Supervision in Coaching, 27th May 2015, Zurich Coaching Supervision contributes significantly to the professionalization of coaching and mentoring. It is a key element in the professional development of coaches/mentors and contributes to high standards of practice in the interest of clients. ICF defines Coaching Supervision as follows: «Coaching Supervision is the interaction that occurs when a coach periodically brings his or her coaching work experiences to a coaching supervisor in order to engage in reflective dialogue and collaborative learning for the development and benefit of the coach and his or her clients». ICF Switzerland together with EMCC Switzerland is launching a Coaching Supervision workshop with the following goals and objectives to: • • • • create awareness of the importance of supervision for coaches; introduce different supervision approaches; enable a dialogue on coaching supervision among experts and practitioners; allow coaches to experience coaching supervision techniques using their own cases. The Event is held in English and German. Supervision trägt signifikant zur Professionalisierung von Coaching und Mentoring bei und ist ein Schlüsselelement in der Entwicklung von Coaches und Mentoren. Supervision garantiert hohe Qualitätsstandards und ist im Interesse des Klienten. ICF definiert Supervision wie folgt: «Coaching Supervision ist die Interaktion, die stattfindet, wenn ein Coach periodisch über ihre oder seine Erfahrungen mit einem Supervisor reflektiert. In diesem Prozess entstehen Erkenntnisse, die zur Weiterentwicklung des Coachs beitragen und somit auch mehr Nutzen für seine Klienten generieren.» ICF Schweiz und EMCC Schweiz bietet den Tag der Coaching Supervision mit den folgenden Zielen an: • Bewusstsein für die Rolle der Supervision in der Weiterentwicklung von Coaches/Mentoren zu stärken; • Verschiedener Ansätze/Modelle der Supervision vorzustellen; • Dialog zwischen Supervisionsexperten und professionellen Coaches/Mentoren zu ermöglichen; • Möglichkeit für Coaches/Mentoren, Supervision anhand von eigenen Fällen zu erleben. Die Veranstaltung findet auf Englisch und auf Deutsch statt. Program Programm 14.45 - 15.00 Registration Registrierung 15.00 - 15.10 Welcome English Begrüssung Englisch 15.10 - 15.30 Introduction to supervision and Einführung in die Supervision the EMCC CH supervision und das EMCC CH Modell der technique; English Gruppensupervision; Englisch 15.30 - 16.30 Practicing supervision in small Supervision in kleinen Gruppen Christoph Epprecht groups of 3-4 participants in mit 3-4 Teilnehmern auf Ernst Bechinie English and German Englisch und Deutsch Marie-Louise Zollinger Wolfgang Steger Maren Donata Urschel Hildegard Nibel Richard Brunner Break Pause 16.30 - 16:45 16:45 - 17.00 Introduction to the “Fishbowl” supervision technique English Parallel sessions 17.00 - 18.00 Practicing the “Fishbowl” technique in a group of 10-12 participants; German Einführung in die “Fishbowl” Technik der Supervision Englisch Marina Riedi Christoph Epprecht Ernst Bechinie Anwendung der “Fishbowl” Ernst Bechinie Technik in der Gruppe mit 10-12 Teilnehmern, Deutsch 17.00 - 18.00 Individual supervision in English and German Individuelle Supervision auf Englisch und Deutsch Christoph Epprecht Marie-Louise Zollinger Wolfgang Steger Maren Donata Urschel Hildegard Nibel Richard Brunner 18.00 - 18.30 Debrief and Conclusion English Auswertung und Schlussworte Englisch Maren Donata Urschel 18:30 - 20.00 Apèro Aperitif Date / Datum Venue / Ort Registrierung 27th May 2015, 15.00 - 18.30 Restaurant “Weisser Wind”, Oberdorfstrasse 20, 8001 Zurich‐chapter/agenda-‐ch Member ICF / EMCC Non-member ICF/EMCC Prerequisite free / gratis; 2 CCEU (Continuing Coach Education Units) CHF 55.- paid upon registration Every participant brings a personal case for supervision & signs a confidentiality agreement. Jeder Teilnehmer bringt einen eigenen Fall für Supervision mit und unterschreibt die Vertraulichkeitserklärung. Voraussetzung Event suvervisors Ernst Bechinie, Ph.D., MCC, Supervisor and coach with professional experiences as entrepreneur, manager and consultant. Christoph Epprecht, President EMCC Switzerland, EMCC Accredited Master Practitioner, Supervisor & OE BSO; Partner Praesta Germany GmbH. Marie-Louise Zollinger, PCC, is a former international business leader with 15 years of experience as an independent coach of leaders.. Maren Donata Urschel, ACC, experienced coach and supervisor; background in consulting, business development, knowledge management. Wolfgang Steger, MCC, as a former clarinetist in a symphonic orchestra, his passion as a coach lies in giving resonance to the essence and potential in human beings, teams, and organizations. Richard Brunner, Member of EMCC Board and Accreditation Manager Switzerland, found his self-expression by helping people to develop themselves personally. Over 20 years of experience as a Coach and Assessor. Hildegard Nibel, Dr. phil.-hist., more than 25 years experience in the field of work-related health issues for various outcomes like improving return-to-work procedures by coaching individuals and HR professionals. Event coordinators Maren Donata Urschel, ACC EMCC Board Member; Coach and Supervisior [email protected] Marina Riedi, ACC ICF Member Zurich Chapter; Trainer and Coach on Emotional Intelligence. [email protected]
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