On the internet: http://claus.espeholt.dk/mediearkiv/waae.pdf - sorted by WaA – then Period http://claus.espeholt.dk/mediearkiv/waae-a.pdf - sorted by Object – then Period http://claus.espeholt.dk/mediearkiv/waae-b.pdf - sorted by Factory – then Period 2015.05.29 Das Heereswaffenamt (From various sources: Emil Leeb: Aus der Rusting des Dritten Reiches, Handbook on German Military Forces 1945 (US War Department), Richard D. Law: Backbone of the Wehrmacht, others) Collectors and other observers of WWII German military artifacts, especially weapons, often see small die stamps on them with a stick figure representation of the German Reich eagle and a number. Commonly referred to as “Waffenamts”, they were inspection stamps which identified the item as being inspected and passed, at some stage of its manufacturing process for the German Army. Complex items such as firearms would have multiple Waffenamts on them. When the Nazis took power in 1933, Germany started a massive rearmament program. A part of this process was the Heereswaffenamt (He.Wa.A. – Army Ordnance Office) hereafter referred to as the HWA. The beginnings of the HWA were in the Waffen und Munitions besschaffungsamt of the First World War but the Waffenamt was founded officially by orders dated Nov. 8., 1919 and renamed as Heeres-Waffenamt on May 5., 1922. German weapon inspections in the factories themselves were overseen by the Heeresabnahmewesen (Army Acceptance Organization), also known as the Abnahmeabteilung des Heeres Waffenamts (Wa.Abn. - Acceptance Section of Army Ordnance Office) hereafter referred to as the Abnahme. This group was a subsidiary of the HWA. The Heereswaffenamt was headed by General der Artillerie Professor Becker until sometime in 1940, when it was taken over by General der Artlillerie Emil Leeb until its end in 1945. Starting in 1935, the HWA grew along with Germany’s growing military rearmament program. With the onset of actual military operations, the HWA was dramatically expanded as the Army’s need for equipment and weapons increased rapidly. In 1939 the Heereswaffenamt, including the Abnahme had: Offiziere Beamte Unteroffiziere Mannschaften (Officers) (Officials) (NCO’s) (Enlisted men) HWA (HeWaA) 271 352 174 2800 3597 Abnahme (WaAbn) 71 234 132 2637 3074 By 1940, the Abnahme had 25.000 men (estimated – based on the 1939 distribution ratios): Offiziere Beamte Unteroffiziere Mannschaften (Officers) (Officials) (NCO’s) (Enlisted men) 577 1903 1074 21637 25000 During its lifetime, the HWA and the Abnahme were reorganized as German needs changed. It was also subject to staffing reversals near the end of the war, and was reorganized in 1944 and again in 1945. Manpower shortages were such in the Wehrmacht, that in the middle of 1944, 8,000 Abnahme personnel were released for front line service, which cut its total personnel by one third. In the 1940 time frame the 25,000 Abnahme inspectors were in five Departments, which had 14 regional Armament Inspectorates. The Abnahme regional offices were located in: Konigsberg, Breslau, Berlin, Dresden, Hannover, Erfurt, Nurenberg, Munster, Stuttgart, Vienna, Radom, Prague, Paris, and Brussels. There may have been a few additional areas in the occupied countries, but this has not been confirmed as to number or location. There was one Abnahmemeinspizient (Acceptance Inspector) in each Inspectorate area, who acted through the assigned personnel (Acceptance Commissions) at the various factories. The Abnahme themselves, because of their relatively small numbers, were oftentimes helped by specially trained factory personnel to assist them at some of the factories. The Abnahme were responsible for the testing and acceptance of all weapons, ammunition, and other items before delivery to the Wehrmacht. They were instructed on what to do by Technische Lieferbedingungen (TL’s) issued by the various Waffenprüfamter sections listed below: WaPrüf 1 WaPrüf WaPrüf WaPrüf WaPrüf WaPrüf 2 2 I 2 II 2 III 3-12 Ballistische und Munitionsabteilung (Ballistics and Munitions Section of Army Ordnance [Ammunition]}. Infanterieabteilung (Infantry Section of Army Ordnance) Rifles Machine Guns General Equipment Other Items The inspection Officers and Officials of the Abnahme that were assigned to the various armament factories were originally Wehrmacht armourers, who were given civil service status and the rank (equivalent) of a Leutenant [W] (Waffenamt Second Lieutenat). In preparation for their duties the new personnel were sent to a four week Heereswaffenmeisterschule (Army Ordnance Armourers School) in Berlin at Spandau. At the end of the training, a Technical Inspector test was given, and if it was successfully passed the applicant became an Oberleutenant [W] (Waffenamt First Lieutenant). By 1939 almost all of the personnel who had started in 1935 were promoted to Technical Inspector First Class with the equivalent rank of Hauptman [W] (Waffenamt Captain). As an example of how the system worked, 98K rifle production plants had an average of ten Officials employed at each factory that made the rifle. Several Ordnance and Technical Sergeants would also be assigned to each of the rifle manufacturers, as well as the Abnahme Mannschaften, and factory helpers as needed. At Mauser Werke, a very large factory, a Technical Administrator was assigned who had the rank of a Major [W]. In some cases, the acceptance location for a given area was used by surrounding factories as well, and was called an Heeres Bezirk Aaabnahamestelle, (Army Area Acceptance place). When a Waffenamt Officer (Acceptance Inspector) assumed command of an inspection team, he received a commission number and a corresponding numbered set of Wehrmaschtabnahmestempel (common term: Waffenamt Stamps). When the Waffenamt Officer was transferred to another factory, he took his stamps with him, but left the rest of his inspection team at the factory for the next Officer. The Waffenamt Officer in charge could move from one factory to another. Some examples are: (WaA214) at the J.P. Sauer in factory in Suhl in 1938, to the Berlin Lubecker Machinenfabriken in 1939, or (WaA63) MauserWerke in Oberndorf a.N. (Germany) to BRNO in Czechoslovakia in 1940. These transfers were not uncommon. The total possible Waffenamt numbers ranged from 1 to probably 999, and any gaps most likely indicate a situation where no Waffenamt Inspectorates were activated. This is reflected in the actual number of known Waffenamt (Commission) numbers. The Waffenamt stamps (dies) themselves often varied in size and sometimes design, depending on the time period when they were made or changed out. As dies were replaced, it was often with a simpler design as time went on, but with the same Waffenamt number. The different sizes and designs reflect a number of things, such as the size of the object being stamped, or the time period the die was made, or what the maker of a particular die stamp was capable of making at that time. Sometimes when old dies wore out, or broke, and could not be replaced in time, they reused old Waffenamt die stamps after modifying them. This practice is often seen with date stamps in 1944 as well, where they show only the number “4” instead of a “44”. There are also a few die stamps which have an alpha character suffix in addition to the number, such as an: A, B, C, or D. And there were specialized inspection stamps used by the German Police and Luftwaffe as well. The Police stamps did not use numbers, but alpha characters instead. (Typically, it was the Police eagle along with alpha characters such as B, C, D F, K, or L). The Luftwaffe marked items have “Luft. (number)”. There may be other variations as well. See above some examples of WaA on starter tabs (from Myrvangs book about German MG’s). The two first are early types. Ink stamps were used on cloth for example – beware of fakes – and the WaA could also be etched instead of being stamped. There currently exists no official German book on Waffenamt codes as many believe. The headquarters in Wünsdorf not so far from Berlin was heavily bombed in the spring 1944 and was completely destroyed by bombing on March 15, 1945, so no archives from the Heereswaffentamt exist today, either in the USA or in Germany. After the first bomb attack the whole system was severely disrupted. It continued to function, but only marginally, until the war ended. Many factories produced war material practically to the German surrender. Some of these very late items may not show Waffenamts at all. Several factories produced weapons after the war was over, but without the Waffenamt stamps. However, there are usually other markings to differentiate them from wartime production. Punched card. Pawlas has reprinted the socalled LK Nummern (lochkarte – punched card numbers). The lists indicates the structure of the “Abnahme” with places and with the LK numbers – but not the die-numbers. Because of personnel shortage in the “abnahme”organisation, certain personnel at the factories were allowed to check the parts. This happened already in 1942, but only to a small extent. The “Betriebsabnahme” (BA) used a BAnumber with 5 digits. There was also a “Werksabnahme” (W.ab) but apparently only at Tefefunken. The airforce – Luftwaffe – had in the same way personnel to control parts – the so-called Bauaufsichten der Luftwaffe (BAL) – see the very last part of the list. Source: Werner Thote – Radiobote Jg. 5, heft 29 Peter Rasmussen tells a funny story: He had about 1975 a visit by a German working for a well known German chemical company. The guest was J. G. Bayer and he had during the war inspected weapons for the Wehrmacht. Peter asked him about the function of the Waffenamt, but he answered reluctantly, because he wasn’t allowed to reveal such information. Then Peter showed him a copy of the German codebook. He was chocked and said “aber das ist doch geheim” (but this is secret), and he became even more excited when he saw an enigma machine. After such an excitement and a couple of “snaps” he became more accommodated and told that he had been a waffenampt inspector. He had had 10 enlisted men, 2 NCO’s, 1 typist and a chauffeur. The enlisted men were engineers and metal craftsmen. They used a decrepit Opel Blitz when visiting the different factories, and sometimes they divided so one team inspected one factory and their work with one set of dies, while the rest of the group went on