Servicezentrum Forschung und Technologietransfer der Universität Würzburg (SFT) Josef-Martin-Weg 54/II, Campus Hubland-Nord Homepage: Ansprechpartner für die Forschungsförderung: Angela Esgen, M.A., Forschungsreferentin, Tel. 31-89761; [email protected] Prof. Dr. Lukas Worschech, Leiter des SFT, Tel. 31-85813; [email protected] SFT: FORSCHUNGS-NEWSLETTER, APRIL 2015 INHALT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Information about new KIC-Call: Food4Future and Added-value Manufacturing Fast Track to Innovation Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions: Individual Fellowships Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions: COFUND Aus den Stiftungen: Freigeist-Fellowship der Volkswagen-Stiftung 1. Information about new KIC-Call: Food4Future and Added-value Manufacturing The European Institute of Technology (EIT) published the “key assumptions” for the 2016 Call for KICs (Knowledge and Innovation Communities). The new KICs will address the thematic fields of • Food4Future: Sustainable Supply Chain from Resources to Consumers, and • Added-value Manufacturing. Selection criteria for the 2016 call will be published in the fourth quarter of 2015. The launch of the call will be in the first quarter of 2016. Further information can be found on the EIT website: 2. Fast Track to Innovation Fast Track to Innovation(FTI) is a bottom-up programme promoting close-to-market innovation activities. It is open to all types of participants. FTI projects must be business-driven and clearly demonstrate a realistic potential for quick deployment and market take-up of innovations. Proposals must include a business plan. Consortia consist of a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 legal entities. At least one of the following minimum conditions shall be met: either • at least 60% of the overall budget of the proposal must be allocated to consortium partner(s) from industry, or: • the minimum number of industry participants must be 2 in a consortium of 3 or 4 partners, and 3 in a consortium of 5 partners. The maximum EU contribution per project is EUR 3 million. Cut-off dates: 29/04/2015, 1/09/2015, 1/12/2015 Link to the call: 3. Marie Sklodowska Curie Actions: Individual Fellowships Researchers from all countries are invited to apply for a research project at a host institution within Europe (European Fellowship), or in third countries (Global Fellowship). Projects are open to all thematic fields. Researchers must have completed their PhD, or else they must have at least 4 years full-time research experience since graduation. They must not have spent more than 12 months in the country of their choice within the last 3 years. Proposals are submitted by the host organisation in liaison with the researcher. The fellowship covers salary, mobility allowance, and project-related costs for the duration of 12-24 months (European Fellowship) or 24-36 months (Global Fellowship, last 12 months: re-integration phase). Deadline: 10-09-2015 Link to the call: 4. Marie Curie Sklodowska Curie Action: COFUND With this programme, the EU Commission co-funds national projects for the training of PhD-candidates (Doctoral Programme - DP), and programmes for international researchers (Fellowship Programme – FP). Universities set up the programmes and submit proposal. Co-funded programmes must invite applications from early-stage (DP) or experienced researchers (FP) for at least 3 months. Applicants will choose their own research topic. The general mobility rule of MSCA applies (researchers must not have worked in the respective country for more than 12 months within the last 3 years). Deadline: 1-10-2015 Link to the call: 5. Aus den Stiftungen: Freigeist-Fellowship der Volkswagen-Stiftung Das Freigeist-Fellowship richtet sich an Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen oder –wissenschaftler (mit bis zu 5 Jahren Forschungserfahrung seit der Promotion), die sich zwischen etablierten Forschungsfeldern bewegen und risikobehaftete Wissenschaft betreiben möchten. Das Stipendium ist offen für alle Fachrichtungen. In den vergangenen Jahren gab es Fellows aus den Natur-, aber auch aus den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Die Förderung über 5 Jahr umfasst die Stelle des Fellows sowie weitere Mittel für Hilfskräfte und Sachkosten. Insgesamt können bis zu 1 Mio. € beantragt werden. Die Gasteinrichtung soll eine Verstetigung der Stelle nach Förderende anstreben. Deadline für Anträge: 15. Oktober 2015 Weitere Informationen: Wir beraten Sie natürlich gern persönlich und unterstützen Sie bei der Antragstellung – für diese und weitere Ausschreibungen. Ihr SFT-Team Please contact us for more information and support with your proposals! Your Team from SFT (Service Center for Research and Technology Transfer)
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