Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae ETH Zürich Institute for Environmental Decisions CHN H 73.1 Universitätstrasse 16 8092 Zurich Switzerland April 2015 [email protected] ++41 44 632 50 54 Personal Information Born on January 1 1971, Switzerland; Citizenship: Swiss Current Position Senior Researcher, Environmental Philosophy Group, ETH Zürich Education 2010 Dr. phil. in Philosophy, University of Zurich (summa cum laude) 2002 Master of Arts UZH (Philosophy, German Linguistics and German Literature), University of Zurich and Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich 1995 Matura, High School for Adults, Zurich 1991 Swiss Certificate of Competence as a Draftsman, Oberholzer and Brüschweiler Architects, Küsnacht (Zurich) Academic Employment 2015– Senior Researcher, Environmental Philosophy Group, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich 2014– Lecturer, University of Basel, Master of Advanced Studies in Cultural Management 2010–2013 Research Fellow, Research Priority Program for Ethics, University of Zurich 2009–2014 Research Fellow, Environmental Philosophy Group, Institute for Environmental Decisions, ETH Zurich 2006–2009 Academic Associate, Department of Philosophy, University of Zurich 2005–2009 Teaching Assistant, Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics, University of Zurich 2001–2006 Teaching and Research Assistant in Theoretical Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Zurich, at the Chairs of Prof. Dr. Peter Schulthess (2001–2002; 2003–2004) and Prof. Dr. Katia Saporiti (2004–2006) 2003–2005 Lecturer at the Zurich University of the Arts 2004 Visiting Lecturer at the F + F School for Art and Media Design, Zurich Areas of Specialization and Competence AOS: Epistemology, aesthetics, semiotics, philosophy of architecture AOC: Philosophy of Science, environmental philosophy, philosophical methods, ethics, philosophy of language (especially semantics and pragmatics) Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 2 Research Projects 2014– Epistemology of Understanding. ETH Zurich; 2009–2013 Reflective Equilibrium and Epistemology of Understanding. ETH Zurich and Research Priority Program for Ethics, University of Zurich (with Georg Brun) 2006–2012 Identities of Artefacts: Their Structure and Evaluation. ETH Zürich (with Georg Brun) 2006–2009 Symboltheorie der Architektur [Symbol Theory of Architecture]. University of Zurich, funded by the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich Publications Books Gebaute Zeichen. Eine Symboltheorie der Architektur [Built Signs. A Symbol Theory of Architecture]. Frankfurt a. M./Lancaster: Ontos 2010. Reviews: Claus Dreyer, „Neue Aspekte der Architektursemiotik“. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 36/1-2 (2014), 13–24. Julian Jachmann in Sehepunkte 11/3 (2011) [] und in Kunstform 12/3 (2011) []. Frank Maier-Solgk in Bauwelt 18 (2011) []. As Editor Explaining Understanding. New Perspectives from Epistemology and Philosophy of Science (with Stephen Grimm and Sabine Ammon), under contract with Routledge. Architektur, Zeichen, Bedeutung: Neue Arbeiten zur Architektursemiotik [Architecture, Signs, Meaning: New Works in the Semiotics of Architecture] (with Claus Schlaberg), Special Issue of Zeitschrift für Semiotik 36/1–2, 2014. Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte [Philosophy of Architecture. Essential Readings]. Münster: Mentis 2013 (KunstPhilosophie, Vol. 10). Reviews: Alexander Grau: „In Kunst möchte man nicht immer wohnen. Für den Streit um das nächste Projekt der Berliner Republik: Ein Band mit Texten zur Architekturphilosophie“. Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 241, 17.10.2013, S. 30. Christian J. Grothaus: „Facetten einer Architekturphilosophie“. TABULARASA – Zeitung für Gesellschaft und Kultur, 16.1.2014. Onlineausgabe []. Articles and Chapters in Epistemology and General Aesthetics “Types of Understanding: Their Nature and Their Relation to Knowledge”. Conceptus 40/98 (2014), 67–88. “Art and Understanding. In Defence of Aesthetic Cognitivism”. In: Mark Greenlee, Rainer Hammwöhner, Bernd Köber, Christoph Wagner and Christian Wolff (eds), Bilder sehen. Perspektiven der Bildwissenschaft. Regensburg: Schnell + Steiner 2013, 41–67. “Explanatorisches Verstehen. Ein Definitionsvorschlag” [Defining Explanatory Understanding]. In: Miguel Hoeltje, Thomas Spitzley and Wolfgang Spohn (eds), Was dürfen wir glauben? Was sollen wir tun? – Sektionsbeiträge des achten internationalen Kongresses der Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie e.V. University of Duisburg-Essen 2013, 298–311. ?id=31200 “Identities of Artefacts” (with Georg Brun). Theoria 78 (2012), 47–74. Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 3 “Understanding and its Relation to Knowledge”. In: Christoph Jäger and Winfrid Löffler (eds), Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement. Papers of the 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Kirchberg am Wechsel: Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 2011, 16–18. “Five Ways of (Not) Defining Exemplification” (with Georg Brun and Inga Vermeulen). In: Gerhard Ernst, Oliver Scholz and Jakob Steinbrenner (eds), From Logic to Art. Themes from Nelson Goodman. Frankfurt a. M./Lancaster: Ontos 2009, 219–250. Articles and Chapters in Philosophy of Architecture “The Ethical Criticism of Architecture. In Defense of Moderate Moralism”. Architecture Philosophy 1/2 (2015), 179–197. “Architekturphilosophie: Ihre Abgrenzung von der Architekturtheorie und ihre Verortung in der Philosophie” [Philosophy of Architecture: Its Relation to Architectural Theory and Its Place within Philosophy]. In: Jörg H. Gleiter and Ludger Schwarte (eds), Architektur und Philosophie: Grundlagen, Standpunkte, Positionen. Bielefeld: transkript (ArchitekturDenken, Vol. 8), 58–73. „Gibt es architektonische Zitate?“ [Are There Any Architectural Quotations?]. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 36/1–2 (2014) (Special Issue Architektur, Zeichen, Bedeutung: Neue Arbeiten zur Architektursemiotik), 95–124. „Neue Arbeiten zur Architektursemiotik: Zur Einführung“ [New Works in the Semiotics of Architecture: Introduction]. Zeitschrift für Semiotik 36/1–2 (2014) (Special Issue Architektur, Zeichen, Bedeutung: Neue Arbeiten zur Architektursemiotik), 3–12. “Konstruktive Schönheit. Zur ästhetischen Wertschätzung von Architektur” [Structural Beauty. The Aesthetic Experience and Appreciation of Architecture]. Forthcoming in: Mario Rinke and Josef Schwartz (eds), Holz: Stoff oder Form. Transformation einer Konstruktionslogik. Sulgen: Niggli 2014, 187–207. “Gebaute Zeichen. Zu den Bedeutungsweisen von Bauwerken” [Built Signs. How Buildings Mean]. In: Jörg Gleiter (ed.), Symptom Design. Vom Zeigen und Sich-Zeigen der Dinge. Bielefeld: transkript 2014 (ArchitekturDenken, Vol. 7), 93–113. “Wie eine architektonische Ente für einen dekorierten Schuppen wirbt” [How an Architectural Duck Makes the Case for a Decorated Shed]. In: Sabine Ammon, Eva Maria Froschauer, Julia Gill, Constanze A. Petrow and Netzwerk Architekturwissenschaft (eds), z.B. HumboldtBox. Zwanzig architekturwissenschaftliche Essays über ein Berliner Provisorium. Bielefeld, transcript 2014, 89–105. “Architekturphilosophie. Eine Einleitung” [Philosophy of Architecture. An Introduction]. In: Christoph Baumberger (ed.), Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte. Münster: Mentis 2013 (KunstPhilosophie, Vol. 10), 7–29. “Identität, Charakter und Stil von