-14:00 Leuchtende Bilder auf neuem Schwarz (Roundtable 3 Trier) 13:45-14:30 Übungssimulation Erhöhung der Sicherheit bei Veranstaltungen 14:00-15:00 Treffen der DTHG-Regionalleiter (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 14:40-15:10 Inszenierte Atemlosigkeit 13:00-13:45 Historische Theatertechnik: ungeahnte Möglichkeiten Heritage Theatre Machinery: unexpected possibilities (Barocktheater) 15:15-16:00 Die Leichtigkeit des Trapezes 14:00-15:00 MV des Vereins TheaterMuseum e.V. (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 16:05-16:20 Böden sind nicht gleich Böden 15:30-16:30 Treffen der Berufsschullehrer und Prüfer (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 16:30-17:00 Denk an mich. Dein Rücken 15:30-17:30 Frauen im Theater und in der Veranstaltungstechnik (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 11:30-12:30 VIVACE - Raumakustik und Theatereffekte von Müller-BBM 13:30-14:30 Audio Streaming auf mobile Endgeräte: MobileConnect 14:30-15:30 Atmosphea - Objektorientierter 3D-Sound 15:30-16:30 Verständlichkeit in akustisch ungünstiger Umgebung Barocktheater/Roundtable 15:00-16:00 Der Villinger Kulissenfund - barocker Bühnenzauber aus dem Kloster (Barocktheater) 17:30-19:00 DTHG Anual Member Meeting Forum 1 (Halle 4) (only by Invitation) ab 18:00 Stage|Set|Scenery Night 2015 Palais Funkturm PAGE 10 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 10:15-10:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Book presentation of the new edition of „Bühnentechnik“ (stage machinery) of Bruno Grösel In 1995 the first edition was published. Now the elaborately revised edition (enlarged to 400 pages) will be presented. Bruno Grösel 10:30-11:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Russia - China - Old and new cultural buildings in two huge empires Nowhere else in the world are there more theaters and performance venues being renovated and built than in Russia and China. While Russia is renovating world-famous performance venues such as Moscow’s Bolshoi Theater, in China the focus is on new buildings, all of which feature outstanding architecture. As the status symbols of mega cities they are changing the cultural landscape.The paper provides an insight into how, based on established practices, existing venues in Russia are being renovated, expanded and new buildings are being added. In China modern event venues are being built in an effort to raise popular awareness for western traditions and culture. Horst Kunkel (Kunkel Consulting) 10:30-11:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Panel discussion: Planning security for wireless microphones among others these points will be discussed: - Situation in Germany after the 700 MHz radio spectrum was auctioned. - Question with regard to the switch over from DVB-T to DVB-T2. - Do we have proper radio spectrum for alternative solutions? Matthias Fehr (APWPT) 10:30-11:15 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) A culture of responsibility Results of the Working Group - When is an event safe and which methods, measures lead to success? These issues were discussed in a Working Group led by the Institute for Rescue Engineering and Security at the University of Applied Sciences Cologne from winter 2009/2010 until the fall of 2014 fully with different partners. The current results will be presented by Christian Buschhoff (xEMP Extra Entertainment Media Publishing GmbH oHG) 10:30-11:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Flexible acoustics by use of textiles and inflatable membrane absorbers Over the recent years the requirements relating to the acoustics in theaters, opera houses, multipurpose halls and community centers have changed dramatically. Not only the „typical“ applications like theater, opera or symphonic concerts are being required, but an increasingly amount of Pop- and Rock concerts with a need for electroacoustical enhancement. The use of †fabrics and inflatable membrane absorbers can be an efficient solution for a flexible and adjustable room acoustics in all frequency bands. The presentation deals with the acoustic requirements as well as the technical solution of a flexible room acoustics via fabrics and membrane absorbers. Jonas Schira (Gerriets) 11:00-11:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Production for a closed loop - the cradle-to-cradle concept in theatre How can we realise sustainability in theatre? - The innovative concept „cradle-to-cradle“ shows an intelligent, future-orientated production process. Esther Bätschmann 11:00-11:45 Barocktheater (Halle 4) Bourla Theatre in Antwerp: renovation versus restoration. The Bourla theatre is the last large municipal theatre in Europe that combines a historic building with its original stage machinery from 1834, with an understage of 3 levels, having still its heritage machinery almost intact and in good condition. This presentation is a reaction on the feasibility study ordered by the City of Antwerp on a radical renovation of this theatre. Pointing out the weaknesses of the study, specifically on the pretended ameliorations of sight lines and pretended upgrade of the auditorium. Also replying to the prejudices of the study on a restoration option of the heritage theatre machinery. Besides proposing alternatives for the residing company Het Toneelhuis, it will also look at possibilities of specific programming for a theatre with restored and active heritage theatre machinery. The presentation wants to make clear that a restored Bourla theatre is far from being condemned to a pure museum function but on the contrary can stay a living and contemporary performance space that takes full advantage of its uniqueness†in the world. Jerome Maeckelbergh STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 11 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 Safety in Action Stage (Hall 3) 11:20 - 11:40 (Too) crowded? Counting technologies at a glance. Stefan Leitmannslehner (Qounts. Real Data. Real Time.) 11:30-12:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Planning and design of the new Opera in Dubai, UAETom Davis (Theatreprojects) 11:30-12:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) VIVACE - an electronic system for room acoustics and effects Gunter Engel (Müller-BBM) 11:45-12:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Safety announcements for evacuations and emergency management Oliver Reimann (Sprech Fabrik®) 12:00-12:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Examples of sustainable working in the sector of theater sculpture In his lecture Ron Holthus, former student of HfBK Dresden, presents his diploma thesis as well as the theses of some of his fellow students with the common topic Sustainable theatre sculptures? Holthus emphasizes in his speech the practical works. He focuses on two works that have been created unter the criterion of environmental impact of the materials. At the moment Ron Holthus is working as a freelance theater sculptor. 12:30-13:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) The contemporary soundscape trough acoustics and technology Nowadays, planning a theater or concert venue poses a major challenge for everyone involved. Among the requirements are a variety of possible uses, a unique aesthetic appeal and perfect acoustics. Venues for contemporary performances become places that establish a delicate balance between things that are tangible and our innermost subjective perceptions. This paper goes in search of new ideas and solutions and examines why we consider a theatrical setting to be „good“ or „bad“ ... Maria Cairoli (Biobyte), Enrico Moretti (Biobyte) 12:30-13:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) The design of new media presentations with LED technology and displays in combination with kinetic elements In this presentation, the combination is demonstrated of kinetic horizontally and vertically moving traction drives with different image reproducing media. On the basis of very unusual media installations and visionary ideas for the future is revealed to the listener the combination of these techniques and their advantages. Thomas Tennagels (Tennagels) 12:45-13:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Medical guard service at events Protection of vulnerable persons - The protection of the visitors is the focal points of the operator or organizer. The establishment of a sanitary guard service is necessary clearly regulated depending on the event. But the medical security services are at events with protection of vulnerable people? Leander Strate (Johanniter Unfall Hilfe e.V.) 13:00-13:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Examined from the inside - Dissection of an electric chain hoist The structure of an electric chain hoist an interesting and entertaining explanation, with insights into the functionality of the individual components. Torsten Simsch (CAST) 13:00-13:45 Barocktheater (Halle 4) Heritage Theatre Machinery: unexpected possibilities On the hand of video clips from a scale model and explanatory drawings, solutions are shown for companies who have complaints and problems