to another factory with the other dies. Bayer’s identification was WaA27 and the whole group used that number. Bayer’s inspection team had basis in Stettin and they inspected supply for the Wehrmacht in an area in a radius about 200 kilometres from Stettin. They should sometimes inspect goods they didn’t know anything about. Once a quantity of cheese. Luckily one of the NCO’s farther was a dairyman, so a phone call to him made it possible for the team to act quite professionally, and cheese was in a long time the main ingredient of the menu of the team. Examples of dies An example of an original, much used WaA die and 14 letter dies belonged to a precision engineer. The WaA number could be 539 – seen after using it on a pewter mug. The other photo shows 10 WaA-dies which have been on eBay, but the auction was canceled for some reason. And again below an unsed WaA63 stamp, also seen on eBay – and expensive. There is no WaA number on the side of the stamp. WaA codes – WaA inspectors The following list is made on the basis of observations from collectors both in Europe and America. It is likely that it may contain errors in some parts of it. In areas where I, or other specialists, have particular knowledge it should be relatively error free. Many of the dies used by the inspectors are very small, so it’s very easy to sometimes misread the code numbers. Please send me an E Mail, if you have detected an error in the list. Please also send me an E Mail, if you have an addition to the list. A notation of where it came from, or how certain the information is, would be appreciated. Phoney – cheat WaA markings I often browse through different websides to discover some new WaA markings – especially eBay Deutschland. But beware those markings are often added lately – also because it’s now so easy to buy new WaA-stamps. I will show you an example: Only a part of the description is: A very old magazinepouch made of leather – or was it for tools?. Maker: Max Stelzer, Berlin 1944. Eagle WaA524. Probably German Wehrmacht WW2. This find was made in an old store in an old wood chest. Script in old German type. Below I have shown exactly the same pouch for a FN FAL type G1, and the markings are: Max Stelzer, 68, Berlin, P Pr Bln It’s also tempting to put an extra bird on genuine parts for example on a K98k sling. That will boost the price. Be distrustful of ink WaA-markings. They are easily faked. The same can be said about WaA-markings in soft leather. Below a pouch for medical instruments. The instruments are genuine, the pouch is possibly genuine, but the WaA-marking is made a long time after the war: . _______________ . If practicable, names and addresses are taken from the outstanding German codebook: “Liste der Fertigungskennzeichen”. Names of towns are given with their WWII time period German names. That means that some of the names will not be found on modern post war maps. For example: Brunn = Brno in Czeckia and Luttich = Liege in Belgium. In connection with non German places two letters are mentioned. These letters are the country codes according to the Internet standard: AT BE CZ DK ES IT FR HU LV Austria Belgium Czech Rep. Denmark Spain Italy France Hungary Latvia NL NO PL RU SK Holland Norway Poland Russia Slovakia German places – in die Bundesrepublik to day – are indicated with an abbreviation for one of the “Bundesländer”: Bb Be BW By Hb He Hh MV Ni NW RP SH Sl Sn ST Th Abbreviations of objects: bay. Ber. Brng. cln. kit el. equipm. flrgn. gren. hol. mag. mag. po. meas. instr. mu. co. pist. rec. rew. Wal. Brandenburg Berlin Baden-Württemberg Bayern Bremen Hessen Hamburg Mecklenburg-Vorpommeren Niedersachsen Nordrhein-Westfalen Rheinland-Pfalz Schleswig-Holstein Saarland Sachsen Sachsen-Anhalt Thüringen bayonet Beretta Browning cleaning kit electrical equipment flare gun grenade holster magazine magazine pouch measuring instrument muzzle cover pistol receiver reworked Walther Special credits to: Peter Rasmussen, Denmark, David Franchi, California, Joe R. Steen, Texas, Michael Heidler, Germany, András Hatala, Jirí Lukes, Czech Republic + Brian Conkle, California for the Introduction Claus Espeholt, Humlevej 44 8500 Grenaa Denmark [email protected] WaA Code 19 WwSu 41 gut 51 53 76 oub 94 103 bmo 138 179 204 cny jkh 360 392 cww Suhl-Ulm Bielefeld (NW) Erfurth (Th) Erma org. stamp exists J. Jelinek GrossMeseritsch (CZ) Otto Sindel Berlin (Be) Hans Deuter Augsburg (By) C. Pose Berlin (Be) Carl Busse Mainz (RP) Hohmann Kaiserslautern (RP) Carl Weiss Name Etzel LübeckSchlutup (SH) Braunschweig (Ni) (CZ) Radom (PL) jhg A99 C6 Westfälische Waffenfabrik W. Schürmann Place org. stamp exists 673 C6 Factory DWM 403 588 623 669 727 Object Org. stamp exists Org. stamp exists G. Genschow Hachenburg (RP) org. stamp exists kfk Dansk Industri Syndikat Kopenhagen, (DK) (DK) Rupert Rupert Period D20 (FR) 18 4 102 A. Wunderlich Otto Sindel Carl Ackva 107 Auwaetrer und Bubeck Carl Heinichen Hans Deuter 108 136 707 42 107 112 181 234 330 337 337 387 joa Carl Heinichen Gebr. Klinge Hans Römer G. Genschow E&G F. u. K. Voegels Ruffel und Borns eqf G. Genschow F. u. K. Voegels Karl Böcker 387 F. u. K. Voegels 18 42 300 330 455 29 G. Reinhardt C. Heinichen F. u. K. Voegels A. Waldhausen Hans Römer Richard Ehrhardt 750 cww 77 323 S/27, 27 100 100 107 121 Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Bad-Kreutznach (RP) Stuttgart (BW) Dresden (Sn) Augsburg (By) Dresden (Sn) Dresden (Sn) Neu-Ulm (By) Berlin (Be) Carl Weiss Erma und Geipel A. Fischer G. Genschow Curt Vogel, Lederwarenwerk Schnellpressenfabrik Karl Barth Köln (NW) Hannover (Ni) Berlin (Be) Köln (NW) Waldbröhl (NW) Köln (NW) Berlin (Be) Dresden (Sn) Köln (NW) Köln (NW) Neu-Ulm (By) Pössneck (Th) Braunschweig (Ni) Erfurth (Th) Guttstadt (PL) Berlin (Be) Cottbus (Bb) Heidelberg (BW) Waldbröhl (NW) Kirschke 1927 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1934 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 – 40 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 40 1937, 39 – 42 1938 1938 – 39 1939 1939 1939 1939 135 bmo 190 Auwearter und Bubeck Carl Busse Schultz 286 400 455 Henseler und Co. F. Grosse J 706 750 788 788 Hans Deuter gxy 416 Gebr. Klinge Hengeler und Co. Kimnack & Brunn Otto Reichel 300 eue 195 dla Karl Barth 750 eqr G. Passier 47 erg A. Döppert 161 101? 101 cdg 127 727? 727 DLU, dlu cxb Auwearter und Bubeck Auvaerter und Bubeck E. Lüneschloss 727 668 dlu, DLU gjh 27 dlv 142 ffr Deut. Edelstahlwerke E. Thielenhaus 163 183 279 387 joa dtu dtu ewx Carl Heinichen G. J. Entsink G. J. Entsink F. u. K. Voegels cdg Moll E. Lüneschloss R. Conte Augsburg (By) Stuttgart (BW) Mainz (RP) Augsburg (By) Neu-Ulm (By) 1939 Dresden (Sn) Braunschweig (Ni) Dresden (Sn) Berlin (Be) 1939 1939 Kaiserslautern (RP) Lengefeld (Sn) Waldbröhl (NW) Hannover (Ni) 1939 – 40 1939 – 43 1939 – 44 1939, 41 – 42 1940 Kitzingen (By) Stuttgart (BW) Stuttgart (BW) Solingen (NW) Goch (NW) Solingen (NW) Offenbach /Main (He) Remscheid (NW) Wuppertal (NW) Dresden (Sn) Ohrdruf (Th) Ohrdruf (Th) Köln (NW) 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1940 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 42, 44 J.G. Bayer 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 416 hjg 416 jln Kimnack & Brunn Deutsche Lederwerkstätten R. Reinhardt 869 14 gca jme 101 gfg 640 bmd Max Müller 640 erg A. Döppert 668 jhz Jean Weipert 869 gut W. Schürmann 918 bml Hans Römer Kaiserslautern (RP) Primasens (RP) Posseneck (Th) Mylau (Sn) Charlottenburg (Be) Stuttgart (BW) Nürnberg (By) Kitzingen (By) Offenbach /Main (He) Bielefeld (NW) Neu-Ulm (By) 173 jhv 749 bcd MetallwarenWaffen-u. Mf. Gustloff-Werke Budapest (HU) Weimar (Th) 154 erg A. Döppert 289? Cww Carl Weiss Kitzingen (By) Braunschweig (Ni) 640 887 gmh H. D. Carl Steppuhn 145 jln 668 Mylau GmbH Armeemarinehaus Carl Hepting Deutsche Lederwerkstätten F. N. 140 400 1941 1941 1941 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 44 1941 – 45 1942 1942 1942 1942 Zorn Kettwig (NW) 103 RheinischWestfällishes Kunststoffwerk F. N. Lüttich (BE) Etzel 613 F. N. Lüttich (BE) Tennert Gustav Berlin (Be) 26 acb Elbing/Frisch es Haff (PL) Pirmasens (RP) Lüttich (BE) 1941 .22 KKW rifle 1942 – 43 1942 – 44 1944 May41 – Dec4 1 sep40 – apr41 1937 Genschow Silva Metallwerke Hugo Schneider 172 avu 1,3 cm ammo 157 wg 1,3 cm ammo Luft 54 Luft 61 Luft 84 wg 1,3 cm case, 2 cm case eds 1,3 cm fuse 104 66 CA 1,5 cm ammo edq 1,5 cm ammo D.W.M. 161 am 1,5 cm ammo Gustloff Werke 71 75 bjl 1,3 cm gren. P319 10,5 cm ammo 244 P90 10,5 cm ammo 406 P 10,5 cm ammo 22 P216 10,5 cm ammo 22 P181 10,5 cm ammo 124 124 58 P58 10,5 cm ammo ast 10,5 cm ammo P425 10,5 cm case 709 12,5 kg explosives P131 14,9 cm ammo 606 C6 279 Zündapp Stumpp & Kurz dov 1,5 cm ammo, Waffenwerke art. fuze Brünn P 10,5 cm ammo Polte 23 276 HASAG Maschinen für Massenverpackungen Bergmann Elektr. Werke Polte LangbeinPfannhauser HASAG Hugo Schneider Ehrich & Graetz Joh. Hauff Collis Metallwerke Genthin (ST) 1940 Altenburg (Th) Altenburg (Th) Nürnberg (By) Vaihingen/Enz (BW) 1943 1942 43 1943 1943 1940 1942 LübeckSchlutup (SH) Hirtenberg (AT) Wsetin (SK) 1943 – 44 1942 – 44 1933 Magdeburg (ST) LübeckSchlutup (SH) Wilhelmsruh (Be) Magdeburg (ST) Leipzig (Sn) 1936 1936 1936 – 37 1937 Leipzig (Sn) 1939 Berlin (Be) Lichtenberg ? Westhausen Aalen (BW) 1939 1941 1937 1941 D. W. M. 18 mm tool 1910/21 Bergmann rew. pist. dtv 1922 Brng.hol. C. O. Gehrckens PP hol. Borsigwalde (Be) (DK) Pinneberg (SH) 1936 Rupert 1940 – 42, 44 251 1935A French pist. #550 and up 655 1935A French pist. (first 550) eej 2 cm case 767 Societé Alsacienne de Constructions Mécaniques (SACM) (see 655) S. A. C.M. (see 251) Märkisches Walzwerk (FR) 1941 – 44 (FR) 1940 Strausberg (Bb) HASAG Hugo Schneider Polte Leipzig (Sn) 1942, 44 1936 1936 – 39 1939 427 22 2 cm ammo P181 2 cm ammo 700 P 2 cm ammo 84 P181 2 cm ammo 174 P154 2 cm ammo 102 2 cm ammo A10 wa 2 cm ammo HASAG 175 act 2 cm ammo A. Ruhfus 763 P397 2 cm blank ammo edq 2 cm cartridge Luft 66 161 eev 2 cm case HASAG, Hugo Schneider Polte, Werk Grüneberg HASAG Meta Metallwerk Magdeburg (ST) Lepzig (Sn) 1940 Skarzysko (PL) Leipzig (Sn) Neuss/Rhein (NW) Arnstadt (Th) DWM, Werk Lübeck Fr. Braun Lübeck (SH) Silva Metallwerke Magdeburg – Neustadt (ST) Hamburg (Hh) HannoverEmpelde (Ni) Grünberg, Silesia (PL) MagdeburgNeustadt (ST) Altenburg (Th) Roederhof 428 231 2 cm case P414 2 cm case 329 P382 2 cm case 