Bauwerken” [Identity, Character and Style of Buildings] (with Georg Brun). In: Christoph Baumberger (ed.), Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte. Münster: Mentis 2013 (KunstPhilosophie, Vol. 10), 140–165. “Structural Concepts and Spatial Design – On the Relationship Between Architect and Engineer”. In: Aita Flury (ed.), Cooperation. The Engineer and the Architect. Basel: Birkhäuser 2011, 57–70. – German: „Tragwerkskonzeption und Raumgestaltung – Zum Verhältnis zwischen Architekt und Bauingenieur“. In: Aita Flury (ed.), Kooperation. Zur Zusammenarbeit von Ingenieur und Architekt. Basel: Birkhäuser 2011, 57–71. “Kunst aktiviert Kunst. Ein Framework für eine funktionale Analyse der Museumsarchitektur” [Art Activates Art. A Framework for a Functional Analysis oft Museum Architecture] In: Jakob Steinbrenner and Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds), Kontextarchitektur. Ostfildern-Ruit: Hatje Cantz 2010 (Kunst und Philosophie, Vol. 2), 49–76. Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 4 “Ambiguity in Architecture”. In: Gerhard Ernst, Oliver Scholz and Jakob Steinbrenner (eds), From Logic to Art. Themes from Nelson Goodman. Frankfurt a. M./Lancaster: Ontos 2009, 293–319. “Expressiv öffentlich. Neubau Stadion Letzigrund Zürich” [Expressive Public. The New Stadium Letzigrund in Zurich]. Werk, Bauen und Wohnen 4 (2008), 36–45. “Segler über der Schlucht. Aussichtsplattform in Conn bei Flims von Corinna Menn” [Gliding Over the Ravine. Viewing Platform in Conn near Flims by Corinna Menn]. Werk, Bauen und Wohnen 1/2 (2007), 46–49. “Monolog, Selbstgespräch und Dialog. Drei Modelle für das Verhältnis zwischen Architekt und Bauingenieur” [Monologue, Soliloquy and Dialogue. Three Models for the Relation between Architect and Civil Engineer]. In: Dialog der Konstrukteure. Architekturforum Zürich 2006, 49–70.; extended reprint: Sulgen: Niggli 2010, 39–58. – Italian: “Monologo, soloquio e dialogo. Tre modelli per la relazione fra architetto e ingegnere civile”, translated by Milena Giannini, in: Dialogo tra costruttori. Lugano 2007, 35–50; reprinted in: Archi. Rivista svizzera di architettura, ingegneria a urbanistica 2 (2007), 11–17. – French: “Monologue, soliloque et dialogue. Trois modèles de relation entre architecte et ingénieur”, tanslated by Maya Hauss, in: Dialogue entre constructeurs. Lausanne 2007, 9–31. Reviews “Sabine Ammon, Wissen verstehen. Perspektiven einer prozessualen Theorie der Erkenntnis” [Sabine Ammon, Understanding Knowledge. Perspectives of a Procedural Theory of Knowledge]. Studia philosophica 70 (2011), 229–232. Numerous short reviews in Bibliographie de la philosophie. Articles in Reference Works “Notation”. Glossar der Bildphilosophie des DFG-Netzwerks Bildphilosophie 2012. Translations Robert Stecker, “Bauwerke als Umgebungen, als ästhetische Objekte und als Kunstwerke” [Buildings as Environments, as Aesthetic Objects and as Art Works]. In: Christoph Baumberger (ed.), Architekturphilosophie. Grundlagentexte. Münster: Mentis 2013 (KunstPhilosophie, Vol. 10), 50–66. Teaching ETH Zurich, Department of Environmental System Science 2013– “Wissenschaftsphilosophie” [Philosophy of Science] (with Gertrude HirschHadorn) 2013– “Philosophical Issues in Understanding Global Change” (with Claus Beisbart, Stefan Brönimann, Gertrude Hirsch-Hadorn and Reto Knutti) 2010– “Methoden der Textanalyse” [Methods of Text Analysis] (with Gertrude Hirsch-Hadorn) ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, didactica program 2015– “Critical Thinking im Unterricht: Argumente erkennen und beurteilen” [Critical Thinking in Education: Recognizing and Evaluating Arguments] (with Anita Buchli and Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn) Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 