to play or make a production on a raked floor. We will also demonstrate unexpected possibilities of the understage†machinery. Mostly, when people talk or think about such historical machinery, they hypothesize it is only possible to make baroque scene changes with it as they know them from the different historical documentations. But an imaginative scenographer can surprise you with themost unexpected use of the miscellaneous opportunities of this neglected machinery. Jerome Maeckelbergh 13:15-14:00 Roundtable 3 (Trier) Vibrant images on a new Black Roundtable for scene painters and sculptors Andrea Bohacz (Scenedeluxe), Ilka Licht (Studio Hamburg Atelierbetriebs GmbH), Damir Ibrahimovic (A. Haussmann GmbH) PAGE 12 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 13:30-14:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) 3D sound in the theater - Possibilities and limitations Multi-channel audio systems have the potential to overtake home movie systems in terms of audio quality. New methods of acoustic design can produce the desired effects. Gunther Engel (Müller-BBM) 13:30-14:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Efficiency and sustainability by integral automation Michel Matuschke und Bernd Hölscher (Beckhoff Automation GmbH & Co. KG) 13:30-14:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Audio streaming to mobile devices: MobileConnect Sennheiser MobileConnect provides live audio streaming to mobile devices for the first time. The WLAN-based, low-latency, multi-channel audio transmission system can be used for any audio-streaming applications. It is particularly impressive in the way it supports assistive listening for people with impaired hearing yet equally effective for transmitting audio descriptions and translations. With MobileConnect, your visitors use their own mobile devices and headphones, eliminating additional costs for personnel and maintenance. The free app was developed with optimum usability for all users in mind. With MobileConnect, Sennheiser makes a significant contribution to true inclusion. Norbert Ibrom (Sennheiser), Wolfgang Guse (Sennheiser) 13:45-14:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Simulation Exercise - Increasing the safety of events The exercise and simulation of critical situations is already taken for granted in many areas and lived practice. These considerations are slow input in the event industry and are presented as examples. Bastian Solke, Tobias Zweckerl 14:00-14:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Project-oriented training in scene painting and scene sculpture at the Wilhelm-Ostwald-School in Berlin Since 2000, the Wilhelm-Ostwald-School in Berlin forms within the German dual education system of vocational training of future scene painters and scene sculptors. Ines Bode (Wilhelm-Ostwald-Schule) 14:30-15:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Stavanger Concert House The multi-purpose concert house This new building is not far from the domed halls, Stavanger’s former concert hall, in the Bjergsted Park. The aim of the project is to establish the entire complex as a cultural centre which will also include a music academy and a school of arts and dance. Torsten Nobling, theater planner and partner of AIX, will talk about the planning of the stage engineering carried out together with collaborators at his office. Stavanger Symphony Orchestra will perform its concerts in the new house. There are three different spaces for concerts. The concert hall designed for acoustic concerts with seating for 1,500 listeners is named Fartein Valen. Alongside is the multi-purpose hall, Zetlitz. A concert hall designed for electro-acoustic music with 850 seats. Combined seating and standing room allows for concert attendances of up to 1,900. Inside the foyer a suspended platform can be used for chamber music performances and solo concerts which audiences of up to 100 can attend. All the stages have facilities for guest performances by orchestras and other music productions. Torsten Nobling 14:30-15:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Project report and outlook: Energy efficiency in Hessian Theaters In 2014, seven theaters in Hessia (state and fringe theaters) were analysed with regard to their potential in energy efficiency. The presentation introduces the project results, points out potentials and stumbling blocks, discusses the important levers as well as financials and dares to look into the future of energy efficiency in theatres. Annett Baumast (baumast. kultur & nachhaltigkeit), Walter Spruck (Institut für Nachhaltigkeit in Kultur und Tourismus) 14:30-15:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Atmosphea - object-oriented 3D sound Atmosphea is a patented, modular solution creating high-class surround sound. Atmosphea came about through the cooperation between Shure and the Fraunhofer Digital Media Technology Institute (IDMT). Due to a perfect combination of high-end Shure and QSC audio components, Atmosphea is in a position to create an impressive one-of-a-kind sound experience. It is based on wave field synthesis algorithms while requiring only a significantly reduced number of loudspeakers. Clemens Clausen (Shure Distribution GmbH) STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 13 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 14:40-15:10 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Staged breathlessness The game of fear in scenic representations Jens Becker (Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin und Schule für Artistik) mit Unterstützung der Beuth Hochschule Berlin 15:00-16:00 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Nude drawing for beginners and advanced The Louis Lepoix school will be represented in the anatomical theater in the hall 4.2 with a demonstration from the department of Scene painting and stage plastic on the subject Act drawing. The†visitors of the fair are invited to take in hand the pencils themselves to do some drawing. Edith Rugel (Louis Lepoix Schule), Bernd Krause (Louis Lepoix Schule) 15:00-16:00 Barocktheater (Halle 4) The Villingen scenery finding - baroque stage magic from a monastery The city museums of Villingen-Schwenningen under the direction of Dr. Michael Hütt present in collaboration with the art historian Dr. Anne Schaich and the exhibition creator Grit Wendicke in the hall 4.2 baroque theatrical splendour. 15:15-16:00 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) The ease of the trapezoid Real load measurement in the trapezoid Stephan Rolfes, Jochen Hillbrand (Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin) 15:30-16:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) International cooperations with theatrical productions - advantages and disadvantages Bob Brandson (Opera Europa) 15:30-16:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Changes in the European procurement law Katrin Oelgarten (attorney) 15:30-16:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Intelligibility in acoustically unfavorable environments Using different radiating speakers with an identical transfer function (magnitude + phase) shows how the course varies with the coverage and the acoustic environment. Dieter Klein (KS Audio) 15:30-17:30 Roundtable 2 (Stuttgart) Women working in theatre and event technics career opportunities, equality on opportunities family politics Martina Meyer, Anja Dansberg 16:05-16:20 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Grounds are not the same Requirements for dance floors for stage performances - What are the technical requirements arise on dance floors for scenic representations? How can this be implemented in operational practice? Dirk Rüter (Harlequin Floors) 16:30-17:00 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Remember me. Your back. Load manual handling in confined spaces Nada Göltzer (VBG) 16:30-17:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) The change of museums to interactive experience centres Lecture on the use of media and stage technology in modern museums Kai Ter Meulen (Benart Sound-Light-Vision-Stage System) PAGE 14 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10TH 2015 16:30-17:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Photobiological safety of stage light at the theater With the introduction of the directive on optical radiation (VOPST – Federal Gazette (Bundesgesetzblatt) for the Republic of Austria, no. 8, July 2010), EU directives EU-RL-2006/EG/25 and EN-62471/2009 ensuring workers are protected against the risk of artificial optical radiation have come into force. The paper describes the threshold values for eyes (UV-A, UV actinic, blue light, IR) and for skin (UV actinic, IR thermal), parameters such as radiation H (J/m2), radiation intensity E (W/m2) and radiation density L (W/m2 sr). Furthermore, the paper describes measuring these parameters using spectral and integral measurement methods as well as the relevant procedures. It presents the results of these measurements carried out using spotlights at the Vienna State Opera. The distance between a spotlight on stage and radiation