232 P120 2 cm case Hanseatisches Kettenwerk Dynamit AG 59 P419 2 cm case Christ Co. 321 P414 2 cm case Silva Metallwerke 201 P490 2 cm case Hugo Schneider 339 P198 2 cm case Metallwarenfab- 1940 1941 1941, 44 1944 1940 1942 TembachDietharz (Th) 1937 – 38 1937, 39 1938 – 39 1939 1939 1939 – 40 1939 rik Treuenbritzen (Bb) 54 285 BK 2 cm case P327 2 cm case Orga AG 294 P490 2 cm case Hugo Schneider 54 wg 2 cm case Hugo Schneider 836 va 2 cm case Kabell- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer Nürnberg (By) Altenburg (Th) Altenburg (Th) Nürnberg (By) 151 152 2 cm case wb 2 cm case Hugo Schneider 211 asr 2 cm case HAK 271 asr 2 cm case 372 fb 2 cm case HAK – Hanseatisches Kettenwerk Mansfeld AG 73 avu 2 cm case 86 edq 2 cm case Silva Metallwerke D. W. M. 687 eeo 2 cm case DWM 232 emp 2 cm case Dynamit AG 463 avt 2 cm case Silva Metallwerke 852 va 2 cm case 271 rrm 2 cm case 706 eqb 2 cm FLAK mag. cpj 2 cm FLAK parts ab 2 cm FLAK parts 2 cm FLAK wooden ammo Kabell- u. Metallwerke Neumeyer HAK – Hanseatisches Kettenwerk Böhme & Henne 288 313 706 Havelwerk Mundlos AG O.B. Köpenick (Be) Hamburg (Hh) Hamburg (Hh) – 40 1940 1940 1940 1941 1941 – 44 1942 1942 1942 1942 Rothenburg/Saale (ST) Genthin (ST) 1942 LübeckSchlutup (SH) Posen (Poznan PL) HannoverEmpfelde (Ni) 1943 Magdeburg – Neustadt (ST) Nürnberg (By) Hamburg (Hh) 1944 Dresden (Sn) 1942 1943 1943 1943 – 44 1944 1945 Brandenburg (Bb) Magdeburg (ST) 1939 910 crate 2 cm Flak38 part ark 2 cm Flak38 Benteler Werke part wa 2 cm fuse Hugo Schneider 244 arl 2 cm fuse 596 600 622 exs 2 cm fuse gld 2 cm fuse bzz 2 cm fuse 787 eej 2 cm fuse 39 cbj 2 cm fuse 288 czs 2 cm fuse 53 coc 2 cm fuse 97 azg 2 cm fuse 145 334 2 cm fuse enl 2 cm fuse 5 868 Bergmann Elektr. Werke Sils van de Loo Butzke-Werke J. G. Farbenindustrie Mârkisches Walzwerk Wagner Brennabor Werke MAN SiemensSchuckert 196 Alg. Elektrizitätsgesellschaft asb 2 cm fuse, 7,5 D.W.M. cm ammo eds 2 cm fuze Zündapp 220 cxk 2 cm fuze Luft 65 488 495 280 145 dgl 2 cm gren. ayd 2 cm mag. sxk 2 cm mag. 2 cm mag. bdk 2 cm mag. B43 aye 2 cm mag. Luft 70 Luft 165 Luft 185 edt 2 cm primer 43 wa 2 cm primer eep 2 cm primer Kontaktwerk Josef Bühler Louis Ziegel Fr. Stübgen Bielefeld (NW) Leipzig (Sn) Wilhelsruh (Be) Hameln (Ni) Berlin (Be) München (By) Strausberg (Bb) Pforzheim (BW) Brandenburg (Bb) Augsburg (By) Berlin (Be) Henningsdorf (Be) Borsigwalde (Be) Nürnberg (By) Freiburg (BW) Sonnenberg (Th) Erfurt (Th) 1942 1941 – 42 1942 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1943 1943 – 44 1945 Stubgen Schneiderwerke, St. Jngbert Olympia Büromaschinenwerke Metallwarenfabrik HASAG Erfurt (Th) Saarbrücken (Sl) Erfurt (Th) 1939 1944 Zella-Mehlis (Th) Leipzig (Sn) 1942 Brökelmann NeheimHüsten (NW) 1942 1944 1942 Luft 190 354 edw 2 cm primer Karl Metzler Iserlohn (NW) Polte Magdeburg (St) Magdeburg (ST) Hamburg (Hh) 271 2 cm werkzeug patrone P 2, 7,5, 8,8 cm ammo asr 2,5 cm case 314 gfa 3,7 cm ammo 357 aux 3,7 cm ammo 107 P 3,7 cm ammo Polte 406 P 3,7 cm ammo Polte 21 P152 3,7 cm ammo 73 P345 3,7 cm ammo 665 P156 3,7 cm ammo 62 P263 3,7 cm ammo 87 907 73 P370 3,7 cm ammo 3,7 cm ammo avu 3,7 cm ammo 185 174 ewg 3,7 cm ammo clip P154 3,7 cm case 321 P222 3,7 cm case 329 P382 3,7 cm case 225 bwo 3,7 cm case 406 Marine M III/3 P397 3,7 cm Flak case Polte HAK – Hanseatisches Kettenwerk Otto Fuchs, Metallwerke Polte Meinerzhagen (NW) Magdeburg (St) Magdeburg (ST) Magdeburg (ST) Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik Silva Metallwerke Gussstahlwerk Wolgast Nickelt Vereinigte Herd & Ofenfabrik Hugo Schneider Geislingen – Steige (BW) Silva Metallwerke Franke Genthin (ST) Genthin (ST) Wolgast (MV) Hamm/Westf. (RP) Berlin (Be) Mühlhausen (Th) Polte, Werk Grüneberg Sils van de Loo & Co. Hanseatisches Kettenwerk RheinmetallBorsig Meta Metallwerk Fröndenberg (NW) Hamburg (Hh) Düsseldorf (NW) Arnstadt (Th) 1942 1938 1942 1935 1935, 1936, 38 1936 – 39 1938 – 39 1939 1940 1940 1942 1944 1944 1935, 1938 – 39 1937 1937 1942 1940 Marine M III/7 514 244 qwm 3,7 cm fuse S90 3,7 mm ammo 707 S/270 3,7 PAK ammo 607 P14A 3,7, 10 cm ammo jkg 4 cm case 56 eds 3,7 cm fuse 270 arx 66 hko 337 va 780 amp 361 262 75 117B 412 P341 556 392 P397 bnf 556 18 wa gpy 727 lms 60 P131 P 89 656 A10 wa 938 logo Zündapp Nürnberg (By) Bergmann Elektr. Werke H. Diehl Wilhelmsruh (Be) Nürnberg (By) Bystrica (SK) Waffenw. Brünn Ung. EisenStahl- und Maschinenfabriken 4 cm case Collis Metallwerke 4 cm quick- Matthias Oechsloader ler 5 cm ammo Kabel- und Metallwerke Neumeyer 5 cm ammo DortmundHoerder Hüttenverein 50 kg bomb 6x30 field-glass Carl Zeiss 7,5 cm ammo Polte 1942 1945 1937 1936 1940 BudaPest (HU) 1941 Westhausen, Aalen (BW) Ansbach (By) 1941 Nürnberg (By) 1944 Dortmund (NW) 1944 Jena (Th) Magdeburg (ST) 7,5 cm ammo August Enders Oberrahmede (NW) 7,5 cm ammo Metal Metallwerk Arnstadt (Th) 7,5 cm ammo Metallwerk Wol- Braunfenbüttel schweig (Ni) 7,5 cm ammo Hugo Schneider Leipzig (Sn) 7,5 cm cannon Clemens Müller Dresden (Sn) part AG 7,5 cm cannon Theodorf Kiepe Düsseldorf part (NW) 7,5 cm cart. D.W.M. Borsigwalde (Be) 7,5 cm hollow round 7,5 cm primer 7,5, 8,8 cm HASAG Leipzig (Sn) ammo 7,65 pist. hol. Christof Neuner Klagenfurt 1941 1939 1937 1939 1944 1944 1943 1935 1939 1942 691 648 190 190 8 cyl. Horch P315 8 mm AT ammo + 2 cm ammo awa 8,8 ammo part asx 8,8 case Auto Union Märkisches Walzwerk Schmiedag Hoesch AG 43 P131 8,8 cm ammo D.W.M 579 P94 8,8 cm ammo 700 P 8,8 cm ammo 354 ava 8,8 cm ammo Polte 806 aty 8,8 cm ammo Maschinen für Massenverpackung Kabel und Metallwerk Neumeyer Polte (AT) Siegmar (Sn) Postdam (Bb) St. Andreasberg (Ni) Dortmund (NW) Borsigwalde (Be) Nürnberg (By) 1942 Magdeburg (ST) Magdeburg (St) LübeckSchlutup (SH) 1939 58 387 8,8 cm case eeo 8,8 cm case D. W. M Posen (PL) A80 225 ?zs 8,8 cm casing rdf 8,8 cm gren. WASAG 227 rdf 8,8 cm gren. parts P 8,8, 14,9 cm ammo fva 8x57JS ammo Reinsdorf (Sn) Reinsdorf (Sn) Magdeburg (ST) Salzwedel (ST) Solingen (NW) Marienthal (Th) Solingen (NW) Magdeburg (ST) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Marienthal 107 C11 WASAG Polte 253 S/174 98 bay Draht und Metallwarenfabrik WKC 214 S/178 98 bay Gebr. Heller 95 S/155K 98 bay. 439 S/244 98 bay. Mundlos AG 22 S/173 98 bay. A. Coppel 62 S/172 98 bay. Eickhorn 68 S/155 98 bay. E. u. F. Hörster 73 S/178K 98 bay. E. u. F. Hörster Gebr. Heller 1940 1939 1942 1938 1938 1941 1941 1941 1942 – 44 1944 1943 1939 1936 1943 1935 – 37 1936 – 37 1934 1934 1934 1934 82 88 S/173K 98 bay. S/177K 98 bay. A.Coppel Pack u.Söhne 62 S/178 98 bay. Heller 62 S/239 98 bay. Rich. Herder 68 S/242G 98 bay. 73 S/178G 98 bay. Solinger Axtund Hauerfabrik Gebr. Heller 77 S/174G 98 bay. WKC 77 S/175G 98 bay. F. W. Höller 117 S/155G 98 bay. E. u. U. Hörster 118 S/173 98 bay. Coppel 118 S/177 98 bay. Pack u. Söhne 138 220 S/239 98 bay. S/178G 98 bay. 777 S/155 98 bay. E. u. F. Hörster 229 S/238 98 bay. Dürkoppwerke 95 S/184 98 bay. Josua Corts 216 S/185 98 bay. 253 S/173 98 bay. Elite Diamantwerke A. Coppel 253 S/176 98 bay. Weyersberg 253 S/178 98 bay. Gebr. Heller 219 S/242 98 bay. 253 S/175 98 bay. Solinger Axt u. Hauerfabrik Höller 253 S/242 98 bay. 155 S/245 98 bay. Herder Gebr. Heller Solinger Axt u. Hauerfabrik Jetter u. Scherer (Th) Solingen (NW Solingen (NW) Marienthal (Th) Solingen (NW) SolingenOhligs (NW) Marienthal (Th) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) (Solingen) Marienthal (Th) Solingen (NW) Bielefeld (NW) Solingen (NW) Chemnitz (Sn) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Marienthal (Th) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Tuttlingen (BW) 1934 1934 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 – 36 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 1936 – 37 1936 – 37 1936 – 37 1936 – 38 218 S/185 98 bay. Elite Diamantwerke F. Herder 250 98 bay. 253 S/155 98 bay. 357 98 bay. F. Herder 155 98 bay. J. Sch. 253 98 bay. Berg & Co. 253 98 bay. Josua Cort 218 98 bay. 253 98 bay. Elite Diamantwerke E. u. F. Hörster 253 98 bay. F. Herder 253 98 bay. Carl Eickhorn 253 98 bay. WKC 253 98 bay. 253 98 bay. Ernst Pack u. Söhne A. Coppel 253 S/172 98 bay. Carl Eickhorn 243 98 bay. Mundlos AG 253 98 bay. Clemen & Jung 547 98 bay. Dürkopp-Werke 253 98 bay. P. Weyersberg 253 98 bay. F. W. Höller 5 omc 98 bay. 883 98 bay. 37 98 bay. E. u. F. Hörster Chemnitz (Sn) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Remscheid (NW) Chemnitz (Sn) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Magdeburg (ST) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Ferlach (AT) Maschinenhaus der Büchsenmacher WKC Solingen (NW) Gebr. Heller Marienthal 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 – 39 1937 – 39 1937 – 39 1937 – 40 1937 – 40 1937 – 40 1937 – 40 1937, 38, 40 1937, 39, 40 1937, 39, 40 1937, 40 1938 – 39 1938 – 39 1938 – 39 1938 – 40 1938, 40 1939 1939 1939 253 ddl 98 bay. Josua Cort 253 98 bay. Mundlos AG 883 98 bay. F. Herder 883 98 bay. F. W. Höller 883 98 bay. Berg & Co. 883 98 bay. A. Coppel 655 98 bay. J. Sch. 655 98 bay. J.Sch. 883 cqh 98 bay. Clemen & Jung 883 crs 98 bay. P. Weyersberg 883 cul 98 bay. E. Pack 883 ddl 98 bay. Josua Cort 883 asw 98 bay. 883 cof 98 bay. Carl Eickhorn 883 clc 98 bay. Rich. Herder 218 i 98 bay. 757 bym 98 bay. 883 ffc 98 bay. Elite Diamantwerke Maschinenhaus der Büchsenmacher F. Herder 883 cvl 98 bay. WKC 883 fnj 98 bay. A. Coppel 883 fze 98 bay. F. W. Höller 519 cqh 98 bay. Clemen & Jung E. u. F. Hörster bei Schweina (PL?) Remscheid (NW) Magdeburg (ST) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Remscheid (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Chemnitz (Sn) Ferlach, Kärnten (AT) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) – 40 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 41 1940 – 42 1940 – 42 1940 – 42 1940 . 