2015 5 “Kritisches Denken und Argumentieren im Unterricht” [Critical Thinking and Reasoning in Education] (with Anita Buchli and Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn) University of Basel, MAS Cultural Management 2014– “Ethik” [Ethics] (since 2015 with Barbara Bleisch) University of Zurich, Department of Philosophy 2005–2009 Teaching Assistant, Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics, “Umweltethik” [Environmental Ethics] (2005–2006), “Medienethik” [Media Ethics] (2006), “Diplomarbeit schreiben” [Writing a Diploma Thesis] (2006), “Zentrale Konzepte der Ethik” [Central Concepts of Ethics] (2007, 2009), “Metaethik” [Metaethics] (2009) 2005–2008 Exercise “Wie schreibe ich eine Seminararbeit? ” [How to Write a Seminar Paper] (with Dominique Kuenzle) 2006 “Goodman: Languages of Art“ 2005–2006 “Einführung in die philosophische Ästhetik” [Introduction to Philosophical Aesthetics] 2005 “Was ist ein Bild?” [What is a Picture?], Weekend seminar (with Ulvi Doguoglu and Julia Langkau) 2004–2005 “Wahrheitstheorien” [Theories of Truth] (with Alexander Brungs) 2004 “John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding” 2002–2003 “Aristoteles” 2002 “Erkenntnistheoretische Texte des 20. Jahrhunderts” [Epistemology in the Twentieth Century] (mit Ulvi Doguoglu) Zurich University of the Arts 2005 “Ornament. Zur Wiederkehr einer alten Kunstform” [Ornament. On the Return of an Old Art Form] 2004–2005 “Orte und Unorte” [Places and Non-Places] 2003–2004 “Wiederholung – Ein zentraler Begriff der Ästhetik, Philosophie und Psychologie” [Repetition – A Central Concept in Aesthetics, Philosophy and Psychology] Other Institutions 2008 “Kompetent lesen und argumentieren” [Reading and Arguing Proficiently], Weekend seminar of Swiss National Academic Foundation (with Georg Brun) 2004 “Und noch einmal. Zum Begriff der Wiederholung” [Once Again. On the Concept of Repetition], F + F School for Art and Media Design, Zurich 2003–2005 “Arabische und Europäische Stadt im Vergleich” [Comparing Arabic and European Town], Centre Obertor Winterthur Recent Presentations (since 2010) “Ethischer, ästhetischer und architektonischer Wert: Zur Verteidigung des moderaten Moralismus” [Ethical, Aesthetic and Architectural Value: In Defense of Moderate Moralism], Conference Architektur- und Planungsethik, Brandenburgische TU Cottbus, 7.7.2015 Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 6 “Was ist Architekturphilosophie?” [What is Architecture Philosophy?], Symposium ThinkingArchitecture: Theory and Philosophy of Architecture, TU Berlin, 30.5.2015 “Dimensions of Objectual Understanding” (with Georg Brun), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, 27.01.2015 “Moral Testimony and Moral Understanding. Comment on Paulina Sliwa”, Workshop Moral Expertise and Moral Testimony, University of Zurich, 28.11.2014. “Konstruktive Schönheit. Zur ästhetischen Erfahrung und Wertschätzung von Architektur” [Structural Beauty. The Aesthetic Experience and Appreciation of Architecture], Conference Holz: Stoff oder Form, ETH Zurich, 01.11.2014. “The Ethical Criticism of Architecture. In Defence of Moderate Moralism”, International Architecture Philosophy Conference Autonomy Reconsidered, Delft University of Technology, 09.07.2014. “Dimensions of Objectual Understanding” (with Georg Brun), University of Osnabrück, 03.07.2014. “Philosophy of Architecture: its Relation to Architectural Theory and its Place within Philosophy”, Workshop Philosophy in the Studio, Delft University of Technology, 01.04.2014. “Does Understanding Involve an Internalist Dimension? Comment on Stephen Grimm”, Conference Towards an Epistemology of Understanding: Rethinking Justification, University of Bern, 22.03.2014. “Justifying Understanding by Reflective