exposure are equivalent criteria for gauging the suitability of such equipment in the theater. The paper proposes other measures for safe stage lighting equipment. Tadeusz Krzeszowiak 17:00-18:00 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Cirque de freak Makeup artist of the 2nd practical training year of the Louis Lepoix School under the direction of Sibylle Ostertag PAGE 16 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 2015 Forum 1 (Halle 1) Forum 2 (Halle 4) Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) 10:30-11:15 Saarland State Theater Saarbrucken refurbishment of the stage technology 10:30-11:15 RTS Geneva - The world‘s first fully automated studio with LED technology 11:30-12:15 National and international standardization: DIN NVBF and CEN/TC Entertainment Technology 11:30-12:15 A new approach to upper stage machinery: „Packaged Hoists“ 11:00-12:45 Aus Wissenschaft und Forschung die Beuth Hochschule Berlin stellt ausgewählte Abschlussarbeiten aus den Bachelor- und Masterstudiengängen der Theater- und Veranstaltungstechnik vor. Eurocodes im Dekorationsbau Zur räumlichen Abbildung von stereofonem Audiomaterial über Lautsprecher mit Koaxialtreiber Sicherheitstechnische Betrachtungen von Kettenzugsystemen in der Veranstaltungsbranche Das Arbeitszeitgesetz in der Veranstaltungsbranche 12:30-13:15 Faster. Free of knots High-Speed Hoists 12:30-13:15 LED Lighting: Unlocking Creativity 13:00-13:30 Zusatzqualifikation für Bühnenmaler und Plastiker 13:30-14:15 The new generation of Serapid LinkLifts and its market evolvement 13:30-14:15 Case Study: Opera di Firenze - a new system - from ‚green‘ light to a ‚green‘ scenery 13:30-14:15 Interpretation der menschlichen Anatomie (Leichensezierung) 14:30-15:15 Hydraulics in stage machinery - discontinued model or technology with a right to the future 14:30-15:15 Visions in Light LED 3rd Generation 14:30-15:15 Nicht ohne uns! Der deutsche Beitrag auf der Prager Quadriennale 2015 15:30-16:15 Challenges in complex renovation projects 15:30-16:15 Lighting control for Lighting directors does software save time? 15:30-17:00 AR‘istophanes Mixed Reality Theater 16:15-17:00 Modern stage manager desks STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 17 THURSDAY JUNE 11TH 2015 SoundLab (Halle 3) Safety in Action Stage Barocktheater/Roundtable 10:30-11:30 Flexible Akustik durch den Einsatz von Textilien und aufblasbaren Membranabsorbern 10:30-11:15 Incident Management & Business Continuity Management - Managementprozesse in der Veranstaltungsdurchführung 10:15-11:00 Treffen der DTHG-OISTAT Delegierten (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 11:20-11:40 Sind wir schon (zu) voll? 11:30-13:00 Podiumsdiskussion Szenografen (Roundtable 1 Ulm) 11:45-12:30 Crowd Barriers 10:30-13:00 Treffen der Inspizienten (Roundtable 2 Stuttgart) 11:30-12:30 VIVACE - Virtuelle Raumakustik und Theatereffekte von Müller-BBM 12:45-13:30 Böden sind nicht gleich Böden 13:30-14:30 Audio Streaming auf mobile Endgeräte: MobileConnect 13:45-14:30 Inszenierte Atemlosigkeit 11:30-12:30 Der Villinger Kulissenfund - barocker Bühnenzauber aus dem Kloster (Barocktheater) 14:40-15:10 Lastüberwachte Hängepunkte 13:00-13:45 Theatermuseum: Entwicklung - Gegenwart und Zukunft (Barocktheater) 14:30-15:30 Atmosphea - Objektorientierter 3D-Sound 15:15-16:00 Die Leichtigkeit des Trapezes 14:00-15:00 Maskenaufbau mit Hilfe der 3D Technik (Barocktheater) 15:30-16:30 Verständlichkeit in akustisch ungünstiger Umgebung 16:05-16:20 Digitale Kartensysteme 14:00-15:00 Workshop Erasmus Plus (Roundtable 1 Ulm) PAGE 18 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 2015 10:30-11:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Saarland State Theatre Saarbrücken - refurbishment of stage technology In the year of 2013 the restoration works of the stage and safety constructions of the State Theatre Saarbrücken have been executed. The lecture explains the planning process beginning with the baseline study of the inventory till the final step, the technical certifications of the new constructions. The conditions of the Theater building that has been established between 1936 and 1938 and the approach to solve the problems caused by it will be shown. Specially the arrangement of the machines in the fly tower, the rebuilding of the grid and the construction of the two-storied stage lifts with tilt platforms will be commented. Kurt Wagner (Bühnenplanung Walter Kottke Ing. GmbH) 10:30-11:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) RTS Geneva - The world‘s first fully automated studio