Sachfach(pluri-)literalität Wissen vertiefen, Transfer fördern & Kommunikationsfähigkeit stärken Dr. Oliver Meyer The Graz Group PH Baden 10.04.2015 _______________________________________________________________ Abc Do Coyle, Ana Halbach, Oliver Meyer, Kevin Schuck & Teresa Ting Oliver Meyer AbcYOURKU LOGO Eichstätt a 21st Century Skills: Lernen für die Zukunft YOUR LOGO Deep Learning/Vertieftes Lernen “Deeper learning is the ability to take what was learned in one situation and apply it to another situation. Through deeper learning (which often involves shared learning and interactions with others in a community), our students develop expertise in a particular subject and they master the unique ways of the subject.” (Pellegrino & Hilton 2012) YOUR LOGO Sachfachliteralität _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Dimensionen von Fachwissen Konzepte Fakten Methoden & Strategien _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Dimensionen von Sachfachliteralität (Vollmer 2015) Soziale Teilhabe Interdisziplinärer Transfer Innerdisziplinärer Transfer Reflexion Wissen kommunizieren & aushandeln _______________________________________________________________ Verstehen YOUR LOGO Auf dem Weg zu einem neuen Sprachbegriff SLF sees language as a means for learning about the world. It models learning as a process of making meaning, and language learning as building one‘s meaning making potential to make meaning in particular contexts. Knowledge is viewed as meaning, a resource for understanding and acting on the world. All knowledge is constituted in semiotic systems with language as the most central. (Mohan et al. 2010:221) _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Wechsel der Darstellungsformen und semiotische Übersetzung: Bedingung für Sachfachliteralität back (Leisen 2005) YOUR LOGO Deep Learning: Stufen des Konzepterwerbs (Vygotsky) 1. Materielle Phase 2. Sprachliche Phase 3. Mentale Phase back YOUR LOGO (Lantolf 2014) Dimensionen sachfachlichen Handelns Arguing Doing Science Science Explaining Science (Polias 2006/15) Organizing Scientific Information YOUR LOGO Wissenspfade modellieren: Naturwissenschaften (Polias 2006) YOUR LOGO Wissenspfade modellieren: Geschichte Chronicling history Text type Autobiographical recount Biographical recount Historical recount Reporting history Descriptive report Taxonomic report Historical account Explaining history Arguing history Factorial explanation Consequential explanation Analytical exposition Analytical discussion Challenge (C. Coffin, 2006) Social purpose To retell the events of your own life To retell the events of a person’s life To retell events in the past, not necessarily of a person To give information about the way things are or were To organise knowledge into taxonomy To account for why events happened in a particular sequence To explain the reasons or factors that contribute to a particular outcome To explain the effects or consequences of a situation To put forward a point of view To argue the case from two or more points of view To argue against a view YOUR LOGO Genre Relations in School Mapping Genre Relations in School not sequenced in time - news story resolved - narrative engage complicating sharing feelings - anecdote unresolved sequenced judging behaviour - exemplum no complication - recount my significant life events – autobiographical histories stages in a life (set in time) – biographical stages in history (set in time) - historical sequence of events – sequential explanations social purposes multiple causes for one outcome – factorial multiple outcomes from one cause - consequential inform how to do an activity - procedure (recipe, experiment, maths operation…) procedures what to do and not to do – protocol (rules, warning…) how a procedure was done - procedural recount (experiment report…) one type of thing – descriptive reports (not sequenced in time) different types of things - classifying parts of wholes - compositional arguments supporting one point of view - exposition discussing two or more points of view - discussion evaluate expressing feelings about a text - personal response text responses D. Rose, R2L, 2006 evaluating a text (verbal, visual, musical) – review interpreting the message of a text - interpretation YOUR LOGO Mapping Pluriliteracies Development (Graz Group 2015) FAKTEN KONZEPTE METHODEN STRATEGIEN K O N Z E P T U A L I S I E R U N G S A C H S E DOING ORGANISING EXPLAINING ARGUING DOING ORGANISING EXPLAINING ARGUING Anfänge r Fortgeschrittener K O M M U N I K A T I O N S Experte A C H S E ZWECK MODALITÄT YOUR LOGO GENRE STIL Kognitive Diskursfunktionen: Schlüssel zum Wissensaufbau benennen/be zeichnen modellieren beschreiben simulieren definieren bewerten erklären argumentier en berichten/erzähl en _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Modelling Meaning-Making Potential I Sequentielles Erklärungsmuster Ursache Wirkung Einfaches-kausales Erklärungsmuster Ursache Wirkung Komplex-kausales Erklärungsmuster (Factorial, Consequential) Bedingung 1 Bedingung 2 Bedingung 3 Folge 1 Folge 2 Folge 3 YOUR LOGO Lernpfade modellieren Literacy Level Genre Level Micro-Level Meso-Level Macro-Level (cognitive discourse function) (i.e. explanation) (i.e. lab report) Anfänger Fortgeschrittener Experte (Meyer 2014) YOUR LOGO Working with images 1. Introduce 2. Describe 3. Explain 4. Assess Back YOUR LOGO Scaffolding Thinking Skills: Cause & Effect Back YOUR LOGO Cause & Effect: Advanced Back YOUR LOGO Operationalizing the concept Macaro 2006: A Framework of Learning Strategies _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Skill acquisition: Practice Re-loaded Rule-Based System Awareness Controlled-Practice Memory-Based System Communicative-Practice Reflection Context-rich Context-reduced Cognitively demanding Cognitively undemanding _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO The 4Cs Revisited Pluriliteracies Culture Communication Content Cognition YOUR LOGO Reconceptualizing CLIL within a Pluriliteracies Approach Project Website: YOUR LOGO YOUR LOGO Templates YOUR LOGO Creating Progressions LEVEL III: discourse function/genre/mode/ depth of content information LEVEL II: discourse function/genre/mode/ depth of content information LEVEL I: discourse function/genre/mode/ depth of content information provided YOUR LOGO Literalitäten entwickeln “In 21st century plurilingual societies, languages are not compartmentalized in a diglossic situation, but rather they overlap, intersect, and interconnect. A fusion of languages, dialects, scripts, registers, and semiotic systems characterize how people communicate today. As political and economic alliances are shaped and technology advances, literacy practices and literacy identities are variable and integrated.” (Sridhair in Garcia et al.) Disciplinary Literacies Intermediate Literacies Basic Literacies (Shanahan & Shanahan) _________________________________________________________________ YOUR LOGO Education at the crossroads YOUR LOGO Education at the crossroads YOUR LOGO
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