LINDE STANDARD S List off hazardo ous work LS 940-03 9 Page 1 of o 4 Contentts 1 2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 Scope S .................................................................2 Normative N re eferences ........................................2 Definitions D ...........................................................2 Hot H work .............................................................2 Working W at h eight ..............................................2 Entering E or w working in confined space es, excavating e o r tunnelling ....................................3 Working W with h hazardous materials ....................3 Working W on liive systems and electrica al hazards h ...............................................................3 Pressure P tes ting ................................................3 Lifting L ..................................................................3 Working W with h ionising rad diation..........................4 Other O hazard dous work .......................................4 Remarks o on the curren nt issue: Revision: In n Para 3.6 ind dication of vo olume in ft. cchanged; editorially revise ed. Previous isssues: 09.2011, 09.2012, 07.2014 Responsible e functional unit(s) u for the e technical ccontent: DH X 04 12.2014 X 03 07.2014 X 02 09.2012 Status Issue Date © Linde AG Follner, F DH LEHQ-DH L / Follner F LEHQ-QHSE L E/ Follner F Gransee, DH LEHQ-DH H/ Gransee LEHQ-QH HSE / Dr. Leime er Schmitt, DQ LEHQ-D DQ / Schmitt LEHQ-E ENM1 / Schmitt Prepared P Reviewed Approved d LS 940-03 (EN) e AG, Enginee ering Division Linde 1 Issue 04/12.2014 LS 9400-03 Page 2 of o 4 Scope This Linde S Standard (LS S) defines wh hich work is ccategorised as hazardou us and thereffore requires the application of the permit to work sysstem. NOTE As a an alternative the permit to work proccess can be substituted by b a comparaable safe "standard ope erating proce edure" for deffined frequen ntly repeating g hazardous works. This LS app plies globallyy to all operattions carried out by entities of the Linde Engineerring Division or their contractors.. 2 Normative references This LS con ntains provisiions which, through dated d references in this text, cconstitute pro ovisions of d or undated other publiccations. The normative re eferences are e cited at the e respective place p in the ttext and the publications are listed be elow. For datted reference es, subseque ent amendm ments to, or re evisions of, aany of these publications do not apply. F For undated references, r the issues va alid at the efffective date of o contract shhall apply. Regulation (EC) No 127 72/2008 EN 60825-1 1 3 Definitions 3.1 Ho ot work Regulation R o n the classification, labelling and pacckaging of su ubstances an nd mixtures m Safety S of lase er products – Part 1: Equ uipment classsification and d requiremen nts Work with a an increased risk of fire or explosion, such as weld ding, grinding g, abrasive ccutting, brazing, or the likke At LE entity y sites not applicable a fo or: activities at work areas, that have h a perma anent approv val for hot wo ork (e.g. weldding workpla aces or worksshops), or activities outside these areas,, when a horrizontal distan nce of at leas st 10 m (USA A: 35 ft.) and d a vertical distan nce of at leasst 20 m (USA A: 65 ft.) dow wnwards and d 4 m (USA: 13 ft.) upwarrds is kept fro om any flamm mable material. the use of burnerss in laboratory and testin ng setups, if HSE H risk ass sessments, ooperating instructions and d/or opera ations manua als are in pla ace. At project c construction n sites only applicable for areas pre esenting an increased rissk of fire or explosion e (e.g. through the presen nce of flammable materia als or an explosive atmos sphere) 3.2 W Working at height h Workk with a possible height of fall greater than 2 m (USA: 6 ft.), su uch as work oon roofs, work on ladderss when n standing hig gher than 2 m (USA: 6 ft..), work on platforms, p the e erection of steel structures, the installlation and re emoval of gra atings or worrking in susp pended work baskets or pplatforms. Workking above water w or any other o surface es with the ha azard of drow wning Not applica able for the following f acttivities that a re usually co overed by specific regulattions and op perational instructions and that usu ually do not require r addittional protecttive measure es against fallling: ng and disma antling scaffo olds, erecting, modifyin d scaffolds, mobile m scaffo olds or work platforms (e..g. green taggged) work on approved k platforms work on mobile elevated work © Linde AG LS 940-03 (EN) e AG, Enginee ering Division Linde 3.3 Issue 04/12.2014 LS 9400-03 Page 3 of o 4 En ntering or working w in n confined s spaces, ex xcavating or o tunnellin ng Entering or working in enclosed e confined spacess