41 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 – 44 243 ab 98 bay. 883 agv 98 bay. Berg & Co. 519 ddl 98 bay. Josua Cort 519 agv 98 bay. Berg & Co. 519 asw 98 bay. F. u. K. Hörster 519 cof 98 bay. Carl Eickhorn 519 ffc 98 bay. F. Herder 519 fnj 98 bay. A. Coppel 519 fze 98 bay. F. W. Höller 519 cvl 98 bay. WKC 519 clc 98 bay. Rich. Herder 519 crs 98 bay. P. Weyersberg 313 ab 98 bay. Mundlos AG 25 ddl 98 bay. Josua Cort 519 cul 98 bay. E. Pack 537 ddl 98 bay. Josua Cort 938 bym 98 bay. 519 pyy 98 bay. Maschinenhaus der Büchsenmacher Berg & Co. 519 sgx 98 bay. F. u. K. Hörster 251 jwh 98 bay., K98k lower band for Gustloff 43, G41and G43 cross lug 98 chamber cleaning tool evv acces. box Manufacture d’Armes Chatellerault (MAC) 136 300 Mundlos AG F. A. Anker & Magdeburg (ST) Solingen (NW) Remscheid (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) Magdeburg (ST) Remscheid (NW) Solingen (NW) Remscheid (NW) Ferlach /Kärnten (AT) 1941, 42 1941, 43 1942 – 43 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 45 1942, 44 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 Solingen (NW) Solingen (NW) (FR) 1944 Jöhstadt (Sn) 1942 1944 – 45 1941 – 44 Sohn 41 181 379 ammo box ammo box ebr ammo box 36 41 ada ammo box jsq ammo box 601 170 222 286 878 677 96 157 bow ammo box – steel bdq ammo box 3,7 raj ammo case fyr ammo cradle for French 7,5 cm cpj ammo metal box amperemeter armorer’s gauge P art. case NeheimHüsten (NW) Stephan Nahrath Ahlen (NW) Alsfelder Möbel- Alsfeld (He) fabriken 1938 1939 1939 Westermann also marked “axp” 1943 1943 Dresbach & Cie Halver (NW) 1940 Ehrhardt und Kirsten Leipzig (Sn) 1945 Gebr. Müller Worms (RP) 1943 Havelwerk Brandenburg (Bb) 1941 Siemens Hommel Werke Polte C97 cpp art. fuse Rheinmetall Borsig 434 314 art. fuse S338 art. fuse 857 S270 art. fuse 857 awl art. fuse 41 bmv art. fuse 153 ews art. fuse 397 cxh art. fuse Kienzle Uhrenfabriken 544 bzp art. fuse A. Gautier 912 frk art. fuse 12 ksm art. fuse 1 myx art. fuse Otto Fuchs, Metallwerke Heinrich Diehl Sils van de Loo & Co. RheinmetallBorsig Skodawerke Sigmund Pumpen Junghans Uhrenfabrik Rheinmetall- Mannheim (NW) Magdeburg (St) Breslau (PL) Meinerzhagen (NW) Nürnberg (By) Fröndenberg (NW) Sömmerda (Th) Königgrätz (CZ) Schwenningen am N. (BW) Calmbach/Enz. ? OlmützLuttein (CZ) Braunau (CZ) Sömmerda 1936 1939 1940 1940 1941 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 – 43 1943 Borsig Junghans Uhrenfabrik Krüger & Co. Hans BüllmannWerke Süddeutsche Armaturenfabrik Hans BüllmannWerke Michera, Gebr. 17 jrr art. fuse 121 339 fmx art. fuse amh art. fuse 357 aqs art. fuse 398 amh art. fuse 488 gyu art. fuse 597 auj art. fuse 715 j art. fuse 766 789 aeq art. fuse fcv art. fuse 831 aqs art. fuse 873 btj art. fuse 222 acb art. fuse 494 auf art. fuse 627 blv art. fuse Bartos u. Co. Schmidt, Kranz & Co. Süddeutsche Armaturenfabrik Kollmer & Jourdan RheinischWestfälisch Kunststoffwerk Metall Guss u. Presswerk Erhard Schmidt 12 ojo art. fuse Messap 83 awl art. fuse 178 cja art. fuse Sils van de Loo & Co. Junghans 208 378 eme art. fuse bes art. fuse Deisting & Co. H. Kimmel 517 813 849 dpv art. fuse cpr art. fuse awl art. fuse B39 com art. fuse timing tool drh art. fuze 258 (Th) Renchen (BW) Berlin (Be) Gablonz (CZ) 1943 1943 1943 Heidenheim (BW) Gablonz (CZ) 1943 Stare-Tura (SK) MonheimDüsseldorf (NW) Chemnitz (Sn) Caslau (CZ) Nordhausen (Th) Heidenheim (BW) Pforzheim (BW) Mühlheim (BW) 1943 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1944 Zeiss-Ikon Hasse & Wrede Sils van de Loo & Co. Mafa Werk Nürnberg (By) Bromberg (PL) Halbstadt (CZ) Fröndenberg (NW) Schramberg (BW) Kierspe (NW) München (By) Dresden (Sn) Berlin (Be) Fröndenberg (NW) Werdau (Sn) Thiel Ruhla (Th) Monheimer Ketten u. Metallwaren-industrie Langer 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 1943 – 44 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 1944 732 art. fuze 146 gpk art. fuze 258 873 hhj art. fuze ccv art. fuze 213 auf art. fuze 384 bvw art. fuze 716 166 429 art. grenade RHS270 part art. range finder Wild gwr art. slide rule Luft 4 assembled K98k C10 251 assembly of Walthers K43 ? Astra 300 pist. D20 Astra 300 pist. 123 78 547 358 480 Winkler und Dünnebier Thiel Rodi & Wienenberger Mettall Guss u. Presswerk Jurk Sirenenfabrik axe bakelite carbide lamp jzb barbed wire cutter barrage baloon 92 326 barrel for a K98k dou binocular case binocular case 383 binocular case C35 binocular case 279 326 14 binocular case binocular case ksd binocular case Dennert & Pape Neuwied (RP) Ruhla (Th) Pforzheim (BW) Nürnberg (By) Radeberg/Dresden (Sn) 1940 – 41 1943 1943 1943 1944 1944 1940 Heerbrugg, Schweiz Hamburg (Hh) from BSW/Gustloff parts 1943 1943 1939 – 41 1943 – 45 Unceta y Compania S.A. Unceta y Compania S.A. Guernica (ES) Guernica (ES) 1936 Carl Mesenhüller RamscheidHasten (NW) Bad Saarow (Bb) 1940 1944 Hensoldt Busch Wetzlar (He) P.H.Riebel & Söhne Polskie Zaklady Optyczne – PZO Ingolstadt (By) Warszawa (PL) Walter Winkler Spandau (Be) 1935, 37 1939 1939 or 1940 1941 1941 1941, 326 C52 25 blc binocular case binocular case for SRB & STYS (Prag) binocular binocular leather binocular leather binocular leather binoculars 217 332 binoculars binoculars 24 112 112 414 414 202 900 binoculars bmj binoculars binoculars binoculars 6x 815 bnz blank fi. adapt. MP40 Blitz truck 531 375 239 778 286 497 668 647 216 C23 640 217 41 14 Rhs357 bomb fuse Rhs195 bomb fuze bottle for MG34 flashhider box for MG bands 963 box for MG bands box for MG bands brc box for MG bands onm box for MG ZF bzl box for MGbands dug box for panzerfaust boxes Brng. HP hol. jsd Brng. HP hol. 43 1944 Carl Zeiss Fafek Jena (Th) Prag (CZ) E. Leitz Wetzlar (He) Hensoldt Wetzlar (He) 1936 – 37 1937 Berlin (Be) München (By) Wetzlar (He) Wetzlar (He) Jena (Th) 1939 perhaps not German made Oigee Rodenstock E. Leitz Hensoldt Carl Zeiss Russian marked FLA Steyr, Werk Steyr Opel Steyr (AT) Brandenburg (Be) 1937 1940 1937 1938 J. Grossfuss Döbeln (Sn) 1940 Merz Werke 1940 Fr. Weber & Co. Frankfurt (He) Berlin (Be) Saunier Siemens Paris (FR) Wien (AT) Junge & Jordan Ostheim/Rhö n (By) Berlin (Be) 1944 Berlin (Be) 1941 Biedermann & Czarnikow G. Reinhardt 1941 1936 47 cgn Brng. HP hol. 136 bdt Brng. HP hol. Jos. Poeschl’s Söhne Salewa 159 920 182 Brng. HP hol. jor Brng. HP hol. ftc Brng. HP hol. E. G. Leuner A. Muzik Frost und Jahnel 195 epf Brng. HP hol. Karl Böcker 195 dta Brng. HP hol. A. Waldhausen Waldbröhl (NW) Köln (NW) 286 jkh Brng. HP hol. Carl Busse Mainz (RP) 136 bdr Brng. HP hol. Richard Erhardt Pösneck (Th) 182 grz Brng. HP hol. Krüger Breslau (PL) 195 dla Brng. HP hol. Karl Barth Waldbröhl 14 920 927 emj Brng. HP hol. dvr Brng. HP hol. Brng. HP hol. Adalbert Fischer J. Fröhlich S.A.W. 920 cgn Brng. HP hol. 286 668 jkh Brng. HP hol. hlv Brng. HP hol. J. Poeschl, RBNr. 0/1032/0001 Carl Busse Maury & Co. Berlin (Be) Wien (AT) München (By) Rohrbach (AT) 182 bnz Brng. HP hol. 927 bdt Brng. HP hol. + other goods lyo Brng. HP hol. + other? Brng. HP pistol Brng.1922 hol. 77 103 Luft 2 Luft 7 Luft 21 392 39 737 77 hck Brng.1922 hol. jsd Brng.1922 hol. bunker lamp cable out-roller cable rewinder Erma cal. .22 conver- Steyr-DaimlerPuch Salewa Kromolowski Rohrbach (By) München (By) Bautzen (Sn) Wien (AT) Breslau (PL) 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1941 – 43 1941 – 44 1941, 43 1941, 43, 44 1941, 43, 44 1942 1942 1942 1942 – 44 Mainz (RP) Offenbach /Main (He) Steyr (AT) 1943 1943 – 44 1944 München (By) Radom (PL) 1943 – 44 1944 F. N. Heinrich Krieghoff Georg Lerck Lüttich (BE) Suhl (Th) Etzel 1941 Berlin (Be) 1941 Gustav Reinhardt Berlin (Be) 1943 Dresbach Erma Halver (NW) Erfurt (Th) 1941 148 280 380 280 C28 sion kit dfb cal. .22 conversion kit cal. .22 conversion kit calculating tool caliber drift hhp canvas cover for binocular Gustloff Werke Suhl (Th) Erma Erfurt (Th) Gebr. Wichmann Berlin (Be) Gebr. Männel KG, Schürzenfabrik Falkenstein (Sn) 65 145 772 204 42 carbide lamp carbide lamp carbide lamp carbide lamp cartridge gauge BB Ultra 42 42 cartridge gauge cartridge gauge Piltz Polte 42 gmm cartridge gauge 282 fer cartridges 211 ar case extractor D42 123 jqh case for spade case for stick grenades, box for MG bands P cases for 18 cm howitzer cipher device ? bdk clamp tool 107 207 145 103 climbing iron 52 climbing tool 58 19 178 65 376 2 Eckhardt & Lohkamp Metallwek Wandhofen Mauserwerke Walter Krause WF Co. 1936 Schwerte (NW) Borsigwalde (Be) Bromberg 1942 1939 – 40 Schneiderwerke, St. Jngbert Saarbrücken (Sl) Stubai, Tirol (AT) Solingen (NW) BudaPest (HU) Düren (NW Schramberg (BW) coffee container Wesco contact F. R. control system for V2 rocket 1939 1939 – 41 1944 Magdeburg (ST) Berlin (Be) Magdeburg (ST) jkg clip for 4 cm Ung. Staatl. Eicase senfabriken hly cln. kit Krafft & Schüll clock Junghans 1943 Aschaffenburg (By) Polte J. Schwahlen 1937 – 38 1936 Etzel 1941 1942 1937 1938 668 300 76 jhz cover for K98k rear sight cutlery, plate fnh CZ27 pist. 721 CZ27 pist. hol. 76 CZ38 pist. 110 dth drag anchor 770 504 584 300 new dynamo ear phone ear phone bn egg grenade D29 ggm egg handgrenade el. cable el. cable plug el. cable plug el. equipm. el. equipm. el. equipm. el. equipm. el. equipm. 588 444 315 584 584 584 586 903 904 905 B31 el. equipm. el. equipm. el. equipm. 577 el. equipm. 444 el. equipment 44 410 el. generator el. meas. equipment electronic equipment electronic meter electronic switch electronics electronics electronics 107 836 504 89 117 444 Jean Weipert EFG Böhmische Waffenfabrik RBNr 0/1250/0011 Ceská Zbrojovka akc. Spol. V praze Vosswerke Sarstedt AEG F. L. Allgemeine Electricitätsges Annweiler Emailu. metall Werke Offenbach /Main (He) Strakonitz, Prag (CZ) Böhmen (CZ) 1941 1939 1943 – 45 1943 – 44 Stragonitz, Prag (CZ) Sarstedt (Ni) Berlin (Be) Annaberg (Sn) Annweiler /Trifels (RP) 1944 1943 1941 1943 1939 1938 Seibt Baco, Linke Varta, Pfalzgraf Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Ostmarkwerk Prag C. Lorenz AG Prag-Gbell (CZ) Mühlhausen SABA Villingen (BW) Berlin (Be) Siemens – Halske Ruhstrat Autounion Metrawatt Habafa Mikrofona, Gebr. Knotek Telefunken GW Staru GmbH Phywe, Imperial Göttingen (Ni) Nürnberg (By) Hamburg (Hh) Prag (CZ) or Meseritz (PL) Erfurth (Th) Staßfurt (ST) Göttingen 1938 1945 1944 1944 1943 (Ni) ? Berlin (Be) Riga (LV) Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be), Erfurt (Th) Berlin (Be) 506 506 617 617 electronics electronics electronics electronics C. Lorenz AG Telefunken Telefunken Telefunken 770 electronics 798 801 801 836 electronics electronics electronics electronics BAL 30 BAL 181 BAL 476 BAL 559 338 38 electronics Lorenz, AEG, Linke Kapsch u. Söhne Homy, Minerva Valvo, Tungsram NSF, Br&St, TeKaDe Telefunken electronics Telefunken Berlin (Be) electronics Seibt Berlin (Be) electronics Telefunken / AEG Lorenz, Boas Mende Radio Berlin (Be) 69 Luft 2 3 enigma Erdkampfvisier MG15 fzs FG42 110 101 410 506 39 134 770 919 191 618 376 350 898 electronics electronics avq field kitchen box field kitchen, coffeecontainer fsc field phone field phone field phone emy field phone field phone field phone field phone field phone field phone, morse device fieldphone fieldphone Wien (AT) Wien (AT) Wien (AT) Nürnberg (By) Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Dresden (Sn) Heinrich Krieg- Suhl (Th) hoff Senkingwerke Hildesheim AG (Sn) H.R.E. Mikrofona Meseritz (PL) Friedrich Merk München (By) ERKA ERKA Si & Co. 1936 1939, 41 1937 – 38 1937 1941 1941 1941 1942 1942 1937 1941 D57 14 170 637 156 779 205 775 A10 26 280 360 byl FLAK 8,8 cm beech part crv FLAK 8,8 cm part knb FLAK 8,8 cm part cxx FLAK 8,8 cm part bva flak 8,8 instrument ksz FLAK 8,8 mount fue dkf wa S/237 FLAK 8,8 part FLAK 8,8 tool flare gun flare gun 14 ayf flare gun flare pistol round dde flgn. hol. 14 fuq flgn. hol. Andritz Graz (AT) 1944 Fritz Werner Berlin (Be) 1944 Albert Schmidt Leipzig (Sn) 1944 J. M. Voith Heidenheim (BW) Wien (AT) 1944 Osmag Oberschlesische Maschienen u. Waggonfabrik Skodawerke A. Hering HASAG Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Erma Eintrachtshütte (PL) 1944 Robert Larsen Petravic Dubnica (CZ) Neustadt (Sn) Leipzig (Sn) Lübeck (SH) 1938 Erfurt (Th) 1941 Berlin (Be) Curt Vogel, Le- Cottbus (Bb) derwarenfabrik 1940 – 41 1940 – 43 1935 1937 16 94 94 101 flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. Frost & Jahnel L. Seschke Ernst Kurz 159 182 286 387 400 279 flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. flrgn. hol. E. G. Leuner Frost und Jahnel Carl Busse Karl Barth L. A. S. ? C. Otto 170 flrgn. hol. Albin Scholle 89 flrgn. hol. 182 161 101? 