Wenn dieser Newsletter nicht richtig angezeigt wird, klicken Sie bitte hier. Newsletter 19.03.2015 English version see below the German version... Uns er Kooper at ions par t ner KPS wir d M it glied der O nc om pas s M edic ine G r uppe m it Fr édér ic O llier als neuem G es c häf t s f ühr er Sehr geehrte Leserin, sehr geehrter Leser, wir freuen uns, Ihnen mitteilen zu können, dass Frédéric Ollier, ehemaliger Vice President von Sanofi Hungary und Chinoin, unseren Kooperationspartner als Geschäftsführer (CEO) der KPS verstärken wird. Gleichzeitig wird durch die Gründung der Oncompass Medicine Gruppe die Anstrengung verstärkt, den Patienten den Oncompass Service international anbieten zu können. KPS wird weiterhin die Labortätigkeit für Proben aus Deutschland übernehmen. Die gesamte Dienstleistung wird von Oncompass Medicine übernommen und die entsprechende Umstellung geschieht zeitnah. Sämtliche Dokumente zur Anforderung einer Oncompass Dienstleistung können weiterhin über die TherapySelect Webseite runtergeladen werden. Die Dokumente werden zum Zeitpunkt der Umstellung automatisch aktualisiert. In der englischen Version finden Sie noch zusätzliche Hintergrundinformationen. Ihr TherapySelect Team Oncompass Service über TherapySelect Website anfordern... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsletters auch auf der TherapySelect Website nachlesen... English version... O ur par t ner KPS bec om es a m em ber of t he O nc om pas s M edic ine gr oup wit h Fr édér ic O llier as new CEO Dear Reader, we are delighted to announce that Frédéric Ollier, the ex-vice president of Sanofi multinational company and former CEO of Sanofi Hungary and Chinoin, has returned to Budapest to start on a new exciting endeavor as CEO of Oncompass Medicine, which aims to transform the KPS molecular Diagnostic Centre into a global oncological information center. The purpose of employing the ex-Sanofi leader is to make the latest innovative developments of Oncompass Medicine available to all cancer patients around the world. KPS Diagnostics was formed in 2003 as a world pioneer of molecular diagnostics for targeted tumor treatments. Over the course of the past few years, the company has made it possible through its innovations that patients in Central and Eastern Europe and the Middle East can now benefit from the latest diagnostic methods revealing important information about the genetic alterations that can cause cancer. For two years now, KPS has focused on linking molecular genetic mutations with targeted therapies for which, they have developed a proprietary medical bioinformatics system called Oncompass, a specific oncological compass that combines molecular diagnostics and clinical interpretation. Oncompass indicates how the results of the molecular diagnostics can be associated with a targeted therapy for a given genetic alteration profile. As a result of that it makes this information accessible to both the treating physician and the patient to help coming up with the best cancer treatment strategy. It even provides a practical support for the patient to access therapy. This is a unique way the Oncompass service provides in the world. Frédéric Ollier is known in Hungary as the CEO of Sanofi-Aventis Zrt and Chinoin Zrt., an extremely successful pharmaceutical leader who turned the company into huge increase during his leadership. In 2007, Mr. Ollier was awarded for his dedicated work done for the Hungarian economy with a prestigious State Award. The new positioning of the company corresponds to the arrival of Mr. Ollier, who not only has company strategy experience but also a great deal of pharmaceutical knowledge. In order to bring this unique oncological compass system to all the patients and doctors around the globe, he has initiated the creation of a company group called Oncompass Medicine (www.oncompassmedicine.com). With its research and development center located in Budapest, Oncompass Medicine was founded with international capital and also has several subsidiaries in other countries like Switzerland or Germany. The KPS molecular diagnostic laboratory, which still performs the local and regional molecular diagnostic testing, belongs to the Oncompass Medicine group of companies. Acco rd i n g to D r. Istvá n Pe tá k, Sci e n ti fi c d i re cto r a n d fo u n d e r o f On co mp a ss Me d i ci n e : “As an oncologist, I have to do my best through continuous research and development for patients to get access to the appropriate targeted therapies. In the last 10 years, the biggest task to this was the identification of gene-mutations: Through molecular diagnostics we have indicated which gene mutation is responsible for the tumor. Now our biggest task is to combine the gene mutations and other genetic alterations with the right therapy among those 260 components that are either registered or are in clinical development stage. The biggest challenge in the upcoming years is to achieve that doctors and patients can get access to all the information available on possible therapies around the world and thereby to be able to decide on the most optimal therapeutic strategy. With Dr. Richárd Schwab, my co-founder partner, we have always said that we, the doctors, have to stay with research and treatment. But to do so, we need a leader, who can professionally build a global company, through which the result of our job can be delivered to all patients - and we are confident that Frédéric Ollier is the right person to do this.” Fré d é ri c Ol l i e r j o i n e d th e KPS Mo l e cu l a r D i a g n o sti c C e n te r w i th mu ch p l e a su re : “…The mission of the founders of KPS, István Peták and Richárd Schwab –to provide access for all the patients to get to the best available therapy- is a huge, but very attractive challenge for me; I will do my best to make this vision come true.” Frédéric Ollier thinks that it is a huge problem that only a small fraction of the global patient population can have access to the expensive drugs and therapies; his mission is to reduce the costs of information flow so that patients can get access to the latest targeted medicines much easier. The new CEO of Oncompass Medicine regards information transparency to be very important as well, along with the freedom of information, in order to find the right drug for the patient and not the right patient to the drug. To support this vision, the Oncompass system offers the best available solution today. Sincerely, TherapySelect Team Ordering of Oncompass service via TherapySelect website... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Newsletters also available on TherapySelect website... Copyright © 2015. All rights reserved. Dieser Newsletter wird veröffentlicht von der / This newsletter is published by TherapySelect Dr. Frank Kischkel, Carl-Bosch-Str. 4, 69115 Heidelberg Tel: +49-6221-8936-152, Fax: +49-6221-8936-153, Email: [email protected], Web: www.therapyselect.de Klicken Sie hier um sich aus dem Verteiler abzumelden.
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