Equilibrium” (with Georg Brun), Conference Towards an Epistemology of Understanding: Rethinking Justification, University of Bern, 21.03.2014. “Konstruktive Schönheit. Zur ästhetischen Erfahrung und Wertschätzung von Architektur” [Structural Beauty. The Aesthetic Experience and Appreciation of Architecture], Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Winterthur, 20.12.2013, and University of Basel, 19.12.2013. “Urbane Identitäten” [Urban Identities], Ringvorlesung Die Stadt als Medium – Urbanität im Widerstreit, University of Stuttgart, 17.12.2013, and Lecture Series Positionen, Technical University Darmstadt, 30.10.2013. “Gebaute Zeichen. Zu den Bedeutungsweisen von Bauwerken” [Built Signs. How Buildings Mean], Technical University Darmstadt, 31.10.2013. “Erklären und Verstehen. Was heißt es, zu verstehen, warum etwas der Fall ist? ” [Explanation and Understanding. What does it Mean to Understand Why Something is the Case?], University of Berne, 06.12.2013. “Architekturphilosophie” [Philosophy of Architecture], Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts, 26.09.2013. “Identität und Charakter von Bauwerken” [Identity and Character of Buildings], Conference Architektur, Zeichen und Symbole, Berlin University of the Arts, 5.12.2012. “Philosophie der Architektur – ihr Verhältnis zur Architekturtheorie und ihre Verortung in der Philosophie” [Philosophy of Architecture: Its Relation to Architectural Theory and its Place Within Philosophy], Symposium Architektur und Philosophie, Villa Vigoni, Menaggio, 25.9.2012. “Defining Explanatory Understanding”, 8. International Congress of the Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP), University of Constance, 17.9.2012. “Gebaute Zeichen. Eine Theorie der Symbolisierungsweisen von Bauwerken” [Built Signs. A Theory of How Buildings Symbolize], Conference Symptom Design. Dinge, Zeichen und ihre Wirkung, Free University of Bozen/Bolzano, 14.5.2012. Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 7 “Verstehen und seine Beziehung zu Wissen” [Understanding and its Relation to Knowledge], Colloquium Formen und Methoden des Wissens, Institute for Philosophy, University of Techology, Dresden, 10.1.2012. “Wie argumentieren wir in der angewandten Ethik am besten?” [What is the Best Way of Arguing in Applied Ethics] (with Georg Brun), University of Zurich, 21.12.2011. “Gebaute Zeichen. Zu den Bedeutungsweisen von Bauwerken” [Built Signs. How Buildings Mean], Workshop Semantik der Architektur der Herrschaft, German Archaeological Institute, Berlin, 18.11.2011. “Understanding and its Relation to Knowledge”, 34th International Wittgenstein Symposium Epistemology: Contexts, Values, Disagreement, Kirchberg am Wechsel, 13.8.2011. “Explication as Standard Practice in Philosophy” (with Georg Brun and Inga Vermeulen), Kolloquium Moralphilosophie, Centre for Ethics, University of Zurich, 23.5.2011. “Art and Understanding. In Defence of Aesthetic Cognitivism”, International Conference Aesthetic Cognition and Cognitive Aesthetics, University of Regensburg, 30.9.2010. “Kunst aktiviert Kunst. Zu den Funktionen der Museumsarchitektur” [Art Activates Art. The Functions of Museum Architecture], Tagung Kontextarchitektur im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Philosophie: Kunst 2009–2011, Sprengel Museum Hannover, 27.3.2010. Grants, Fellowships and Awards 2015 Grant for the workshop “Architektur als Zeichen?” [Architecture as Sign?] (1000 EUR) from the Sutor Foundation (with Frank Schmitz). 2014 Grant for Zurich Doctoral Workshops from the Swiss National Science Foundation (CHF 17’350) (co-applicant with Hans-Johann Glock and Stefan Riegelnik). 