Spring 2015 pg. 3
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Telephone: 416 249-6865, Fax: 416 249-5635, E-mail: [email protected]
Spring 2015
Report on our
which took place on April 12, 2015, at the Home of the Danube Swabians in
Scarborough, ON. It was a joyful gathering, many of us have not seen each other
for a long time and were happy to have this opportunity to meet and to chat.
Mrs. Gabriele Grof, the President of the Burgenländer Club Toronto, Inc.
welcomed the crowd. She was pleased to see so many familiar faces as a number
of issues had to be discussed. Let us focus on a few highlights:
- The Board of Directors of the Burgenländer Club Toronto remained the same.
The representative for the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft in Canada, Mr. John
Brunner, however, resigned from his position. We regret Mr. Brunner’s
decision and would like to thank him for all his efforts on our behalf. For the
time being, the Burgenländer Club Toronto will handle the affairs of the
Burgenländische Gemeinschaft in Canada. A replacement has yet to be
announced. We will keep you posted.
- Scholarships: The Burgenländer Club Toronto is a non-profitable
organization. A number of years ago, a policy was established, that $5,000.00
per year be allocated for Scholarships that go to children and grandchildren of
members of the Burgenländer Club. A motion was tabled, that this amount be
reduced to $4,000.00 per year. The motion was overwhelmingly defeated.
Therefore, the allocation of $5,000.00 per year for Scholarships will
remain. A number of members expressed their gratitude on behalf of
their children or grandchildren for having received a scholarship from
the Burgenländer Club and reported on their academic success. That
kind of feedback was very much appreciated. In order to ensure the
survival of the Burgenländer Club Toronto, we would ask for more
Mrs.Gabriele Grof
In froher Runde...
- participation of the younger generation. Thoughts and ideas on how to attract youth to become more involved, would also be
Membership fee: For many years, the membership fee remained at $ 10.00 (single), $ 20.00 (per family) per year. Usually, this
amount covered the cost of the free luncheon at the AGM. This is no longer possible as costs have gone up everywhere. It was
decided, that for 2016, the membership fee be increased to $15.00 per year. This proposal was unanimously accepted. For 2015,
however, the fee schedule remains unchanged. Most of our members have paid for
2015. If it happened to slip your mind, below is a gentle reminder:
Membership for 2015 (without the BG Newspaper from Burgenland):
- Upcoming Events: Picnic 2015 ,
Single: $ 10.00
Family: $ 20.00
July 19, Evening Bell Park,Adjala
Burgenländische Gemeinschaft
Newspaper subscription f. 2015:
$ 20.00
Please make your cheque payable to Burgenlaender Club Toronto and mail it to:
- Martini Dance 2015: November 7,
Burgenlaender Club, Toronto Inc.
(Please note the date change!)
10 Sherman Court
Toronto, ON
M3M 1P3
Questions, concerns, suggestions, please contact our President, Mrs. Gabriele Grof: 416 282 5968
or Mr. Adolf Graf, Treasurer/Membership: 416 249 6865 or Director Joe Eberhardt: 416 294 1717
A final note: Please bear with us as we are trying to adjust to the new management at the Home of the Danube Swabians. There were a couple of glitches,
e.g. a poor sound system at the AGM. Management took note of it and they will make the necessary changes. Thank you for your understanding and for your
- Upc
in A
19, 2
Wir berichten von der diesjährigen
Spring 2015 pg. 2
Die Versammlung fand am 12. April 2015 im Donauschwabenklub in Toronto
statt. Es war ein geselliges Beisammensein zumal viele von uns nicht sehr viel
Gelegenheit haben sich zu treffen und Gedanken auszutauschen.
