Effective: 2015-04-17 - Deutsches CSR

Effective: 2015-04-17
Sunday, 19.04.2015 - Previous Events
Guided City Tour through the city of Ludwigsburg
Guided Tour through the Baroque Castle of Ludwigsburg
Please be at the check-in points in good time.
Informal get-together
At: Parkcafe im Blühenden Barock, In den Anlagen 2, 71640 Ludwigsburg
Key Issue “Sustainable Management –
New paths for forest use in Indonesia”
In cooperation with Fairventures Worldwide
Dr. Siswo Pramono, Deputy Chief of Mission of the Republic of Indonesia for the Federal Republic
of Germany
Johannes Schwegler, Fairventures Worldwide, Managing Director
Informal get-together
Monday, 20.04.2015
German CSR Award Ceremony
German & English (with simultaneous translation)
10:00 – 17.50
Moderation: Markus Gürne, Director “ARD-Börsenredaktion
10:00 Opening
Wolfgang Scheunemann, Initiator and Organizer, German CSR
Werner Spec, Patron of the German CSR Forum; Mayor of the
City of Ludwigsburg
Matthias Kleinert, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the
German CSR Forum; former State Secretary
Peter Sauber, Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse,
Owner and Managing Director
10:20 No business success without CSR!
Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear
Safety, Parliamentary State Secretary, MdB
10:50 Citizen Participation: Why citizen are „against“
Richard Arnold, Schwäbisch Gmünd, Mayor
Dr. Hans-Jürgen Brick, Amprion, Managing Director
Rita Schwarzelühr-Sutter, Federal Ministry for the
Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear
Safety, Parliamentary State Secretary, MdB
Dr. Michael Vesper, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund, CEO
Thekla Walker, state party leader of Bündnis90/Die Grünen
Baden-Württemberg, Stuttgart City Councilor for
Bündnis90/Die Grünen
11:50 There is nothing good…
…unless one does it: Personal and business initiatives
for CSR-Engagement
Regine Sixt, Regine Sixt Kinderhilfe, CEO
12:20: Lunch in the Expo
13.50: Sessions and Podium CSR A (see page 5)
15:20: Coffee Break in the Expo
15:50 Manager Mindsets, Sustainability Management
and Business Success: What Links Exist?
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, Ordinary in economics, director
of the Centre for Sustainability Management (CSM), Leuphana
University Lüneburg
16:20 No business success without CSR?
Christian Beers, DuPont de Nemours (Deutschland), Managing
Peter Driessen, IHK für München und Oberbayern und BIHK,
Managing Director
Robert Haßler, oekom research, CEO
Martina Koederitz, IBM Deutschland, Chairwoman of the
Management Board
Dr. Axel Stepken, TÜV SÜD, CEO
18:15 Champagne reception and
appetizers (Bürgersaal)
Book launch of Prof. Dr. Malcolm
McIntosh, Bath Spa University: „Thinking
the Twenty First Century – Ideas for The New
Political Economy“
19:00 Prize ceremony
Sophie von Puttkamer, Bayerisches
Dr. Wolfgang Schuster, Council
Member of the German Council for
Sustainable Development
Presentation of the initiative Plantfor-the-Planet
Laudation for the prize winner of the
German CSR Award for outstanding
CSR-Commitment: Roland Tichy,
chairman of the jury and CEO of
Prize-giving to Prof. Dr. Klaus
Töpfer, the prize winner of the
German CSR Award for outstanding
CSR-Commitment through: HansJoachim Fuchtel, Federal Ministry for
Economic Cooperation and
Development, Parliamentary State
Secretary, MdB and Wolfgang
Scheunemann, Initiator and
Organizer, German CSR Forum
Awarding of the prize-winners in the
individual categories
20:30 Informal get-together with buffet
Monday, 20.04.2015
Plenum 1
“Financing energy efficiency of
Plenum 2
“CSR and Human Resources
Moderation: Kai Praum, Frankfurt Business
Media, editor
13:50 Opening
Cornelia Hulla, Bundesverband der
Personalmanager (BPM), founding member and
presidium member
Wolfgang Scheunemann, Initiator and Organizer,
German CSR Forum
