Name Beck, Johannes Akademischer Titel Dr. med. Akademische Stellung Oberarzt Depressionsforschung Leiter der Arbeitsgruppe „Stress, Schlaf und Neuroplastizität“ Klinische Position Oberarzt ZASS Depressionsabteilung und Schlaflabor Forschungsarzt: klinische Stress- und Traumaforschung Spezialisierung Facharzt für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie Forschungsinteressen Biologische Marker von stressassoziierten Störungen, Physische Aktivität bei stressassoziierten Erkrankungen Vorherige Tätigkeiten: 2001 – 2002 Assistenzart am Max-Planck-Institut für Psychiatrie in München, Neurologie (Prof. Dr. Dr. F. Holsboer) 2002 – 2006 Assistenzart an der Psychiatrischen Universitätsklinik Zürich (Prof. Dr. D. Hell) Seit 2006 Oberarzt an den Universitären Psychiatrischen Kliniken (UPK) Basel (Prof. F. Müller-Spahn; Prof. V. Dittmann, Dr. K. Studer, Prof. U. Lang) Wichtigste Publikationen: Beck J, Hemmeter U, Brand S, Muheim F, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Modafinil reduces microsleep during partial sleep deprivation in depressed patients. Journal of psychiatric research 2010;44:853-864 (IF: 4.664, Ranking 19/130 in Psychiatry). 03 | 03 Beck J, Gerber M, Brand S, Puhse U, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Executive function performance is reduced during occupational burnout but can recover to the level of healthy controls. Journal of psychiatric research 2013;47:1824-1830(IF: 4.092, Ranking 27/136 in Psychiatry). Beck J, Bruni N, Brand S, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Repeated cortisol awakening response as predictor of antidepressant treatment outcome with duloxetine. Neuropsychobiology (accepted for publication) (IF: 2.303, Ranking 63/136 in Psychiatry). Menke A, Arloth J, Gerber M, Rex-Haffner M, Uhr M, Holsboer F, Binder EB, HolsboerTrachsler E, Beck J: Dexamethasone stimulated gene expression in peripheral blood indicates glucocorticoid-receptor hypersensitivity in job-related exhaustion. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2014;44:35-46(IF: 5.591, Ranking 13/136 in Psychiatry). Brand S*, Beck J*, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Patients suffering from restless legs syndrome have low internal locus of control and poor psychological functioning compared to healthy controls. Neuropsychobiology 2013;68:51-58 (IF: 2.303, Ranking 63/136 in Psychiatry). * Shared first authorship Mikoteit T*, Beck J*, Eckert A, Hemmeter U, Brand S, Bischof R, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Delini-Stula A: High baseline bdnf serum levels and early psychopathological improvement are predictive of treatment outcome in major depression. Psychopharmacology 2014;231:2955-2965 (IF: 3.988, Ranking 30/136 in Psychiatry). * Shared first authorship Northoff G, Walter M, Schulte RF, Beck J, Dydak U, Henning A, Boeker H, Grimm S, Boesiger P: Gaba concentrations in the human anterior cingulate cortex predict negative bold responses in fmri. Nature neuroscience 2007;10:1515-1517 (IF: 14.164, Ranking 4/221 in Neuroscience). Brand S, Hermann B, Muheim F, Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Sleep patterns, work, and strain among young students in hospitality and tourism. Industrial health 2008;46:199209 (IF: 1.215, Ranking 83/122 in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health). Grimm S, Beck J, Schuepbach D, Hell D, Boesiger P, Bermpohl F, Niehaus L, Boeker H, Northoff G: Imbalance between left and right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in major depression is linked to negative emotional judgment: An fmri study in severe major depressive disorder. Biological psychiatry 2008;63:369-376(IF: 8.926, Ranking 4/117 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Beck J, Gerber M, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: 'Football is good for your sleep': Favorable sleep patterns and psychological functioning of adolescent male intense football players compared to controls. Journal of health psychology 2009;14:1144-1155(IF: 1.683, Ranking 49/211). 03 | 03 Brand S, Gerber M, Hatzinger M, Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Evidence for similarities between adolescents and parents in sleep patterns. Sleep medicine 2009;10:11241131(IF: 3.430, Ranking 45/185 in Clinical Neurology) Brand S, Hatzinger M, Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Perceived parenting styles, personality traits and sleep patterns in adolescents. Journal of adolescence 2009;32:1189-1207 (IF: 1.802, Ranking n/a). Grimm S, Boesiger P, Beck J, Schuepbach D, Bermpohl F, Walter M, Ernst J, Hell D, Boeker H, Northoff G: Altered negative bold responses in the default-mode network during emotion processing in depressed subjects. Neuropsychopharmacology : official publication of the American College of Neuropsychopharmacology 2009;34:932-943(IF: 6.685, Ranking 6/128 in Psychiatry). Heinzel A, Grimm S, Beck J, Schuepbach D, Hell D, Boesiger P, Boeker H, Northoff G: Segregated neural representation of psychological and somatic-vegetative symptoms in severe major depression. Neuroscience letters 2009;456:49-53(IF: 2.055, Ranking 161/239 in Neuroscience). Walter M, Henning A, Grimm S, Schulte RF, Beck J, Dydak U, Schnepf B, Boeker H, Boesiger P, Northoff G: The relationship between aberrant neuronal activation in the pregenual anterior cingulate, altered glutamatergic metabolism, and anhedonia in major depression. Archives of general psychiatry 2009;66:478-486(IF: 10.782, 3/128 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Beck J, Gerber M, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Evidence of favorable sleep-EEG patterns in adolescent male vigorous football players compared to controls. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2010;11:465-475(IF: 2.385, Ranking 63/130 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Beck J, Hatzinger M, Harbaugh A, Ruch W, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Associations between satisfaction with life, burnout-related emotional and physical exhaustion, and sleep complaints. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2010;11:744-754(IF: 2.385, Ranking 63/130 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Gerber M, Beck J, Hatzinger M, Puhse U, Holsboer-Trachsler E: High exercise levels are related to favorable sleep patterns and psychological functioning in adolescents: A comparison of athletes and controls. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2010;46:133-141(IF: 3.334, Ranking 8/115 in pediatrics). Brand S, Gerber M, Beck J, Hatzinger M, Puhse U, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Exercising, sleepeeg patterns, and psychological functioning are related among adolescents. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2010;11:129-140(IF: 2.385, Ranking 63/130 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Beck J, Hatzinger M, Savic M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Unfavorable 03 | 03 polysomnographic sleep patterns predict poor sleep and poor psychological functioning 3 years later in patients with restless legs syndrome. Neuropsychobiology 2011;63:92102 (IF: 2.371, 62/136 in Psychiatry). Brand S, Beck J, Kalak N, Gerber M, Kirov R, Puhse U, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Dream recall and its relationship to sleep, perceived stress, and creativity among adolescents. The Journal of adolescent health : official publication of the Society for Adolescent Medicine 2011;49:525-531(IF: 2.966, Ranking 11/122 in pediatrics). Brand S, Gerber M, Beck J, Kalak N, Hatzinger M, Puhse U, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Perceived parenting styles differ between genders but not between elite athletes and controls. Adolescent health, medicine and therapeutics 2011;2:9-14(No IF). Mikoteit T, Brand S, Beck J, Perren S, von Wyl A, von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Hatzinger M: Visually detected nrem stage 2 sleep spindles in kindergarten children are associated with stress challenge and coping strategies. The world journal of biological psychiatry : the official journal of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry 2012;13:259-268(IF: 4.225, 26/136 in Psychiatry). Wollmer MA, de Boer C, Kalak N, Beck J, Gotz T, Schmidt T, Hodzic M, Bayer U, Kollmann T, Kollewe K, Sonmez D, Duntsch K, Haug MD, Schedlowski M, Hatzinger M, Dressler D, Brand S, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Kruger TH: Facing depression with botulinum toxin: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of psychiatric research 2012;46:574-581 (IF: 4.092, Ranking 27/136 in Psychiatry). Gerber M, Brand S, Elliot C, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Puhse U, Beck J: Aerobic exercise training and burnout: A pilot study with male participants suffering from burnout. BMC research notes 2013;6:78 (no IF). Mikoteit T, Brand S, Beck J, Perren S, Von Wyl A, Von Klitzing K, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Hatzinger M: Visually detected nrem stage 2 sleep spindles in kindergarten children are associated with current and future emotional and behavioural characteristics. Journal of sleep research 2013;22:129-136(IF: 2.952, Ranking 62/194 in Clinical neurology). Giese M, Beck J, Brand S, Muheim F, Hemmeter U, Hatzinger M, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Eckert A: Fast bdnf serum level increase and diurnal bdnf oscillations are associated with therapeutic response after partial sleep deprivation. Journal of psychiatric research 2014;59:1-7(IF: 4.092, 27/136 in Psychiatry). Giese M, Unternahrer E, Huttig H, Beck J, Brand S, Calabrese P, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Eckert A: BDNF: An indicator of insomnia? Molecular psychiatry 2014;19:151-152 (IF: 13.668, Ranking 1/136 in Psychiatry). Letter Kalak N, Brand S, Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E, Wollmer MA: Association between subjective actual sleep duration, subjective sleep need, age, body mass index, and gender in a large sample of young adults. Neuropsychiatric disease and treatment 2015;11:107-113(IF: 2.154, Ranking 68/136 in Psychiatry). 03 | 03 Reviews Beck J: Bipolare affektive Störung und Suizidalität – Erhöhtes Suizidrisiko bei Gabe von Anti-depressiva? INFO Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2006;4; 2:31-32 Beck J: Diagnostik und Therapie von Schlafstörungen. INFO Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2007; 4:43-47 Beck J: Diagnostik und Therapie von Schlafstörungen. Vier Fragen stehen am Beginn der Abklärung. Hausarzt PRAXIS 2008; 8:32-35 Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Therapieresistente Depression. Subtypen bestimmen die Therapie. Info Neurologie & Psychiatrie 2008;6:10-12 Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Differentialdiagnostik der Depression. Therapeutische Umschau 2010;67(11):555-560 Beck J, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Diagnostische Abklärung von Schlafstörungen. Fahndung nach den Ruheräubern. CME-Schwerpunkt „Schlafstörungen“. Hausarzt PRAXIS 2010;15:6-10 Beck J, Mikoteit T, Holsboer-Trachsler E: Diagnostik und Therapie von Schlafstörungen. Psy-chiatrie&Neurologie. 2011;2:3-8 Adresse Wilhelm Klein-Str. 27, CH-4012 Basel Telefon +41 61 325 53 81 E-Mail [email protected] 03 | 03
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