Frau Gabriele Grof die Preäsidentin des Burgenländerklubs Toronto begrüsste die
anwesenden Gäste und freute sich, soviele bekannte Gesichter zu sehen. Eine
Reihe von Themen wurden besprochen und wir wollen von den wichtigsten
• Der Vorstand des Burgenländerklubs bleibt unverändert. Allerdings legte der
Repräsentant der Burgenländischen Gemeinschaft in Kanada, Herr John
Brunner, sein Amt nieder. Wir danken Herrn Brunner für all seine Arbeit die er
für uns auf sich genommen hatte und hoffen, ihn auch weiterhin oft in unserer
Mitte zu haben. Bis ein neuer Repräsentant bestimmt wird, wird der
Burgenländerklub Toronto die Funktion der Burgenländischen Gemeinschaft in
Kanada übernehmen
• Stipendien: Seit vielen Jahren teilt der Burgenländerklub Toronto
Studienbeischüsse an Kinder und Enkelkinder von Mitgliedern des
Burgenländerklubs Toronto aus. Normalerweise wurden pro Jahr $5,000.00 aus
dem Reinertrag für diesen Zweck bereit gehalten. Es wurde vorgeschlagen,
diesen Betrag auf $4,000.00 zu reduzieren. Dieser Vorschlag wurde kategorisch
abgelehnt. Es bleibt bei $5,000.00 pro Jahr.
• Mitgliedsbeitrag: Der Mitgliedsbeitrag blieb seit Jahren unverändert:$10.00
pro Person, $20.00 pro Familie. Dieser Betrag deckte die Kosten des
Mittagessens das allen Mitgliedern während der Jahresversammlung angeboten
wird. Leider genügt dieser Betrag nicht mehr, die Kosten sind erheblich
gestiegen. Demnach wurde gebeten, diesen Betrag auf $15.00 pro Person zu
erhöhen. Diese Erhöhung wird erst im kommenden Jahr (2016) gültig.
Mitliedsbeitrag für das Jahr 2015 OHNE Erhalt der Zeitung der
Burgenländischen Gemeinschaft aus dem Burgenland:
$ 10.00
$ 20.00
Mitgliedschaft und Zeitung der Burgenländischen Gemeinschaft für
das Jahr 2015
$ 20.00
Roy im “Winterkleid”, er
gefällt uns…
Geplante Veranstaltungen:
- Anna Kirtag 2015: 19. Juli im Evening
Bell Park, Adjala Township
- Martinifest 2015: 7. November 2015 im
Bitte beachten Sie die
Bitte adressieren Sie Ihren Scheck an den Burgenlaender Club
Toronto, Inc. und schicken Sie ihn an die folgende Adresse:
Burgenlaender Club Toronto, Inc.
10 Sherman Court
Toronto, ON
M3M 1P3
Der Betrag für die Burgenländische Gemeinschaft wird direkt in die Zentrale nach
Güssing, Burgenland geschickt.
Eventuelle Fragen bitte an unsere Präsidentin Frau Gabriele Grof (416 282 5968)
oder an den Schatzmeister/Mitgliedsreferenten, Herrn Adolf Graf (416 249 6865)
oder Herrn Direktor Joe Eberhardt (416 294 1717) zu richten.
Noch eine Bemerkung: Wir versuchen mit dem neuen Management des
Donauschwabenklubs zusammen zu arbeiten. Trotzdem sind uns einige Fehler
unterlaufen wie z.B. das Fehlen des Mikrofons während der Jahresversammlung.
Es wird noch etwas dauern bis wir auf einander eingespielt sind. Wir danken für
Ihr Verständnis und für Ihre Geduld.
Das Restaurant im Donauschwabenklub heisst:
1686 Ellesmere Road Scarborough, ON
M1H 2V5
President and CEO: Mr. Jude Frances
Spring 2015 pg. 3
Today, we would like to tell you about Helene Bintinger, a native of Kleinwarasdorf who
came to Canada in 1961. Kleinwarasdorf is a small Croatian farming community (Mali
Borištof)) within the district of Oberpullendorf, situated in the centre of Burgenland.
Helen, as they call her in this country, comes from a large family. She was the youngest of
five girls and the only one to leave Austria. Now, only two of her sisters are still alive.
Helen’s professional life is an interesting one. She graduated from nursing at the
Rudolfinerhaus in Vienna in 1956. From there, she ventured to London, England where she
worked as a nurse at the Charring Cross hospital. To work in England was not an easy task
as she was a fresh graduate of nursing and she also had to learn to speak English at the
same time. It was, however, a great start in her profession and gave her the tools, to continue
to work in an English speaking environment later on. After two years in London, England,
Canada was in need of nurses and Helen took the call.
She started out as a floor nurse at the Hamilton General hospital. From there, Helen
advanced to surgery at St. Michael’s hospital in Toronto, later on she moved to One Medical
Place and her last posting before retirement was the position of a surgical nurse at the North
York General hospital. When Helen moved from Hamilton to Toronto, she was very much
involved in the Burgenland community through the Edelweiss Club. Lucy and Steve Ford
were good friends who took her along to many of the functions that took place at the
Edelweiss Club on Beverley Street.