14:05 Sustainable Human Resource
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Michael Müller-Camen, WU
Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien, Institut für
14:35 Development of Entwicklung
leadership qualities through global pro
bono engagement – working beyond the
comfort zone
Alexandra van der Ploeg, SAP, Corporate Social
Responsibility, Global Corporate Affairs
15:05 Discussion
15:20 Coffeebreak and Expo
15:50 Employee recruitment and –loyality
through CSR
Dr. Christoph Schleer, Sinus-Institut, study
16:10 Paneldiscussion: CSR in the field of
human resources management: desire and
Dr. Josef Fritz, Board Search, Managing Partner
Jan Kirchner, Wollmilchsau, Managing Director
Norbert Kireth, former Sky Personnel Manager
Monika Schulz-Strelow, FidAR (Frauen in die
Aufsichtsräte), President
Patric Traut, IBM Germany, Health Promotion
Leader Western Europe
Alexandra van der Ploeg, SAP, Corporate Social
Responsibility, Global Corporate Affairs
17:40-17:50 End
Monday, 20.04.2015
Block A
Podium CSR
Block A
(German - Rooms: see notice board)
(German - Bürgersaal – Expo)
13:50– 15:20
In-depth discussion
CSR and Inclusion
Bernhard Schwager, Member of the Board of Trustees
13:50– 14:35
Harald Brekle, Intesia Group Holding, Authorized Signatory
Britta Müller, Stiftung Pfennigparade, Corporate Development
Milan Ringwald, AfB, Inclusion Representative
Thomas Schiffelmann, Handicap International, Head of
Bernhard Schwager, Robert Bosch, Head of the department
Europe’s regions in competition – To ensure the future
viability of enterprises
Dr. Torsten Ambs, m!nd store marketing, Managing Partner
Peter Driessen, IHK für München und Oberbayern und BIHK,
Managing Director
Wolfgang Molitor, Stuttgarter Nachrichten, deputy editor-inchief (Moderation)
Dr. Walter Rogg, Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart,
Managing Director
Winds of change in the Financial Sector: What is the
position of the financial industry re. sustainability?
Dr. Karl Ludwig Brockmann, KfW Bankengruppe,
Group Representative for Environment and Sustainability
Robert Haßler, oekom research, CEO
Stefan Löbbert, HypoVereinsbank, Head of Corporate
Dr. Thomas Schulz, BNU Beratung für Nachhaltige
Unternehmensführung, Owner (Moderation)
Florian Sommer, Union Investment Privatfonds, Senior
Strategist Sustainability
Gender Diversity: How mixed teams become succesful
Birgit Klesper, Member of the Board of Trustees
Prof. Dr. Isabel Jasmin Acker, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und
Umwelt Nürtingen-Geislingen, Equality Commissioner
Prof. Dr. Martine Herpers, Founding Member of erfolgsfaktor
FRAU, professor of computer science, Hochschule Fulda
Birgit Klesper, Deutsche Telekom, Senior Vice President
Group Transformational Change & Corporate Responsibility
Dr. Karl Reinhard Kolmsee, Smart Hydro Power,
Managing Director
Carola von Peinen, Talents4Good, Managing Director
Responsible consumption: Social and ecological
standards in the supply chain
Jürgen Schmidt, Member of the Board of Trustees
Kai Falk, Handelsverband Deutschland (HDE), Managing
Nicole Kimmel, Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit BadenWürttemberg (SEZ), Spokeswoman (Moderation)
Gabriele Ludwig, Weltladen Backnang, Managing Director
Klaus Weingärtner, Stiftung Entwicklungs-Zusammenarbeit
Baden-Württemberg (SEZ), Project Manager FAIR HANDELN
Tropical wood: Sustainable use vs.
Andreas Back, Hornbach-Baumarkt, Director
Quality Managment, Environment & CSR
Johannes Schwegler, Fairventures Worldwide,
Managing Director
14:35 – 15:20
Disaster relief engagement of companies
Christian Molke, Aktion Deutschland Hilft,
Board Member; ADRA Deutschland,
Managing Director
Oliver Pitsch, Aktion Deutschland Hilft,
Logistics-coordinator and JohanniterUnfall-Hilfe Rhein-Main, regional CEO
Wolfgang Raebiger, Lufthansa Cargo,
Flight Operations Manager