with LED technology The presentation will introduce the advanced equipment of a new 340 magazine studio with motorized multifunctional LED luminaires and LED background lighting. Rüdiger Kreckel (Despar Systeme AG) 10:30-11:15 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Incident Management & Business Continuity Management Incident Management & Business Continuity Management are unwieldy terms. But behind it hides the question of a continuous control of processes: for example, based on map-based location representations in live operation of an event Bernd Frenz (IFIS-FR) 10:30-11:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Flexible acoustics by use of textiles and inflatable membrane absorbers Over the recent years the requirements relating to the acoustics in theaters, opera houses, multipurpose halls and community centers have changed dramatically. Not only the „typical“ applications like theater, opera or symphonic concerts are being required, but an increasingly amount of Pop- and Rock concerts with a need for electroacoustical enhancement. The use of †fabrics and inflatable membrane absorbers can be an efficient solution for a flexible and adjustable room acoustics in all frequency bands. The presentation deals with the acoustic requirements as well as the technical solution of a flexible room acoustics via fabrics and membrane absorbers. Jonas Schira (Gerriets) 11:00-12:45 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Master- and research projects - Beuth college for technology Moderation: Prof. Stephan Rolfes 11:20-11:40 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Too crowded ? Poeple counting system at a glance How can I measure the number of visitors in my venue and is it possible to determine where they are located in the venue? Is the venue (too) crowded and what types of counting systems exist? Stefan Leitmannslehner (Qounts. Real Data. Real Time) 11:30-12:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) National and international standardization: DIN NVBF and CEN/TC Entertainment Technology Actual projects and aspects of standardization in Germany and Europe Andreas Bickel (Bosch Rexroth), Peter Steinhäuser (DTHG) 11:30-12:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) A new approach to upper stage machinery: „Packaged Hoists“ Michael Lichter (ETC) 11:30-12:30 Barocktheater (Halle 4) The Villingen scenery finding - baroque stage magic from a monastery The city museums of Villingen-Schwenningen under the direction of Dr. Michael Hütt present in collaboration with the art historian Dr. Anne Schaich and the exhibition creator Grit Wendicke in the hall 4.2 baroque theatrical splendour. 11:30-12:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) VIVACE - an electronic system for room acoustics and effects Gunter Engel (Müller-BBM) STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 19 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 2015 11:45-12:30 Safety in Action Stage (Hall 3) Crowd Barriers Construction and state of Crowd Barriers - What requirements does one need to consider and how must the installation be carried out? Matthias Moeller (Prolyte) any TheaterMuseums in the world that can be taken seriously. The initiative sees this from another point of view, convinced that it is able to work out another way. Here, they relate to the extremly succesful german theater exhibition in Magdeburg, dated in 1927. Stefan Gräbener (Initiative TheaterMuseum e.V.) 12:30-13:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Faster. Free of knots Choreographed 3D flights with high-speed hoists Oliver Brück (Waagner Biro) 13:30-14:15 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Dissecting a corpse Makeup artist of the 2nd practical training year of the Louis Lepoix School under the direction of Sibylle Ostertag 12:30-13:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) LED Lighting: Unlocking Creativity Join Mike Wagner from ARRI to explore some of the concepts, ideas, and techniques in using LEDs to light in ways never before possible with conventional fixtures. We will cover topics such as color metamerics, mixed lighting, color matching, and much more. 12:45-13:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Grounds are not the same Requirements for dance floors for stage performances - What are the technical requirements arise on dance floors for scenic representations? How can this be implemented in operational practice? Dirk Rüter (Harlequin Floors), Dr. Eileen M. Wanke (tamed, Tanzmedizin Deutschland e. V.) 13:00-13:30 