medIa data 2015 Real Luxury Inside The Publishing Group Deluxe stands for boundless luxury and lifestyle at the highest level. The high-quality magazine focuses specifically on a target group that has an exceptional affinity with luxury. The successful concept of an individual Deluxe Magazine undertakes contemporary themes in the fields of fashion, lifestyle, beauty and trends, travel and enjoyment and art and design to the highest standards for extremely demanding readers. The magazines are released one to four times a year and are dedicated exclusively to up-market lifestyle. All of the publishing group‘s publications are released in the language of the relevant country, in English and to a large extent in Russian or partly Arabic. The magazines offer an exquisite platform for business and high-quality leisure activities and lifestyle in exclusive hot spots around the world. Publishing Group Deluxe sets the standards in the field of luxury. Distribution Sales and distribution by means of top partners from upmarket hotels and restaurants, exclusive city centre stores, art galleries and auction houses, private jets, airport VIP lounges and the general aviation centre allows us to have direct communication with this target group which has an exceptional affinity with luxury. Our channels of distribution are not just national, but international and contribute to the magazines‘ success. Some Deluxe Magazines are also available from select magazine retailers. Premium Locations Hotels UHNWI Mailings target group As a successful media business, we have set ourselves the goal of communicating with an extremely exclusive and demanding target group: Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWIs). The term UHNWI was coined in the banking sector and can be de- fined as: Persons with investable assets of at least 30 million US dollars, excluding personal assets and property such as one’s primary residence, collectibles and consumer durables. Ultra High Net Worth Individuals comprise the richest people in the world and control a disproportionate amount of global wealth. Ultra high net worth is generally quoted in terms of liquid assets over a certain figure. The exact amount differs by financial institution and region. The number of richest people has increased in recent years, and they have grown even richer. A 2011 study on UHNWIs by Forbes Insights and Societe Generale found that the biggest growth in numbers of the mega-rich was in the emerging economies, specifically in the BRIC nations of Brazil, Russia, India and China. China and Russia had more than 200 billionaires in their ranks. Through direct sales at the best locations, we attract expats, tourists or domestic seekers of luxury and we speak to them in their own language. This is how we secure the attention of our advertising customers‘ target group – both nationally and internationally. About 60 per cent of our readers are women between 30 and 60. The other 40 per cent are men between 35 and 65. Airlines & Private Jets International Newsstands Exhibitions & Events Sales and distribution shares, December 2013 Customers Our customers include private banks, private clinics, real estate companies, beauty and wellness salons, designers, luxury hotels, jewellers, watchmakers, luxury car brands, museums and galleries and many more. We strive for more long-term partnerships and collaborations and we always endeavour to provide our advertising customers with the best possible presence. Market situation The desire for luxury is unchanged. Haute Couture, jewellery and watches are timless classics and enjoy great popularity. The World Luxury Index shows an enormous increase since 2009. Would you like to communicate with this target group that has an exceptional affinity with luxury? Our publications offer you the ideal platform to do so. Member of Publishing Group Deluxe® DEUTSCHLAND 7 € I ÖSTERREICH 8,10 € WINTER 2014 I DEUTSCH I ENGLISH I PУССКИЙ WELCOME TO KITZBÜHEL EXCLUSIVE FASHION HIGHLIGHTS HOTSPOTS & EVENTS ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ В КИТЦБЮЭЛЬ ЭКСКЛЮЗИВНЫЕ МОДНЫЕ НОВИНКИ САМЫЕ ПОПУЛЯРНЫЕ МЕСТА И СОБЫТИЯ SOPHISTICATED WINTER Sports, Travel & Fine Dining РОСКОШНАЯ ЗИМА Спорт, мода, отели и гастрономия teCHnICal data FaCts & FIguRes Columns Munich Inside, Art & Culture, Business & Finance, Shopping & Lifestyle, Gourmet & Dining, Motor & Sports, Properties & Interior, Beauty & Medical, Travel & Resorts publICatIon dates 19 March (Spring), 18 June (Summer), 17 September (Autumn), 26 November (Winter) adVeRtIsIng deadlInes 26 Februar (Spring), 28 May (Summer), 27 August (Autumn), 5 November (Winter) edItoRIal deadlInes 19 February (Spring), 21 May (Summer), 20 August (Autumn), 29 October (Winter) CIRCulatIon 35 