D ov e Ta l e N e w s l e t t e r J A N U A RY 2 0 1 5 A message from Pastor Josh Reese A blessing and prayer for the New Year: Grace and peace to you from Him who is and who was and who is to come. All praise to You, God of all, for Your blessing upon us now, for Your blessing upon us in what has been and for the gifts of grace and peace You wait to give us. To Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by His blood, and made us to be a kingdom, priests serving His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion forever and ever. All praise to You, Jesus Christ, for Your great love for us, for giving Yourself to us, and for bringing us back to the Father. Look! He is coming with the clouds; every eye will see Him. Lord Jesus, we look in expectant hope to the day of Your great glory and wait with eager breath to join with all creation in Your praise. “I am the Alpha and Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.” Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our God forever and ever! Amen. May these truths ring true in our hearts and community as we enter 2015 together. Because He Lives, Pastor Josh Based on Revelation 1:4-8; 7:12, The Worship Sourcebook ©2004, Faith Alive Christian Resources, pp677-678 Building a community that loves Christ, to reach a community for Christ. 6065 Hwy 70 • St Germain,WI 54558 • 715-479-2173 • [email protected] Joshua Reese, Senior Pastor • [email protected] Daniel Shields, Associate Pastor • [email protected] www.stgefc.com UPDATE FROM THE ELDERS... The Elders have approved posting 4 names for membership; Marguerite De Graw, Chad Palmer, David Zielinski and Krystyna Main. We have 4 more applicants to interview. ELDERS CORNER With input from the Council the proposed budget for 2015 is completed. Under the new by-laws the Elders are now responsible to establish Ministry Teams and appoint Team Leaders. A decision was made to continue the terms of Team Leaders that were elected or appointed prior to the new by-laws. Ministry Teams and Team Leaders for 2015 are: Adult Ministries—Pat Shields, Team Leader Care Team—Laura Wipperman, Team Leader Children’s Ministry—No leader at this time Missions Team—Mary Kahl, Team Leader Stewardship Team—Ron Vermoch, Team Leader Worship Team—Pastor Dan Shields, Team Leader Youth Ministries—Pastor Dan Shields, Team Leader Team Leaders are responsible for selecting Team members. All of the teams could use more help. If you are interested in helping with any of these ministries, or know of someone that would, please talk to the leader or one of the Elders. You may have noticed that we no longer have an Outreach Team. The specific events that they were responsible for have been placed under other teams. The Elders believe that outreach is a responsibility of everyone that is a follower of Jesus Christ. In Mathew 28:18-20 Jesus tells his disciples to “go and make disciples of all nations---baptizing----teaching---“. It does not say “form a committee or team” to do this. Every one of us is charged with that responsibility to reach out to our friends, neighbors and relatives with the good news, whether by word or actions. As we reach the end of 2014 we want to extend our appreciation to everyone that has stepped up to help with church ministries and activities. If you are new with us and have not become involved we encourage you to find a ministry or activity you enjoy and join with us. Your Elder Board, Jim Hoover, Jeff Kraft, Todd Monge, Harvey Overturf, Bob Owens, Josh Reese, Chuck Zaugg A PRAYER FOR 2015 At our recent Elder’s meeting, Pastor Josh asked the rest of the Elders “If you had only one prayer for the church for 2015, what would it be?” Surprisingly (or maybe not) the 5 Elders all had a similar prayer, voiced in different terms; “how do we get new people involved in small groups”, “how do we best get new people assimilated into the church”; “how do we get more people involved in the ministries of the church”. The common theme is new people and involvement. Our heart is for your hearts to grow. We grow best through serving together on mission for our Lord. As the New Year unfolds, we want you to know that we are praying for you. We’re praying for passion and discernment to rise within you to connect well and serve well through this church. If you have any thoughts about how we can better provide opportunities to connect and encourage service feel free to talk to me or one of the elders. Harvey Overturf, Lead Elder, 715 479 3483, email [email protected], on behalf of the other Elders, Jim Hoover, Jeff Kraft, Todd Monge, Josh Reese, Chuck Zaugg CARE TEAM CORNER Laura Wipperman, Care