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Additional qualification for scene painters and sculptors The Louis Lepoix school in Baden Baden offers an additional qualification for scene painters and sculptors. It is focused mainly on the human anatomy in combination with working technologies only seldom used in the education as for example transparent painting. Vero Moss and Edith Rugel introduce the concepts for painters and sculptors to you. 13:00-13:45 Barocktheater (Halle 4) Theatre Museum: Development - Present and Future It seems to be merely impossible to illustrate the complexibility of a theater in a museal concept. Maybe this is also the reason, why there are rarely 13:30-14:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) New Generation Serapid LinkLift and its market evolution Traditionally, Serapid and its LinkLift product are very well known for state of the art stage and orchestra lifts. Such lifts are usually large, with very heavy loads, and with somewhat slow lift speeds and usually infrequent lift operation per day. The LinkLift has undergone the usual testing to meet certifications such as T‹V, Machinery Directive, and ISO, and its market has been mainly in stage and theater applications. The LinkLift exists since 1999 and there have been more than 1000 installations of LinkLift during the last 15 years worldwide. During the last few years, Serapid and its Rigid Chain Technology (RCT) has seen many demands in other areas, namely for Performance Lifts at higher speeds, Special Effects Lifts, Multi-Purpose Venue Lifts or Passenger Lifts. These demands have led to significant improvements and the development of some derivative products, such as the TeleMast or the Serapid Stage Wagon System, what was an adaptation and improvement of the industrial RCT. The feedback from the market, our experience, application challenges and the creative capabilities of the Serapid team forces us every day to be more creative, to always question ourselves and to think outside of the box. Serapids products were being pushed in essentially 3 categories: Speed. Noise. Safety. These types of requirements were forcing us to evolve from the entertainment industry to the elevator industry, or, as commonly called, vertical transportation? what led us finally to EN81 - the European Standard for lifts. Said Lounis (SERAPID) PAGE 20 • STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 2015 13:30-14:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Opera di Firenze - Case study: opera house of Florence - a new economic system - from ‚green‘ light to ‚green‘ scenery Presentation of a new sustainable solution in a contextual realization of the first Opera House worldwide - driven by a new environmental concept: To place human kind in the middle of an harmonic fusion with the New Green Line Innovations to become Art. Enrico Moretti (Biobyte), Maria Cairoli (Biobyte), Thomas Nell (Spotlight) 14:30-15:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Hydraulics in stage machinery - discontinued model or technology with a right to the future Is the hydraulic system merely a century old driving technology or are we handling an antiquated and very easy technology that has proven itself over the years and is able to give easy answers to complex technical questions? Give yourself the oppertunity to view this topic from an undisguised point of view! Volker Kirsch (Bosch Rexroth AG) 14:30-15:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Visions in Light - LED 3rd Generation Innovate the way you think Peter Plesner (Cast) 13:30-14:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Audio streaming to mobile devices: MobileConnect For the first time Sennheiser MobileConnect provides live audio streaming to mobile devices. The WLAN-based, low-latency, multi-channel audio transmission system can be used for any audio-streaming applications. It is particularly impressive in the way it supports assistive listening for people with impaired hearing yet equally effective for transmitting audio descriptions and translations. With MobileConnect, your visitors use their own mobile devices and headphones, eliminating additional costs for personnel and maintenance. The free app was developed with optimum usability for all users in mind. With MobileConnect, Sennheiser makes a significant contribution to true inclusion. Norbert Ibrom, Wolfgang Guse (Sennheiser) 14:30-15:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Atmosphea - object-oriented 3D sound Atmosphea is a patented, modular solution creating high-class