000 copies languages German, English und Russian FoRmat 230 x 297 mm Image FIles We accept images in the following formats: EPS, TIFF and JPEG in RGB or preferably CMYK. The image resolution should be 300 dpi in the selected image size. The images have to be in 4c color separation (as indicated under image data) and JPEG (highest quality) or compressed as ZIP. All fonts have to be embedded. pRIntIng mateRIal Material shall be delivered in the formats given in the media data. For full page formats we require 3 mm bleed. In the case of a double-page spread with text copy extending across the gutter margins, leave 2 mm bleed on the center left and right-hand sides. Forwarding as a ready to print PDF-file in line with X3 standards and with crop marks. A fee of Euro 110,– will be charged for advertising design. FoRWaRdIng pRIntIng mateRIal E-Mail: [email protected] FTP: server: user: 355632-md, password: MD2012 After forwarding via FTP, please send us an e-mail with picture captions and copyright to: [email protected] Fees adVeRtIsements 2 0 I MUNICH DELUXE I SHOPPING & LIFESTYLE wo m e n's fa s h i o n I 2 1 1/1 Page (right-hand page guaranteed) 230 x 297 mm € 7.900,– Jewellery Photos: © Elie Saab 2/1 Double Page 460 x 297 mm € 12.640,– 4 0 I MUNICH DELUXE I SHOPPING & LIFESTYLE pRemIum plaCements 3/1 Pages Cover Flap + U2 + P1 665 x 297 mm Price upon request JEWELLERY DELUXE Timeless Masterpieces j ewe l l e r y I 4 1 Schmuckstücke, die Herzen berühren und die weibliche Reize zur Geltung bringen. Speziell in der dunklen Winterzeit lassen diese Kostbarkeiten unsere Welt erstrahlen und schenken die Nähe zur Unendlichkeit. Jedes Schmuckstück ist individuell, einzigartig und mit viel Liebe gestaltet. Tauchen Sie ein in einen Traum von Inspiration, Kreativität und unbeschreiblicher Schönheit. Pieces of jewellery, that touch your heart and allow to express feminine attributes. Especially during the wintertime these gems let your world shine and present closeness to infinity. Every piece of jewellery is individual, unique and created with lots of love. Immerse yourself into a dream full of inspiration, creativity and incredible beauty. Украшения, которые трогают душу, которые подчеркивают вашу женственность. В темные зимние дни эти драгоценные изделия делают наш мир светлее, ярче и дарят ощущение вечности. Каждое ювелирное изделие индивидуально, неповторимо и изготовлено с большой любовью. Погрузитесь в мир вдохновения, творчества и невероятной красоты. Photos: © Gerhard D. Wempe KG 15% additional charge for placement next to the editorial and content. 10% additional charge for placements in the first third of the magazine. 5 4 I Munich Deluxe I ShoppINg & lIfEStylE fa ces I 5 5 advertorial. photos: © tag Heuer 2/1 Pages U2 + P1 (inside cover page) 450 x 297 mm € 17.380,– tAg Heuers neuer MArkenbotscHAfter Cristiano Ronaldo Tag Heuer, weltweit führender Hersteller prestigeträchtiger Luxus-Chronographen, gab im April 2014 die langfristige Partnerschaft mit Fußball-Superstar Cristiano Ronaldo als neuem Tag Heuer-Markenbotschafter bekannt. Christiano Ronaldo in einem Interview über seine neue Rolle und seine persönliche Einstellung. Warum haben Sie sich dazu entschlossen, mit Tag Heuer zu arbeiten? als die verantwortlichen von tag Heuer zu mir gekommen sind und mir von ihren plänen erzählt haben, hat es für mich einfach Klick gemacht. ich kannte die marke schon vorher und mir gefiel immer, wofür sie steht: repräsentative High-end-uhren mit starkem, auf den sport bezogenen Hintergrund. eine perfekte Kombination. Wir teilen die gleichen Werte in Bezug auf selbstmotivation, disziplin und die einstellung, dass man an seine grenzen gehen und niemals aufgeben sollte. Welche Beziehung haben Sie zu Luxus? für mich geht es nicht darum, zu zeigen was man hat. es geht vielmehr um präzision und details und um ultimativen tragekomfort, sprich produkte, die langlebig sind und von höchster Qualität. 1/1 Page U3 (inside back cover page) 225 x 297 mm € 10.660,– Was ist Ihr Erfolgsgeheimnis? es gibt kein wahres geheimnis, wenn es darum geht, erfolgreich zu sein. selbstmotivation und sich selbst herauszufordern sind hier die schlüssel: du musst mehr und besser an dir arbeiten, als alle anderen. und vergiss nie, dass es immer raum für verbesserung gibt: du kannst jeden tag besser werden. Halten Sie sich an die Regeln oder widersetzen Sie sich ihnen? natürlich müssen die spielregeln befolgt werden, vor allem, wenn man professioneller fußballer ist. aber das spiel ist sehr vielfältig, es gibt sehr viele Wege, um sich auszudrücken und kreativ zu sein, erwartungen, welche andere dir gegenüber haben, zu übertreffen und sich selbst noch mehr zu überraschen. tag Heuer carrera calibre cH 1887 1 26 I Vienna Deluxe I trAVEl & rESortS