Heiner Siegmund, Journalist (Moderation)
Tuesday, 21.04.2015
German & English (with simultaneous
09:00 Registration, Coffee and Expo
09:30 Sessions and Podia CSR (Block B, page 7)
11:00 Coffee Break in the Expo
11:30 -17:00 Uhr
Moderation: Markus Gürne, Director „ARDBörsenredaktion TV“
11:30 Accountability of companies
Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger, BUND, CEO and BUND
Naturschutz in Bayern, National Chairman
11:45 CSR in the global textile-supply chain
Nazma Akter, Sommilito Garments Shamik Federation,
President and Awaj Foundation, General Secretary,
Jan Eggert, Consultant for Public Affairs and
Sustainability, former CEO of Business Social
Compliance Initiative
Dr. Bernhard Felmberg, Federal Ministry for Economic
Cooperation and Development, Director Civil Society,
Churches and Economic Sector within development
Thomas Picard, Picard Lederwaren, Managing Director
Daniel Seidl, Bangladesh German Chamber of
Commerce & Industry, Executive Director
Prof. Dr. Hubert Weiger, BUND, CEO and BUND
Naturschutz in Bayern, National Chairman
12:50 Lunch in the Expo
14:20 Companies which are succesful with CSR
and Sustainability
Johannes Gutmann, Sonnentor
Kräuterhandelsgesellschaft, Managing Director
Gottfried Härle, Brauerei Clemens Härle, Managing
Martin Oldeland, B.A.U.M., Board Member
Wolfgang Schmalz, J. Schmalz, Managing Partner
Marc Sommer, Hess Natur-Textilien, Chairman
Managing Director
Plenum 3 “First Academic CSR
Summit: Social Innovation & Future
Trends in CSR Strategy”
09:00 Introduction and Welcome
Prof. Dr. Lars Rademacher, Darmstadt University of
Applied Sciences
09:05 Future Trends in CSR Management
Prof. Dr. Joachim Schwalbach, Humboldt University
09:30 Panel 1: A New Story of Business
Chair: Prof. Dr. Peter Seele – University of Basel
Prof. Dr. Hans Verboven, Universiteit Antwerpen –
Antwerp Management School
Alexander Dietzel, University of Applied Sciences
Prof. Dr. Manfred Max Bergman, Klaus M. Leisinger,
Zinette Bergmann, Lena Berger, University Basel;
Nora Baumgartner, Leuphana University Lüneburg
11:00 Coffee Break
11:15 Panel 2: Implementing CSR-Management
Chair: Prof. Dr. Martina Wegner – Munich University
of Applied Sciences
Jill Küberling, Dr. Marina Beerman, Leuphana
University Lüneburg
Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter, CBS Cologne
Prof. Dr. Jürgen Volkert, Regina Moczadlo, Harald
Strotmann, Hochschule Pforzheim University
Prof. Dr. Maria Gabriela Baldarelli, University of
Bologna; Ass.Prof. Mara Del Baldo, University of
13:00 Lunch
13:45 Manager Mindsets, Sustainability
Management and Business Success – What
Links exist?
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, Leuphana University
14:00 Discussion: What CSR research
and CSR practice can expect from
each other?
Christian Kraus, gut.org
Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger, Leuphana University
Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter, Cologne Business School
Bernhard Schwager, Robert Bosch
Karen Wendt, Responsible Investmentbanking und
Positive Impact Investing
14:45 Coffee Break
15:25 Sessions and Podia CSR (Block C, page 8)
16:55 Ending
15:00 Panel 3: Exemplifying Innovation
Chair: Prof. Dr. Stefan Jarolimek – University of Mainz
Prof. Dr. Jörn Hendrich Block, University of Trier
Prof. Dr. Markus Stiglbauer, Anna-Lena Kühn,
University of Nürnberg
Stéphanie Looser, Walter Wehrmeyer, University of
Dr. Miruna Zapciu, Expert Fonduri Structurale –
Prof. Dr. Christian Arndt, Franziska Brall, Heidrun
Braun, Duy Duc Dong, Pia Fettig, Pascal
d’Ouvenou, Fabio Mura, Loraine Schlichenmaier,
Nürtingen-Geislingen University
17:00 Closing of 11th German CSR Forum
Tuesday, 21.04.2015
Block B
Podium CSR
Block B
(German - Rooms: see notice board)
(German - Bürgersaal – Expo)
09:30– 11:00
In-depth discussion
CSR-Implementation in enterprises –
Get the advantages!