170 flrgn. hol. Gna flrgn. hol. Curt Vogel, Lederwarenwerk Krüger Gustav Buchmüller Ehrhardt und bdq flrgn. hol. 1944 Stuttgart (BW) Bautzen (Sn) Breslau (PL) Mainz (RP) Pinneberg (SH) Zeitz (ST) Cottbus (Bb) Breslau (PL) Stuttgart (BW) Leipzig (Sn) 1937 1937 1937 1937 1937 1938 1938 – 39 1940 1940 1940 1940 Kirsten Albin Scholle 445 flrgn. hol. 136 cww flrgn. hol. 68 136 flrgn. hol. gmn flrgn. hol. 623 668 456 flrgn. hol. gfg flrgn. hol. gaq flrgn. hol. 195 dta flrgn. hol. Braunschweig (Ni) C. Budischowsky Wien (AT) Riebel und Ingolstadt Söhne (By) C. Budischowsky Wien (AT) Carl Hepting Stuttgart (By) Otto Stephan Mülhausen (Th) A. Waldhausen Köln (NW) 195 epf flrgn. hol. Karl Böcker 411 cqr flrgn. hol., telephone hol. fzs flrgn.pist. FG42 Luft 2 103 613 140 60 427 101 100 krm 138 krm 203 kpm 606 727 142 269 142 142 416 D20 251 89 – 41 1940 – 42 1941 Zeitz (ST) Carl Weiss Lederwerk Sedima Heinrich Krieghoff FN 10/22 pistol F. N. FN 10/22 pistol F. N. FN 10/22 pistol, F. N. Brng. HP pist., P38 pist. parts folding showel Lange folding spade VBW food container for foreign con- C. Pose tractors for foreign con- C. Pose tractors for foreign con- Franz Corbau tractors fork-spoon fork-spoon fork-spoon CFH fork-spoon WMI fork-spoon GAG fork-spoon BGF fork-spoon,food MN container French Unique Manufacture Kriegsmodell D’Armes des pist. Pyrenees, Hendaye French Unique Manufacture 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 – 43 1942, 44 1944 Waldbröhl (NW) Finkenwalde, Stettin (PL) Suhl (Th) Lüttich (BE) Lüttich (BE) Lüttich (BE) Berlin (Be) 1940 Etzel Tennert Zorn 1941 1941 - 1944 1940 1940 Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) 1937 1937 1938 1938 1937 (FR) (FR) 101 491 320 873 A80 mod. 16, 17 + Kriegsmodell pist. frying pan fuse container fuse, el. jzj fuze for 8,8 cm FLAK G24(t) 77 660 G29/40 623 660 G29/40 63 63 945 G33/40 dot G33/40 497 D’Armes des Pyrenees, Hendaye Verband Deutscher Elektrotechniker EKI Albert Jrion Waffenw. Brünn Steyr-DaimlerPuch Steyr-DaimlerPuch Waffenw. Brünn Waffenw. Brünn 1939 Stuttgartmaker not Münster (BW) certain Bystrica (SK) Steyr (AT) Steyr (AT) Döbeln (Sn) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Oberndorf (NW) Bautzen (Sn) 1941 – 45 1941 – 42 1944 St. Étienne (FR) 1943 – 44 Brünn (CZ) Brünn (CZ) 359 135 byf G41M Mauser Werke 159 E. G. Leuner 14 bla G43 mag. pou., P38 hol. G43 parts for Gustloff and Walther G43 pouch 14 cny G43 pouch C. Pose Landsberg a/W – near Be (PL) Berlin (Be) Drägerwerk Lübeck (SH) AuerGesellschaft, Werk Oranienburg Berlin (Be) 173 104 111 185 320 476 721 Manufacture d. Armes de St. Étienne Otto Koberstein G98/40 parts byd gas protection equipment gas-mask gas-mask bwz gas-mask gas-mask gas-mask 1941 – 42 1939 1939 – 40 1940 1941 – 42 1940 bpr G41(W) buttpla- J. Grossfuss te ac G41, G-K43 C. Walther 134 1944 194344 1942 – 44 1943 320 320 gas-mask gas-mask 533 byd gas-mask 320 crt gas-mask 104 426 29 739 C10 387 94 C39 702 B71 B87 204 69 A44 B43 595 749 38 582 562 737 AB Drägerwek Clora Atemsschutzgeräte gas-mask Auer bps gas-mask Metzeler Gummiwerke gas-mask con- John AG tainer ets gas-mask con- Heckler, Metalltainer warenfabrik eph gas-mask con- Königs u. Bistainer marckhütte gas-mask field A. Waldhausen gear gas-mask field Robert Larsen gear gnh gas-mask filter AuerGesellschaft fcc gas-mask filter Hermann Nier crt gas-mask filter Clora Atemschutzgeräte bwz gas-mask filter Auer- Gesellschaft Walter ebe gas-mask part generator tool box G-K43 bolt housing aye G-K43 mag. Olympia Büromaschinenwerke Rh.S grenade parts RheinmetallBorsig duv gunners tool Die BerlinLübecker Maschinenfabriken hand siren Jurk handgrenade handgrenade part hand-siren Lübeck (SH) Schwäbisch Gemünd (BW) München (By) 1936 1937, 39 1938, 44 1940 1941 1941 1938 Aue (Sn) 1941 Rybnik (PL) 1944 Köln NW) 1936 Berlin (Be) 1937 Danzig (PL) Beierfeld (Sn) Schwäb. Gemünd (BW) Berlin (Be) 1942 1943 Speyer (RP) 1941 Erfurt (Th) 1944 – 45 1943 – 45 1939 Sömmerda (Th) Lübeck (SH) Radeberg (Sn) 1943 1940 286 100 387 hol. for field telephone parts cny holsters hoof tongs 145 150 horse bride bwz horse gas-mask Auer AG 145 112 330 468 515 455 98 bmd 286 jkh 101 cdg 706 gxy 14 14 101 101 195 927 668 446 horse hoof cleaning knife horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment horse leather equipment cvb horse leather equipment gna horse leather equipment ett horse leather equipment epf horse leather equipment kot horse leather equipment gjj horse leather equipment gyp horse leather equipment Karl Seeger C. Pose Gustav Klath- - - Wolfertz & Evertz Koch & Benning Hugo Diesener Offenbach a.M (He) Berlin (Be) 1935 1937 1937 Oranienburg (Be) Solingen (NW) 159 ? 1936 Wuppertal (NW) Werningerode (ST) J. M. Eckart Ulm (BW) 1936 Max Müller 1940 Carl Busse Nürnberg (By) Mainz (RP) Auvaerter und Bubeck Gebr. Klinge Stuttgart (BW) Dresden (Sn) 1942 Otto Koberstein Landsberg a/W – near Be (PL) Berlin (Be) 1942 – 44 Stuttgart (BW) Stuttgart (BW) 1943 Waldbröhl (NW) Berlin (Be) 1943 Otto Sindel Gustav Buchmüller LandesLieferungGenossenschaft Karl Böcker Adalbert Fisher – for foreign contractors Karl Seeger Offenbach /Main (He) Hansen & Braun Solingen (NW) 1941 1942 1943 1943 1943 1943 – 44 1944 920 927 cey horse leather equipment kog horse leather equipment C. Budischowsky Wien (AT) 41 182 47 47 E.G.Leuner – for foreign contractors horse leather Ph. Riebel und equipmnt Söhne dyo horse leather J. M. Eckart equpiment bml horse leather Hans Römer equpiment horse saddle L&F ftc horse saddle Frost und Jahnel horse saddle AS horse saddle SLA 286 286 136 horse saddle horse saddle bdt horse saddle 41 jvf horse saddle Wilhelm Brand 159 641 965 938 horse saddle horse shoe key clg HP hol. logo HSc hol E. G. Leuner A.P. E. Melzig Christof Neuner 136 23 23 -----ury & Co Carl Busse Salewa 135 Mauser HSc pist Mauser Werke Marine M III/8 655 HSc pist. Mauser Werke Mauser HSc pist. 275 rdf ignition 247 413 ignition 28 ABP jerry can 312 ABP jerry can 920 104 jerry can bwz jerry can, gasmask filter Ju88 part qve K43 D40 214 Mauserwerke WASAG Dynamit AG Ambi-Budd Presswerk Ambi-Budd Presswerk Austria AuerGesellschaft Die Berlin- 1944 Bautzen (Sn) 1944 Ingolstadt (By) Ulm (BW) 1940 Neu-Ulm, Donau (By) 1943 – 44 1942 Breslau (PL) 1935 1935, 37 1936 1936 1943 Mainz (RP) München (By) Heidelberg (BW) Bautzen (Sn) Liegnitz (PL) Klagenfurt (AT) Oberndorf (NW) Oberndorf (NW) 1944 1944 1943 1941 1942 Marine stabsingenieur Wolff 1941 – 45 1940 44 Oberndorf (NW) Reinsdorf (Sn) Förde (?) Berlin (Be) 1941 Berlin (Be) 1942 – 43 1944 1941 Wien (AT) Oranienburg (Bb) Lübeck (SH) 1938 1939 1943 1945 Lübecker Maschinenfabriken The Yale & Towne B78 awj K43 mag B79 ? 204 avx K43 mag. Südmetall AG, A98 acw K43 mag. rqs B92 892? 721 58 143 gcb K43 mag. Gold u. Silberscheideanstalt, Oberstein Adolf Grohman & Sohn Mussbach (BW) IdarOberstein (RP) Würbenthal Süd (CZ) F. N. Lüttich (BE) 140? 869 A68 A68 C10 101 845 skl K43 pouch K98 cln. rod Ch K98 gren. launcher gct K98 grenade launcer adb K98 grenade launcher sight euh K98 grenade launcher sight K98 handguard K98 sling eeu K98 winter trigger 81 K98b 49 S/147K K98k 114 S/147 K98k Velbert (NW) 1944 – 45 1945 1942 Fischer & Krecke Bielefeld (NW) Markneukirchner MarkneukirMetallbearbeichen (Sn) tungs GmbH Meinel-Scholer Klingenthal (Sn) Bacher? Werkzeug- u. Metallwarenfabriken Schmalkalde n (Th) Sauer und Sohn Sauer und Sohn Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Borsigwalde (Be) Oberndorf (BW) Erfurt (Th) Oberndorf (NW) Oberndorf (BW) Oberndorf (NW) Erfurth (th) Borsigwalde 49 S/243G K98k Mauser-Werke 108 S/42 K98k Mauser Werke 132 135 S/27G K98k S/42 K98k Erma Mauserwerke 211 S/42G K98k Mauser Werke 241 S/42 K98k Mauser Werke 742 211 S/27 K98k S/243G K98k Erma und Geipel Mauser Werke 1938 1934 1934 35 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 1935 280 214 S/243 S/27 K98k Erma und Geipel (Be) Erfurt (Th) Sauer und Sohn Suhl (Th) Mauserwerke Oberndorf (BW) Lübeck (SH) – 36 1935 – 37 1935 – 38 1935 – 39 1936 Lübeck (SH) 1936 Lübeck (SH) 1936 Lübeck (SH) 1936 – 38 Lübeck (SH) 1937 Lübeck (SH) 1937 Suhl (Th) 1937 – 39 1938 49 S/147G K98k S/147 S/42G, K98k S/42, 42 S237 K98k 114 S/237 K98k 116 S/237 K98k 26 S/237 K98k 61 S/237 K98k 81 S/237 K98k 1 K98k 26 237 K98k 26 S/243 K98k 214 280 Sauer und Sohn Mauser-Werke 26 147 K98k S/243, K98k 243 243 K98k 37 147 K98k Sauer und Sohn Borsigwalde (Be) Suhl (Th) Borsigwalde (Be) Borsigwalde (Be) Suhl (Th) 280 27 K98k Erma Erfurt (Th) 4 337 K98k Suhl (Th) 623 660 K98k 1 337 K98k Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Steyr-DaimlerPuch Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke 63 Die BerlinLübecker Maschinenfabriken Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Berlin Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Die BerlinLübecker Maschinenfabriken Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Berlin-Lübecker Maschinenfabriken Mauser-Werke Mauser-Werke Lübeck (SH) 1938 1938 1938 Kirschke 1938 – 40 1938 – 40 1938 – 40 1939 Steyr (AT) 1939 Suhl (Th) 1939 – 40 214 237 K98k 1 655 337 K98k 42 K98k 749 337 K98k 749 280 337 K98k ax K98k 26 ar K98k Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Gustloff-Werke Feinmechanishe Werke Mauser-Werke 37 ce K98k Sauer und Sohn 77 bnz K98k Steyr-DaimlerPuch Steyr (AT) 1 bcd K98k Gustloff-Werke Weimar (Th) 63 dot K98k Waffenw. Brünn Brünn (CZ) 63 dou K98k Waffenw. Brünn Bystrica (SK) 280 ce K98k Sauer und Sohn Suhl (Th) A80 dou K98k Waffenw. Brünn Bystrica (SK) 135 ar K98k Mauser-Werke Borsigwalde (Be) Brünn (CZ) 63 303 26 26 swp K98k K98k ar parts crv K98k barrel cxm K98k barrel 76 dsh D36 bnz 13 avk 280 Die BerlinLübecker Maschinenfabriken Gustloff-Werke Mauserwerke Waffenw. Brünn Fritz Werner Gustav Genschow K98k barrel F. Janek Waffenfabrik K98k barrel Steyr-DaimlerPuch K98k barrelcon- Ruhrstahl tainer K98k bolt stop for Sauer K98k buttplate Boehme K98k buttplate H. W. Schmidt 642 497 dwc brg 480 gqm K98k buttplate Loch & Harten- Lübeck (SH) 1939 – 40 Weimar (Th) Oberndorf (NW) 1940 1940 1940 Weimar (Th) Erfurt (Th) Borsigwalde (Be) Suhl (Th) Inspected in Poland ? 