White Rose DTC ESRC Studentships 2015/16 Introduction The WR DTC Academic Quality Committee (AQC) aims to announce ESRC studentships as early as possible in the academic cycle to allow departments and pathways time to plan for match funding and develop collaborations with external partners. This document sets out the allocation for the 2015-16 academic year. Full details of the distribution of studentships are listed in Annex 1. Post Mid-Term Review The ESRC report that there is an increasing move across DTCs nationally to allocate predominantly +3 studentships and they are keen to correct this imbalance. It is therefore important that robust application and selection processes are in place at your local level. This could mean Pathways/Departments taking further action to increase the number of 1+3 applicants and giving more thought to how some students (including those with existing masters degrees) may benefit from this 4 year period of study. It is essential that comprehensive documentation is submitted to the Academic Quality Committee for each studentship nomination with a full Training Statement giving detailed information on the nominee’s previous methods training background and how any training gaps would be addressed. This should make reference to the ESRC Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines 2009. Background In year 1 (2011-12) the WRDTC AQC used a quality metric for each of the units of assessment (UoAs) involved in the DTC Pathways to determine approximately 70% of the awards to departments and schools. That metric was based on the same metric used by ESRC to allocate the quota of 48 studentships to the DTC when first established. In addition, Network, Collaborative and Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) studentships were offered via an open competition. In year 2 (2012-13) the allocation of awards was again informed by the quality metric, but was used primarily as a heuristic for decision-making, given changes to Pathways since the DTC award. Open competitions for Network studentships and Advanced Quantitative Methods awards were also offered. As an innovation, the DTC also offered half (50%) studentships to encourage match funding and increase the overall number of awards. This innovation was noted positively by ESRC. In year 3 (2013-14) following consultation responses we attempted to distribute studentships across more departments and schools in the DTC, to ensure inclusivity and to build up the collective capacity for excellent training across the social sciences. We introduced the Pathway Development awards for those units that had not yet received awards from the DTC but had a well developed training offering. We also offered via open competition Collaborative Awards, to encourage partnership working with external partners – this is one of the key drivers from the ESRC – to offer exciting opportunities for students to carry out 1 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk research in partnership with others in the private, public and civil society/third sectors. We continued to offer half (50%) awards. In year 4 (2014-15), we again allocated awards informed by the quality metric and the responses to the WRDTC Training Questionnaire regarding the extent to which quality research training was available in all of our pathways. We were also mindful of the ESRC subject benchmarking exercise that showed changes in allocations to subjects across the UK since the advent of DTCs. A further aim remained, to increase the match funding of studentships, ideally using non-university sources of income. In year 5 (2015-16), following on from our successful ESRC Mid Term Review and with our eye on the ESRCs Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) direction of travel towards recommissioning in September 2016, our intention is to continue to distribute awards in ways that a) enable the best candidates with the best ideas to receive ESRC studentships, based in areas of research excellence; b) promote the development of collaborative arrangements with external partners; and c) allow us to meet our ESRC steers. We will maintain the Discipline Awards as profiled last year but will be discontinuing the Pathway Development Awards, and offering 3 new Networks that are thematic and challenge focused, all of which are offered via open competition to all pathways. Details regarding the various award schemes and the distribution of Discipline Awards are given below. ESRC awards commencing 2015/16 In this 2015/16 cycle there are 31.5 studentships that we have distributed to departments and schools - to hold discipline-based competitions - across the three White Rose Universities. Please see the Annex 1. for the full list. The following table summarises the full range of studentships on offer for 2015/16 Type of studentship 1. (Discipline) Awards to Schools/Departments (see Annex 1 for full details) 2. Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) 3. White Rose DTC ESRC Networks 4. Collaborative Awards 31.5 4 9 6 Process Notes Awards for discipline-based competition. This includes 2 full awards as Languagebased area studies (ESRC steer) Via open competition (ESRC steer) Via an open competition. 