Team Leader 715-479-7490 [email protected] Joella Wrasse, Café 2:42 715-892-5168 [email protected] Pat Van Acker, Congregational Care Coordinator 715-892-1741 [email protected] Dear Church family, May you and your loved ones experience a blessed and joy filled New Year and Epiphany Season. As we look forward to this New Year - 2015, we should continue to work on strengthening our faith and our relationship with the Lord, through daily prayer, devotions, and service to others. Remember also to commit your health and lifestyle choices to the Lord, and ask for His strength to make wise and healthy choices. An active and healthy life is also one of God’s many blessings. Care of our body is important and should be done out of thankfulness to God. This would be a great month to visit your physician for a complete physical evaluation. Our body is the “temple of the Holy Spirit” and we need to care for it. (I Corinthians 6:19). I ran across this interesting article whose author is Anonymous, and thought it is a nice way to start off the New Year, 2015, how time flies when you are having fun. The article is entitled Rules for Being Human, and I hope you enjoy it. Gives us something to think about and ponder over the next couple of cold, dreary months of winter in the Northwoods. RULES FOR BEING HUMAN • You will receive a body. You may like it or hate it, but it will be yours for the entire period, this time around. • You will learn lessons. You are enrolled in a full-time, informal school called “life”. Each day in this school, you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or think them irrelevant and stupid. • There are no mistakes, only lessons. Growth is a process of trial and error experimentation. The “failed” experiments are as much a part of the process as the experiment that ultimately “works”. • A lesson is repeated until learned. A lesson will be presented to you in various forms until you have learned it. When you have learned it, you can then go to the next lesson. • Learning lessons does not end. There is no part of life that does not contain its lessons. If you are alive, there are lessons to be learned. • “There” is no better than “here”. When your “There” has become “Here”, you will simply obtain another “There” that will again look better than “Here”. • Others are merely mirrors of you. You cannot love or hate something about another person unless it reflects to you something you love or hate about yourself. • What you make of your life is up to you. You have all the tools and resources you need. What you do with them is up to you. The choice is yours. • Your answers lie inside you. The answers to life’s questions lie inside you. All you need to do is look, listen and trust. • You will forget all of this. • HAPPY NEW YEAR 2015 EVERYONE……. BLOOD PRESSURE CLINIC FOR JANUARY AND FEBRUARY: JANUARY 3 & 4: 1/2 HOUR BEFORE AND AFTER SERVICES - SATURDAY, 4:30-5, 6-6:30, SUNDAY 10-10:30, 11:30-12 FEBRUARY 7 & 8: 1/2 HOUR BEFORE AND AFTER SERVICES - SATURDAY, 4:30-5, 6-6:30, SUNDAY 10-10:30, 11:30-12 HAPPY NEW YEAR FROM THE CARE TEAM. The 2015 St. Germain Ev Free Church directory is currently being prepared to print. If you have not done so already, please stop at the Welcome Center to fill out a Directory Addition or Change Request form if you would like to be listed in the directory or if you have any changes to your current listing. Directory information is specifically for church use only, not to be used for business use or solicitation. Deadline to submit additions or changes is January 30th. Thank you! Remember to check our online calendar for the most current and up-to-date happenings! www.stgefc.com You can find us on Facebook, too! LIBRARY NEWS... The Children’s Library now has the whole Bible in the DVD series “What’s In The Bible?”. Recommended: Podcast: “Law Talk Live” which is a rebroadcast of the Saturday program from Moody (MBI). Apps: ”Bible” and “Bible for Kids” by LifeChurch.tv—available on all platforms, versions, some spoken. January January Community Dinners The Northwoods Share Community Dinners will take place on Tuesday, January 6th and Tuesday, January 20th at The Rock, Eagle River. Doors open at 4:00pm for snacks and fellowship and dinner is served at 5:30pm. All are welcome to serve, clean up or just come and enjoy getting to know your neighbors. Reaching out to a community for Christ! For more information or to volunteer contact Pam Zaugg (715-479-3388), Cheri Shields (715-891-1564) or Dan & Jean Sass (715-479-5711). January 10, 2015 7:00am *Every 2nd Saturday of the month! Sign up at the Welcome Center BIRTHDAYS 1—Debbie Ober 1—Mary