1940 1940 – 41 1941 – 44 1941 – 44 1941 – 44 1941 – 45 1941 – 45 1942 – 44 1942 – 44 1942 – 45 1944 1945 1942 Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Prag (CZ) Steyr (AT) Bielefeld (NW) 1936 Minden (NW) Döbeln (Sn) Idar- 1940 – 43 1944 for Mauser B 98 gqm K98k buttplate for Mauser O 280 214 ayf K98k floorplate LU K98k floorplate for dou BSW K98k Mu.co., MG34 K98k parts for Erma bpr K98k parts K98k parts for BSW K98k parts for BSW K98k parts for Erma K98k parts for Erma i K98k parts for Gustloff L K98k parts for Gustloff k K98k parts for Gustloff a K98k parts for Gustloff n K98k parts for Gustloff d K98k parts for Gustloff f K98k parts for Gustloff K98k parts for Gustloff e K98k parts for Gustloff 243 K98k parts for Mauser, Borsigwalde ch K98k parts for Mauser, Gustloff K98k parts for Sauer 4 214 497 26 221 63 77 1 1 4 18 18 221 221 221 221 211 140 63 berger Loch & Hartenberger Erma Oberstein (RP) JdarOberstein (RP) Erfurt (Th) 1944 1943 Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Suhl (Th) J. Grossfuss Döbeln (Sn) Kirschke 1937 – 39 1942 1939 1939 1936 1937 Elite Diamant- Chemnitz werke (Sn) Astra Werke Chemnitz (Sn) Luck und Wag- Suhl (Th) ner Nähmatag Dresden (Sn) Elsterwerdaer Fahrradfabrik Brehmer Elsterwerdaer (Bb) Leipzig (Sn) Karl Heise Leipzig (Sn) Kirschke 1941 Hermann Köhler Altenburg (Th) 1942 1940 F. N. Lüttich (BE) Zorn 1944 1937 116 359 359 359 359 359 359 411 170 721 280 214 623 655 135 S/147 K98k rec. + r. sight for Sauer S/147 K98k rec. + r. 147 sight for Sauer ce K98k rec. + r. sight for Sauer 147 K98k rec. + stock for Sauer ax K98k rec. for ERMA 147 K98k rec. for Sauer ce K98k rec. for Sauer K98k rec. on Erma K98k sling K98k sling Carl Walther Carl Walther Carl Walther Carl Walther Carl Walther Carl Walther Carl Walther von Waldow K98k stock parts for BSW duv K98k, G41 (W), Die BerlinG-K43, flaregun Lübecker Maschinenfabriken bnz K98k, MP40, Steyr-DaimlerPuch byf K98k, P08 Mauserwerke Mauser Werke 6 43 46 33 109 159 354 knapsack aux kurz ammo E. G. Leuner Polte 103 330 387 750 342 lamp lamp (bakelite) lamp (bakelite) lamp (bakelite) leather bag 1934 – 36 1936 – 38 1941 – 42 1939 1941 1940 1943 1936 byf K98k, P08, P38, MP44 parts svw K98k, VK98, P38 S Karab. 98b S Karab. 98b S Karab. 98b Karb. parts kkw cln. kit 135 Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Zella-Mehlis (Th) Mauser Werke Simson Simson Simson G. Appel Daimon-Werke PS Bollmann Prag (CZ) 1939 1942 – 43 1938 Lübeck (SH) 1940 – 44 Steyr (AT) 1940 – 45 1941 Oberndorf (NW) Oberndorf (NW) 1941 – 45 Oberndorf (NW) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) 1945 BerlinSpandau (Be) Bautzen (Sn) Magdeburg (St) Danzig (PL) Etzel 1936 Tuttlingen 1943 1940 1944 14 918 234 cdc leather case leather for AKAH made PP hol. leather for spade leather for spade leather goods 204 jvf leather goods 47 163 54 leather goods leather goods dny leather goods Paul Klopfer G. J. Ensink Karl Bollmann 182 goq leather goods 98 gmm leather goods 14 14 170 315 hck leather goods hck leather pouch leather pouch leather pouch LandesLieferungsGenossenschaft Eckardt & Lohkamp Georg Lerch Georg Lerch Graf Cobau 628 668 788 788 170 920 bml leather strap dyo leather strap bmu leather strap leatherbelt flap Luft 2 33 25 46 61 ce Luftwaffe drilling Luger P08 M/1922 sabre M/1922 sabre M/1922 sabre 62 82 M/1922 sabre M/1922 sabre Kern, Klager Seeger Karl Barth W. Brand Hans Römer J.M.Echart Carl Kuntze Fiedrich Keller J. P. Sauer & Sohn Simson (BW) Berlin (Be) Offenbach /Main (He) Waldbröhl (NW) Heidelberg (BW) Wien (AT) Ohrdruf (Th) Tuttlingen (BW) Breslau (PL) 1942 1940 1936 1936, 38, 39, 41, 44 1937 1937 1941 1941 Berlin (be) 1942 Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Leipzig (Sn) BerlinReinickendorf (Be) Neu-Ulm (By) Ulm (BW) Penig bei Burgstädt (Sn) Oberstein (RP) Suhl (Th) 1944 1936 1936 1941 1941 1943 1936 1942 1926 Weyersberg & Kirschbaum Solingen (NW) Carl Eickhorn Solingen (NW) 118 253 84 84 84 162 64 480 655 M/1922 sabre M/1922 sabre M1894 (rew.) bay. M1894 rifle Kongsberg Våpenfabrik Kongsberg Våpenfabrik M1914 pist. Kongsberg Våpenfabrik M1935 pist P. Beretta bdp M24 handgre- Friedrich Maurer nade & Söhne M24 stick grenade Mauser M34 pist. Mauserwerke 189 m35 pist. Mag. 251 MAB mod. D pist. D20 MAB mod. D pist. 34 429 41 map bag map desk Mauser HSc hol. Mauser HSc hol. Mauser HSc hol. meas. instr. meas. instrument measure instr. jhg 286 286 jhg 538 204 cme 666 278 213 42 188 250 606 204 65 measure instrument measuring clock measuring instrument measuring tool measuring tool medical tool brb metal ammo box Steyr-DaimlerPuch Manufacture D’Armes des Bayonne Manufacture D’Armes des Bayonne Kongsberg (NO) Kongsberg (NO) Kongsberg (NO) Gardone (IT) München (By) 1942 – 45 1943 – 45 1941 – 45 1943 1940 Oberndorf (NW) Warschau (PL) Bayonne (FR) 1939 – 41 Bayonne (FR) 1934 G. Genschow (=Geco) G. Genschow G. Genschow Wichmann Rudolf Dinglinger Franz Kuhlmann Hachenburg (RP) Hachenburg (RP) Hachenburg (RP) Berlin (Be) Köthen (ST) Gebr. Wichmann Rüstingen i/O (Ni) Berlin (Be) Carl Mahr Esslingen Franz Kuhlmann Rüstingen i.O. (Ni) Freiberg (Sn) W. Gchlers ? Aesculap Richard Rinker Menden (NW) 1938, 40, 41 1941 – 42 1941 1934 1937 101 824 320 189 bzk metal ammo box jdq metal ammo box metal drum kls MG 42 A86 MG band box A86 710 ada MG band box azg MG band parts 13 279 B22 46 6 4 4 4 4 76 MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt MG belt Schmiedeberger Metallwarenfabrik 1943 1941 Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Strakonitz, Prag (CZ) Nürnberg (By) Göppingen (BW) IdarOberstein (RP) Spandau (Be) Spandau (Be) Stuttgart (BW) 1931 1934 1935 1939 1940 1940 1940 B71 bkg MG belt Gebr. Märklin B41 acw MG belt Gold & Silberscheideanstalt 47 204 14 765 64 MG loader 64 MG loader kar MG tool G. Appel G. Appel Fahrion MG tool ghg MG tool S Klett und Trapp MG tool bag cft MG tool bag evg MG tool pouch 1943 Ahlen (NW) Berlin (Be) cpg MG belt 286 1942 Warschau (PL) 98 147 C10 Ludwigsburg (BW) Schmiedeberg, Dresden (Sn) Steyr-DaimlerPuch N.A.S. ? N.S.A. ? Stephan Nahrath SiemensSchukert Simson Simson Simson & Co. Gustloff-Werke Gustloff-Werke Gustloff-Werke Böhmische Waffenfabrik Doll & Co. 20 67 14 SU175 S S G 936 dfb 946 Wagner & Keller Carl Ackva Paul Klopfer Max Oswald hoz MG winter trig- Bernhard Zade ger bab MG wooden Wilhelm Sedl- 1940 Zella-Mehlis (Th) BadKreuznach (RP) Wien (AT) Karlsruhe (BW) Berlin (Be) München Kirschke Kirschke Kirschke Kirschke 1941 1941 1942 1939 1939 – 40 1941 4 stock BSW MG13 mag. (By) Suhl (Th) Luft 2 Luft 1 Luft 1 Luft 20 Luft 24 Luft 64 Luft 2 39 26 A MG34 S/243 MG34 4 G MG34 11 4 A MG34 936 MG34 11 MG34 4 dfb MG34 Gustloff-Werke 11 cra MG34 Maget 623 bnz MG34 26 ar MG34 Steyr-DaimlerPuch Mauser-Werke 63 dot MG34 Waffenw. Brünn Borsigwalde (Be) Brünn (CZ) De Limon Fluhme Düsseldorf (NW) Fr. Weber & Co. Berlin (Be) Gustloff-Werke Waffenw. Brünn Maget Suhl (Th) Bystrica (SK) BerlinTegel (Be) 34 808 647 4 607 11 13 MG15 bauer Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Henrich Krieghoff RheinmetallBorsig RheinmetallBorsig RheinmetallBorsig Mauser-Werke hhg MG15 barrel hhg MG15 barrel hhg MG15 barrel ar MG15 barrel wa MG15 double mag. fzs MG15 parts hvg MG34 – 42 buttstock MG34 barrel brc MG34 barrel container dfb MG34 bipod 14A MG34 bolt 5A MG34 bolt part MG34 bolt part HASAG Henrich Krieghoff Rheinmetall Mauser-Werke Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Rheinmetall Gustloff-Werke Maget? Kirschke Suhl (Th) Berlin-Tegel (Be) Berlin-Tegel (Be) Berlin-Tegel (Be) Borsigwalde (Be) Leipzig (Sn) 1938 – 39 1938 – 39 1939, 41 1939, 41 1941 1941 1942 Suhl (Th) Borsigwalde (Be) Suhl (Th) Kirschke Suhl (Th) Kirschke BerlinTegel (Be) Suhl (Th) Kirschke BerlinTegel (Be) Steyr (AT) 1938 1938 – 40 1939 1939 1939 – 40 1939 – 40 1940 – 43 1940 – 43 1941 1941 – 42 1941 – 45 1944 1943 Kirschke 1941 238 359 A43 C10 7 20 20 195 18 43 79 214 497 14 MG34 bolt part MG34 bolt part MG34 bolt part MG34 bolt part MG34 buttstock bakelite MG34 flashhider 64 MG34 loader dqc MG34 part 4 727 MG34 parts MG34 parts MG34 parts MG34 parts bpr MG34 parts G.G. MG34 spring &Co. dfb MG34 tool MG34 tool bag 4 BSW MG34, MG belt 47 11 cra MG42 cra, swd MG42 623 bnz, swj MG42 26 ar MG42 88 642 4 177 519 147 1 54 14 42 519 cyq MG42 barrel hyo MG42 barrel chrome dfb MG42 bipod MG42 buffer part cof MG42 part Metal “bzh” marked G. Appel Eugen Jsing Spandau (Be) Bergneustadt (NW) J. Grossfuss Döbeln (Sn) 1939 1940 Gustloff-Werke Karl Barth Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Maget Maget Steyr-DaimlerPuch Mauser-Werke Spreewerke Heinrich Reining Gustloff-Werke Carl Eickhorn bpr MG42 parts J. Grossfuss rea MG42 receiver for Gustloff hvg MG42 stock De Lion Fluhme kdr MG42 tool MG42 tool cof MG42 tool 1941 Georg Stenzel Hommel Werke Carl Eickhorn Suhl (Th) Waldbröhl (NW) Suhl (Th) Kirschke 1939 Kirschke Tegel (Be) BerlinTegel (Be) Steyr (AT) Borsigwalde (Be) Berlin (Be) Düsseldorf (NW) Suhl (Th) Solingen (NW) Döbeln (Sn) Düsseldorf (NW) Berlin (Be) Solingen (NW) 1936 1942 1942 – 45 1942 – 45 1943 – 45 Kirschke 1944 1942 1945 741 540 microphone mine fuse 727 223 mine tool ejc