1.Financial Results for 1st half fiscal year ended 31st March, 2007 2.Financial Results Forecast for fiscal year ended 31st March, 2007 3.Progress reports of Priority Measures These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 18 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures Business growth Spread to customers (1)-1 Partnerships with key customers (1)-2 Expand business in areas of strength (1)-3 Expand business base for medium to long-term growth Results in 1H FY Mar.2006 Sustained Growth 9 Continued active business expansion 9 Financial sector business remains strong 9 Major orders from Japan Post 9 Initiatives at Center for Innovative Systems Research 9 Start construction of new data center / Organizational reform 9 Develop new services and expand existing systems Internal up-front investment (2)-1 Further production reforms Further production reforms (2)-2 Human Humanresources resources 9 DevNet renewal/Active use of open source 9 Improve project management and productivity 9 Hiring new graduates/Japan/China These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 19 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (1)-1 Partnerships with key customers ¾ Continued active business expansion SEVEN & i Holdings Nomura Holdings Launch Nomura Fund Wrap in October Step up efforts in securities brokerage industry Enhance training techniques and service capabilities Invest in stocks in Asia, including Japan Launch bank agency services JOINVEST Securities (Established in May 2006) Begin handling IPOs Launch mobile and immediate deposit services (Oct.2006) Plan to begin handling general margin transactions (Dec.2006) New training tools (Feb.2007) … etc. (Source)Various Reports,Nomura Holdings,JOINVEST Securities’ Websites Overseas expansion of Seven-Eleven Japan (Plan to increase stores in Beijing from 30 in December 2005 to 350 in December 2008) Issue nanaco e-money cards in Spring 2007 (Plan to issue 10 million cards in first fiscal year) Develop large mall-type shopping centers and reform apparel lines Independently planned products and jointly developed products Seven Bank Expand bank agency services Handle credit card loans Expand support for IC cards Handle cash cards and credit cards issued overseas … etc. (Source)Various Reports, ”Corporate Outline 2006”,SEVEN & i HOLDINGS, SEVEN Bank’s Websites These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 20 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (1)-2 Expand business in areas of strength - Financial sector ¾ Financial sector business remains strong -Acquire new projects,mainly in securities industry- STAR- IV : General securities company A (STAR-IV maximum size) New SI projects : General securities companyB, C ---, Internet financial services company D ---etc. (YoY: %) Software investment (Bank of Japan’s Tankan Survey) 16 12 Nikkei Shimbun, 8 July 31,2006 4 0 Financial institutions All industries (incl. financial institutions) -4 Non-manufacturing (incl. financial institutions) -8 FY3/04 FY3/05 FY3/06 FY3/07 ( Est) Note : October 3, 2006 Nikkei Computer, September 18,2006 issue These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 21 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (1)-2 Expand business in areas of strength - JAPAN POST ¾ Two major orders from Japan Post Upgrade post office insurance system (Development phase) : Jul 2006(announced) P-NET restructuring Scope of NRI’s responsibilities Postal system : Mar 2006(announced) Bid JPY 57billion Japan Post projects handled by NRI Internet Postal savings system Counter sales of investment trusts Bid JPY 7,800million Postal Life insurance system Insurance system upgrade (Development) P-NET restructuring Headquarters (Personnel and accounting system) Japan Post LAN (Headquarters LAN, Branch LANs) Insurance system upgrade (Basic Design) Oct 05 operational Investment trust sales system Postal Advanced Network System(PNET) P−LAN/P−NET Aug 05 announced Mar 02 operational Post Office Common Commonterminals, terminals,ATM,counter ATM,counterterminals, terminals, post-office post-officecounter counterterminals terminals Insurance system Jan 01 operational Source: Prepared by NRI from an article in the August 11, 2005 issue of the Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun Note:Successful bid amounts do not include tax Indicates projects launched in