3 studentships available in each of three new Networks – 1 x Big Data and 2 x thematic and challenge focused – all requiring 20% match funding from partners Via open competition. Requires collaboration with a non-academic partner. Partner contributions need to be financial or in-kind. 2 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk You are strongly encouraged to include a collaborative dimension to ALL the studentship applications. This element may not necessarily mean a financial contribution from the external partner. See section 4. below. Schools/Departments are also reminded that studentships are available as either 1+3 awards or +3 awards and can be undertaken on a full-time or part-time basis. As mentioned above, a detailed Training Statement should be included with each nomination showing the suitability of the candidate for either a 1+3 or +3 award and how the planned training will relate to the ESRC Postgraduate Training and Development Guidelines 2009. 1. Discipline Awards to Schools/Departments The DTC continues to distribute studentships directly to departments and schools in the three White Rose Universities in order that local pathway competitions are held to award to the best candidates with a studentship. A number of the awards are offered as (half) 50% studentships to allow opportunities for match funding and to encourage collaboration. See the table at Annex 1. We also encourage the joining of part studentships within Pathways (shared between institutions) to support Pathway development or between Pathways (to encourage inter-disciplinary and multidisciplinary research). This distribution model allows us to support the strategic value of a collaborative (crossinstitutional) environment; capacity build; improve regional outreach, and maximise the number of studentships that can be supported by the ESRC funding - whilst also continuing to offer awards in areas of excellence. Where 50% scholarships are offered, departments/schools could consider the following options: a) Identify 50% funding to match the allocation (from the department, non-academic, government/business or civil society/third sector organisations), b) Identify other half awards and join the 50% with their allocation (both within and across Pathways), c) Decline the offer and return the allocation to the DTC pot for recycling to others. 2. Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) open competition awards Four AQM awards are available via open competition across all outlets and will be of specific interest to those schools/departments that have a strong track record of AQM or are looking to expand into this area. The DTC will give priority to those who will be working with large data sets (an ESRC priority). Both 1+3 students and +3 students are eligible for nomination. Cross-department or cross-institutional supervision is possible, especially where this adds value to the proposed research and/or increases the training opportunities for the student. 3 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk 3. WR DTC ESRC Networks competition In previous years, Network themes have been determined in various ways (defined by the AQC or suggested by colleagues). For 2015/16 the WRDTC is offering three new Networks which are thematic and challenge focused: (a) Network 1 – committed to Big Data (b) Network 2 & 3 – based on the ESRC’s revised research priorities, as identified in the Delivery Plan for 2015-16, i.e. Business Innovation, Social Science of Environmental Change, Urban Transformations, Epigenetics, Education, and Europe. We recommend that you refer to the ESRC Delivery Plan 2015-16 when considering your Network theme. All three Networks will be funded by the WRDTC at 80%, with the remaining 20% to be match funded through collaboration with an external partner (private sector, public sector or civil society/third sector etc). We will also consider White Rose HEI match funding, for the required 20%, where external partners are committed but are only able to make in-kind contributions. The table below shows the breakdown of costs per studentship: 3 Years £ Per studentship ESRC DTC 45,352.00 contribution £ Per annum 15,117.33 1+3 Years £ Per studentship ESRC DTC 60,216.00 contribution £ Per annum 15,054.00 80% Match Funding 11,338.00 3,779.33 Match Funding 15,054.00 3,796.50 Total 56,690.00 18,896.67 Total 75,270.00 18,817.50 20% Successful proposals will be required to advertise their WR ESRC Network Studentships via usual recruitment processes and interview and select suitable candidates to fill the three studentship places. 4. Collaborative awards A minimum of a further six collaborative awards are available via an open competition for studentships in partnership with non-academic organisations. These could be awarded as full studentships, however, wherever possible, match funding is encouraged either from departmental/faculty funds or, ideally, the external partners. 