Koen Van Neyghem, DuPont Sustainable Solutions,
President, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Wolfgang Scheunemann, dokeo, Managing Director
Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter, Cologne Business School
Karen Wendt, Responsible Investmentmentbanking
and Positive Impact Investing, Editor
09:30– 10:15
Sustainable urban development: Commercial areas
of the future
Dr. Rainer Bareiß, Ed. Züblin, Director
Turnkey Construction, Central Technical Department
Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Bauer, Fraunhofer-Institut für
Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation IAO und Institut
für Arbeitswissenschaft und Technologiemanagement
IAT der Universität Stuttgart, Institute's Management
Prof. Dr. Detlef Kurth, HFT Stuttgart, Faculty of
Architecture and Design (Moderation)
Dr. Andreas Mehlhorn, Siemens, Director Consulting,
Division Mobility
Werner Spec, Stadt Ludwigsburg, Mayor of the City of
10:15 – 11:00
Sustainability of energy supply: How can the
objectives of the energy transition be optimally
Michael Krug, 1cc, Managing Director (Moderation)
Dr. Christoph Löwer, Alstom Deutschland, Head of
Corporate Representation & CSR
Sabine Nallinger, Stiftung 2° – Deutsche Unternehmer
für Klimaschutz, CEO
Holger Schäfer, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg,
Director State-Politics of Baden-Württemberg &
Questions of Priciple
Sustainability reporting from 2016 on
Bernhard Schwager, Member of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Manfred Heil, WeSustain, Managing Director
Katja Kriege, GRI, Reporting Standard Coordinator
Dr. Will Ritzrau, SAP, Sustainability
Bernhard Schwager, Robert Bosch, Director Sustainability
Ralph Thurm, A|HEAD|ahead, Founder & Managing
Sports: Make partnerships effective
Claudia Eller, ING-DiBa, Corporate Communications
Christian Ernst, Deutsche Sport Marketing, Senior
Relationship Manager
Matthias Gensner, iSo, BasKIDball, Managing Director
Heike Kübler, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund,
Deputy Head of Department Equal Opportunity
and Diversity
Boris Rump, Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund,
Referent for Education and Olympic Education
Cornelius Schaub, PHINEO, Division Manager Consultancy
Gloria Thyssen, Katjes Fassin, Marketing Manager
Common good balance and social work of
Christine Miedl, Sparda-Bank München, Director
Corporate Communications
Markus Stadler, satis&fy, Commissioner for CSR
Dr. Oliver Viest, em-faktor, Managing Director
CSR in tourism
Harry Assenmacher, Forest Finance Service,
Managing Director (Moderation)
Günter Koschwitz, TourCert, Managing Director
Anja Renner, Futouris, Manager Projects &
Tuesday, 21.04.2015
Block C
(German - Rooms: see notice board)
15:25– 16:55
Greenbusiness card: Why more and more
companies chose a near-natural design of their
Andreas Mayer, Alfred Kärcher, Director
Meike Rohkemper, Global Nature Fund,
Projectmanager (Moderation)
Sven Schulz, Bodensee-Stiftung, Projectmanager
Credible business communication through CSR:
Creativity rather than boredom
Wolfgang Scheunemann, Member of the Board of
Anja Rechenberg, akzente, Director Communication
Viola Rühl, Edelman, Senior Consultant
Wolfgang Scheunemann, dokeo, Managing Director
Matthias Vollbracht, Media Tenor International,
Director Corporate Research
Make cooperation between companies and NGOs
Kristin Albrecht, Andreas Stihl,
Corporate Communications & Public Relations
Martin Ladach, Bergwaldprojekt, Educational
Conception and Project Management „Waldschule“
Dr. Stefan Rösler, oecoach, Sustainability
Consultancy, Biodiversity Management,
Environmental Coaching (Moderation)
Stephen Wehner, Bergwaldprojekt,
Executive Board Member
Responsible Investmentbanking, Positive
Impacts and SRI
Frank Damerow, LBBW and Consultant Climate Bonds
Thomas Goldfuß, GLS Bank, Division Manager
Wealth Management and Treasury
Carl-August Graf von Kospoth, Eberhard von
Kuenheim Stiftung der BMW AG,
Executive Board Member
Friedrich Mostboeck, Erste Group Bank, Head of
Group Research
Prof. Dr. Henry Schäfer, Universität Stuttgart,
Director Abt. III BWI, Chair for Business
Administration and Financial Economy
Karen Wendt, Responsible Investmentmentbanking
and Positive Impact Investing, Editor
Änderungen vorbehalten.
Podium CSR
Block C
(German - Bürgersaal – Expo)
In-depth discussion
15:25– 16:10
Sustainable nutrition – What does that mean?
Christopher Hinze, Der Speisenmeister, Owner
Petra Klein, SWR1 Magazine Baden-Württemberg,
Moderator and Editor (Moderation)
Christiane Manthey, Verbraucherzentrale BadenWürttemberg, Head of Division
Waltraud Ulshöfer, SlowMobil Stuttgart, Chairwoman
Expo (Bürgersaal)
Advantage Austria
Ludwigsburger Erklärung
Aktion Deutschland Hilft
McDonald´s Kinderhilfe Stiftung
Alstom Deutschland
Mercedes-Benz – Niederlassung Stuttgart
BCC Business Communications Consulting und
Mit uns für BaWü
Opportunity International Deutschland
Charta der Vielfalt
CSR Match – Eine Marke von Social Angels
Österreichische Post
Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund
Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse
Deutsche Welthungerhilfe
Difäm - Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission
DuniaNet Sustainability Experts
Plant for the Planet
Project HOPE
SlowMobil Stuttgart
Fairventures Worldwide
Springer Gabler
Fundraiser Magazin
Stadt Ludwigsburg
Global Nature Fund
Going Public
Stiftung Entwicklungszusammenarbeit BadenWürttemberg (SEZ)
Handicap International
Terra Institute
Hansa Niwas
Haus des Stiftens
Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Umwelt NürtingenGeislingen
World Vision Deutschland