FY3/07. These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 22 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (1)-3 Expand business base for medium to long-term growth IT Innovation (1)Establish superiority Service Insurance Bank/ Non-Bank Introductory Products Securities Distribution ManufaManufacturing Public “IT innovation” Consulting System Solution I-STAR e-JIBAI T-STAR BizMart Outsourcing Rengo InsDirect Nissan motors STAR-IV Eisai e-JIBAI Kokubu Kohnan Shoji Ito-Yokado insurance system Japan Post Seven-Eleven Japan JOINVEST Securities Joint automobile liability ONWARD KASHIYAMA Mitsubishi UFJ Securities SBI E*TRADE Securities Nomura Securities Seven Bank Nomura Trust & Banking InsCOSMIC Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Sony Life Insurance Aioi insurance Outsourcing Multi User Systems Package Kinki Nippon Tourist RECRUIT KUMON INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION S I Center for Innovative Systems Research for Financial Industry Center for Innovative Systems Research for Management (2)Strengthen operations business -Effects of merger with NRI Data Services -Build new data center Ageless80 BESTWAY (3)Enhance competitiveness of multi user system services Enhance capacity and expand functions Multi user system service/package These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 23 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures Expand business base for medium to long-term growth IT Innovation サービス レンゴー オンワード樫山 エーザイ 日産自動車 国分 日本郵政公社 コーナン商事 イトーヨーカ堂 セブン イレブン ジョインベスト証券 野村證券 InsCOSMIC 三菱 UFJ 証券 SBIイー・トレード証券 ソニー生命 あいおい損保 Electric power and communications--- 公共 製造 流 通 コンサルティング 近畿日本ツーリスト リクルート 公文教育研究会 Others Examples of initiatives 共同利用型 パッケージ Theme アウト ソーシング ¾ Initiatives at Center for Innovative Systems Research Retail business Finance in 2010 GDS E-commerce Healthcare Distribution in 2010 証 券 『ITイノベーション』 システム基盤ソリューション SI Finance 銀行/ノンバンク 野村信託銀行 セブン銀行 三菱東京 UFJ 銀行 (1)Establish superiority SMA 保険 導 入 - (1)-3 STAR-IV InsDirect I-STAR e-JIBAI T-STAR BizMart エイジレス80 BESTWAY “NOMURA FUND WRAP” Deploy “PLEIADES/WRAP” Deploy “e-AURORA/ListFlow” Book publications, etc. Joint trials with METI New Bizmart development concept Establish designated department Book publications, etc. --- Announce financial and securities business topics in monthly magazine Financial Information Technology Focus. http://www.nri.co.jp/opinion/kinyu_itf/ These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 24 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures Expand business base for medium to long-term growth Outsourcing 銀行/ノンバンク 証 券 公共 製造 流 通 『ITイノベーション』 コンサルティング 野村信託銀行 セブン銀行 三菱東京 UFJ 銀行 (2)Strengthen operations business レンゴー オンワード樫山 エーザイ 日産自動車 国分 日本郵政公社 コーナン商事 イトーヨーカ堂 セブン イレブン ジョインベスト証券 共同利用型 パッケージ InsCOSMIC 野村證券 ソニー生命 あいおい損保 近畿日本ツーリスト リクルート 公文教育研究会 アウト ソーシング Started construction in July (Planned completion in autumn 2007) 三菱 UFJ 証券 SBIイー・トレード証券 システム基盤ソリューション SI ¾ 保険 サービス 導 入 - (1)-3 STAR-IV InsDirect I-STAR e-JIBAI T-STAR BizMart エイジレス80 BESTWAY ¾ Organizational reform in October Merger of NRI Data Services:Reorganize technology departments to enhance flexibility -2006/3 Department Department NRI Advanced Information Technology Division Former NRI Data and NRI Advanced Information Technology Division both provide departmental support Reorganization (Former) NRI Data Services 2006/10- IT Platform Services Division Advanced Information Technology Division Reorganized former NRI Data and NRI Advanced Information Technology Division into two departments Newly established Infrastructure Services Department to serve as contact point for complete server and network support These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 25 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures Expand business base for medium to long-term growth Multi user system service/package サービス 保険 導 入 証 券 公共 製造 流 通 『ITイノベーション』 コンサルティング 野村信託銀行 セブン銀行 三菱東京 UFJ 銀行 (3)Enhance competitiveness of multi user system services 銀行/ノンバンク レンゴー オンワード樫山 エーザイ 日産自動車 国分 日本郵政公社 コーナン商事 イトーヨーカ堂 セブン イレブン ジョインベスト証券 共同利用型 パッケージ InsCOSMIC 野村證券 ソニー生命 あいおい損保 アウト ソーシング ¾ Develop new services and expand existing services 近畿日本ツーリスト リクルート 公文教育研究会 SI 三菱 UFJ 証券 SBIイー・トレード証券 システム基盤ソリューション - (1)-3 STAR-IV InsDirect I-STAR e-JIBAI T-STAR BizMart エイジレス80 BESTWAY Expansion of Bizmart Expand into portal site business by linking Global Data Synchronization (GDS) and