mines 319 cdf mines 455 300 BB MKb. 42 mag. jwa MkB42 mag. pouch kur Mkb42, MP44 mag. morse key aqs mortar fuze 815 338 637 822 727 C10 279 383 189 280 37 37 37 motor cycle motorcycle tool ayf MP 40 mag. loader tjg MP3008 TJK MP3008 MP35 mag 27, ayf MP38 Bielefeld (NW) 1939 Preussag Rüdersdorf (Bb) Wesel (NW) 1942 Weseler Maschinenbau 27, ayf MP40 623 bnz MP40 446 706 eyp MP40 – MP44 pouch MP40 floorplate eqr MP40 leather mag. pouch agp MP40 loader 37 815 fxo MP40 loader 98E MP40 mag. B37 bte MP40 mag. 1944 1942 Moritz Stecher Freiberg (Sn) Steyr, Werk Graz Graz (AT) Süddeutsche Armaturenfabrik Phänomen Tecalemit Erma Heidenheim (BW) 1943 – 45 1937 1943 1941 Erfurth (Th) Hamburg area 1945 1945 Erma 122 MP38 Haenel 122, fxo MP38u.40 mag. Haenel and loader 122, fxo MP40 Haenel 280 B43 750 RR 507 Erfurt (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Erma Erfurt (Th) Steyr-DaimlerPuch Rudolf Vordemberge Steyr (AT) G. Passier Hannover (Ni) Tetschen (CZ) Suhl (Th) Steyr (AT) Eisenwerke G. Meurer Haenel Steyr, Werk Steyr Frank’sche Eisenwerke Osnabrück (Ni) Niederscheld/ Dillkreis 1938 – 41 1940 1938 – 42 1940 – 43 1940 – 43 1941 – 44 1944 1942 1940 1941 1940 – 42 1941 – 42 145 gqm MP40 mag. C86 bte MP40 mag. A98 gqm MP40 mag. 815 kur MP40 mag. and loader ghn MP40 mag. loader 98E MP40 mag. loader gqm MP40 mag. part C10 815 416 A86 837 204 165 A44 B66 44 321 99 254 37 37 37 Steyr, Werk Graz Carl Ullrich Steyr, Werk Steyr Loch & Hartenberger MP40 mag. part MP40 mag. Parts hcg MP40 mag. Alex & Hugo pouch Feldhoff MP40 parts cos MP40 parts Merz Werke clg MP40 pouch, P38 hol. cos MP40 rec. cox MP40 sling dpf MP40 spare parts box cnd MP40 trigger housing C.G.Ha enel HAENE L, 122 fxo MP41 Ernst Melzig ce MP44 623 bnz MP44 Idar Oberstein (RP) Niederscheld (He) IdarOberstein (RP) Graz (AT) 1943 1943 – 44 1942 – 44 1940 1941 IdarOberstein (RP) Erkrath (NW) Frankfurt (He) Liegnitz (PL) Frankfurt (He) Otto Ernst Busch Eisleben (ST) B. & H. Reinert Spiegelau (By) Nation Krupp BerlinRegistrier KasNeukölln (Be) sen Haenel Suhl (Th) 1944 See 44 ? 1940 – 42 1943 certain see A44 1943 1943 1943 1943 1941, 44 Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Sauer und Sohn Suhl (Th) Steyr-DaimlerPuch Steyr (AT) Z MP44 bolt svq MP44 bolt Gustloff-Werke dfb MP44 bolt, Gustloff-Werke 1942 Oberschönau (Th) Steyr (AT) Merz Werke MP41 mag. and Haenel loader MP44 Haenel 37 1 4 4 Loch & Hartenberger Frank’sche Eisenwerke Loch & Hartenberger Suhl (Th) Suhl (Th) Kirschke Kirschke 1943 – 45 1943 – 45 1944 – 45 1945 1945 1943 815 255 MG42 tbv MP44 mag ctd MP44 mag. C86 bte MP44 mag. A98 gqm MP44 mag. 37 fxo MP44 mag. 214 280 B92 892? 513 Haenel Dresden (Sn) Niederscheld (He) IdarOberstein (RP) Suhl (Th) qnw MP44 mag. ayf MP44 mag. qlw MP44 mag. Erma Lübeck (SH) Erfurt (Th) gaq MP44 mag. po. Otto Stephan 513 ojx MP44 mag. po. 706 jwa MP44 mag. pouches qlv MP44 mag., MP44 parts cos MP44 parts 280 A44 1 C10 556 254 21 480 77 543 204 885 76 – 45 1945 MP44 receiver an MP44 receiver part eeu MP44 stock part MP44 trigger housing awt MP44 triggergroup oil-can on Steyr produced small arms bxx optical parts optics outboard engine P.27(t) hol. Anton Reiche Frank’sche Eisenwerke Loch & Hartenberger Dt. Kunstlederwerke Moritz Stecher - 45 1942 – 45 1944 1944 1945 Mühlhausen (Th) Wolfgang, Hanau (He) Freiberg (Sn) Merz Werke Frankfurt (He) C. Beuttenmüller Bretten (BW) Westthüring Metallfabriken Schmalkalden (Th) 1944 1945 1944 – 45 1942 – 45 1945 1945 1944 1945 Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik Geislingen – Steige (BW) F. B. Radom Radom (PL) Askania-Werke AG Berlin – Mariendorf (Be) Audi Zwickau (Sn) Ceská Zbrojovka Strakonitz, Prag (CZ) Inspected in Poland ? 1940 1939 76 P.27(t) hol. 16 4 P.27(t) hol. P08 6 66 66 P08 P08 P08 66 P08 211 P08 63 S/42 P08 Luft 2 83 P08 S/42 P08 63 42 P08 Mauserwerke 655 42 P08 Mauserwerke 66 fzs P08 Heinrich Krieghoff Luft 2 49 Böhmische Waffenfabrik R. S. DWM Strakonitz, Prag (CZ) Simson D.W.M. Mauser and Simson rew. P08 Heinrich Krieghoff Mauser Werke Suhl (Th) Berlin (Be) Mauserwerke Heinrich Krieghoff Mauserwerke Berlin (Be) Suhl (Th) Oberndorf (BW) Oberndorf (BW) Suhl (Th) Oberndorf (BW) Oberndorf (BW) Oberndorf (NW) Suhl (Th) Kirschke 1939 – 42 1942 1920 – 21 1925 1929 1930 – 33 1934 – 40 1935 1935 – 39 1936 – 45 1938 – 39 1939 1939 – 41 1940 – 42 P08 – Kü Erfurth (Th) 788 P08 .22 cal. Erma Conversion kit bml P08 + P38 hol. Hans Römer 18 750 P08 hol. eqr P08 hol. 18 18 105 136 P08 hol. P08 hol. P08 hol. P08 hol. G. Reinhardt C. Pose Carl Heinichen Karl Ackva 101 P08 hol. 142 P08 hol. Auwaerter und Bubeck Carl Heinichen Berlin (Be) Hannover (Ni) Berlin (Be) Berlin (Be) Dresden (Sn) Bad Kreuznach (RP) Stuttgart (BW) Dresden (Sn) 142 P08 hol. Otto Reichel 236 P08 hol. Karl Bocker Adalbert Fischer G. Passier Neu-Ulm (By) Lengefeld (Sn) Waldbröhl 1940, 41, 43, 44 1922 1926 1934 1934 1934 – 39 1935 – 36 1935 – 39 1936 387 P08 hol. G. Genschow (NW) Berlin (Be) 142 P08 hol. Gebr. Klinge Dresden (Sn) Luft 2 P08 hol. H. Eger & Linde Schmalkalde n (Th) 186 it is 186 P08 hol. R. Ehrhardt 330 P08 hol. Carl Weiss 94 P08 hol. 101 P08 hol. 142 170 P08 hol. P08 hol. 195 P08 hol. Curt Vogel, Lederwarenwerk E. K. St. (Ernst Kurz, Stuttgart?) Carl Heinichen Ehrhardt und Kirsten Karl Böcker Pössneck (Th) Braunschweig (Ni) Cottbus (Bb) 159 P08 hol. E. G. Leuner 16 P08 hol. 107 142 P08 hol. P08 hol. Kimnach Brunn K.W.K. Karl Böcker 170 327 330 P08 hol. P08 hol. P08 hol. 387 727 P08 hol. P08 hol. Albin Scholle Moll G. Passier und Sohn F. u. K. Voegels Karl Barth 727 P08 hol. Karl Böcker 750 P08 hol. Carl Weiss 163 dtu P08 hol. G. J. Ensink 195 epf P08 hol. Karl Böcker 285 P08 hol. Carl Ackva 1936 – 37 1936 – 38 1936, 37, 39, 40 1937 1937 – 38 1938 1938 Dresden (Sn) Leipzig (Sn) 1938 1938 Waldbröhl (NW) Bautzen (Sn) 1938 – 40 1938, 39, 41,42 1939 & Kaiserslautern (RP) Waldbröhl (NW) Zeitz (ST) Goch (NW) Hannover (NI) Köln (NW) Waldbröhl (NW) Waldbröhl (NW) Braunschweig (Ni) Ohrdruf (Th) Waldbröhl (NW) BadKreuznach (RP) 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 1939 – 40 1939 – 40 1939, 41 1940 1940 47 cey P08 hol. C. Budischowsky Wien (AT) 14 emj P08 hol. Adalbert Fischer Berlin (Be) 170 bcb P08 hol. Otto Graf Leipzig (Sn) 98 gyo P08 hol. 141 170 170 joa P08 hol. P08 hol. bdq P08 hol. Nürnberg (By) Dresden (Sn) Bautzen (Sn) Leipzig (Sn) 279 dtv P08 hol. Hans Dinkelmeyer Carl Heinichen E .G. Leuner Ehrhardt und Kirsten C.O.Gehrckens 641 dlu P08 hol. E. Lüneschloss 920 195 cgu P08 hol. dta P08 hol. Stolla’s Söhne A. Waldhausen Pinneberg (SH) Solingen (NW) Wien (AT) Köln (NW) 927 jkh P08 hol. Carl Busse Mainz (RP) 14 fuq P08 hol. 195 dla P08 hol. 195 cww P08 hol. 392 cww P08 hol. 920 920 195 clg P08 hol. cey P08 hol. ewx P08 hol. 279 Curt Vogel, Le- Cottbus (Bb) derwarenfabrik Karl Barth Waldbröhl (NW) Carl Weiss Braunschweig (Ni) Carl Weiss Braunschweig (Ni) Ernst Melzig Liegnitz (PL) C. Budischowsky Wien (AT) Franz u. Karl Köln (NW) Voegels E. Lüneschloss Solingen (NW) Kern, Kläger & Berlin (Be) Cie F. Offerman Bensberg (NW) dlu, P08 hol. DLU P08 hol. for cavalry dkk P08 hol., 98k grenade launcher pouch, Astra 600 hol. P08 hol., leath- Otto Koberstein er goods 100 195 14 37 42 fxo P08 mag. P08 tool, K98 Haenel Landsberg a/W – near Be (PL) Suhl (Th) 1940 – 41 1940 – 42 1940 – 42 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 – 42 1941 – 42 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942 1942, 44 1943 1940 1942 – 44 1942 1940 – 41 Luft 1 668 823 tool P08, .22 cal. Erma Conversion kit P08, .22 cal. Erma Conversion kit P24t Czech hol. Heinrich Krieghoff P27(t) hol. P35(p) Fabryka Broni 623 623 P35(P) holster P35(P) pistol Luft 7 jsd P37 Hungarian hol. Luft 7 Luft 12 Luft 21 58 hsy P37 Hungarian hol. jsd P37 Hungarian hol. jsd P37 Hungarian hol. jhv P37 Hungarian pist. Luft 7 56 117 132 Erfurth (Th) Erfurt (Th) Suhl (Th) 1940 Radom (PL) 1939 – 44 Berlin (Be) 1941 – 42 Franz Cobau Berlin (Be) 1942 Gustav Reinhardt Gustav Reinhardt MetallwarenWaffen und Maschinenfabrik Kern Berlin (Be) 1942 Berlin (Be) 1942 BudaPest (HU) 1941 – 42 Berlin (Be) 1941 BudaPest (HU) 1941 – 42 46 cdc P37 Hungarian. hol. jhv P37ü pist., MetallwarenG98/40 Waffen und Maschinenfabrik cyq P38 Spreewerke Spandau (Be) 88 cyq P38 Spreewerke Berlin (Be) 1942 – 43 1942 – 45 Freiberg (Sn) Klagenfurt (AT) Klagenfurt (AT) Waldbröhl (NW) Dresden (Sn) Goch (NW) Bensberg (NW) Köln (NW) Hachenburg Inspected at Steyr Gustav Reinhardt 23 757 jwa P38 hol. logo P38 hol. Moritz Stecher Christof Neuner 938 logo P38 hol. Christof Neuner 727 P38 hol. 706 727 727 P38 hol. P38 hol. dkk P38 hol. 195 286 P38 hol. P38 hol. Karl Böcker Gebr. Klinge Moll F. Offerman Voegels G. Genschow 1938 – 40 1939 1939 1939 – 41 1940 1940 fsx P38 hol. 101 P38 hol. 106 127 727? 383 joa P38 hol. cxb P38 hol. bmo P38 hol. Hans Deuter 727 eqf P38 hol. Karl Böcker 750 cww P38 hol. Carl Weiss 930 gcx P38 hol. 195 ewx P38 hol. 706 joa P38 hol. Carl Heinichen Dresden (Sn) 706 gxy P38 hol. Gebr. Klinge Dresden (Sn) 14 hft P38 hol. Becker & Co. Berlin (Be) 210 cxb P38 hol. Moll Goch (NW) B17 gcx P38 hol. 86 bdr P38 hol. K. Brettschneider R. Ehrhardt 195 dkk P38 hol. F. Offerman 23 bml P38 hol. Hans Römer 77 lyo P38 hol. Kromolowski Mähr-Schönenberg (CZ) Pössneck (Th) Bensberg (NW) Neu-Ulm, Donau (By) Radom (PL) 668 hlv P38 hol. Maury & Co. 869 fkx P38 hol. G. Sudbrack 77 204 ndk P38 hol. gmo P38 hol. 706 286 jwa P38 hol. P38 hol. changed for P39(t) Albin Scholle (RP) Zeitz (ST) 445 E.K.St. (Ernst Kurz, Stuttgart ?) Carl Heinichen Dresden (Sn) Joseph Moll Goch (NW) K. Brettschneider Franz u. Karl Voegels Arba Gmbh Rahm & Kampmann Moritz Stecher G. Genschow Augsburg (By) Waldbröhl (NW) Braunschweig (Ni) Schönberg (CZ) Köln (NW) Offenbach /Main (He) Bielefeld (NW) Petrikau (PL) Kaiserslautern (RP) Freiberg (Sn) Hachenburg (RP) 1940 – 43 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 1941 – 42 1941 – 42, 44 1941, 43 1941, 43, 44 1942 – 43 1942 – 43 1942 – 43 1942 – 44 1943 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1943 – 44 1944 1944 1944 1940 41 B66 159 145 358 76 706 182 416 757 47 47 jhg P38 hol., Ber. hol. clg P38 hol., HP hol. ros P38 hol., K43 mag. pou. jln P38 hol., P08 hol. P38 magazine G. Genschow (=Geco) Ernst Melzig 813 495 109 aux 618 P315 700 P, aux 89 kxs PAK ammo Panzerbüchse 39 part panzerbüchsepat. panzerbüchsepatrone panzerbüchsepatrone 7,92x94 panzerschreck Deutsche