m a l d i ves I 1 27 1/1 Page U4 (outside back cover page) 230 x 297 mm € 13.820,– oaSe Der entSpannung adVeRtoRIals Price upon request Printed up to the edge of the page (plus 3 mm bleed – all edges, all pages). Applicable taxes are not included in the prices above. Photos: © dusit thani Maldives Seit letztem Jahr verwöhnt die renommierte asiatische Hotelgruppe Dusit International wieder mit einem Resort auf höchstem Niveau – Das Dusit Thani auf den Malediven stellt eine versteckte Oase mit eleganten Villen und SpaAnwendungen in luftiger Höhe dar. onlIne CIty guIde 1 Module € 790,– 2 Modules € 1.500,– 3 Modules € 2.250,– 4 Modules € 3.000,– Omega BOutique 1 3 2 2 2 4 2 A whole world of luxury, with only one click. Those wanting to invest in the online advertising platforms of the Publishing Group Deluxe, have the possibility of being featured on all our websites – from Vienna Deluxe to South Africa Deluxe. As a global player, our group offers an ideal platform for your advertisements. (Visits: 30.000, Page Impressions: 83.000, Unique Clients: 24.000) Superbanner Top 1 851 x 60 Pixel € 2.300,– HuBLOt MUNICH 1 In bester Lage direkt auf der Maximilianstraße ist die OMEGA Boutique die erste Adresse für hochwertige Schweizer Zeitmesser. Neben Klassikern und Neuheiten unserer Uhrenreihen Speedmaster, Seamaster, Constellation und DeVille finden Luxus-Liebhaber hier die OMEGA Schmuck- und Lederwarenkollektion. restaurants i Shops i Hotels i wellness i time Out SÉvigNÉ NOBLe OPtiC HOuSe müNCHeN Omega Boutique Maximilianstraße 16, 80539 München T +49 (0) 89 23239688221 Mo – Fr 10:00 bis 19:00, Sa 10:00 bis 18:00 JuweLier wemPe tiffaNy & CO. Hublot Boutique München Maximilianstraße 12, 80539 München Content Ad 2 496 x 90 Pixel € 1.900,– sévigné Goldschmiede GmbH Fünf Höfe, Theatinerstraße 8, 80333 München, T +49 (0) 89 24217917 Mo – Fr 10:00 bis 19:00, Sa 10:00 bis 18:00 Promenadeplatz 10, 80333 München, T +49 (0) 89 296072 Mo – Fr 10:00 bis 18:00, Sa nach Vereinbarung NOBle Optic HOuse MüNcHeN GMBH Maximilianstraße 34, 80539 München T +49 (0) 89 2285762 Mo, Mi, Fr 10:00 bis 18:00, Di und Do 10:00 bis 19:00 Sa 10:00 bis 16:00 Juwelier Wempe Maximilianstraße 10, 80539 München T +49 (0) 89 291299, F +49 (0) 89 296636 Mo – Fr 10:00 bis 19:00, Sa 10:00 bis 18:00 tiffany & co. Residenzstraße 11, 80333 München T +49 (0) 89 2900430 Mo – Fr 10:00 bis 18:30, Sa 10:00 bis 18:00 Superbanner Bottom 3 761 x 90 Pixel € 980,– must HaVes deluxe I Women & men Product placement Video Ad Prices upon request 2 3 € 800,– 6 8 I Munich Deluxe I ShoppINg & lIfEStylE m u st h aves I 69 This fall, the modern man wears casual leather as well as fancy watches and valuable accessories when out and about in the city. The fall colour scheme consists of subtle colors such as sophisticated reds, dark browns as well as elegant blacks and blues. 7 Carbon Cufflinks by Thomas Jirgens Juwelenschmiede with baguette cut diamonds, suitable for a ferrari 599 1 Sunglasses by Cartier 18 carat gold limited edition, with only 30 produced pieces worldwide, available at söhnges exclusive optik munich 8 Tie by Hermès 2 in silk twill for a business inspired look Bag by Mulberry red leather briefcase for that touch of elegance in everyday life 9 Scarf by Louis Vuitton warm and soft « aviator », 100 per cent cashmere 3 Leather Jacket by Brunello Cucinelli casual but refined look for the 10 modern man Watch by Longines « twenty-four Hours single push-piece chronograph » as a re-issue of an earlier pilot's watch 4 Fragrance by Jo Malone London « oud & Bergamot cologne intense »: a secretive and seduc- from the 1950s 11 tive scent Gloves by Giorgio Armani in brown deerskin with logo detail 5 Shoes by Bally a hallmark of masculine elegance for any occasion Wallet by Louis Vuitton supple epi leather with numerous pockets and slots 12 photos: © labels 6 Business Bag by Maybach casual and practical in soft black leather CanCellatIon CondItIons Cancellation requests must be received 14 days before advertising deadline. In the event of cancellation of an order, a cancellation fee amounting to 50% of the ad value will be invoiced. If the order is cancelled after the closing date of the advertisement or if the print documents do not arrive on time, the complete price for the agreed advertisement will be invoiced. For further details, please see our general terms and conditions. All our online prices relate to an advertising period of three months, Indication on the number of visits, PL & UC relate to all websites of the Publishing Group Deluxe. ContaCt us Munich Deluxe Magazine Schubertring 8/2 1010 Wien, Austria T +43 1 3000901 E [email protected] Published by Publishing Deluxe Holding GmbH. A Member of
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