next-generation Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) PLEIADES/WRAP Develop packaged systems to support wrap-account business of securities companies Link Multi userUnder system services for New financial services development e-AURORA/ListFlow Expansion of e-JIBAI Develop packaged systems to support portfolio proposal-based sales to retail customers of securities companies Enhance processing capabilities by rapidly increasing share (12% (Dec.05)->28%(Apr.06)) 1 for automobile liability insurance Note 1. Proportion of all automobile insurance certificates issued by e-JIBAI. These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 26 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (2)-1 Further production reforms / Technological innovation ¾ Production reforms Enhance system development efficiency with second-generation DevNet Developers Net : Information sharing infrastructure to support system development and management (DevNet) Japan’s largest network for developers linking employees, partnering companies, and customers June 2006 April 2003 Start operations ・・・ Rebuild infrastructure due to rapid increase in usage Users: About 300 ¾ Technological innovation October 2006 Significantly expand capabilities -IT platform to handle Japanese SOX Law- About 14,000 Active use of open source Use of open source enables the efficient development of highly reliable, high-performance systems in a short timeframe and at a low cost Launched outside sales of OpenStandia open source server platform in August http://www.nri-aitd.com/openstandia/ These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 27 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (2)-1 Further production reforms ¾ Improve project management and productivity Established “Enhancement Innovation Department” in April Promote company-wide information sharing through Enhancement Solutions Meeting (Enraku-kai) Examples of themes addressed at the Enhancement Solutions Meeting Models and practical examples of expanding the scope of partner cooperation in enhancement work Enhancements focusing on creating procedures and systems and utilizing China Visualization of operations support services --- etc. Meeting overview Announce local personnel responsible for various projects related to improving project management and productivity. Meetings also include lectures by outside experts. Many employees participate voluntarily and engage in an active exchange of opinions. To keep absent employees informed, meeting proceedings are posted on the company’s internal information website, NRI Wave. These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 28 Progress Reports of FY March 2007 Priority Measures (2)-2 Human resources ¾ Unofficial decision to add about 300 new employees in April 2007, strengthening offshore development in China NRI group’s new graduate hiring process (people) Apr.2003 Apr.2004 Apr.2005 Apr.2006 Apr.2007 (Est.) 281 159 196 235 About300 Partner Company in Japan Offshore development in China (Bil.) Pursue e-Partner system(New contract 14 10.0∼12.0(Est.) 12 Effective use of three resources with one company, currently eight contracts with domestic companies) Utilize DevNet Strengthen relations with management of partnering companies ---etc. e-Partners 10 8 6 4 1H : 5.33 2 0 FY3/02 FY3/03 FY3/04 FY3/05 FY3/06FY3/07(Est.) Basic contract companies Individual contract companies These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 29 This document contains statements that constitute forward-looking statements. These statements include descriptions regarding the intent, belief or current expectations of the Company or its officers with respect to the consolidated results of operations and financial condition of the Company. Such forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and involve risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ from those in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors. The Company does not undertake to revise forward-looking statements to reflect future events or circumstances. These materials were prepared for the sole purpose of providing information to use as reference in making investment decisions, and are not intended as a solicitation for investment. Copyright(C) 2006 Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. All rights reserved. 30
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