that are nott designed fo or continuouss employee occupancy, o large enoug gh and so configured thatt an employe ee can bodily y enter and perform p workk inside (e.g. containers, storage tankks, silos, pipelines, windo owless cellarrs, or furnace es) and in wh hich exceptioonal hazards s exist or can n emerge, succh as: the potential form mation of haza ardous atmo osphere, nglement with fluids or grranulated sollids, entan electrrical hazardss, structtures with en ntrapping con nfigurations, limite ed or restricte ed means of entry and exxit, or otherr severe heallth and safety y hazards urthe ermore excavvating underg ground, tunn elling work, and a working in undergrouund excavations, as well as excavvating, trenching, and wo orking in exca avation pits deeper d than 1.2 m (USA:: 4 ft.) 3.4 W Working witth hazardou us materia ls Work with ccorrosive, exp plosive, highly flammable e, carcinogen nic substances (categoriees 1 and 2 acc. to the global harm monized syste em / GHS of the Regulatiion (EC) No 1272/2008), cryogenic suubstances, mutagenic, m reprotoxic, ttoxic or biolo ogical substances (catego ories 3 and 4 acc. to the GHS). At LE entity y sites not applicable a fo or activities tthat are exec cuted only by y employees qualified and instructed in the handling g of hazardous substances and in wo ork areas tha at are specific cally equippeed for the use e of hazardo ous materials, e e.g. laboratorries and facilities for rese earch and dev velopment. 3.5 W Working on live system ms and ele ectrical haz zards Work on sysstems that are live or phy ysically conn nected to live e systems tha at are energi sed or isolatted during wo ork: a) presssurised syste ems (e.g. pne eumatic, hyd draulic), b) syste ems containin ng fluids with h a low (< 0 °°C / < 32 °F) or a high tem mperature (> > 60 °C / > 14 40 °F), c) syste ems containin ng hazardous s materials, d) syste ems with storred hazardou us mechanica al energy, e) electrrical equipme ent – not app plicable for lo ow voltage work w at LE en ntity sites carrried out by qualified q and locally authorised d electricians Furthermore e work in a distance d of le ess than 5 m (USA: 16 ft.) to uninsulated overheadd power lines (also applicable ffor lifting worrk) a) – d) At L LE entity site es not applic cable for: testin ng setups in facilities f for research r and d developme ent, which are e built and ussed based on a test speccific risk a assessment by b qualified and a instructe ed employees s the in ntended and regular operration of gas installations s and installations for the supply with gaseous or liquid d substancess from station nary tanks. 3.6 Prressure tes sting Hydraulic prressure testing (V > 100 m³; USA: V > 3531 ft³), and a pneumattic pressure ttesting At LE entity y sites not applicable a fo or dedicated work areas that have be een specificaally risk asses ssed with all necessary ccontrols being implementted, operatin g instructions being displayed, and w where the wo ork is being carried out b by authorised employees s only. 3.7 Liifting Lifting with m mobile or tow wer cranes when w the liftss exceed 15 t or 85% of th he crane cappacity by load d chart, or complex liftiing (i.e. involving more th han one cran ne at the sam me time, lifting over live eequipment or over active work areas,, such as office buildings or public acccess ways) © Linde AG LS 940-03 (EN) e AG, Enginee ering Division Linde 3.8 Issue 04/12.2014 LS 9400-03 Page 4 of o 4 W Working witth ionising radiation Work involvving ionising radiation tha at requires th e definition of o dedicated areas with sspecific safety regulationss. At LE entity y sites not applicable a fo or dedicated work areas that have be een specificaally risk asses ssed with all necessary ccontrols and checks imple emented, op perating instrructions being g prepared, aand work during normal operations b being carried d out by qualified and insstructed employees only. At project c construction n sites not applicable a fo or handheld X-ray fluores scence analyysers 3.9 Other hazard dous work Workking with inerrt gases, unle ess being ap pplied as shie elding gas for welding opperations (e.g g. nitrogen) The e exceptions to o section 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6 6 are also ap pplicable. Workking with lase er of classes 3 and 4 in a accordance with w EN 6082 25-1, if not enntirely contained Workk requiring the removal orr deactivation n of critical safety s installa ations, such aas gas detec ction, fire fightin ng systems, etc. At LE E entity sites s not applicable, if defin ned processe es for the deffinition and im mplementatio on of necesssary compe ensating conttrols are in p place. Blasting operation ns n use Workking in areas in which rail tracks are in © Linde AG LS 940-03 (EN)
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