MailChimp Users Now Have Access to New
Enhanced Reporting Features via EA Pro Reports
from Email Aptitude (Free Account Signup!)
Email Aptitude and MailChimp Announce New Integration that
Brings Added Reporting Power to MailChimp Users
San Francisco, CA |
Atlanta, GA
Metrics and reporting are of key importance for any email marketing program.
Email strategy power-house, Email Aptitude, announced today the launch of a
new integration with MailChimp, EA Pro Reports, so that MailChimp users can
have additional reporting capabilities. Watch a video tour of the reporting tools.
With EA Pro Reports for MailChimp, users get deeper insights, easier ongoing
reporting, and additional reporting functionality that compliments their MailChimp
email marketing efforts.
EA Pro Reports leverages the MailChimp API and includes features that expand
on MailChimp reporting, allowing email marketers to compare emails side-by
side, categorize campaigns however they see fit to see aggregate metrics, view
aggregate date range reports, search for campaigns by name (or subject), and
filter emails by highest/lowest metric to discover big winners.
MailChimp users can click here to get a free EA Pro Reports account!
Once an account is created for EA Pro Reports, MailChimp users can access the
reporting tools via the Email Aptitude login, with their MailChimp campaign data
being synced automatically every few hours. Setup is very easy and only requires
a MailChimp API key that they can quickly get from their MailChimp account.
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“We are very excited to see EA Pro Reports leverage MailChimp’s powerful API
to provide added value for our users,” said Amy Ellis, Head of Integrations and
Partnerships, MailChimp. “These reporting features provide an opportunity
for MailChimp users, big and small, to gain more insight from their campaigns,
empowering them to send better email.”
Reporting Features at a Glance
Date Range Reporting allowing marketers to filter campaigns by date range
for easy aggregate metrics
Category Grouped Reports to organize campaigns into various buckets so
users can see aggregate metrics and compare campaigns by performance
Side-By-Side Comparisons allowing marketers to easily see metrics side-byside for simple campaign comparisons
KPI Filters so marketers can filter by highest/lowest email metric (for example,
a user can quickly see the highest open rate campaign in the last 30 days)
Campaign/Subject Search to easily find campaigns by name or subject line.
60 Second Setup: No manual data exports or programming needed. Simply
insert an API key and you’re set. Easy as bananas!
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“EA Pro Reports arms MailChimp users with easy-to-use advanced email reporting
tools so they can more efficiently measure progress and plan strategy, campaign
by campaign,” said Andrew Christison, Director of Business Development, Email
Aptitude. “We’re excited to bring these new reporting capabilities to MailChimp
users and look forward to unveiling exciting new additions very soon.”
MailChimp users interested in learning more and trying EA Pro Reports for free can
visit: About Email Aptitude
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, Email Aptitude provides
strategic services, full-service management, and ESP-Agnostic
technology. From triggers based on site activity and weather-based
automation to advanced email reporting and view-through email
conversion tracking for multi-device attribution, Email Aptitude’s
functionality enables marketers to have powerful interactions with
their customers. For more information, visit
About MailChimp
MailChimp supports more than 4 million subscribers worldwide,
sending 5 billion messages per month. MailChimp is designed for
the do-it-yourself power user - someone looking for all of the power
of an enterprise application, but built for anyone to use. MailChimp
integrates with many third party applications including Facebook,
Twitter, Hootsuite, Pinterest, Instagram, SurveyMonkey, Eventbrite,
Etsy, Salesforce, Wordpress, Magento, Joomla, Drupal and Google
Analytics. And best of all, prices start at free. For more information,
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