Now, Helen enjoys retirement. As an opera fan, she and her partner Bill love to attend many
opera performances. She is also an active church member of St. Luke’s Parish in Thornhill, a
member of a Bridge Club, a member of a Knitting Club for charity and a choir member of St.
Luke’s church choir. Whenever possible, Helen and Bill attend the functions of the
Burgenländer Club and we hope, they’ll continue to do so. We are looking forward to seeing
them there often.
Helene Bintinger , Spring 2015
Theresa Kandelsdorfer, a long time member of the Burgenland Community, passed away on January 27, 2015
at the Kensington Gardens Nursing Home in Toronto, at the age of 88. She leaves behind her beloved son Erwin and
a brother, named Konrad. Mrs. Kandelsdorfer was from the North of Burgenland, from the “Grossgemeinde” of
Wallern. She was an accomplished writer and had strong ties to the Burgenländische Gemeinschaft in Güssing.
Anna Drimmel (widow of John Drimmel) of Nikitsch, Burgenland, left this earth unexpectedly on April 20, 2015. She was in her
89th year and is mourned by her 3 children and their spouses, 6 grandchildren and 5 great grandchildren. Before the family moved to
Keswick, Ontario, Mrs. Drimmel was an active member of our Community and participated in a number of events.
Anlässlich des 70. Jahrestages der Befreiung Österreichs vom Nationalsozialismus durch die Sovjettruppen und des 70. Jahrestages der
Gründung der Zweiten Republik, der österreichische Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer lud seinen deutschen Kollegen, Joachim Gauck zu
einem Staatsakt in die Hofburg nach Wien ein. Das Symphonieorkester des ORF untermalte den Festakt. Am 27. April 1945 wurde die
Zweite Republik ausgerufen. Ein ungemein bedeutender und historischer Tag für Österreich.
70 years ago, on April 27, 1945, Austria was liberated from the terror of the Nazi Regime by the Sovjet army and on the same day, the
Second Republic of Austria was declared. Austria’s president Heinz Fischer invited his German colleague, Joachim Gauck to a state
ceremony, which was held in the Imperial Palace in Vienna. The symphony orchestra of the ORF accompanied the festivities. An
immensely important and historic day for Austria.
Spring 2014 pg.4
News from Burgenland
It came to our attention, that we did not list ALL the events and cultural activities that are scheduled for this spring and
summer in Burgenland. Unfortunately, this is simply impossible to do as every district capital (Bezirkshauptstadt) offers
its own program and the list is endless. We have, however, compiled an additional list of events for you. This will give
you some idea of what is on the program in our native land. We took this info directly from “Tourism Burgenland”
Nova Rock 2015 ..............12. Juni - 14. Juni 2015 ..........Nickelsdorf
Schlagernacht am Neusiedlersee 13. Juli - 15. Juli 2015
Theater Sommer Parndorf 2015 2. 7. - 26. 7. 2015 Die Wirtin , Komödie von Peter Turrini
Jazz Festival Wiesen ..... 11. Juli 2015
Seefestspiele Mörbisch: Eine Nacht in Venedig
9. Juli - 22. August 2015
Oper im Steinbruch St. Margarethen TOSCA 8. Juli - 15. August.
27. Haydn Festival Eisenstadt (Internationale Haydntage) 3. - 13. Sept. 2015
Forchtenstein: FAMILIENFESTIVAL 11. Juli - 2. Aug. 2015 Programm noch nicht festgelegt.
34. Kammermusikfest Lockenhaus IM VOLKSTON 9. Juli - 19. Juli 2015
Orgelockenhaus “Musica Sacra Lockenhaus” grösste Kirchenorgel im Burgenland.
Jopera Jennersdorf: DER FREISCHÜTZ
Are you computer savvy? If so, please pass
on to us your e-mail address.
We would love to send you the newsletter
electronically. You would receive it faster. Printingand mailing costs have skyrocketed.
While you are surfing, please visit our website:
We think they
had a good
If you have any questions in regards to the Newsletter or the
Website, please contact
Eva Hergovich: [email protected] (905 826 7986)