Comparative Analysis of RISAT-1 and Simulated RADARSAT-2 Hybrid Polarimetric SAR Data for Different Land Features Vineet Kumar, Y. S. Rao Centre of Studies in Resources Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay Mumbai-400076 Outline of presentation Presentation • • • • • • • Introduction and Objective Study area and satellite data Compact polarimetric SAR systems Stokes Parameters Methodology Results Conclusions Introduction • Timely land use land cover (LULC) information is essential for change detection, planning and management of natural resources. • Polarimetric SAR imaging is widely studied and accepted as a powerful tool for earth observation applications. • Relative performance of Hybrid/Compact polarimetric modes with full polarimetry is a current axis of research in SAR earth observation community Objective: • to evaluate the comparative performance of real and simulated hybrid polarimetric spaceborne data for different land features. Study Area • Part of Vijayawada city and its surroundings in the Andhra Pradesh, India. • Location: 16° 31’ N and 80° 39’ E along the Krishna river coast. • Major land use land cover: agricultural fields, water body, settlement and sand. Main crops cultivated (March): Rice, cotton, banana, sugarcane and corn • Data Sets Satellite/Parameters RISAT-1 RADARSAT-2 Date of Acquisition 09-March-2014 11-March-2014 Frequency C-Band C-Band (5.35 GHz) (5.405 GHz) Pass Ascending Ascending Look Direction Left* Right Beam Mode FRS 1 FQ 8 Polarization RH, RV HH, HV, VH, VV Incidence Angle 31.34° 27.20° Input Resolution (along x across) Output Spacing (Line x Pixel) 3.33 x 2.34 5.2 x 7.6 (m x m) (m x m) 1.8 x 2.36 4.73 x 4.79 (m x m) (m x m) Field Photographs Cotton Rice Banana Bare field Compact Polarimetry • PI/4 mode: Transmit linear polarization at 45-degree orientation, & receive two orthogonal linear H and V polarizations (Souyris and Mingot, 2002). • DCP mode: Right or left Circular transmit and receives right or left circular polarizations (Stacy and Preiss, 2006). • Hybrid mode: With right or left circular at transmission and two linear polarization at reception (Raney, 2007). • Hybrid mode also known as CL-pol or CTLR mode (Circular Transmit Linear Receive) PI/4 Mode Hybrid Mode Stokes and its Decomposed Parameters • Stokes parameter provides a way to represent the power density relationship of electromagnetic waves in RADAR. • Stokes decomposed/child parameter derived to characterize received scattered wave. Stokes Parameters 2 2 < 𝐸𝐻 + 𝐸𝑉 > 𝑔0 𝑔1 < 𝐸𝐻 2 − 𝐸𝑉 2 > 𝑔2 = 2𝑅𝑒 < 𝐸 𝐸 ∗ > 𝐻 𝑉 𝑔3 −2𝐼𝑚 < 𝐸𝐻 𝐸𝑉 ∗ > Stokes Decomposed Parameters DoP = 𝑚 = 𝑔1 2 + 𝑔2 2 + 𝑔3 2 𝑔0 2 𝑔3 Chi = 𝜇𝐸 = 𝑔0 Delta = 𝛿 = atan ( CPR = 𝜇𝑐 = 𝑔3 ) 𝑔2 𝑔0 − 𝑔3 𝑔0 + 𝑔3 Methodology RADARSAT-2 and RISAT-1 SLC products Multilook Speckle Filtering Real Hybrid Pol data (RISAT-1) Simulated Hybrid Data (RS-2) C2 Matrix generation Backscatter Coefficients (RH, RV ) analysis Stokes Parameters (g0, g1, g2, g3) Extraction Stokes Child Parameters (m, Chi, Delta, CPR) Wishart Supervised Classification Accuracy assessment RESULTS Backscatter Analysis LULC features RISAT-1 Simulated Radarsat-2 RISAT-1 Simulated Radarsat-2 RH (dB) RH (dB) RV (dB) RV (dB) Banana -0.23 -5.54 -0.56 -5.18 Cotton -3.90 -8.86 -4.38 -9.41 Rice -3.83 -7.91 -6.73 -12.55 Bare Fields -7.45 -12.93 -7.64 -12.83 Water Body -12.63 -19.36 -12.46 -18.11 Sand -6.79 -11.46 -6.91 -11.23 Settlement-1 6.38 -1.30 -2.17 -8.71 Settlement-2 -4.63 -10.95 -5.74 -10.77 Trees -3.25 -9.68 -3.79 -9.49 Polarization Relative difference of 5 to 6 dB in backscatter coefficients values. Settlement-1 is having very high backscatter (6.38 dB) in RH pol of RISAT-1. Stokes Parameter Analysis Stokes Decomposed/Child Parameters Wishart Supervised Classification comparison RISAT-1 Hybrid Pol Simulated RS-2 LC Simulated RS-2 LC Accuracy Assessment Conclusions Real (RISAT-1) and simulated (RS-2) hybrid polarimetric data are compared for backscatter, Stokes parameters and classification analysis. RH, RV Backscatter coefficients follows same trend in both the satellite products with relative difference of 5 to 6 dB Stokes and its decomposed parameters values for different feature class in follows same trend with few exceptions. For the given study area Wishart supervised classification of RISAT-1 data shows better classification accuracy over simulated hybrid pol data. This initial study also demonstrates the potential of hybrid polarimetric data potential for crop and other land feature analysis. Thank you.. Hybrid Pol System Architecture • Dual-linearly polarized antenna will radiate circular polarization if the H and V feeds are driven simultaneously and 90° out of phase. • Transmitter output passes through a 90° hybrid, whose output feed the Helements and the V-elements, respectively. • The received data by a dual-linearly-polarized antenna, kept in their linear bases all the way through to the processor inputs. Generic hybrid polarity system with circular transmit and dual linear receive configuration (Source; Raney, 2007) 19 Stokes Parameters without settlement-1 class Stokes g0 2.5 Stokes g1 0.3 0.25 2 0.2 0.15 1.5 0.1 0.05 1 0 0.5 -0.05 -0.1 0 Banana Cotton Rice Bare Water Sand Settle2 Trees -0.15 Banana Stokes g2 0.14 Cotton Rice Bare Water Sand Settle2 Trees Stokes g3 0.2 0.12 0.15 0.1 0.08 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.05 0.02 0 0 -0.02 -0.05 -0.04 -0.06 -0.1 -0.08 Banana Cotton Rice Bare Water Sand Settle2 Trees Banana Cotton Rice Bare Water Sand Settle2 Trees References Ainsworth, T. 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