surround sound. Atmosphea came about through the cooperation between Shure and the Fraunhofer Digital Media Technology Institute (IDMT). Due to a perfect combination of high-end Shure and QSC audio components, Atmosphea is in a position to create an impressive one-of-a-kind sound experience. It is based on wave field synthesis algorithms while requiring only a significantly reduced number of loudspeakers. Clemens Clausen (Shure Distribution GmbH) 13:45-14:30 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Staged breathlessness The game of fear in scenic representations Jens Becker (Staatliche Ballettschule Berlin und Schule für Artistik) mit Unterstützung der Beuth Hochschule Berlin 14:40-15:10 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Monitored loads of suspension points Intelligent load distribution systems - Demonstration and explanation of Intelligent load distribution systems with load-controlled suspension points. Ulrich Kunkel (e3 Engineering) 14:00-15:00 Roundtable 2 (Stuttgart) Workshop Erasmus Plus 14:30-15:15 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) Not without us! The German Exposition at the Prague Quadrennial 2015 15:15-16:00 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) The ease of the trapezoid Real load measurement in the trapezoid Stephan Rolfes und Jochen Hilbrand (Beuth Hochschule) STAGE|SET|SCENERY - 2015 • PAGE 21 THURSDAY, JUNE 11TH 2015 15:30-16:15 Forum 1 (Halle 4) Challenges in complex renovation projects Renovations represent a major challenge for all involved parties in the project. In contrast to new buildings reconstructions are influenced by a number of additional factors. The range of refurbishments reach from partial reconstruction of the stage equipment to complete construction of the complete installation with their own specific requirements. Christian Freimüller (Geschäftsführer SBS Bühnentechnik GmbH 15:30-16:15 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Lighting control for lighting directors - does software save time? One of the biggest challenges for lighting directors and designers in their daily work is the ever shortening production and rehearsal timeline. This problem exists for repertory theaters, En-Suite productions and tours. This presentation introduces the partricipants to the latest developments in lighting control and supporting applications for creating and maintaining lighting paperwork. Practical examples will be provided by the presenter from his work in rep at the Bayreuth Festival. Peter Younes (Sein & Schein GmbH) 15:30-16:30 SoundLab (Halle 3) Intelligibility in acoustically unfavorable environments Using different radiating speakers with an identical transfer function (magnitude + phase) shows how the course varies with the coverage and the acoustic environment. Dieter Klein (KS Audio) 15:30-17:00 Anatomisches Theater (Halle 4) AR‘istophanes - Mixed Reality Theater AR‘istophanes deals with augmented reality for theater productions. The issue of this research project is the use of so called Smartglasses to let real characters play together with virtual characters. Thiemo Kastel (St. Poelten University of Applied Sciences) 16:05-16:20 Safety in Action Stage (Halle 3) Digital Ticket Systems Jens Groskopf (GROSKOPF Rescue Engineering Consulting) 16:15-17:00 Forum 2 (Halle 4) Modern stage manager‘s desks A multi-faceted as the art they are serving for Hans Hermann Hönsch (HFE) 16:30;16:45 Safety in Action Stage (Hall3) DIN socket applied with new saftety functions. The new and innovative mechanical linkage from RESBIG Technology allows a more faster installation and an extended safe mounting of the studio equipment. Especially during self supporting on a ladder or a hydraulic hoist. Compared with the known manuel fixation by metal pin and clamping screw, the connecting with the RESBIG linkage is carried out automatically! This results through an integrated mechanical trigger with pre- and final interlocking. All mounting steps are visual and acoustic reproducible. Moreover a two-hand operating is always guaranteed. The new and patent registered mechanical linkage from RESBIG Technology fulfill the increasing safety requirements for stages and studios. Because of system requirements a faulty operation is excluded.\n An implementation to the audience follows after the lecture. Walter Bolenz (RESBIG Technology) Fachzeitschrift für Veranstaltungstechnik, Theaterbau und Szenografie Bestellen Sie die Printausgabe: Oder lesen Sie die Zeitschrift digital als App:
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