2014 Grants for the conference “Towards an Epistemology of Understanding. Rethinking Justification” from the Swiss National Science Foundation (CHF 10’000), the Swiss Society for Logic and Philosophy of Science (CHF 1500), the German Society for Analytic Philosophy (EUR 800) and the Burgergemeinde Bern (CHF 1500) (with Claus Beisbart, Georg Brun and Sabine Ammon). 2010–2013 Research Fellowship of the Research Priority Program for Ethics, University of Zurich (ca. CHF 180’000) (co-applicant with Georg Brun). 2010 Printing subsidy, Paul Schmitt Memory Foundation (CHF 1000) 2006–2009 Research Fellowship of the Forschungskredit of the University of Zurich (CHF 120’000) (applicant). 1990 Label very good for the work “Visionen für ein zeitgemäßes Wohnen” [Visions for a Contemporary Way of Dwelling] at the competition of the Swiss Talent Forum, and special award Göhner AG. Services Organization of Workshops and Conferences Conference „Architektur im Gebrauch: Gebaute Umwelt als Lebenswelt“ [Architecture in Use: Built Environment as Lifeworld] (mit Sabine Ammon, Christine Neubert, Constanze Petrow), 2. Forum des Netzwerkes Architekturwissenschaft, e.V., in collaboration with the Schader Foundation and TU Darmstadt, 25.–27.11.2015 Christoph Baumberger – Curriculum Vitae 8 Workshop „Architektur als Zeichen?“ [Architecture as Sign?] (mit Frank Schmitz), Universität Hamburg, 12.6.2015. Workshop „Moral Expertise and Moral Testimony“ (co-organized with Georg Brun, Michel Meliopoulos und Peter Schaber), Centre for Ethics, University of Zurich, 28.11.2014 Conference “Towards an Epistemology of Understanding: Rethinking Justification” (coorganized with Claus Beisbart, Georg Brun and Sabine Ammon), University of Berne, 21.– 22.3.2014 Workshop “Moral Understanding” (with Georg Brun, Gertrude Hirsch-Hadorn und Peter Schaber), 8. International Congress of the Society for Analytic Philosophy (GAP), University of Constance, 20.9.2012 Services to the Profession Referee for Erkenntnis (2014), the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2014), and the Swiss National Foundation (2013) Supervision of diploma theses: Master of Advanced Studies in Real Estate of the Institute for Banking and Finance, University of Zurich (2014) and Master of Advanced Studies in Applied Ethics, University of Zurich (2005–2009) Commentator-at-large at the Midpoint Conference of the Templeton Project “Variety of Understanding: New Perspectives from Psychology, Philosophy and Theology”, Fordham University, New York, 24.–26.6.2015 Visiting Critic at ETH Zurich (Chair for Architecture and Urbanism, Prof Alfredo Brillembourg and Prof Hubert Klumpner), 17.12.2014, and at the Technical University of Darmstadt (Chair of Prof Jörg Springer), 12.–13.2.2014 Member of the working group “Non-specialized competences” in the context of the revision of the degree program at the Department of Environmental System Science at ETH Zurich (2014–2015) Services to Non-Academic Institutions and Companies Philosophical Consulting for myskills GmbH, Pfäffikon 2014, 2010 (with Georg Brun) Moderation of the panel discussion “Brückenbau – Königsdisziplin der Ingenieure und/oder Kooperation mit Architekten?” [Bridge Building – Supreme Discipline of Civil Engineers and/or Cooperation with Architects?], Forum for Architecture, Zürich, 7.6.2012 Philosophical Consulting and Workshop “Symboltheorie und Identität” [Symbol Theory and Identity] for Burkhardt + Partner Architects, Zürich (with Georg Brun), 2004 Memberships International Society for Architectural Philosophy (ISPA), member of the Business Group Gesellschaft für analytische Philosophie (gap) [Society for Analytic Philosophy, Germany] Netzwerk Architekturwissenschaft e.V. [Network for the Science of Architecture, Germany] Kulturkommission Zollikon [Cultural Committee Zollikon, Switzerland]
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