Anne Kellner 1—Jonathan Boschke 2—Piper Snedden 2—Al Yanke 3—Andy Panske 3—Taylor Maillette 4—Patty Bonack 5—Lexi Smith 5—Cooper DePuydt 7—Natalie Retzleff 8—Jesica Volkmann 9—Al Geiger 10—Dan Powell 11—John Kazda 11—Luella Sherren 12—Kelley Kellner 14—Brady Snedden 15—Nellie DeRuiter 15—Karen Grace 17—Lara Wick 19—Leif R. Offerdahl 23—Danny Newton 24—Sydney Kamentz 24—Todd Monge 25—Meagan Neis 25—Madi Meisenburg 29—David Robins 29—Andrew Neis 30—David Cox 30—Trudy Tondreau 30—Judy Webb 30—Alan Brill 31—McKenzie Ebert ANNIVERSARIES 7—Tom, Sr. & Wendy Ebert 12—Gary & Andrea Jacobi 24—Todd & Jacqui Monge 27—Jim & Karen Grace 27—Tom & Debbie Ober 28—Nick & Courtney Paul NORTHWOODS SHARE NEEDS MINISTRY “Building a community that loves Christ to reach a community for Christ” is St. Germain’s mission statement. Northwoods Share’s Needs Ministry offers an opportunity where people can reach out into the community and make a difference! Needs Ministry is in need of volunteers and in need of product. There is opportunity to donate products such as toilet paper, paper towels, facial tissue, dish soap, laundry detergent, toothpaste, deodorant, and more. With over 400 families using this ministry there are opportunities to share Jesus in many ways starting with prayer and moving with prayer and continuing with prayer. Thank you for remembering to reach our community with the love of Christ. Contact Pam Zaugg (715-479-3388), Cheri Shields (715-891-1564) or Dan & Jean Sass (715-479-5711) for more information. Wednesday Nights There’s something for everyone! Join us! STG KIDS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 4K through fifth grade We have a brand new and exciting curriculum called FaithWeaver. FaithWeaver is a three-year program. Everyone - from toddlers to 5th grade studies the same Bible Point in an age-appropriate way. Lessons are designed to encourage faith development beyond Wednesday so faith grows all week long. Whether at the kitchen table or in the car, FaithWeaver makes it easy for families to talk about the Bible and their faith. STG STUDENTS Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: September 17 - May 6 6th through 12th grade There is upbeat worship, awesome activities, community with other students, and hearing what a relationship with God really looks like. Bring as many friends as you can because it is going to be CRAZY AWESOME AND IMPACTING! ADULTS Adult Connection Group Study Wednesday Nights: 6:15 - 7:45 pm Fall 2014 start date: October 1 - May 6 Adults meet for study and fellowship during the same time as STG KIDS and STG STUDENTS are meeting. Scheduled to Serve—Saturday SATURDAY GREETERS *Bold text indicates greeter responsible for purchasing bread and juice for Communion. JANUARY 3 *JUDY KUIPER JANUARY 10 DEB PETTERSON JANUARY 17 VALERIE SNEDDEN JANUARY 24 CRAIG & JEANNE RISMON JANUARY 31 PAT VAN ACKER SATURDAY NURSERY JAN SATURDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH 3— Melissa & Vera Hrdlicka, Anna Reese 10— Jacob & Julie Haiduk 17— Bev Hunt, Colleen Bolanowski 24— Connie & Kari Maines 31— Lisann Snedden & Family JAN 3— Beth Fojtik, Melissa Hrdlicka 10— Wendy Reese, Jane Baker-Slabich 17— Wendy Reese, Charlotte Horant 24— Nancy Robins 31— Beth Fojtik, Laura Bonson SATURDAY USHERS JAN 3— Larry Snedden, Sr., Leo Horant, David Cox 10— Gary Kellner, Carson Cox, Bruce Ziolkowski 17— Greg Maines, Wayne Petterson, David Bolanowski 24— Dan Sass, Rick Neis, Bob Boschke 31— Gary Kellner, Bill Bonack, Larry Snedden, Jr. Scheduled to Serve—Sunday SUNDAY MORNING GREETERS *Front door people also come back at the end of the service and stay at the Welcome Center to answer questions and assist people until everyone has left. 10:30 AM WELCOME CENTER JANUARY 4 WES & BEV WESTENBERG* JIM & MARY ANNE KELLNER JANUARY 11 CHUCK & PAM ZAUGG* DAN & LAURA WIPPERMAN JANUARY 18 JIM & KAREN GRACE* JOHN & PEARL HUJET JANUARY 25 BUTCH & CARLA SCHINKER* JEAN NEUMANN LUELLA SHERREN FEBRUARY 1 HARVEY & HELEN OVERTURF* JIM & KNOBBY HOOVER SUN MORNING NURSERY SUNDAY CHILDREN’S CHURCH JAN JAN FEB 4— Pam Larsen, Margo Anderson 11— Lori Huelskamp, Amanda Stiemke 18— Joan Kazda, Sara Waltz 25— Nancy & Anna Robins 1— Boschke Family FEB 4— Pam Zaugg, Karen Hess 11— Cheri Shields, Norma Pennycuff 18— Cheri Shields, Laura Shields 25— Pearl Hujet, Cindi Tosch 1— Beth Fojtik, Becky Webber SUNDAY USHERS JAN FEB 4— Gary Kellner, Craig Weberg, Bill Shrieber 11— Terry Gromer, Jim Grace, Dan Kellner 18— Jeff Kraft, John Hujet, Dan Sass 25— Jeff Maines, Chuck Zaugg, Noel Foate 1— Harvey Overturf, Dwight Kimber, Jim Kellner
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