Lederwekstetten Strolla’s Söhne Landeslieferungsgenossenschaft für Wien Polte Märkisches Walzwerk Polte Schicker & Co. nbe panzerschreck HASAG A29 clu panzerschreck, shield for panzerscheck paratrooper gravity knife part of V2 rocket fbu part of V2 ro- Enzinger-UnionWerke 502 Pirmasens (RP) not existing 543 Luft 5 240 1942, 44 1943 – 44 1944 – 45 1944 E. G. Leuner ? fnh P38 pist parts, Böhmische WafP.27(t) hol. fenfabrik jvd P38 pist. mag. Erste Nordböhmische Metall.w.f. ftc P38p hol. Frost und Jahnel P39(t) hol. Deutsche Lederwerkstätten P39(t) hol. Christof Neuner cgu P39t hol. cga P39t hol. Hachenburg (RP) Liegnitz (PL) Strakonitz, Prag (CZ) NiederEinsiedel (CZ) Breslau (PL) Pirmasens (RP) Klagenfurt (AT) Wien (AT) Wien (AT) 1941 – 45 1942 – 45 Magdeburg (St) Strausberg (Bb) Magdeburg (ST) 1941 – 42 1939 Fürth-Vach (By) Tschenstochau (PL) Mannheim (BW) different companies MABAG Nordhausen 1942 1940 1940 1940 1941 1939 – 41 522 39 234 145 727 72 14 130 641 145 918 204 94 94 cket Phänomen August Nowack Granit Kübelund Krankenwagen phone cable HMB plate pioneer axe pioneer saw F. A. Schmidt (Th) Bautzen (Sn) 1936 Remscheid (NW) pioneer saw E.Winterhoff & Remscheid Co (NW) pioneer saw E. Winterhoff & Remscheid Co. (NW) fuq pioneer saw Curt Vogel, Le- Cottbus (Bb) sheathe derwarenfabrik pioneer tool IBB Berlin (Be) gyr pioneer tool Hugo Lindner Solingen (NW) pioneer tools Garantoska ? gxy pist. hol. Gebr. Klinge (Dresden (Sn) plate BB pouch Richter & Co. Charlottenburg (Be) pouch Gebr. Wichmann Berlin (Be) 330 pouch Osnabrück bcb pouch Heinrich ? Vordemberge Sachs & Deisselberg Otto Graf 279 pouch 170 788 98 dyo pouch bzc pouch J.M.Echart M. Hiessinger B12 dny pouch (leather) Karl Bollmann 86 bdr pouch for telephone evg pouch for telephone hsu PP hol. and other 7,65 holsters 480 PP, PPK P38 R. Ehrhardt Ulm (BW) Nürnberg (By) Tuttlingen (BW) Pössneck (Th) Karlsruhe (BW) Leipzig (Sn) 101 170 359 1938 Max Oswald Sparfeld C. Walther 1940 1942 1937 1941, 43 1942 1936 1933 ? 1937 Hamburg (Hh) Leipzig (Sn) Zella-Mehlis (Th) 1940 1940 – 41 1941 1943 1944 see WaA 472 1941 1941 1944 1939, 40 359 ac PP, PPK, P38 34 721 PPK hol. PPK pist. hol. 764 67 764 BAL 1882 617 504 745 C. Walther RBNr 0/1250/0011 quartz Zeiss gpo quiver for Fröhlich & WolMG42 barrel ter R12 motorcycle BMW radio Sachsenwerk Zella-Mehlis (Th) 1940 – 45 Böhmen (CZ) 1943 1945 Jena (Th) Beierfeld (Sn) 1943 München (By) Radeberg (Sn) radio radio radio battery Blaupunkt Otto Gross Berlin (Be) Hamburg (Hh) 836 38 radio set radio tube Alfred Luscher 38 radio tube Sachsenwerk 89 745 radio tube radio tube Telefunken RöW Valvo BAL 716 BAL 860 BAL 957 BAL 865 BAL 1641 BAL 1948 BAL 1790 84 radio tubes Telefunken RöW (Dresden (Sn) Radeberg (Sn) Erfurth (Th) Hamburg (Hh) Berlin (Be) radio tubes Philips, Radione Wien (AT) radio tubes C. Lorenz AG Berlin (Be) radio tubes Philips radio tubes Philips radio tubes Philips radio tubes Philips Kongsberg Våpenfabrik Haenel Eindhoven (NL) Eindhoven (NL) Eindhoven (NL) Eindhoven (NL) Kongsberg (NO) Suhl (Th) G. Appel Hawig G. Appel Spandau (Be) Berlin (Be) Spandau (Be) 387 20 94 20 rew. LMG ammo box reworked MP40 mag 64 RG PzB 38/39 RG34 cln. kit RG34 cln. kit 1941 1939 1943 1942 1943 1941 – 42 1942 1942 43 1943 – 44 1934 – 38 109 KH RG34 cln. kit Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) G. Appel Mundlos AG 134 219 RG34 cln. Kit RG34 cln. kit 325 265 Rg34 cln. kit Ky RG34 cln. kit 439 RG34 cln. kit 442 Ky RG34 cln. kit 225 Ky RG34 cln. kit 445 Ky RG34 cln. kit 453 500 RG34 cln. kit RG34 cln. kit Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) G. Appel G. Appel 536 Rg34 cln. kit Mundlos AG 61 67 243 RG34 cln. kit RG34 cln. kit RG34 cln. kit G. Appel G. Appel Mundlos AG 20 64 RG34 cln. kit G. Appel Spandau (Be) BerlinSpandau (Be) Magdeburg (ST) Spandau (Be) Spandau (Be) Magdeburg (ST) Spandau (Be) 100 815 57 RG34 cln. kit Ky RG34 cln. kit Ky RG34 cln. kit Hawig Berlin (Be) Artern (Th) 243 ab RG34 cln. kit Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) Mundlos AG 57 ayw RG34 cln. kit 14 cmr RG34 cln. kit Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) Hawig 20 cnx RG34 cln. kit G. Appel Spandau (Be) 57 arr RG34 cln. kit Braunschweig (Ni) 392 arr RG34 cln. kit Braunschweigische Blechwarenfabrik Braunschweigische Blechwa- 1941 – 42, 44 1941 – 44 1941 – 44 Braunschweig (Ni) 1942 – 45 G. Appel Kyffhäuserhütte (Paul Reuss) Mundlos AG Artern (Th) 1935 Spandau (Be) Magdeburg (ST) Spandau (Be) Artern (Th) 1935 1935 – 36 1936 1936 – 37 Magdeburg (ST) Artern (Th) 1936 – 37 1936 – 39 1936 – 40 1937 Artern (Th) Artern (Th) Magdeburg (ST) Artern (Th) Berlin (Be) 1937 1937 – 38 1937 – 38 1938 1938 1938 – 40 1938 – 41 1940 1940 1940 – 41 1940 – 42 1941 313 ab RG34 cln. kit 20 arr RG34 cln. kit 392 rco RG34 cln. kit 815 750 A10 721 469 300 13 14 20 140 882 318 383 327 14 bnz RG34 cln. kit parts arr RG34 cln. kit, metal ammo box wa rifle grenade lze rifle grenade launcer euh rifle grenade launcer sight euh rifle grenade launcer sight, flare gun fng rifle grenade launcher dmy rifle grenade launcher cnx rifle grenade launcher ch rifle grenade launcher 7,92x94 cpj rifle grenade launcher, 7,92x94 rocket part rocket part S4 250 motorcycle saddle 300 14 B99 jwa saddle jsd saddle emr saddle 879 emr saddle, K98 sling renfabrik Mundlos AG Braunschweigische Blechwarenfabrik Braunschweigische Blechwarenfabrik Steyr, Werk Steyr Braunschweigische Blechwarenfabrik HASAG Friedrich & Franz Vasek Meinel-Scholer Meinel-Scholer Anker-Werke Magdeburg (ST) Braunschweig (Sn) 1943 – 44 1944 Braunschweig (Ni) 1945 Steyr (AT) Braunschweig (Ni) 1942 Leipzig (Sn) Prag (CZ) 1944 Klingenthal (Sn) Klingenthal (Sn) G. Appel Bielefeld (NW) Marienfelde (Be) Spandau (Be) F. N. Lüttich (BE) Havelwerk Brandenburg (Bb) Fritz Werner Steyr-Daimler Puch A. Wunderlich Nachf. Moritz Stecher G. Reinhardt Adelbert Fischer Adelbert Fischer Zorn 1941 Graz (AT) 1944 1944 1941 Berlin (Be) 1940 Freiberg (Sn) Berlin (Be) Guttstadt (RU) Guttstadt (RU) 1942 1943 1944 1941 23 374 286 lhl saddle-bag safety for K98k Mauser O. jhg Sauer 38H hol. 37 Sauer 38H pist. 86 186 ? 14 bdr Sauer38H hol., Astra 600 hol. R. Ehrhardt Pössneck (Th) jvb scope can Wessel & Müller 542 jvb scope can, metal container scope leather bmj scope leather sharping steel shell container brg shield for panzerschreck adb sight for K98 gren. Launcher Luckenwalde (Bb) Luckenwalde (Bb) 414 414 183 125 187 88 449 770 zs silencer 7X siren 668 gyb sling for MG 8 small pist. hol. 170 bmc soup container 145 77 spade speed-loader for MG13 mag. spoon – fork logo Star B hol. 820 938 101 251 D20 182 182 nka Star B hol., Brng.HP hol. Star mod. B pist. Star mod. B pist. StarB hol. ftc StarB hol. P08 Friedrich Schäfer Ulm (BW) 1942 1936 G. Genschow 1942 Sauer und Sohn Wessel & Müller Hachenburg (RP) Suhl (Th) Hensoldt Volk-Stahl FcoW or FWCo H.W.Schmidt Wetzlar (He) Markneukirchener Metallbearbeitungs GmbH Markneukirchen (Sn) Elektror Esslingen (BW) Offenbach /Main (He) Braunschweig (Ni) Geithain (Sn) W. F. Bauer Carl Weiss Geithainer Emaillierwerk IAIHv ? EE VDNS Christof Neuner J. J .Schlayer Star B. Echeverria S.A. Star B. Echeverria S.A. Frost und Jahnel Frost und Jahnel Döbeln (Sn) 1940 – 45 1942 – 44 1942 1939 1936 1944 1938 1944 1943 1940 1943 1937 Klagenfurt (AT) Reutlingen (BW) Eibar (ES) 1941 1942 – 44 1943 Eibar (ES) Breslau (PL) Breslau (PL) 1938 – 41 1938, 88 763 455 A80 hol. atf steel box steel box an steel box A44 dou steel shell casing sup StG44 parts 781 402 stirrup awb stirrup B31 14 916 142 tank head set tape measure tape measure tape measure tape measure 142 jsd tea-container 142 472 tea-container bdr telephone equipment telephone system teleprinter BAL 391 448 145 606 727 874 52 4 114 706 764 Erfurth (Th) C.Beuttenmüller & Cie Waffenw. Brünn Bretten (BW) 1943 Bystrica (SK) 1944 Merz Werke Frankfurt (He) 1945 Schmöle & Co Menden (NW) Villingen (BW) 1942 Berlin (Be) 1944 (?) 1936 – 37 1937 1939 1939 1940 SABA tank head set metal jeo tank periscope Vorrichtungs- & Gerätebau tape measure Massi 204 300 538 439 315 40, 41 J.A.John AG tellermine 35 tong for fuses tongs tongs tongs tongs 936 tool tool jvk tool tool 1944 U W.H. Gustav Reinhardt LGA R. Ehrhardt may be WaAA39 Berlin (Be) Pössnech (Th) 1937 see 86 OGG ? Siemens & Halske 1937 1941 1937 Berlin (Be) H W. Kücke & Co Gustloff-Werke Irioinal ? Helio Curt Holzberger NSU WuppertalElberfeld (NW) Suhl (Th) Dresden (Sn) Neckarsulm (BW) 1937 Kirschke 163 300 39 706 815 4 214 659 395 B77 182 308 409 607 63 607 A80 63 100 102 359 199 533 204 869 406 tool dvn tool – thread tool (tank) cea tool bag for MG34 cgv tool for horseshoe BSW tools qnw triggerg. + winter trigger for K98k truck truck-body unknown pistol holster grz verbandkasten, pouch, horse leather equipment very late K43 parts volt-meter, radio tube VZ24 assembling VZ24 rew. Bay. VZ24 rew. bay. VZ24 rew. bay. dot VZ24 rew. Bay. bmo Wal. PPK hol. H.F.Schnicke Chemnitz (Sn) H. Thiele Dresden (Sn) Stubair Kleineisen Berlin-Suhler Waffenwerke Fulpmes/Tirol (AT) Suhl (Th) 1942 Kirschke Lübeck (SH) 1942 – 44 Steyr Sauer Werke Büssing NAG Wien 1944 Elbing (PL) 1938 Krüger Breslau (PL) 1944 1945 Waffenw. Brünn Bystrica (SK) 1940 Waffenw. Brünn Waffenw. Brünn Waffenw. Brünn Waffenw. Brünn Brünn (CZ) Bystrica (SK) Bystrica (SK) Brünn (CZ) Hans Deuter Augsburg (By) 1940 1940 1941 1942 – 43 1945 weapon measuring instrument weapons tool ecy Wgr.z.38c fuse Fouquet & Franz wire-cutter wooden ammo box kyq wooden ammo box P.M. wooden ammo box 1938 1941 August Siekmann Rottenburg (BW) 1943 Löhne (NW) 1938 920 406 369 662 bpy wooden ammo box fey wooden ammo box wooden box ?wh wooden box hay wooden box 201 how 14 cgz 50 edg 920 103 641 hec 727 hec 63 188 “K” 317 214 37 duv Hofmann & Czerny AG Anton Ketele Wien (AT) 1940 Wien (AT) 1944 Arnold Neu Isenburg (He) wooden box for ”Empe”-Werk Niemens 8,8 (CZ) wooden box for Eduard Hoppe Luckenwalde cannon ammo Möbelfabrik (Bb) wurfgranate J. A. Henckels Solingen 326 Zwillingswerk (NW) Y-straps ZB26 mag. Steinbach & Heiligenhaus Vollmann bei Velbert (NW) ZB26 mag. Steinbach & Heiligenhaus Vollmann bei Velbert (NW) ZB26/30 mag. ZB-37 MG for Waffenw. Brünn Spain ZF4 wooden case ZF41 mount Die BerlinLübeck (SH) Lübecker Maschinenfabriken zielfeuergerät Haenel Suhl (Th) 38 1936 1942 1943 Chr. Oestreich 1943 1944 1941 Etzel 1942 1942 1943 – 44 1938 – 39
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