4 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk The ESRC has reiterated its requirement that 20% of DTC studentships are designated as ‘collaborative awards’, although the contribution from the non-academic partner does not necessarily have to be financial. These collaborative awards are defined as follows: Collaborations must be with a non academic organisation in the public, private or civil society/third sector Collaborations must include substantive knowledge exchange and not just one way engagement (e.g. not only data collection) Collaborating organisations should be involved in the development of the project. Those Pathways and Networks that have been in receipt of the recently offered DTC Collaborative Funding will be in a strong position to submit well developed proposals. Proposals with attached placement/internship opportunities will be particularly welcomed. 5 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk Key Dates The ESRC require that the studentship process is completed by the end of April 2015. The timetable below outlines the key dates: WRDTC ESRC Discipline/AQM awards timeline 3 February 2015 Application deadline for students 3 March 2015 Deadline for nominations from schools/departments to be submitted to DTC Office via local Scholarships Officers April 2015 Departments/students informed of outcomes by Scholarships Officers WRDTC ESRC Networks process and timeline 7 October 2014 Stage 1: deadline for Teams to register an interest via DTC Office via [email protected] 13 October 2014 Stage 2: DTC invites network proposers to a development workshop (held at each of the White Rose HEIs, 23 Oct Sheffield, 27 Oct York, 28 Oct Leeds – time/venues to be advised) 9 December 2014 Deadline for Network award proposals to be submitted to DTC Office via [email protected] w/c 19 January 2015 3 x Networks announced by DTC Date tbc Successful Networks advertise studentships, shortlist, interview etc 14 April 2015 Nomination from Networks into DTC Office via local Scholarships Officers Late April 2015 Networks/students informed of outcomes by Scholarships Officers WRDTC ESRC Collaborative awards process and timeline 9 December 2014 Deadline for collaborative award proposals to be submitted to DTC Office via [email protected] w/c 19 January 2015 6 Collaborative awards announced by DTC Date tbc Successful collaborative award holders set own deadline and advertise studentships, shortlist, interview etc 14 April 2015 Nomination into DTC Office via local Scholarships Officers Late April 2015 Students/staff informed of outcomes by Scholarships Officers Further information and updated FAQs will be available on the White Rose Doctoral Training Centre web site as soon as possible: www.wrdtc.ac.uk Academic Quality Committee White Rose Doctoral Training Centre July 2014 6 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk Annex 1 Pathway School/Department Communication & Media Studies Com Stds (L) Institute of Communication Studies Economics Econ (S) Department of Economics Econ (Y) Department of Economics & Related Studies Econ (L) See LUBS below Education Education (Y) Department of Education Education (L) School of Education Education (S) The School of Education Environment & Sustainability Env (L) School of Earth and Environment Human Geography Geog (L) School of Geography Geog (S) Department of Geography Env (Y) Environment Department Health & Wellbeing Health Sci (Y) Department of Health Sciences Language-based Area Studies (ESRC steer) WREAC (L) White Rose East Asia Centre SEAS (S) School of East Asian Studies Linguistics & Language Sciences Lang (Y) Department of Language & Linguistic Science Management & Business, Accounting and Finance, and Work Psychology LUBS (L) Leeds University Business School Mgt (Y) The York Management School Mgt (S) Management School Planning ITS (L) Institute for Transport Studies TRP (S) Department of Town & Regional Planning Politics & International Relations Pol (S) Department of Politics Pol (Y) Department of Politics HEI Leeds Studentships 2015/16 0.5 Sheffield York 1 2 York Leeds Sheffield 0.5 1 0.5 Leeds Leeds Sheffield York 1 1 1 0.5 York 1 Leeds Sheffield 1 1 York 0.5 Leeds York Sheffield 2 1 1 Leeds Sheffield 1 1 Sheffield York 2 0.5 7 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk Pathway School/Department HEI Studentships 2015/16 Psy (S) Psy (L) Psy (Y) Department of Psychology Institute of Psychological Sciences Department of Psychology Sheffield Leeds York SPSW (Y) Dept of Soc Policy & Soc Work (not Soc Work) York 1 School of Law School of Law Leeds Sheffield 1 1 Department of Sociology School of Sociology & Social Policy Dept of Sociological Studies (not Social Work) York Leeds Sheffield 1 2 2 Psychology 0.5 1 1 Social Policy Socio-Legal Studies Law (L) Law (S) Sociology Soc (Y) SSP (L) Soc St (S) Sub Total 31.5 Also available via open competition: WRDTC ESRC Networks (20% match funding required) Network 1 - Big Data Network 2 - thematic & challenge focused Network 3 - thematic & challenge focused 3 3 3 Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) - ESRC steer 4 Collaborative Awards (external partner collaboration required) 6 Total 50.5 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre, July 2014 8 White Rose Doctoral Training Centre Located at: University of Sheffield, Interdisciplinary Centre of the Social Sciences (ICoSS), 219 Portobello, Sheffield,S1 4DP, UK Tel: +44 (0)114 222 6060 Email: [email protected] Web: wrdtc.ac.uk
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